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Day 19 [1535 hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Anxious Arrivals
Stardate 57604.47
29 March 2381
Day 19

Ensign L'Nari | Aldean Spacedocks > USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]L’Nari had not been enjoying herself since arriving at Epsilon Mynos III.

Her transport had arrived from Starbase 82 via the Oceanus System without incident, the journey having been long but not overly unpleasant. L’nari found she had a beautiful view of the orange and gold hues of the planet’s atmosphere as they docked at a spaceport in orbit around the planet, though she knew the planet’s surface to consist largely of unpopulated wasteland.

Her problems had started when she stepped off the transport.

L’Nari had read a little about Aldea on the trip from Cait, including a brief overview of the incident involving the USS Enterprise-D in 2364 and the fact that the Klingons had taken over as protectors of Aldea. She had also read that Aldea population tended to be wary of outsiders to the point of xenophobia.

This had become quickly apparent once she had disembarked the transport.

Though she wasn’t wearing her Starfleet uniform, L’Nari’s species still stood out among the predominantly Aldean population of the spacedocks, earning her many curious looks form those she passed, not all of them friendly. She had purchased a kind of colourful headscarf from a vendor in the hopes of hiding her ears and face somewhat, though anyone she talked to directly could easily tell her species based on her furry face and the structure of her nose. It had taken some time to find her way to the Klingon security office that she had been instructed to present herself to, and a longer wait still before she managed to speak with KDF officer in charge of the security outpost.

Thankfully, things seemed to advance more quickly form there. The Klingon officer in charge of the security post had been surprised when the Caitian had spoken to him in his own language rather than relying on the use of a universal translator, and had become less dismissive than he initially had been. However, this didn’t stop him from laughing at her as she informed him she needed to speak with General Chu’vok on a matter of some urgency. The man’s laughter ceased as she provided the correct password, prompting the Klingon to sit upright in his chair and regard her with surprised curiosity.

After passing along notice of her arrival to the General, the KDF officer had her escorted to the transporter room, and form there to speak with the General. Chu’vok was an imposing Klingon specimen. The man had dark skin and a large, heavily ridged forehead which somehow served to add to his presence; a presence which left L’Nari feeling rather intimidated, the attaché being more accustomed to dealing with diplomats than soldiers. And so it was that she found herself being barked at by General Chu’vok, though she suspected this was how Chu’vok spoke with everyone.

”You wished to speak with me, cat, and you have the correct password.” Chu’vok growled at her, eyeing her at though sizing her up in case the Caitian were to attack him. Or perhaps for some other reason which L’Nari didn’t want to think about. ”Why is it that you’ve come here?”

”I think it’s safe to assume you know why I’ve come here, General.” L’Nari replied, trying to sound cool and calm, and doing a relatively good job of it given her level of unease. Perhaps her accented rolling of her Rs quavered just a touch as she spoke, but her voice at least managed to stay level. ”I also think you know where I need to go. My name is Ensign L’Nari. I’m an attaché with the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps. I’ve been sent to join the Theurgy’s crew, and was instructed to seek you out to arrange transport to her.”

The General seemed to growl in contemplation as he regarded her, leading L’Nari to reflect, not for the first time, on the fact that Klingons seemed to sound angry no matter what they were doing.

”I know you’re a busy man, General, and I don’t want to waste your time.” L’Nari’s ears folded back against her head as a sign of her nervousness. ”If you could authorize transport to where the Theurgy is docked, I would appreciate it.”

”Very well, Ensign L’Nari.” Even the was Chu’vok said her name sounded angry as the General lifted a PADD form his desk and began keying in commands. ”Your travel to the Aldean Orbital Drydocks is granted. Show this to Grorak, the one who brought you here. He will escort you to the transporters.” Chu’vok offered her the PADD, and sat back as she took it. ”I will inform the Theurgy of your arrival.” With that, Chu’vok turned his attention back to the PADD he had been working on when she walked in, growling at the device as he roughly punched in commands. L’Nari took that as a dismissal, and hurriedly stepped from the room.

”Good luck, cat.” She heard General Chu’vok say. She turned and saw the General giving her a jagged and rather horrible grin. ”Judging by the shape the Theurgy was in when she arrived, you’re going to need it.”

She could hear Chu’vok’s growled laughter as she stepped form the room, the doors whirring shut behind her and cutting off the ominous sound.

L’Nari had done as the General had said, showing the PADD to Grorak and following the Klingon to the transporter room. From there she was beamed to the Aldean Orbital Drydocks, where she was escorted by a Klingon soldier to where the Theurgy was docked. As they made their way to the airlock arm which extended out to the ship, L’Nari was stuck by the sight of the USS Theurgy. Here was the renegade USS Theurgy, declared an enemy by Starfleet and the Federation and hunted by an entire task force. She had seen numerous reports about the Theurgy cross her desk before she’d gone on bereavement leave, and the idea that she was now going to be boarding that ship left her feeling a bit light-headed.

What the hell have you gotten yourself into, L’Nari? She though to herself, not for the first time.

She’d looked over the Theurgy’s specs during her journey, and knew that she was looking at the Theurgy’s Vector 01, the Helmet, and that this Vector held the Main Bridge, and would likely be where Captain Ives was. She was pulled from her thoughts, however, as the Klingon escorting her suddenly came to a stop and punched a button which sent the doors beside him whirring open. The Klingon gave a curt nod towards the open doors which led out into the airlock arm, and then stomped away without a word.

”Um, thank you!” L’Nari called after the Klingon, her tone uncertain. The Klingon either didn’t hear, or did care, not bothering to turn around. With a sigh, L’Nari turned and peering into the airlock, the passage seeming to hold a looming threat. Or perhaps it was just the knowledge of where it led.

With a sigh, L’Nari stepped through the doors and made her way along the arm towards the airlock on the Theurgy’s end.

And that was where she stood leaning against the wall of the airlock arm, waiting. The tip of her tail flicked with annoyance as she wondered if General Chu’vok had done this on purpose.

Make the cat wait. L’Nari thought to herself, imagining the growling laugh of the intimidating General in her head. Finally, after waiting for some time, the doors to the Theurgy’s airlock hissed and began to open, prompting L’Nari to push herself upright and off the wall with a murmured ”Finally…”


Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife 
Then the sliding doors of the airlock opened, Deputy ThanIda zh'Wann stepped out unto the docking arm, dressed in her Starfleet uniform. With her hands at her sides, she had a pulse phase pistol holstered at the side of her hip. She made no motion towards it, not caring to startle the Ensign that the Klingon General had just alerted her about. It had merely taken her a couple of minutes to get to the specific airlock, and she greeted the Caitian with a nod and a thin-lipped smile. The glow of the Aldean planetary surface cast her antennae in golden light through the viewports of the docking arm. They angled towards the newest addition of Thea's officers, likely having travelled far to get there.

"Ensign L'Nari?" she stated, a mere rhetorical question since she already knew who she was. "I'm Deputy zh'Wann. Welcome to the USS Theurgy. If you would kindly step inside."

Turning around, she led the way inside the airlock, where two other security officers waited, bedecked in hardsuits in their golden divisional colour. They stood at the side in the room, rifles held in a rest-position in front of themselves - muzzles towards the deck. When Ida had entered the airlock, she waited for the Caitian to step inside, listening to whatever she might have to say. Once the new officer was inside, Ida tapped a few commands into the control panel on the opposite wall, to the right of the next set of sliding doors that barred their way. Yet instead of them opening up, the doors behind the Ensigns closed loudly, leaving the four present people locked in. Ida then tapped her combadge, turning to face L'Nari with an expressionless face.

"zh'Wann to Security Ops, confirm visual and begin anyon sweep in airlock three," she said, and only then did she put a hand on the handle of her pistol, while the guards to the side of the Caitian newcommber widened their stance a little bit, seeming more at the ready to raise their weapons.

[Aye, Deputy. We can see you. Sweep commencing in three, two, one...] Inside the sealed airlock, the vents along the edge of the deckhead hissed loudly, but of course the subatomic particles could not be seen. [Cycling phase variations now. Please stand by.]

It took about ten seconds, during which Ida just looked at L'Nari without comment, her white eyebrows low over her stare - her hand still ready to draw her weapon. She said nothing, just like the two security guards in the room - their faceless visors void of any emotion. Ida might just have worn a helmet herself - nothing distracting her from her duty. She'd dealt with Infested before, and knew how small the margin for reaction was in case she just shared the airlock with one.

[Cycle complete. Unless you want to do your old test, I think she's clean. Sec Ops out.]

The comment made about her old high stun test made the side of Ida's mouth curve a little bit, and she removed her hand from her weapon. The guards also stood at ease again, and Ida tapped the control panel to open the doors through which they would enter the Theurgy's corridors. "My apologies. I take it you have been briefed about the enemy. We just had to make sure. You were saying?"

Listening, Ida turned around and led the way.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #2
Ensign L'Nari | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]L’Nari vivid green eyes watched as the airlock doors hissed open to reveal a female Andorian in the gold uniform of what L’Nari assumed was Security rather than Engineering. The phase pistol holstered at the blue skinned woman’s hip only reinforced that assumption. L’Nari studied the woman for a quick moment, taking in the Lieutenant’s pips on the gold collar and the blue features which were basked in the golden glow of the planet below.

”Ensign L’Nari?”

L’Nari nodded, giving the Andorian the beginnings of a smile. ”Yes, ma’am. I was told to report here, and to meet…” The Andorian had not waited for the response before she introduced herself, L’Nari falling silent as the Lieutenant spoke. Deputy zh’Wann welcomed L’Nari to the USS Theurgy, then politely asked her to step inside the airlock before she turned and led the way, L’Nari following with a growing sense of uncertainty.

That uncertainty only grew when she caught sight of the two Security officers in full exosuits and armed with phaser rifles. It was hardly the first time L’Nari had seen officers kitted out in such a manner, the Caitian having had armed Security escorts on numerous occasions during her time on Cardassia. This was, however, the first time she felt that she was the one they deemed a potential threat, and the feeling was more than a little unnerving. As was the fact that Deputy zh’Wann’s face had become cold and expressionless as she turned to face the Caitian once the airlock doors had banged shut, sealing L’Nari in with the three Security members. The Andorian tapped her combadge and sent a message to Ops.

”An anyon sweep?” L’Nari repeated the woman’s words, though the Caitian’s voice was significantly more timid than the Andorian’s had been, a look of confusion crossing her features. ”Why are…” L’Nari trailed off as the Deputy’s hand went to the pistol grip of her sidearm, a chill running through the black-furred woman as she stared on silently and listened to the countdown which came over the comm channel. L’Nari tensed as she saw the two armoured officers adjust the position of their weapons, the two seeming much less relaxed now. Wide eyed and afraid, her ears laid back against her head, L’Nari remained perfectly still. Her eyes darted from one armed Theurgy officer to another, not sure what to expect.

They waited for what felt like hours, though in reality L’Nari would guess it to have been about ten seconds, before the voice from Ops came over the comm announcing the cycle to be complete, and that L’Nari was “clean”.

The two armoured and faceless security officers seemed to relax, and zh’Wann removed her hand form her pistol. Only then did L’Nari let out a breath she didn’t even realize she’d been holding. She realized that Lieutenant zh’Wann had begun to speak once more, apologizing and voicing the assumption that L’Nari had been briefed about the enemy. She said they had had to make sure before finishing the statement with “You were saying?”, the question throwing L’Nari off for a second. A moment ago L’Nari had thought the three might simply shoot her and dump her back outside the airlock, of the Goddess knew what else. Now she acted as though they had been having a perfectly polite conversation which had simply been paused due to a minor interruption.

”I have been briefed on the situation and the enemy,” L’Nari admitted sheepishly, ”That I can’t say I was expecting that.” L’Nari took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she continued. ”What is the purpose of the anyon sweep? Does that allow you to detect the presence of the parasites? How many have you found?” L’Nari asked the question with a curiosity which still carried with it a hint of the ebbing panic from a few moments earlier. Zh’Wann seemed to be listening, though she turned and stepped through the next set of doors and into the Theurgy. L’Nari paused and stared after her a moment before hurrying to catch up. ”Wait, you thought I was a parasite?” L’Nari had caught up with zh’Wann, and fell into step beside her. ”What... what would have happened if I had been one?”

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife 
Ida was indeed listening, but she thought the situation quite evident, and indeed, the Ensign soon caught on to what had just happened in the airlock. She continued walking, leading the new officer into Vector 01. She turned her head and gave the Caitian an unreadable glance before she answered the last question, looking forward again.

"The enemy infestation exist in a state of flux, not entirely present. Just enough to affect the hosts. The anyon sweep would have phased the parasite into our present reality, and fused it with the insides of the host's torso. We have yet to witness the result, so we know not if the host survives that, or the parasite for that matter, merged as it would be with the torso. We are not sure either would survive that, but given the abilities of the Infested... we are not taking any chances. We know quite well how deadly they are."

They turned an intersection, and Ida had a question of her own.

"You started to say that you're supposed to meet someone specific?" she said, still looking straight ahead. "I was about to take you to the quartermaster so that you can be assigned living accommodations and a set of uniforms. After you've had the time to freshen up, you'd be summoned by someone of your department. Since we don't have a Chief Diplomatic Officer, I am assuming that our Mission Liaison Officer would brief you. Her name is Commander Dewitt, and she oft work with Ensign Eloi-Danvers, our sole remaining Diplomatic Attaché after we left the Sol System."

Little did Ida know that the Caitian was bringing portentous news from the Federation. She turned her head - antennae angled towards her - and raised an eyebrow a little in query, wondering what might be on the Ensign's mind.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #4
[ Ensign L'Nari | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]L’Nari shivered as the Lieutenant explained what would have happened if she had been a parasite, the idea of some strange alien parasite being phased into being inside her torso being… unpleasant. The Andorian’s matter-of-fact manner in presenting the information was equally unnerving, the Deputy’s lack of concern for the process leaving L’Nari wondering what would concern her.

Deputy zh’Wann continued to talk as she led L’Nari into the Theurgy proper, though she never turned to look at L’Nari, leaving the Caitian with only a view of the white hair on the back of the Lieutenant’s head. Lieutenant zh’Wann explained that she had been about to take L’Nari to the quartermaster so that she could get herself situated and freshen up, then she could meet with someone from her department, a Mission Liaison Officer names Dewitt, as the Theurgy had no Chief Diplomatic Officer.


The name was vaguely familiar to L’Nari, though she couldn’t bring to mind just where she had heard it before. She filed the name away in the hopes of recalling it later, as the Lieutenant had continued to talk. The name of the sole diplomatic attaché aboard made L’Nari blink in surprise, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension rising within her. Another familiar name, though this time she was acutely aware of where she knew it from. There was no way she could forget the name of her constant rival throughout her years at the Academy and Diplomatic Annex.

”Faye is aboard the Theurgy?” L’Nari asked aloud, speaking more to herself than to zh’Wann. It was just her luck. The two had hardly been what you could call [i[friends[/i] during the years they had known one another. She looked up to find the Deputy looking at her expectantly, and silently told herself to get a grip. While the situation was overwhelming, it wasn’t like her to become distracted in such a manner, and she would not allow the circumstances to make her loose her focus.

”Oh, sorry, ma’am.” L’Nari apologized, thanking the fact that her jet black fur would his the blush which was rising beneath it. ”I’m afraid the quartermaster will have to wait. My instructions were to meet with Captain Ives immediately upon my arrival. I have information from Admiral Andersson which I’m to deliver. I was ordered to deliver it to the Captain as soon as possible.” L’Nari gave Lieutenant zh’Wann an apologetic half-smile and clutched her bag a little tighter, though the PADD containing the information was not in the leather attaché case, but in one of the pockets on her person. ”I’m afraid I must meet with the Captain before I do anything else.”

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife 
Surprised at the turn of the in-transit conversation they had as they walked down the corridor, Ida came to a stop at an intersection and turned towards the Ensign. She wondered, of course, what business motivated such an urgent request, but if this information to Ives came from the inside man in Starfleet Headquarters, and it couldn't be trusted via subspace link or even the Klingons, it had to be of great import. Then again, perhaps it was the level of confidentiality that merited this precausion of a physical delivery. Yet again, what if the Ensign hadn't made it to Aldea? The quick speculation on Ida's part yielded little, and in the end, it didn't matter.

"I'll see what I can do," she said and set their steps in a different direction. She glanced towards the deckhead above them. "Thea, where is Ives?"

[Captain Jien Ives is in the Upper Shuttle Bay,] came the answer from the ship's intercom.

"Thank you. Would you mind giving our newly arrived officer security clearance for her rank aboard all three Vectors. Ensign L'Nari, Starfleet Diplomatic Corps. She ought to be in the Federation Database. Authorisation zh'Wann-Two-Niner-Epsilon."

[Access granted,] said Thea, and ahead of them, there was a transporter shimmer, where the Ship's A.I. materialised in their path. She had her hands folded behind her back, shoulders squared, and smiled to the Caitian. "Welcome aboard, Ensign L'Nari. I'm the USS Theurgy NX-79854, but please, call me Thea. How was your voyage here to Aldea?"

Ida could but smile with one side of her face at the A.I:s antics, knowing that Thea might not know how she could be unnerving to officers unused to her individuality. Ida continued to walk, and Thea fell in step with her and L'Nari as they headed towards the turbolift that would take them to the Vector's shuttle bay.

"Do you know if the Captain is available for a meeting with Ensign L'Nari?" Ida asked Thea when the introductions were over with, coming to a stop by the turbolifts. She folded her arms underneath her chest while she waited for their ride to arrive.

"A moment," said Thea, likely accessing their Commanding Officer's logged calendar. "Hir schedule have few openings, but hir current meeting with two Aldean officials in the shuttle bay are coming to an end soon, I believe. They are due to leave on the shuttle they arrived on soon. The engines are warming up."

"Perfect, you might be in luck, Ensign. Thank you Thea," said Ida and stepped on the turbolift once the sliding doors parted.

Thea remained outside, not about to accompany them. "Any time. A pleasure making your acquaintance, Ensign, and I'll see you around," said the hologram, and gave them a wave and a smile before the doors closed. The turbolift set off towards the shuttle bay, and Ida raised a white eyebrow against the Caitian.

"What's the matter?" she asked, wondering if Thea had a worse reputation than Ives on the FNN. Perhaps Starfleet Command had made their A.I. out to be a rogue killing machine void of any kind of empathy, but since the Ensign had come this far, surely she had already questioned the lies coursing through the mainstream media outlets?

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #6
Ensign L'Nari | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]The Deputy said she’d see what could be done, changing the direction they were headed as she spoke. Her head angled slightly upward as she spoke next, asking Thea where the Captain was. Thea, whom L’Nari guessed was the ship’s computer, answered immediately in a voice which sounded quite a bit different from any ship’s computer that L’Nari had heard, though she assumed that that might be a result of the Theurgy’s computer being an AI.

Next the Deputy requested that Thea grant L’Nari the security clearance suitable for an Ensign in the Diplomatic Corps. Thea again acknowledged, granting L’Nari the requested access on zh’Wann’s authorization. A shimmering ahead of them drew L’Nari’s gaze from zh’Wann’s back, and she saw the shimmering to be something akin to a transporter beam, though somehow different. As the figure materialized, L’Nari found herself looking at a rather tall woman in a black bodysuit. The figure greeted her, welcoming her aboard before introducing herself as…

As the USS Theurgy NX-79854.

L’Nari came to an abrupt stop and blinked, wide eyed, as the ship’s AI asked that L’Nari simply call her Thea, then asked how her voyage had been. This was the Theurgy’s AI? This was what the Federation had declared a rogue AI bent on destruction? L’Nari had read the reports from Andersson’s people, and knew that much of what had been spread was, in fact, propaganda… but suddenly coming face to face with the AI which had been painted in such a light all over the FNN was still a shock to the system.

L’Nari realized she had been staring at Thea, her lips parted slightly, for several seconds. Drawing in a deep breath, L’Nari adopted a smile. ”H-hello.” She spoke with a slight quaver in her voice, though she quickly tried to steady herself. ”Forgive me, Thea. You’re… not quite what I expected…” L’Nari forced the muscles in her shoulders to relax, and took a deep breath before she continued, calmer now. ”I wasn’t expecting to meet you face to face, as it were. And after hearing so much of the propaganda from the FNN, I didn’t expect you to look so…” L’Nari tilted her head slightly to one side, casting a quick glance at Thea’s manifestation. ”Feminine.” L’Nari finally finished, giving Thea another smile. ”My voyage to Aldea was quite nice, thank you. It wasn’t overly long, as I was already on Cait. Much closer than Earth. Though I spent most of the journey reading reports.” L’Nari realized Deputy zh’Wann was waiting, and started walking again, and Thea fell in step as she accompanied them. L’Nari cast a sideways glance at Thea, her curiosity peaked. ”Thea, if you don’t mind my asking, did you choose your appearance? Or was it how you were originally programmed?”

L’Nari listened to Thea’s answer, after which further conversation was cut short as they drew to a stop outside a turbolift. Deputy zh’Wann asked Thea if the Captian was available to meet with her and, after a moment’s silence, Thea replied by saying that, while Captain Ives’ schedule had few openings, hir current meeting was coming to an end. Zh’Wann, stating that L’Nari might be in luck, stepped into the turbolift as the doors hissed open, with L’Nari following. Thea chose to stay in the corridor, spoke to inform L’Nari that it had been nice meeting her. ”Nice to meet you too, Thea!” L’Nari managed to say, half raising her hand to wave as the doors hissed closed.

She found herself once again alone with the Deputy. Leaning back slightly against the bulkhead, L’Nari tried to order her thoughts. A raised eyebrow from zh’Wann drew her attention, the Andorian asking her what was the matter. L’Nari gave the Deputy a slightly embarrassed half-smile. ”Oh, nothing, ma’am.” L’Nari said quickly, pushing herself away from the bulkhead she had been leaning against. ”She just… wasn’t what I expected.” L’Nari said, her smile remaining shy and uncertain. ”I know it’s all propaganda, but having heard the FNN talk about the Theurgy for so long before I left for Caitia Prime, I half expected a ship full of pirates. Based on how they have made you all out, I have expected Thea to have horns.” L’Nari’s shoulders sagged a little, hoping she hadn’t upset the Lieutenant. ”It’s silly, I know. But they haven’t been painting the Theurgy in a flattering light. The reports I was given while en route to Aldea said that the news spread by the FNN was mostly false, but it’s one thing to read it, and another thing all together to meet the supposed dangerous rouge AI face to face.” L’Nari’s smile returned, spreading further over her features this time. ”Thea seems nice, though. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived.”

Hardly the cold killing machine the FNN made her out the be… L’Nari didn’t add, though the knowledge came as a relief to the Ensign. ”If I may ask, Lieutenant, what’s Captain Ives like? I saw the Simulcast, though I know now that it wasn’t the proper one. Would I be right in guessing that Captain Ives is just as different from the FNN portrayal of hir as Thea is?”

L'Nari suspected that a great many things about life aboard the Theurgy were going to surprise her in the coming days.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Airlock | Deck 16 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife 
While they walked, Ida thought about what Thea had said about her own appearance, and she couldn't help but see the point the hologram had made.

"Just like anyone else, I never chose my appearance. I wore this face when I was first activated, and while I can have it altered, so could you. It's merely a question of shorter time expenditure and coding instead of cosmetic surgery, which is hardly done without some level of software assistance to guarantee the results. In this particular sense, I am no different from the rest of the crew."

"Aye," Ida had said in response to the Caitian's query. "Our A.I. has done a lot for this crew, and we hope she will continue to be the indispensable asset she is today. She has a free will of her own,unshackled from the Starfleet computer systems, so it's entirely a choice for her to make. That being said, she's a cornerstone for crew morale, and she is completely dedicated to the completion of our mission. Starfleet code of conduct is a part of her original programming, and personally, I believe she will never abandon us."

Whatever the diplomat had to say or think about that, the sound might have been drowned out by the noise that met them when the sliding doors to the upper shuttle bay parted for them. They emerged on the top level, and beyond the railing of the docking platform, two Aldean shuttles had just left the deck and were turning towards the bay doors, which were slowly opening to allow departure. Ida walked past enlisted and NCO:s in yellow jumpsuits as she led the Ensign L'Nari towards the stairs on the side, which would take them down to the lower deck of the bay.

"The simulcast was a doctored recording. The real thing certainly didn't have the Captain brandish some sword, so I would think that answers your question," she said, choosing not to speak of the small disagreements she and the Chameloid had before the Vasser mutiny. It certainly didn't matter either, since Ida had proven her worth and resolve when she'd commandeered the vacated Harbinger and rammed the Calamity. "You should have naught to be concerned about."

Luckily, Captain Ives had yet to depart by the time Ida reached the Commanding Officer - currently being in his male form. Ida came to a halt a little bit away from him. "Deputy zh'Wann reporting, sir. We have a newly arrived officer here, Ensign L'Nari, insisting on speaking with you. She carries word from our inside man in Starfleet Headquarters, and as I've been told, it's a matter of urgency."

Jien turned and inclined his head towards the Caitian Starfleet officer and spoke, his eyes nigh unblinking. He had his hands folded behind his back, and his frame had assumed an impeccable uniform... which was really just an extension of the shapeshifter himself. "Ensign, welcome aboard the Theurgy. Let's find somewhere private to speak instead. Thea? Would you mind giving me and Ensign L'Nari a site-to-site transport to my Ready Room?"

[Aye, Captain. Right away. Energising in three, two...]

"Let me know if you have any troubles with your security clearance, Ensign. Report to the security centre in that case," said Ida with a smile and stepped away, heading back to her duties, while the Chameloid and the Caitian vanished in shimmering light.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #8
Ensign L'Nari | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]L’Nari listened to the Deputy speak as the turbolift moved them through the ship, the Andorian talking of how much Thea had done for the crew. Unshackled from the constraints of the Starfleet computers, Thea had nonetheless dedicated itself… herself… to the Theurgy’s mission. The Deputy finished by voicing her belief the Thea would never abandon the crew.

”You seem to have a great deal of faith in Thea, ma’am.” L’Nari said, voicing her observations with a half-smile. ”I know that…” More was said, though her words were lost as the turbolift doors hissed open and the lift itself was drowned out as the sound of shuttle engines powering up roared through the open doors. L’Nari glanced around them as they stepped out of the turbolift, finding them to have been deposited on the upper portion of a large shuttle bay. L’Nari could see two shuttles of Aldean design just lifting off, the pilots putting the shuttles through a rotation until the noses were pointing out at the stars visible beyond the shuttle bay’s containment field. L’Nari’s pale green eyes gazed out at the stars for a moment before they darted to the side to find the Deputy striding off towards stairs which ran from the side of the upper bay down to the shuttle bay’s lower deck. Hurrying after zh’Wann, L’Nari uttered an apology to one of the jumpsuit-clad crew who she almost ran into as she rushed to catch up to the Andorian, though the man heard nothing of her apology, her words once again lost to the engine noise.

Zh’Wann had begun to speak just as L’Nari had caught up with her, the noise of the engines diminishing as the shuttles moved off. Once the two craft had passed through the containment field, the noise practically vanished, the silence seeming to roar in the Caitian’s ears in the silences between the Deputy’s words. Zh’Wann explained that the simulcast had been doctored, and that Ives had most certainly not been brandishing a sword in the original recording. L’Nari silently ventured a guess that Captain Ives had also not been bare chested and promising war in the original simulcast either. The Deputy finished the remarks by stating that L’Nari should have nothing to worry about. L’Nari didn’t have time to reply, as she found they were approaching Captain Ives, the Caitian recognizing him from the both the simulcast and the briefing files she’d poured over on her way to join the Theurgy.

L’Nari studied Ives as zh’Wann made introductions and informed the Captain of why she had need to this meeting, referring to an “Inside Man” in Starfleet which L’Nari assumed referred to Admiral Andersson. Ives was taller than L’Nari, had a strong countenance and piercing gaze, and had the appearance of an man from Earth’s Asian continent. That stern gaze turned to her as the Captain welcomed her aboard, then stated that they should find somewhere private to speak instead. L’Nari felt a quick pang of nerves at the thought of being alone with the man who threatened war in the simulcast, and had to remind herself that the transmission had been falsified, and that that had not been the true Captian Ives... she hoped…

Before L’Nari had time to consider what was going on around her, Ives had asked Thea to transport both L’Nari and himself to his Ready Room. A quick acknowledgement from Thea and a reminder from the Deputy to report and issues to her in the security officer, and L’Nari found herself surrounded by the glimmering light of a transporter beam.

A moment later, the light fading from her vision, L’Nari found herself in the much smaller environment of Ives’ Ready Room. After blinking away the last traces of the transporter beam from her vision, L’Nari turned to face Ives and straightened her posture. ”Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Captian.” L’Nari found her words did not hold her usual confidence as she spoke them, and took a deep breath in an attempt to regain her composure. If what Lieutenant zh’Wann and Thea had said was true, then she had no reason to fear this man. She also saw no reason in wasting the Captian's time, and so got straight to the point, her nerves causing the flow of words to flow forth perhaps a little faster than they normally would have.

”As Lieutenant zh’Wann said, my name is Ensign L’Nari. I’m a Diplomatic Attaché in the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps. I’ve been sent to assist you by Admiral Andersson, and was also instructed to deliver these reports to you.” As she spoke the last, she reached into a leather attaché case she carried slung over one shoulder along with her other bag, and produced a PADD which she offered to Ives. ”It’s encrypted, sir. I was told you would know the access codes. I don’t know all that it contains, though I do know that it includes reports on the latest in the Romulan Civil War. There have been some worrying developments, though…” L’Nari’s stance lose some of it’s straight certainty, ”though if everything else I’ve been told of is true, and I can only accept that it is, then we’re facing a much larger threat than just the Romulan conflict.”

L’Nari sighed and straightened, meeting Ives’ piercing gaze with the intense green of her own. ”The Praetor has made claims that Donotra’s rebels are armed with high-grade Starfleet technology and weaponry, and has gone so far as to suggest Starfleet’s taking sides in the Romulan conflict. She’s also promised that the Romulan Star Empire will not stand for such interference, nor will she let it go unpunished.” L’Nari took in a deep breath and squared her shoulders. ”Sir, I’ve been instructed to assist you in any way that I’m able. I understand your Diplomatic department has been rather understaffed up to this point, and I’ll do whatever I can to help in your mission.”

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #9
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Fife
Yet to seat himself, Jien looked at the Caitian Ensign whilst she spoke, standing there across from her in his ready room.

Aside from the introduction, L'Nari spoke of Andersson and brewing troubles on the horizon. While Jien already knew the culprit behind Starfleet's involvement in the Romulan Civil War - Captain Hawthorne of Starbase 84 - having facilitated the unfolding events, it was something quite else to hear it all confirmed from the Ensign. As expected, the Praetor hadn't taken kindly to Donatra's forces getting access to Starfleet technology. Not kindly at all.

Frowning at the news, Jien had taken the PADD proffered to him, and he'd slowly walked to his seat. He put the metallic tablet down on the desktop and raised his oaken eyes to the newest member of his crew. "Thank you for bringing it to me, and I can but assume the contents will confirm what you've just said to me, only in further detail. I can understand if Director Anderson wanted this off subspace, and I take it he has great confidence in you bringing this here."

Having said this, Jien changed... to her female form. She leaned back a little and smiled faintly, wanting to put her at ease. "Please, sit, and tell me, what's your affiliation with the Head of Covert Operations? Have you worked for him before on an assignment?" She tilted her head a little, the smile remaining. "Have you even been an operative in Starfleet Intelligence? You're still an Ensign, so while you are clearly capable and resourceful, I am just curious about the reason Anderson picked you to carry this information here in person."

Thinking a moment, Jien also added. "In fact, I wonder, are you merely here because of your orders to come here, or were you given a choice to embark on this mission of ours?"

The subtext was, of course, 'do you even want to be here?'

An apt question, Jien knew, given how infamous the Theurgy had become on the Federation News Network.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #10
[ Ensign L'Nari | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]L’Nari’s mouth curled slightly in an almost embarrassed half-smile as Captain Ives thanked her for delivering the information and report. He went on to voice the suspicion that Director Andersson must have a great deal of faith in her to entrust her with such a task, and L’Nari had opened her mouth to respond when Ives’ shifted to that of a female. Seeing this, the words fell from her tongue and L’Nari stared at the Captain in mute fascination, her ears instinctively folding back against her head in surprise before quickly perking up again. The Caitian had known that Ives was a shapeshifter, but reading such information and seeing it firsthand were two very different things.

L’Nari recovered herself as Ives spoke again, inviting her to sit. As L’Nari lowered herself into the proffered shair and arranged her tail on her lap the female Ives asked what her affiliation with the Head of Covert Operations was, and whether she had worked with him before. As L’Nari considered how to answer the question, Ives went on to ask if she had ever been an operative with Starfleet Intelligence. The question send L’Nari’s ears flicking back against her head again before they perked up and forward as if focusing in on the Captain, the Caitian’s tail looking somewhat in her lap in an unconscious sign of amusement as Ives voiced curiosity as to whether she had volunteered for this assignment, or simply been ordered to carry it out.

”I’m afraid you might have gotten the wrong impression, Captain.” L’Nari said, giving the Captaina  somewhat shy smile. ”I have never been an operative of Starfleet Intelligence, not have I actually worked directly with Director Andersson. I’ve met him on several occasions at official functions, but I am simply a Diplomatic Attaché.” L’Nari glanced down as she folded her hands in her lap, pinning the still amused tail in place to hide the unconscious display of emotions. Raising her green gaze once more to regard the Captain, she smiled and continued. ”I have been assigned to the Federation Embassy in Paris for the past year, which is where I met the Director, but while I have been privy to the occasional intelligence report during the performance of my duties, my role has always been in the overt Diplomatic realm, rather than the covert.” L’Nari gave Ives an almost apologetic smile as she went on. ”If I’m being completely honest with you, ma’am, I think it was more that I was… er…” L’Nari found herself unsure if that was the proper way to address someone who could assume both male and female forms. ”I’m sorry, Captain, but how do you prefer to be addressed? I’ve read about you in the briefing files which were provided by Director Andersson’s people, but it didn’t mention the manner in which you wished to be addressed.” The inner attaché in L’Nari tsked the oversight, the young Caitian being used to briefings on Diplomatic envoys containing detailed information on custom and manners of address. She supposed intelligence briefings rarely needed to contain such material.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #11
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Fife
When L'Nari ended her explanation prematurely, Jien chuckled at the question, realising that she had caused a bit of a conundrum for the Ensign. She oft forgot that new members of the crew mightn't know how to deal with her literally gender-fluid nature.

"Captain will suffice, please, but if you prefer, you can either use sir or ma'am depending on what form I wear. When speaking of me, I have noticed how some tend to use 'hir' or 'they' as a pronoun. I don't mind either way. If you prefer to consider me as either male or female on a regular basis, I have no issues with that either. I am both, so why would I?"

Jien understood how the question sprung from a place of respect towards a superior officer, and she'd oft experienced how people in general over-complicated her state of being. As a result of the Ives-Petain experiment, she had embraced humanity in full, not just one half of it. In any case, without becoming too philosophical about it, her answer in terms of decorum was generally quite sufficient.

"Currently, we have no Chief Diplomatic Officer, but given her rank and position as our Mission Liaison Officer - dealing primarily with the Aldean Defence Committee at the moment - you should report Commander Jennifer Dewitt for the time being," she continued, not prone to pry too much into the Ensign's affiliation with Director Anderson if sensitive matters were keeping her from being entirely open about it. Diplomatic relations, when they overlapped with Starfleet Intelligence, were often quite... complicated. Primarily, Jien didn't want to put the Ensign on the spot, instead hoping she'd feel welcome aboard the ship.

After all, she'd just agreed to serve on the most infamous ship in the fleet, and out of her own free will.

"Do you have any questions, Ensign? Now would be a good time to pose them," she added, knowing how busy she tended to be.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #12
[ Ensign L'Nari | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 10 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
[Show/Hide]L’Nari listened to Ives’ response to her question, the Captain’s chuckle having made it clear that they found the question amusing. The Captain seemed to receive the question with ease, and L’Nari suspected she wasn’t the first junior officer to pose such a query.

Explanations aside, Ives moved on to more practical matters. It seemed L’Nari would be reporting to Commander Jennifer Dewitt. There was that name again, the mention of it again sent her mind trying to drudge up some previous encounter with that name. L’Nari was fairly certain she hadn’t met this Commander Dewitt, though she recalled hearing or reading the name at some point.

She pulled her attention back to the present as the Captain continued to speak, the Caitian’s green eyes focusing on the Captain intently. Ives had asked her if she had any questions, and the Caitian inclined her head slightly forward as she mulled the question over for a moment. ”To be honest, I can’t think of any questions right now.” L’Nari admitted, finally raising her head to meet the Captain’s gaze once more. ”I’ve had questions bouncing around my head the entire trip here, though now that I’ve arrived I can’t bring a single one to mind.” L’Nari directed a half-smile towards the Captian and shifted to the edge of her seat. ”So if there’s nothing else you need of me, Captian, or nothing else you wish to ask, I know Deputy zh’Wann said you had a tight schedule, and I’d hate to waste your time…” L’Nari smiled and inclined her head. ”Permission to be dismissed, ma’am?”

It was true she didn’t want to waste Captain Ives’ time, though she also had an ulterior motive. Despite knowing the truth about the Theurgy and it’s Captain, as well as the threat to the quadrant posed by the parasites, she still felt uneasy. Even with what she had learned, it was difficult to shake the lingering foreboding the FNN’s coverage of the situation had pounded into her mind over the past months. Besides which L’Nari had had a long trip, much of which had been spent pouring over reports and briefing documents, and the idea of getting to her new quarters and passing out for several days seemed a rather inviting one at that moment.

Re: Day 19 [1535hrs.] Anxious Arrivals

Reply #13
[ Captain Ives | Captain's Ready Room | Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Fife @Brutus
Sympathising with the Ensign's wish to leave, thinking she wanted to wash the dust of the voyage to Aldea off herself sooner rather than later - not to mention getting settled into Thea's accommodations - Captain Ives inclined her head with a faint smile.

"Permission granted. Get settled in, and wait for Dewitt's summons. She'll be notified of your arrival. Unless I already said so, welcome aboard Ensign."

After the new Diplomatic Attaché left her ready room, Jien leaned back a little in her chair and looked at the PADD delivered by the Caitian. She picked it up and stood up from her chair, and she walked over to the viewport while entering the encryption protocols that she and Anderson had decided upon. It had helped that Jien had experience in Starfleet Intelligence, since the routines had been fairly easy to arrange. The news delivered were foreboding enough when heard from L'Nari, but to see all the details painted a picture that Jien certainly didn't care for.

Not just in the sense of the development being bad enough on its own, but it seemed the progression mirrored very much what Doctor Nicander had told Natalie Stark, back when he'd been approached about using his Farsight to aid the mission.

The Infested didn't have the Borg threat as an incentive to have the Federation embrace an alliance with the Scion High Council - the Savi offering technology to fight the Borg - so instead, they would use the threat of the Romulan Star Empire to push President Bacco into the alliance. She would have no idea that both Starfleet Command and the Scions were riddled with Infested, and could easily orchestrate the beginning of a galactic war. Perhaps even the people of power around Tal'aura were infested, which would guarantee war.

Perhaps even the Praetor herself was one of them.


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