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Topic: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10 (Read 7327 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #25
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Doc M.

There was light at the end of the tunnel, light in form of the door to the hallway. Everything has worked almost perfectly, till now. The Doc may still followed him, but at least he was on his way out of this place with no further interruption. There is no way that you get interrupted now. Absolutely no way. He should probably haven’t been so sure about that fact.

“Lieutenant Jeen, are you asking me out on the social ritual known as 'the date?'” He stopped. Not only physically, in front of the Doc, but also mental. His brain was like an old computer unit that has crashed. A sustained “Eh” came of his mouth, till his brain decided to make the only logical decision right now. A reboot.

Kaylon stopped making this sound and shacked his head after that slightly. He wheeled around and glanced at the origin of this strange request. “The Date” could probably be the name of a funny romantic-trash-horror Holonovel, but don’t even think of mentioning this now. Not that she would finds something about it that’s open to interpretation. He scratched his head for a short time and meant then: “Well, Doc. I’m pretty sure you’re kind and friendly and all the other good attributes a person can have, but somehow I have more tried to find a way out of here than into a relationship with you.” He broke up again. This wasn’t his normal polite way and therefore he corrected himself a little bit again. “How about the following deal? You let me go and we’ll play some day one of the Cpt. Proton episodes.” I guess that’s what the cool kids called a date, you little moron.

Nice, even my own brain is now taunting me now, but I've deserved it for this stupid action anyhow.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #26
[ Maya | Corridor between Head Nurse Duty Station and Reception Duty Station | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Atten:  @ DaValle

”That should be acceptable,” Maya replied with a straight face.   She was a Vulcan; it was unlikely she would reply with anything else but a straight face.  ”It would make more sense to go on a few dates and get to know each other before committing to a long term relationship.  At this juncture we have no wat to determine if we are compatible.  It would be foolish to enter a relationship right now.”  Her tone of voice indicated that this was an administrative procedure or a sample being sent to the medical lab than a personal matter.  ”So when will you be available?”

Maya was aware that it was counterproductive, even foolish to go on a date, let alone entertain the possibility of entering a relationship when she was going to begin an intensive psychological program to focus her psyche to conform to Vulcan norms.  The distraction would be a hindrance and Counselor Hathev had many other patients to attend to.  But quite irrationally, Maya stubbornly insisted on making an attempt to have a social life despite the poor timing.  Her hours were going to be cut for her psychological leave and in any case Lieutenant Kaylon Jeen seemed perfect.  There was absolutely no feeling that passed between them, no emotion, negative or otherwise existed.  As far as Maya could determine, they were only interacting on a purely rational and logical level despite their difference in immediate goals. 

Borrowing a cliché from Terran romances, there was always a chance that Lieutenant Jeen could be the one.  The possibility was admittedly infinitesimal, but it was logical that the odds of finding one’s soulmate would improve if one remained vigilant.


Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #27
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Doc M.

It was like talking with a computer. No, not like a computer, the most of them had some sort of sarcasm, joke or context understanding program installed. This Vulcan here, anyway, had non of this programs in her head and therefore she didn’t understood the difference between a friendly way to deny something and the question if she’s a single right now. Okay, Kay, you’ve got now two options. Number one, you’re going to tell her that you’ve got no actual intention to invite here on a date or two, you’re going to host the worst date ever and I mean the worst. Kaylon felt a little bit mean for needing so much time to make this simple choice and decided to take the second option.

“Alright, Doc.” Kaylon thought he should start to copy here way of talking, since this is going to be weird anyhow. “Your acceptance in this matter is mostly appreciated and your suggestion to increase the amount of meetings we both will have, before entering a relationship, will be accepted.” He used the most ridicules tone he could thought about right now. Resistance is futile. Deactivate your shields and prepare yourself for social contact.

He smirked shortly and continued by using his normal kind. Well, normal meant not-robotic way. “So, I guess I’m not allowed to go back to duty, during the next day...s and therefore I should be available then.” The Trill snapped his fingers and pointed on the Vulcan. “So what do you say, Doc?”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #28
[ Maya | Corridor between Head Nurse Duty Station and Reception Duty Station | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Atten:  @ DaValle

”That should be acceptable,” Maya replied coolly, ”but previous experience has informed me that many of patients continue to push themselves when they should be recuperating.”  The little Vulcan deepened her voice a little as she uttered her next sentence and altered her accent an infinitesimal degree.  ”I suppose that it should be acceptable to clear you for light duty if you can promise me that you won’t be working at warp ten,” she quipped, quoting a phrase that she had heard Lucan cin Nicander say last year.  At the time she had found his expression quite witty and she had been waiting four months, two weeks and five days to use the phrase herself.  ”Of course, that would require you to wear a medical monitor to alert us if there are any complications, and we would need to issue you an oxypen in case of emergencies.  You have just joined us and we would hate to lose you.”

She then reached out as if to stroke his cheek with her long spidery fingers and slapped her thigh with her other hand while making an affectionate tapping gesture only centimeters from his face before quickly clasping her hands and cocking her head to the right.  Despite the blank catlike expression on her face it was clear that she thought she had done something extremely clever.

OOC:  Title Drop!  I assume an "Oxypen" contains the tri-ox compound from the TOS episode "Amok Time" the same way an EpiPen contains epinephrine.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #29
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Doc M.

Kaylon smiled shortly after she mentioned the warp ten part. He didn’t knew if the Vulcan was aware about the reason of his injury, but he didn’t believed in it since this would meant that there were Vulcans out there that were able to make ironic comments. No this was just a convenience. She continued and mentioned that Kaylon needed to wear a medical monitor during the next time. A necessary evil how Kaylon thought about it, but definitely better than laying around at sickbay for the next couple of hours if not even days.

The Trill wasn’t completely sure what he saw happening in front of his eyes now, but what ever that was he simply decide to not start another discussion about it with the Doctor. At least not right now. “Okay, Doc, I’ll continue my work only at cruising speed from now on, even if working at warp nine point two sounds a little bit strange.” He waited shortly and added then with both of his hands holding in front of him. “Alright, put me in chains.” He laughed quickly and lowered his arms. “But no jokes now, where does the monitor need to be placed?” He thought that the last time he saw a device like this it was placed at the neck of the person, but since he had no actual clue about medicine he would simply trust the Vulcan woman in that matter. Maybe trust was a little bit to much to describe it. No choice would have worked just fine too.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #30
[ Maya | Corridor between  the Head Nurse Duty Station and the Waiting Room | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Atten:  @ DaValle

The problem with using wit to communicate was that the person one communicates with would assume that you were fluent in metaphor and wordplay yourself.  Although Maya was gifted at memorizing quotes from novels, holonovels, and archaic movies, it usually took her a moment to translate idioms and similes, even the ones that she had brought up herself.

“Okay, Doc, I'll continue my work only at cruising speed from now on, even if working at warp nine point two sounds a little bit strange,”  Lieutenant Kaylon Jeen quipped.

Maya raised an eyebrow.  Working at warp nine point two did not sound like an improvement.  On the contrary it sounded as if her patient would continue to push himself and only achieve nine point two out of ten because the physical punishment his lungs had taken would make achieving ten out of ten impossible.

Lieutenant Jeen then held out his hands in mock surrender.  “Alright, put me in chains,”  he smiled before snickering and lowering his hands to his sides again.   Apparently Maya managed to reveal her confusion despite her blank stare, for the young lieutenant was quick to clarify the situation.  “But no jokes now, where does the monitor need to be placed?”

Maya blinked rapidly as if being released from a trance.  He was joking.  Of course he was.  Humor had long been proven as an effective stress reliever for the majority of species in the United Federation of Planets, at least in the short term.  Given the amount of distress that those aboard the Theurgy were suffering due to their outlaw status it would be disquieting to see an absence of jocularity when one considered it.  Being able to laugh off the pain was a vital survival trait for nearly everyone aboard, with a few notable exceptions.  Maya’s species were noteworthy for having found a different way to cope, a way that had ensured inner peace and doubled the life expectancy at the cost of being proficient when it came to recognizing sarcasm.                   

”I can inject you with a subdermal bioprobe,” Maya informed Kaylon.  ”It will allow us to monitor your physiometric data from sickbay.  Just a moment,” she said before she glided through the doors on the convexly curved wall to the left that led to the primary biobed/surgical bay and the chief medical officer’s office.  When she returned she was holding a large hypo.

OOC:  The question is, is Kaylon still there when Maya comes back?

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #31
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Doc M.

Maya explained the Lieutenant briefly the what and how she planed to monitor Kaylon before she went to another part of the sickbay. Obviously to get those subdermal bioprobes, but Kaylon advanced almost immediately to the next exit. Alright, this Vulcan is going to wire me and I’ve thought things like this starts only when you’re married and not after the first encounter. Before he reached the end of the room he stopped again. Not that it was his conscience that has stopped him, no he simply thought about what would happen if he’s exiting this room now.

Even if Kaylon would be able to avoid the doctor physically, she would still be able to call his superior and Kaylon was pretty sure Blue had no real interest to get annoyed with this story. Therefore Kaylon decided to wait here, well, he glanced so many multiple times to the exit it was almost like his mind has already left the room for good.

Nevertheless in the moment Maya came back to him whatever has left the room was torn back in his body in less than a second. “Well, Doc, sock it to me!” He smirked shortly and waited for the Vulcan to inject him the monitor.

Before the Doc was able to request something other too, Kaylon made his way up to the next exit. This time not only mental. “I would normally say that you could easily call me if there’s something else, but since you can track me down anyhow, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

At the door he shortly stopped and turned around. “Oh and about this… meeting. I guess therefore you have to call me, since I have nothing to do due to you anyhow.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 10

Reply #32
[ Maya | Waiting Room | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Atten:  @ DaValle

”That’s all right, I may have to cancel due to other commitments,” Maya assured him.  ”To be honest, I have probably been doing the stringing along,” she admitted as she almost got that particular idiom right.  To say that she was stringing him along was an understatement.  As soon as Counselor Hathev was able to schedule a holodeck for long term use Maya would begin her intensive immersion therapy intended to put her psyche more in line with modern Vulcan norms, or at the very least give her a stronger sense of self and allow her to resist manipulation in the future.  Gone would be the illogical woman the Trill saw before him and she would either be replaced by one of pure rationality or by one that would be removed from active duty.

The little Vulcan had to admit to herself that accepting a social overture from Lieutenant Jeen was a contrary reaction to her impending therapeutic seclusion.  Just that morning, she had scoured the social databases of the Theurgy to see if anyone was looking for a partner to participate in a holodeck simulation in a perverse attempt to keep the ship’s functional holodecks as busy as possible in order to delay her treatment.  So far she had joined Petty Officer Bremmer’s ‘steampunk adventure’ that was scheduled in four days, but was still on the lookout for more.  She was only delaying the inevitable, but justified herself by rationalizing that after her treatment such irrational behavior was less likely to be tolerated or desired.

The hypo in her hand made a satisfying his as she injected into his arm.  ”There you go, Mister Jeen; you are free to go,” she announced with her trademark calm professionalism.  ”Don’t hesitate to contact us if you suffer any physical distress,” she added offhandedly.  ”Although the monitor should inform us of any emergencies, there is always the chance that it could happen while the communication system for the deck you’re on is being refitted.”


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