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DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

[ Lieutenant Junior Jovela | USS Theurgy, March 2381| ICU Room | 1800 hours | Attention: Auctor Lucan & anyone else I may have missed

Lub dub ...

That was a good sign, wasn't it? That was her heart beating, right? Or had Jovela just imagined the noise?

... Wait a minute though. You're ... thinking? When ... how?

To say Jovela was confused was quite the understatement. The last immediate memory that came to her were shots. Two ... three ... four of them? More than one, that much was for damn sure. Soon after they hit her, she blacked out. If Jovela had to be perfectly honest with herself, she assumed the worst, that she'd died right then and there. It would, unfortunately, make sense as to why her thoughts, breaths, everything had all seemed to cease.

But .... this was implying that she was ... alive? Right?

Lub dub ...

What's going on?

Hazel eyes began to force themselves open, fearing the worst may have happened to her body but most definitely hoping for the best. Jovela had, admittedly, joined Starfleet knowing it would come with many risks. Still, she hadn't wanted to die. Not so easily, and definitely not if it could be helped. It'd make all the training she endured rather pointless and redundant.

A pained wince mingled in with a frantic gasp as the brown orbs finally got what they wanted. Slowly, Jovela managed to turn her head and weakly looked around.

"Hello?" she called out, covering her mouth as she coughed slightly. "Where ... am I? What ... happened?"

Hell, how long have I been ... asleep, I guess?

Maybe that last inquiry was one that shouldn't be answered, lest she freak out from hearing the answer. Still, Jovela swallowed nervously, her head plopping back down even though the workaholic side of the nurse wanted little more than to get out of bed and resume her work.

Alas, something hinted to her that would be something she'd need to wait on.

Hopefully not for too long though ...

An array of memories began swarming through her head. When a very certain man she remembered ... bedding re-entered her mind, Jovela closed her eyes and groaned.

Oh god. That really did happen?! I need to apologize to him. I don't know what I was thinking ...

But more than anything, she needed a distraction. Because now that the recollection of what she did with Garen Nelis was hitting her harder and faster than an actual ton of bricks could, Jovela needed something - or someone - to help her from not dwelling too much on that day. 

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #1
[ Dr. Nicander | USS Theurgy | ICU Room | 1800 hours ]
Beginning at 1100 hours that day, Dr. Lucan cin Nicander had been in surgery.

The reason was how they had replenished their medical supplies with artificial organs at the Black Opal, organs which hadn't been replicated because they either held complex bio-chemical components or where components needed testing individually before final assembly. For while any replicator could spit out approximations of functioning lungs, pancreas and livers, they were supposed to sustain the lives of the people they were placed inside, and then the tried and true medical practices of organ replacement were not to be abandoned. Thus, new organs had been in short supply for a long time before the Black Opal mission, but now, there was finally a long list of patients that were to be removed from stasis, and given a new chance at life. A slim chance, perhaps, given the upcoming mission to Starbase 84, but a chance nonetheless.

At 1100 hours, the massive surgery upon former Head Nurse Jovela had begun. It was her turn on the list, and her injuries had been so severe that the initial phase had to be preformed before she was even removed from her stasis unit. Not just one, but both her lungs had collapsed from the phaser blast she had taken to the centre of her chest. The second two blasts had, aside from damage to other soft tissues and her rib cage, vaporised her pancreas, liver and one of her kidneys. The only reason she was alive at all, as inconclusive as reports from the Niga Incident were, was because Thea had beamed her body to medical and and put her in stasis immediately following her being shot. Lucan would could definitely believe that, since Thea had been the shooter - puppeteered against her will by the infected to attack him, Jovela, David Grayson, Garen Nelis and Edena Rez. When the Ship A.I. had regained control over her body, she must have tried to do what she could for the bodies in that corridor, and found Jovela still clinging on to life.

The phase of Jovela's surgery had lasted until 1500 hrs before she was moved to the ICU, and as it happened, Lucan had just finished the rounds at 1800 hrs, meaning to retire for the evening, when he heard the voice from his former Head Nurse's biobed. Hearing her, coarse as her voice might be, it was as if he was transported back in time, to a time where the crew of the Theurgy fought for survival each day while fleeing Federation space, and sickbay had patients getting critical treatment on hover-gurneys along the corridors that spread as far as the holodecks.

Turning and making his way over to her, his pale grey eyes took in her still lovely face, and how gingerly she moved in her gown. Reaching her, he put his tattooed hand on her shoulder, gently making sure she laid still. "Easy now," he said, and removed his hand, looking at the readings on the biobed - shown at the display next to him. "You have been in stasis, and undergone surgery for many hours today. If you don't lie still and rest, you risk causing internal haemorrhaging and tearing the seams after we've just managed to stitch you up, if you pardon the crude expression."

Despite 'stitches' being a thing of ancient medical practise, the term had still survived the test of time. Since he was talking to one of his nurses, he was confident he did not have to explain it better than that, and he reckoned she did not care to be kept in the dark either. "How are you feeling, Jovela?" he asked in his faded Câroon accent, tapping the touch display and cataloguing the time of her returning to consciousness, before adding, "If you are up for it, I would like to run a few cognitive tests, but we can do it later if you'd so prefer. Either way, it is good to see you are still with us."

Saying this, he turned his face to her and smiled warmly... while the parasite inside him grinned - its ideas for her fate quite opposite to 'recovery'.

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Junior Jovela | USS Theurgy, March 2381| ICU Room | 1800 hours | Attention: Auctor Lucan & anyone else I may have missed

On any given day, Jovela was typically a more patient woman. She could wait quite a while before feeling any overly desperate urges. While she was more than happy to be alive again, to be coherently thinking, breathing, doing the simplest of tasks on her own whim, there was a sense of unease within her. When all was said and done, Jovela was a nurse. She'd worked too hard to just give up that post.

But ... you don't really know much of anything yet.

Waking up as if she'd been Sleeping Beauty most definitely didn't mean much in terms of where she'd been, or why she had seemed to freeze for an undetermined amount of time. In fact, it was more likely to imply some very unfortunate sets of news, not good. Still, shouldn't she be counting her blessings rather than risking tossing them away?

Her head slowly turned, causing raven locks to move from side to side, gasping slightly as a hand carefully yet firmly guided her down onto her back and on top of her biobed. Jovela quickly lifted her head and then tilted it slightly.

" ... Doctor Lucan? Yes?"

Her mind stung as it repeated several key words the other medical instructor had uttered, namely 'stasis', 'surgery', and 'hours'. Indeed, she didn't need much more explanation than that. And despite still very much wanting to leap out of her bed, she decided against it. For now, anyway. If Jovela got a fair reason to take the risk and leave now, she would. As things were, though, she didn't really want to hastily run off and risk being put right back into stasis.

" ... Okay. Alright."

Jovela took a long, deep breath as she closed her eyes to help calm herself. When the hazel eyes came back into view, she looked up at Lucan and chuckled softly as he asked how she was feeling.

"Oh come now," she quipped without missing a beat, "After all you just relayed to me, how do you think I'm feeling? Like crap. I'm sore .... now I'm feeling it. Badly. Fuck."

Her hand covered her mouth as the unorthodox curse slipped past her lips.

"My apologies. But the agony really is that severe. What ... what exactly did I need surgery for? And ... what day is it? How long was I in stasis exactly?"

They were all questions she'd likely regret asking, but were necessary all the same. If her body was actually feeling as bad as it was, there was a reason for it. And, even if she wouldn't like the news, Jovela would need to hear it. Every word, every diagnosis, everything.

"If you want a more specific analogy though, I feel ... like I just broke the surface of a large body of water. Probably an ocean. And, for the first time, I'm no longer at risk of drowning. I feel ... the relief one must when they emerge from underneath the water and begin regaining any and all lost oxygen. Lost ... but empowered at once. Ready to move again, function, work mainly in my case, and yet trying to restrain myself with something just as simple and equally vital; surviving. You don't need to elaborate that things can end up going wrong even after surgeries are done with me."

It wasn't as common compared to during, but it was something Jovela had been taught nonetheless.

"Actually, yes," she replied, nodding to reassure herself of her reply, "If I'm not going to be helping anyone soon, I may as well do the next best thing. Make it easier for another medical comrade to help me so I can get back on my feet. Plus ... I am curious how these tests will turn out. So, by all means, go on with those cognitive tests."

It was very likely Jovela was seeing things. Something probably linked to her being in a very frail state.

But ... for about five seconds, she almost swore she saw a glint in the doctor's eyes.

... No. Don't be stupid. He'd act on whatever the feelings were linked to if you actually saw anything, wouldn't he?

Gods, who was she even talking about?! This was Doctor Lucan cin Nicander for crying out loud! If it weren't for the fact she literally just woke up from stasis and surgery, she'd gladly smack herself upside the head for getting such stupid thoughts, let alone so quickly after regaining consciousness.

You just need to stop. Breathe. Calm down ...

And so, Jovela began doing that, or at least making an effort. Her eyes closed again as she began taking steady breaths; in and out through both nose and mouth. The way her chest rose and fell would indicate she wasn't tired; not physically, anyway. Just mentally, and therefore it would be safe to assume she wasn't falling asleep, nor trying to. She was merely silencing her nerves and thoughts, the latter of which were screaming for Jovela to return to work.

But ... not yet.

In this case, unfortunately, she needed to heed her body's needs. And right now, being able to properly recover was on the top of her priority list. But make no mistake, Jovela took no joy in knowing that was indeed the case for her. Still, if it would end up leading to - as she said - her being able to assist others out, she'd do it. She'd swallow her pride and stubborn natures and force herself to stay on her biobed while Lucan watched over her.

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #3
[ Dr. Nicander | USS Theurgy | ICU Room | 1800 hours ]
While Jovela spoke, Lucan had set the biobed to do a thorough neurological diagnosis, to see if all is functioning well, along with an EEG. Then, he fished up a palm light from his labcoat's pocket, running it across her eyes when she had her eyes raised and checking her epileptic activity.

"Well, given the fact that you have been in stasis for two months, you will actually undergo full neuro-psychological testing as well, but until then, I will simply ask you a few questions." Saying that, he had already answered one of her first questions, but before he went into the matter of her injuries - the reason why she was there - he continued with the lighter tests. "Please, state your rank, birth date, names of your closest family and what you last remember before you woke up here."

Switching off the palm light, Lucan held it up for her with a faint smile. "Also, follow this with your eyes, please," he added, and moved the palm light sideways, back and forth, and then up and down. "I know you have many questions, but let's just make sure you are all here first before I answer them. If you need any further treatment, I would like to make sure you get it before we bring you up to speed on what's happened. It's quite a story, I can tell you that much, so its worth the wait."

Listening to her while she gave her answers, Lucan picked up the PADD attached to her biobed and began to make notes into her medical journal. He was fairly confident, of course, that she would show no mental deterioration, because even though Jobela's injuries had been severe, Thea would never have put her in the stasis unit unless she had still been alive at that point. Which meant, of course, that her heart had still pumped oxygen to her brain. The singular question that remained was whether or not her compromised lungs had given sufficient oxygen to her blood, but scans had shown signs of no such complications.

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Junior Jovela | USS Theurgy, March 2381| ICU Room | 1800 hours | Attention: Auctor Lucan & anyone else I may have missed

As Jovela heard Lucan pushing some buttons, her eyes instinctively opened and head turned slowly to examine the more exact things that were happening. As a nurse, Jovela had always been on the giving end. So for her to be on the receiving - literally being treated by a doctor instead of helping a patient out - was a new and foreign thing for her to experience.

To almost anyone else, the monitor turning on and showing her brain near the bottom of the screen plus a lot of lines closer to the top would have no doubt looked confusing. Jovela merely smiled, nodding to show she understood exactly what was going on; an EEG, though that was the shorter way to say it. The full and far more technical, albeit annoying, name was electroencephalography.

" ... Two months?" she repeated, feeling her heart sink slightly at that answer. "W-Well ... could have been worse," she muttered, trying to reassure herself more than anyone else. It was also a precaution, a way to ensure she didn't start having a panic attack then and there. She'd been prone to them. Now would be the absolute worse time to start experiencing one, so she was working with Dr. Lucan as best as she could. Which thus meant to keep focusing on what he was asking her to do while trying to stay in her more optimistic mindset.

"Please, state your rank, birth date, names of your closest family and what you last remember before you woke up here."

Another nod plus exhale would be the first thing Lucan would see and hear, followed quickly by her relaying all of the information. "I'm Lieutenant Junior rank. I was born on June first, twenty-three fifty-seven. My closest family members are my father, Troy, mother Bellatrix, and two elder sisters Anya and Lucia. Before I woke ... "

Her voice trailed off, and without having to peek at the screen, she knew the waves were probably going at a higher, faster pace.

The first immediate thought was her one-night stand with Garen.

Luckily, that wasn't the very last thing she recalled, which helped her in being able to say something else.

"I ... got shot. Several times. I can't recall by who though, or exactly what was going on when I got shot. But ... it was after or during the Niga virus incident. I ... think it was linked to that? Maybe?"

The confidence was replaced with a very uncertain tone, hinting the sound of her voice was also how she was feeling.

... And now that Lucan was making her try to remember, these were indeed very good questions. Slightly simple in concept, but now she saw why these were the 'protocol questions', per se. The ones that doctors were always told to ask any patient, particularly those who had amnesia or experienced anything that could be linked to neurology. Dumb as they may sound, moments like the one Jovela just had - wher she found herself at a slight loss - were meant to help the doctors get a decent grasp on how much or little could be remembered by the patient.

And it was just a bit scary that she was having some blanks in the very last thing she did.

"After .... two to four shots hit me, I blacked out. Or ... did something of the like. That's ... as far as  I can recall though."

Jovela swallowed, trying to keep her emotions in check. What had started as a routine check-up was becoming much more than the 'usual' things that were supposed to be discovered. It was quickly becoming nerve-wracking and rather intimidating. But maybe - just maybe - it was for the best that those blanks remained that way?

"I'll ... trust you about it being quite the story. And ... I'm not even certain I want to know. I'm ... scared, if I have to be honest."

Her head lifted as she began following the light, knowing the trick was one was meant to pursue the light b moving only their eyes. Head, neck, body; all of that was supposed to stay perfectly stationary.

"I'll think on if I want to hear the details or not though."

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #5
[ Dr. Nicander | USS Theurgy | ICU Room | 1800 hours ]
Looking up from the Journal, Lucan watched Jovela as she recalled the events she could from the Niga Incident. Certainly, those must have been harrowing times for the crew, and looking back, Lucan had not entirely grasped the situation either. The thing inside him had not enlightened him about the true purpose for the Niga virus - how it was his kin's high-grade narcotic meant to make the downfall of all societies so much more delightful. It was both a means to reach Reverse-Creation and an indulgence while it happened. Back then, ignorant as he'd been, Lucan had not fathomed that it was his kin that had orchestrated the outbreak, meaning for it to spread Galaxy-wide. He - the host - had merely thought himself a victim, and not as privileged as he should have felt to be the first of his kin to feel the host change and descend into utter depravity.

Jovela said she did not want to know, and Lucan - if anyone - knew what she had missed. "Easy now," he said, his deep voice calming and reassuring as he sat down on the edge of the biobed and laid his tattooed hand upon Jovela's shoulder. His pale Câroon gaze rested easily upon her brown eyes as he spoke - her journal no longer the focus of his attention. Through the flight from Federation space, Jovela and he had been working closely together to treat the whole crew, and he believed he knew her well enough to allay her fears towards the past. A close-to-death experience could be horrifying for the ignorant cattle he spent his days with, and while he ought to leave the matter to Counsellor O'Connor, he could tell her the obvious things that would soothe her.

"Forget about the outbreak and what may have happened, Jovela. Who shot you and why doesn't truly matter. People were not themselves, and there should be no blame placed upon anyone who were compromised by the virus. In the end, you are still here, and as injured as you might have been, I have made sure you returned to us without any lasting complications. Let's not go into the medical details either. Instead, you should focus on this alone," he said, and he smiled to her. "We are almost there, at the end of our mission. We have had our ordeals in the past two months, some things hard to believe even when having experienced them myself. But for all the twists and turns we've gone through, defying everything the enemy has thrown at us, and what circumstances have forced us to face, we have victory in our sight. Many of us are still here, and we've picked up some new crewmates along the way - all convinced about the true nature of Starfleet Command."

Removing his hand, squeezing her shoulder lightly before he did, he continued as he sat there by her side. "In two days, we will have our chance to spread the truth through the whole Federation. We will get the word out at Starbase 84, using their Simulcast communication array - not to warn us of a pending Romulan attack - but to make everyone see the true nature of the fleet. They will know who is truly giving them orders. We have evidence, something we lacked before, in the recordings of one of the enemies, where it revealed their true nature to us. We will use that recording, and we will show it to everyone, and we will no longer be alone. We have managed to convince our new crewmates, so we will be able to convince others. In two days, at long last, this flight has come to an end."

Having said this, Lucan let her digest the ramifications of his words - remaining at her side while she wrapped her thoughts around it all. Idly, behind his smile, he let the parasite indulge in the thought to tear that gown from her delectable body and violate her in front of all the other patients in the ICU. Images flashed before his eyes where he picked up that exoscalpel on the tray and rammed the whole length into her eye socket. He saw himself ravage her while her body still twitched - her limbs trying to understand the signals from a dying brain.

As hard as it was becoming by each day, the host didn't let thought lead to action, his warm smile never wavering. After all the years wearing his impeccable facade like a second skin, he remained raised above all suspicion, and on the fateful day when they reached Starbase 84...

...they would never knew he'd seal their fate again - the cycle never broken.

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Junior Jovela | USS Theurgy, March 2381| ICU Room | 1800 hours | Attention: Auctor Lucan & anyone else I may have missed

"I ... I understand. You're right. No sense focusing on much more, certainly not all the what-if scenarios."

Nodding to herself, Jovela let out a deep breath as she tried to concentrate on everything else; her biobed, the pillow, the presence of the doctor. The positive things, the ones helping reassure the young Risan she was indeed alive and ... mostly well. Not perfect by any means, but compared to what she'd just gotten out of?

Yes, it was indeed progress.

... These were all good things. Weren't they? Her body trying to make a full recovery? Her being alive? Jovela frowned, quickly shaking her head. Of course they were! Why wouldn't they be?!

Because something deep down, in the very core of her body, was making her feel uneasy. More scared than she'd been feeling mere moments ago. Like something was horribly wrong, amiss. She was missing a lot. And that was at least partially true; she had yet to learn all that happened over the past two months. But was that alone enough to fuel such feelings and thoughts on?

Probably not but ....

Jovela moved her head again.

You just said you won't fret about those sorts of things, so don't. Ugh. What a bad time to be away from music ...

Thankfully, Jovela's memory had always been rather decent, even before becoming a nurse. So, she allowed her eyes to close and began using her mind as if it were a CD player. Soon, a tune* she remembered hearing very often during her youth began to play in her mind, almost as perfectly as any of the machines on the ship could do themselves. The alluring flute caused a smile to cross her lips as she began to relax, steadily entering the more 'proper' state of mind Jovela needed to be in.

And yet, Lucan's words were ... making her mind begin to stir. They were ... confusing, some much more than others.

"We are almost there, at the end of our mission."

... What would that mean, exactly? What, precisely, was 'the end of their mission'?

It was something Jovela should know. At least, she was relatively sure she should. Hadn't it been something she learned during her Academy days? But she was placing immediate blame on the stasis she came out of. With having been in an inactive state for two months, there was a good chance she forgot.

The sensation of Lucan's hand resting on her shoulder almost went unnoticed. The main things which allowed her to realize what he'd been doing was the song stopping playing in her head and her eyes re-opening.

"In two days, we will have our chance to spread the truth through the whole Federation. We will get the word out at Starbase 84, using their Simulcast communication array - not to warn us of a pending Romulan attack - but to make everyone see the true nature of the fleet."

" ... The truth? Starbase 84? Are ... what do you mean about these? Are they linked with events that occurred while I was still ... in stasis?"

"In two days, at long last, this flight has come to an end."

Wasn't that also supposed to be another good thing?

After all, everything came to an end.

Again though, she felt ... torn. Relieved on one hand, terrified on the other. It would likely depend on how everything ended up going and - just as importantly - how the doctor would answer her questions.

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Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #7
[ Dr. Nicander | USS Theurgy | ICU Room | 1800 hours ]
Lucan shook his head slowly, remaining where he was.

"No, this is not something you would know, I suppose. It is hard to imagine that as far as you know, we just managed to get away from Starfleet, searching for supplies and deuterium on M-class planets outside the Borderlands. Niga did not end up the best place for that, but after the outbreak in which you were put in stasis, our voyage continued in hiding. At one point, we encountered another ship that questioned the nature of Starfleet Command. It was the USS Harbinger, and aboard her, they had captured one of them. One of the enemies. From her, we eventually gleaned some of the truth you ask for: A partial answer to what might have happened to Starfleet Command. It is of this truth I speak, and Starbase 84?"

Taking a deep breath, Lucan smiled once more to Jovela. "Sufficed to say, it is the closest starbase to our current coordinates, and it is fitted with the communication array we need to spread the word about Starfleet Command."

Looking around, Lucan nodded towards two nurses, and a Trill in a lab coat. "Look over there. Those are faces you won't know, and that's because they are from the Harbinger. There are quite a few of them aboard since their starship was destroyed, and they all seek the same thing as us - ready to do their part at Starbase 84."

Slipping down from the biobed, Lucan came to crouch down next to Jovela's head - his mouth closer to her ear that way and also able to indicate whom he spoke of. "See the blue and tan Ovri over there? A new species to the Federation, both nurses from the Harbinger. In your absence, one of them are actually your successor. As you can see, however, she is pregnant with a clutch that is due on a couple of days, so I imagine the three of us will have to speak soon about the duties of the Head Nurse position. I am sure we can solve that somehow. Her name his Hylota Vojona, and her brother over there is Vinata."

Next, his warm breath happening to waft against the delicate curve of her ear, Lucan spoke of the Trill. "That's Doctor Duv, former Chief Medical Officer on the Harbinger. She is now the Asst. CMO here on the Theurgy, and I am sure you will like her. We couldn't have been more fortunate in having her aboard after we lost Doctor Garland."

He spoke, of course, of Julianne Garland, a human who had died on the fourth day of flight from Earth - victim of an exploding plasma conduit in a corridor. She had been the Asst. Chief Medical Officer before Doctor Duv, and he knew Jovela would remember her, at least.

Lucan paused there, his voice thrumming deep down in his throat as his tone shifted. "I digress, but I do so because you might not want to know the truth about the enemy just yet. Not like this, after just waking up. What we have learned of the enemy is not so easily conveyed in words. It is... better if you watch the recording of what the prisoner on the Harbinger said... eventually. Right now, you should focus on yourself, and resting. You should know that you are in good hands, and that the ship is under no immediate threat."

Well, aside from the fact that one of those dreadful enemies all aboard feared just sat right next to her.

"Now, do you feel ready to learn what kind of surgery you have just undergone? You should know so that you understand what to expect during the initial phase of your recovery." Straightening, Lucan stood tall next to her. "If you would rather speak later, I can come back, or let one of the other doctors go through it. Then again... it is all in your medical journal, if you would rather read it on your own."

He held out the PADD for her, as an offer in case she'd rather have him leave.

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Junior Jovela | USS Theurgy, March 2381| ICU Room | 1800 hours | Attention: Auctor Lucan & anyone else I may have missed

What had started as Jovela feeling like she was in the smallest pond that existed rapidly began to change. Now, the Risan felt like she had suddenly been dumped into an ocean and was being pulled far to the deepest portions of the salty body of water. Every time she felt her emotions and self try to swim back up towards the surface and regain some oxygen, Jovela felt the combined strength of the waves, undertow, and everything else working against her continuing to drag her down ... down ... until she almost gave in and simply allowed things to keep occurring. This was simply how things were meant to be. That was why they were happening, right?

... No.

Be that as it may, Jovela finally forced her metaphorical self to break the surface of the water, gasping and panting. Although she didn't do all of those actions in front of Lucan, her eyes did widen for the briefest of seconds, just as swiftly returning to a more normal shape mere seconds later.

By the time the doctor finished explaining everything - from the etails that would better explain what Starbase 84 was to the new faces that were now aboard the Theurgy, Jovela found herself unable to do much more than simply nod. She didn't feel like she was drowning, at least. But now ... she felt ... lost. If everything he'd said was true, and the journey would end within mere days, what would happen? What would become of herself? Had she really come out of stasis only to possibly be told she may not be needed?

Or was she over-thinking?

Option B was much more likely, more so now that Jovela didn't feel like she was drowning in the same ocean she'd fallen into. Now, she was simply treading the water calmly, not struggling right away against the water, but definitely preparing for anything to try to pull her under again and fight against it.

"I see," she finally managed to state softly, moving her head slowly up and down. "It sounds like the last two months have been very productive."

Suppressing a sigh that would have implied she felt pretty defeated, Jovela merely glanced up at the ceiling before looking back over to Lucan. "I'm sorry. That was a bit rude of me. But this is ... a lot to take in. All of it, really. And I'm not really sure how to take all of these new facts." The loss of Doctor Garland hadn't gone unheard; she was just in such a disoriented state that Jovela literally didn't know how to react. Of course, mourning was the most obvious answer but ... she didn't feel as sad as she should.

Was something wrong with her?


But for all she knew, perhaps her body was still feeling as if it were in stasis, which would mean she'd need time. Jovela hadn't been able to do anything voluntarily on her own over the past two months;  think, feel, breathe, look at her surroundings. All of her senses had been essentially disabled. She'd need a few more days to get used to everything, to get accustomed to the things she used to do. To better remember the life she'd had prior to being forced into stasis. 

"I .... "

Her head turned as the nurse barely heard the question regarding what she'd finished enduring. On one hand, Jovela knew she wouldn't be able to hide. The truth would find her, one way or another. On the opposite side of the coin, wouldn't it be for the best to know the details, no matter how grim they'd seem? The latter, unfortunately, ended up sounding like the correct response, aided by her curiosity.

"Yes. Go on. I was going to learn anyway. May as well get the bad news out of the way."

Jovela shifted slightly in her biobed, subconsciously taking a deep breath through her nose as she immediately began hoping for the best, but definitely expected the worst to be relayed to  her.

Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #9
[ Dr. Nicander | USS Theurgy | ICU Room | 1800 hours ]
Doctor Nicander could sympathise with Jovela's remark that the past two months had been productive, but for different reasons. When Jovela admitted that it was a lot to take in, Lucan nodded.

"I understand, and I couldn't imagine how you must feel right now, waking up and finding that most of what you've known around you have changed," he said, his exotic features concerned as he stood next to the biobed with her journal in hand. He supposed he could try to comfort her, reassure her, but he was fairly certain she just needed some time to adjust, and to talk to someone on Hayden O'Connor's team about what had happened to her. Odd, how he vested any thought on the matter, knowing that if the thing inside got his way with her, he would be comforting her in a more intimate way... before he killed her.

Instead, he did as she wished, and began to explain what he'd had done in order to return her to the living, so to speak.

"Both lungs, your pancreas, one kidney and your liver have all been replaced since they were beyond treatment," he said without ceremony, moving on to detail what she now used instead to breathe. "Your new lungs use 420 micron wide hollow fibers to simulate the function of your old alveoli, and you should find that you will actually be able to take deeper breaths than before, and keep your breath for much longer. Just like those you lost, they provide oxygenation of your blood and removal of carbon dioxide... only slightly faster than before, improving your physical stamina since you can oxygenate your body more effectively."

Gesturing towards her torso with her journal where he stood, Lucan moved on to the next prosthetic device he had given her. "Your new artificial pancreas system will automate blood-sugar management, and while you might not have needed it to begin with, it will reduce T1D-related diabetes risks. The AP system will monitor your glucose levels and automatically provide the right amount of insulin and other blood-sugar stabilising hormones. The heart of the system are elaborate computer algorithms that determine blood sugar trends, which are linked to a glucose sensor and an insulin pump. It is now providing you with tightly controlled insulin dosing. While the system may not give you benefits beyond that, its automated and will replicate the operations of a normal pancreas."

Stepping to the front of the biobed, Lucan continued with the last, hidden additions to her body. "Your new bio-artificial liver unit use flat membrane sheets, with bioreactors that with embedded hepatocytes perform the functions of a normal liver. Your blood plasma is fed into the sheets, which are composed of semi-permeable membranes. It will transfer toxins, nutrients and other chemicals between the blood and a collagen suspension system. The membranes will allow certain molecules or ions to pass through it by diffusion. A separate hemodialysis unit has replaced your missing kidney, and all in all... you should be able to out-drink a Klingon."

Spreading his hands, Lucan finished with the obvious. "After all that was up and running, I cloned skin tissue to cover beam-entry areas and I made sure you'd have no scar tissue anywhere. The new skin is still your own, and you should not be able to find any edges - making it appear like nothing happened to you. You likely feel sore, tired, and your body has some adjusting to do, but I assure you that you will be able to return to duty in a couple of days."

Pausing, Lucan smiled to her. "Do you have any questions? I am sure you are familiar with the advised recovery process, but now, it is you who's lying on the biobed."


Re: DAY 05: An Unexpected Revival [1800 hrs]

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Junior Jovela | USS Theurgy, March 2381| ICU Room | 1800 hours | Attention: Auctor Lucan & anyone else I may have missed

It seemed her mental preparations had helped. Even then, though, it was only to certain extents. Jovela figured the damage would have been more than a few minor injuries. However, she clearly hadn't expected it to be as bad as the doctor relayed.

"Both lungs, your pancreas, one kidney and your liver have all been replaced since they were beyond treatment,"

Then ... you ... should be ....

Jovela weakly nodded, both to herself and Dr. Nicander. "I see," she weakly whispered, her voice barely avoiding choking on her own words. Somewhere, in the deepest parts of the ex-Head Nurse, she'd known it would be as dire as her medical comrade was relaying. But god help her, she had wanted to be wrong. Now that the truth was out, though, she felt as if she were about to drown in the very sea of emotions she just managed to drag herself out of mere moments ago.

Stop! At least pay heed to what he's saying!

Begrudgingly, Jovela coerced her mind to do that much, if only to note what the new organs were now capable of. The new information would no doubt be useful to remember later on. The humor - whether intentional or not - was definitely appreciated in the few lines Dr. Nicander included them in. The one about having a good chance at out-drinking a Klingnon definitely made her lightly chortle and snicker.

"Sorry, sorry. I just don't uusally indulge in such beverages to begin with. But maybe that wouldn't be the worst test to see how accurate your guess is or not."

And hell, not only she but everyone else aboard the ship could probably - very likely - use a good, stiff drink. Several, maybe even. It sounded like too many chaotic events had been happening and morale was either lowered or completely gone. Hopefully it hadn't reached the latter; but if it did, then at least she had some idea on suggestions to give any future patients whom she'd be tending to.

"No. No questions."

Jovela sighed, trying to look like her more hopeful self. The dark hazel orbs, however, gave off the faintest hints of fear, thus betraying how she was actually feeling. Swallowing softly, Jovela rapidly blinked several times before offering a small smile to Dr. Nicander. "Thank you for everything. I think I'm going to get some voluntary rest now, if you don't mind."

Even if he hadn't given her the green light to resume working within the next few days, Jovela had already planned on leaving this biobed soon enough. She could feel her depression starting to worsen, and remaining in this bed would only make it far worse before better. As her eyes slowly shut, she clung onto the thought, the desire, the very hope of being able to return to her job within forty-eight hours or so. The images of her being on her feet and wearing the teal-colored uniform caused any lingering sorrow to steadily vanish, being gradually replaced with faith.

Besides, she wanted to be active - not incapacitated - when the journey, as Dr. Nicander hinted, would "come to an end". She wanted to see and understand exactly what he'd been hinting at.

In order to do that, she would need to concentrate on herself and little else.

Her emotions finally mimicked a blanket. As they finished wrapping invisibly  wrapping around her, Jovela fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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