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USS Endeavour: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

 Laurel Okhala | Engineering | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr @Auctor Lucan

Week three of her cadet cruise was not going well for Laurel Okhala. After graduation she was so sure that she had left the shadow of her sister and the racism of certain people behind on Earth. Unfortunately, if the duty roster was to be believed then she had not. It was not that she couldn't pull a double shift if she had too- after all, she needed less sleep than some of the other cadets. It was the fact that she had been asked to pull doubles two or three times in a row each week, when no other cadets seemed to be asked to do so. Not only that, but they kept relegating her to cleaning detail or go between messenger. Things not typically associated with her department. She had only been scheduled for actual CONN duties one or two times . . . total since coming aboard. Once again, being so low on the food chain, that might have been expected, except that Cadet Brydon had boasted that she had been the bridge three times already, that morning at breakfast.

At least that day's assignment had taken her to engineering. There at least politics and race seemed to matter less, if you knew and respected ships you were generally accepted. Not for the first time Laurel pondered why she didn't join up with engineering track instead of CONN. Laurel took in the sights and sounds of the busy and slightly congested area occasionally having to dogde out of the way of a distracted engineer or two. It took her a while but she eventually zeroed in on the Chief Engineer, Lt. Cmdr. Blue Tiran. She sucked in a calming breath before striding forward, trying to seem like she belonged.

"Lieutenant Commander, I have a message and request from Lieutenant Commander C'Russar for your approval." She offered a bit over zealously, once she gained the Engineer's attention.

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #1
[LCdr. Blue Tiran | Engineering | USS Endeavour | Twinkie Revolution]

Engineering, heaven, or as close to it as Blue could get on the best day.  She looked at her PADD, leaning her hip against one of the console.  Her blue eyes then darted up to take in the Engineering deck and the bustle there in.  Everyone was doing their jobs.  Blue had settled easily into her job as Chief Engineer.  She didn't believe in stupidity.  Thus, she trusted most of the people around her to get their shit done.  If they didn't, consequences would be fierce.  One thing Blue was known for was not taking shit.  She didn't fucking care if you used curse words, she didn't care if you didn't like your co worker, if your job got done and the standards were up to her level you were doing a good job. 

A notification popped up on her PADD and her brow rose.  Her crystalline blue eyes shifted across the deck to find Ensign al'Theyla.  Spotting the blue skinned woman Blue pushed off the console and made her way across the Bridge.  She was not the kind of Chief that really liked being called Commander or Lieutenant Commander.  She preferred it to be just her name.  Sometimes she could stomach Chief, mostly because she had worked hard for the title.  She was proud of herself, Ducote was proud of her, she could see it in his face when he gave her the promotion all those months ago.

“al'Theyla, did you see the fluctuation in the plasma conduit?”


Blue gave the woman a look.

“Sorry, Uhh Blue?”

“Did you see the fluctuation in the plasma conduit?  It just came up on my PADD.  I need you to check the flow valve and make sure that fucker isn't malfunctioning again.”

“Right, on it.”

Blue nodded and turned making a notation of the officer that had been assigned to the duty.  She crossed the deck back over to the console where she had been working.  Leaning over it her black and blue curls shifted around her in it's tandem of mass.  She heard her rank, and closed her eyes for a moment and then she looked up.  Her eyes shifted to the woman's collar.  New.  Well maybe she gets one chance.  She straightened up and brushed her hair off her shoulder studying the woman in front of her.  Blue's slender but muscular arms crossed over her chest. 

“It's just Blue.” she told the woman.  “There's no fucking need to be fluffing my ego, it's big enough.” she shrugged as she looked at the woman mentioning something about Lcdr C'Russar for her approval.  Her brow rose.  “Why the fuck did they send you on this stupid errand he could have just fucking forwarded it to my fucking PADD, I would have found it.” she sighed as she reached her hand out for the PADD, her voice was exasperated, but it was clearly not at the woman in front her but at the system that seemed broken as shit. 

“What's your name?” she asked the woman her blue eyes darting up from the PADD to lock eyes with the woman in front of her for a moment before darting back down to see what old C'Russar needed all of a sudden. His replicator is probably spitting shit in his face again.

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #2
[ Laurel Okhala | Engineering | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Dropping out of attention, Laurel tucked a strand of her tawny hair behind a pointed ear and her slanted brow climbed higher upon her ridged forehead. "Ma . . . m-I mean Blue," Another reason to like engineers, they tended to not stand on ceremony and preferred the job to messing about with politics. For the second time that day, the thought ’Why didn’t I go engineering route again?’ crossed her mind. “I seem to have been relegated to gofer until future notice. This is the third time this week, I have been asked to run messages to other departments, for my superiors." She looked down clenching her jaw, "I have learned, it is best not ask questions and do as asked, lest I make it four times this week. Or worse, get set to janitorial duty on the shuttle craft."

"I am aware that, I seem to be making few friends in the departments I am being sent to. I ask forgiveness for wasting your time, however, I was tasked with a job. Lieutenant Commander C’Rusar, does appreciate promptness, so if you would like to respond via the padd you may, otherwise I will be more than happy to relay a message for you.” Laurel forced herself to look cheerful and attentive, although she would have hazarded a guess that she was not successful. Lcmdr Blue did not look pleased with C’Rusar and Laurel both looked forward to and feared what the response would be that she might have to deliver.

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #3
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Engineering | USS Endeavour]

The girl corrected herself, she had promise. 

It wasn't often that a young one could actually manage such a thing, most of them were still walking around with the sticks in their asses that they earned themselves in the Academy.  She liked to try to help the newbies in removing their sticks when she could but this one at least had not allowed the whole thing to go up her back side.  Still, there was a reason this woman was here for a reason.  Apparently, she was a gofer for people that were above her.  Blue could only raise her brow as she looked at the poor woman that didn't deserve to be fucked over that way.  She didn't deserve nor did she spend the years at the Academy going through all the training that she did just to deliver messages.  She took the PADD from her and she read the message on the screen and then she flickered up at the woman.


Blue nodded to a chair that was behind the console that she normally used but for this moment in time was not currently occupying.  She waited for the woman to sit, and if she didn't, Blue would give her that look that said sitting wasn't exactly an option at this point.  Once the woman decided to take the seat, Blue would head to a small cabinet in the console and open it pulling out a small packet that she had kept in there.  Two twinkies sat inside their wrapper as she leaned against the console and opened the wrapper.  She took one for herself and handed the other to Laurel.

“Go ahead, have a snack, my orders.  C'Russar can wait.”  she shrugged.  “He should fucking know I'm not fast, and you can tell him you had to wait on me, I can take his berating because I'll give it right back to his mother fucking face.”   She would have to tell Ducote about him, if he was running the newbie around for shit like this she knew that Ducote would not stand for it.  It was one thing to be the low guy on the totem pole, it was another thing to nearly press her into slavery.  She hadn't gone through the Academy to be a messenger.  Any support staff could have done that.  That was ridiculous.

“What's your name?”  Blue asked curiously as she looked over at the woman.  “How long have you been on board the ship?  I came on board about.. oh fuck.. uhh.. a year or so ago.” she gave a shrug, she hadn't really counted, she supposed that she should.  Just that this place felt like home and that was what she loved about it.  Anyone being treated unfairly she would make damn sure were turned in.

C'Russar, that fucker, I will make sure you get to take care of that woman's baby on Deck 12. she thought to herself as she took a bite of her twinkie and looked over at the woman taking a load off for a minute.

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #4
[ Laurel Okhala | Engineering | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Laurel's eyes widened and both brows rose in surprise but at the look the engineer was leveling at her, she felt it was the best choice to sit and listen to the other woman. She stared quizzically at the unnaturally yellow confection for a second before opening the package and sniffing it in trepidation before taking a bite. The harsh sweetness of the item surprised her enough for her to squeak slightly before she could politely setting it down on the desk.

“We do not have things quite so sweet on Alpha Centauri. I’m afraid I am still not quite used to the human obsession with sugar.” She cocks an eyebrow at the other woman. “My name is, Laurel Okhala . . . ma- uh- Blue. I am stationed here for my cadet tour.” She looked away to fiddle slightly with uniform from her stiffed sitting position.  “I am sure it is fairly obvious, but I am new. Just got to prove that they aren’t going to scare me off by giving me menial work. Similar things happened at the Academy. I was hoping things here would be better but. . . well.” She trails off with a shrug.

“If I could just figure out a way to keep the other cadets from spreading rumors, C’Rusar seems like a reasonable officer.” She allowed her shoulders to slump for a moment as she wipes her hands against her pants legs in a nervous habit.

“If I may, why did you choose Starfleet, ma’am?” She flinched after speaking and glanced up at Blue sheepishly. “Apologies.”

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #5
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Engineering | USS Endeavour]

She sat.  Blue grinned, she was the sort that didn't exactly take 'no' for an answer.  She had all but forced her way into living with Ducote mostly by just not leaving and slowly creeping her shit in there little by little.  Eventually, it dissolved into a fight over her furry shit covering his stuff in fine layers of hair, and her tools being everywhere.  But they had eventually worked out a system.  The night that he had forever earned her trust in him was the night she had come home, knowing she had left a fucking massive mess because her work shift had snuck up on her and she didn't have time to clean before it began.  But there he was, not angry, not pissy, not even waiting for her to clean her shit.  He was installing a massive shelving unit in the bulkhead of his Quarters.

When she asked him what it was for, he said he couldn't stand the mess any more and was going to fix it himself.  That the shelf was for all her shit.  Little drawers for the small shit, bigger spots for the bigger parts.  It was hers.  But what he had done was give her a place, in his place.  When she thought for sure he was going to be pissed off at her and tell her to get the fuck out.. he didn't.  He had given her a place in his Quarters, accepting who she was and knowing how to help her.  Giving her a piece of his world had rocked her world and caught her off guard.

It was clear she wasn't a huge fan of the twinkie.  One demerit. she thought sarcastically in her head as the woman put the twinkie down.  A real woman would have finished that bitch no matter what.  She finished her second twinkie and she put the wrapper on her console for the moment as the woman mentioned that they didn't have such sweets on Alpha Centari.  “You gotta work up to this kind of pure sugar.  We'll get you there.”  Blue grinned as she looked over at the woman, she seemed a bit out of place, shy, and awkward.

New.  Blue reminded herself.  She had probably.. oh who the fuck was she kidding, she had never been that bad.  She had gone on board with a bad fucking attitude and a chip bigger than the ship on her fucking shoulder.  “There ya go.  Show those mother fuckers that you got balls and you aren't afraid of any fucking work.  And trust me, the Captain and First Officer notice that kind of shit.  They notice who does the work, who delegates, and who is the work horse.” she admitted.  “You think I don't get flak, of course I do, but then they also know that I work my fucking ass off down here to keep this fucking boat in the air.  You don't piss off the woman that keeps you floating.” she grinned.

“Rumors?  What kind of rumors?  I don't stand for that shit.  Because that shit right there will get people in trouble or get people to thinking they are less than they are.  You aren't the sum total of what other fuckers think you're worth.  You have to know what you're worth, and tell the others to get fucked.” she shrugged her shoulders.  Blue had long ago learned that lesson herself, but she had long since stopped giving a shit about what other people thought about her.

At least, people not named Ranaan.

“C'Russar is a pretenious prick, don't sugar coat his miserable existance.” she chuckled as finally the woman asked her why she got involved in Starlfeet.  So Blue told her the truth.  “When you want to get as far as fuck away from home, Starfleet is the best fucking way to do that.  What about you?  What made you decide to jump into the deep end?”

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #6
[ Laurel Okhala | Engineering | USS Endeavour ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr

Leaning away slightly from the fuming engineer, Laurel considered her answer . . . How much should she tell this woman she just met. Her father would say not to tell her anything, her mother, to tell a convincing lie. But Laurel had never been particularly good at lying, another disappointment, and a major reason why Starfleet Intelligence was never something she had really entertained as a possibility for her. How to explain her situation without compromising her parents or sister. This was why her father hadn't wanted her or Devyrie to leave the planet.

Panic settled in and Laurel had to breathe for a few seconds while counting backwards from ten, in Romulan, to be calm enough to answer the simple question. "They aren't anything new, the rumors. Being half Romulan I've heard them all my life. What if she's a spy? She's just trying to get in good with us so she can pass on information. Who would let a ridge head pilot a Federation Starship, we aren't dumb." She pitcher her voice in a mimic of other people she had heard.

"Growing up, even in Federation space there will always be those who dislike what they don't understand." She crossed her arms and snorted derisively, "The number of times I was told that my mother was a traitor and my father was creating perfect little spy/soldiers, in myself and my sister. I had to be tough skinned. It just means I have to work harder, that I haven't had the chance to prove to them that I am worth the risk . . . Worthy of their trust. Worthy of the position I have dreamed of since I was in middle school." 

She leveled her stare at the other woman, "And I have found that while having friends makes the journey easier, it is one I have to make myself everytime I start somewhere new." a smirk settled on her face, "Proved myself in the academy. Passed every extra hurdle they threw at me, until they realized that they could not deter me. I can do the same thing here. It's no different, just disappointing." She heaved a sigh, "I though perhaps out hear, the prejudice would be less."

Re: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #7
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Engineering | USS Endeavour]

Something warred on the woman's face.  Blue had no special skills or abilities but she was fairly gifted at just flat reading people.  She was unschooled in the subtle art of this woman's face.  That would take time and it would be something that she would have to take time learning to read.  Especially, with her Romulan blood, it made her that much harder.  Blue was not prejudiced at all, not even slightly.  It would literally be the pot calling the kettle black.  She was not the average Starfleet officer and she for fuck sure wasn't the sort to hold other people to the standards that she, herself, didn't hold herself to. 

The only standards that Tiran had was work related.  She was the sort that pushed herself further, worked harder, and went out of her way to get the jobs done not only right but to the best of her ability.  She was intelligent, and amazingly so, but when it came to her work she was constantly creative and testing her limits as much as she could.

Blue put her PADD down, the one that the woman had brought down to her, and listened as she told her story.  About how the people on the ship thought she might be a spy because she was half Romulan.  Blue pursed her lips as the little tone that she used to mimic the other fuckers that made fun of her for her genetics.  Blue was always talked about, because of multiple reasons. 

The biggest, these days was because of her fiance.  Ranaan Ducote was someone that had worked his way past all her defenses and found a place that she guarded quite harshly.  He had been the only one that could see her for what she really was.  Just a woman that hid behind all her harsh words and the anger that she had been holding onto since she was nine years old.  Then there was the fact that most people didn't see her as nice.  Even though she could be nice, hiding it behind all the cursing and blunt commentary tended to over shadow the actual act itself.  Blue refused to change for anyone, and she wasn't about to start right now.

“Fuck them.”  Blue said as the woman paused, and gave a shrug.  “Those fuckers are probably more likely to turn their back on the Federation.  Why because you were born with half a set of genes that you had no fucking decision in getting.  Who the fuck cares.  Fuck all of them.  Nosey fuckers...” she trailed off shaking her head.

She nodded along to everything that the woman said and then gave a shrug.  Not that she discounted the words of the woman, merely that she had a point to make too.  “The Federation prides itself on not being these... judgmental fuckers.. but that's such shit.  I'm human, and because I'm not your average human, because I'm a fucking smart woman that speaks my fucking mind when I damn well please, because I'm not giggles and pink shit.. means that I”m some how a lesser human.  Well fuck them too!  Fuck all those judgmental douche bags that dared to judge me because guess who they're gonna call when they need shit fixed?  Me.  That's who, and you too, eventually.  They're going to need something from you and that's when you'll realize that it doesn't matter who they thought you were.  You are who you are.”

Blue looked over at the woman.  “Laurel.  What do you do when you aren't running errands for asshats in higher positions?”

Re: USS Endeavour: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #8
[ Cadet Laurel Okhala | Engineering | USS Endeavour ] attn @Blue Zephyr

Laurel looked a bit startled at the abrupt change in topic. "Do you mean during down time, or what I was assigned to be doing on board the ship. . . Well what I thought I was being assigned to do anyways?" She looked a bit frustrated but seemed to shake it off pretty quickly. She fumbled briefly again with how much she should reveal to this seeming goodnatured, superior she had only just met. After a short deliberation she decided to stick to mainly things that anyone could observe about her. Afterall, she had had roommates, and anyone who looked at her hands could notice the callouses from scanning padd's and the paint chips beneath her nails. It would take longer for people to know that she sought out the company of animals, and devoured Earth's musical history and musicology like a person starved. Yes work related interests were much safer to share with an unknown potential ally. Whether or not she shared her other hobbies, would depend on if this woman attempted to continue their aquaintanceship, or if she too decided that she was not worth the trouble. 

"I enjoy studying a bit of ship design, from a propulsion aspect and an engineering aspect, not to mention great pilots and helsmen of the past. I think spaceflight is . . . " she seemed to search for a word that would fit her thoughts and looked slightly embarrassed when all she could come up with was, "cool."

"My mother bought me my first model ship when I was eight, I've built them as a way to calm my mind and temper ever since. I have built probably close to 30 since I started the Academy. You could say I was a bit stressed. The kinesthetic activity mixed with the mental stimulation really helps me focus when I'm out of sorts." She looked off a bit wistfully. "My latest one is of one of the old Excelsior Class ships, NCC-60597 I believe. I'm almost ready to put the final wash on her before beginning the fine detail work. I'm excited."

"When I'm on duty I thought I was supposed to be flying." She schooled her face quickly but frustration leaked through the cracks.

"What sparks your interest, if I may ask?"

Re: USS Endeavour: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #9
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Engineering | USS Endeavour]

“That first one.”

Blue said as she leaned against her console and thought blissfully about having another energy drink.  If she showed up to her shared Quarters with Ranaan hyper he would probably admonish her for drinking too much sugar.  Then she would go to the replicator and replicate herself some twinkies and eat them while he lectured her on the fine arts of a well balanced diet.  By the end, she would probably be drinking a soda and eating a cookie at the same time just to prove that he couldn't make his point because she was stubborn til the end.  Finally, they would move on, and probably consume a dinner that he replicated because he didn't trust her not to over sweeten her life.  Not that she would have, well.. she might have just because it would be hilarious to watch his face. 

Like when he sat on her hydrospanner.

Turned out that Laurel got more interesting.  She was interested in ship design and propulsion.  Even more so; Engineering.  This was all Blue's bread and butter.  She loved working on her ship, she loved making things, inventing things, fixing things.  If she wasn't working on something she was bored out of her skull.  Her mind was a constant flow of information and planning.  She was never overly organized but she managed well enough to remember where she put her shit. 

Sometimes Ducote's ass found it first.

She mentioned that spaceflight was.. cool, and Blue couldn't help but give a chuckle.  “Well, of course it is.” she admitted with a shrug.  Laurel mentioned that her mother bought her the first model ship she had built when she was only eight years old.  Blue swallowed heavily, it seemed that the woman had a good childhood where Blue's went to shit when she was only nine years old.  Blue had been too strong to let that shit get her down, but it wasn't easy to come back from that kind of failure .  Still, she shook her own thoughts out of her mind and reconcentrated on the information that Laurel was giving her.  She bit her lower lip and nodded.  “Excelsior, excellent, I've never been into building model ships but I can understand where staying busy both body and mind are a sound fucking idea.  That's what I do.” she shrugged as if it was what everyone did.

“So fly.  You should talk to the Captain.  Or Ran.. Ducote, he's a good guy, bit rough around the edges, ignore the grumbly voice, you get used to it.  Anyway, the guy wouldn't stand for anyone taking advantage of any of his crew including the cadets.” Blue admitted, and she knew it was true, Ducote ran the ship tightly but he also ran it like a family, it was one of the best things about the Endeavour.  Finally, the question was turned on her, and Blue thought about how to answer it.

“I invent things.  I hack.. I .. do all things computer, engineering, or creating.  Uhhhh....” she looked over at the silver own that sat on a small perch at the edge of her console.  “Albert, send a message.” she said, the owl's eyes lit up blue in color and it waited for the message.  “Send to C'Russar, tell him to make sure that Laurel gets flying time today, and tell him to send his fucking reports to me, in the future, via a PADD because he's a fat fuck that needs to get a life of his own and quit picking on Cadets or he's going to have to start answering to me.” she sighed, and then rolled her eyes.  “Omit that last... part, but yeah... send.”

Albert chirped happily and the message sent, the eyes stopped glowing and he went back into hibernation mode for the moment.

Re: USS Endeavour: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #10
[ Cadet Laurel Okhala | Engineering | USS Endeavour] attn @Blue Zephyr

Laurel raised an eyebrow, "Albert? Is- is Albert one of your inventions or," she looks around as iff expecting some other poor cadet or auxiliary staff to be standing behind where she sat. Upon finding no corporeal being her hazel eyes refocused on the panel before her. Taking in the odd owl like structure before her she pondered the programing it would take to achieve such a thing. It seemed an odd shape for such a device but perhaps it served a special service to Blue, much like the small Alpha Centauri style protection amulet she kept beneath her uniform was for her. A token of home or of someone important, a comfort, a friend when there was none to be found. Or perhaps she was mierly projecting her own feelings on this little device.

She waited patiently for a response, preparing questions on how the audio circuitry worked, when her thoughts we interrupted by her combadge twittering for her attention. Glancing up apologetically at the engineer, Laurel tapped her badge, "Okhala." and waited for the response.

Neither woman had to wait long before the gruff, rumbling voice of Chief C'Rusar grumbled over the chanel. "Okhala, get back up to my office. We need to have a conversation." His tone was even and hard to read over the comm chanel, she wished she could see his facial expressions and body language. Laurel felt a bit uneasy, wondering if she was going to be in trouble for what Blue had just sent him. She was not sure if she really wanted to be the subject of the large, heavily maned, tawny Catian's ire but knew she had little choice in the matter.

"Right away, sir." She affirmed before standing and straightening her uniform from where it had bunched up as she sat. "Thank you for your time, Blue. I will endeavour to accustom myself to a higher level of sugar." She tilted a smile at the other woman at her own pun. Her father would have frowned and told her that puns were the lowest form of humor, but her mother would have laughed. And with a nod of her head she turned on her heel and walked out of Engineering, perhaps feeling a bit more confident than when she had arrived. Perhaps . . . she had made a friend aboard the Endeavour at last.


Re: USS Endeavour: The Start of a Beau . . . Well a Friendship

Reply #11
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Engineering | Where the Good Shit is | USS Endeavour]

Blue grinned, quite proudly.  “Yes, I invented, created, and programmed Albert.  He is currently a PADD interface but my hope is to at some point allow for him to be more AI and less just an interface but that takes time.” she gave a shrug of one of her shoulders as if all the work that went into Albert had been nothing but just a brief thing.  Something that almost anyone could do when it was truly a marvel.  Not that others couldn't do the same thing that she had only just that it wasn't as easy as she was passing it off as. 

The young woman's badge went off and Blue recognized the tones of C'Russar coming through it asking that Laurel to return and that he needed to talk to her specifically.  Blue gave a grin, she hoped it was for good reasons but it was hard to say whether it was or not.  A lot of people were afraid of Blue and of course she was engaged to the man up top... well a step from the top.  Knowing that she was engaged to the First Officer helped her probably be a little braver but she also tried harder to be a good person because she wanted to make him proud but also feared holding him back.

Laurel stood and Blue straightened herself from where she had been leaning against her console.  The twinkie, the poor sacrificial twinkie sat there on the console left abandoned by the cruel cruel world of people that could not swallow the amount of glory that came from the small treat.  For now though, Blue gave a raised brow as the woman excused herself and mentioned that she would have to try to accustom herself to better sugar intake. 

Blue felt a chuckle leave her lips a bit of a smile did wonders to brighten her face.  “Or replicate your own snacks.  Not everyone can understand the ways of the twinkie.” she gave a slight shrug to the woman.  “Let me know if C'Russar lost the stick up his asshole or not.  I can always replace it with a studded one.” she said letting the woman go, Blue turned around and began to getting back to work.  It was time to refocus on the shit around her and keeping this ship going forward.


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