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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1375
Thank you for that awesome work, IronFerrox! :) So happy you took the time to sort that out, and I will happily make an MSD out of that, I mean, you have already done 90 % of the job so I will just polish it a little and add the separation plane.

Anxious as I am with the specifications for the Theurgy-class, I made a draft myself tonight. I put in the correct number of decks there too. If I could have some fresh eyes on this the group, I would be grateful.

Vessel Name:USS Theurgy
Starship Class:Theurgy-class
Starship Type:Multivector Dreadnought
Production Status:Advanced Prototype
Purpose:Exploration, Diplomacy & Deterrence
Constructed:Antares Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned:October 9th, 2378
Dedication:"Courage is fear, when it has said its prayers."
Personnel:Officers: 173
Enlisted Crew: 760
Passengers: 49
Dimensions:Length: 1145 m
Height: 200 m
Width: 375 m
Mass:4,709,700 ton in SOM (Standard Operation Mode)
Total mass divided between 3 vectors during MVAM (Multivector Assault Mode)

Computer & A.I.
Computer Cores:3 AC-16 Bio-Neural Computer Cores (Slaves)
Technical Specifications:LCARS 5
984 megaquads isolinear storage capacity
47 million data channels
575 trillion calc/sec
Subspace MVAM synchronisation link
Auxiliary ODN system (SOM only)
Auxiliary computer intercom software
Positronic A.I. Brain Core: Sentient Soong-Legacy Protoype (Master)
Autonomous A.I. Projection:Federation Isomorph Prototype Ver. 7.5
Technical Specifications:Autonomous A.I. projection
Stand-alone cortex processor w 60,000 operations/ns capacity
Stand-alone duranium crystal
7th gen emotion chip
Positronic sub-routine storage of 800 quadrillion b

Thruster Systems:Magneto-Hydrodynamic RCS Thruster Assemblies
Outlets/Vector:24 on Vector 01 (4 hidden during SOM)
22 on Vector 02 (16 hidden during SOM)
14 on Vector 03 (6 hidden during SOM)
= 34 during SOM (60 during MVAM)
Output:4.5 million newtons per outlet

Impulse Propulsion System:6 Sovereign-class IPS Engines
Power Output:85 gigawatts per engine
Standard Impulse Velocity:0.30c speed of light
Full Impulse Velocity:0.983c speed of light

Warp Drive System:1 Class 9 Tandem Sepratation Core + 1 Class 9 Warp Core
Power Output:250 petawatts + 145 petawatts
Standard Cruising Speed:Warp Factor 7,5
Maximum Cruising Speed:Warp Factor 9.2
Emergency Speed:Warp Factor 9.995 for an 25 h duration

Tactical Systems
Shields:Class 5 Regenerative Subspace Graviton Field
Power Output11.700 gigawatts
Standard Shield Range:20 m from hull

Defences:Heavy duranium/tritanium double hull
50 cm ablative hull armor
Structural integrity field

Phaser Systems:Type XII Pulse Phaser Arrays
Strength and Power Output:85 gigawatts
Effective Range:1,500,000 km
Bolts per Minute:240 bolts
Arrays per Vector:4 on Vector 01 (0 hidden during SOM)
12 on Vector 02 (6 hidden during SOM)
13 on Vector 03 (6 hidden during SOM)
= 17 in SOM & 29 in MVAM

Torpedo Systems:Pulse-Fire Launchers
Number of Forward Launchers:8 during SOM (10 during MVAM)
Number of Aft Launchers:2 during SOM (4 during MVAM)
Salvo per Launcher:5 torpedoes
Range:4.000.000 km
Full Complement:400 torpedoes
Torpedo Types:125 Quantum & 275 Photon

Broadside Pod Launcher Arrays: Integrated Torpedo Pod Systems
Torpedo Type:Mk XXVII Photon Torpedoes
Torpedo Yield:70 % of standard photon torpedoes
Number of Launcher Arrays:2 (1 on each side of the ship)
Pod Launchers per Array:18 during SOM (21 during MVAM)
Max Pod Complement:3 per launcher (54 pods per array during SOM, 108 in total)
Pod Ordinance:15 torpedoes per pod (810 torps per array during SOM, 1620 in total)
Maximum Launching Rate:15 seconds between pods
Pod Reload:2 minutes once a pod reaches the launcher via tractor beam or auxiliary craft
Max Reserve Torpedo Complement:Additional 500 torpedoes for pod reloads or Mk III Valkyries
Pod Control Capabilities:Max 36 deployed pods simultaneously (18+18 pods per array)
Up to 18 additional pods per module with PSM Pod Control Modules installed

Palletized System Modules (PSMs):Integrated Module Capability
Number of Dual Modules:16 (ventral side of the ship during SOM)
Number of Triple Modules:26 (dorsal side of the ship during SOM)
Installed Pallets:Sensors (broad-spectrum and specialized)
Communications, Command and Control (flagship complements)
Pod Control Modules (for control of additional torpedo pods)
Palletized Point Defence Modules (Automated phaser emitters against torpedoes, fighter and small craft threats)
Additional Shield Emitters
Additional Tractor Beam Emitters (to bring back torpedo pods to their launchers)

Sensor Systems: Multi-Modal Type
Range:22 light-years

Tactical Sensors:Multi-Modal Type
Range:22 light-years

Transporter System:Personnel & Cargo
Range:40.000 km

Navigational Deflector Dish:Molybdenum & Duranium Mesh
Power:6 Graviton Polarity Generators
Output:400 gigawatts
Field Strength:650 millicochranes

Tractor Systems:3-15 Gigawatt Multi-phase Graviton Polarity Source
Field Strength:480 millicochranes
Minimum Range:230 million tons at 2 km
Maximum Range:1 ton at 30.000 km

Support Craft:
Shuttle Bays:2 (Upper Shuttle Bay & Lower Shuttle Bay)
Craft Manifest:8 Type 9 Shuttles
8 Type 11 Shuttles
2 Danube-class Runabouts
1 ARGO-type Shuttle
8 Workbees

Fighter Assault Bays:1 on Deck 15
Craft Manifest:11 Mk III Valkyrie Federation Attack Fighter Prototypes (more info here: [insert link])
5 Mk II Valkyrie Federation Attack Fighters (unmanned fr. the USS Harbinger)

Captain's Yacht: USS Allegiant (more info here: [insert link])
Class:Manta-class Prototype
Role:Advanced Scout

CanadianVet, as you might notice, I felt I had to dial down the pod launcher system's specs. They were simply too OPed for Star Trek. Even a ship in Thea's size can't house that much ordinance. There is still a lot there, but with reference taken from other sources on the web, torpedoes in that many thousands is a no go, sorry. Good thing is that these specs don't force us to retconn the battle at the Black Opal either.

So, hope you guys can find the time to trouble-shoot this for grammar and capitalisation etc. I want it pristine and its 3 am in the night here. :)

Good night everyone!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1376
In wait for comments on the Theurgy-class specs above, I made a first draft for the MSD based on what you made, IronFerrox. Here we go:

As you can see, I have outlined the three Vectors as well as the saucer's warp nacelle. I have also marked out the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lower Shuttle Bay. I also marked out the Upper Shuttle Bay, and as you can see that bay extends out to the sides of the saucer-section - skirting around Vector 02's aft hull. One easily fails to forget when looking at an MSD that a starship is really wide too, so a cut-through view like this doesn't show the compartments on either side of the areas shown. I added the three computer cores too, but I did not have the time to add the warp core arrangement. So, consider this a first draft.

This will also help the kind soul who likes to help out with the Deck Layout project and redistribute the locations across the ship.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1377
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know my mom is having surgery this week so I'm not quite sure what my computer access will be like as we help care for her, but I'll be getting to tags ASAP.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1378
Thanks for the update, Counselor! :) Looking forward to read your posts.

Here is something new in the story from Drana, and I want one of my own (as long as it doesn't have too much of an appetite):


These are added to the Species Specifications thread now.

Oh, and here is some eye-candy for you all too:

I named it "Release the Wolves!" on DeviantArt. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1379
If Selena ever got a Rockhog she would name it Boulder.
I kinda hope noone gets that reference.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1380
@iron mlp right?

Also per rocks are the best

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1381
I just wanted to apologize for my slow replies, I had to emergency surgery and while I was able to get one PM out to Auctor about it, the surgery happened and I have only felt well enough to get a proper reply up here.

I apologize for slowing anything down.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1382
Auctor and I have been discussing a few matters, and as a matter of game balance and to give the fighters some added punch, we've come to the following conclusions:

The pods no longer carry the Mk XXVII intermediate torpedo, but instead the same Mk V micro-torpedoes that the Valkyries carry internally.  The pods still pack 15 torpedoes each, but much smaller ones.  Also, the number of reloads will be re-adjusted, and those will be independent of the micro-torps carried for the fighters, as by my math a full complement of Valkyries would require 768 micro-torpedoes per full load...

And speaking of the fighters, the Mk V micro-torpedo is their primary anti-small craft torpedo, and it is a secondary warhead to be used against full-up starships.  In an anti-ship role, the Valkyries primary torpedo will be the Mk XXVII Intermediate torpedo, carried in 5-round under-wing launchers.  And we'll be carrying loads of those.

This is just a heads-up, while our esteemed leader looks over my numbers and makes the final call.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1383
My.positing has been curtailed this week from what id planned (namley the sar post) due to work and a trip to visit inlaws. Should be positing again on Monday.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1384
In regard to CV's update below, indeed, the Honourverse pod laying capability was much too overpowered in a Trek story-setting. The broadside arrays completely offset the import of any other weapon systems, and we have to cut back on the broadside array's capacity so that we do not render phasers and forward launchers on the Theurgy completely obsolete.

The Theurgy's specifications have been updated with new numbers, and one last edit I made was to cut back on the stock of additional micro-torpedoes per launcher (90 per launcher, a total of 1890 shipwide for the pods - exclusive of fighter stores). Here is the link to the specs:

So, lower yield on the torpedoes in the pods, and a plausible explanation added for the small torps. The pods are firing 15 torps in one go, so even if the Type V torps are inferior to the Mk XXVII's that the Valkyries have, the broadside array has 18 of them, and delivers quite a punch nonetheless. Not, however, so much as to make the other launchers obsolete, which holds warheads with far higher yield.

More posts are coming tonight!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Auctor and I have been discussing a few matters, and as a matter of game balance and to give the fighters some added punch, we've come to the following conclusions:

The pods no longer carry the Mk XXVII intermediate torpedo, but instead the same Mk V micro-torpedoes that the Valkyries carry internally.  The pods still pack 15 torpedoes each, but much smaller ones.  Also, the number of reloads will be re-adjusted, and those will be independent of the micro-torps carried for the fighters, as by my math a full complement of Valkyries would require 768 micro-torpedoes per full load...

And speaking of the fighters, the Mk V micro-torpedo is their primary anti-small craft torpedo, and it is a secondary warhead to be used against full-up starships.  In an anti-ship role, the Valkyries primary torpedo will be the Mk XXVII Intermediate torpedo, carried in 5-round under-wing launchers.  And we'll be carrying loads of those.

This is just a heads-up, while our esteemed leader looks over my numbers and makes the final call.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1385
So, lower yield on the torpedoes in the pods, and a plausible explanation added for the small torps. The pods are firing 15 torps in one go, so even if the Type V torps are inferior to the Mk XXVII's that the Valkyries have, the broadside array has 18 of them, and delivers quite a punch nonetheless. Not, however, so much as to make the other launchers obsolete, which holds warheads with far higher yield.

an observation here.  Not just are the micro torp pods potential effective as ship to ship weapons in a "broadside" Combat maneuver scenario but another very handy function of them is as the ship's primary means of defense against small fighter type craft.  as swarms of mark 5 torps could potentially prove to be an excelent means to hit smaller craft that are specialized to evade larger weapons such as a standard torpedo spread or regular phaser fire.  This coupled by the theurgy's Pulse phaser array when attacking in small "rapid" pulse fire mode is an effective offense and defense against smaller attacking craft.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1386
That is an excellent point.  But given the limited numbers of Mk V's embarked for the pods, I'd think that Theurgy's main phasers and her fully-integrated point-defence systems would be the primary method of dealing with incoming small craft.  After all, you don't have to destroy a fighter to get it out of the fight, just cause enough damage to convince the pilot to break off and return to base.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1387

Greetings writers!

Well, the Black Opal sub-plot is drawing to a close, where there are just some loose ends for the characters down on the base to sort out - namely how they fared against the Romulan ground forces. Zenozine, Nolan and FollowTomorrow, I look forward to read how you guys deal witht he Romulans before they are beamed out. I will be posting again soon to sort out any further loose ends made, and I am sure CanadianVet has ideas for Trent and Covington too. Dewittt is still present, and I will be posting with her again in a new thread as soon as the current one draws to a close.

A rimber about the DAY 06: Inner Space thread that RosariaRosette and I have posted in, where everyone are to submit their characters' personal logs unless you PM me that you will pass on that thread for some reason. Bear in mind that it is set on the eve before SB84, and that there is also ample opportunity to use Day 06 for other escapades you see fit your your characters. For while all recordings of personal logs goes into the linked thread above, but you want to write threads about anything else your characters does on the day before the mission to SB84 - with me or someone else in the group - you should post separate threads with this in the subject line:

Code: [Select]
DAY 06: Insert Title Of Scene [XXXX hrs.]

Next, some new eye-candy for you all:



The butterfly has fluttered its wings, and at the request of A'vura's new writer - Vystori - I have updated her character images:

Image 01:

Image 02:

Image 03:


Sadly, RedBaron is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. He was contacted continuously, and in the end, I got this PM below from him, and decided to NPC his character Drauc T'Laus in my post yesterday.

I am truly sorry that I have neglected to inform you of what has been going on in my life, I will not how ever be able to return to posting for some time because at the moment I am in between job and I'm finding it hard to do anything but find a new one. If at all possible I would like to at some time in the future be able to re join this group because though my time was short I had fun writing with every one. Thank you for letting me know and again I am sorry for the long delay of my response.



If anyone who would like to overtake this surgically augmented Romulan and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. Given the reply above, it might be a temporary inheritance too, so beat that in mind. If there are no takers, Drauc T'Laus will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until he is put in stasis after a battle to come.

Mr. Drauc T'Laus              Imprisoned Mercenary        Starbase 84 [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members within reason


In regard to using the pods with Mark V micro-torpedoes against fighters attacking the Theurgy or not, I personally think it depends entirely on the tactical situation. Thea's primary defence against enemy fighters are the Lone Wolves, but she also has a lot of pulse phaser arrays to use against the fighters, not to mention the point-defence modules for automated and swift defence against fighters and incoming ordinance alike. One situation where a broadside could be used against small enemy craft would be if there is an entire squadron flying in formation, and the deployed pods create an ambush for them. In short, it ought to depend entirely on what is going on.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1388

I just finished another Schematics Image of Thea when she is in MVAM, for your feedback:

I will also be making a starboard view of Thea when she is in MVAM.


Also, I have some awesome news. Omardex has agreed to model the USS Allegiant for us! Needless to say, I look forward to the results, and I am confident our Manta-class scout will look really cool when brought to life by Omardex. I have given him a creative license for this project since it does not have to look exactly like the shuttle from Insurrection that I photoshopped, as long as it keeps the same overall outline (since it is already visible underneath the Theurgy-model).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1389
I love it and love to hear the manta class is getting a design overhaul to fit the look of our post Dominion war starship design aesthetic.  Been loving the work already and will look forward to seeing their take on the manta class

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1390
Sadly the Flu has gotten to me. Expect some delays to my responses for the next couple of days.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1391
I hear you Nolan.  I'm still dripping, gasping, and coughing myself.    :(

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1392
Illness seem to be rampant around the globe at this time of year, my family is in the same state.

Oh, I finished another schematic which details the roles of the Vectors during MVAM:

Hope it makes sense. Think of the Vectors as the helmet, the sword and the stallion. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1393
Hi all,

Just wanted to drop a quick message to introduce myself as my application has been approved!

I'll be playing Dr. Silim Parnak [Show/Hide], a Cardassian Exobiology academic. Auctor Lucan has wonderfully already put up some artwork. Many thanks on him for that :)

I look forward to writing with you all

Kind regards,

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1394
Welcome to Theurgy.  I for one am looking forward to interacting with you.  A noted exobiologist would be an excellent addition to the crew!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1395
Allow me to also extend a welcome aboard.

Oh and CV and Lucan allow me to unvelil my vision for the full version of the Theurgy's fighter assault bay.

While the Theurgy was equipped with only 16 prototype mark 3 valkyries the design of the theurgy class's second vector was made with the idea of being a major carrier platform in mind as well as a weapons platform.  as such the fighter assault bay was designed as having two floors.

As of so far the maintinance team and fighter pilots have only been using the Lower deck as a maintinance and fighter bay.

However the original design of the theurgy had operations much grander in scale envisioned.  The lower deck would function as an active fighter launch bay,essentially this bay would be for launching fighters and operates almost solely as a runway deck so to speak.

The upper deck while capable of launching fighters (the pilot has to thread the needle to speak when exiting the bay) serves as the fighter Parking lot,  Storage and, most notably is the Fighter Maintenance Bay.

In ideal circumstances a Theurgy class Multivector Dreadnaught's Tactical Strike carrier vector would have a compliment of 16 fighters in the Lower launch bay at all times ( and another 48 in the Fighter parking section of the Maintinance bay.) Ideally the chain of command would be one Commander or Captain ranked Tac-Conn officer acting as Theurgy Wing Commander with 3 Lieutenant Commander or Commander ranked Squadron Commanding Officers working under Him or her.  Each squadron would consist of  4 Flights, Each lead by either a Lieutennant or MCPO,  Each flight would consisting of 2 Two ship elements with a lead element of Lieutanant JG or SCPO  and wingmen could be of CPO or Ensign ranks. 

(While rare if the captain of the vessel feels a specific Noncom of MCPO rank or Warrant officer rank may be eligible for SCO or WC position though if this occurs it would be because the vessels captain or fleet admiral felt their experience or Specialization warrants the Captain/Commander tier post.  as such it is likely the Warrant officer or MCPO would be granted the job as a field command Comission and given a field promotion to the rank of Provisional Commander for a WC job or Provisional Lt Cmdr for an SCO one )

The full fighter compliment of 64 mark 3 Valkyries  would be flown by a team consisting of Tac Conn officers.  The tac conn officer breakdown would usually be 1 Captain rank Wing Commander, 2 Commander Rank SCOs 8 Lt Cmdrs (1 as an SCO and 7 as Flight Leaders) 14 Lt (5 as Flight leaders and 9 as Element Leaders) 10 Lt JGs (7 as element leaders and 3 as Wingmen) 29 Ensign Wingmen. 

In addition There would be an additional 32 Flight officers Pulled from the ranks of Ensigns, Chief Petty Officers, PO1s, and High Scoring 4th Year Cadets given an acting Ensign commission.  These flight officers are relief officers and get in flight time during routine Graveyard shift patrols with active pilot ensigns flying as their Element leaders. 

As a general rule Ensigns and  CPOs wouldn't have specific ships and are assigned comm IDs based on their assignment.  Most of the wingman ships would have a more generic wing number ranging from W01 to W32  If the wingman is a Lt JG then they are allowed to have an individual fighter and their name Rank and squad designation number and Callsign is painted on the wing designating that craft as theirs.

AS a note part of the reason for me rushing this info out was CV mentioning finding 3 dozen fighters on the station and I decided that I would create something to show that with a split fighter bay (lower deck 8 meter ceiling and upper deck 4 meters there was room to store all of the fighters we could want to pick up)  (IN fact we would have room for a total of 4 16 ship squads as far as "parking spaces" go.

IN addition it can be noted that the upper deck as the primary maintenance deck contains an office for the deck chief a shower/locker room for the cubs and a very large maintenance bay work space.

One of the most useful aspects of the Bay is the Mobile fighter transport platform.  THis platform locks into the upper deck in a way quite similar to the same systems that operate saucer docking latches on ships capable of separation but on a smaller scale.  As such even if power goes down the platform is locked into its upper position.  one of the best features of this platform is not only does it have room for 5 total fighters, even in locked upwards position the platform is in a position that allows for 2 fighters (if they are positioned in the two Takeoff position areas) to take off from it (though the pilot has to be cautious as they will be piloting their ,fighter with only 0.5 meters before they are dragging metal against the ceiling.

IN addition to being able to launch the purpose of this platform is to allow fighters to be transported from the upper maintenance deck to the lower launch deck very easily.

When the platform is in the lower position a space in the floor of the lower deck opens up allowing the platform to lock into place allowing for a continuous smooth surface on the bay floor. IN addition a similar hatch closes on the upper floor allowing the space where the platform was to be used as workspace as well  Built into the walls of the lower deck on both sides are numerous personnel/light cargo lifts that serve as an easy way of moving from the upper to lower deck

Hope yall like my idea enough to implement it.  I am sure Covington would love his cubs to have a bigger work space than before especially if its away from all the launching and such.  Besides Papa bear deserves his own office and a big area for his gearheads to do their jobs.  Of course they are always welcome in the fighter bay lounge and he is welcome in Miles office and all that.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1396
I like the idea IronFerrox and it's got my vote for implementation.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1397
I hate to say this, and I already PMed you about it, but this won't do. I am so sorry you put all this effort into an idea I have to scrap... I wish you could have checked with me first.

I have double checked, and IronFerrox knows it too, but the ceiling height of the model won't allow for two hangar floors, with just a couple of meters to spare above the Valkyries. This makes safe takeoffs and landings impossible unless computerised, which kind of kills the concept of piloting and all the scenes we have written so far involving take-offs and landings, even as recently as the Black Opal thread, where a recovery shuttle was supposed to be able to tractor Skye's damaged Valkyrie into the hangar. If you check the Lone Wolves group image, you can see how high a ceiling have to be in a hangar.

Moreover, I don't care for giving the Theurgy such a huge carrier capacity. The empty slots of the original 16 are just enough for the Harbinger pilots' Mk II fighters, and that is all we need for the sake of the story.

Sorry for this, but I can't allow it.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #1399
I like the idea you're having Iron, yet I can't shake the feeling that it's a bit overpowered for the Theurgy roleplay. The amount of ships being able to get stored into it is admirable, but again perhaps too much for us. Plus just the sheer crew member size is a bit overwhelming as I read it. Because if I read it right, it would mean that our current staff is really short on numbers. As for the 48 other fighters, I think it makes it sound more like the Theurgy is more or less designed as a carrier base instead of a dreadnought.

However, I do like the idea of Sten having his own floor for fighter maintenance and office with showers and lockers. As it strikes me as a great idea as it could split the both departments a little.

Either way, I do also have to admit that I'm not entirely up to speed with the dynamics and measurements of the whole hangar thing, but it's just my view upon it.

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