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Topic: 2368: Starfleet Academy: Science Issues (Read 10774 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: 2368: Starfleet Academy: Science Issues

Reply #25
[Cadet Zephyr Praise & Cadet Thomas Ravon | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth]

Tonight was the night when all the cadets wore the most beautiful dresses and suits.  You could wear your formal uniform but you didn't have to.  Tonight was the night where you could dress beautifully it was the night where you could be special and forget that you were a member of the Fleet.  Tonight was for drinking, dancing, and enjoying some fun and down time with friends.  Zephyr had been looking forward to tonight for such a long time.  Since Ethan had asked her a couple months ago.  She hadn't thought she would be asked, she figured she would just stay home to do nothing.. study more.. or sleep.  Who knew.  But, instead Ethan had snagged her as a date.  Pulling her out of her little shell little by little she was rather enjoying it actually.  Being able to have someone to spend her time with.  Thom was still her friend but somehow there was a kind of a distance between them since the night at the club when he left her.

She had told Ethan she needed to find Thom and that she would see him back on the dance floor.  He mentioned that it was fine, he wanted to go see some of his boys and hang a little bit.  She had searched all over the large room for him and then finally made it outside.  It was ridiculously easy to pick out his silhouette against the river.  She had seen him for the last several years and while he bulked out and thinned a bit through exercise and training she had watched him grow into the officer he was about to become.  She would stay here, with Ethan, another year before she could graduate.  But, still, she would miss him.  She already felt the ache from time to time, as their distance had grown.  Though Ethan had pulled her towards him like a magnetic connection.

She wore a beautiful dress of emerald green, it hugged the top half of her and the trumpet style dress flared out from her knees down.  She was just glad it was comfortable and she had found him.  She smiled as he turned and said she looked beautiful.  Her hair was curled softly and hung loose but pulled back away from her face by a small clip that Ethan had bought her.  It shimmered softly in her hair as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.  She reached up to brush her fingers against his collar to firm it up a little bit against his neck the right way. 

"You always cleaned up nicely Thom." she said with a soft smile.  In her heels he was still taller than her and her hazel-green eyes shifted up to look into his.

She smiled at him and looked out over the river.  "I'm .. I'm really going to miss you Thom, a lot, actually." she admitted though her eyes didn't look over at him, she'd always had a soft spot for Thom and it had only grown.  Even as Ethan stepped into her life she had wished Thom to remain a major part of it.  That was important to her, though she had a feeling once he left things would be different.  He would be off, having a career and she would be relegated to being this girl he knew at school once.

Chewing on her lower lip Zeph thought about what she wanted to say.  After tonight, she probably wouldn't see him again for a while.  "You won't be a stranger right?" she said, emotion clouding her voice a bit.  He was, afterall, her best friend.  She sighed softly and looked over at him with a smile, the one that she always shared with him. Open, happy, connected.

She didn't hear the steps behind her as she shared the moment with Thom.  The steps that would be Ethan in his suit coming over.  His arm came around her and pulled her away from Thom in a playful way but his eyes that glared at Thom said he had a different intent.  Getting her away from him. "You know Thomas, I never got to properly thank you for introducing me to this beautiful woman.  She's most definitely the light of my life.  Man, I owe you one." he said with a chesire grin.  Zeph's cheeks lit up in a blush.


Re: 2368: Starfleet Academy: Science Issues

Reply #26
[ Cadet Zephyr Praise & Cadet Thomas Ravon | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco | Earth ]
@Blue Zephyr 

He had to laugh softly as she mentioned that he always cleaned up nicely. His eyes glided over her emerald green dress which seemed like it had been tailor made for her. She looked perfectly stunning in it and he felt his mouth go dry as he couldn't help but gaze over her. She told him that she'd be going to miss him and it made the ensign sigh softly a he placed his hand on her back.

As she asked him softly that he wouldn't be a stranger to her he smiled faintly and whispered "We can keep in touch." he just wanted to give her a hug. Give her a hug and never let go. He doubted and fought with himself to tell her how he truly felt about her. he licked his lips as he looked into her eyes. Their eyes connected and he slowly reached down to take hold of one of her hands. They felt so soft and delicate that he let out a soft laugh before he whispered "Zeph... There's something I've been meaning to tell you." he started as he looked back up to her eyes "I've alwa-"

His line was cut off short as Ethan appeared out of nowhere. Thomas hadn't heard him coming either as he was to pent up in the moment. With a snag he felt Zephyr being snatched away from him and held closely against the engineer as he looked at him with eyes that glared. Ravon looked at his friend as he thanked him for introducing him to Zeph. The quote alone with the way he had literally and figuratively snatched her away from him made the pilot boil. Yet Ethan didn't stop there as he continued by adding that she was the light of his life and that he owed Thomas.

It was enough to boil over the brewing pot of rage inside of Thomas as he stepped closer "You fucking assho-" his words never coming to their full intent as he swung the first blow. A hard right landed straight on Ethan's left eye as cracking could be heard by all three present. It was unclear who broke what, if it was Thoms's knuckles or hand shattering or if it was Ethan's eye socket that got cracked and broken. Effectively the pilot was about to pounce Ethan further before he saw the shock on Zeph's face.

He had never been like this around her and he felt the shame and regret flood him instantly while he wanted to do nothing more but to beat the engineer to a bleeding pulp. He refrained from any additional slugging and took a step back as he snorted and shook his head. His eyes becoming watery before he chewed on his lip "I-I'm s-sor-ry..." he whispered, again unclear if it was meant for Ethan, which was unlikely, or to Zephyr. In any case the young pilot turned away from the scene and took off, leaving Ethan to groan in pain as blood trickled out of his nose as well due to the impact of the punch.


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