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Day 02 [1330 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

“Traitorous Revenant”
Day 02
March 12, 2381
1330 hrs.

[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan  
With the Memorial Ceremony done with, the talk with Deacon finished, followed by the discussion at hand coming to an end, Captain Jien Ives was tired. He stepped away from the viewport and looked at Deputy zh'Wann, who had been the one Jien felt most appropriate to summon and discuss the matter with. The Andorian had, after all, been on the ship when it all began, and she had also been the one to predict what might happen with the former host in question. The events at Starbase 84 were highly personal for Ives, so he had wanted the Deputy's thoughts before making his decision.

That the old Trill fox had actually done what he claimed had been confirmed a second time. First, with Rear Admiral Andersson in Starfleet Intelligence, and now... a second recipient of the simulcast had revealed himself.

"I would like you to stay when she comes here," he said to the Andorian as he moved to seat himself behind his desk. "I appreciate the honesty about what happened between the two of you, but I don't think this incident in the thermal springs on Theta Eridani IV would cloud your judgement in the matter, much less the events leading up to the destruction of both the Calamity and the Harbinger. Surely you can remain unbiased as you stay here... and observe her?"

The Andorian stood a bit straighter, her antennae angling forward. "Aye, Captain." She paused, before she added a question of her own. "Sir, I wonder if the integrity of her joining with the symbiont can be trusted. The former host's joining was flawed, allowing for the former hosts to seize control. What if this is the case now as well, and the traitor has been controlling the Doctor since she woke up from her joining-induced coma, leading everyone on these past five days? As you said, he was a high ranking officer in Starfleet Intelligence."

Jien shook his head, but did not dismiss the idea entirely. "I doubt he would be able to preform the medical tasks demanded of the current host since she woke up... but if that is the case, perhaps you will know this best. It might not be amiss to ask her of something that only the two of you would know about. The flawed joining allowed each host to have their memories to themselves if they wanted, so I am sure she would try to keep it from him... if she'd be a dormant spectator in her own body."

Ida folded her arms underneath her chest and took a deep breath. "Understood."

"Thea," said Jien and raised his oaken eyes. "Could you please summon Doctor Amelya Rez to my Ready Room?"

[Aye, Captain.]

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #1
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan

After receiving the mention from Thea that she was expected at the captain's ready room, Amelya Rez had made her way over to deck 01. She had just finished up on some downtime in the public baths, her hair still moist and tied up in a slight bun, yet most of her hair still hanging loosely to dry. She wore the standard issue uniform with a skirt and she could already guess why she'd been summoned. Ives' order to have the symbiont saved at all costs after the simulcast had been a debate among the medical officers,
 if only for the ethics about it. Even with the last dying breaths of Edena she could see and hear the captain being desperate for answers. There had been no time or opportunity to get those answers after Amelya's surgery. 

She chimed the door of the ready room and when she stepped in, she was surprised to see Deputy zh'Wann in the room as well. The two of them sharing history as they had shared a small amount of time during the Harbinger power struggle. However memories from her prior hosts revealed that there were more than one connections between them, even the captain had his fair share of encounters with various hosts of the Rez symbiont. If anything this meeting would be interesting if not emotional with all these ties running through one another like a complicated tied up knot. 

"Deputy zh'Wann, captain Ives." Amelya greeted both person in the room with a nod as she stood at attention and let her eyes linger on Ida for a few more seconds before placing her attention to Ives "How can I be of service today?" she asked with a clear voice. Amelya Duv would've been more intimidated by the attending officers, yet Amelya Rez. She was different, more confident and certainly not impressed.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #2
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Words of little import had been traded between Jien and the Deputy as they awaited Doctor Rez, merely grazing facts of old - a refreshment of memory and implications.

Personally, Jien remembered quite well another Doctor Rez entirely. A former host, reincarnated through the Ishtar Entity. This Doctor Rez, he had to remind himself, was someone else entirely. The Doctor that stepped through the sliding doors right then used to be Amelya Duv, the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Harbinger, and Asst. Chief Counselor to Doctor Nicander. Yet most importantly, she was the current host of the Rez symbiont, who's former host by the name Jona Rez had curtailed the crew's efforts at Starbase 84 to cast the Infested into light across the whole Federation and beyond. In self-righteous arrogance, this bygone SFI commander had thought he knew better what the outcome of the Simulcast would be, and restricted the truth to a select few.

Jona Rez was also well known to Ives from his own time in Starfleet Intelligence, and he'd ever hated the man for his cavalier attitude towards justice and Starfleet values.

"Welcome, Doctor," said Jien, and inclined his head towards the chair in front of his desk. "Please sit."

It was not stated as an option, but an order, however kindly phrased. Ida remained stock still where she stood at the side of the desk, back closer to the wall, and her hands folded behind her back - antennae angled towards Ives' visitor. She said naught, and her face was unreadable. Jien knew that she may have predicted that Edena Rez - or rather her former host - would betray the crew, but the Andorian also knew that the peril lay only in the nature of the new joining. If the Trill was joined properly to the symbiont, they had far less to assume than if the joining was like Edena's - flawed and granting liberties to its old hosts.

"Would you please tell me what you, or rather what Edena Rez, remembers from before the battle at Starbase 84, and how Jona Rez was enabled to do what he did?" Though given the circumstances, it might not be just one point-of-view involved. "Better yet, if you can access the memories of Lieutenant Commander Jona Rez, I would very much like to know whom he felt prudent to send the real Simulcast."

Re: Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #3
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The moment Amelya set foot in the room she could feel the tension hanging around in it. It was suffocating and her eyes wandered over to Ida, wondering why she was here in the first place. When she looked towards Ives, the Chameloid requested her to take a seat. The Trill could easily enough deduce that his was an order instead of a request and thus she ventured deeper into the room and took her seat and crossed her legs. The doctor looking towards Ives as he posed his questions she nodded slightly and moistened her lips with her tongue as she was asked to deliver a report about how Edena or Jona lived through the final moments of SB 84.

There was a lot of information to go through and she dug into the history of her hosts. Then again this wasn't like accessing a data system and selecting the correct file and letting it run. The Trill pursed her lips together as she looked for the right memory yet got flooded with a dozen of other memories. Amelya's breathing accelerated and her hands clenched into one another on her lap. There was silence in the room, for a good few seconds, though it felt like hours "I'm sorry captain... Finding these memories is rather... Hard." she admitted as she closed her eyes.

Managing eventually to narrow it down to Edena's memories, she got flashes of the time she was stationed aboard the Theurgy. The memories started in the Brig, Ives talking to her as she was set free and put in charge of Intelligence. A new flash brought her in Edena's quarters, under a shower when Ida showed up to threaten her if she'd ever betray the crew. It all turned black after that and Amelya couldn't help but gasp as her eyes looked over at Ives and Ida, lingering a few seconds longer on Ida before she tried to focus once more. Quickly moving through the trivial memories, the first big memory that arose was the Niga incident. The angst, horror and chaos that it brought with it.

It was the first time that Amelya could almost feel first handed how the entire situation was. A completely different scenario from the Harbinger mutiny, where the goal was to use the women as breeding tools to create an army. Niga was both invasive cruel as it was pleasurable once a mind had been overtaken. Amelya swallowed as it had brought her none closer to the question asked by Ives. It did however give her another view on the deputy in the room, having escaped with her from the Harbinger, she had respect and admiration for the Andorian. That respect however now dented by the way she had threatened her former host.

The Niga memories were cut short by a scene in Sickbay. Edena waking up to the sight of Nicander after he's performed a procedure to her, only to realize that she no longer was in control of her body. Instead another host had overtaken her physical form. Effectively locking out the other hosts from anything else. The memory blipped away as fast as it had come and Amelya eyes widened as she gasped for air.

"Edena... Was aware of the situation." she started to speak "She was however forced to watch as Jona had taken control over her body, along with her other hosts. All she could do was scream, resist and try to regain control to no avail. She watched the tragedy unfold before her very own eyes." Amelya stated, leaving out Nicander's involvement for now as she tried to understand how it all happened.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #4
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Watching Rez in her new host was eerie in how one knew it was the same person, and then again, it was not. All the former hosts were a part of the Harbinger's old Chief Medical Officer, and Jien and Ida both had complicated pasts with them all. Jien steepled his fingers when he watched Amelya try to remember, nodding when she said it was hard to do so.

Jien remembered Jona Rez in Starfleet Intelligence, the Lieutenant Commander that had been his senior in the organisation when Jien had infiltrated Aldea. Back then, Jien hadn't liked the man, and the feeling had been mutual from what he could tell. Jien remembered Kiya Rez from the Ishtar incident, and how her feelings after what they'd done together had complicated things for Edena. Edena was also someone Jien had known well, with the Niga incident both driving a schism between them and bringing them closer together - her becoming his new First Officer after Nerina ended up in stasis. The only former host that he wasn't familiar with was Ilya Rez - the grifter - but the Deputy had just admitted to know her intimately. She also knew Amelya Rez better than Jien did.

ThanIda zh'Wann stood in silence, impassive while Amelya spoke, and said naught. She had committed errors in the past, but given the betrayal at Starbase 84, she wasn't too far off. It was just the wrong host she'd threatened in Edena's quarters.

"I do not dispute Edena Rez' innocence," he said quietly, remaining as he sat. "Nor Kiya's, Ilya's or yours. Commander Jona Rez however, he was prepared to torture the Ishtar entity when we caught her, he offered his loyalty to Captain Vasser during the end of the mutiny, and he compromised the mission at Starbase 84. What we need to know presently, is if that host holds any kind of influence over your actions now, and what you can tell us about his actions. I have read the report where it was stated that Nicander helped him assert full control of Edena's body, but what we need to know is if he had protected his memories from later hosts - like he had with Edena - or if you have access to his plans for the real Simulcast."

Ida spoke up also, having been watching Amelya. "Captain, I think she at least has access to the memories of her other hosts," she said in her Andorian accent, and folded her arms underneath her chest - antennae angling forth. "She just began to look at us differently than before. More... guarded. Given some past events... perhaps it is prudent she is allowed to ask her questions first."

Jien glanced at the Deputy, and nodded after a moment, realising that the new host had no knowledge of some of the circumstances in which her former hosts had dealt with them before. If she had a hard time accessing memories, perhaps only the most emphasised recollections surfaced. She would not have the whole context.

"Very well. Lieutenant Rez, is there something you remember that we need to explain to you?"

Leaning back a little, Jien gave the Trill a small smile, for they were not out to put her on the spot or antagonise her in any way. Jien merely wanted to know if the Doctor was a security risk or not.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #5
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Rez remained in the same position in the set as she looked at Ives. It certainly felt like an interrogation aimed to discover Jona Rez's intentions with the simulcast. Amelya sighed softly as she nodded that it was a certainty to determine whether or not her joining was flawed, to determine whether or not Jona posed a threat. The medical officer pursed her lips as she weighed her answer, feeling the eyes of both officers on her as she shook her head slightly "Even if I had the true intentions of Jona Rez to my knowledge... Or if he should pose a threat to this ship... In the end it'd be me who gets the blame of it." Amelya said softly as she looked at Ives and Ida in turn "Even if I am to say that I pose no threat, that I'm just the doctor that transferred from the Harbinger, how can one be certain that I'm me and not Jona?" she asked with a shrug of her shoulders.

She dropped her head for a second before she spoke up again "All I can say is that all the other hosts from the Rez symbiont are inside of me, none have attempted or shown signs to overtake my physical body and I think it won't be that case as no further flaws have been noticed as of yet." she clarified "As For Jona's memories, he has done an excellent job of masking and hiding them, making it impossible for me to jump to them on the spot. From Edena's memories though I can tell for certain that Doctor Nicander has been instrumental in bringing Jona out in the light." she paused "The general feeling I got from Commander Jona was that he'd rather not plunge the entire Federation into a civil conflict which would in turn weaken us to foreign attacks. The true purpose of his simulcast or what message was in it is unbeknownst to me at this time." she concluded.

As the deputy pointed out that Rez would have incomplete memories, lacking context of sorts, Amelya nodded slightly. Her opinion of Ida different from when they had returned from the Harbinger to the Theurgy. Ives allowed the roles to be turned around so Amelya could pose her questions and the doctor sat up straighter, readjusting her seat in the chair. Her eyes first of all moving to Ida, the more familiar face in the room.

"I have a memory of Edena where she's being threatened and intimidated by you in her shower. I don't get the whole conversation or context around it... But it truly had an impact on Edena. If you could care to elaborate on the matter so I can understand it better or give it a place." Amelya requested as her eyes looked at Ida. She let the security officer do her say, unbeknownst if Ives had known about these events or not. Amelya nodded and posed a few more questions to clarify the situation before she turned her attention to Jien.

"You've had a special connection to one of Edena's hosts, my hosts. Kiya Rez... During an incident. It eventually lead to Edena stepping down as first officer. Kiya is old though... Her memories very hard to access and understand." Amelya smiled faintly as that host was easier to relate to due to her medical background. The grifter had encounters with various people across the ship, yet for now these two situations were easiest to be cleared out.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #6
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
It seemed that Doctor Rez had a somewhat bleak outlook on her prospects for the future, painting her own fate aboard in a bitter light because she suspected that Jona's betrayal would be projected onto her. Before Jien had a chance to correct her, however, he decided to let the Trill ask her questions - one for each of the two present in the ready room.

The Deputy got the first question, of course relating to the incident right after Jien had released Edena from the Brig, before they even reached the Mahéwa System. The Andorian shifted the weight between her feet once, but answered with her back straight and her antennae raised. "Context, for me. That I can give you, even though I breached Security protocols in what I did." Ida uncrossed her arms and folded them behind her back instead. "After the Theurgy fled Earth, and over a month of fleeing, Edena Rez turned herself over to Security, having posed as a Counselor up until that point. As an SFI operative, her mission was to ensure that all the unique prototype technology aboard wasn't to fall into he hands of enemies to the Federation. She had access to systems she shouldn't, just so that she could execute her orders. I had an adverse reaction to Captain Ives deciding to release her from the Brig... not trusting spies. I believed she had managed to trick the Captain in releasing her. That her access was still there. I never meant to harm Edena, however, but I wanted to protect this crew from her, by ensuring that she was aware that I'd watch her. A preemptive measure I am not proud of."

Jien nodded. "It was, instead, another host of the Rez symbiont that betrayed us. Before I answer your question, I want to emphasise that while this hearing is meant to determine what the situation is with the Rez symbiont, you should not be afraid. You have my promise that I would never let Jona's actions reflect upon you. You volunteered to take over the symbiont after Edena was dying, seeing the mission import of that act, and I commend you for it."

Of course, Jien did not share Jona Rez' take on the repercussions of the real Simulcast, but there was no point in debating those sentiments with Amelya Rez. Instead, Jien explained what had happened with the Kiya Rez symbiont during the Ishtar Incident.

"Before the Theurgy encountered the Harbinger, I am sure you've been briefed about the omnipotent entity that visited upon our ship. An alien that played tricks and had an appetite for lust - the Niga Incident having attracted her attention. Many of the crew were subjected to her games, and personally, I ended up in an isolated environment together with Kiya Rez. That is, the alien made her manifest as a real person, and not just a ghost inside the symbiont. All the former hosts walked this ship, Jona Rez included."

Jien cleared his throat and frowned. "Because of what Ishtar made Kiya Rez and I do in that sealed off area, I have been told that Kiya developed strong feelings for me in the wake of loosing her late husband. These feelings were not healthy between a First Officer and her Captain, but that's not all," said Jien and decided to tell the rest as well. "Edena Rez was subjected to me at Niga, infected with the virus as I was. She remembered trying to fight me off. So, because of the flawed joining Edena Rez had, she harboured both strong affection and revulsion towards me. In the end, she could not continue to serve as she did... when Jona Rez betrayed the crew to Captain Vasser. It was the final straw, I recall."

Ida had been watching Jien, but said naught. He could see the Andorian turn her eyes and antennae back towards Rez. "Do you feel confident in serving in your current capacity in Sickbay? I remember that Edena Rez would insist on not having access to arms in company with the Captain, fearing that Jona Rez might seize control. You say there have been no signs of possession from your former hosts. That is fortunate, but I need to ask the question nonetheless."

Leaning forward a bit, Jien had another question entirely. "What is your take on Doctor Nicander? Do you believe he tries to aid this crew now, that the Radiant did change him, or do you think he is playing us for fools still?"

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #7
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Amelya could only smile faintly after hearing Ives trying to reassure her that any actions from Jona would not be reflected upon her. Her eyes crossing over to the man in his seat as he commended her for it and she shook her head slightly, tough said nothing more. Instead she was still letting the words of Ida sink in as she wondered if this changed the dynamics of their relationship. Not that the two of them were real friends, yet would Ida be more guarded around her?

In the meantime Ives began to color in the context about his relationship with Kiya Rez. Why it had lead to Edena stepping down and how it impacted them. Niga seemed to be at the very core of it seemingly and Amelya gave another slight nod as she thought about any further questions. Mentioning Vasser's name still brought a chill over her spine as she remembered the atrocities vividly. The question Ida asked if she were confident to function in Sickbay was registered yet not replied to instantly as Amelya simply pondered about either her response or the given answers from both officers.

Eventually she replied "Sickbay feels like... It feels like it's a constant. A place I know and will be able to ground myself if things get hard or rough. So to answer the question, yes I feel confident about it. The hosts seem to be just memories instead of active participants." her eyes looked back up to Ives before looking to Ida "In case of any issues with the symbiont, I will not hesitate to report it." she ensured the both of them as she straightened herself in her seat.

The question of Nicander made Amelya chuckle and smirk slightly as she shrugged her shoulders "Nicander is... Was... An enigmatic persona. I mean, if I remember what Edena saw of him, he's been playing various angles without letting anyone find out. Who knows what else he did under the instructions of the parasite? Who knows in what state he is in now? Sure, I've performed life saving surgery on him, but I think he'd have survived regardless with the presence of the infestation inside him." She paused as she pondered "I can't help but wonder if it's us needing him for information or if it's just him needing us to stay alive? I mean, what good would he be to the parasites if he was to be retained in the brig? Could we trust his word on any claims he makes? It's a thin line to walk on, which could either lead to our salvation or demise. So frankly, I don't know what to believe, not from him anyway."

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #8
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Judging by Ida's nod when she heard Amelya's answer, it seemed the Andorian was satisfied with the answer. Ives had no comment either, since it was likely all that the Doctor could do at that point - newly joined as she was.

Then, the Trill spoke of Nicander, and her sentiment wasn't kind. Ives certainly shared her views on the Doctor, but since he felt a tad biased in regard to the Câroon - just like Ida - Jien had already decided on what to do in regard to the Infested they had aboard.

"I do not know what to make of him either at this point," said Jien and leaned back a bit. "Therefore, I am letting Commander Ducote lead the interrogation of the man together with people from medical, counselling and science. It will be done while I am on an away mission on the Allegiant, but Ida will be monitoring the development. Since she's had first-hand experience with these hosts of our enemy, both in regard to Sonja Acreth and Ian Hawthorne, I am confident that she, Kai Akoni and the rest of Security will be able to handle the interrogation. For now, it even seems like the Doctor is cooperative."

Ida cleared her throat, likely not too fond of the aforementioned experiences. "We'll handle it, sir."

Jien had another question for Amelya, so he changed the topic. "When Trill are joined, I am aware that they are both the same person as they used to be, and they are not. Even without Jona being one of the former hosts, and the nature of the joining under evaluation still because it was Doctor Nicander himself who preformed that surgery on you, I am left wondering... how do you feel now, when joined? I know you didn't have the training for the joining, and you aren't approved by the Trill Joining Committee, so I would think these past days must have been overwhelming?"

Putting her hands on her own hips, Ida glanced towards the deck briefly, and added. "Captain, I don't think there is much cause for concern. While Amelya and I were briefly acquainted, nothing about the past days have suggested anything radical on her part. I was abducted the whole time, but Security logs have nothing. Aside from the new preference in hair dye, Doctor D... Rez does not appear to have changed radically. As always with joined Trill, one tends to read too much into the new hosts after having met the old, thinking one sees elements from them in the new person you meet."

Jien nodded, that feeling quite known. "I think the question ought to be posed to you instead. What about the other hosts appear to have affected you? Do you find yourself different somehow?"

The regret was profound, hearing that Jona Rez had managed to hide his memories from the new host, much like he'd done with Edena Rez. How, Ives didn't know, but it was a setback that affected the mission. The hope had been that Amelya were able to tell who got the real simulcast, but there might be no such luck...

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #9
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Having another set of eyes under the form of Ducote and the new faces in medical and counseling on the subject of their former CMO was perhaps a wise decision to make and Amelya nodded. She herself would refrain from looking into the investigation too closely if possible. She simply gave a nod at the statement and as Ives mentioned that he'd be going on an away mission, the Trill was somewhat curious to the how and where. Though Ives changed the topic and asked her about how she lived the new life with a symbiont inside of her.

The Trill seemed to think her answer over, trying to figure out how to explain it best to the two present people in the room. "I suppose it is hard to explain... How it feels... Though I can say that my views on certain matters have changed. Where I'd be more naive and good believing in the past, I now see the world differently, with more experience so to speak. Though I can't say from whom in particular that trait comes, perhaps by all of my former hosts." Amelya smiled as she looked down at her lap "Either way, I feel like I know more, but don't really excel in any of my prior host's skills, unless you count Kiya as she was in medicine as well." she shrugged.

Ida's words had been humming in the back of her head and Amelya chuckled a little "Not a fan of the new haircolor Ida?" she asked before she looked back at the captain "I'm not sure what the Trill Joining Comittee might think of the circumstances of the joining, but I'm planning to reach out to them the moment we're back able to restore communications." she answered to Ives before she chewed on her lip "Could either of you do me a favor and point out to me when I do act or am differently? I mean, like radically... Different. As I don't think I have to worry about hosts taking over or anything as acute, I do wonder if it'll affect my daily routines slightly. I'd like to study it so to speak." she asked out loud, wondering if it would make a difference to either of them for the end result of this meeting.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #10
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Jien listened to Amelya as she told them about her experience of being joined to the Rez symbiont, and judging by her words, it seemed like her joining wasn't flawed, only a bit lacking for her, in how it appeared like she wasn't as connected with the symbiont as other Trills. This, judging by accounts made by other Trills Jien knew. They claimed to have far more memories from their former hots than Amelya let on, at least. Alternatively, it had only been a few days, and it could be that the memories would gradually come back. At which point, they might even learn more from Jona's schemes.

Then again, Jien supposed the Trill before him could be lying, or omitting things she didn't want them to know.

All Jien could do was to trust in the Deputy, who appeared less concerned and who also knew Amelya Duv from before her joining. Still, while Jien may have picked Elro Kobol  over Amelya for the Chief Medical Officer role for other reasons - namely that Duv had just been CMO on the Harbinger for a couple of months after CMO Dylan McVaresh was KIA and Kobol  had served on the Endeavour for a longer time in the same capacity - Jien found himself not regretting the choice. If Amelya was lying about how much she remembered, then at least she wasn't on the Senior Staff. The idea that Nicander, while a different problem, had been manipulating them all since 2378 was still difficult to forget. No, Jien preferred to not have to doubt the people working closest to him, and because of what Jona did - and the lack of mitigating words and actions from Amelya - Jien did not regret the current staff solution.

The accusation towards Ida when she mentioned the hair dye made the Andorian clear her throat and shift her feet. "No, I didn't mean it like that. Speaking as an artist, your hair is pulchritudinous, very easy on the eye," Ida said, and then caught herself, glancing towards the Captain as if she realised he was sitting right there. "I mean... I did not mean any offence. Your hair was not a radical change. To me, you do not appear to have changed much aside from that."

Did the Deputy paint? Ives had no idea, and the stoic Andorian did not seem the part. Rez' request, however, was understandable. It even helped to ease some of Jien's suspicions.

"Of course, and I suggest you ask those working closest to you in sickbay as well. Should you start acting strange, they will be the first ones to notice. It is a concern that you don't remember as much as other joined Trills might, but that might just be an initial phase you're going through. Perhaps we can have this conversation again, as soon as you remember something of import from Jona Rez' life. Specifically, who he made sure received the real simulcast. It is of the utmost importance that you tell us this, for its vital to the mission at hand."

Ida had nothing further to add, and after giving her a glance, Jien ended the meeting. "Dismissed for now, and good luck. I hope this time at Aldea gives you both time to recover after these months of strife."

"Yes, Captain," said Ida and walked out into the corridor, passing by the Yeoman's office on the way out.

If Rez said ought to the Deputy after the two women left, Ives didn't hear it. He was left to his own thoughts, and concerns, until it was time for the next meeting.

Re: Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #11
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The concern for change or anything changing in her daily routines were met by sound advice from the captain to work closely with those in Sickbay. Ives obviously seemed somewhat disappointed that the Trill could not offer any more information about Jona Rez or his plans. Amelya couldn't blame his as a while attempt to clear their name had gone awry in the worst of ways. If anything Ives would deserve to know the how and why. In the end Ives dismissed both woman from his office and Amelya gave a nod before turning around and following Ida out of the office.

A quick glance to her side made her smile to the yeoman who sat behind her desk. A quick nod was given to her before the turbolift had already opened up. She stepped in along with the deputy and when the doors closed, Amelya looked at the white haired woman as she leaned against the back of the lift. Whilst looking at Ida and remembering the words she said about her hair change from an artist point of view, a new image flashed before Amelya's eyes of Edena suggesting to pose for the Andorian. It made Amelya bite her lip for a second as she looked at Ida in the eye.

"Ida... Was there anything more going on between you and Edena?" she asked the Andorian as they were in private. Rez folding her arms in front of her again and locking her eyes with the deputy "I ask because... I got an image of Edena and you... Seemingly conversing about your artistic skills." she pointed out and smiled a little "Also, I'm sorry if I got a bit hard for you back in the office... I would say I miss the easier times..." she admitted with a shrug.

Re: Day 02 [1330 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Turbolift ] Attn: @Nolan 
Once she was in the turbolift with the Doctor, Ida found that they wouldn't part ways without further comment. What the new Rez host brought up caught her entirely off guard, and when she couldn't make any immediate comment about the query about how Edena might have posed for Ida, she replied to the addendum first.

"No cause for concern, your questions were quite legit, given the apparent state of your joining and what you did recall about my affiliation with Edena. Captain Ives was already well aware of what happened, and the matter of my conduct and suspicions were settled with Edena, at her request."

Which led them to the other... conversation.

"She asked me to come to her XO ready room, and we spoke. I don't recall exactly how our conversation led up to it, but she said something about how there hadn't been many that had seen her in the state of undress she was in when I threatened her." Ida cleared her throat, and described the conversation that followed: [Show/Hide]
"So... before she was able to answer, our meeting came to an end. Regardless what Edena might have wanted to do in that regard, we never had the opportunity to revisit the topic," she told Rez, and by that time, the turbolift stopped at Deck 11, where the Security Centre was at. She glanced towards the open doors, and then back towards Rez. "This is my stop. Shall we speak at another time?"

By Lor'Vela, what would Amelya think of her, knowing the past a bit better? Not only had Ida threatened Edena, thinking she was fooling Ives, but she'd also complimented her on her figure. Then again, this was a new host of the Rez symbiont, so perhaps it didn't matter much? Besides Amelya was not Edena, even though the former now had memories from the latter. Worse, perhaps, might have been if Ilya Rez' memories began to return to Amelya, and she'd remember the brazen exploits of theirs next to the thermal springs on Theta Eridani IV, where here had been no sense of restraint and propriety in regard to their affairs. Rather than charcoals and paints, they had used their hands and tongues as brushes...

It was so strange, Ida found, looking into Rez's eyes now and not knowing how much of the past remained between them.


Re: Day 02 [1330 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant

Reply #13
[ Dr Amelya Rez | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Amelya studied the Security Officer as she answered her and the interest of the doctor peaked even more so when Ida began to elaborate on the condition to how and why that conversation had come to pass. Amelya listened carefully, the blanks in her new memory being filled in. It was strange that when Ida informed her about this that all of it felt familiar at some point. It wasn't new, but more like a picture being re imagined and slowly visualizing itself.

Amelya let the situation sink in for a bit, before she could reply the lift came to a stop. Rez looked up again, being dragged out of her thoughts as Ida mentioned that this was her stop and the doctor gave her a nod "Yes, I would love to. We haven't been in touch that much since a while really." Amelya smiled as she waved to the blue skinned woman as she stepped out of the lift.

As Ida turned back to look Amelya in the eye, the Trill couldn't help but think there was more going on between her and her prior host. Memories that were still locked away but slowly but surely got unlocked day after day. It would only be a matter of time before all of her memories would be available to her, which would be a great thing for Ives and his quest for the message hidden away by Jona. How it would impact the other crew members however was a mystery.

"Let me know when you're available if your shift comes to an end." Amelya smiled before the doors of the lift shut and the answer of Ida would be unheard as the lift rode off to the next destination.


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