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Topic: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots (Read 6013 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

[ Deacon | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn  ]

There was something in the fundamental sameness of these Starfleet hallways that weighed uneasily on Deacon's mind.  He'd first noticed it the day before when he'd decided to take an impromptu tour of the vessel that appeared to be his home for the time being.  Nothing in particular met his scrutiny as he struggled to make sense of the lingering discomfort that had settled at the base of his spine and even now sought to claw its way up each and every vertebrae to rake at the back of his mind.  His tail flashed dangerously back and forth out of pace with his stride.

Taking a deep breath, he focused his thoughts on more pleasant recollections, the freshest and most pleasing of those being his encounter with the lithe caitian with whom he'd mated not long ago.  Sure, he'd chastised the monkeys for their sexual proclivities in the lounge, even gone so far as to suspect there may well be something in the nature of the vessel that caused it, but whatever the case, he was thankful for the experience, as unexpected as it was.

K'Ren had even been considerate enough to tend to his more immediate needs as well.  A kzin with a growling stomach was perhaps more terrifying to other sentients than a kzin alone and after so long a fast, his stomach was proving quite vociferous.  She'd also assisted him with another matter that was less troublesome to him than to others -- his attire, or lack there of.  Having departed his last assignment to secret away to Starbase 84, he'd only had the literal robes on his back with which to maintain his modesty so far as Federation standards went.  Since then, he'd given no consideration to their replacement, despite how worn they were becoming and how much the scent of travel had begun to settle into them.

He tugged at the t shirt he now wore, realizing that the sizing was perhaps a bit too small for him, but something she'd assured him could be fixed with a proper fitting and any replicator.  It was ultimately enough for him to be able to leave her quarter without undue attention once they were certain that they'd not been pursued from sickbay following his attack.

Which brought him full circle to his reason for walking these all-too-annoying halls.  K'Ren had directed him to the security centre, thankfully only a few decks from her own quarters, where he could file an appropriate complaint as he was certain was expected, given his experiences the day before.

As the door slid open, he crossed the waiting area and approached the duty station.  "I would like to file a security report," he stated without preamble.

Re: Day 2 [1700 hrs] Connecting the Dots

Reply #1
[ K'Ren | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7  @steelphoenix
K'Ren hadn't expected Deacon/Xander to go straight for security after he left her place, she'd expected him to go to a place that felt familiar and safe, that'd have been her initial reaction, find a safe place on home turf to recover and regain her strength, he'd chosen to go straight to security. While he was certainly on the mend, K'Ren suspected he wasn't as ready to handle these attackers if they struck again, and she felt bad for leaving him alone until she felt he was recovered. The drugs took a good solid day to wear of for her and she suspected his would as well.

Slipping on replicated PT shorts, sports bra (a humanoid thing she disliked but tolerated as per regulations), and a PT shirt, K'Ren tossed the remaining dishes in the replicator and slipped out of her quarters, locking the door with a personal code that few outside of Cait could reproduce, and followed after him.

She didn't run, as that might seem out of place when she was wanting to avoid undue attention, but moved with a brisker then usual pace for her species, hoping to catch up to her mate before he ran into anyone else. She caught a glimpse of tail as he entered security so wasn't too far behind.

Slipping into the security center, these places all looked alike regardless of the ship they were on, maybe the size was different, K'Ren stepped up beside Deacon, taking his hand and giving it a firm squeeze before she placed his arm around her waist. They were both new to this ship and as she was his lover, his K'Ren and his Caitrett, his side was where she belonged. She purred a little as she felt his hand on her hip, the memories of the last hour or so still very fresh in her memory.

"And I am a witness," she remarked, "though I became involved very quickly." she added, knowing there had to be security footage.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #2
ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @steelphoenix[Show/Hide]

Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn@steelphoenix 

More than he'd care to admit it, Ensign Mariner missed being in the thick of things. Jimmy was as at home in a firefight as he was working in the Security Center, it gave him a chance to keep tabs on suspicious activity throughout the ship. Being a certified K9 handler, Jimmy was trustful of only familiar faces and, in Sharky's case, a familiar muzzle. Never far from his standard-issued phaser pistol, Mariner jumped at the opportunity to single out and identify confirmed attackers to his superiors. Otherwise, Mariner knew that without explicit authoriation or compelling evidence, he couldn't just go about showing arresting a cultist and get answers before it was too late. Jimmy needed a break on this case to pursue any leads and get to the cultists before the cultists got to him. Personally, Mariner was more than eager to show a cultist some of Sharky's tricks.

The meeting with Security Chief and his deputy had gone rather well. Mariner had to acclimate to working on a ship with more discipline than on his last posting, where he could stroll around in heavy gear during patrol and parade jogging. Mariner almost already missed the cadence drills and old-fashioned marching songs; there was something to be said about the indulgence in his species' history of soldiering (pronounced 'soul'ja'ing' in his homeland.) and a credit to the Resolve's namesake... but those days ended with last night's tequila, and he was pleased he took an anti-intoxicant with his morning. He expected something with a bigger kick. Maybe Marque pulled a placebo effect... either way, Mariner was clear-eyed when he had been zero'ing on footage of the attackers, He'd made inventory but was keeping an eye on others in the room as much as he did any leads.

Just then, the turbolift open and Ensign K'ren walked in with a tall dark-furred feline humanoid. Jimmy was pleased to see K'ren, Jimmy had known relatively few other aliens on his previous two postings, but made friends with her once after joint crew drills on Resolve's holodeck, and he'd talked her into seeing the holonovel, 'The Lion King'. This was the source of several in-jokes between the two over the last three years. However, the expression the Caitian-Human hybrid wore indicated this was not the time to reminisce about the time they added Borg hyenas to the elephant graveyard chapter for a Halloween surprise. Jimmy had lost his recreational holodeck priveleges for weeks after that.

"I would like to file a security report,"  The taller of the pair stated.

"And I am a witness, though I became involved very quickly." The female of the pair needed no introduction.

"K'ren. Good to see you." Mariner nodded at his fellow Resolve-era ensign, but kept his game face on, hiding much of his otherwise-friendly nature. The Security briefing that morning and the high activity in the station around them seemed to be clear-enough indication of a no-nonsense atmosphere, and they only had so many Security personnel, even including Resolve's survivors, roughly 32 of them in this branch.

K'ren's... friend looked like something Jimmy spotted out of his father's reruns of his old nature documentaries, but sized the tall feline humanoid up to be capable of beating Jimmy in a fight, provided Jimmy didn't have his brass knuckles or boots, which he didn't at present-- that tail might've had a hidden surprise. Still, potential cultist or not, Jimmy pretended he didn't notice K'ren holding paws--err, hands with Bigfoot. "Ensign Mariner. Call me Jimmy. I solve problems. The man in the gray uniform here is Specialist Sharky; he lets me do the talking-- good thing too, he's a potty-mouth. Don't look him in the eye, he'll aim for the jugular. Just kiddin', he's allright." Jimmy tilted his head at his gray-furred combat partner.

Visibly nearby, was the apprehensive Pit Bull standing and sniffing. Sharky recognized K'ren and his tail wagged happily at one of the few humanoids with claws sharp enough to tickle his beefy muscles better than his own paws could reach. The Australian Ensign almost-jokingly added, "You know we could use more tough guys like you here in Security, Mate, but go ahead, start from the beginning, Mister...? Deacon, is it?" Mariner feigned the notion of temporary omniscience by keeping his computer console set to crew manifest and calibrated the search parameters for 'feline', then keeping the results only to his eyesight before closing his Padd's window. The list of feline crew and personnel list was short, given that this guy dwarfed everyone else on the list.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #3
[ Deacon | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn 

Deacon had to admit that he was thankful that, as unexpected as it was, K'Ren had followed after him.  Though their time together had proven somewhat recuperative to his muscle control -- or so he told himself -- he didn't relish the thought that he might stumble or collapse unexpectedly in the midst of making his report to security.  His sense of ego and self-worth had suffered many self-inflicted blows in the past days such that he felt any further harm might well prove fatal.

As she slipped in beside him, placing his arm around her waist, he felt a certain level of comfort and he stroke the short fur of her of her side with his thumb as the man positioned at the security desk greeted them before introducing the four legged companion standing nearby.  He regarded the creature with an arching of the whiskers of his eyes, vaguely recalling that humans had a tendency to keep animal companions.  Of course, among kzinti culture, the closest thing they had to a pet might be a rapsar, but those were short-lived and costly to produce leading to them being more of a symbol of high status and exceptional straakh in ways he doubted any human pet could match.

Narrowing his golden eyes, he turned his attention back to the human.  Ensign Mariner he had called himself, before immediately insisting on the use of his first name.  He at least seemed to recognize K'Ren -- a former crewmate, perhaps?

"You know we could use more tough guys like you here in Security, Mate, but go ahead, start from the beginning, Mister...? Deacon, is it?"

"I am not a member of Starfleet, Ensign," he stated, the habitual use of titles as names bringing the term to his tongue faster than 'Jimmy', "and I've never learned to fire a phaser, so I question my qualifications for such a posting."  He cast a questioning glance at K'Ren as if to silently check the seriousness of such a request, before clearing his throat and cutting to the matter at hand.  "I was recovering in your sickbay earlier when I was attacked by two crew members.  If not for K'Ren's timely intervention, they might well have managed to kill me before I could shake the sedatives I'd been given following surgery."

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #4
[ K'Ren | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7  @steelphoenix

K'Ren's ears perked up a little upon recognizing Jimmy from the Resolve. Another freindly face she recognized and knew she could trust. If he was here, and she could smell the scent of 'Sharky' (a funny name she thought for an animal but Humans were weird that way) the canine must have made it as well. And glancing over to another part of the area she saw the pitbull who recognized her as well, provoking an even larger smile and a deep seated purr to form in her chest. Between Jimmy, Sharky, and Liam she knew there were enough friendlies onboard she could protect herself and Deacon.

The purr must have triggered something in Deacon, Xander as she thought of him now, as his paw pulled her closer, stroking her fur gently but possesively as he explained the situation to Jimmy. He glanced at her a time or two, some bewilderment on his face at Jimmy's attempt at freindly banter but just gave hime a reassuring smile and a gentle squeeze of his paw. When it was her time to add her part, K'Ren spoke with a stronger then usual accent.

"My interrvention Ensign was timely, if unplanned. I was in sickbay having a physical afterr surrgery and severral men came in, immediately going towarrds the back of the sickbay. My nurrse didn't seem to surrprrised at this but disappearred brriefly herrself, only to come back and cut my exam rratherr shorrt." She paused, letting Jimmy enter that into notes.

"It was while I was leaving via the entrrance to the rrecovery warrd that I came upon two men apparrently assaulting Deacon. Rreacting on instinct I disabled the one man, Xanderr, sorry Deacon, disabled the otherr and I escorrted him to my quarrterrs where I kept a close eye on him while the sedatives clearred his system." K'Ren wasn't about to mention she'd also gone from rescuing him to disliking him for being K'Zin, to liking him, mating with him, and letting him name her, making her his female, and feeding him in that short period.

As she stood there, curled up against Deacon, holding his paw in her own, and knowing they'd been together all of an hour, she wondered what Jimmy might be thinking, wondering if he understood the subtleties and sometimes seeming rapidity inherent in how species like hers took mates. She herself was adjusting to the idea that she'd, in the span of that short hour found a male, mated with him, accepted his claim on her, and quite probably been bred by him. She could still feel the aftereffects of their mating in her body, the afterglow the humans called it, though for a Caitian female in heat it was hard to explain, her body reacted the same, yet differently on many levels.

In any event, once this report was finished she'd have to have a proper chat with Xander about them, decide what next, what they wanted to do going forward. Was this was a serious thing, or just two lonely felines reacting to the craziness of the situation and K'Ren's heat by letting off some steam in a fashion.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #5
ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @steelphoenix[Show/Hide]

Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn@steelphoenix 

"With so many assailants, There's only two logical explanations they'd go after a guy like you, Mister Deacon." Mariner's tone was a neutral, almost serious one, but it was clear he was fooling around in words while he acted upon their report and got cracking on his investigation. "Either this was a Devoted attempt against the life of a huge threat to their plans, whatever they are... OR: ...someone really hated having hair in their food and thus tried to give you a shave to teach you a lesson. Elementary. Either way, justice will be done, you have my word."

Mariner pretended not to notice the rather-charming show of affection his fellow Ensign from the Resolve had for her companion there, and got to looking into the security footage of the area outside the medbay they'd reported, inputting the search parameters of his scan for suspects onto his console and prepared a visual 'mug-book' as a visual suspect database was called. Mariner personally had enough of these cultists attacking from the shadows and fading into the crew population. If Ensign Mariner could identify and talk to a Devoted, he hoped he could dig deeper into their plans and stop them, or at least identify co-conspirators-- He was already devising a good cop bad cop routine, involving a few more claws and fangs.

Despite being an alien, the Caitian female with human characteristics was like a member of the family to Jimmy, and he hoped to someday hear she'd settle down and raise an adorably furry family some day, possibly with one bearing Jimmy's name. All the more motivation give her a chance... even if there was a chance one might wind up looking like the proprietor of the Belowdecks Lounge. Of course, some Humans were a poor judge of feline preferences, and he was a dog person. Just under a Minute passed, as Jimmy went on.

"I know how you fight, K'ren. The Battle of Pride Rock isn't just something one just forgets, not with your particular, hmm... resolution against King Scar." Jimmy told K'ren, indirectly hinting at her fighting prowess in an Adventure on their last post, but careful not to disclose the true nature of that particular 'battle'. "What happened to the suspects? Did they escape, or are we talking,..." He made a 'kill' gesture using three fingers in a 'claw' handsign while concluding his search on his workstation, turning the screen for the felines to view it. Mariner split the footage into different screen segments covering the entrance and exit points, tapping on individuals who entered and exited, compiling the facial recognition entries of potential suspects onto his PaDD and handed it to Deacon.

"Anyone you recognize?" James asked professionally, indicating that when he had a lead or a thread to work with, he was as serious and dogged as the rest of the Security personnel. Once he had a few confirmed faces, he'd take this up with Lieutenant Commander Wenn and seek approval to have a friendly chat with the perpetrators.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #6
[ Deacon | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn 

Deacon scowled as Ensign Mariner made his initial postulation into the reason behind the attack.  While the first was conceivable, he was more than a little insulted at the thought that he would be so unprofessional as to get hair into a meal he was serving.  "Kzinti do not shed," he replied, perhaps a bit more tersely than planned, "and I have less fur simply as a result of the surgery.  I believe your second theory is flawed."

Or was this male insulting him?  Was this some sort of challenge?  He did have a certain familiarity with K'Ren and perhaps he was attempting to impugn his suitability as a mate? No... no no... K'Ren had accepted him and, for all he knew, caitian mating qualifications were markedly different from kzinti.  His father had been suitable to his mother.  He needed to look at this things from a more human perspective.  Now if only he knew what a human perspective was.

Ensign Mariner made another comment about some legendary battle that he and K'Ren had engaged in.  Had they battled some rogue patriarch?  King Scar?  He'd never heard of such a person, and he was fairly certain he'd learned the names and details of every renegade pride that had defected from homeworld in the past few centuries.  And then he asked as to the fates of the attackers, making a crude emulation of a claw swipe.

"Kzinti salute like this," he corrected, lifting one claw and swiping it downward in front of his face, "if that was what you were meaning."  Clearly, much of Mariner's informal jocularity was flying high over Deacon's head, and given his height, that was a considerable feat.  "As for my attackers, I seem to recall that we had rendered them unconscious and left them piled on the floor of my recovery room.  Two males.  Unfortunately, my vision was a little blurry, but I can easily pick them out by smell."

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #7
[ K'Ren | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7  @steelphoenix
K'Ren let Deacon respond to the questions of Jimmy's, it was as far as she knew, protocol to let the one assaulted speak first, adding in her details afterwards. It was also a case that Caits did tend to let the male speak first, as did the Kzinti she expected, especially given how kzinrett were in their society. She did smile tho at Jimmy's remark about the holodeck adventure, the battle they'd fought in that grownup adaptation of a kids program that Jimmy seemed to think she'd enjoy.

The in joke seemed to fly over Deacon's head but she expected that and piped up once Deacon had said his peace, and they were waiting for the footage to show. "No. I left them alive, if somewhat the worse for wear. Maybe minor claw marks but definitely suffering from cranial contusions that resulted in unconsciousness." She remarked plainly.

Glancing at Deacon she smiled as she thought about that particular battle that Jimmy had referred to. "The Ensign and I served on the Resolve, one of the vessels destroyed at the Starbase yesterday." She paused for a second, recalling a few other faces, people that hadn't made it out alive before she spoke again, this time somewhat softer but also purring as she always seemed to. "The battle he refers to was part of a holodeck adventure we ran once, based on some sort of movie from Earth's past. The final enemy we had to defeat was a large feline by the name of Scar. My solution to deposing him was rather, unconventional." She paused, "Apparently Jimmy's character was supposed to disgrace Scar and reclaim his pride. I ripped Scar's windpipe out."

K'Ren turned to the screen as the various images played out. Glancing at the screen she pointed to two men. "These two. See how they come into sickbay and go right towards the back without so much as a peep?" She glanced at another screen, showing them walking down the hall mere seconds before she did, stepping into Xander's room. Her pause at the door as she realized the threat, and a minute or so later, her leaving with Deacon. "Whomever you see come out after us, is the men I disabled."

She watched a little more as the men didn't come out, but the nurse that'd helped her did come in. "See. I knew the nurse was in on it. Why would she come check on Deacon so soon after the attempted assault?"

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #8
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @steelphoenix, @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn@steelphoenix 
Mariner saw the group of cultists and used the computer to identify them when the nurse evidently treated the assailants.  No one from the Resolve, or Jimmy would've recognized them... The nurse insisted on treating them as they moved apart. Jimmy left the computer running, tracing their movements and decided to get Lieutenant Commander Cinn's approval to begin his interrogation. It was his call whether to speak to the assailants or arrest them.

"Like I said, I've seen K'ren fight. Realistic, really." Jimmy narrowed the list of suspects based on department and crew manifest. He had his leads, but needed his chief's approval before having a word with them, either with back-up, or in a holding cell. With the downloaded list of suspects in hand, he got the PaDD back. "I'll be right back."

"Sir?" Moments later, Jimmy tracked down Security Chief Wenn "Two crewmates came in to report an assault and battery. Looks like a cult incident. Surveillance footage puts these people at the crime scene. Should I have a word with them, or can we bring them here?" Jimmy let a pair of security personnel walk by. "I wouldn't want to disrupt an ongoing investigation-- but if we can take these cultists out of circulation, it's a start. We can get them to ID more. I can take them into custody and try to get some answers." Mariner claimed with some enthusiasm.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #9
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Striker N7 @steelphoenix @SummerDawn

As it happened, Wenn Cinn was in the gym, bench-pressing what a quick glance would estimate to be close to 75 kilograms at a sizable clip.  His uniform jacket and mustard-colored tunic hung on a nearby hook leaving the Bajoran in the grey undershirt.  A thin layer of sweat made his skin shine in the light, and his massive arms rippled from the motion under the skin.  When Ens. Mariner walked in and announced himself it looked like the Chief was ignoring the younger man, he kept pumping away without stop.  Sharp ears would reveal the whispered counting though, and at a nice round number Cinn pushed the bar up and into the cradle with a loud clang.

Motioning to one of the other two deputies in the room to toss a towel as he sat up.  Wenn listened to Mariner’s report, wiping the sweat off as he did so.  The ridges on his nose crinkled a bit more than usual at the sound of this cult causing more trouble, they’ve been a pain in the ass since making their devotion to Lt. Morali known yesterday.  The situation with Crewman Fok had been resolved just an hour or two earlier, and that one particularly rankled him.

“Take Rivard and Wyburn with you Ensign, if you have positive ID on the suspects bring them in.  This nonsense has gone on long enough, but when you approach them you make sure there’s no way they can claim religious discrimination, you understand?”  Flipping the towel over the bar the large Bajoran stood up to retrieve his uniform and get dressed again.  “And for the love of the Prophets do not let them become martyrs if they try to pull a stunt like that.”

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #10
[ Deacon | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn Optional: @chXinya

Deacon considered the recent events as Mariner slipped away from his desk.  "Back home, I would be risking my own ears to track down the attackers alone and engage in a ritual battle to the death.  Of course, attacking a black priest without provocation in the first place was a dangerous thing."  He looked down at K'ren.  "From my understanding, I am following Starfleet protocol, but I can't be certain."

Casting his gaze off towards the door behind which the ensign had disappeared, he continued, "Ensign Mariner seems simultaneously serious and amused.  What's the human phrase?  It's as if there is a joke that I haven't been let in on?  Does that make sense?"

He took a deep breath.  Despite how unnatural it felt, he was trying to verbalize with the only being on the ship who might have some understanding, maybe even some compassion for his position.  Keeping everything in his head would just lead to the never-ending echo chamber of doubt.  Plus, she had acknowledged a prior connection to this human.

"If this were homeworld, I would almost say I was being challenged."  Had Mariner transferred this need to disgrace this... Scar person... to him?  He certainly hoped not, but not so much as he hoped K'Ren wasn't developing a predilection for windpipes.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #11
[ K'Ren | Security Center | Vector 2 | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7  @steelphoenix

"On my home worrld, not Prrooka, but the planet I grrew up on, I would be seeking my own justice as well, mainly because the law was ineffectual and never around. But Starrfleet has rregulations and you arre following them correctly Deacon. This is a matter they arre trrained forr." K'Ren remarked, looking up into the eyes of her mate, ears gently twitching as she took in the sounds of this security bay. Subtle differences of sound, mostly from this new ship, new home but also her own alert senses given the circumstances.

K'Ren looked up at her large K'Zin lover, glancing at the same door he had before her gaze came back to his. "It does Deacon. It's a human trrait I noticed. They seem to find that some humorr injected into a strressful or dangerrous situation can lighten the mood." She pressed into Deacon a little, nuzzling him. "Humans arre strrange crreaturres Deacon. They can be as crafty as Ferengi, and as arrogant & aggressive as Klingons at times." She smiled a little, "I've known Jimmy long enough to know that if he wanted to challenge you, he would be up in yourr face, leaving no doubt what he wanted."

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #12
[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | SuD Lang Dilithium Cargo Bay | The Coreless Moon ] [Show/Hide]

Mariner was impressed by the Security center's gymnasium when he first reported for duty earlier that morning, it meant he didn't need to stay in his quarters for exercise or have to rely on holodeck hours to stay in shape. Then and there, the Australian made plans to have a routine turn at that bench press every morning after his daily stationary bicycling routine in his quarters. He knew and was inspired by a Bajoran who'd fought in the resistance.  "Aye, Sir. Nonlethal takedowns are Specialist Sharky's and my speciality, but I'll try not to burden you with excessive force paperwork... at least too much. The specialist doesn't lightly take the arrest of particularly combative suspects." Mariner left with a smirk. He was going in with one of the fiercest, most hardened specialists he'd ever known.

In the next room, Sharky had walked over to K'ren and playfully sniffed her hand before performing some of his trained tricks in the hopes of convincing the half-Caitian to scratch his ears and belly, making a mixture of playful snarls whines and pants. Sharky tried to impress the feline female with every charm he knew, shaking hands, stretching, and rolled over on his grey back allowing his signature razor-sharp grin to show, briefly thrashing about, acting as if he'd been stunned or shocked before holding still and playing dead; he was proud of his 'play dead' trick. At the sound of a familiar 'ten hut' whistle, Sharky stood at attention.

The specialist's partner returned with two armed security agents. Mariner double-checked Sharky's Starfleet Security black leather harness, which was fittingly colored to department colors, including a mustard-colored spiked collar. "The C-Sec's asked me to handle this situation. K'ren, I'd like for you to come along, but you have every right to stay here... But I know you'd want to take a bite out of crime with me on this one. We just gotta do something before these cultists make another play that costs lives. How about you, Mister Deacon? Feel like delivering some fresh-served revenge?"

5 Minutes Later | Turbolift

"No knock and announce for this mission, people. Remember to take them down, not take them out. Left-enant Commander Wenn doesn't want these vermin being glorified as martyrs, so shoot--or scratch-- in self defense only.  Be prepared for a life-or-death fight the moment we enter that room." Jimmy briefed them in the turbolift, using his security codes to get to the current location of the congregation who attacked Deacon without any stops or turbolift summons between the group and their mission. "Ensign K'ren, You're leading the backup team. These gentlemen in the grey fur are your escorts." Jimmy said to K'ren indicatively, knowing she knew he trusted her. Mariner looked at Deacon, then to Sharky. "Feel free to cash in on that apology these people owe you when the opportunity presents itself... And Specialist?" Mariner said nothing but gave his partner an encouraging scratch on the head.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #13
[ Deacon | Hallway outside crew quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn Optional: @chXinya

"Given the circumstances," Deacon said after a long period of silence, "I will defer to your team for this endeavor."  He flexed his claws experimentally, examining them with his large, golden eyes.  "Kzinti justice is probably far too brutal by Starfleet's standards and if I start wearing the ears of those who cross me, well, it could prove bad for business."

He turned and began to walk back to the intersection of the hallway, preparing to disappear around the corner before he looked back, a sly quirk to his mouth, revealing one his pronounced fangs.  "I wouldn't suggest letting any of them escape this way, however.  The mind may say 'no' but the claws will disobey."

His gaze paused on K'Ren, his expression a curious mix of desire, mischief and forced restraint.  Tail twitching behind him, he held out a hand to her.  "I've seen you fight.  You may want to sit this one out too or they may well wish I was wearing their ears.  Unless you're having a Scar flashback?"  The quirk broadened.  Was that a smile?  If not for the human aspects of his face, such a display would truly be a fearsome taunt from an apex predator, but there was a playful glint in his eyes.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #14
[ K'Ren | Hallway outside crew quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7  @steelphoenix
K'Ren nodded when Deacon suggested that he stay back and let the experts handle this. "I would concurr with Deacon's assessment Jimmy. This is not a situation you need a volatile mix of claws and cultists in, at least not if we want this to go down smoothly." She smiled at Deacon, her ears swiveling a little, tail twitching nervously. She'd have wanted to remain in security, away from the cultists and on the other side of a forcefield but it seemed that was not to be.

K'Ren took his paw in her own, as they stood there, her own emotions and desires pushed back a little, knowing this was neither the time or place to let those come to the fore. "I will sit it out, unless one of them is stupid enough to make a rrun for it. There will be no throats today," she remarked, hinting at Scar's demise in the game, "Though I can not be held rresponsible if any sufferr crranial contusions if they chose to rresist arrest." She looked up at Deacon, unsure if she should smile, but seeing his grin, if it could be called that, she smiled herslef, careful with how much fang was exposed.

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #15
[ Deacon | Hallway outside crew quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn Optional: @chXinya

Deacon sniffed at the air.  "For the record, I'd say this is the right place.  Their scents are heavy in this corridor."  He was also sensing a vague uneasiness verging somewhere between disappointment and anger, a feeling he often recognized as signs of failure back home  But it was vague and unclear, and mixed with the tense anticipation of those waiting with Mariner, such that he couldn't ascribe the sensation with any accuracy.  Plus, to speak of it, even to K'Ren, would reveal something of himself that he was not yet comfortable in acknowledging aloud.


Meanwhile, within the quarters, three conspirators huddled, the two males battered and heavily bruised, as a human female moved between them treating the worst of their wounds with a handful of medical supplies that she had secreted from sickbay.

"You're lucky your duty shift doesn't start for another few hours," she said.

The bajoran snorted at the female medic who fussed over him, doing her utmost to dispel the angry purple coloration that had overtaken much of his face as a result of the tussle over the kzin.  "Lucky?" he spat.  "Maybe if someone hadn't accidentally swapped a vitamin booster shot for the actual killshot."

With a bitter shove, she stepped away, folding her arms in defiance.  "It's not my fault that the Resolve turned this place into Noah's Ark.  That cat girl fighter pilot came in for follow-up treatment."

"Noah's Ark?" the bolian asked, casting a sidewards glance between his companions with his unbandaged eye.

"An old Earth religious tale," the bajoran replied sourly.  "Something about harboring two of each animal to keep them from going extinct, even though the minimum viable population requirements for any species would far exceed just two."

The female's glower deepened.  "I guess someone wants to go to work with a black eye, but if he'd like to maintain a minimum viable population of those, I'd be happy to oblige."

The bolian waved his hand with faint irritation. "Drop it.  We failed.  Our only hope is to cover it up and try again later."

"This would go so much easier if we had some organization, if we worked as a unit," the bajoran stated.  "The resistance back home worked in independent cells but we had an overall structure -- a unity of purpose.  That's how we finally managed to drive the cardassians away."

"Right now, we must each do our part. Until such time as the One True Prophet is ready to ascend to his rightful position, we can only be the mosquitoes that harrow Ives and the rest of the heretics.  They will see.  They will all see.  Or they will die."

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #16
ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Crew Quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @SummerDawn  @steelphoenix @chXinya

"Mariner to C-sec: Run a loop of this deck's cameras in case anyone's expecting visitors... Don't let anyone know we're coming. Stand ready to receive suspects in holding, and inform the commander." Jimmy's voice hushed as he tapped into his earpiece; then he cracked his knuckles as he summoned the ship's AI.

"Thea: I'm going to need the masterkey to every door, hatch and jeffries this on this deck... these rats aren't getting out of this trap. Seal the turbolift until further notice." the Australian growled. "Assign Ensign K'ren a security clearance. Ensign Authorization 9-5 Whiskey-Whiskey-Jackpot. Be ready to seal the deck behind you with a forcefield in case we need to contain any vacuum, bio or bomb threat..." Mariner ordered to his deputized comrade. He picked up his stride to the satisfying sound of affirmative chirps on his earpiece. These cultists could've been up to anything in there, and Mariner learned to shoot fast and shoot first.

Next, Jimmy handed his wrist-chrono to K'ren and indicated its control on a counterpart on Sharky's collar. It was a restraining bolt that could unleash the pit bull, whose tail wagged in excitement for the showdown that was to come. Jimmy mouthed knowingly to K'ren: 'MISTER... Pitt'.

Mariner's lips twitched into his signature smirk for the last moment of peace. "Mr. Deacon, the Federation respects the justice systems of other races. I always want things to go smoothly. But they didn't go smoothly at Pride Rock, for the hyenas who surrounded this ape. Or the chaps who offended Mr Pit here." Jimmy whispered appraisingly to his partner, keeping the chatter minimal but hushed as they stalked their way to the crew quarters Deacon indicated. Mariner opted not to utilize the private language he and others on the Resolve devised to communicate against hostile boarders; a nod to the openness he had with new acquaintances and first responders who would go in with Jimmy. And just like that, they arrived outside the door to the danger zone. Jimmy used his head and some discreet hand gestures to direct his feline-canine backup team to split up and pursue anyone who escaped. Mariner made a scan on his PaDD

Life Forms: 3 -- Human Female | Bolian Male | Bajoran Male |


Mariner's security codes opened the door and at once Wyburn and Rivard entered, phasers pointed, Jimmy singled out the Bajoran with his phaser drawn and declared, "You're all under arrest for assault, attempted murder and mutiny. Cooperate and you--"

The Bolian attacked first, attacking Wyburn, attempting to grab the security officer's weapon. Rivard moved to intercept and the Bolian found himself with his hands full. The Bajoran was quick. Mariner underestimated the cultist's disregard for life when he began a hostage situation. Oh bloody hell no.

"Let her go or I'll black your other peeper." Jimmy raised his voice, frowning in righteous indignation, keeping his weapon trained on the Bajoran. Around him, Wenn's men engaged in a scuffle. "Hands up!"

"You're too late, Heretic! You'll see the truth of the One TRUE --!"

Jimmy fired off a shot over the Bajoran's head. "Next one's going right up your nose if you think I care about your cause. This is your final warning!"

"You don't understand. I'll take her with me, you pulakoo! You know I will!" Tightening his grip on the human woman with a makeshift weapon, The Bajoran's countenance was one of desperation and frenzy, knowing he'd lost but was clearly going to make this human pay. "You're one of the Resolve crew! You should've been culled with the rest of your boatload of freaks at Starbase 84!"

Mariner didn't carry out his on purpose-- he wasn't that cruel, no matter what was said about his ship or crew-- and the terror on the human woman's face seemed real enough, even though she was involved. Jimmy lowered his phaser and seemed to play along, offering his hand up in mock assurance he wasn't going to do anything foolish. Or was he?

He didn't particularly feel regulations-bound with regards to these mutineers, so he carried out his duties in the trap he'd laid  "You're not meeting any prophets today, mate" he added, stepping back to the other side of the room, seeming to let the human and bajoran leave the room. "Gentlemen, secure that one. The Chief's gonna make him squeal. No offense, but it only takes one rat to ruin it for the rest of you."

The Bolian had put up a considerable fight, and was in cuffs moments later... but his capture seemed to happen a bit sooner than expected. "Rivard to Security: One Bolian to beam directly to a holding cell. Stand by." the security officer snorted then wiped a trail of blood from his nose, though he'd more than gotten his fair share off the cultist before ensuring he'd pay for more than just that. No one noticed the blue-skinned alien getting ahold of a makeshift weapon during the scuffle. He'd make an attempt to blindly escape in a moment.

The Bajoran cringed as the officers whisked away his trusted comrade, and the suspect knew he and the human were next unless they made a run for it. Ives' expendable pawns had won this round but the Bajoran could get to a ladder or pre-arranged escape route for such an event. Once clear of the piercing stare of the three armed officers. Their leader tried one last attempt to negotiate...

"Look, Mate, let's be reasonable. I've been to your homeworld, I know what you've been through and what you've seen. You're not like your former occupiers, and neither are Ives and me." Jimmy tried his best attempt at diplomacy, almost hoping it'd fail.  "There's still a way out of this: Think about it. Real Spring Wine and some Varani classics" Mariner convincingly acted as if the Bajoran hostage-taker had a way out of this standoff.  "Let's... just be good aliens here... because we from the Resolve... we don't... negotiate... with bad aliens." Jimmy was certain that term was heard on the backup team's combadge frequency, and they were guarding the corridors between these two cultists and their escape path.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #17
[ K'Ren | Hallway outside crew quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
It didn't take long for the apprehension to come to a close, and soon enough the conspirators who'd holed up in the room were led out, hands cuffed. The one male, a Bajoran from this distinct nose ridges looked a little worse for wear and K'Ren suspected Sharky had been loosed, meaning the man had stupidly tried to out run the animal. She looked to Deacon briefly as the men came out, trying to gauge his reaction to seeing his assailants.

As the three suspects, they were presumed as such until a court-martial deemed otherwise, were led past K'Ren glanced them over. They looked and smelled familiar, like the ones who'd been present when she'd rescued Deacon from them and once they were past, sheand Deacon rejoined Jimmy. "I don't know if you need a positive ID or not, but those were the ones I saw during the assault on Deacon."


Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #18
[ Deacon | Hallway outside crew quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Striker N7 , @SummerDawn Optional: @chXinya

The situation in the room must have taken an unexpected turn as they heard Mariner speak through the commlink.  A hostage situation?  Deacon cocked his head.  Who could they have possibly taken as hostage?  One of their own?  In which case all the better that he not be part of the take down as the life of one who'd crossed him would have less weight than a summer breeze.  In an instant, he watched the dog charge down the hall as if spurred by some unknown command or instinct, prompting to give a curious glance to K'Ren as if to inquire if this were, perhaps, something normal for the beast. 

The resultant scuffle was conveyed through the comm and seemed unsatisfyingly brief once the dog had arrived on the scene, tearing into the would-be hostage taker with a ferocity that was a pale comparison to Deacon's own anger.  But, this was the Federation, not homeworld.  There were processes to follow, procedures, and as a Black Priest, he knew and understand the value in such regimens -- they ensured the continuity of a society, these rote ritualizations.

Deacon scowled at the suspects as they were escorted past, and though he knew it best if he remain silent in this, his pride could abide his silence only so long.  "I would indulge you for a proper combat," he growled, fangs bared fully, "but none of you have any honor to make it worth my while."  Shifting his gaze to Mariner, he added, "It's as she says.  These are the ones.  My eyesight may have been blurred but my sense of smell is quite accurate."

Raising to his full height, partly because he was well and done with this matter and partly to imply the threat he would be should they ever attempt to attack him again, he addressed Mariner, "I'll leave them to you.  They would do well to be thankful for that small mercy."


Re: Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots

Reply #19
ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Crew Quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:  @SummerDawn  @steelphoenix @chXinya

Spec. Sharky (NPC) | Corridor outside Crew Quarters | Vector 2 | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]

The 90 lb blue nose pit bull had been waiting outside in a partially-closed but still-ajar door of a Jeffries tube, biding his time, knowing Jimmy would send for him. Lying prone, resembling a dark grey sphinx, Sharky waited with the patience of the pharaohs for his queue to go. His Starfleet-security uniform was a tailor-made harness that included a combadge synchronized to James Mariner's frequency; additionally his vest had a battle camera and on-hand . Anything Jimmy heard or said while on shift, Sharky heard just as well in the event they got separated.

Or in this case, planted. After parting ways in the turbolift when Jimmy had security create feedback loops on Deck 14, he directed K'ren to stay with Deacon as a pursuit plan to stonewall any fleeing cultists. Despite the towering felines' bona fide combat prowess, neither was a trained Security officer. Specialist Sharky, however, was.

The Morali cultist took off passing Sharky's position. Having been ready to take off at the key phrase "... we don't negotiate... with bad aliens.", The Pit Bull waited to leap out of his hiding place and sprinted at full speed like a racehorse released for a derby race. Trained from a young age in the practice of K9 law enforcement training, Sharky panted lightly but didn't growl until he'd gained enough speed to take a running leap and used his bulk and inertia to ram into the Bajoran's lower back, sending the biped off balance, and falling face-first, with the Morali supporter landing on his chest, getting the wind knocked out of him, not knowing what hit him until he felt two heaving paws on his shoulder blade, followed summarily by a rather frightening primal growl, almost like that of a bear, but with a heart-stirring bark, that sounded more like a resounding 'BOOM!'

'Arrrrrr..... ARR...RRRRRRRGH.' Sharky Snorted, baring a set of healthy--and quite sharp fangs that were quite capable of causing grievous injury. "ROMPH-ROMPH-ROMPH!" Sharky roared threateningly in the Bajoran's ear, who tried to struggle but soon stopped when the animal took a slight--but discouraging grip on the suspect's neck, quite able of applying more pressure for a much more damaging lesson in resisting arrest.

"That's his way of reading you your rights, Mate." Jimmy translated, arriving at a jog's pace moments later, with binders in hand and putting them on the detained cultist. Jimmy helped him up as Sharky growled continuously like an idle motor ready to accelerate with the slightest gesture. "But He's not the hairball you should be worried about." Jimmy led the suspect to K'ren and Deacon, who identified his former attacker. "You can apologize, to the gentleman you know. But I don't think it'll help you where you're going. You're lucky you're not going to wind up served like a grilled Palukoo." Mariner taunted, reminding the suspect he'd antagonized not only a predatory creature but the ship's cook as well.

"Mariner to Commander Wenn: Mission accomplished." Jimmy pinged his department chair, summoning Thea to beam the last cultist to the Security center, who dematerialized upon confirmation. Once that was over, Jimmy gave a congratulatory thumbs up to his security officers who followed suit and sent their suspects into custody "Well, then.", Mariner dismissed them with a nod, having a moment to wish K'ren and her friend some well wishes when Sharky pounced up on Deacon, panting excitedly, and sniffing the Kzinthi, wagging his tail and seemingly grinning as he panted. "I'm sure that means you're welcome, or he wants you to thank him with a targ leg next time we swing by your place. Either way, I was glad to be of service." Jimmy nodded with a satisfied smirk and a nod to K'ren.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

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