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Topic: Day 04 [1715 hrs.] Shift Ends, Work Starts (Read 2812 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 04 [1715 hrs.] Shift Ends, Work Starts

Shift ends, work starts

STARDATE 57567.04
MARCH 14, 2381
1715 HRS.

[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Hallway to Kaylons quarter | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1]
Attn: @Revan

The hallway was almost completely repaired when the blue eyed Trill strolled along the way to his quarter. Since he have set the priority of his quarter one over the most others on the deck he was able to delight a relaxing shower in his own quarter after his shifts. Not that he hasn’t took a shower in the last days but the comfort of the shared showers were not even close to the comfort of an own. “I could maybe continue to read this one fantasy novel since I haven’t had time to do so during the last week.” He thought when he saw out of the window.

He followed the slight curve of the corridor till he arrived at his quarter. The Trill saw that the door to the shuttle bay was wide open and the control console left of it had an obvious malfunction, again. “It’s not your problem… but otherwise it could become yours if the Lieutenant Commander would figure it out that you have just ignored it. Starfleet Order 1604. I guess I should simply repair it.” Kaylon thought during he glanced to the console.

After a few seconds he snorted and began moving his feet to the console. It was like he could saw the amount of leisure time shrank in front of his eyes. He knelt down ahead of the console and removed the plate under the display to see what has happened here. A bunch of cable were hanging all across the inside and some had lost connection. Since his equipment was down in the engineering rooms he needed to get some tools from the tool locker in the shuttle bay ops.

[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1]

As he went around the corner he spotted a young female human with black hair. It was Lieutenant Junior Grade Garcia from the white wolves. It was a while ago since he have last saw her, not that this was very unusually, since he had not much contact with the fighter pilots in the past nor the wish to have it in the future. The most of them were a little bit to aggressive in Kaylons mind.

She stood in the shuttle bay ops and saluted when Kaylon entered the ops to get some tools from the locker: “At ease, Lieutenant JG. I’m not on duty right now. I’m just wanna take one of the tool sets to repair the console around the corner cause it looks like the discriminator circuit have suffered a little bit.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #1
[Lt.JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1 ] Attn: @DaValle

Alessia had spent the last hour helping out the shuttle bay crews check the shuttles, having been asked for her opinion on their current condition as a pilot and if anything could be adjusted or improved upon. Not that Alessia figured that there would be, the crews knew how to do their jobs and generally kept them in running order and flying smoothly, but she'd had time to kill and nothing else to do so figured what the hell. "Consider it my good deed for the day." she had thought at the time.

She had just finished up when she heard the door hiss open and turned to see one of the Engineers enter. She didn't recognise him but she had spotted the Lieutenant pips on his collar and snapped off a salute. Dropping it and relaxing her stance when he informed her that he wasn't on duty.

"Thank you sir. So off duty but the work never ends huh? One thing I can't say have to deal with too much as a pilot." She smiled as she took a step to the side so that he could get to the locker behind her. "Will you need any help dealing with that issue Lieutenant? I'm not the world's greatest engineer but I'll assist in anyway I can if you need it."

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #2
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1]

While he was moving to the locker he responded with a grin on his face: “Oh, first of all don’t call Lieutenant while I’m off duty. During this time I’m Kaylon or handsome Kay. Not that anyone has ever called me that way but, well, you could start it.” The Trill pulled a small box out of the locker and turned his head back to the pilot. “And secondly I would enjoy a helping hand for sure, since that would decrease the time I have to work on the console.” During the time the Trill talked he went to the door of the ops but stopped there for a second: “I don’t guess that you have to know much about these consoles to help me with it.” Kaylon waited for the pilot and after that they moved to the demolished console.

“So that’s the console we’ve got to handle.” Kaylon laid the box next to the console on the ground and turned his head to Alessia: “My part is to reconfigure the cabling and yours is to interrupt the power supply to the console during this time.” The blue eyed man knelt down and smiled to the pilot. When he began recognizing the slightly confused expression on her face Kaylon added: “No panics. You just have to use the console there and start the interruption when I’m giving the signal.” The Trill pointed on a console five meters away of the door: “You see that’s not a task for two but since this console is so far away from the door and I’m quite lazy today it would take much longer than it should.” Kaylon opened the plate of the console again and pulled a hyperspanner out of the tool box.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #3
[Lt.JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1 ] Attn: @DaValle

Alessia watched the engineer as he made his way across to the locker and chuckled at what he said/ [Colour=lightskyblue]"Fair enough, but I think I'll stick to Kaylon for now since I don't think Handsom Kay will start to trend with just the two of us around, when we're around other people though...I suppose I could call you it if you really want it to start trending."[/color] She replied with a grin of her own, watching him as he retrieved a small box from the locker and turned back to her, nodding when he said that he would gladly have some help. "Makes sense, nobody wants to spend too long working on something when they aren't on duty. the pilot replied as she followed him towards the door. "Well you're the Engineer so you would know better than I would, just tell me what I need to do." She added as they moved over to the console.

Alessia watched and listened as Kaylon pointed out the console and explained what they needed to do, frowning slightly in confusion at what he was saying, the tech talk going slightly over her head, but listened carefully as he went into greater detail and nodded. ""Right so basically go over to the console, and push a button when you tell me to." She replied with a nod and a smirk "I think I can manage that." Making her way over to the console, she took her position at it. "So I have quick reactions but just to be safe how long do I have between you telling me to interrupt the power and doing it? Last thing I want to do is mistime it and get you electrocuted."

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #4
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Hallway | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1] Attn: @Revan

“Ehh… Well thanks, that’s kindly. I don’t wanna kill you neither. Oh and don’t panic about the reaction time you’ve got. I haven’t got fast reactions nor expect you to have such.” With an overacted happy voice he added: “I guess we’ll be a perfect team.”

Kaylon threw the spanner in the air and tried to catch it with his hand. He still thought that this would looked good but what he hasn’t thought about was that you have to be able to catch the object you’re going to throw in the air. Since he was never a talented catcher he closed his hand a second to early and the spanner fell on the ground. He immediately grabbed the spanner “If I find out that you’re telling this anyone…” In the moment he raised a warning finger, he recognised that he has nothing to threaten her, since she could definitely beat him in a brawl. To save his ass he rapidly added: “Well, then I’ve found out that you have told this to anyone and I would be probably fine with it.”

To change the topic of this dialogue Kaylon started to hold the spanner at the first spot of the console. Turning his head to the pilot he commanded: “Okay interrupt the power supply now.” She does so and Kaylon started to connect the first two cables. A few seconds later he ordered Alessia to bring the power supply back online.

The black haired woman does as ordered and suddenly a pained scream came from Kaylon.

Alessia reacted immediately on his scream but even before she could help Kaylon, the Trill started to laugh. “It’s just like I’ve mentioned.” He said with a broad smile on his face. “I don’t expect fast reactions because my hand was out of danger even before your finger have touched the console.” At the moment he saw her reaction, he started to reconsider his joke.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #5
[Lt.JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1 ] Attn: @DaValle

Alessia couldn't help but smirk at his comment about not expecting her to have fast reactions. "You don't expect me to have fast reactions? I am a fighter pilot you know, having quick reactions is kind of a job requirement, I just like to know how much time I've got just in case. Although I will say it is nice to know you don't want to kill me either." She chuckled, which turned into full blown laughter when he threw the spanner in the air and failed to catch it. Through her fits of laughter she managed to hear him say something about telling anybody and shook her head and held her hands up. Still smiling as she shook her head. "My lips are sealed...if I had a holovid of that however, different matter entirely."

When the engineer turned his attention to the console the pilot knew it was time to get to work and glanced down at the console, seeing what button she had to press and hovered a finger over it waiting for his order to interrupt the power, hitting the button interrupt it less than half a second after he had told her too. "Done." she told him, flicking her gaze up to watch him and hitting the button again to bring the power back on when she was told too.

"Fuck!" She cursed, hearing his scream but even with her reactions, she wouldn't make it to him in time, not that it turned out she needed too when he started laughing causing her to narrow her eyes at him. If he had never seen a pissed off Latina woman before, he was about too. "Not funny pendejo." she said before launching into a string of Spanish curse words before shaking her head. "You know I'm going to get you back for that one day." She finally said after the cursing had stopped, a slow, evil grin forming on her face.

OOC: pendejo = Stupid

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #6
[Lt. JG Kaylon Jeen | Hallway | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1]

Attn: @Revan

What was a laugh on Kaylons face rapidly changed to an ashamed expression. He did normally nothing like that or at least not I case that the other one didn’t knew about his kind of humour. The black haired woman still cursed at him and he slowly began wondering if the translator simply gave up on some of the expressions or did Alessia just used words the translator didn’t want to translate.

In the end she stopped with her cursing and said that she would get him back for that. “I have to say that this joke sounded quite more funny in my head." He began to apologize: "On the other side the idea of working on this console instead of going off-duty came from the same origin. I should probably ignore some of the ideas from my mind, or?” That was the way his dad have thought Kaylon to react after a situation like this. Get the other ones mind off the old problem by starting a ridiculous new topic. Even if he or she was going to ignore your new topic, you maybe get more time to escape.

His apologize had maybe not the hoped for result but at least Kaylon didn’t had to ran away now. Better so, since he wouldn't had a real chance to get rid of her. But still Kaylon thought that she was just a few words away from killing him. Due to this he decided to gather all of his charismatic and diplomatic skills for a last try to calm the situation. He breathed in and then opened his eyes to glance at the pilot. With a seductive smile on his face he softly almost whispered: “Hey...”

Even before Alessia could have reacted to this, Kaylon had fallen down on his knees and held his hands up in front of his face. He was stuttering in a completely overreacted way: “Not in my face!”

You’ve got the memories of 200 years in your head, the experience of three other Trills and your own but this is the only idea you came up with?
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #7
[Lt.JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1 ] Attn: @DaValle

After she had finished cursing, Alessia allowed the man to speak as she listened to him begin to explain himself, she at least would give him that opportunity. It didn't mean she wouldn't plot some kind of revenge prank at some point in the future however, time would tell on that. "It really does say something about you that in your head pretending to get electrocuted in front of someone you've only just met would be considered funny." she countered. "Depends on the idea. Fixing the console: Good idea. Pretending to get electrocuted: Bad idea. At the very least you might want to consider that just because you think it's funny that the person you're doing it to might not agree and what said person might do to you in retaliation." "

Not that the pilot would admit it to him but his reasoning was fair enough as to why he did it. She'd known other people like that in her life and maybe just maybe she had done a few similar herself but it was the principle of the thing. Alessia watched as he closed his eyes for a moment and took a breath before opening them again, seeing a seductive smile appear on his face as he whispered softly to her.

Arching her eyebrow she could only watch as he dropped to his knees and held his hands up in front of his face, over-dramatically stuttering about not getting him in the face, despite the fact she hadn't taken a step towards him. Oh she knew he was trying to be funny to break the tension  and get back on her good side. Truthfully she'd already forgiven him after she'd gotten over the original shock of seeing him potentially fried right in front of her but he clearly assumed she was still mad at him and that would be her revenge.

"Now you're just embarssing yourself, good thing it's only us here." She said. "Besides I'm not going to get you back here and now, it's too soon. You're expecting it. No I'll have my revenge later, when you least expect it. Not today, not tomorrow but one day. It could be six months from now, a year. Could be after this is all over and you're serving on another ship. Maybe I know some people on that ship and I get them to prank you instead, you'll never know." She added, keeping the "I'm going to kill you" look on her face a few more seconds before bursting out laughing and shaking her head.

"Relax I forgive you. That still wasn't funny though." she told him before nodding towards the console "So I take it that's fixed now?"

Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #8
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Hallway | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1] Attn: @Revan

Kaylon waited for her response with inexplicable fear and the ridiculous checks of the hallway for possible ways to get out of here. He knew it was at least unlikely that the pilot would did something. In the end the releasing words came out of her mouth but they were followed by something that sounded more and more like a threat for him.

Wait, did I get threaten here by a lower ranked crewmember? Kaylon thought when she hold her little monologue. I should probably switching off the gravity in the showers when she’s going to use them in the future. After some seconds Kaylon begun to forget about the present of Alessia and the fact that she was still talking with him. Adding to his thought he said: “I should probably bear that in mind.” He got brought back to their conversation when he heard that she meant that he should relax and he wasn’t funny anyway but the only thing he figured out was that she hasn’t recognised that he hasn’t listen to her. Better so, since he wasn’t actually sure how he should get out of that mess.

When she nodded to the console and asked if they were finished now Kaylon turned his head back to the little origin of this whole problem. “The console has still some flaws but at all it should work now. Or at least until someone will use it again in the wrong way and I don’t know how you could do it and don’t want to figure it out either.” The box on the ground caught his eye and he added: “Well but this tool-box still needs to get back to the locker in the bay ops.” He turned around back to the pilot: “And since you have to go back anyway.” He glanced at the tools, then back to the pilot. In the end he meant: “It would be very kindly if you take the box back to the locker.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.


Re: SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts

Reply #9
[Lt.JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Shuttle Bay Ops | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy | Vector 1 ] Attn: @DaValle

Alessia had to admit that she was rather enjoying the way the Engineer was checking the hallway for escape routes, it was rather amusing to her. Even more so considering the fact he did outrank her. The fact the difference between a Lieutenant Junior Grade and a full Lieutenant wasn't a big one, it was still a higher rank. "Relax LT I'm only joking with you. While I wasn't too thrilled with that little prank, you damn near gave me a heart attack after all I didn't mean the rest of it, I can assure you you're perfectly safe with me." she smiled.

The pilot followed his gaze to the console and nodded at his explanation "Well that's good to know. I'm sure the people who use that thing frequently will appreciate the mysterious stranger who fixed their console for them." she replied as he turned back to face her. She listened as he mentioned the tool box and the implied "Would you take this back for me." sentence that came with the glance between it and her and nodded. "Sure thing LT, not a problem. she answered as she crossed the short distance from her position to the box and picked it up.

Glancing back at the Trill, she gave him a warm smile "It was nice to meet you Lieutenant." she told him and she did mean it, even with the whole fake electrocution thing, he seemed like a good guy, albeit one with a questionable sense for humour at times.


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