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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1400
Right so, preface: its been a long week thats not even half way over yet, and i am short on sleep - ergo, math is hard. Very hard. As is visualizing layouts, so y'all please bear that in mind.

I've mostly stayed out of the discussion about the fighters in general - new armament, bay size, etc etc cause for the most part my characters aren't involved in flight ops, and just reading y'all's IC posts are thrilling enough for me :)

From what i've read of your post, IF, it sounds like we would be re-imagining the Theurgy class as a keel up fighter/carrier - similar to current US Aircraft carriers. In a modern aircraft carrier, there is the lower deck where maintenance and (I think) storage occurs, and then there is the top deck, exposed to the elements, that has the catapualt that launches a ship into the air, and also has all the catch cords for landing. its exposed to everything,  no ceiling, etc, etc.

But the Theurgy wouldn't be launching and landing the Valkries along the dorsal spine of the ship, in your example, but would be launching them from a kind of tube deck, enclosed in the hull? Kinda like battlestar Galatica, from what little i remember. Or am i reading it wrong, and both decks are 'full' bays?

Because in star trek, the Shuttle bays tend to take up about two decks worth of height with an upper portion sectioned off for control stations. You see this in TNG, and in the TOS Movies for the most part.   You don't really see any kind of launch elevator mechanism except in Deep Space Nine - the runabouts were stored that way. The bays in general are designed for shuttles and ships that can hover and land slowly, not the kind that need to be launched out - but they need the space to hover, and to even have one be above another should the need arise (towing one ship into the bay is the key ex there).

Point is, if i understand everything you're talking about, you've got a decent design for a carrier ship - but the Theurgy, from what i understand, even after its new rework, isn't supposed to be a full support fighter carrier. And i kinda feel that it would take away from what everyone else does on the ship, as well as make this ship very over powered. I am assuming that most ships in the fleet dont even have 16 fighters. I could see an argument for capacity for maybe 32, and being under stocked for various reasons (crew attrition, having to leave before a full compliment was deployed, etc, etc) and the same reasons could be why we don't have a fighter Captain assigned,  but having a whole wing? it does seem a bit much for the RP as currently stands.

(apologies for all typos and rambling)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1401
Also, I know I'm a bit late to the party on this, but pet rocks. fucking a. We have pet rocks that coo like tribbles. Suddenly my shitty week is less shitty. Good job guys ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1402
Sorry I only started working with this idea because of CV's post in the black opal raid thread where he announced that he found 3 dozen production model mark 3 Valkyries on the base.  Figured since nothing was said about that then he must have ran that by you Lucan and therefore increasing the capacity for fighters on the theurgy must have been something that was being considered already.

I just took it upon myself to work out the space needed to make the idea of picking them up feasible.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1403
Also a bit behind and late to the party, first let me thank you, Lucan, for posting my new images. Love them as usual and looking forward to making her a permanent character. Also please excuse my slow reply. Things got a bit nasty over here between some other duties and some household issues. Things seem to have calmed down though and I have posted for everyone so hoping that I can get right back on track. =3 Looking forward to seeing responses and having a great time thus far! :D

"You wish to knock over cows? What is the significance of this? Do you derive pleasure from such things?" - Ensign Six

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1404
Thanks for the updates and for weighing in everyone.

First of all, my bad, I should have seen that line in CanadianVet's post and removed it. The layers of misunderstandings built upon my negligence, reading it like it was Valkyrie equipment and not actual Valkyries. The post has been edited and the 36 Mk III Valkyries removed, the major find in that bay being the RF Twin-Mount. The original 16 Valkyries were prototypes (11 remaining), and with them being on the Theurgy, mass production can't have begun unless they built them without performance data from the Lone Wolves or them as any kind of reference. I have no idea or estimate on how long it ought to take to make new prototypes, but even if it would be possible for there to be new Valkyries at the Black Opal, I think we have difficulty finding pilots for them as it is, so the addition of new ones would just take up a lot of space, especially since we are still dragging along 5 Mk II Valkyries from the late Harbinger pilots (except for your character, DocReno, lol).

Again, sorry that you spent the time making up the second deck for the Valkyries, and I should have caught fact that 36 brand new Valkyries were in that bay that Covington found. I am sure CanadianVet is sorry that you went through that trouble too, yet then again, if I ever approved of finding new Valkyries at the Black Opal in some old PM, it completely escapes me now. Did I say something about that, CV? I don't remember doing so, but if I did, I am sorry that I misspoke. It might be that I am the root to this whole mess, and it could be that I am spread too thin over the project and things are beginning to slip my mind. I can but hope that it won't cause any more problems.

But lets put this behind us now and look ahead, as I will cover three new things:

The Mk II Valkyries on the Theurgy

With Lieutenant Havenborn being the SCO on the Resolve, and his squadron - decimated as they are - are flying Mk II Valkyries. My idea was that given Havenborn's rank and role, there are two options here:

1) Havenborn steps in as Wolf-02 and second-in-command of the Lone Wolves whilst in flight, which would require him to learn the Mk III Valkyrie just like Husker had to.

2) Havenborn's pilots defects to the Theurgy as well, and he becomes the SCO of a second, small squadron on the Theurgy. It would only consist of 5 Mk II Valkyries, those from the Harbinger, and I got the idea from the animal kingdom, actually. LINK:

This second squadron, the Ravens, could be forward scouts for the Lone Wolves, and yet as the article says, they both eat meat, meaning that they fight together.

So, Havenborn, what would your preference be, and what do the rest of the affected writers say? :)

The Starboard Side of the Fighter Assault Bay

In our current deck plan of the Lone Wolves' hangar, only the left side of it is shown. The round circle on the right side shows a reduces scale of the hangar, which I will be updating to show the new disposition of the hangar aboard the new version of the Theurgy. Here is the current version:


What I only had time to mention briefly yesterday was that the starboard side of the hangar will get some more space now too, and that would mean that there could be work-shops set up on that side that are not in the way for launching and landing operations. The work-shops would be ideal for heavy repairs and attaching those Rf Twin-Mounts while regular maintenance and hard-point ops could be done in the main hangar. This would allow for some more elbow room for Covington's and Eun Sae Ji's people.

Also, IronFerrox asked me how it could be that the Akira-class Harbinger could have had so many Mk II Valkyries, a whole Wing for the late Wing Commander Phantom, and the answer is that at an old sim of mine, an entire deck in the middle of the saucer of the Akira-class was a hangar, and while I don't have the deck plans from that sim, I found an image that shows how the disposition makes it easier to hold more fighters. In the image I found below (another ship entirely), the deck doesn't stretch all the way out to the edges, but I think you get the idea. I hope that answers your question, IronFerrox.


Anyway, I will update the old deck plan when I have the time for it. Right now, I have an applicant who wants to play a female Caitian, so that project will likely take me a while.

Upcoming Threads

I might have failed to announce it here, and that is really poor GMing of me since I am running behind on posting them because of work and this application process, but I do mean to post new starters for threads directly following the finished Black Opal one. I wanted to wrap that one up before it continued into infinity, but I promise, more threads about the aftermath of the Black Opal battle will be posted, I just have not had the time to make them. I locked the thread just two days ago, and I just have not had the time to write up the new starters, but I hope that when I do - hopefully tonight - I will have been able to give every character something to do. :)

So, sorry for being a bad, bad GM in my reading-skills and failure to communicate - not to mention not having posted new starters yet after locking the old thread - but I promise that I will do my best to improve.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1405
So I'm liking the second option the best if there's no objection to it; though I'm not quite sold on the squadron name but I think I can learn to like it.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1406
I like the idea of 2 squadrons, and as such since there would be two squads with two SCOs, both would be members of the senior staff.  I would also nominate that the Ravens (if that comes to be their name) retain Covington as their squad XO as wel.l  This would make him not only an intermediary between the two squadrons if necessary but also places him at an equally important position with both groups.  IN situations where the two SCOs are in debate over a matter and it isn't necessary to have Trent resolve the disagreement as the superior officer Both of them could trust Covington to be a neutral Third party arbitrator and could agree to go along with his advice due to his Long term experience as one of the longest serving Deck ops Officers in the fleet.  As such his insight as a neutral arbitrator (or even as someone to propose a compromise or third option would likely be invaluable.

In flight both would report to the Mission ops desk and both SCOs would report directly to the ship XO, Trent.  As such the new SCO would be sharing the SCO/Deck Chief office with Renard and Covington.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1407
As a rule, Covington stays out of flight matters.  I see his role as the deputy in charge of the operation of the bay and the fighters' ground support.  Basically, while the birds are on board, he is the Voice of God, up to and including telling Miles a particular bird isn't space-worthy or fit for combat.  And perhaps if he has glaring doubts as to a pilot's readiness, but that could be unofficial and based on Miles relying on his experience in that field.  And of course, it would also be his job to advise the officers.

As for Trent, I could see him as the last line before involving Ives.  But as a rule, Trent doesn't much care for micro-managing, and if he has to step in, it better be good...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1408
Sounds good on the chain-of-command.

However, the Assisting Chiefs of Operations, Engineering, Science, CONN, Medical, Counselling or the Deputy in Security are not on the Senior staff, and therefore Havenborn can't be that either, sorry. Only Department Heads are on the Senior Staff, and Renard has the higher rank of the two SCOs. Then again, if the representatives in the Senior Staff are indisposed, the Asst. Officers take their place, so Havenborn could end up in Senior Staff meetings anyway, just like the other officers in the different Departments.

As for a name for the second squadron, "the Ravens" is the most simplistic, yet perhaps also an abbreviation of a full name. Given the fact that the Mk II Valkyries look like the Mk III Valkyries used to do (image link) before Pinarci brought our new design to life, the Ravens could be the colloquial term for White Ravens. I found this extinct species that the name could be based on, and I suggest it because of the white colour of the Mk II Valkyries:

Quote from: Wikipedia
In modern Faroese, the bird is called hvítravnur ("white raven"), older name gorpur bringu hvíti ("white-chested corbie").

If we are to make a second squadron, we really need to set the technical specifications for the Mk II as well... Can anyone help me with that? They could likely be reverse-engineered with the text and specifications of the Mk III.

With all the information we are collecting on weaponry, equipment and ships, we really need to make our own Wiki page to store everything in a coherent and accessible way. Does anyone have experience working with wiki pages? I could get a wiki since I have a domain for it, but I might need help with it from there on.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1409
I've got no problem with Daniel serving as an Assistant Dept. Head, he was raised in a military society so he understands that's how it goes sometimes.

As for the squadron name I was thinking of the name Hellcat instead, mostly because I like the name.  However if a bird naming scheme would be better than what about Harrier or Kestrel.  I was thinking that those would fit better with the second squadron's mission profile.

Also I can help with the technical specifications of the Mark-II just tell me what you need help with.  It's been awhile but I've done work on a wiki before, but I can try my hand at it again if you'd like.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1410
I will let other weigh in on the name of the second squadron, but I like the White Ravens (the Ravens, for short) because there is an actual connection between ravens and wolves. Other birds doesn't have the kind of relation to to wolves like the ravens do. I welcome input from the whole group on this matter, and we might even set up a poll if we have more suggestions.

As for what I need help with, for starters, is if you take the Mk III specifications further down in the post here: and then change the specs in accordance with the production development text under "BACKGROUND INFORMATION: TACTICAL CONN". You will notice how improvements to the Mk II is written there, so the Mk II specs could be derived from that text. You can just PM me the results for the time being. Thanks in advance for this, and I will look into setting up a Wiki page on my domain first, and then I'll need help after that.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1411
Everything sounds good to me.just trying to make sure covington still has his footing as deck god and miles aint micromanaging someone else's squad.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1412
Sounds to me like Miles would effectively be an acting wing commander as well as SCO.  In that kind of situation, I'd say that while he would still have a finger on the Lone Wolves' pulse and some involvement in their routine operations, Maverick would be very much running the day-to-day stuff while Miles would also have Havenborn to manage. 

As for Sten's footing as the Chief of the Deck, the Lone Wolves already know him well enough, and I'd be really interested in seeing how the new pilots would deal with him.  Depending on when they were trained, they might have briefly crossed paths at the Academy.  Either when they were doing live flight training, with deck crew trainees acting as their ground crew, or when they were getting their initial briefs for flight decks, probably before they'd set foot on a holodeck set up as one, and then again before getting onto a live flight deck. 

But it certainly wouldn't hurt explaining the facts of life to them...

And, of course, the odd time here and there. 

After all, he did spend a chunk of the Dominion War training ground crews, between his work in fighter design and writing The Book in terms of maintenance and deck doctrine.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1413
A new poll has been posted to settle the matter of Tactical Conn getting a second squadron. Since the find of new Mk III Valkyries or not is kind of essential to the new threads in the aftermath of the Black Opal thread, I can't advance the story until we have settled this matter. I have set the vote to three days, and I am sorry that you guys have to wait until we have decided on this.

In the meantime, before the new threads come up, I recommend you write your posts in Inner Space, which I am confident that you can regardless of the aftermath of the Black Opal. The Inner Space logs are highly personal, and wouldn't be touching upon what the future of the situation in the Fighter Assault Bay will be. Those of you who have characters that are affected by the aftermath already knows about it, like Kaligos who write Nathaniel Isley, for example.

Here is the link:'

DAY 06: Inner Space

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1414
Two quick things for you all:


Omardex has sent me a few progress renders of our Manta-class scout. He has yet to reach the texturing phase, so its just shapes for together atm. While the wings are true to the aeroshuttle scout seen in Star Trek: Insurrection, the scale of the Manta-class is a lot bigger. Hope you like!

If you guys have any ideas or requests on things that could be added or changed, let me know before Omardex is done with the modelling phase!


With the display of the Theurgy-class schematics, we have now passed 300 followers on Tumblr! If you guys want me to post anything specific there, let me know!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1415
Hey Folks,

Not sure if it's kosher for the new applicant to hijack a thread to say hello but as I couldn't find a welcome thread, here I am. :)

Just wanted to introduce myself as the new applicant who's going to play the Caitian that Auctor Lucan referred to in an earlier post. This is the character though if I'm not supposed to post the best picture of a Cait/Human hybrid I've seen, ever, then don't click the link [Show/Hide]

I've been writing on PBEM, Forum, and Nova based simms since around 2001 and despite the time I've been at this, I'd consider myself an average writer. Just started getting into 18+ simms outside of HoE in 2013 and last year, after seeing the graphics work Auctor did for this group, I had to pop in and have a look. What I saw impressed me enough that I abandoned an almost decade long (self imposed) ban on joining forum based simms to write with you folks. I'm working on a bio, first draft which Auctor has though I'm still hemming & hawing over being an engineer (a role I can write in my sleep) or a fighter pilot which I haven't written in years.

Hoping to have the bio done and approved before April 1st though I'll start actual posting around April 21st as I'm off for three weeks while I disappear to Hawaii on a cruise ship. Only place on earth it seems I can get away from my work for a few weeks as cellphones don't work in the middle of the Pacific, and work won't pay the approx $5-8/min to call me on the ship when they need me. :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1416
Nice of you to introduce ourself, SummerDawn! THough that was th old version of the image, I sent you a better one the other day. No matter, there will be more of them, and I will get back to you about the biography.


Here is something for you to feast your eyes on, just download it and see for yourselves. :)

This is the first batch of animations from Vira Lanka, the guy who has helped me with animating the Valkyries before. Hope you like it!

Theurgy-class Animations 01:

If you don't want to download it, the animation is also available on our Tumblr at this link:

When you see the clip, bear in mind that Omardex's 3d model is way more detailed for images, but he was incredibly expensive to ask to animate, so I gave the 3d model to Vira Lanka, who doesn't use the same 3d program. So, he had to translate it, and after many turns back and fort, the detail level is acceptable, but nowhere near as good as Omardex's. Vira Lanka's rates are much better, but some detail was lost in the translation. I had to use some lens flares to cover up some bad looking stuff in the final edit, but it is tolerable now. I think and hope the next batch will look better too with more time for Vira Lanka to add detail.

There is more to come, not to mention the big trailer now that I am getting these animations made.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1417
Welcome aboard SummerDawn and to everyone else that I might have missed in the meantime!

Vids looks good Lucan. I can't wait for the trailer!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1418
Sad to see so little reaction to the animations given the time spent making them, alas, people are busy.


As of now, we are not accepting any new members until further notice. I already have three applicants in the process of joining and I cannot handle the recruitment process and run the story at the same time.

The three people who are in the pipe already will be joining us, but after that, I need a break so that I can drive the story forward with the little time I have available now that work has picked up. The current last applicants until recruitment is open again are SummerDawn, chXinya and VioletteTheViolent (coming here from DeviantArt).

The only way to join us now is to inherit a character already in the story and who has character images made for them. The list of available characters than can be inherited can be found in our joining info threads.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1419
Weekend hit rather hard, now that I have had a chance to sit down and watch the video...

god that is one sexy ship. Also can she actually separate at warp? To my knowledge the Enterprise D could only separate at impulse speeds, and the prometheus class vessel was never put into that situation..

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1420
Don't about Theurgy but TNG Tech Manual (Pg 27-28) states that saucer separation can occur at warp as the saucer will only drop from warp once clear of the stardrive's warp field. And the saucer impulse engine subspace driver coils will retain enough of the warp bubble to allow disipation over a two minute period, permitting a controlled drop from warp speed.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1421
From memory alpha

Though highly unadvised, it was possible to separate the saucer from the stardrive section at high-warp velocities. Used by Jean-Luc Picard during the first encounter with Q, the saucer was separated at a warp speed of 9.5. According to Data, it was highly impractical but possible, with no margin for error. The slightest mishap would have made this attempt deadly. It was also required to clear the saucer section from the stardrive section to ensure safety, because as soon as separation was over, the saucer section would start to lose speed, posing a danger to the stardrive section. However, Picard was able to successfully separate the saucer in order to protect the families of the Enterprise from the immense power of Q. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

so yes not only was it done theoretically. It has been done on screen and in the first episode of TNG no less.

Since a Prometheus and subsequently Theurgy class has three separate Warp drives I imagine the high warp separation would require all three warp drives to come online and the ship to begin to project three overlapping but stable warp field bubbles.  Wen seperated fully the ship would close each bubble off so that it would encompass each vector individually resulting in no change in velocity while remaining at a constant warp vector.  That's my theory on what is going on at least.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1422
True! MVAM is possible during warp, and I imagine that it works like IronFerrox suggested. :)


With the result of the previous vote, we may not form a second squadron aboard the USS Theurgy, the Lone Wolves remaining the only named squadron on the title ship of our story, but it doesn't mean that the entirety of Episode 04 will have a lot of Mk II fighters in it, likely even the Episodes after that. Therefore, I have asked Pinarci to make us a second fighter, and this being the predecessor to the MK II that the fighter pilots on the USS Resolve will be flying. Moreover, these fighters will also be a part of the Theurgy's opposition, so it remains important we finally - finally - iron out what the MK II fighters really are and what they are capable of.

So, Havenborn, you are tasked with the specs of this fighter, but the whole group may now vote for their favourite concept design, numbered at the images below the poll. I hope you guys find a design that you like. So, vote by the numbers, and you may change your vote if you want to. Vote closes in 3 days.

Link to the new poll:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1423

Half past midnight here in Sweden and I didn't finish the posts yet, but I am confident I will be able to do so during the day tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy the development as the Black Opal chapter comes to an end.

However, I would like to point something out to everyone since it might be worth repeating:

You do not need me to start new threads! Especially now in the Interregnum, I feel like I have become solely responsible for creating scenes for everyone's characters even if we don't have a linear main story plotiline to follow before we reach SB84. You do not need me to create your scenes unless you need me to settle some specific issue about timing etc. I am available on PM to handle that, and then you guys should go ahead and write what your characters are up to. It would make me feel less like I have to create the conditions in which everyone writes their characters. The Interregnum has less of a linear storytelling narrative, and rather free-form play for everyone to enjoy as best as they might.

So, if you guys are frustrated with waiting on me now that I have a tight schedule, perhaps you shouldn't. Instead, talk to each other and post the threads you want to write. ;)

Anyway, I am off to bed but stay tuned for tomorrow! I will be posting in other threads as best as I might too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1424
8D With this news that we can make our own threads, would anyone like a scene with Dyan? I'd love to be able to get into her head a little more!

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