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Topic: Day 08 {1400 hrs.] I can't hear you... (Read 3066 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 08 {1400 hrs.] I can't hear you...

[ Lt. JG Andram Obair | The Open Air Bazar, Qo'noS ] attn: @Eirual

It had been some days since Obair had transferred officially to the Theurgy, but he had only spent a handful of hours yet on the ship itself, having remained on Qo'noS for some time since the arrival of the ship's senior staff, due to the increased security the Embassy had requested. He personally did not have much of a problem with the slow onboarding process, although he was anxious to get fully acclimated with his new co-pilots and flight officers. Despite this, he admittedly enjoyed the company of the Klingons and their tough exterior and firm demeanor, finding it, albeit sometimes, a much more straightforward relationship than those with his Starfleet comrades. His official discharge from the embassy, however, was a few hours prior, and he had sent all his belongings to the Theurgy permanently, remaining on the planet for a short while before returning to duty.

The Lieutenant was wandering the Open Air Bazar - as he had done a number of times before, now donning his white pilot's uniform he was used to; he changed out of his security uniform the second he was relieved. This was not to any discredit to his service at the Embassy, but Obair secretly liked the prestige of a pilot's uniform to that of security yellow. Sweat dripped down his neck as he strolled the bazar, the heat was something he had not yet gotten used to. The streets were somewhat empty, it was not a busy time nor had the area been all that popular as of late. He did notice a few fellow Starfleet officers in his line of sight, but mostly Klingons - uniformed ones - populated the Bazar, and some not welcoming to an officer in a foreign uniform. He strolled out of a restaurant, preparing to purchase a meal for himself when he absent-mindedly bumped into another officer, almost knocking her to the ground. He grabbed her arm, helping her regain her balance, looking around the two of them to ensure they weren't in the way of anyone else. Obair didn't recognize the young officer, an apparent science specialist. "My apologies, Ensign...uh?" He extended his hand in introduction.

OOC: I figure I'd have the two introduce, then an issue with one of their commbadges. Let me know if you want to change anything or have any suggestions!

Re: Day 8 {1400hrs] I can't hear you...

Reply #1
[[color=light seagreen]Ens.Mia Dunne[/color] | The Open Air Bazar | Qo’noS] ATTN: @teddyg123

Mia had decided to take some time off the ship to visit the Klingon Planet. After all, it was something that would likely only come once in her career. She’d wanted to visit the site where they’d gotten the parasitic sample, but that was still under approval from the Klingon command. While she waited to hear she’d decided to visit the Open Air Bazar. It was definitely different from any bazaar she’d ever been in. Although truth be told, she really could only say she’d been to one on Earth, so that wasn’t saying much.

Mia wasn’t really paying a lot of attention to those around her, since most of them seemed to be intentionally keeping their distance. The smells of spices assailed her olfactory senses and she wandered in the general direction of their source. She stopped for a moment and closed her eyes just to take in the smells around her.  Her concentration was broken when she felt a sudden impact of another person and started to lose her balance. Her eyes snapped open as she started to fall, a loud exclamation of surprise escaping her lips, “What the hell?!?”  A strong grip on her arm helped to prevent her from the force of gravity and steadied her back on her feet. Her eyes went first to the hand gripping her arm. Her first thought was, Oh! Not Klingon! She looked over at the man to which the hand was attached, noting that he wore a pilots uniform and his rank was Lt JG. “I guess it’s true that you fighter jocks have great reflexes,” She said with an apologetic smile, “It’s Dunne, Ensign Mia Dunne, and I think you can let go now. I do apologize, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was standing.” She looked around and realized she’d been right in front of a door. “I guess I need to keep my eyes open from now on,  Lieutenant.”

OOC  No problem, so far so good!
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 8 {1400hrs] I can't hear you...

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Andram Obair | The Open Air Bazar, Qo'noS ] attn: @Eirual

The Lieutenant put on a small smile, mildly embarrassed by his lack of observance. He straightened his uniform, pulling his jacket downward. "No need to apologize, Ensign." He realized he had not yet fully introduced himself, stepping back to give her more space after a group of burly Klingons pushed their way past. The Ensign had caught Obair's attention, and he proudly introduced himself, straightening his back and neck as he did so.n"Lieutenant Junior Grade Andram Obair, Tactical CONN Officer. Class of '74."

The Lieutenant hoped he could turn this accident into a more gradual encounter, mostly because he found a sense of camaraderie in a fellow officer amongst a sea of Klingons, and partly because he found her intriguing. He made sure they weren't in anyone's way then gestured the Ensign towards the restaurant he had been eyeing, a somewhat rundown looking place with larger windows and a number of patrons seated inside. "I was about to grab a meal before I went back onboard, would you like to join me?" As he talked he felt the vibration from his communicator, but shorter than usual and uneven, but no sound came from it. Hardly noticing, he readjusted his badge in his chest as they walked forward, not giving it a second thought.

OOC: Admittedly had some trouble thinking of something related to combadge/communicator issues, maybe something we can build on. I'm also not opposed to scrapping the combadge malfunction idea. Your call!


Re: Day 8 {1400hrs] I can't hear you...

Reply #3
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Outdoor Bazar | Qo’noS] ATTN: @teddyg123

Mia had to smile at the formal style of introduction, “It’s pleasure to meet you Lt JG Andram Obair.” She looked briefly at the establishment with a slight tilt of her head, “Well, I guess I could do with a little something to eat while I wait to do my research here.” She followed him, or rather allowed him to guide her to the door. She took note that he was fiddling with his combadge and wondered if it was a new adornment for his uniform, although if he was on the Theurgy’s crew that was not likely. She unconsciously moved her hand to her own combadge, wondering if and when she would hear from the Klingon Ambassador about her request to view the area of the ‘incident’. She glanced over to the LtJg with a small smile, “How long have you been with the Theurgy? She’s a beautiful ship isn’t she, even with everything that’s happened, I am glad I was assigned to her.” They entered the restaurant and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darker interior lighting. The place was rather crowded and she felt a little overwhelmed by the crowd. “I guess this is a popular place,” She said with a slight nervous warble in her voice, “Do you think they have outdoor seating?” While it would still be crowded at least it would give her a sense of having more space around her.

OOC Sorry for the long time to get the reply. I have been  dealing with a family crisis.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 8 {1400hrs] I can't hear you...

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Andram Obair | The Open Air Bazar, Qo'noS ] attn: @Eirual

Obair nodded as they walked in, making space for himself as he moved past the people that were crowding the restaurant. As they looked around he turned to her slightly "What does your research entail, Ensign?" He was looking around the room, not necessarily looking at the Ensign, as he scoped the area while also looking for somewhere to sit. He addressed her second question as he kept his eyes up, a neutral expression on his face, his arms crossed. "Only a few days, I just transferred. I was actually recently posted here, albeit briefly." He crossed his arms, his eyebrows furrowed a bit. "The ship, indeed, is a beauty. The timing was fortunate." There wasn't much room in the restaurant, as the Ensign had addressed, so Obair motioned for them to go outside. "I bet there's seating outside, yeah." He led them to the seating area, finding them a small table in a corner of the outdoor area, surrounded by other crowded tables but available. The officers sat across from one another, Obair sitting up straight in his chair as he smiled quickly at Dunne. He subtly reached to his communicator as he had before, still concerned on its performance before. It was completely dead, this time it not working at all. Without changing his expression, Obair leaned forward towards the Ensign, asking in hushed tone, "Ensign, check your combadge. Is it working?" He leaned backwards, trying not draw any attention, mildly embarrassed at the state of his seemingly faulty device.

OOC: All good! Hope things are going better now! My apologies for my late reply.

Re: Day 8 {1400hrs] I can't hear you...

Reply #5
[Ens. Mia Dunne | Open Air Bazar | Qo’noS] ATTN: @teddyg123

Mia felt more than uncomfortable with the crowds inside the eatery. Not only were there way to many bodies in close proximity, but it made conversation almost impossible. “My research deals with the parasite,” She said trying not to speak too loudly for fear the wrong person might hear, “ I also am looking at DNA of other species that may be similar to see if there is any correlation.” She almost had to laugh when he spoke about being on the crew for only a few days. “As it turns out, you could say that I am also fairly new on the crew. Technically, I’ve been on the crew a while, but I was in stasis until about a week ago.”

She stayed close to the Lt JG as they maneuvered through and finally made their way out and found a seat at an outdoor table.  She was a little surprised when Obair leaned in close and almost pulled back. She raised her eyebrows in consternation at his request, “My combadge? Is something wrong?” She raised her hand to tap her badge, but paused for a moment trying to think of just who she would contact. She could always just contact the AI and with that thought she tapped her badge, “Ens. Dunne to USS Theurgy for coms check.”

She looked at Obair and whispered, “do you think someone is messing with our coms?”

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

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