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Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Corridors | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zyrao and Thomas had ended what they had started only weeks ago. A true relationship where Thomas thought he would've found a life partner in. However, it seemed the two of them were too fierce, too destructive to be compatible. Perhaps in a world where they would stand alone, just the two of them, they could've worked out. Who knows... The two of them had probably one of the oddest break ups Thomas had ever had. They didn't fight or shout at one another once they concluded their relationship to be over, instead, they sat down and concluded that they'd work a whole lot better as friends. There was no denying that a bond had formed between them, one that could run as deep as siblings perhaps. Siblings... Another thing Zyrao had introduced him to...

The pilot sighed as he roamed through the corridors of the ship, making his way to the new quarters of a lieutenant Zephyr Praise. She had shot him a message about her new quarters. He figured he might as well pay her a social visit as he had noticed how she had suffered after the break up with Khorin. He figured she could use an old friend to come and check in on her. Knowing Zephyr, she didn't quite handle break ups all too well. Part of Thomas wondered if he had neglected her since she had arrived on the Theurgy. Sure they had shared a debacle on Aldea and he had been mad at her. Though was he not in the wrong to leave her hanging like this after that?

A new corner turned and Thea informed him that he'd reach the new quarters or Zephyr on his right. The pilot thanked the ship AI as he strolled further. Wearing his gym clothing, which was the standard issued fleet design, he walked over to the door. In his hands he carried a box with scented candles. The inscription said it contained the smell of the lush forest of Aldea. Which basically meant nothing to Ravon, but he figured Zephyr would appreciate the smell of forest.

He chimed at the door and waited patiently as he looked left and right, getting his bearings so he'd not need the help of Thea to find her quarters again. When Zephyr would open the door, she'd find the man smiling at her, hands holding out the box to her. "Surprise!" he grinned as his eyes traced the features of her face.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #1
[Lt.  Zephyr Praise | Time Heals | But Wounds Unseen are Worse | Learning to be Alone Again]

Zeph sat on the couch in front of the large view screen.  On screen she was watching some kind of footage of a movie where some students had gotten lost on a forested planet.  But the forest was not just any kind of forest it was alive, dangerous, and in many cases deadly.  Zeph wasn't sure it was the kind of movie she should be watching when she was going to try to sleep by herself again, though Jasper seemed all too happy to fill that spot for her, it wasn't the same.  Zeph hadn't been sleeping all that well, though she got enough to function and with each passing day it was easier.  She had found that she didn't like complete darkness when she slept so she had Thea keep the lights very low but not off.  She probably checked the door locks six times before she was certain they were really not going to open for anyone, and she tended to read a book until she nodded off with her PADD still in her hands.  Sometimes she would wake up with it later thumping her in the face or wedged up under her chin at an uncomfortable angle, but it had been helping.

She knew that she should probably eat something, she had made sure to feed Jasper, the little scaled-feathered creature was blissfully asleep at the other end of the couch having commandeered the fuzzy blanket that he loved so much.  It was his property through and through and now that he was a little bigger he would often put it in his mouth and drag it around the Quarters to where he wanted to lay down.  Jasper wasn't a fan of the floor, he tended to like to lay on things.  Like her desk when she was working, the coffee table when she was eating so he could stare blissfully at her food, or the bed.  She intended to get him some soft shelving installed on one of the walls so that he could have some perches for when he wanted to be up even higher.  Right now one of his little paws was twitching as he dreamed about something.

But he popped up, and looked over at the door.  Now standing at alert on all fours, his wings out slightly and feathers shaking just a bit, he grumbled right before the door rang.  She rose her brow and then got up.  As this was her first visitor in the new Quarters she had never seen Jasper quite like that before, as soon as she headed for the door though he was on her heels jumping and pouncing the whole way making little grumbly noises mixed with excited yips  When she opened the door, he was standing right there at her feet, just below knee height at his tallest.  Her hazel green eyes shifted upwards and found Thomas standing there.  She had recently told him where she was living now that everything had ended but she had not expected it to be an invitation.

“Thomas.' she said softly in surprise. 

He called out surprise and handed her a box.  She took the box, and carefully opened the flap.  Inside was a candle that was a deep lovely green color.  The front label claimed that it would make her place smell like the forest.  Thom knows how to pick them, then. she thought as she moved to the side letting him in.  Jasper jumped in front of her and grumbled, wings out, shaking feathers again.  Zeph chuckled.  “Jasper, he's a friend, and besides you better move before he boot kicks you across the Quarters.”

The little creature looked at her as though he was figuring out what she said, before he finally leapt away with his bounding pouncing way back to his blanket.  Where he walked in circles three times before he finally lay down with his eyes open watching the two of them.  Zeph put the candle out of the box and onto a low table behind the couch.  “Thank you for the candle, did you want something to drink?”

Zeph's place was empty, other than Jasper's blanket, a few PADDS, a few plants, and a messed up bed, there was nothing Zephyr about the place.  When he looked over to the side he would see the collection of still-packed boxes standing by the deck plated walls.  She hadn't really wanted to mess with them, every time she thought about tackling them they just sapped all her energy and so she didn't.  The movie had paused when the door bell had rung in the most awkward screen, where a woman's mouth was wide open, there was some sort of massive tree limb wrapped around her waist and she was clearly being hoisted in the air.  Got another one.. Zeph thought.

“So what brings you all the way over here?” she asked Thom.  Zeph had lost weight, for certain, the dark circles under her eyes were a bit more faded than they had been in Sickbay but at the same time, she found herself still without much of an appetite.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #2
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

He waited a little while before the doors opened and Zephyr looked in surprise to him before calling out his name. Ravon smirked and nodded before his attention got drawn to the animal at Zephyr's knee. The creature did seem to be curious, yet weary at his arrival and grumbling. The stance it took might be the one kind of stance as a creature protected his territory, Ravon smirking as Zephyr warned the creature called Jasper. Warning it that Ravon might just kick him through the room, Thomas looked at Zephyr now and shot her a look.

Thomas stepped inside as the creature leapt away and moved back into the quarters before taking his spot on a blanket. Ravon looked around, noticing the stacked boxes and the very minimalistic dressing of the room. His eyes landed on the television and he frowned at the paused image as he furrowed a brow at it before he looked back at the botanist that offered him a drink "Something fresh would be nice." he answered her as he walked over to the couch and kept looking around before shrugging "I'd say, I love what you've done with the place, but..." he started before looking at Jasper.

"I think this little guy here has decorated the place more than you did." he pointed out to her with a smile "Which begs me to ask, what exactly is Jasper?" he asked curiously as he crouched by the blanket that was his. He knew better than to reach out to the creature and losing a finger or two, thus he just observed him just as much as the creature was eyeing him. Whilst listening to Zephyr he nodded and cocked his head to the side before leaving the creature for what it was and not wanting to provoke it as he accepted the glass from Zephyr.

"Social visit." Thomas answered her question as to why he had shown up. He nipped from the drink and looked sideways at the screen once more before looking back to Zephyr. She looked worn, slightly underfed and mostly tired. Ravon placed his drink down at the table behind the couch, next to the candle as he could swear he could already smell the aroma of it "You looked like you could use some company. Even more so after I saw you in Sickbay the other day." he pointed out to her as he walked around in the room. He noticed the messed up bed and seemingly did his rounds as if he were inspecting one of his pilots.

"Plus... I suppose we should do some catch up." he stated softly as his eyes met hers "I mean, we haven't talked much since the news about the plants.... Or about what happened after we lost communications... Or Ethan... Or Khorin" he summed the topics up and left a moment of silence as he wasn't sure if all of these topics should be handled now. "Either way... I've been a lousy friend. Sickbay visit made me realize that." he continued once more before he slowly walked over to her and kept just enough space between them "Even though our Academy days are years behind us... I know when Zephyr Praise needs a social visit from a friend. Or just someone to have her mind drift away from all the worries she has on her head." he concluded with a soft smile on his lips.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #3
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Getting to the Grit | Story Time | Why Can't Life be Easier?]

Once he was inside, he told her that he wouldn't mind something to drink.  Zeph gave a nod and headed to the replicator to get some of the flavored water that she had been quite taken with lately.  She had found something like it on Aldea, using Aldean fruits that were suspended in the water with ice, the flavors of the natural fruits infusing and enhancing the water making it crisp and yet also giving it a nice flavor.  Getting one for each she turned to face him and noticed him giving her room a once over.  He was probably judging it, and judging her at the same time.  She hadn't really come back to fully functioning since everything had gone down.  She still went to work, never missed a shift, and was still helping out in Sickbay where she could.  However, she also didn't really seek out people and she figured that Thomas was busy with the highly intimidating woman that had brought him into Sickbay not all that long ago.

Thomas told her that he would like to say he loved the place but it seemed that Jasper was the only one that had put his mark on it.  She rolled her eyes and handed him the fruit bound water before sitting on the couch.  A quick command turned the viewing screen off, and the woman and tree disappeared, she could finish it later though like most movies she could already see where it was going.  Zeph sipped her water as he asked what exactly Jasper was.  The little creature looked up from the blanket with large eyes settled on Ravon.

“I'm not actually sure.  We found him back on Aldea.  He was hungry and we fed him, and he kind of adopted us.  We tried to look for his parents the next morning but couldn't.  I'm certain he isn't fully grown yet.  But he likes fish and fluffy things and is happy when I can take him to the Arboretum to romp around.” she admitted with a shrug.  “He's very sweet, and I'm definitely glad I have him now.”

Jasper had made getting out of bed kind of important.  He was not the kind of guy that would let himself go hungry and though he had done a lot of cuddling with her in the beginning and trying to act cute to get her to feel better, mostly he had helped by giving her a purpose during her desperately dark time.  Thomas admitted he was here for social reasons, and Zeph peaked her brow.  It had been a long time since they had sat down and talked.  They had a huge fight on Aldea after the whole, she was with Khorin thing happened, and then she hadn't seen him in months.  She had been too tired to seek him out and he seemed just fine with the silence.  But then, things had gone down and in Sickbay when he made a silly joke about Khorin and Zephyr cried he had been there to hug her warmly and let her just cry into his chest. 

“It's been more than the other day.” she reminded him and gave a shrug.  “But, I'm glad you're here.” Zeph admitted.

Zeph pulled herself up more fully on the couch and motioned for him to have a seat if he wanted to.  Jasper wasn't the biting kind, at least she didn't think so, though he bit Khorin often enough they were constantly locked in battles of wills.  However, she doubted Thomas was going to fight Jasper for his blanket, so they would probably be just fine.  He admitted he wanted to catch up.  About the planets, the lost communications,  Ethan, and Khorin.  She exhaled a breath along with a chuckle.

“You always did play hard ball.” she admitted with a sigh brushing short curls out of her face and behind her ear.  He said Sickbay made him realize he had been a lousy friend and again Zephyr shrugged.  “It isn't like I came to you and you turned me away either, I thought we both  probably needed some space or something.” 

She smiled softly and leaned back on the couch with a long sigh.  “I'm not even sure which of your wonderfully warm topics to start on.” she admitted.  “So.. you heard about the virus?” she asked curiously looking up at him with her hazel green eyes.  When he nodded, she followed suit.

“It wasn't supposed to be a virus initially.” Zeph admitted.  “It was supposed to be a diplomatic tool, a plant to calm down the people we met or contacted upon first meeting.  Things went really wrong and I scrapped the whole thing.  I went to my superiors to explain what had happened and that it was going to have to be scrapped and to start again.  But a few months later, I was down in the testing area .. and I heard some commotion from one of the labs there.  I got curious and went to see, when I looked in the viewing window I realized, they never scrapped it at all.  They just.. told me they did and kept using it.  To see the people that way... to see what was done to them.  That's why I ran away.  From there, and why .. I asked to come here.  Why I asked to stay.  Out there, I'm wanted, at least here I have a choice even if I've traded one Starfleet prison for another.” she said looking over at Thomas her face said it all.  How she regretted her actions and yet how true her story was.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #4
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Thom took the glass from Zephyr and watched her sit down before looking back at Jasper as she called the creature and observed it as he in turn was being observed. The creature reminded him of something, yet he couldn't quite place it just yet. He brought the glass up to his lip and took a sip before he found the odd taste of non plain water in his mouth against his taste buds. He let it roll around before swallowing the lightly flavored water. He raised the glass to look at the contents for a second before looking back at Zephyr as he rolled his tongue over his teeth "This is odd water." he stated before smirking "But it does taste refreshing."

She motioned him to take a seat besides her as she straightened herself slightly in the couch, still keeping an eye on her pet as he wasn't sure what the creature would do. It did seem content to just lay where it was, Ravon wouldn't provoke it either "If he's not fully grown yet... How much bigger do you think he'll get? I mean, I'm not sure what the ship policy is on keeping large animals to be fair." Thomas asked as he looked over the beast "But, I'm glad that he's served a purpose for you." he smiled faintly before turning his gaze back to Zephyr. The only spot left to sit in was in between Zephyr and Jasper. It was against his instinct to face his back towards an unknown creature and on the other side he got to sit rather close to Zeph. The pilot just sat down, looking over his shoulder more than once to check what Jasper would be up to or doing. When he wasn't looking over his shoulder, he'd be able to look at Zephyr more closely than he had in quite a while.

She accused him of playing hard ball and the pilot had to laugh and shrugged "I suppose I'm not one to deny it. You know me..." he said softly to her as he drank again and rolled the glass in his hand, watching the fluid try to level out. He gave it a slight pause and shrugged again "I'd lie to you if I said that I didn't need time and space for myself after what happened on Aldea." he whispered almost now, his eyes not trying to search hers now, yet focused on the glass. He took in a deep breath as she decided to slice into the rather harder topics that stood between them. They were things that had been revealed or things that directly or indirectly had influenced both of their lives one way or another.

He gave a nod as she mentioned about the virus. Niga to be exact as it gave him the chills to just think back about it. He could still have dreams about it from time to time. They had decreased over the past few months and weeks, though occasionally he'd wake up basking in sweat at what he dreamed or remembered.

He heard the Betazoid out as she toyed with her hair a bit before telling him the full story. His eyes tracing her emotions and features as she told him the whole thing. She spoke of trading one prison for another and Thomas shifted in his seat a little as he could see the regret on her face. He pursed his lips together for a moment before he placed the glass down on the coffee table. He cracked his knuckles a little and sighed softly "It's... Weird to know now that what I.. and the rest of the original crew have been through. To know that is was a genetically engineered virus. To know what I've done... Even though I can't remember yet dream about it." he admitted before looking in her eyes and laying his hand on her leg "Just don't think... That I blame you. You called to end the project you were working on. It isn't your fault that they continued your research. At some point, someone else would've discovered it or something right?" he tried to set her conscience at ease.

His eyes continued to scan over her face as he squeezed gently in her leg "As for this place being a prison... I can understand how it feels like that, but at least here... You can make a positive difference for the faith of the galaxy?" he said before smirking and shaking his head "Fuck, do I really sound like a fucking Starfleet promo boy?" he laughed and cleared his throat "I mean..." he waved his hands around "All of this, it doesn't feel like a prison to me. If anything, I see it as my home. The people on here being my family." his eyes coming to rest on Zephyr once more after looking at Jasper "And I'm glad you're part once more of my family." he smiled faintly.

"As for the warm topics as you call them. We don't need to go through all of them tonight." he said softly, not wanting to strain her already fragile looking demeanor.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #5
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Talk About the Hard Stuff | Might as Well | This is Supposed to Make Things Better?]

She smiled and nodded about the water.  “I like it, it's different, and I drink a lot of water so sometimes I like to have something with a little flavor but not too much.  I found this kind of water on Aldea.” she admitted to him taking another sip of her own drink looking over at him.  It wasn't as sweet as some might like, but when you drank it enough you could actually start tasting the subtle flavors of the fruit floating around in the water.  While they sat there, he asked her about Jasper and she gave a nod.  “Yeah, I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think he'll get much bigger.  He's already slowed down in his growth and my scans show that he won't get too much bigger.  So he'll be like a small terran dog, in size, I guess?” she shrugged. 

She knew that she had already gotten in trouble for the whole N1G1 situation.  If she got caught with Jasper it might be the reason that she got left at some starbase to suffer whatever fallout there was for her.  But, she had already brought him on board when everything had gone on and it wasn't as though she had done it alone.  She and Khorin had both decided to bring Jasper on board.  He was well cared for, she never let him out except in the Arboretum. 

Thomas admitted that he had needed time after everything in Aldea had happened.  Zeph's cheeks rose in a blush, honestly, she had been torn.  Between kissing Thom, and not.  It was sad and she felt that in a way she had betrayed Khorin just by thinking about how badly she had wanted to do that.  But, she hadn't and that was the main thing to remember.  However, he had someone now, that very intimidating woman in black, and Zeph had no one.  She she supposed the joke was on her for the time being.  Zeph wasn't going to worry about it though, as long as Thomas was happy that was all that really mattered.  “Yeah, I figured you might, I tried to leave you alone... it was nice to see you in Sickbay though, not why you were there but.. you seemed happier.”

He admitted that he knew what the original crew of the Theurgy had gone through.  Zeph put her drinks to the side and pulled her knees up to her chest.  Wrapping her arms around them she listened as he told her that it was crazy to know that it was an engineered virus. That he, too, had been a victim to the virus and he couldn't even remember what had happened to him.  But, he dreamed about it from time to time.  Zeph bit her lower lip to know that she brought such sorrow and torture to people, was horrible.  She hated to think it was her fault but that was exactly what it was. It was all her fault and nothing she could say or do was going to change the littlest bit of it.  Thomas said he didn't blame her, and she looked over at him with hope dawning in her eyes. 

“You.. don't?” she whispered softly. 

He reminded her that it wasn't her fault they continued with the research.  Someone else would have discovered it at some point, she shrugged.  “I don't know if they would have or not.  I did try to destroy all of my work, but, it isn't like they can't get what they want.  And there are so many officers with less morals than me.” she admitted brushing a tired hand through her hair as her lovely eyes shifted over to the man taking up space on her couch.

Thomas assured her that the Theurgy wasn't a prison, though he could understand how it seemed that way to her.  She nodded as he told her at least by being on the ship she could start making a positive impact on the galaxy.  She wanted to be helpful, she was good at botanical warfare, she was good at medical botany, she had a lot of talents, that was why she had gone to be dual trained.  To better understand the bodies of the people that she worked with so that she could assist in creating various things that could assist or in some instances hinder the people they needed to interact with. 

“I'm not leaving or anything.  I have no where to go.  The people I worked for before, they'll be after me if I leave.  So, it's best I stay here and maybe you're right, maybe I can make a difference here.” she shrugged again, she could hope anyway.

He told her they could talk about the other stuff later and Zeph sighed.  “What did Ethan tell you?  You mentioned that you had talked to him in one of your messages, what did he say?  So I can know what you know?”

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #6
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Looking over at Jasper, Thomas tried to think how much bigger Jasper would get if he'd be the size of a Terran dog. It wouldn't be that much bigger, yet he'd still be quite a size. The creature seemed content to just look at him while he didn't do anything fishy. He had earned himself a squeak as he had touched Zephyr and Thomas had withdrawn his hand shortly after that as the creature kept his eyes on him.

Zephyr had talked about giving him the space needed or required for him. She claimed to see that he was happier the other day in Sickbay and Thomas smiled faintly as his shoulders slumped a little. He didn't react to it just yet and let the conversation flow further. Zeph took a more defensive posture, even if it was just raising her legs up to her chest. It showed Thomas that she wasn't fully at ease just yet, or at least so he thought.

He had shaken his head as she asked him for sure that he didn't blame her for Niga and he nodded and smiled faintly. He had to snort a little as she spoke of officers with less morals that would use her research for other ends than were intended. He could only nod at her words and reached out to his drink once more. He sipped from it and placed the glass back empty now. She did point out that she had nowhere to go. That if she was going to leave she'd be hunted down by the people she worked for. He pressed his lips together as he looked in those hazel-green eyes of hers and watched her brush her hair out of the way.

The next tough subject to tackle was Ethan. As she brought him up Jasper sat up behind Thom and cocked his head slightly as the pilot radiated the disgust and anger towards the man. Unsure if Zephyr's barrier were up or not since she now was a full blooded Betazoid,  Thomas reeled in his emotions the best he could as he cleared his throat and murmured an apology.

"Ethan..." he repeated after her as he swallowed and looked down at her feet "Well, after tracking down where the fucktard was stationed. I confronted him with the string of messages that had gotten me worried when I couldn't hear back from you." he started as he moved one hand through his hair and scratched at his scalp. "He was in dry dock with his ship as I managed to contact him. When I brought you up... He had to actually think who you were." Thomas said with a distinct anger and rage in his tone "Maybe he did it just to spite me since he always knew I had a..." he paused again as he closed his eyes and shook his head "Either way, after fucking around with me he told me that the engagement had been broken off. That there had been an argument of sorts and that the two of you ended the relationship after which he didn't hear from you anymore." he concluded with a shrug. He looked back up to Zephyr and sighed "I didn't hear from him anymore after that. Apparently, my communications to him have been blocked."

"That's all I know really. Left me in the dark about your whereabouts or activities. So it didn't really help me any further to find out why you sent me those messages." he looked back down at his hands as he had been fiddling with them in the meantime "It drove me mad to not hear from you." Even though it had been years ago that these events happened, Thomas could feel every bit of them as if they were yesterday. He had fallen deep after the friendship he had with Zephyr had ended quite abruptly. To now know that it was all because of blacked out communications and the sorts, it made him feel like a fool.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #7
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Truth Time | Ethan's Story | Opening Up]

The fact that Ethan had to think about her for a minute was most definitely something used to piss off Thomas.  Ethan had always had a theory that Thomas was into her but she had always assured him that wasn't the case.  They had slept side by side more nights than she could count back in the Academy when they were done studying and never once had he made a move.  He was always making move on the other girls at clubs or around campus but never her.  She knew that she was strictly friend-zoned and that was totally fine.  She was used to it, she had loved Thomas, in her own way and it was easy for him to slide into best friend mode.  She shifted and gave a nod, as he told her what Ethan's point of view was that he had come up with some kind of argument between the two of them had happened and that the whole thing had killed their relationship. 

That was that.

Zeph chuckled and then laughed, shaking her head as she sighed.  “Sounds about right.” she said as she sighed and shifted against the couch looking at him with those soft eyes of hers. 

“So what actually happened was a lot more complicated than that.  I was on the Starbase for leave, and I had been working in their extremely high tech Botany lab.  So while there, something happened, there was an influx of air intake from a differing lab, the control got messed up and it contaminated the lab I was working in. Mutating a specific plant into a murdering species.  It shot barbs into a Hermat friend that I had at the time causing him to murder a Vulcan before we could get the whole thing fixed up.  That's glossing over it heavily, it was a dark, bloody, and horrendously violent.  I still can't stand blinking red lights.”

She sighed swallowing heavily.

“So when it was all over, I was in a dark place and I just wanted someone to be there for me.  I called Ethan, and he was heading out, new orders and couldn't tell me where.  I asked him if he was on the way, if he could stop by.  I really needed him.  I was in tears, I couldn't sleep, I was afraid of the dark and I hadn't been back to the Botany lab.  I was dealing with some serious trauma, I even took up drinking for a little while.  Anyway.. he told me that he couldn't come, I was strong enough to deal with it on my own, and told me he had to go.  I begged him, I pleaded with him, I needed him, and he said .. no.  I told him that if he couldn't be there for me when I was begging and needing him then maybe we weren't meant to be, and he said, maybe we aren't.” she shrugged.  “That was that, he never answered another one of my calls and I never heard from him again.  All those years together, the engagement and everything.  It was nothing.  I shipping his ring back to his mother and never looked back.  He was right, I was strong, but I hit rock bottom first.”

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #8
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

After having heard his side of the story, Zephyr seemed to chuckle and Thomas figured that there would probably be more to it. The pilot placed his arm against the top of the couch and leaned against it as he looked at the botanist as she began to explain what had happened. The traumatic even sounding rather severe and he nodded silently. Even though she glossed over it, he could tell that it had taken a toll on her. She wasn't the same girl he had left when his Academy days were over. He reached out slowly with his free arm, and let it rest against her leg again. As if to show that it was fine for her to open up and just spill everything she wanted to share.

As he heard what Ethan had neglected to do and answered her, the blood inside Thomas boiled once more. He let out a soft sigh and shook his head slightly whilst closing his eyes. The man had been a grade A asshole to start with, he didn't even remember why he called him a friend all those years ago. Even less so why he simply just let the man steal away Zephyr right from under his nose. Ravon had replayed the night in the club in San Francisco a million if not a billion times over in his head. Thinking of what he ought to have done differently in order to let Zephyr not run away with the scumbag.

Alas, those things were in the past now and little to nothing could be done to it. Thomas let a small silence linger as he sought for words before he eventually answered Zephyr "You are strong Zephyr... Stronger than most." he answered her softly as his eyes met hers and locked with them "As for Ethan, I feel little sympathy for him. To be honest, I can't even remember why I liked him." he doubted for a moment now as he seemed to think it over before sighing and continuing.

"I'm not sure if you knew... But... Ethan knew that I had... Feelings for you, when we were back at the Academy. He didn't seem to care that night. Or did so on purpose to fuck me over. Either way, he wasn't a friend of mine ever since. Gloated it over every time he could." he looked away for a second "So, I'm sorry for... Saying that I was happy for you two and everything. I just didn't want to stand in the way of your possible happiness." he confessed with a wry smile.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #9
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | The Truth is Out | The Past is the Past | Stronger for the Heartache]

Thomas reached out for her leg, and she reached out putting her hand on top of his.  He told her that she was strong, stronger than most to which Zephyr snorted. “Pretty sure that's crap, Thomas.” she said with a shake of her head.  “You have to keep going forward, otherwise, you'll start to fall apart.  Going forward is all that keeps me together when things get tough.  You know that I take emotions very seriously, and my own tend to sabotage me greatly... this.. is just hard.”  she admitted. 

He told her that he didn't feel any sympathy for Ethan and he couldn't even remember why he liked him in the first place.  “Because Ethan was charismatic.  He was good at swaying people to his side and that killer Irish accent did not hinder him in that effort.  I think that Ethan didn't even know who he really was, I think that he was still figuring it out.  I hope he's out there and I hope that karma kicked him in the ass so hard he's forever bruised.  I can't say that I hate him, but I can say that if I ever cross his path I get first punch.” she smiled knowing that Thomas would probably want the next fifty.

Thomas admitted that Ethan knew that he had feelings for her back in the academy.  Zeph's brow rose and she tilted her head to the side.  Thomas said Ethan hadn't cared about those feelings or didn't seem to when he made the move that night at the club.  And of course, Ethan had gloated about their relationship every chance that he could, and it must have been when Zephyr was not around because she didn't remember any of it.  She would have noticed if Ethan had been doing something for Thomas' benefit and she wouldn't have been good with it.  She was not the sort that could put up with that and Thomas was her best friend in the world.

“I don't know what happened to Ethan.  I thought we were good.  We were engaged, and the proposal was special.  Everything was good.  I guess, when he got offered a bigger position on a new ship he didn't need his old academy girlfriend hanging around anymore.  I don't know.  All I do know is that.. I'm glad I went back to the Academy and went back to school.  I'm glad that I have followed the path I have mostly... there are some regrets.  But, the thing I'm most glad of is that it all somehow led me here to where you were.” she smiled softly.

Giving his hand a little bit of a squeeze she sighed softly.  “So to take a break from my own issues, how did you meet Tall Dark and Tattooed?”

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #10
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

As she stated that it was a pretty crap statement that she was a strong person, Thomas smiled and shook his head again. He could see what she meant and he nodded silently as he turned his hand around on her leg, the back of it resting against said leg while his palm was against hers. He kept looking at her for a little while and as she spoke of Ethan again, his eyes drifted down to rest on their hands as he just listened to her. Zeph called dibs on the first punch and Thomas was about to joke about throwing in the next punch. However, he remembered how he had gone over the red down on the planet. He had seen the look in Zephyr's eyes when he had gone into a far too brutal mode. His eyes looked vacant for a second as that moment truly hurt.

He blinked again as she seemed to be happy where life had lead her in the end, through the academy and her former postings up to this point. Life certainly seemed to work quite odd for a galaxy this big for two people to run into one another again. Thomas raised his chin a little to look back at Zephyr's face and he smiled softly "And I am grateful you're here with me too."

Her next question was one he had been expecting for a while now and he sighed and ran his free hand through his hair as he pressed his lips together "I've met Zyrao... That's her name." he winked with a coy grin "The moment we left Aldea after our escape." he avoided eye contact again with Zephyr for now as he squeezed gently in her hand as well now "She was in the gymnasium, kicking the shit out of a few dudes who thought she'd be an easy spar victory. I stepped up to rise to the challenge and the end result was we both nearly got ourselves an extended sickbay visit." he snorted and shrugged "How odd as it may sound, we both just went all out on one another, not holding back. It was just pure and raw." he licked his lips "We started to meet more often, just in passing by at first, more deliberate later on. We found it easy to talk about things, share memories and the sorts. We bonded slowly and gradually, yet we were as thick as thieves one might say." he paused for a second and bit his lip.

"We grew closer and eventually dared to take the next step. We matched perfectly... And yet we didn't at some level. Some things happened, how pure and raw our relationship was... It wasn't meant to last." he sighed softly and shrugged "She's a special kind of girl, weirdest break up I had... We still keep in touch, we know what the other party can offer when things get rough or when we need a talk or just someone to physically decompress." he looked back up in Zephyr's eyes "And I mean sparring with that." he smiled faintly "Zyrao has taught me a few new things, she even showed me family that I never knew existed. Can you believe it? I have a sister that I never even knew of..." he chuckled and shook his head.

"Either way, tall dark and tattooed might look rather intimidating, but she's a good woman. I hope she can someday find someone more worthy for her." he concluded before looking back straight into Zephyr's eyes. He didn't want to probe her any further concerning her past if she didn't want to explore so and he was perfectly content with just being her with her for now.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #11
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Getting Close Again | Being Friends | Building Bridges]

Tall, dark, and tattooed had a name, Zyrao.  It was an unusual one, and not in the way that Zephyr was because it meant something.  But, it was intriguing to find someone with another Z name that was unusual.  He gave her a little grin and Zeph gave a playful little shrug coupled with a bit of a smile.  He told her that he had met Zyrao after their Aldean escape.  The smile fell off her lips as she remembered that time, how close they had come to kissing.  How cold she was, how easy it was to imagine their lips together and yet, she had pulled away before anything had happened and had sent Ravon into a rage that she still remembered to this day.  She had seen him a lot in the Academy but she had never seen him in that sort of rage. 

Thomas told her that she was in the gym kicking major ass when he decided to go with her in the ring where the proceeded to beat each other until theyc ould barely stand any longer.  But, after that they just kept running into each other, and then it was more they spent time together, and things began to gradually open until they were together fully.  Zeph smiled, it was good that Thomas had found someone, he certainly deserved someone.  He was a good man, the best, really, and she hoped that he was happy with Zyrao.  Zeph hoped the best for them, especially, since it couldn't be her.

He stated that they started dating and felt that they matched perfectly.  Zeph found herself tilting her head as he said they matched but didn't.  Things happened and their relationship had ended.  Zeph was surprised, she wouldn't have brought it up if it was going to bring up bad memories, she had seen them so cute and happy earlier in Sickbay so she was surprised.  Thomas confessed they had broken up and weren't meant to last, though it was an odd break up.  She rose her brow curiously as he told her that Zyrao had told her that he had family.

“What?  How?” she asked leaning forward interested.  The man had a sister he hadn't even known about until Zyrao came into the picture.  “That's crazy, such a small world.”

She smiled softly.  “Well I'm sorry that ya'll didn't work out, you seemed happy in Sickbay.  So it's surprising.” she admitted as she looked over at the screen and then back at Thomas. 

“Would you mind staying a while?  I'll put on another movie and we could watch it together?  If you dont have plans, I mean?”

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #12
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zeph had listened to him and made a few motions that she was following the story. Thomas kept talking and he could see the bad memory triggered as he spoke of their last time on Aldea. The smile soon returned to the Betazoid though as he continued the story and whilst the whole conversation didn't exactly trigger any bad memories for Thomas he concluded it as Zephyr asked more info about his relatives.

"All I know is her name is Chloe. A stepsister as it would seem to be. Quite some resemblances and all. I don't know much more really." he stated with a shrug as he eventually nodded when Zephyr said it was a small world after all. It was kind of funny to see how things turned out that way, that no matter where you were in the galaxy, things managed to find a way and connect people.

Thomas couldn't help but smile as she had mentioned how well they looked in Sickbay and he nodded "She truly is an amazing woman." he concluded as he saw Zephyr looking at the television screen before looking back at him. She offered up the option to stay with her a little while longer and to watch a movie with her. If he didn't have any other plans. Thomas snickered lightly and nodded "Sure, I can watch something." he offered her as he stood up and walked over to the replicator "Just not a documentary about botanical life." he teased her.

He paused at the replicator and manually entered the demand as the bowl materialized. It was a bowl mixed with popcorn, both sweet and caramel topped. They had devoured tons and tons of these back in the academy when they stayed over to watch a movie after a study session. Thomas could quite fondly remember it and he walked back to the couch with it in his hands. He wondered how Jasper would react to the foreign smell of it and for that matter Zephyr. The scent of the popcorn spread throughout her quarters rather quickly. Thomas took his seat next to Zephyr once more and looked at the still packed boxes.

"You know... If you want, I can give you a hand with those later too if you like." he suggested.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #13
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Good for the Soul | Wishing I Could Walk Away | Things to Stay For]

The sisters name was Chloe and there was some sort of resemblance.  Zeph tried to imagine a female Thomas and it turned out to be quite the interesting image and probably nothing that was close to the truth.  However, she was both glad and sad that Thomas had this information now.  One because he was saddened he hadn't actually met her and only knew about her existence.  But, then there was the fact that he would probably want to meet her but they were heading off on mission and who knew where the woman actually was.  Zeph hoped that he would be able to reunite with his sister, or rather, meet her in person sometime soon.

He told her that he was fine with a movie, but not something about botanical life.  She chuckled softly and shook her head.  “This was just a horror movie.” she said as she picked up her PADD and closed the movie down the screaming woman and viscous vine disappeared as she looked through something that could be good for them to watch.  He was a fly boy so she figured something like that would be the for the best.  She went through everything and found something about a fly boy that was from a very long time ago.  So she decided to pull it up and hopefully it would be something good for the both of them.

“Here something not plant related.” she told him with a grin as the show started with fighter pilots flying across the Earthen sky at crazy speeds with aviator sunglasses on.  He brought popcorn over to the couch and settled down next to her.  She scooted over so that she was sitting beside him and leaning against him slightly, it was nice to have someone else in the Quarters.  Her hand reached down and grabbed some of the popcorn from the bowl and ate a handful piece by piece. 

The guys in the movie were cocky and knew they were good looking.  There was some romance involved, and things seemed to be going well for everyone.  Thomas nodded over to the boxes and told her that he was willing to give her a hand if she wanted it.  She looked over at them and sighed.  “I suppose it's probably time.  Tomorrow?” she asked looking up at him and he gave her a nod in return.  She lowered the lights and they both concentrated on the movie but it wasn't long until Thomas would feel the weight of Zephyr shift more so against him, and her head droop slightly to his shoulder.  With being so close when the sound of the fighter engines died down he would hear her regulated breathing.  She had fallen asleep against him.

===The Next Day==

Zephyr woke up in her bed, tucked in and comfortable for the first time in weeks.  She rubbed her eyes and for a long moment her brain was struggling to pull itself from the heavy grasp of actual sleep.  For a moment, she didn't realize what had happened, but then she sat up and looked around for Thomas knowing he had been here in the night, she and he had watched a movie together.  She was still in the same clothes as before too.  She noticed a large muscular arm hanging over the back of the couch around a head of hair, and she smiled.  He had stayed on her couch.  Getting up Zeph headed to the living area where Thom's deep chested snores were coming from the sleeping man on her couch.  The popcorn bowl was empty and down on the floor, Jasper was sleeping on his blanket in a spare chair probably having taken it over there when Thom began to fall asleep on the couch.  She was surprised he hadn't curled up in bed with her, but figured he must have been watching Thomas.

At her arrival, Jasper looked up and chirped at her slightly, complaining about his lack of breakfast.  She headed to the replicator to get him his fish and vegetables, he liked them cooked or raw, today she had gone for cooked and the scent permeated the room as she set the plate down on the floor and Jasper trotted over to get his breakfast on.  Zeph folded his blanket and put it over the arm of the chair so that he could find it later and turned to see Thomas stirring, his snoring having stopped.

“You didn't have to stay.” she said softly.  'But, I'm glad you did, did you sleep okay?”

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #14
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zeph put on one of the older Terran movies with fighter pilots and Thomas couldn't help but chuckle. He'd certainly didn't mind the choice of movie yet wondered if Zephyr really wanted to watch this. The horror flick she had been watching would've been amusing regardless. They settled in and Zeph got comfy as she ate the popcorn to her hearts content. Thomas just enjoyed the time he could spend with her, the two of them agreeing to unpack the boxes the day after.

As the progressed, Zeph fell asleep against Thomas and the pilot smirked a little before picking her up carefully and laying her to bed. He tucked her in yet didn't bother to change her into a sleeping outfit. He noticed Jasper keeping an eye on him as he brought the Betazoid to bed and he rolled his eyes at the animal before winking.

He sat himself down in the couch again and looked at the movie, seeing it through before flicking the screen off and stretching himself. He could probably head back to his place and he would've after he cleaned up this place a bit. He lay down to reach for the bowl of popcorn yet got hit by the hammer of sleep and simply managed to place the bowl down on the floor before he closed his eyes. Only to rest he told himself, yet he fell asleep regardless.

The next day he woke up by the smell of cooking, it reminded him of one of the food stalls back on earth and he slowly stirred and woke up as he looked up at Zephyr who was looking at him. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he sat up and cracked a few joints "I know..." he murmured as she told him he didn't need to stay and he smiled faintly as she told him she was glad he did stay regardless.

"I've slept alright, nothing special though." he smiled again at her before he got up and stretched his body entirely before turning to face Zeph "How about you?" he asked, walking over to the replicator and producing a fresh mug of coffee for him "You want something too?"

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #15
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | UnBoxing | Coming Home | Making a Home | New Foundations]

He admitted that he had slept well enough nothing to write home about but sleep had happened.  He rose and got over to the replicator and asked if she wanted coffee when he got his own.  She gave a nod.  She felt a little better, oddly, having him here had allowed her to get some much needed sleep.  It didn't really begin to touch the sheer amount that she needed to catch up on, but at the same time, she was glad for any extra.


When he replicated it, remembering just the way she liked it, she took the warm mug from him and wrapped her hands around it with a soft smile.  Leaning on the wall next to the replicator she inhaled the scent of strong coffee before finally taking a long slow sip and letting it boost her up a little bit.  Zeph didn't eat much these days, but, she supposed that Thomas might like something. 

“Want something to eat?  Waffles?' she asked as she thumbed through the replicator menu.  When she got the confirmation she quickly replicated some big fluffy waffles a massive one for him and a much smaller one for her.  She got the syrup and other fixings as well, and brought them to the table where they could share a decent breakfast.  She bathed her waffle in syrup and butter allowing it all to warm up from the waffle's internal heat before she cut a small square off and ate it.  It was thick, and hard to chew, food just didn't appeal to her anymore.  She hoped it would come back, she was taking vitamins instead to hopefully stave off any kinds of issues. 

“So you said you'd help with the boxes today.” she said leaning back having forced the single bite down she leaned back in her seat and drank her coffee sipping it slowly while he ate his breakfast.  She knew if she got up too quickly he would rise with her and she wanted to make sure that he was getting all the food that he needed to go about his day.

“There are holo pictures in them I don't want to mess with right now.  Everything else is fine, mostly, but .. but .. I .. I don't want rememberances of all of that.” she said clearing her throat and putting her coffee to the side as she sighed. 

“He.” she sighed.  “I never pegged him for a coward.  Course I never pegged him as the sort that would dump me over creating a virus that I tried to stop.” she admitted.  “But to .. to end what I thought we had over a message on my PADD.  I just...  It felt so cold, so .. I felt temporary.  I've never felt temporary before.  Even with Ethan we had been together for years and when it all fell apart it was a lot like this.  Shit went down, I needed him, and he abandoned me.  Khorin did the same, except somehow.. it's worse.  Just a written message saying he couldn't trust himself around me anymore.”

Zeph brushed her fingers across the rim of her coffee mug.  “I'm starting to think when it comes to my heart I'm just flat cursed.” she chuckled without any actual humor.  Looking up at Thomas with those pretty hazel green eyes of hers. 

“I guess I'm just a sucker for romance.  I've always fallen in love too fast, and it seems, like with the wrong people.”

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #16
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

He made her coffee and in turn she offered him waffles. It all brought back memories from when they were younger and carelessly living at the Academy. She replicated the Terran treat and the smell alone made Thomas' mouth go wet with saliva. He walked over to the table and took a seat as Zeph did before drizzling some syrup over the pancakes himself. He wasn't a big fan of the butter himself and just dug in as he did feel rather hungry.

She pointed out that he had offered help with the boxes and the pilot nodded as he chewed on the waffle. Ravon hadn't exactly noticed that she had taken a single bite and stopped eating. He quite savored the waffles he had and finished up on them as he listened to her. She didn't want to open the boxes filled with memories and pictures, a thing Thomas could relate to. He stopped eating as Zephyr began to talk of Khorin. His eyes moving over to the brunette in front of him as he clasped his hands together and rested his chin on top of them.

Ravon remained silent as he looked at her and just listened. He'd have to have a chat with Khorin, perhaps. The man was no longer under his command and any actions he might undertake with the big Klingon would end up in worse things. He had to see the bigger picture and perhaps just let it go instead of squabbling over this grievance. Zeph however was the hurt party here and while she called her love life to be a flat out curse, the pilot couldn't help but smile faintly as he shook his head.

He took a sip from his own mug before warming his hand against the mug. He shook his head and shrugged a little at her last words "Too fast? Maybe... With the wrong people, definitely." he answered her with a slightly humorous tone. He shoved the seat back and walked over to her "I know this might sound... Odd... Maybe even wrong given the circumstances. Yet I.." he paused as he came to a stop behind her "I've.. Noticed that if I don't pill this out now, I might just not get the chance... Or some cosmic coincidence will just happen and turn this against me."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them gently "I've always cared for you Zephyr, you know that. As a friend, but ever since the Academy. I have to admit, confess even that I've always wished for us to... Be more." he said carefully and with a heavy feeling in his gut. His body screamed to not spill out the beans now. To wait for a better time. Thomas couldn't however, he had seen his chances squandered over and over again. Even if it was in such a miserable time, he felt that now was the time to come clean with his feelings for her "I've stared death in the eyes far too many times. I just figured you should know before anything bad happens." he explained it to her why he said this now.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #17
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | New Confessions | Soothing a Soul | Opening a Heart]

Thomas was always a pretty honest guy, something that she appreciated about him, because it was hard to find someone that didn't curb himself.  Zeph was a Betazoid and she could read through bull shit usually.  But she had not expected Khorin to take a sump on her the way that he had.  It might be one thing to be shocked about the creation.  She had told him she had worked in a confidential black ops area, and that she wasn't allowed to talk about her work there.  He had always seemed very understanding about that fact, but now that something had come to light, it was all horrible and he couldn't be with her any more.  She didn't understand it, but he wouldn't talk to her anyway, she had tried on numerous occasions and finally took the hint and figured if he could let her go that easily he was full of bravado and bullshit.

Did she fall too fast, yes, they both knew that.  But, he also admitted it was with the wrong people.  Zeph smirked softly she couldn't fault him there for thinking such things because the past had proved that was ridiculously true as much as she hated to admit it.  Surely there was someone out there for her, but then, she couldn't figure out exactly how to find that person.  Maybe she was drawn to the wrong people. 

He told her then, that this was probably not the right time to state something.  But, he had Zeph's full attention.  The food was uninteresting.  He walked over to her and told her that it might sound odd causing her brow to rise.  He came to a stop behind her, and she looked up at him with his hands on her slender shoulders as he told her that if he didn't do it now he might not get the chance or something else would happen and he wouldn't get to.

“Tell me what Thom?”

Thomas confessed that he had always cared for her, as a friend.  She gave a nod, because yes, Thomas was her very best friend.  But then he admitted that ever since the Academy he had hoped that they could be more.  It was a little surprising but not.  They had nearly kissed once in the freezer when they were held captive and the silent treatment he had given her after that had nearly killed her because he meant so much to her.  Zeph listened as he told her that he had stared death in the eyes too many times.  And he wanted her to know before something happened. 

“Thank you.” she said softly, everything was still too raw, too new, for her to say much of anything back but she had almost kissed him in the freezer, so it wasn't like his feelings were one sided.  But Zeph tried to be loyal.

The two finished up breakfast without Zeph taking another bite.  She cleaned up to hide the fact and they worked on the boxes.  The only picture she wanted out of the box of pictures were the ones of her and Thomas, and the ones of her and Jasper.  With everything done he left for duty after giving her a really long hug and so that he didn't feel rejected or anything she kissed his cheek before he went.

==Days Later==

The bell rung, and Zeph smiled.  Thom was coming over that day.  He and she had both ended their shifts and now would have the evening and night to do something together.  All she really wanted to do was enjoy some Thom time.  So she had invited him over for some food, some movies, and icecream.  She figured they could watch a movie as well because that seemed like a fun thing to do.  Or they could head down to the holodeck and so something more physical.  Zeph  had been at the gym a lot in the last week because it was something that kept her mind busy and it allowed her mind to empty out enough she was able to start compartmentalizing her emotions and working through them.

It helped that Ives had lessened her punishments, and it had helped that everything was seemingly better.  Though she had some ways to go Zephyr was starting to pick herself up and put herself back together again.  Thomas' words a few days ago had been playing over and over in mind as well as their near kiss in the freezer, as well as the way that when they first saw each other it was like.. they were two souls drawn together.  But, she had already been with and committed to Khorin at that point and while she had always had feelings for Thomas she had always had someone else there and Zeph was not the cheating sort.

“Doors open!” she called out.

Zeph had just set up the coffee table with all sorts of food from their past.  Pizza, of course. Sushi that was as close to the place they used to go to as she could get.  She had spent much of yesterday evening taste testing various replicator recipes until she found the right one.  There were chips, popcorn, candy, all kinds of stuff, and beer.  Because, that was what she was feeling today.  As Thom stepped in he would find Zeph with her hair down, just tucked behind her ears, framing her face slightly.  She wore a vivid green tank top that accented her pale skin and her well toned body and a pair of jeans with rips and tears in them. 

“I have everything ready, you all set?” she asked with a bright smile before crossing to him and giving him a big hug.  She had spent a evening in his Quarters just a day or so ago, doing something similar.  “If you don't want movies we could hit the holodeck, but I kinda thought low key might be fun?” she offered for him as she pulled back.  The candle he had brought for her was still on the table behind the couch, and was currently lit putting it's vivid scent into the room.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #18
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

When he had voiced out what had been dwelling inside of his system for years now, he felt somewhat relieved. Like a pressure dropping from his shoulders. He exhaled and now could only wait to see how Zephyr would take the news in. It seemed to take an eternity before she finally answered him and when she did, she simply thanked him. Ravon wasn't quite sure what to make of it, though he figured telling her was the right thing. Despite how close it had been to the break up with Khorin.

The two of them let the topic rest for now and Thomas didn't chase it either knowing he'd probably just ruin the dynamic between them if he forced anything. Instead he helped her with what he had promised her. Unboxing. Memories were brought back from the past and the two of them shared a laugh and some warm moments, yet nothing major.

==Days Later==

Thomas was looking forward to the end of his shift, the plans post shift were enticing enough for the wolf to leave his paperwork on his desk for a day longer. Ravon had changed in just a simple blue shirt and a pair of jeans before moving over to Zephyr's quarters. He had passed her by in the corridors a couple of times, but both of them were in a hurry to get somewhere. So there was no real chance to talk or anything else. Thomas did remark that she was looking healthier in a way than when she had dropped by his quarters to watch a movie and just unwind after a day of work. He had also talked to Ives about Zephyr, offering to give her some slack and that he'd vouch for her.

When he arrived at her quarters he chimed the door and a few seconds later the doors parted and he could step in. The scent of the candle hit his nostrils and he smiled as she had lit it up. As he stepped in, the doors closed behind him and he looked around before letting his eyes rest on Zephyr. She looked more relaxed indeed and lovely as always. The pilot nodded at her suggestion for the evening and he gestured to the assortment of displayed foods "Well, I'd be a waste to let these go to waste now you've replicated them. Movie night is fine for me." he answered her.

He hugged her back just as much and took in the smell of her as did finally let go of her "What movie did you have planned? I mean, I chose the last one at my place. So I'm pretty sure it's only fair for you to decide next." he grinned. He walked over to the couch and looked over at the various things to eat and drink and he shook his head "You know, if we're going to keep doing this... I might have to go to the gym more often to work all these off." he laughed before he looked back to Zephyr and reached his hand out for her to join him.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #19
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Together |  Quality Time |  Food | Bonding | Cuddles]

“Well it isn't really a waste it would just be recycled, but once I got it all out and set up I started to wonder if you were bored with movies.” she admitted.

Honestly, there had been a lot on her mind recently.  Not only was the Niga Virus and so forth continuing to be a concern for her, though at least she was no longer blamed for the end game creation, she was still going to be tasked with finding a way to at least neutralize it.  But then there were the words that he had left her with, that first day, he had come by with the candle.  When he told her that he wanted her to know that he had always had feelings for her, and it wasn't changing any time soon.  As far back as the academy he had feelings for her.  She had known about the recent ones but he had never mentioned the ones from all the way back then and she wondered... how long he had been sitting on them.  But, she felt bad knowing that he had been waiting on her and she had been busy being blinded by Khorin.

“Great!” she said when he told her movie night was fine.  He asked her what movie they had planned out, he had picked some action flick when she had come over to his place as an impromptu dinner and movie thing after shift one day.  She had received his invitation right after they had crossed paths in the corridor and she had immediately agreed to go.  That night had been fun they had laughed as he told her all the inconsistencies of the fighter pilots and things they could and couldn't do.  And she had told him which plant life wasn't native to the parts of Earth, it was a good time being silly and having fun together. 

“I picked out a Rom Com, because I like to make you suffer, it's my goal in life.” she winked over at him teasingly. 

He told her that he would have to go to the gym more often if she was going to feed him so often.  He reached his hand out to her and she took it but twirled so that as she sat down it would be behind her and across her shoulders.  Allowing her to lean into his side where she fit quite comfortably.  Jasper was in the other room, he was growing quite used to Thomas now and didn't feel as though he needed to protect Zephyr all the time from him anymore.  So he seemed much more at ease and was laying on the edge of the bed on his favorite blanket just watching from his spot but not being in the middle. 

“well if you hit the gym let me know, I'll go too.” she said as she leaned forward and grabbed two beers.  Handing him one, the tops were twisted off and the caps tossed back onto the table with a soft metallic ping.  She pulled a piece of pizza off the big tray and leaned back into Thomas as the movie started.  It was about two people that began to fall in love with each other after they agreed to pretend to date, leading to all kinds of kooky antics, including running from a large dog when the guy hadn't realized that some of his steak had fallen into his pocket after bouncing off the table. 

Thomas and Zephyr were both laughing as the over exaggerated running and screaming and the woman trying to get the dog to come to her, but it wasn't working.  “How is the flight deck these days?  I heard some of ya'll are going to the Allegiant, are you?” she asked looking over at him with her pretty hazel green eyes.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #20
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

"Recycled or not, it'd be a waste of the effort you've put into it regardless." he answered her with a shrug "And movies can't ever be boring." he grinned before adding teasingly "At least not in this company."

He walked further inside and had to roll his eyes as she told him she had picked out a Romcom. He had to laugh as she informed him that she made it her goal to make him suffer in life. They took their seat in the couch and Zephyr had been quite devious in positioning herself close against him. His arm wrapped around her and she'd been given all the freedom to snuggle in against his side.Zephyr had told him to tag her along if he'd went to the gym and he snickered at it "Sure, I will... If I remember." he teased her before he took the beer she offered. He glanced at the bottle and rolled his thumb over the condense of it before looking back at the television.

He had slacked down on booze in comparison to the last few months. Part of it being Dewitt's influence perhaps yet otherwise Zyrao and her tea had made him rethink about his drinking habits. He let the thought slide to the back of his mind as the movie started and he took a swig of the beer regardless. He took a piece of Zephyr's slice of pizza with a diabolical grin before just settling in and watching the movie.

It was pretty over the top funny, with all sorts of antics that probably wouldn't be close to anything real. Excellent for R&R though. Thomas did look over at Jasper for a second every now and again. The animal being quite funny to be around and it reminded him of terran canines, only this one looked nowhere like a canine.

"Flight deck has been pretty normal for as far as normal can go." he answered her "Some faces are still being missed, new faces in the crowd make me look longer at them to figure out just who exactly is who." he shrugged as he thought it over. Covington was a leadership figure that they missed perhaps. The new bloke, Herrold had taken over, but Ravon couldn't quite get a height of him. Plus rumors had it that he had or was still dating Ji, the Korean he hadn't seen in quite a while either.

"Allegiant mission won't be with me. I figured I'd stay back with the ship." he murmured to her and looked down at her "What about you? Anything new in the world of Botany?"

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #21
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Tonight is the Night | Together Again | Closer | I'll Take Cuddles]

As Ravon's arm came around her, Zeph leaned into his side, she ate her piece of pizza which was a whole lot more than she ate that last time they had eaten at her place.  She had still been in a really rough spot and now she was feeling a bit better.  Before, there had seemed to be no hope all together and now she felt as though there was actual hope and things that she could get through.  It helped that Thomas had gone off to talk to Ives about her, and that Ives had decided that maybe she wasn't the evil person that everyone had made her out to be in the beginning. 

He told her that the flight deck was as normal as it could be.  There were some faces that were missing and new ones that he had to figure out who they were.  But, she figured that was just about everything.  Zeph had honestly been leaving the deck alone all together knowing that Khorin might be down there and she didn't want to run into him.  He had made it clear that it wouldn't be safe for her to do so and she didn't want to be the one that made him go nuts.  So she had decided to stay away, that was just for the best and she tended to see Ravon here and there anyway so there wasn't any real reason to seek him out down below.

Thom told her that the Allegiant mission would be with him, that he was staying with Theurgy and she was glad to hear that.  Everything that the Theurgy did was ripe with danger but she somehow felt safer knowing that he was here rather than there.  Zeph looked up at him as he asked her what was new in the world of Botany.

“Well me and CirCie are going to work together on something that will neutralize or eradicate the Niga virus, it was something that I've been thinking about and she has agreed to help me.  How we will actually get it to the plant or whatever I have no idea but the first step is to actually make something that might fight against it.  Problem is, I need to talk to the Captian one more time because that means I'm going to have to possibly work with live samples.” she sighed softly as she gave a small sigh.

Then she looked up into his eyes again.  “Thanks, Thom.  For talking to Ives for me.  She mentioned that you stood up for me, and I can't even tell you how much that means to me.  You don't deserve to have to do that, you have your own thing here but I have to admit that you turned things around for me.  I was really unsure of what I was going to be able to do here after everything went down but honestly you made everything.. come back to the light.  Thank you.”

The movie was going through one of those over the top funny moments where the guy is trying to hide his stupidity from the hot girl and she is trying not just talk to him but Zeph wasn't really paying attention, instead, she was just watching Thomas.  Turning so that she faced him a little bit better than she had before so that her front was to his side, and his arm was still around her.  She had finished her pizza a few minutes ago and so she didn't have anything in her hands. 

“Thom.  I know you said you liked me from back in the Academy.  I know that since we reunited there have been some close calls, some almost kisses, a lot of hugs and tension.  But, do you think that you still like me?  Like the me I am right now?  The one that created the Niga, the one that has more baggage than the ship can hold?  The one that falls in love fast and holds on until she can't anymore?” she asked softly in a whisper, but her eyes were hopeful and searched his own.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #22
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zephyr informed Thomas that she'd be working on the Niga issue again and the pilot shifted his gaze from the screen over to the lithe brunette against him. It wasn't that he didn't trust her with the virus, or the problem. He felt worried that if things wouldn't work out, that she'd take it too personally and dive down a rabbit hole she'd possibly not get out from. Thus Thomas remained quiet for a while as he let her talk and nodded when she told him she'd have to run it by Ives again as well.

He was about to answer her when she thanked him for talking to Ives and he shook his head with a smirk "Oh, come on, that's peanuts. You'd have done the exact same thing if you were in my shoes." he waved it away, not wanting to take credit for it "Besides, you totally deserved a fresh plate to start over here." he answered with a wink. He ruffled his hand with the arm that was around her through her hair before turning more serious.

"As for working on a cure... Just... Be careful. For yourself if things don't go the way you plan." he offered softly, carefully to her. He kept looking in her eyes for a bit before the movie drew his attention back to the screen. He laughed with the obvious over the top comedy factor of it now and felt Zephyr shift and sit up. His gaze turned back to her as she was just looking at him "What? Did I spill pizza on me?" he asked with a straight face and almost genuine concern.

Her question caught him off guard and the pilot shifted in his seat as she looked hopeful at him. He rearranged himself so he'd sit and faced her in turn. His heart pounding and his head spinning and offering a million responses. His emotional state was all over the place. Anxious, nervous, a flutter down his stomach, a warm feeling brewing up deep inside him as he couldn't help but feel his cheeks flush lightly. Was all this the end result of years and years of near misses and never coming clean with her until recently?

He swallowed hard and grabbed the beer, just to drink himself some courage. He exhaled and cleared his throat as he looked from placing the beer back to the table to her "Zeph..." he whispered "I don't know how to tell you this." he started and looked back into her eyes. He paused, perhaps a moment too long before continuing "You've certainly changed a lot over the years, then again so have I. You've seen your share of bad parts of me." he said softly, referring to their break out on Aldea "Maybe I should ask you the same question? If you'd ever be able to like me as the person I've become." he answered her genuinely.

"As for you, I don't know how else I can make it more adamantly clear to you. I... I don't like you the way you are Zeph... I fucking love you, regardless of whatever baggage you have with you. I always have and I always will." he admitted as he kept looking into her eyes and brought his hand to cup her cheek, caressing the skin carefully with his thumb, slowly leaning in to her as he rested his head against her forehead, waiting to see if now was perhaps the right moment to actually claim her lips for a kiss.

Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #23
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Finally Time | Finally Right | Finally Us]

The silence while she waited for him to answer, which was short lived in hindsight, seemed to drag on forever.  But finally, he turned and faced her slightly taking a sip of his beer as though he needed either a moment to breathe or a moment to gather his thoughts.  But, Zephyr found her heart in her throat while she looked up at him wondering what he was going to say.  Finally, he began with her name.  The way that he pulled the words out of his mouth, about how he wasn't sure how to say what he needed to say, she bit her lower lip in fear that he really had a change of heart.  She wouldn't be surprised, honestly, he didn't deserve someone with as much baggage as she had but she still hoped that there was someone out there for her at some point and she really wanted it to be Thom.

He told her that she had changed over the years, but so had he, and she had seen the darker parts of Thom.  Of course he had seen some of the secrets now that she had been forced to keep because of the whole Niga issue.  But further than that, there were years of her life that she could not speak of easily because they were forbidden.  He told her that maybe he should ask her the same question, what she thought about him now that she knew more of the sides of him than she had before. 

A soft smile crossed her face. 

“You are still my Thomas.” she answered hoping that he knew everything that the one sentence contained. 

He went on to tell her that he could not understand how he was supposed to make it any clearer to her.  He didn't like her.  For a moment she looked at him searching his eyes trying to figure out what exactly that meant.  But then, he said he loved her, not just loved, but fucking loved her.  Whatever she came with, he didn't care he would always love her and always had.  She smiled softly her shoulders lifting without the weight of the decision and conversation weighing heavily on her shoulders this way.  She smiled as he brought her hand to the cheek brushing it with his thumb.  She felt his forehead against her own, and her hand came up claiming his cheek as well a moment later.

“I love you too Thomas.  I have not always seen everything clearly and it has always seemed that sometimes other things are in the way.  Other people. But … I see you clearly now, I want to be yours.  I want to love you and only you.  I want to embark on this adventure together.” she admitted.

She bit her lower lip and then she kissed him. Soundly, and beautifully, and in this moment it was everything.  Zephyr wrapped her arms softly around his neck and slid closer to him, not quite in his lap but as close as she could get without actually climbing into it.  Her lips parted his own and they deepened the kiss moments later.  The kiss broke softly, and her eyes shifted so that she could only see his just barely.  Their eyes pouring into one another's.

“I love you Thomas, I love you.”


Re: Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts

Reply #24
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Praise's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zephyr matched his words and thoughts as they were close against one another. Face to face. She exclaimed her love and how she wanted to be his and his alone now. All the puzzle pieces seemed to fall together in that moment. Years and years of just misses or never the right time seemed to lead up to this. The moment sealed when she claimed his lips and he returned the kiss with all he had. She leaned into him and he easily tugged her onto his lap for easier access and just a more comfortable position altogether. His arms coming to rest on her hips before the ran up her back to hug her lovingly. He held onto her like a treasure and felt his own weight fall from his shoulders.

He looked back into her eyes and had to laugh softly now as he couldn't quite believe it "This isn't a dream or anything right?" he teased her softly as he rubbed his nose against hers, never breaking eye contact with her. The movie kept playing in the background and he wasn't really paying attention to it anymore. There was something more important in his sights now, if not the most important thing there was.

His heart was beating fast and he could almost feel it in his throat as he couldn't quite believe it still. He simply hugged her and kissed her lips once more with as much love as he could. The cool fighter jock attitude dissipated quickly now as it turned into that guy she learned to know back at the academy. The youthful spirit that was in love with his first big love, he adored her at this point and he could allow himself to do so. For he had loved her during all these years and finally got what he could only have dreamed of.

He took in a deep breath after they broke the kiss and he nestled himself as comfortably against her while holding onto her now. Savoring the moment and just enjoying what they had here and now.


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