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Topic: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (Read 9149 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #50
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Daniel nodded as asked for him to show her to his fighter.  He waited for her to grab her things before leading her down the corridor and back out into the fighter bay.  He had always had respect for the mechanics and engineers who kept a ship’s fighters in fighting condition.  It reminded him of his own home, when he had been in training for his people’s aerospace defense group he had seen firsthand how well engineers and pilots worked together.  While on the Resolve he had considered Chief Randall a good friend and a damn fine engineer, the man would truly be missed.

"When did you first start noticing the issue?"

Daniel thought it over in his head; he hadn’t noticed it before the Battle of Starbase 84 so he was pretty certain that it was something he had done during the battle.  “I just noticed it before I came to see you, I’ve seen power fluctuations before but nothing this subtle before.”  Daniel said.  He walked with her over to his fighter, Knight was nowhere to be seen so he must have finished his work and left.  That was fine; he deserved a break after everything that they’d been through.  As she pulled a ladder over and climbed up, Daniel followed suit with the co-pilots’ ladder and watched her from the RIO’s seat.  He must have had a worried look on his face when she commented that he had the best of the best on it.  He wasn’t truly worried more so he felt weird that someone other than Chief Randall would be tending to his fighter for the rest of his career. 

After a few moments of waiting Daniel spoke.  “So what seems to be the issue, is it a quick fix or is it something that will need to be addressed during the upgrade?”  He asked, he hoped that this issue wouldn’t prevent him from flying tomorrow.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #51
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy]

Ji perched on the edge of the cockpit and let her diagnostic systems run a full sweep through the fighter.  It usually returned with anything unusual.  And while it didn't always actually diagnose the problem it would give her enough clues to look for.  She waited for a long moment, it didn't always take a long time it just depended on how low the system was on the diagnostic list.  For a while she surveyed the crew of her Flight Deck.  She supposed that it really belonged to Sten but she had always felt that it was hers in a way.  She definitely had the boys doing what she needed them to do.  She saw some of th men and women working together.  Getting the final maintenance done on most of them.

A chime sounded and she looked down.

Really.. why?

The phaser conduit was getting hot, but she needed to figure out why.  She let the diagnostic continue because there had to be a reason for it.  She watched the screen and waited to see if there was any other systems that had an issue.  She tilted her head as something came up with a malfunction.  That the main plasma conduit was having some kind of leakage issue.  Before she could think about what she wanted to do with it Havenborn was asking her what could be done with it.  She sighed. 

“The main plasma conduit is bleeding it's heat onto your phaser conduit.  Causing it to over heat and not function properly.” 

She came down the main staircase and she looked at her PADD she would want to switch out the main plasma conduit or she would at the very least see if the leak could be fixed.  Though she usually preferred to air on the side of caution and went with replacement when it was something that was important.  Her PADD pinged in her pocket and she pulled it out seeing that she was scheduled to work on a massively damaged fighter that was going to need a great deal of help and soon.  She sighed, thankful it had pinged her since she didn't want to forget that she needed to do that.  She checked her chronometer. 

I need to get to that one. she thought to herself as she let her eyes cast around the flight deck and saw Lawson walking leisurely, hands in his pockets.  She was always needing to tell him to do things he was horrible at self motivation but when he applied himself he could be a great mechanic.  She caught his eyes with her own.  “Lawson!  I got a job for you.”

Because it was what she expected of her men and women he quickly broke into a light jog as he made his way over to her.  He was tall and lanky.  Black hair and dark eyes.  She looked up at him, since he was far taller than her.  “This pilot has an issue with his fighter.  I need you to fix it.  Replace the part if necessary.  His main plasma conduit is leaking heat into the phaser conduit.  We need that fixed ASAP we need this guy ready to go when ever he might be needed.”

“Right!  Course!  Uhhh... yeah.  Let me just go grab my tools.”

Ji rose her brow.  “You're a mechanic on duty, shouldn't you have those on you?”

“Uh yeah, but I had just hit the head, so I put them down.”

Her brow remained where it had risen earlier.  “Hurry.”

“Right!  Yeah!  On it.”

He jogged away and Ji rolled her eyes.  Letting her breath out in a quick release it brushed her bangs out of her face as she logged on her PADD who she was charging with the repair.  PO3 Jin Lawson, Betazoid.  She quickly selected his name and assigned him to the ship, the bay, and the work even detailing the problem.  Lawson came back with his tools as soon as he could and gave a grin.  “Got them.  Okay, uhh yeah.. right.. plasma conduit.”

Ji looked over at Havenborn.  “Should be good pretty quick.” she smiled at him reassuringly.  “I need to check on a badly damaged fighter, let me know if you need anything else.”  she turned and jogged across the bay to the other ship that needed her assistance.  Letting out a low whistle of surprise.


Re: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns

Reply #52
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Vector 2, Deck 16 – Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Daniel nodded as she replied to him about what the cause was.  He was thankful that the problem was a simple fix and that it wouldn’t take too long.  As she called over another tech he assumed that she was getting some help to fix his fighter but then she assigned the tech to do the job himself.  The tech however was a little unorganized and he wasn’t completely sure how much faith he had in his ability to fix his craft but at the moment there was nothing that he could do about it.  Major repair work was beyond his ability but if Chief Ji had faith in this technician then Daniel would trust her judgment.  “Thank you Chief Ji.”  Daniel said as she walked off to take care of another problem.

It was at this moment that he missed Chief Randall.  He had some doubts about this new crew but at least some of them were from the Resolve so there was that.  At least Chief Herrold was the second in command for the hangar bay that was reassuring and with him around he’d definitely make sure that the techs from the Resolve got up to date, because he was sure that none of them had ever seen the Mark-IIIs or those Valravn monstrosities.

As Daniel was standing nearby his fighter watching the tech do his work, Knight walked up to him.  “What’s going on?”  Knight asked him as he watched a technician working on their fighter.  “I thought the retrofit wasn’t taking place until after the away mission.”  He added.  “It still is; this is in connection with the power fluctuation that I had found.”  Daniel replied as Knight nodded.  “Well I’ve looked over the proposed retrofit and from what I can tell it’ll really help Hellcat in overall performance, she may not feel quite the same but she’ll at least be able to keep up with those newer models better than she can now.”  Knight stated.

Daniel looked over at a Mark-III.  “Well even if she doesn’t feel the same, it’s about time she got an upgrade after everything that we put her through to get home.”  Daniel said.  “Do you remember the time that you pranked Chief Randall with the fighter’s warp core breach.  Oh how he was livid and while I thought it was absolutely hilarious I had to punish you in my official duties, you have no idea how hard that was to do.”  Daniel said chuckling alongside his friend.  “Oh I remember; Randall never let me do any sort of maintenance work on the warp core ever again after that.”  Knight said chuckling as he remembered his prank on their old Chief.  “On that note, let’s go raise a glass to our old friend Randall.”  Knight suggested.

“Yes, lets.”  Daniel said as he turned with his friend towards the door of the hangar bay.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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