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Day 05 [2000 hrs.] Fictitious Past Futures

"Fictitious Past Futures"

STARDATE 57569.73
MARCH 15, 2381
2000 HRS.

[ Maya | Corridors| Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet


Doctor Maya, M.D. didn’t have much of a social life.  She never did, not even on her home planet of Vulcan.  Aside of the other medics working in sickbay, she really didn’t have one aboard the Theurgy either.  As a Vulcan, she wasn’t exactly easy to know, and it took her a long time to allow herself to become familiar to anyone.  On top of that, she wasn’t really fun and outgoing.  Oddly enough, she considered herself warm and sociable, and didn’t seem to realize what a cold fish she usually came off as.  She ascribed her antisocial traits to other Vulcans and appeared not to recognize them in herself.

The Theurgy’s stay at Aldea provided the break in the hectic schedule that everyone needed to heal both physically and mentally.  Shore leave, something that the officers and crew of the Theurgy thought they would never experience again was granted and Maya spent her time off the ship exploring the Ibai Besi Promenade, visiting the unofficial nudist beach named the Hondartza Luzea, and exploring the library at Aldea Prime University.  When she returned to the Theurgy, she had scheduled some time on the holodeck.

Well not really.  It was Petty Officer Second Class Eliska Bremmer who had actually scheduled it.  Petty Officer Bremmer had sent out a general invite to everyone aboard the Theurgy that she was looking for a partner to participate in steampunk scenario on the holodeck.  Maya immediately volunteered for she was always open to new experiences.  Checking with the computer, Maya discovered that steampunk wasn’t a steam engine appreciation activity where enthusiasts get to light the furnaces of the steam engines using a preparation that burns slowly but was in fact a genre of science fiction/fantasy that incorporated the technology and aesthetic designs Earth’s 19th century, particularly that of something called the ‘Victorian Period’.             

When engaging in a holodeck fantasy, it is important to find the appropriate costume.  Just as an actor must dress for the role before going on stage, dressing appropriately for the genre is half the fun.  The problem was that nearly everything a proper Victorian lady would wear was darn near unwearable, particularly if one was expected to operate archaic steam engines.  It would be impossible to even put on the undergarments without assistance, let alone move or breathe in such encumbering clothing.  Fortunately she called to mind that the theme was Victorian fantasy and not Victorian history, Maya used her time aboard the 22nd century starship Discovery registry number NX-04 for inspiration. Remembering the time the crew of the Discovery compared a 1964 movie to its 2045 remake; Maya recalled that the lead actress’ outfit gave her the freedom of movement to execute multiple song and dance performances.  Recreating her costume would allow Maya to get into character while allowing her physical liberty that a woman of the period would not have enjoyed.

In the end the little Vulcan chose an outfit consisting of a long black jacket worn over a white blouse.  A red bowtie was around the high crimped collar at her throat.  Over that she wore a pink loosely knit scarf.  A long black dress stretched down to the ankles, revealing black shoes with warble heels.  A black boater hat decorated with flowers and berries was placed above her long narrow face over her onyx black hair.  Maya’s hands were somewhat oversized for her short slender frame, and the white gloves she wore made them appear even larger.  The replicator also provided a black umbrella topped with the distinctive green parrot’s head handle that could also be used as a walking stick to navigate the cobbled streets of the period. 

Maya received her fair share of stairs as she made her way from her quarters to the turbolift and then out into the corridors of Deck 21, but one of the advantages of being a Vulcan was being able to maintain one's poise and sense of dignity without feeling self-conscious.  Of course, such a reaction negated the entire point of the diversion.  The entire point of spending time on the holodeck in a historical fantasy setting was finally relax one’s mesiofrontal cortex and allow oneself to actually feel something.

Walking down the corridor known as “holodeck hall” wasn’t so bad, even if she did have to step around the cordoned off construction zones and the workers who were still repairing the damage the ship had suffered during the Theurgy’s first encounter with the Asurians and the Savi.  Six out of eight of the Theurgy’s holodecks were on Deck 21, so the sight of a shipmate dressed in an outlandish costume seldom invited comment on this deck.  And speaking of the sight of a shipmate, Maya’s large hazel eyes spotted Petty Officer Eliska Bremmer standing before the massive doors leading into Holodeck Eight.

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #1
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Doc M.

Holodeck time was at a premium, and to have a better crack at getting in line, Bremmer had put out an invitation for others to join her.  She remembered the particular joy of having Mariner of all people try to haul her for war games and reenactments of battles where his ancestors supposedly fought, and Marquez, he loved his various historical reenactment of battles as well.  And of course, all of them were post-industrial, or even post-spaceflight.  How those two maniacs could actually enjoy a scenario where being shot at was a central element, she had no idea; but then again, neither of them had spent the Dominion War fighting mostly on the ground, with station assaults and boardings to break up the routine.  Now if they had agreed to go back to proper battles, those of the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries, she would have happily joined in, especially if they'd been willing to entertain the ones from her people's homeland rather than the more popular ones of the Hundred Year War...

And finding time to play with the science fiction she had grown up with had been a rare pleasure.  But, with this time to rest, she had a chance to do just that and she had been pointed towards a style that reminded her of HG Wells and Jules Verne when she had heard of it; steampunk was the name, and it was meant to be an interactive holonovel, not one where the participants were effectively on rails. 

So, she had prepared for it and even replicated a costume for the purpose that had very little to do with Victorian female fashion.  She wore tight doeskin riding breeches and tall boots, and over a simple shirt she had not bothered to get a collar for, she wore a vest and a leather greatcoat; on her head was  hat, also leather, worn at a jaunty angle and the right side of the brim rolled up.  And, of course, around her neck hung the obligatory goggles, in this case a style that was apparently popular among Mensur duellists in Germany.  As for the accessories, she would get those replicated; apparently, even weapons that were meant solely for holodeck use were frowned upon as well.  Oh well, she already had a rough idea what she wanted...

Eliska had not been at the door long when her companion arrived.  Truth be told, she had no real idea of who was coming; she had only gotten a notification someone was willing to share the holodeck with her and had not bothered to read the message further. But, he petite woman in full Victorian regalia, complete with an umbrella of all things, was a dead giveaway.  "Well, good evening!" she called out.  "I, uh, hope you read up on what we're doing?"

There was something about the flowing skirts and he hat complete with flowers that just looked like she did not really know what she was getting into." 

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #2
[ Maya | Corridors| Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet

”Why yes I have,” Maya replied with a little curtsey.  ”If I am interpreting the genre properly, ‘steampunk’ is a variant of science fiction based on themes and technologies accessible to Victorian England on Old Earth,” she continued as she tilted her head left.  ”The speculative fiction and technology to explored must be that available to your 19th century writers.  A steam powered vehicle would be appropriate, but a nuclear powered one is not.  Since so many innovations in your twentieth century had their roots in the previous one this is not as limiting as it sounds, and pseudoscience from the period is not only allowable but encouraged.”  

”I suspect that I am over simplifying, but I am sure I will absorb the subtleties as we go along,” the little Vulcan added as she appraised Eliska’s costume.  Her large hazel eyes narrowed as she leaned forward tilted her head from side to side as she searched for the theme of the taller woman’s clothing choice before she straightened her posture again and calmly announced her conclusion.  ”Now I understand.  One of us has to play the male role.  I suppose that as the most experienced role-player it is reasonable that it should be you.”  Maya’s eyes met Eliska’s as the little Vulcan became more animated, gesturing with the hand that wasn’t holding the umbrella.  ”Will be using pseudonyms?  If so, do we choose our names or are we playing specific characters?  Is this a linear holonovel or a free choice interactive simulation?”

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #3
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Doc M.

Eliska fairly started.  Did the diminutive Vulcan just... curtsy?  That was something she'd never even expected to see all right.  Seeing her in full Victorian garb was already enough of a shock, but that kind of mannerism was completely out of character for the species.  But the clinical description of the steampunk genre, thought somewhat narrow and rather purist, was most definitely within the frame of what could be expected from one of them.  Almost to the point that it could take the magic out of what was coming.  But she did not appear to have read up much on the scenario; if she'd had...

And the following questions led credence to her not having taken too much time to explore the listing for holodeck partners.  But then again, it might be little more than a curious experiment for a Vulcan... 

"Uuuhhh," the Human started as she considered everything. "Well, first of all it is a fully interactive simulation, and we can use our own names... and genders, and our roles depend on what we feel like doing within the confines of the adventure..."  Now, Bremmer was used to getting misjudged at first glance.  On initial meeting, there were plenty who doubted she was really Security, let alone capable; after all, she hardly fit the mold of the stereotypical Security type.  And did the little Vulcan mean anything about taking the male role?  What had she heard of her?  It was not because she would often choose female bed partners and could kick ass with the best of them that she was butch...

But, a deep breath later, she let that slide, chalking it up to the typical Vulcan lack of understanding of human foibles and general tactlessness.  "We're going to board to HRISS Rataje, a nuclear-powered airship, on a dangerous long-haul flight from Kolonowskie to Kamerich, crossing the supposedly neutral airspace of the Veronese Republics, but we'll be entirely too close to the Magyar Confederacy for comforts.  The simulation will include harsh weather, Savoyard privateers, options for on-board interactive missions, the works.  It's meant for  lot of standalone adventures, or a longer campaign.  You might want warmer clothes... and to have the holodeck provide you with a gun or three, I know I will..."

And now, with some luck, she would not have to explain the utterly fictional land they would be dealing with, even if the names and nature of the polities they would be dealing with were drawn and inspired from Earth's history...

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #4
As Eliska spoke, the little Vulcan clasped her hands around the parrot head of her umbrella handle, cocked her head to right and fixed the petty officer with an unblinking Doctor Maya clasped her hands and cocked her head to the side while staring at the . This was supposed to let the counselor know that she was giving Ayeka her undivided attention, but in reality it was slightly unnerving.  Maya believed that would let whoever was speaking to her know that they had her undivided attention but in reality she usually came off as strange.  

”So we travel to and from our adventures in an airship,” Maya confirmed as she used the handle of her umbrella to make a left-and-right gesture.  ”I assume that our airship is based on the zeppelin?  I understand that the zeppelin is a staple of the alternate history genre between your second and third world wars,” she commented with all of the confidence of someone who has read articles about a subject they have never experienced.  ”Are our characters part of a military or are we members of an ‘adventurers club’.  I understand that nearly everyone in Victorian England were members of a club.  Are we part of a club?”                       

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #5
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Doc M.

And the questions kept coming.  Questions that would have easily been answered through a bit more research in the scenario, which led Eliska to believe this was no conventional Vulcan to be so unprepared.  Or questions Bremmer herself could not answer, because 'Victorian England' was as foreign to her as the far side of the Gamma Quadrant, or the suburbs of Paris. "Look, I really don't know, but if the description recommended warm clothes, something tells me there will  be wide open decks.  As for club or military, no idea.  Let's just... enjoy the ride, all right?"

With that said, Bremmer activated the program and stepped through the door to the holodeck, which showed a fairly bare antechamber with a thoroughly modern terminal encased in a wooden frame, much like a antique cash register, and she started plugging in a few commands.  And before long, two belts appeared.  One bore something that had a passing resemblance with a the Winchester 1858 cartridge conversion revolver, and the other a knife with a broad, two-foot blade and a ten inch dagger.  Looking at the panel again,  few more buttons were pushed and something like the unholy spawn of a revolver and a lever-action shotgun appeared, and a thoroughly dainty pocket pistol. 

Strapping both belts around herself, Bremmer retrieved the shotgun, and handed the Vulcan the purse-popper.  "Here you go.  Shall we get in?"

Stepping through the inner door, Eliska found herself buffeted by cold winds, and the deck was gently swaying beneath her feet.  Well, a zeppelin this certainly was not! 

The Holy Roman Imperial Sky Ship Rataje was a thousand foot long matter of steel, brass and glass, shaped very much like a seagoing vessel fitted with... things.  Fore, aft and amidships were enormous propellers generating momentum, while the hull was studded with what looked like steel balloons.  Maybe that was what provided lift?  In the middle of the upper decks was the ship's conning tower, topped with a large glass blister where the bridge had to be located, and the deck was awash with passengers, from the obviously wealthy, to the sort what obviously belonged in steerage. 

Now, this would be fun!

Re: Day 05 [2000 hrs.] Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #6
[ Maya | Holodeck 08 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet

"Look, I really don't know, but if the description recommended warm clothes, something tells me there will be wide open decks.  As for club or military, no idea.  Let's just... enjoy the ride, all right?"

”Oh yes, of course, my apologies,” Maya replied with a respectful nod.  ”I was under the impression that you had programmed today’s diversion yourself.  I was not aware that this was a prewritten so as not to spoil the surprise.”

Eliska nodded and started the program.  The doors slid open to reveal a vestibule that apparently served as the ‘menu screen’ for today’s simulation.  In the place of the standard holodeck arch the controls were placed in an archaic brass and wooden frame as befitted the genre.  The off duty security specialist used it to replicate some holographic period weapons and two weapon’s belts complete with baldrics with which to carry them on her person. 

Maya raised an eyebrow.  She had no idea that today’s holo adventure would be such a combat heavy scenario.  Perhaps it was one of those ‘jungle explorer’ scenarios where one was expected to bring along one’s own weapons instead of picking them up as the story progressed.  As Eliska slung the baldrics over her shoulder and fastened her buckles Maya glanced over the taller woman’s shoulder at the console and the wooden weapons tray that had appeared beside it to see what weaponry the petty officer had in mind for her. 

"Here you go," Eliska said as she handed Maya a small dainty pistol that could be easily concealed.  "Shall we get in?"           

”One moment,” Maya murmured as she stepped past Eliska to operate the console.  She placed her umbrella on the empty weapons tray before placing the pistol in a pocket on the inside of her long dark coat.  ”Computer, initiate holographic modifications to my umbrella, program Maya 34J,” she instructed.  A low electronic hum could be heard while golden glowing lines played across the surface of the parrot handled umbrella.  Maya made a little satisfied ”hm” noise and plucked the umbrella off the tray and examined the handle.

In the meantime, a cool draft came into the room as Eliska opened the inner door.  Maya wrapped her scarf more snugly around her neck and closed her jacket before stepping through to join her.

Maya blinked as she was momentarily disoriented by the icy winds and movement of the deck beneath her.  She and her new friend were aboard the HRISS Rataje and so were the holographic representations of a number of people that were no doubt characteristic of the alternate historical period that had been created.  The simulated people were all Terrans of course, but the variety in social class and relative wealth made it seem like they represented a selection of character types for someone to play in this imaginary world.  Maya made a mental note of what people were wearing before noticing that the Rataje was not a typical ocean going steamship of yore.  The titanic propellers and steel spheres could have provided the archaic science fiction element to the skyship but in truth, for all the little Vulcan knew flying ocean liners like this one may have actually existed at some point in Earth’s past.

”You were right; I suppose I do need warmer clothing,” Maya admitted as stepped through the holographic crowd to stand at Eliska’s side, ”but if we are passengers aboard this simulated sky liner I can always change in our cabin.”

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #7
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Doc M.

As the ship dipped and rocked under her feet and the wind buffeted her, Eliska let out a peal of clear laughter.  This was magnificent.  Her father had introduced her to various strains of science fiction when she was growing up, and those books she had read had never really prepared her for the reality of holodecks.  The first time, she'd been unable to even take part in the simulation for excitement.  And even now, it still amazed her. 

Well, one could take the girl out of the backwater but in a lot of ways, one couldn't take the backwater out of the girl.  Recreational holodeck usage always did this to her.  She couldn't help herself when she threw her arms up and shouted three words. "This is awesome!"

The wind, the cold, the movement, the crowds. This was certainly going to be great piles of fun.  And if would seem the little Vulcan was also drinking in the sights.  But she looked more like she was watching a documentary than enjoying a holonovel projected by the most advanced suite in Federation space. "We certainly are passengers here.  If you'll check your bag, you should find our cabin assignment, the keys, and a few other goodies, like a ship's map.  But a map's really no fun.  How about we walk around instead?  Explore the hard way?"

Re: Day 05 [2000 hrs.] Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #8
[ Maya | Holodeck 08 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @CanadianVet

”Yes, we can navigate our way around like in the days of old,” Maya agreed with the understated enthusiasm of a  bad actress.  ”With only a map manufactured with wood pulp and an electronic global positioning system, just as our ancestors did in the days of yore.”

Maya paused to raise an eyebrow when she noticed the discrepancies between what the simulated passengers were wearing and what every period movie and historical period about Earth’s 19th and 20th centuries had informed her about the era’s fashion.  Many of the counterfeit crowd was wearing.  Despite the Victorian and Neo-Victorian aesthetic that dominated their style, many of them also wore accoutrements and accessories that seemed to be clunk but portable apparatuses, or parts of apparatuses, made of brass, leather and iron.

While Eliska led the way, the little Vulcan continued to walk behind her human friend because the holographic crowd made it impossible to walk side by side with her.  Whenever Eliska stopped, the greenblooded physician was able to stand at her side and ask a question.  And ever the inquisitive stereotype of her pointy eared people, Maya certainly did have questions, but that was understandable considering that this scenario was from a genre that didn’t really exist on her planet.  Fortunately, when she served as the ship’s doctor aboard the 22nd century starship Discovery, she had watched a lot of movies in an attempt to become familiar with Terran popular culture and assimilate herself within a crew of Earthlings. 

”Is there a backstory that I should be familiar with or will each interactive scenario provide the necessary amount of exposition during the narrative?” she asked politely. 

Re: SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #9
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Doc M.

Eliska was grinning while she looked at the holo-characters in this odd piece of fiction, and she almost didn't catch on to the Vulcan's question about a plotline. She paused and thought for a moment, but realised she had been too excited to actually pay attention to the finer points of the program's story.

"Actually, I think I might need to review the finer points of it. Let's ask the computer once we reach our accomodations, shall we?" Eliska enjoyed the scenery and the atmosphere of the skyship far too much to ruin it with asking Thea right there in the crowd. Of course, she knew that the passengers wouldn't actually react to Thea's answer, but her own immersion would be ruined. No, she preferred to sort it out when she and Maya were alone.

Soon, they descended below decks, and headed to where they believed their quarters were. Still giddy with the promise of the program, she remembered that Doctor Maya had done something to her umbrella. While the overhead lights in the corridor washed over them with every step, she turned to make her query.

"Hey, what did you do to that thing?"


Re: Day 05 [2000 hrs.] Fictitious Past Futures

Reply #10
[ Maya | Corridor Below Decks | HRISS Rataje | Holodeck 08 | Deck 21 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

”This?” Maya asked as he held up her umbrella with the parrot-headed handle up.  ”I added a sonic screwdriver to handle of my umbrella like the kind Harry Potter uses in the literature of the time,” she explained as got the literary references completely wrong and unknowingly didn’t even make an allusion to the proper century.  She opened up the beak of the parrot-headed handle to reveal that the interior was now coated with an azure crystal lining.  ”Although such a device doesn’t exist in reality, on the holodeck it will be capable of a number of different functions that will border on high fantasy.  It wouldn’t do to participate in a science fiction simulation without an appropriate ‘gadget’,”she concluded as she made air quotes with two of her fingers leaving the other three to grasp the umbrella.

As the two women made their way through the relatively cramped brass and wooden corridor below decks, they encountered a soldier wearing a formal uniform, for his colorful garb was too intricate and decorated to be for field use.  That the mustached man was a soldier and not a bellhop or a maître d'hôtel was made obvious by the brass and wooden sidearm he had on his hip and the elaborate ceremonial helmet he wore.  ”A thousand pardons,” he apologized gallantly as he stepped aside for Eliska and Maya.  He then froze and stared at them in disbelief.

Following him were two women of obvious means wearing fashionable clothing for the mid-19th century.  Linen high collared blouses, short jackets with full puffy sleeves, long full skirts, elaborate wide brimmed hats decorated with feathers and berries, the works.  Clutched in their kidskin gloved hands were parasols that matched the color scheme of their outfits.  The shorter one wearing the green outfit blinked her large hazel eyes and exclaimed ”Look your excellency it is quite uncanny!  Two peas in a pod!”

The second woman who about three inches taller, exclaimed ”You’re right Mora, they look just like us!  What are the odds?”

Sure enough the two women’s faces were near perfect recreations of that Maya and Eliska.  Their hair was arranged differently;  the two holographic duplicates tresses were piled up on top of their heads forming an effective barrier between their scalps and their hatpins.  Their makeup was different; for starters the holographic women were actually wearing some.  But other than that the two women looked just like the two shipmates.

”Good heavens, where are my manners?” the one that resembled Eliska smiled as she carelessly tapped her bosom.  ”Countess Andromeda Shadowborne of Schwabia,” she greeted Eliska warmly as she extended a gloved hand, ”and this is Lady Mora Mordenhiem.  How do you do?”

Maya blinked twice before glancing at Eliska.  ”This must be the plot,” she mused thoughtfully.


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