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Topic: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift (Read 7557 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift

Reply #25
[ Sinead O'Riley | Outside Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada
Even Sinead would admit that she took satisfaction in leaving Morgan breathless, but she had the forethought to keep that bit to herself, for now. She was of the opinion that she was mundane by Bringloidi or New Mariposan standards. She saw the way his eyes went over her, her face, features, and her attire. Of course, she realized he would eventually be more interested in what's beneath the dress. What she wore only served to add on to the imagery of a flower in bloom, and the time was coming where she would be shedding it. That was what she imagined he thought or considered.

“Thank ye,” was the simple, breathy reply. She felt mildly excited by the prospect of what was to come, and also by the fact that they were using the Holodeck. She always loved using Holodecks. “I think ye look perfect th' way ye are.” She shamelessly rand her palm over his chest, slowly moving her hand lower, over his abdomen, feeling the firm build beneath his uniform. She abruptly pulled back before she emboldened herself to go any further while they were still outside of the Holodeck. Besides, she was curious as to what scenery he would have picked for their rendezvous.

Smiling at him, she turned to enter the holodeck, and her breath was taken away by the beauty before her. It was still much too bright for her liking, but she did her best not to squint too much. “It is beautiful,” she said softly, “Where is this?”

She could feel the coolness of the air, the scent of pine, which was a smell she learnt of when she was brought to New Mariposa. This was a lovely locale. She was willing to bet it had caves.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift

Reply #26
[ PO1 Morgan Song | Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Triage

Morgan too was excited over the prospect of what was to come, and that excitement was piqued by Sinead's next action, which was to run her hand over his chest and his abdomen. Morgan's breathing began to quicken slightly as his heart raced, the implications of this action exciting him significantly. "Thank you," He said, as she complimented his appearance, as a smile graced his lips. The shameless display and the fact that she didn't mind his uniform only endeared Sinead to Morgan more. As she stepped through the holodeck archway, he followed suit.

"It is beautiful," Sinead said softly, "Where is this?"

Staring at the vista he selected, he walked up behind her, keeping his hands to himself despite the shameless display just prior. Morgan stood towering over Sinead, and as he looked around he said simply, "It's a program I created some time ago when I was aboard the USS Profundity." He stepped around Sinead and proceeded further into the program, the pine needles muffling his footsteps. "It was originally from an adventure I planned on making for my friends, about colonists on a planet I made up called Auriga." He said, backing up and sweeping his arms wide. "It was going to have dangers and adventures and intrigue, but now it's mostly just scenery." Morgan grinned. "What do you think?" he asked. "Do you like it?"

OOC: Sorry about the brevity of the post, it's mostly Morgan talking about the program and such, I didn't really have much.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift

Reply #27
[ Sinead O'Riley | Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada
Though her back was now turned to him, Sinead remained acutely aware of Morgan's actions and presence, enjoying the feel of his closeness. When he was behind her, by her estimates, she thought he was going to place his hands on her shoulders, but he didn't. She rather wished that he did. Her disappointment showed on her face far better than she wanted to let on. She was due for more meditating, she realized, before she lost her focus and her emotions would take over again. She did her best to stem her growing loss of control. For Morgan.

“ it,” said Sinead, briefly hesitating, wondering if she was allowing too much passion to show, “ye made this world then? 'Tis amazing.”

She concentrated on him, fixing him with her steely-blue eyed gaze, and he drew closer to him, an occasional tremble was obvious, as she felt her desire growing. But she had an idea, one that would probably give him a bit of a culture lesson, and also a moment he wasn't going to forget for a long time to come. “Do ye have caves here? And a river? There be somethin' I woul' like t'share with ye, if ye like.”

She knew what they were here for, and she wasn't going to disappoint, but she wanted it to be perfect, hopefully for both of them. And like with Pon Farr, she reckoned such an activity would keep her mind off anything else but what was happening before them. She lightly rested her palms against his pecs, her fingertips lighting on fire when they connected against the fabric of his uniform. She wanted to see him outside of it, just as she was sure he'd like to see her outside of her dress.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift

Reply #28
[ PO1 Morgan Song | Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Triage

Morgan beamed as Sinead appraised the world that he had created. He watched Sinead approach him, trembling, and his heart hammered in his chest, his pulse raced. Morgan felt ready to grab her and take her in his embrace, but fought the urge, and waited for their actions to play themselves out, waited to pace themselves. He too knew what they were there for, and the prospect only served to excite him further. Morgan felt like if his heart beat any further it would leap from his chest and plunge to the holographic ground below.

Then came Sinead's question, and Morgan smiled in response, and took a few steps towards her. "Caves?" He said. "Yes I think so, it's a ways off... I believe there should be a river nearby.... Near the caves that is." He stepped a bit closer, to the point in which they were almost touching. "I'd love to see what you have to share."

Sinead lightly rested his palms upon his pectorals, and he was sure she could feel his racing pulse. The tension between them was so thick one could cut it with a knife if one so deigned to do so. And cut it Morgan did, as he surged forward and grabbed Sinead by the side of her head and placed a kiss on her lips. He bent a shaky knee to bring himself down onto her level to do so. Before long he realized what he was doing and stood again and brushed himself off. "Ehem, uh... Right. The river is not too far this way." Morgan said, as he gestured to the direction of the river and caves. His face began to turn red a bit as he thought about what he had just done.

Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift

Reply #29
[ Sinead O'Riley | Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada
She idly wondered, to take her mind off her growing loss of control over her emotions, whether Morgan considered this to be better than his novels. His heart was beating so fast, and she knew then, his desire to be true, and it matched with hers. “I am confident tha' ye will like i',” said Sinead throatily, her hands traced against his body, feeling his heartbeat, his breathing, hitched with excitement. “I almost be no able t' wai-mmf!” His lips crashed against hers, muffling whatever else she might confess, but she didn't care about that. All she thought was that it was about time. The man took forever to work up any courage to do what she waited for him to do. Then again, Bringloidi were not known for being shy or patient.

She revelled in the taste of him, yearning for more already, but restraining herself for she had something that she knew would leave this memory imprinted in his mind for a long time, if not forever. But until he chose to stop, which she suspected would be soon, she would enjoy the sensations. Her body was on fire, and it took all of her self-control not to give in right there and tear his clothes off him. When he pulled back, her lips were still latching onto his, and her head jutted forward comically, with her lips puckered like a fish, barely stopping herself from stumbling forward. “That be better than anything I have experienced yet thus far,” said Sinead, encouraging the man. She turned to the direction that he pointed and took him by the hand, leading him in his own dreamland, her eyes lit with invitation and promises of things to come.

She admired the man's handiwork, creating a world of adventure, romance and beauty was no small feat. She could hear songbirds, feel the cool breeze tickling any bare skin she left exposed to the weather, and before too long, she heard the familiar sound of a trickling river. When it came into view, it was more beautiful than she had anticipated, and she almost bent down to take a drink, but that would have been the same as drinking tangible air. Looking ahead, she saw the mouth of the cave, and smiled, and she turned back to look at Morgan again, this time her expression was clear excitement. It was just like home! “Computer,” said Sinead, deciding to take a little initiative, “switch t' night time.”

When they got inside the cave, she could see in the dark like it was near daytime, but for Morgan's sake, she'd make it a little brighter, as she wanted him to enjoy what he saw. So she asked for torches to be strategically placed within the cave and lit them. When they were suitably within, with soft old grass and flowers crushed beneath their feet, she turned to face him, her eyes glowing silver under the low light, and without any preamble she began to remove her sandals, stepping out of them in a graceful silky motion of practiced ease, then she undid  the clasp of her cloth belt and skirt, revealing that she was bare beneath, and her womanhood was bald as a rock, her skin creamy and smooth. She paused for a moment, not in hesitation or nervousness, but with her eyes locked on his, she allowed him to enjoy the sight. Reaching behind her with a slightly shaky hand, she undid  the small clasps that held her blouse in place, and the clothing immediately loosened, and she smiled at him kindly, allowing him to tug at either sleeve with slight encouragement from her for him to do so, and she helpfully leaned her body backwards, slipping out of the smooth material, to reveal her bare upperbody, save for the IDIC icon wrapped around her neck, which she realized she hadn't taken off before getting dressed.

As she stood there, without shame or shyness at her complete nakedness, her skin was smooth, soft and warm to the touch, she took her long-sleeved blouse back from him and draped it over her shoulders behind her, so the sleeves wrapped around her neck and the blouse was like a short cloak over her back, and she began to tug at the hems of his uniform, and when he gave his consent, she began to remove the articles of clothing from his person, and she let her delight be shown by kissing any bare skin she exposed on him, slowly, sensuously, all the while, maintaining eye contact as often as possible. “Eyes be th' window t' th' soul, they say,” she spoke languorously, her voice giving promise and affection, “in Bringloidi ways, we no be shy 'bou' our feelin's, as ye now know...” she had finished stripping him down until they were equal in nakedness, and she removed her blouse to wrap the material around him, while she held on to either sleeve, tethering him to her, and she smiled, “When it be time, for such as this, there be nothing but the light of our souls, t' warm us, t' fill wi' life, and t' appreciate one ano'her.”

There was no more need to wait, and she raised up on her tip toes, her breasts and belly pressing against his torso and manhood respectively, as she kissed him, pulling his head down, and she soon had him on the hearth with her, the torches flickering their dim light on their passion and desires. He quickly discovered how very ticklish and responsive she was to light, teasing touches, as she cooperatively moved, be it over him or beneath, she was tireless and passionate, loving and gentle, allowing his hands to roam where they pleased, just as she did to him, until their passions were spent, and they lay in the cool cave, their bodies heaving with breath from explosive arousal and completion. When some time had passed, she pushed herself up by the elbows and turned to fix her glowing eyes on Morgan's, and she reached down to kiss him on the lips, long, slow, and firmly, then she pulled back, and smiled down at him. Happy to stay in his company until the time came for them to dress, and reluctantly leave both the holodeck and one another's company, to return to their duties or to their rest for the night.

Either way, she believed neither of them would be forgetting this moment that they shared. When two bright souls entwined in graceful passion. She only hoped that good things awaited Morgan's future.


Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift

Reply #30
[ PO1 Morgan Song | Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Triage

 "Computer," said Sinead. "switch t' night time."

Morgan was puzzled by this, but went along with it anyway. He assumed it had something to do with Sinead's curious eyes, that reminded him of a time that was, by now, so long ago. As sinead lit torches in the cave, it occurred to Morgan that perhaps Sinead's eyes were sensitive to light. Despite his musings, Morgan's heart hammered in is chest in anticipation. He had already kissed Sinead, a base impulse which had, it seemed, paid off for now. Without any forewarning, Sinead began to remove her sandals, followed very quickly by her skirt. Morgan's eyes drifted downward, to the womanhood betwixt her legs, bare and in the open as it was. But just as suddenly as he had done so, his gaze leaped away. "I..." He stammered, at a loss for words. He had done this sort of thing with people before, but never had the process beforehand been so brazen yet tense. Tense for Morgan at any rate, and yet he could feel something of his stirring.

Just as soon as Sinead had revealed her bare lower half, she undid the small clasps that held her blouse, allowing it to slip away unhindered. With slight encouragement from Sinead, Morgan silently slipped Sinead's blouse off of her. Her bare upper torso slipped out into the torchlight, and the flickering glow from the holographic flames played across her breasts. An IDIC icon dangled upon her chest, glinting in the firelight. Morgan breathed in, taking in the sight. Sinead, meanwhile, hung the sleeves of her blouse around her beck, fashioning it into a sort of cloak for herself. With Sinead's help, Morgan himself began to remove the top of his uniform, unclasping the seal, and removing his uniform undershirt, all the while with Sinead sensually kissing each part that was bared to the air until they were equal in their state of dress, or lack thereof as it was.

And then there was no more need to wait, the two embraced each other in gentle touches and light kisses, a passionate and brazen affair of the heart as the two intertwined. Morgan started slow, started by bending down at Sinead's nethers and placing his face between her thighs and teasing the sensitive folds that lay there. When he was sure Sinead was satisfied by the act, moved his way up her body until his manhood pressed against the delicate lips of her own womanhood. What followed was passionate and gentle, until eventually the two lay there, spent and finished, in the cave.

The light of the fire of the simulated hearth flickered upon their bodies as Sinead reached up and planted a kiss upon Morgan's lips.  It was long, slow, and firm, but then she pulled back and smiled at him, breaking the kiss between her and Morgan. Morgan reached up a hand and gently stroked Sinead's face as she smiled at him. He sighed and smiled back at her, whilst staring into her glowing pools of eyes. He hoped he had been gentle enough with Sinead, hoped that he had been able to provide her the satisfaction that she needed from him, but from what he had heard and seen it seemed that he had indeed. And she had provided the same for him as well. He leaned up and kissed her again, but this time it was he who had initiated the act, and not the other way around.

"Thank you..." Morgan whispered. His voice was calm and soft, and a smile crept across his features. He was content to simply lay there in the cave, in the flickering afterglow, but alas there were duties to attend to. Morgan rolled over and sat up, his naked body covered in a sheen of sweat that ran from head to toe. He felt the floor of the simulated cave on his bare bottom, and made a mental note to decrease the spare grit lying around next time he edited the program. Morgan stood, stretched, and walked over to his uniform which he had discarded in utmost haste. He slowly began to pull on his uniform, his thoughts still giddy from what they had just experienced. "Thank you again... I mean it, this was really special." He said.

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