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Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #25
[ Lt. JG Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz
He looked at the scars she showed him.    His own body was a patchwork of scars and implants,  and for the most part, the were a reminder – to him, and to others, of what he had been.   They certainly weren’t something that he was in any way keen to refer back to.   

“For many on Vulcan, sex is something to be accepted as necessary, like sneezing when your body goes through an infection.  To dwell on it in art is considered… …odd.   Which I suppose is part of the learning process in that I don’t have the luxury of being normal any more.”  

“Immediately after my liberation, I attempted sculptures, using fragments from the Borg ships and foliage.    They are probably lost.”     He reflected on the loss of his work, probably disposed of by someone who found his hut, or destroyed once one of the other factions overran his old settlement.    While he was pleased to be free of the jungle world where he send a decade or so, his thinking place was one of the few things about the ordeal that he missed.    “Aside from that, there really is not anything else I have done.”   

Inspiration had been elusive for Foval since his return to Federation space.     But then again, he hadn’t really had any artistic conversation.        He glanced over at her, wondering about her artistic endeavours.   “What of you?” he asked.    “Have you, as humans say, dabbled in an artistic medium?”   
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #26
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library & Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd leaned back in her chair, a bemused smile on her lips. “I could say normal is overrated, but I wouldn’t know from experience. I was raised with the tales of my Vulcan heritage, even whispers of Romulan ancestry to boot, and of course, blood tests confirm the tales, but not the context of how it came to be.” Enyd gave a half-shrug, her slender fingers moving out to lightly push at her near-forgotten tea cup. “I’ve only ever known a life of oddities. Orphaned on a remote ranch, raised by my grandmother, being interested in things that a ‘normal’ girl wouldn’t be interested in,” Enyd chuckled, bringing her gaze up from the cup to rest on Foval’s face, “always failing in romantic endeavors despite everyone’s expectations that a woman of such grace and intelligence should have it easy in that arena as well.”

Shaking her head, Enyd leaned forward again, reaching across the table and lightly patting the back of Foval’s hand.

“Normal is indeed overrated, and expectations are rarely met, even one’s own. I’m glad that you explored that side of yourself, even if it was a deviation from the norm of your culture, and did not meet the expectations others may have had for you given your circumstances.” Reflecting on the lost sculptures, Enyd frowned. “It’s a shame they were lost.”

His innocent question had Enyd briefly hooting with laughter, then blushing and covering her mouth with her hand when the noise earned glares from other occupants. Shaking her head, Enyd continued to chuckle.

“My body is my art.” Realizing how odd that must sound, Enyd quickly continued. “As in, martial arts, gymnastics, dance. Movement. My grandmother required I learn basic skills in sketching, painting, and sculpting, even music. But I must preferred physical artistic expression as it seemed to harness the emotions more than sitting still and putting things into clay or on a canvas.” Lifting an eyebrow, Enyd nodded toward Foval, “Do you dance, Foval?”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #27
[ Lt. JG Foval| Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

He gazed into her face as she spoke about romance.    He didn’t have much success himself    An arranged marriage, plus a romance that had suddenly ended recently.   He decided not to volunteer that particular information.    Not now, and not to someone in his department.  

He stared down at his hand as she put it on his and added a lot of fog to his train of thought about not getting involved with someone in his department.    It still wasn’t appropriate.   

Her laughter caught him off guard.   Fr one brief terrible moment, he thought she was mocking his questions, but realised that it was more at the idea of her own artistic endeavours.   He would have agreed that her body was her art, even before she added the caveat about her dancing endeavours.    She asked him if he danced, and he raised his own eyebrow in question.  

“No.    I did not partake in any of the dancing activities at the Academy.” Foval said thinking of the various end of year proms that he did not attend.     “And one of the few benefits of not reaching the Command level is that I am exempt from such activities as the Command Conference After Party,”    His point was of course moot since he was technically on a ship full of renegades.  

He glanced at her then looked back towards his own hand, and then looked back up at her.    “It would appear there is a way to address both of our artistic efforts.”  

He braced himself as he made his proposal.  

“Would you consent to, be a subject of one of my paintings?”     
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #28
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library & Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

“Well, if you aren’t opposed to the amount of touch involved in learning a dance, I’d be happy to teach you a few. It can be a great way to relax or to bond with a comrade depending on the context of the dance. Then there is also the unpartnered dance styles I could teach out; those are even better for self-expression.” She gave him a playful wink just as she gave the back of his hand a single pat. “I’ll model for your paintings if you learn a dance. And,” she held up a finger and shook her head, “I want to clarify. I do NOT want to be carried off by a flying monster for art's sake. I already deal with such chaos during my shifts. I also don’t want it to carry over into free time.”

Enyd glanced at her cup, frowned at its empty nature, then looked back to Foval. “Also, for clarification purposes, are you expecting nude poses? Because, I’ll be honest, even beyond the fact that we are colleagues, I have never felt particularly open with my nudity. Even though I have, by accident and no fault of my own, wound up naked or near to it more often than is reasonable in my line of duty, I still prefer wearing clothing to being without.” Enyd offered what she hoped was a placating smile. “I’ll be happy to wear modest form-fitting attire, but I can’t offer you complete nudity.”

A cough from next to their table had Enyd looking up, noting a passing ensign's confused yet amused expression. Out of context, Enyd knew her last statement was likely of considerable note and didn’t blame the ensign’s expression as he quickly continued on his way to a nearby table, where he promptly buried himself behind his PADD. Even within context, the comment had been blunt. But it’d been necessary. Giving a soft sigh as she relaxed her shoulders, Enyd waited for Foval’s response, ever curious about how he would interpret her words and actions.

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #29
[ Lt. J.G Foval| Library & Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

There was a human idiom that Foval had heard – to put ones foot in it.    He never understood that expression particularly well.   There was a further variant he had heard, to put ones foot in it with both hands.    While he didn’t understand the expression, he was beginning to think that it applied here.  

“I would never presume to make someone uncomfortable.”   Foval said honestly.   Nudity was certainly in his mind when he made the offer, but he wasn’t a pervert by any stretch of the imagination, no matter what other Vulcans thought about his lighter restraint.   Enyd was more than clear with him, and it was something that he immediately respected, he wouldn’t labour the point, particularly after she was so straight to the point.   There was no coy word play, sarcasm, or gentle teasing that he would find difficult to decode correctly.   

“I hadn’t given dance a lot of thought” Foval admitted, managing to ignore the ensign balking at her comment.      If it required admonishment, the ball was in her court for that.   Thinking about life in the diplomatic corps he continued.   “I suppose I should ‘bone up’, as you humans say, on the more social protocols of diplomacy.    There aren’t many ambassadorial balls or presidential receptions when you are a peace maker in a tribe of ex borg or a even a diplomatic officer on a ship that is wanted by its own government.   Perhaps I should get a head start on this kind of minutia in anticipation of the latter situation being resolved.”

He looked over her, a faint green blush on his face.   “Where do you suggest I begin?”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #30
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library & Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

“And I wasn’t presuming you would intentionally make me uncomfortable. Was merely stating the parameters within which I am happy to assist you, Foval.” Enyd winked at her colleague before responding to his confessoin regarding dance, “A lot of diplomatic deals are made in the inbetween times. Over a tea, at the dinner table, on the dance floor, or even in the boxing arena. I have found, from personal experience as well as from picking the brains of other successful diplomats, that the more capable you are of obscure skills from other cultures, the more apt you are to have favorable negotiations.”

Enyd wasn’t surprised when the Vulcan pushed for a specific time to start his lessons. It was very Vulcan of him to resign himself to the logic of pursuing something that he didn’t particularly prefer, if only for a mission. And not only that but to want to nail out precise details right away. Enyd clicked her tongue against her teeth as she looked to the ceiling, lost in thought for a moment.

“How about a week from today? We start with my posing for you and end with me teaching you some dance moves?” Enyd shrugged, though her smile was continually affable. “I’m fairly booked for the rest of this week, but about a week out from now, I should be more available. What about you?”

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #31
[ Lt. J.G Foval | Library & Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Ellen Fitz

He looked at her staring at the ceiling, he felt a small pang of concern that he was being too forward with her.   In the academy a human once told him that he would have to show him how to do the Vulcan Neck Pinch “some time”.   Cadet Foval highly doubted that humans possessed the necessary precsion and sensitivity to apply the hold, but he was game.   However, despite numerous attempts to synchronise diaries, there was no wish to take part in the demonstration.   He later learned it was a human platitude, designed to feign interested in learning about a topic without committing to it.      

He gave an inward sigh of relief when she offered a week from now.   He wasn’t especially busy in his social time, although he was trying to create a socialising curriculum for himself.   Nevertheless this would be a promising activity that would offer both training and a chance for expression of his art.  

“I really do appreciate this.” He said at last in agreement.   “I wish to assure you that I want you to be as comfortable as possible.    Please wear what feels right to you, and likewise, feel free to choose the dance style that feels right as well.”  

He wasn’t sure what was brewing between them.  In fact, he wasn’t sure if something was brewing between them, but he found himself anticipating the ride.   

He finished the last of his tea.     He considered making a break for it, finding a place to hide and plan until the following week.   That being said, there was no indication that their current interaction was at an end.    

“Would you like a refill?” he asked holding his cup in the general direction of the replocator.     
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 09 [1035] Just a Morning Cuppa

Reply #32
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Library & Research Room | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Number6

Enyd waved away his appreciation.  “It is not a big deal. I enjoy sharing my hobbies, and I can only imagine you’d find it agreeable to do the same. Most of us are naturally social creatures, on a spectrum, of course, so I’m happy to socialize. And if in the process I can lend a helping body, in this case, all the better.” Enyd tapped her chin in thought, allowing a moment of silence to fall before she brightened. “I think, considering the pictures you’ve shared, and the general theme of our discourse, the tango would be a good style to explore together. I can send you a series of information vids to get you started on knowing what it entails. If that seems a bit much, we can always go with the cha-cha or merengue, both of which are like walking on a beat with exaggerated hip swaying.”

As Foval finished his tea, Enyd glanced at the time and sighed, shaking her head at his offer for more. “I’m afraid I’ve got to head back to the office now. I’ve basically exhausted the resources this room has to offer on the rabbit hole I was going down, so best to get to writing up the report and sending it on to the superiors.” Pushing away from the table, Enyd stood, stretching her arms overhead and giving a heavy sigh of relief. “I’ve been sitting for far too long anyway.”

Gathering her items together and balancing them in her arms, Enyd smiled warmly at her colleague and new friend, “It has been a delight getting to know you better, Foval. Thank you for joining me.. I look forward to our hobby exchange next week.”

Giving the Vulcan another smile and an attempt at a wave—awkward to do given her balancing act of PADDs and items to te be recycled from use—Enyd left the man to his own devices, her mind already detailing which song she’d use if he chose tango, as well as which to use if he “chickened out” and went with either the cha-cha or merengue. Her smile grew, wondering how he’d handle her teasing him if he expressed concern for the close quarters required of all three dances. With a chuckle, Enyd left the room and headed back to the grind of the office.


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