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Day 10 [0800 hrs.] Taking Flight

[ K'Ren | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
She'd lost track of how long it'd been since she'd been abducted from her fighter in the middle of a firefight, turned into a lab rat, only to be returned injured, and as she was recovering, kidnapped by Orions, and finally been returned to her normal self, at least physically. She wasn't sure how emotionally ready she was, but she'd been cleared for flight by medical, and she wanted her flight status back. She'd spent the last few days in the simulator, getting her reflexes back, getting her mind into the game that was flight ops. She'd spent enough time that she felt she was ready, at least ready enough to pass her check ride.

It felt good to be back, and she took her time getting back into her flight suit, making sure she followed her rituals of getting ready. She wasn't superstitious, but rituals helped ground her in the present, helped get her in the mindset for flight. As she was getting ready, slipping on the first parts of the exo-suit overtop the under garments that acted as an interface between her body and the suit, she noticed Evelyn Rawley enter the locker room. "Morning Lieutenant," K'Ren said in greeting. She'd never actually met Rawley before, the women had been in stasis almost since the fight at Starbase 84, that'd seen her branded a traitor.

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 
Sauntering into the locker room, wearing her Lone Wolf hoodie and white tank top along with baggy civilian trousers, Ghost grinned to the woman waiting for her. An Ensign she'd just seen now and then, but never really had the pleasure to get acquainted with. Half-Caitian, and a looker too. Too bad she was married, Rawley'd heard, but she sure appreciated the sight awaiting her.

"And a bloody fine morning it is," she said in a carefree way, unzipping her hoodie after she'd used her authorisation code for her locker. "Nice to see you up and about and back with the squadron, Neko. Please, sis, drop the 'Lieutenant'. We're already family no matter we like it or not, though I've a good feeling already. Call me Ghost, or Rawley, I don't care."

This sister wolf of hers that she was about to evaluate for flight duty had been through a god damn lot, judging by reports. While she'd love to ask how she fared and how she'd managed after the abduction, Rawley did knew better than to pry - considerate as she thought herself to be despite how people often took her for a ruffian with little care or politeness. Without ceremony, she dropped her trousers and boots and shoved them into her locker, her white tank-top soon to follow. She kept her knickers and bra on as she pulled out the exosuit. "Heard you used to be one of the Grey Wolves on the Resolve. Looking forward to see what kind of tricks you have up your sleeve. I'm curious, how did you find the Mk III in simulations?"

Listening to the hot cat lady talk, Rawley deftly got into her exosuit and pushed the button that sealed it tight to her body. She pulled out her helmet before she shouldered the locker shut. "I bloody miss the Mk II from before I got aboard, but I gotta say that I don't miss having a RIO too much any more. Getting great computer assistance with this bird, so it's all good." She began to walk towards the door to the fighter bay since she was prepared to begin. She looked over her shoulder and rubbed a gloved hand over her shaved head, smiling to Neko. "Are you ready to head out?"

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #2
[ K'Ren | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
"Ghost it is," K'Ren remarked. "Still haven't really gotten to know anyone in the squadron yet." She kept dressing, the exosuit was several pieces that interlocked together, flexible but hard once sealed, and like everything she was used to, form fitting but comfortable. She tucked her tail down one pant leg, the exo suit had a slight bulge down the inside of her leg plates to allow for her tail.

"I was a Grey Wolf, till we were branded traitors." K'Ren said with some anger in her voice. "We'd spent two years lost in deep space, lost a lot of good people, including my first mate, fought our way back home, only to branded traitors and sent fleeing along with Theurgy." She paused, looking at Ghost. "Don't get me wrong, I know now why we were, and I honestly believe in the Theurgy's mission, my anger is more towards Starfleet and those who betrayed the uniform we wear, not to this crew."

She paused, "Sorry. It's been a, what is that terran term? Clusterfuck? Between the parasites and the Savi, I've actually spent more time in and out of sickbays then I have anywhere else. I'm just glad for the chance to get back to doing what I love best, well after my mate that is." K'Ren remarked with a bit of a grin.

"To answer the question about the Mk III vs Mk II, I'm on the fence honestly. The Mk 3's AI handles a lot of the workload the RIO did, same time, on longer patrols, it was nice to have a second person to chatter with. Handling in space the Mk 3 is certainly better, in atmosphere I'd give the Mk 2 a slight edge." She finished placing the last of the plates on her suit, and sealed up the suit, checking for any leaks before she grabbed her helmet.

Following Ghost out the door she shrugged, "Biggest advantage to no RIO is it's only your life in your hands, not theirs as well. You cock up, you pay the price, not your backseater."

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 
Walking through the transparent blast walls via the sliding doors, Rawley had chuckled when she heard the pun about Neko's mate. That was certainly her kind of humour, and she stole a glance over her shoulder at her sister wolf while they walked out into the great expanse of the fighter bay. Valkyries and Valravns lined the sides of it, and Fighter Bay Ops personnel were doing maintenance and system tests on half of them. A couple of fighters were on patrol; fellow wolves helping the KDF and the ADC keeping the Epsilon Mynos System safe for traders heading to and fro Aldea Prime. Rawley spotted the successor of Sten Covington - Liam Herrold - and gave the Chief of the Deck a wave with her helmet. Wasn't he from the Resolve too? Perhaps that's why he's smiling to Neko when he waves to her...

"Yeah, that's bloody accurate," said Rawley in comment to K'Ren's assessment of the non-RIO pros and cons, "but I don't know about atmospheric flight. After some flight hours in it, I now find the Mk III more aerodynamic, but it takes a long time getting used to since these Valkyries are the first fighters in a long time that were actually built with atmo in mind. At first, after I left the simulators behind, it felt like I wasn't in full control of me bird, until I realised it was the loud and swift acceleration that spooked me - how it cut through the air with minimal wake turbulence. It just takes some getting used to, that's all."

Having set their steps towards Neko's Valkyrie first, Rawley stretched make an ocular assessment of its condition. Seemed like the FBO crews had taken good care of it in wait for K'Ren to recover - the thing having seen minimal action since it was picked up as brand new at the Black Opal. One of the handful that they'd fond there. It looked so polished and clean it seemed like it was taken out of a ASDB publication. She hadn't seen a Valkyrie so pristine since she came aboard the Theurgy and the first prototypes were brought aboard. Bloody hell I miss that first bird of mine, the one the Calamity and its Reavers destroyed outside the Hromi Cluster. I flew that girl while we stayed one step ahead of Admiral Sankolov's fleet all through Federation Space - right up until that last fight before Thea threw off the pursuit in the Borderlands.

"Oh, and yeah, you and me both when it comes to sickbay. Bloody hated every minute of it. I've got fucked up a few times too many, and not in either of the good ways. Last time it was in a nice way was with a couple of other Lone Wolves, and before then, it was with the Chief of the Deck on the holodeck. Not that flat-cheeked guy from the Resolve over there, the older guy, before him. Figure you never got to meet him," she said, thinking of that one time with Sten, where they'd sung songs and then rutted like animals in that beach house. She hadn't cared for the wanker's attitude on the deck, running it like a slave-handler, but he'd been a sturdy fuck-twit, for sure.

Eventually, the time admiring the nigh brand-new Valkyrie came to an end. "Well,  I'll be ready when you are, Neko. Comms are tuned to Flight Ops, and I'll ping you with a frequency of our own." Rawley sauntered off towards her own bird. "Run your pre-flight checks and launch first. I'll be right behind you."

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #4
[ K'Ren | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
K'Ren followed Rawley out through the blast doors onto the main flight deck, her helmet under her arm. Tail twitching a bit nervously, she'd not been on the flight-deck in a while, or at least it felt like a while, she really hoped this flight would be calm and easy. The last two times she'd gone out in a fighter, she'd come back with a medical team waiting for her. It seemed her luck, she'd come back from a training mission in a medical transport after she pancaked her fighter into the ground after the engines had failed during a ground attack run. She had to smile though when Rawley waved at the Deck Chief, and she waved to Liam, she knew he knew it was her, the smile was one of close friends seeing each for the first time in a while.

"I flew a lot of ground attack and atmo in the academy, it was an area of combat I was good at, more so then dogfighting. I found the Mark Two's wings were better in the slow speed envelope of ground attack. The Mark One and Three have the stubbier wings which I found better in high speed atmo. The absolute best fighter in ground attack was the old peregrine class. It was a tank of a craft, nimble in atmo, carried a large weapons load, four cannon, six large hard-points on the wings, large enough you could sling twelve hellhounds underneath the wings. Performance was shit in that configuration and was rarely used, but it could do it."

They came to her craft first, and K'Ren ran her fingers over the smooth skin of the craft, she'd lost two fighters in quick succession so was surprised that she'd be given a brand new craft. Perhaps Liam had something to do with it, she'd have to ask him later when she got back from her flight. It was beautiful, not her old scarred fighter from the resolve that had more patches then original skin, but that'd survived too many encounters only to be destroyed at Starbase 84. She walked around it, performing her preflight while Rawley watched her, no doubt taking mental notes about how she preflighted.

"Well, I've always come back better then I left, though I'd like to avoid the inside of sickbay for at least a month, next visit being my checkup, perhaps even some good news after our loss to the Savi." She didn't really speak much of it, there'd never been an official scan after their cub was concieved, and by the time she got back from the savi abduction, the child was forever lost to history, no more then a loss felt by her and Deacon. "I never did meet Liam's predecessor. Tho funny you say that Ghost. I bedded the Deck Chief also, though he was my fighter's crewchief at the time." She glanced over at Liam who was focused on something and didn't notice her glance. "Twice, once in the fighter's engine bay, and later when I was realesed from sickbay into his care for the dy while I recovered from surgery." She grinned, "Sisters, even down to our choice of lovers. Though it was more of a fling, I'm bonded to the bartender aboard, Deacon. Human/K'Zin, long story I'll tell over drinks. Almost killed him first time we met."

"Understood," K'Ren remarked, climbing up the ladder, sitting down in her new fighter, adjusting her seat as she settled into the fighter. It was already mostly adjusted for her, only Liam would've known how she liked her fighter configured, more proof in her mind he was behind her getting this new craft. Slipping her helmet on, she nodded, starting her warm up sequence. It felt good to be in the cockpit, the remark her former mate (Markus) made about flying being almost as good as sex was true. Tho admittedly Markus & Deacon both gave the comparison a run for it's money.

As she finished up her pref-light, and began to warm up the engines, one of the deck crew went over to signal her to pepare to move onto the main deck and into one of the launch positions where the tractor beams would assit in the launch, propelling her outside the main doors and the forcefield, where she could punch full impulse without risking the safety of the deck team. But for now she kept working her pre-flight as she moved into position, waiting for Ghost's fighter to be parked beside her in the other launch slot.

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 
Rawley could but feel her eyes widen and let out the laugh that bubbled up her throat when she heard that Neko had bedded the current CoD.

"Well, what do you know? Sisters of equal preferences indeed. Glad to hear you've even found a mate in the Below Decks guy. I'll ping you over comms in a bit," she said, and let K'Ren get in gear in the cockpit while she headed for her own Valkyrie. While she walked, she reached down with her free hand and accessed the LCARS screen on her Knee PADD, idly tapping in her presence with a personal code. Both Flight and Mission Ops would be able to monitor which of all personnel were truly on their active readiness duty in case of an emergency. Then, Rawley tapped the comm transciver on her exosuit, her helmet still at her side. "This is Ghost, come in Flight Ops."

[We read you, Wolf Zero-Two. Over.]

"Requesting permission to initiate a full check on all systems for Wolf Zero-Two and preform a scheduled evaluation of Wolf-One-Zero for flight duty. Ensign K'Ren and I will not venture further out than ten kilometers and our bloody Aldean sensor scramblers will be on. Over," she said as she made her way towards where she knew her Valkyrie would be - waiting in its slot in the Fighter Bay.

[Permission granted. On standby. Over.]

"You will be hearing me lovely voice shortly, Ghost out." Finished with that small formality, she put her helmet on her shaved head and pressure-sealed it at the neck. It was a little snug, yet she was more than used to it. She tapped the side of her helmet to make sure the different visual settings in her helmet were fully operational - including the TVD - whilst doing a quick outside inspection of the spacecraft.

Once she was done with checking the exterior, she walked to the ladder and set her hardshell boot on the lowest step so that she could get better access to her Knee PADD. She punched in the stardate to log the systems analysis she was conducting, and then climbed up to the cockpit.

Seating herself in the front seat, she lit up the HUDs and plugged in her suit to the fighter comm system. "This is Ghost to Flight Ops, do you copy?" she said while she began to power up the vessel - running the basic diagnostics on all systems as they lit up.

[Loud and clear, Lieutenant. Short-range comm system fully operational.]

"Acknowledged. Stand by for engines and flight controls..." she continued, the preflight routine so standard she was bored with it. Bored with the tedious protocols, she went through the analysis, making sure that dampeners and structural integrity fields were online, as well as the sensors and the shields, weapons and navigational systems. The hard point slots - which held her standard set-up - were not armed, of course, but they were brought online along with all other functions in order to ensure they were powering up. Then, finally.... "...take-off procedures completed, all systems online and functioning properly."

[Acknowledged. You have clearance to launch. Flight Ops out.]

At that point, she noticed that Neko was finished as well, moving to the launch position. One of the stand-by deckhands cleared the ladder from the side of Rawley's craft and she exchanged a thumbs-up with the woman down there before she tapped the command to close the canopy over the cockpit. Next, she began to taxi out into the middle lane of the bay, joining Neko. Her launch thrusters were at a minimal setting to begin with, but she slowly throttled up once the bay doors had opened for her. She opened a channel to K'Ren' Valkyrie. "Activating me sensor scramblers now. Can ye hear me, Neko? Launch when ready, I'll be right behind you."

Having said this, she verified that Flight Ops had powered up the launch-assist sequence in the bay's tractor emitters, and then throttled up in full - the inertial dampeners compensating for most of the extreme g-forces that the cockpit interior would have been subjected to. Once they cleared the launching strip, she raised her landing gears and switched to low impulse.

It was always a thrill to head out. It was something that never quite abated for her, even if her ocular focus was supposed to be fully on K'Ren's ass. Something she really wouldn't have minded sans the fighter and the exosuit, to be perfectly bloody honest.

"All right, Neko. Remember the simulations? I want you to set a course bearing two-four-seven mark niner and do simulation five through seven. Should be bloody child's play, right? I'll hang back and follow your lead. While you do it, can you tell me how you met your mate?” she said over comms with a grin. “I hear he was more cat-like before, but I’ve only seen him without the fur when I get drink in Below Decks. You’re a lucky girl, him covered with fur or not, I’d say."

OOC: Obviously, you're free to make up whatever simulations five, six and seven are. The Aldean sensor scramblers blur the outline of their Valkyries and muck up sensor readings for external eyes watching them, so they are not truly "cloaks" but just enough to keep those nosey from knowing the sensor spikes are prototype Valkyries from the Theurgy. They are essentially UFOs.

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #6
[ K'Ren | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
"Roger Ghost." K'Ren responded. Her scramblers were already online, and she was doing the time honored final check of her flight control surfaces, what one of her fellow pilots jokingly refered to as the hail mary, something to do with making a cross sign, a symbol of a terran religion. K'Ren wasn't religious, not in the sense the terrans saw it, it was more personal and something she'd neglected of late. Regardless, she made her final flight checks, her craft status going green, the launch assist system locked onto her craft. She saluted the control center, signalling her readiness to go.

[Launch initiated.]

K'Ren pushed her throttle to full, the computer taking over the intial launch out of the bay. Unlike fighters of old, inertial dampeners  made for a smooth ride, a comfortable ride in fact, and the only real indication she was moving was the brief second the fighter bay rushed past before she broke out into open space. Her gearing retracting as she cleared the bay, she was both elated, and a slight bit saddened as she knew how much her former mate had enjoyed these flights, the freedom to enjoy his craft, and not be fighting for his life.

Quickly she formed up with Ghost, the two moving into an area cleared for them to maneuver as they saw fit without concern for other craft around them. Simulations five through seven weren't complicated by any stretch, mostly maneuvers intended to demonstrate she could handle the rigors of flight again, that her body was ready. She smiled a little when Ghost said she should explain how she met Deacon.

Beginning simulation five, her computer providing virtual way-points to hit in space as she maneuvered, she kept the comms open. "We met in sickbay actually. Post surgical checkup to make sure I was okay. While I was there, some of the Devoted of Morali attacked Deacon, some stupid racist reason or something. I ended up dragging him back to my quarters, someplace these devoted wouldn't look. Didn't know at the time he was K'Zin, at least half-K'Zin, and let's just say Caits don't like K'Zin, their notions on females and other aspects of civilized life offend Cait sensibilities, and we've had the odd skirmish between our respective worlds."

"So I get him back to my quarters, only to discover I've just rescued this half K'Zin, which started things off on a rocky footing. Of course we're both offspring of two worlds, and it became pretty apparent that he wasn't like other K'Zin, his notions were more respectable." She angled towards the first way-point, the first maneuver of the simulation was an easy enough one, and she nailed it, like she had so many times in the simulator. "We ended up in bed, strange notion considering we'd literally just met, but I was in heat, and he was both available, and willing it turned out."

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay - Locker Room | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @SummerDawn 
Following Neko through the three simulations, Rawley listened to her sister wolf's story about how she met her mate. Even though she heard her out, she didn't take her eyes off her sensors and her visual on K'Ren - making sure there wasn't any lag or unnecessary movements to the operations she were to demonstrate.

"I see," she said and chuckled through the comm channel to the other Valkyrie, "why do I get the impression that there should be a saying among felnoids that state 'when you're in heat, all bets are off'? I guess the less lewd version of it is something I keep hearing us humans use - which applies even though we're technically not 'in heat' as you are - and that saying goes 'you can find love in the strangest of places'."

Turning her joystick sideways, Rawley made a slow barrel roll out to the side of their loose formation, seeing K'Ren complete simulation seven as well and having no comment on her form. It looked like the hybrid Caitian had done this too many times, new fighter not. "Congrats on finding your mate aboard the Theurgy. I did the same, only I screwed things up between her and I... and then I lost her to Captain Vasser's mutiny, back before we got to Starbase 84. I'm getting over it, no worries, but me advise is you keep things together if he's the bloke for you. Simulation thirteen, nine and twelve next, and when those are done, we'll start with evasive manoeuvres, defensive and attack patterns. At your leisure, sister."

Rawley kept watching Neko preform the three simulations she found relevant and listened to what she had to say, before she changed the topic - not inclined to speak of Oracle and remind herself about what she'd spent hours processing with her counsellor. "So Chief Herrold, how did that even happen? And he being quite a looker, why didn't you end up with him? Was he a disappointing shag?"

Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #8
[ K'Ren | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

K'Ren hadn't felt any lag or uncertainty in her own handling of her craft, it seemed at least her sense of balance and fine motor controls were up to par, if a little slower then she wanted. She also felt the need to focus a bit more, but could also be the fact she was being examined, and very much aware of every move she made being under scrutiny. As she began the next set of maneuvers, she had to grin at Ghost's interpretation of her situation. "An apt observation Ghost, though like many things in our species far more nuanced then most humans would realize." She paused, rolling the craft into position. "During heat a Caitian female is driven to mate, the urge is deep seated and almost primal. Modern Cait's can control the urges to an extent using drugs and meditation, though it is preferred not to. Drugs are seen as a last resort, finding a trusted partner willing to become intimate is preferred. There are mores and customs around it, one's mate is always first, clan second, and a trusted male third."

She listened to Ghost explain how she'd found then lost a mate due to the circumstances around the Theurgy's defection. Executing a series of maneuvers designed to test her reflexes, and her trust in her instruments, K'Ren rolled through a series of tactical maneuvers against an enemy that existed only in her computer, before leveling off again for a brief pause. "Deacon and I share a low level bond, not something we can control, or sever at will. It can't be created at will, a mate one bonds to on that level to is one for life, severing the bond at death can cause psychosis and even death in the surviving partner."

She continued the test, maneuvering through a few more advanced tactical maneuvers, executing them almost flawlessly, though a few turns were a bit sloppier then she'd have liked, probably due to being out for longer then she'd been in a while, a part of the exam, doing combat maneuvers over an extended period to test endurance under fire.

"I'm not exactly sure how to explain Chief Harrold. I came to him on our last posting, I was going into heat tho didn't know it at the time. We wound up in the engine bay of my old fighter, it's large enough for two it turns out, We made love, the battle of Starbase 84 happened, he was there when my life pod was recovered, and after I was released from sickbay we wound up in his bed for most of the next day or so. Miracle given the amount we mated, that I didn't wind up with his cub, admittedly a desirable sire." She purred a little, "When one forms the bond with a mate, one does not pursue other partners. Deacon and I bonded, so the relationship with Liam had to end, simple as that."

"And before you ask, yes my species has customs around cubs conceived in the heat. It is a tangled web, almost as tangled as the web of connections one shares with one's clan. But simplified, a cub born in heat to a female without a mate, she will raise the cub herself, but as the clan takes an active role, the work is shared among many, infertile couple will often adopt such cubs, and there is no stigma to being a cub born of the heat. The human expression "It takes a village to raise a child" is apt in this case. And the sire, while he is not bound to care for his offspring, not in same way a mate would be, still takes an active role in his cub's raising, males don't abandon their cubs."


Re: Day 10 [0800] Taking Flight

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | AC-407 Mk III Valkyrie Cockpit | Wolf 02 ] Attn: @SummerDawn 
Evelyn listened to the lengthy explanation from Neko, being impressed with her ability to recite the information regarding the mating habits of her species as well as her inter-fighter rutting with the blonde deck chief during the time whens he was preforming tactical manoeuvres from her simulations. She had more or less caught on to the stuff about the Caitians and their telepathic-like bond, finding it utterly strange, alien and completely redundant from a mating point of view, but she had no degree in xenobiology to formulate a worthwhile opinion. Aren't cats supposed to have nine lives? When did they begin to die out of sympathy with their mates? At least it doesn't seem to happen all the time, poor sods.

"Wish I had a village to raise me when me parents died when I was a wee lass," she said with a chuckle, taking the edge off the sadness of the comment. "Either way, I think I might have to see for myself if I can screw someone in the engine pit of me bird. Sounds fun, and I don't take a lot of space either so I think it might be doable. If nothing else, it would be mighty thrilling to see if you get caught."

Pulling up next to Neko with her own Valkyrie, Rawley decided to type up a sequence of manouvres and send it to the Caitian hybrid's HUD. "All right sexy, let's see how you handle these attack patterns. Can you do them all at full impulse? I'll shut up and let you concentrate, but I'll follow you through them all."


1] THETA-3
2] OMEGA-3
3] DELTA-4
4] OMEGA-4
5] GAMMA-5
6] ALPHA-2
7] BETA 1-4-0

True to her word, she accelerated to full impulse, and keeping herself well out of range for Neko, but close enough to see if she fell behind. With the comm system off, she smiled. "Let's see how you dance, girl..."

And dance she did. Well enough that the old Grey Wolf would return to her new pack.


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