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Topic: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind? (Read 5705 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88 
Derik’s pen traced lines on his custom drawing PADD, bringing to life a half memory, half fantasy, dredged from his distracted mind. He wasn’t sure where the idea was coming from but he ran with it anyway. Humanoid, sitting on a rock, facing out one a large cliff over a wide ocean during a sunrise. Or was is sunset? Hard to tell with what he had so far. And yet the more thought of the imagery in his mind, the faster the creation seemed to take shape in the physical world. Clear weather, only a few clouds, not a single non-natural structure.

Someone was speaking in the background but the Trill tuned it out. It was naught but a whisper on the wind to his mind.

Engrossed, more and more of the image came to fruition. Male, tall, well built. Lines connected to bring definition to the figure and…

”DERIK!” The voice shattered whatever realm the CONN officer had been in, dragging him kicking and screaming back to the mess hall where he was sitting, having breakfast. Breakfast with Lone Wolf “Chance” Donna Petterson. They’d known each other since the academy days and getting an opportunity to catch up with someone from then was rare. And yet what was Derik doing? Ignoring her and drawing. Good job Idiot.

“I’m sorry Donna. You know how I am when I get artsy. What is it you were saying?”

“I asked what you were drawing. It isnt’t me again is it?” The pilot took a sip of her drink. “You seemed pretty engrossed in it.”

“Oh this?” Derik turned the PADD around so that she could see, but avoided lifting it. He didn’t want anyone else in the sparsely occupied hall to witness what was on the screen. Not that he would be embarrassed or ashamed but the individual being brought to life wasn’t wearing anything.  “Just something I was thinking up. Not sure if it’s someone I knew or if it’s some sort of amalgamation of people Kinda hard to tell from the back.”

 He sat there watching Donna's reaction to his work, unsure if she was getting fond memories or horrid nightmares. The thought made him chuckle just a little.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  ] Attn: @Argyros

Donna had been surprised when she had found out that Derik was aboard the Theurgy. The last she had heard; he had been aboard the Resolve. So, upon bumping into him in the passageway had not been expected at all. Still, it was a good meeting and led to the two of them agreeing to meet up for breakfast that morning. It was something they had done when the two of them were at the Academy. They had shared a few classes and Donna found herself liking the Trill. And sitting there now in the mess hall, it was like they were back there once more.

Derik was a drawer. She had seen him draw many things during their time in San Francisco. Plants, landscapes, ships, even imaginary places. She had even posed for him on a few occasions and he had drawn her in various poses. She still had copies of those images stored on her data stick. And his habits didn’t seem to have changed much over the intervening years, because here they sat, eating breakfast as Derik doodled on his PADD, drawing something. Naked.

“I remember when I posed for you wearing that same outfit,” Donna remarked casually. She had lost her sense of modesty long ago. “In fact, I still have copies of the drawings. They were very good.” She was going to say more when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye and she saw one of the most unique individuals aboard the ship enter the mess hall; the Reman, Lorad.

“Now there is someone I don’t think you have ever considered drawing,” Donna pointed out, nodding at the hulking shock trooper. “How about it?”

[ Tesserarius Lorad | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy  ]

Lorad had returned to his quarters after his release from the ship’s sickbay. A good night’s sleep had eased most of the aches he had felt after his time in the Klingon’s fighting ring. Deciding that he didn’t want to risk a repeat performance, Lorad chose to stay aboard the Theurgy for that day; perhaps locating Commander Akoni and speaking with him about how to join the ship’s crew officially. He had also chosen to have his meal in the ship’s meal room instead of his quarters. If he wanted to join the crew, he should be around them.

Choosing an empty table in the corner, Lorad sat with his back to the wall and regarded those crew members that were present as he began to eat.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
“I remember when I posed for you wearing that same outfit” Derik blushed a little remembering several of the sessions he’d had with the pilot. He still had the pictures tucked away in case he ever wanted to revisit the work. They were, some would say, riskier than what was on his PADD right now.  "In fact, I still have copies of the drawings. They were very good."

“Oh um” He blushed some more and stuttered a little, surprised that she had the old drawings as well, “Glad you liked them. They were a lot of fun to make.”

It seemed like Donna had something more to say but Derik watched as her eyes caught on something off to the side of the room. “Now there is someone who I don’t think you have ever considered drawing.” She nodded at a figured walking to an unoccupied table. “How about it?”

Veradin’s eyes followed, quickly finding the source of her question. Tall, powerful, a soldier, and definitly not human. Reman. “Lorad?!?” Derik was extremely surprised and did his best to keep it quiet. “I don’t think anyone has honestly considered drawing a Reman before.” Admittedly even Derik hadn’t. Yet the more he thought about it, the more the idea grew on him. Remans were a very unique species, their skin a cornucopia of detail. It would be a challenge for any artist to capture. His fingers tapped the PADD’s controls without him even thinking about it, filing his current drawing away for later. The Trill gently bit the inside of his cheek, giving honest consideration to such a concept. Like acid eating away his concerns and reservations, he found himself stealing small glances here and there. His stylus created a rough image of what he was seeing across the room as the unaware Reman was eating.

“I wouldn’t even know how to approach him about it.” He looked back at Donna. “Finding people interested in modeling in any aspect is difficult enough. Asking it of a Reman? I’d probably have better luck reigniting a dead star…..”

Yet the more he spoke of doubts, the more he wanted to. It was an opportunity for a very unique subject. Donna had better have a plan because Derik wouldn’t even know where to begin.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

“Well it’s a good beginning that you know his name,” Donna noted wryly, taking another sip of her drink as she considered how best to go about the situation. Donna hadn’t known his name and except fir that one time in the ship’s upper shuttle bay right after she had come aboard the first time, she had not seen him since. But it hadn’t taken much asking about to find out his name. Or that he and his sister were currently having something of a disagreement. One that had, at times, turned from verbal into physical. And given their physiology, she was surprised that they hadn’t had to beat the dents out of the deck.

“And for the record, I don’t know how to approach him either,” Donna admitted before downing the last of her drink and standing. “I figured I’d just go over there and ask him. What’s the worst that happens? He says no and you only have one volunteer for today?” Donna pointed out, volunteering herself for whatever came along. Given some of the other drawings that she had seen done by other artists, modelling for Derik with Lorad could get quite interesting.

“And that will be an interesting story to tell Isel, of that I’m sure,” Donna considered silently, thinking about what her Vulpinian lover would say to a drawing of her and a Reman together. All sorts of different poses were flashing through her mind, some of them VERY risqué, but she would leave it up to both Derik, and Lorad if he joined them, how they would be position. “You coming? Or are you going to keep drawing him from across the room?”

Not waiting around to see if the Trill was following, Donna sauntered over towards the Reman, being careful to stay within his eyesight. She had picked out his decision to sit with his back to the wall and knew what it was about. She’d done the same many times in the past. Still did at times, her training taking over unconsciously.

“Lorad isn’t it?” She asked as she stopped in front of the table. “Mind if we sit down? There is something that we’d like to ask you.”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
“Oh hell’ Derik sighed. Here we go again. The Trill stood up, gathering his things onto the tray, tucking his PADD under his arm, and following after Donna. He joined her at the table, sitting next to the fighter pilot as to not seem like they were cornering the Reman against a wall.

“Lorad right?” He began doing his best not break the ice. Could have given me a few minutes to think of what to say. “Donna and I were discussing art and modeling when you walked in. It was suggested,” the Trill’s eyes shifted to his friend to indicate who the culprit was, “that you might be an interesting subject. I’m not sure what kind of art Remans have, but I am very curious if the notion has ever struck you?” Derik called up some previous work into a short slideshow, making sure not to include any of Donna’s pictures, and placed it on the table where Lorad could see but not in his personal space. The images ranged from the mundane to the intimate, but nothing overly sexual in any way. While some of his previous work was indeed erotic, Veradin didn’t want to give Lorad any reasons to be concerned. He also took the opportunity to take a deep breath to calm his thoughts and words. “Perhaps I should better explain: I am what you might call an aspiring artist, whose main focus is on art that involves people from all walks of life. I’d like to invite you to participate in one such session. Remans are a intriguing species with a unique form….” Derik trailed off.

“In simplest terms I’d be honored if you try modeling for me. You’ll be free to dress to your comfort as well as come and go as you please. It wont require much of you, simply standing or sitting in whatever position might interest you.” A thought came to the helmsman. “Most people see your species as nothing more than disposable shock troopers for the Romulan Empire. I’d like to shine a more positive light on that opinion as well as show that your species is so much more.”

The Reman was quire for what felt like an eternity. Derik knew it was simply his nervousness that made it seem that way but Donna, as usual, had sprung something on him unexpectedly. Normally the Trill would get to know people for at least a few months before approaching the subject. It wasn’t that there was really a stigma about modeling but offers didn’t always translate properly across species and cultures. Which was only made worse by the fact Derik still felt awkward asking on such a short notice and even their first real meeting.

The Trill’s trepidation only grew till the Reman finally spoke despite anything Donna might say to help.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #5
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Lorad was, curious, to say the least. He had come here several times to eat his meals, especially after deciding to join the ship’s company, with the goal of them adjusting to his presence. And so far, despite many looks, no one had approached him, about anything. Until today when a Human female, with a Trill male who he knew to be Derik Veradin following close behind, approached him, the female asking to sit. He recognised the female as one of the pilots who had landed in the upper shuttle bay when the ship had been boarded by Starfleet.

“You may,” Lorad responded evenly, not sure why he would have suddenly drawn the interest of the two officers. They, like so many others had been eating and conversing without paying him any attention, until now of course. “This ship is more yours than it is mine,” Lorad pointed out as he set his utensils down. “What is it you would like to discuss with me?”

Donna sat down and was about to speak when Derik caught up and cut her off. And what he had to say was both very strange to the Reman, but also oddly understandable. His appearance was unique among those beings aboard the Theurgy at the time and more than once he had seen the looks others had directed at him. It only seemed reasonable to him that where there was mistrust and disgust, that there was also wonder and delight.

It seemed that Derik was an artist, based upon the images that he had been shown. And while he was no expert, the art that was shown to him appeared quite good. And he would admit that he was more drawn to the images of women who were wearing less. He was certain that he recognised one of the pilot, naked and laying atop a rock next to a stream. There was nothing sexual in it, she was alone; but it carried the point that the man’s art was quite varied.

Which Derik then explained. He was asking for Lorad to model for him. He would be free to come and go as he pleased and to dress to his own comfort. The hardest part he would have to do would be to sit or stand very still. Ironically, that was a lesson that he had learned long ago from his father, who had been trying to teach him patience. He didn’t understand how some simple drawings would help with that, but he was all for helping to improve upon the image that the Federation had of his species.

“You wish me to sit still while you draw me?” Lorad summarised, eyeing the two officers before him.

“Pretty much,” Donna confirmed. “If it helps your decision any, I am happy to pose with you if you wish. Or you are welcome to go solo. Whatever makes you more comfortable.”

“Thank you for that,” Lorad acknowledged after swallowing the last of his food. “When you wanting me to sit?”

“How does right now sound?”
Donna shot back before Derik could interject. “That is, if you don’t have any other plans.”

“I told no fights today,” Lorad replied, remembering the nurse’s advice from the night before. “Now is good.”

“Excellent,” Donna said, standing up. “Derik, my quarters, 30 minutes. Lorad, follow me,” she directed before heading for the Mess Hall’s entrance. Lorad didn’t even have time to say anything to Veradin before he was forced to follow after the pilot or risk losing sight of her. Several passageways and a turbolift later, they had arrived at her quarters on Deck 11 with Donna leading him inside.

“Grab and drink and a seat,” Donna said as she grabbed something out of the cupboard next to the door. “I’m just going to change into something more comfortable. Not to press you but did you want company or not for your poses?”

“Company be nice,” Lorad replied, moving over to sit on the couch. Beyond the window, he could see other vectors of the Theurgy being repaired.

“Awesome,” Donna responded, smiling at the Reman. “I’ll be right back,” she said before ducking into the head. Lorad passed the time looking out the window, wondering idly what poses he and the Human pilot might be asked to assume. Movement behind him drew his attention and he turned to see Donna emerging from the head, her hair still damp, wearing a robe that fell to below her knees. Before Lorad could say anything, the door chime sounded and Donna opened the door, admitting Derik.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
Derik bit his inner lip as the Reman thought about his offer. What was only seconds seemed like an endless eternity. It was very forward of them to come ask the newcomer to partake of something that could be considered rather personal, and yet they hadn’t been shot down immediately. When he did finally speak, Derik enjoyed a wave of relief at the Reman’s curiosity. He would have explained more but Donna cut him off, using quick simple answers that seemed to satisfy the man.

“How does right now sound? That is if you don’t have any other plans.”

“I told no fights today. Now is good.”

If Derik hadn’t had better control over himself, his mouth would have dropped right then and there. Here they were, just introducing Lorad to the idea of posing and the Reman had was already accepting the offer. Donna gave him quick instructions to be at her quarters in thirty minutes before leaving the table with a determination that had Lorad scrambling after her, just to keep up. Shaking his head at how quickly they were jumping into it, Derik cleaned up after the three of them, clearing the table for the next crewmembers looking for a bit to eat.

While Veradin didn’t keep an exact track of time, the helmsman made his way slowly to Donna’s quarters. He wasn’t in a rush and wanted to give his friend time to get Lorad comfortable. It was a lot of trust for the Reman to give two people he’d just met and there was no reason to rush him. Soldiers didn’t like being cornered after all. He oddly felt butterflies in his stomach. Perhaps it was just his excitement at adding another interesting person to his list of models. When he did finally arrive at his destination, he hesitated outside the doors. A nervous count of sixty seconds just be safe with his timing passed before he tapped the bell button for his friend’s quarters.

The doors hissed open a moment later, the Trill’s eyes met with the ever-so-beautiful Donna “Chance” Petterson greeting him with a smile. She was wearing a robe, but knowing what kind of adventurous woman the pilot was, Derik knew she wasn’t wearing anything under it. Hazel eyes looking into his and the fact her hair was damp told him all he needed to know. One of his eyebrows raised, accompanied by a knowing smirk as he stepped inside so as not to give anyone passing in the halls an inappropriate view. “Jumping off the deep end, are we? Try not to drown the poor man.” The helmsman playfully commented. “You have the lead.” He told her quietly. Letting Donna handle Lorad was probably the safest course of action. He seemed interested in her company and the Trill wasn’t against playing off that. The Reman in question was sitting on the couch watching the two of them, but Veradin coudlnt tell what he might be thinking. Winking at her inevitable retort, as Donna enjoyed teasing him as much as he did her, Derik passed over to the desk, stopping at the replicator to grab himself a tea before sitting down. He set himself up with his PADD, creating a new folder under his art directory to save the work in. He pulled up a fresh page to work from.

“Model’s choice.” The Trill said to the both of them, letting them at least pick the first few poses. Better to go with the flow then direct the tide.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

“I don’t know what you mean,” Donna retorted, the knowing smirk on the Trill’s face not even phasing her in the slightest. She was a confident woman an if Derik couldn’t handle it, then he was free to find someone else to model for him; though she wasn’t sure how many of the other women on board would go to the lengths that she had in the past. And planned to once again. She was a woman who was both bold and tenacious; once she set her mind to a task, she would see that task finished. In this case, the task that she had set for herself was the Reman. “I’m sure Lorad can handle himself. He certainly appears to be quite capable,” Donna remarked, casting an appraising eye over the man in question as she considered how best to get things going. 

“Why don’t we start with something simple?” Donna proposed as she entered the room proper. Striding across the floor, her robe parting slightly as she walked, Donna sat down on the couch next to where Lorad had taken up position. “Lorad, have you thought about how you would like to be drawn?”

“I not sure,” Lorad admitted. He had been looking out at the stars, idly wondering how his life had changed so much so quickly that he had almost forgotten why he was there. The Human’s reappearance from the rooms bathing area had returned everything to the here and now and Lorad began to wonder if perhaps he was not as comfortable as he thought he had been. Especially as he suspected that Donna had ulterior motives to his presence. “What you suggest?

“How about we start with something easy? Maybe, you just sitting there on the couch, looking out at the stars as you were doing a few moments ago?” Donna offered, seeing no need to rush things. They had all day after all. 

“I can do that,” Lorad affirmed calmly. “Did you want to join me?” 

“I’d like to, but only if you are comfortable with it,” Donna replied. 

“I am,” Lorad said, shuffling to the side. He remember from the drawings shown to him a pose where two people were looking out at something, with the woman squeezed in between the male and the seat back. Having no other guide, Lorad sort to replicate this pose. Donna, realising what Lorad was trying to do, moved into position, careful to keep most of her body cover while showing a glimpse of skin at her neck and calves. 

“I think we are ready Derik,” Donna said to the only artist. 

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Mess Hall | Deck 13 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
Comfortably seated at Donna’s desk, as it offered him the best vantage of the room, Derik set about the task of drawing his two subjects. Donna, as she had been in the past, was a natural, her pose relaxed, perfect for the view she was peering out at. Lorad was perhaps a bit stiffer, unfamiliar with himself with having his image taken just yet. As he sketched in their raw forms, an idea came to the Trill. How could he make this more…involved for everyone? With a few taps on his PADD and the controls on Petterson’s desk, the screen behind him lit up, mirroring a copy of what was on his screen. This way, his models could see what exactly he was working on at a glance.

“There,” The Trill announced so they might notice, “Now you can keep track of where we are in the process or be able to point out anything you have questions about or don’t like.”

He returned to the sketch noticing after a few moments, that the Reman was looking out of the corner of the eye at the screen, while still trying to keep his head mostly to the window. “Don’t worry about moving Lorad. Feel free to look all you want. I already have the basic poses fleshed out.”

Instead of making the tow of them sit there for another hour at least, Derik decided that his first image would use more of a water-color style, blending the hues a little so as if to be looking at the surface of a pond. The result was an image finished sooner rather later. Best not to make them hold the same position for the two long.

About ten minutes later he was satisfied with the product, leaving it up on the screen for their review. “Look okay?”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Reclining next to Lorad, and seeing Derik seated at her desk, PADD in hand, Donna’s mind flashed back to her academy days. It had taken time, and more effort than she would care to admit, to break the habits of half a decade as a covert operative. She’d heard the stories, of older operatives that had managed to retire from covert missions and had had trouble losing the trained habits that you relied on to keep yourself safe while undercover. And while she would never admit it to anyone save Isel, being drawn by Derik had helped her anxiety. They hadn’t even talked while he had drawn her those first few times. She had posed and he had drawn and that had been that.

Now here she was again, reclining against a Reman of all beings, in her assigned quarters aboard the USS Theurgy, the most wanted ship in the galaxy. Her past as an operative exposed, she had unknowingly blackmailed someone who she now considered the love of her life, to get aboard this ship; kidnapping her RIO in the process. Looking in the mirror, or in this case, the screen on the wall, Donna almost didn’t recognise the person she was now; even though her appearance hadn’t changed.

“Huh?” Donna exclaimed, drawn from her reverie by Derik’s voice. Looking at the Trill, she saw his first work for the day up on the screen and realised that he had been asking how it looked. “I think it looks pretty good. Especially as a warm-up piece. What do you think Lorad?”

“I like it,” the Reman intoned, not having any basis for comparison. “Do we move now?”

“Well that depends on Derik,” Donna responded, turning back to look at the Trill. “Did you want us to swap positions? We chose this one so you can choose the next. And remember I’m not shy,” Donna said, winking before glancing at the Reman hulk beside her. “Are you shy Lorad?”

“No,” came a flat response.

“There you go,” Donna noted. “Artist’s turn.”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #10
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
“Alright then.” Derik responded, opening a folder or reference pictures on his PADD to search for a good reference image. Many of them were old, a lot from even pre warp human kind.  He wanted something more dynamic, more intimate maybe. Donna was enticing Derik to work on something closer to what they used to back at the academy. Perhaps something standing? Something with the illusion of movement? He left the larger screen mirroring what was on his PADD, showing his volunteers what he was sifting through.

He almost passed up the perfect image, backing up several shots to find it again. It was a couple, both skin bare, a larger man supporting the woman with his hand around her waist. She was leaning back, hand around his neck, their bodies creating an almost asymmetrical triangle. Their legs were intertwined for both support and show. It was not an especially complicated pose but it would be a good step up to test the two models together.

“How about this one?” Derik asked, looking up from his PADD. “A big strapping Reman like you should have no problem supporting Donna right?” He asked the shock trooper. “And if you’re not shy, feel free to dress down some, get comfortable. Your skin has some interesting patterns from what I can see so far…”

He quickly typed out a few commands on his PADD without even looking, relying on memory to get it right. The He wanted to give Lorad his full attention while making sure the system was prepped for the next pose. The screen behind him shifted, splitting down the middle to have one half be a blank canvas and the other to be the pose he had chosen. Best to leave the reference up for the man to work with.

“Show him how it's done wont you?” He asked the dazzling pilot. He knew she could and probably would. The woman was beautiful and she knew it.


Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

As Derik searched for their next pose, Donna considered the Reman beside her. His species didn’t have a stellar reputation amongst the various species and civilisations that knew of them. The Romulans outright enslaved them while most others, the Federation included, considered them at best brutish and at worst, savage. Probably the only group that thought of them in an even remotely positive manner was the Klingons, who considered Remans a worthy adversary.

Yet Lorad’s poise and behaviour so far revealed someone that was neither brutish nor savage. She couldn’t comment on his combat abilities but if he had survived as long as he had as a shock trooper while reaching the rank of Tesserarius then he must be formidable. The feeling of solid muscle against her own skin only added to that belief. Against that though, Lorad was soft spoken, choosing his words carefully in a language that was not his own. Yes, his appearance and his almost unnaturally deep voice could be disconcerting and intimidating but Donna was finding, that, if given the chance, Lorad was not who he seemed to be.

"How about this one?" Derik asked, drawing the pilot’s attention away from her hulking companion and towards the artist across the room where he was tapping on his PADD. "A big strapping Reman like you should have no problem supporting Donna right?" The Trill asked the shock trooper as the screen behind him split between an empty canvas and Derik’s suggested pose. "And if you're not shy, feel free to dress down some, get comfortable. Your skin has some interesting patterns from what I can see so far..." The artist’s words faded in his mouth and Donna realised that Derik was hoping to get Lorad quite naked. For her part, Donna was very much working towards the same goal. “Show him how it’s done, won’t you?” Derik continued and Donna registered that he was addressing her now.

“Of course,” Donna acknowledged, standing up and turning back to face Lorad. “What do you think, Lorad? Do you like the pose? Think it will work for us?” Donna hadn’t been around the Reman to be able to read him with any sense of certainty and so was being careful in how she approached things.

“I can hold you,” Lorad said after looking at the image for a moment. He didn’t understand the Trill’s fascination with his skin patterns, but he wasn’t an artist either. And despite his prior comment of not being shy, Lorad found himself unwilling to just strip everything off either. It just seemed, rushed. No, he was going to take his time. Twisting on the couch, Lorad swung his legs onto the floor before standing slowly and reaching for the hem of his shirt. “I take shirt off.”

“Awesome,” Donna commented with a soft smile as she watched the Reman do exactly as he had said; take his shirt off. Studying him for a moment, Donna found herself admiring the muscle tone on display. She had heard about his encounter with the Borg during the battle and could see the clear marks from the fight, but it seemed he had recovered nicely. Reaching for her waste, Donna undid the sash and pulled her robe open slightly, making it clear that it was all she was wearing without showing too much too soon. “Do you mind if I?” she asked, being clear what she meant without saying it.

“No,” was all Lorad said after understanding what Donna was asking. He had had a suspicion that there was nothing under the robe and that was now confirmed as he watched Donna pull the robe apart, displaying the firm tone of her body to him. 

“Wait, I have an idea,” Donna announced, stepping closer to Lorad. “What if we stayed like this? You in your pants and me with my robe hanging off my shoulders?” she proposed and Lorad had to take a moment to glance at the image on the screen and then imagine what Donna was describing. It was less directly nude and yet more provocative. Not sure how to answer correctly to her suggestion, Lorad simply nodded at the pilot. “Awesome,” Donna replied, smiling again and stepping directly in front of him. “Now, put your arm inside my robe to support my back,” Donna instructed with Lorad doing just as she said while she put a hand on the back of his neck. Unspoken, the two models leaned into the pose with Lorad’s form tensing to support the weight of the pilot while Donna’s robe fell back to reveal her nude form astride the Reman’s leg with the robe dangling off her shoulders. For added measure, she hooked her left leg around his thigh. A little deviation perhaps but she thought it was appropriate.

“What do you think Derik?”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #12
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
”I take shirt off.”

The Trill watched in utter fascination as Donna worked her magic with Lorad. Her body language and tone it seemed to put the man at ease with not only her, but the positions they found themselves in. As Lorad ditched the first article of clothing, Derik’s eyes were met with a feast for his artistic senses. Just as he had suspected, the markings on the Reman’s head extended down onto his body. What did surprise him however was how organic they were, how easily they flowed into each other. Given the environment Remans called home, Derik half expected more angular markings. Instead they flowed like downward streams. The starting point seemed to be around the eyes but without a viewing Lorad’s entire body, he couldn’t be sure.

Despite the fact that Donna was only wearing a robe, she was not content to be left out. She slowly undid the sash, pulling it open just enough to expose some skin around the collar and up on the thigh. Yep. Still not shy at all. Full engines ahead Captain.


Sucked in like the gravity of a collapsing star. The Trill smiled. Madam beautiful started suggesting a change to the pose, The change was somehow more intimate despite the remaining clothes. It both shielded and exposed, the contrast of which was extremely appreciated by Derik. Petterson’s robe hanged off her like a fluffy, comfortable, curtain. Lorad was like an intricate statue. She walked him through each little change so that he could visualize what she was seeking. Before long the pair was standing in the position Derik had suggested with Donna’s twist. It was honestly better this way. Donna was good at the unexpected and these changes were awesome.

”What do you think Derik?”

”I think this will be just fine. Loarad, don’t worry about taking anything off if it’s outside your comfort zone. We never know what we are really capable of until we are in a situation that demands the answer. Even so, I have no intention of pressuring you into anything. I’m sure the both of you can agree when I say this is an experience for all of us. We should take our time, explore, enjoy the little things.” Derik’s stylus was already hard at work roughing out the shapes as he spoke.

He took his time with the initial outline, doing his best to get their body shapes as accurately as possible. As he attempted to capture the beginning of shapes on Lorad’s skin, he had to go back to make adjustments. The more he looked at his skin, the more tiny details he'd notice. If this was all he was seeing with a Reman's chest, the rest was certainly going to prove an even greater challenge. He did his best not to stare but there was a ton to look at. Even little scars from Loard's more recent adventures.

”Perhaps we should talk about something, pass the time with more than a couple silent statues” He looked up and smiled to show he didn’t mean any harm by the comment. ”Is there something you wish to speak about Lorad? Something we could discuss maybe?"

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #13
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Slave. Soldier. Rebel. Lorad’s life had been one filled with death, pain, and the expectation that he would not live to see how the century; at least how Terrans measured time. To a Reman in the mines, time was merely the difference between being lashed to work harder and the brief respites in between such periods. There was nothing else to know to the slaves condemned there. 

Being a shock trooper for the Romulans was little better. Death and pain remained ever present, although Lorad spent just as much time dealing them as receiving them. In addition, there was the training. Romulans, Lorad learned quickly, enjoyed efficient killers. And so long as he performed his role to their lofty expectations, his life would continue until someone killed him or his ‘masters’ no longer had need of him. 

Being a slave on the run was little different to either of his former occupations. The only change was apparent freedom. Or, as he quickly learned, a facsimile of it. Remaining in Romulan territory meant they remained in hiding lest they be caught and executed; or worse, condemned to the mines once again. 

Another thing that all three parts of his life had in common, much like his entire race, was a lack of culture. His time aboard the Theurgy had awakened him to how much the Romulans had taken from his race. History, Art, Culture; his brothers and sisters under the Romulan boot had none of these. The closest they got to understanding art was in the creation of a fine blade. And that was not a skill that Lorad possessed.

“I must seek out Suq and see how he is going with the creation of a sword for Samala,” Lorad thought to himself as he remained perfectly still, his cybernetic hand supporting Donna’s nude form. To the Trill, this was art. The drawing of himself and the Terran together. It was not something that Lorad understood. How could he have given his life? Still, there was time to try and understand now.

“Why draw me?” he questioned when the Trill, Derik, asked if there was anything he wanted to speak about. “And like this? I not special.”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #14
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
Derik’s hand paused for a moment mid-shading. Perhaps the initial discussion they had as to why he had wanted to opportunity was not as descriptive ad Derik had thought. Perhaps a more thorough explanation might help.

”Well…” The Trill began with a slight pause. ”I suppose the answer is several-fold. Firstly, based on what we know of Remans and stop me if I’m wrong somewhere or being overly insensitive, your people exist in a social class of Romulan culture that essentially leaves you as slaves. Manual labor, renewable source of soldiers, throw away play things. You and your people are used, abused, and disposed of as needed. Knowing the kind of hell your people are put through, we can infer some relative similarities from other species in similar situations. Which is to say that as a species: much of your identity has been either lost, suppressed, or twisted by the Romulans. It would not surprise me to learn that the majority of what your people were is only retained through verbal stories or extremely rare artifacts.”

“Believing this, I cannot begin to fathom the depth of what you as a people must want to recover. I cannot bring everything back, but I can at least be apart of the start of something different. The problem is that the Romulans want nothing more than your people to be seen as mindless, obedient soldiers.” Derik redid some of the coloring on Lorad’s chest after not liking how simplistic grey it was turning out to be on the page. ”The first step to helping the Reman’s reclaim even a fragment of what has been lost is to show that they are so much more than appearances. You need to be seen as a people, rather than objects. To do this, I want to create something that could expose another side of Remans in general. Opportunities to work with one of your people is rare, in any other capacity than soldiers is almost if not nonexistent. To that effect, I want to make the most of a situation while I can. Lorad’s mechanical hand was giving the Trill some trouble with the coloration and detail work, so he spent extra attention on it.

”You may not consider yourself to be special, but we do. You are unique, your life is something to call attention to. How many Remans successfully escape their Overlords? How many Remans can say they are free? Is it therefore not worth the attempt to make light of that? To show that it is not only possible, but that there are things for Remans to experience and enjoy outside of what they know? ‘Hope Springs Eternal’ would be a phrase I would want your people to learn.”

”Think about it this way: How long did it take Donna and I to approach you after you walked into the Mess Hall? Two maybe three minutes at most? When we saw you neither one of us thought ‘Oh look at the big dumb brute’. Both of us saw potential. Potential for something other than death, other than violence. Is that not a high compliment then to see you as more than what your species is generally known for? To us, Remans willing to converse, willing to try something new is a new experience for us as well as for you. We learn by interacting with you, by spending time with you. I for one have only seen Remans in pictures and as holograms. How can I not therefore take the opportunity to see one in person? And if we can come to common ground, and I get to experience more than a brief meet and greet, I have a responsibility, a duty to myself to do so. And from an artistic point of view: Remans have extremely interesting skin patterns. It’s not like a tattoo one might get to express something in their life, it’s organic, natural. Often times the greatest beauty that can be found is that which occurs as a result of mother nature doing her thing.”

Finally satisfied, he set his pen down, flexed his drawing hand and looked Lorad right in the eye. ”Does that make sense?”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Standing there, no, posing there, in the Starfleet officer’s quarters wearing nothing but his pants and boots and holding up the naked woman in his arm, Lorad was a captive audience to the Trill’s answer to what he thought was a simple question. Instead, it seemed to be more complicated than he had anticipated with the verbal response that followed taxing his increased, yet still limited, grasp on Federation standard. Still, it was enough to get what he believed was the general gist of the response.

“You wish draw me because I am different,” Lorad began, looking at the man as he rested his hand for a moment. “To show others that Remans are not just slaves and killers. That we are more?”

“Pretty much,” Donna confirmed, taking a moment to roll her neck to work out some tension. While she had posed for longer in the past without moving, it had been a while and she was a little out of practice. “Derik is trying to show others that Remans like yourself are more than what the Romulans allow you to be seen as while also showing you that you can be more than what the Romulans would allow you to be. And you make for a unique model, which appeals to the artist in him. I’ve seen a lot of different species and I don’t think I have ever seen one with your skin tone and texture. And your cybernetics just add to that uniqueness.”

“And what you get from this?” Lorad asked Donna.

“More art for my collection. I get copies of everything I am in from Derik,” Donna revealed casually. “And I love how he draws my body.”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #16
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
”That being said,” Derik quickly chimed in before Lorad had a chance to be concerned, “Each of my models has the option to pick what they want done with any image they appear in. Donna gets copies of everything sure, but if you are uncomfortable with you being in them, I can always edit you out before the transfer happens. You can also decide how and if they might be shared with others, such as appearing in an art gallery. I do ask though that whatever you decide, I be allowed to keep the originals intact. I put a lot of work into these after all and they go into a secure database anyway.” The Trill didn’t want to scare the Reman in any sort of way but it wouldn’t have been the first time a model decided to have everything deleted. The idea always chapped at Derik. It was so wasteful.

”All you need to do is think about it for the time being. I won’t do anything with the images till you decide. You can have copies transferred to you just like the lovely lady, or you can set rules for what you want, or you can leave it up to me what to do with them.”

Derik wasn’t too worried about what the man would decide. Sure, their work right now was out of Lorad’s norm, but he already said he wasn’t shy. He also figured that if Donna begged a little for the unaltered copies, Lorad wouldn’t object. Having said his bit now, he cleaned the PADD and display screens and readied them for another pose.

”Now that I’m done with that pose, what’s next? It’s ya’ll turn after all.”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Lorad watched and listened, standing there as Derik finished his work while explaining what happened to all the images that he worked on. He had no qualms with Donna receiving a copy, she was in them as well after all, and Derik should keep his work but Lorad wasn’t sure if he wanted a copy. He was still unsure of the value of them, not having a context to them. As Derik completed the drawing and cleared his screen in preparation for the next pose, a thought still tugged at him; what was he supposed to do with copies of this art?

“Well, I’m not sure about you Lorad, but I really enjoyed that pose,” Donna said as she straightened up, rolling her shoulders back to work out a kink. It also had the beneficial side effect of pushing her generous chest out on display more. And as much as she was outwardly teasing the Reman, inwardly, she was considering what she should do next. Her next goal was getting him to want to be naked with her. After that, well, she’d never had a Reman before.

“I still not understand what you see when we like that,” Lorad responded to both Derik and Donna. “What you see and draw.”

“Perhaps a demonstration might help?” Donna suggested, an idea coming to mind. “Why don’t you go and stand near Derik and watch as he draws me. You can watch and Derik could explain to you what he is seeing when he draws me and then you can see it too.”

“Ok,” Lorad agreed, not seeing anything wrong with the idea. As the Reman repositioned, Donna considered what pose to do that would do everything that she wanted it to. Deciding, Donna slipped her robe off completely, knelt on the deck next to the bed and rested on her elbows on it, hair flicked over behind her head to look at Derik and Lorad. The pose she thought was suitably provocative, hinting at everything but not really showing them anything directly.

OOC: Donna's pose.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
Donna’s suggestion that Lorad watch as Derik worked had plenty of merit. It would certainly give him a front row seat as to how the process worked. Maybe even help him to understand better in his own way. As the imposing Reman walked up and behind him a little, Derik looked up at him and smiled. ”Let me know if you have any questions. It’s a little different when you’re on the other side of the canvas.” The Trill laughed softly and shortly in an  attempt to break any tension.

Turning his attention back to Donna, Veradin watched as Donna cast the bathrobe aside and knelt on the deck. When she settled into her chosen pose however, Derik whistled softly. Damn girl. If I was straight, I’d be very interested right now. If this doesn’t get Lorad’s blood pumping, I don’t know what will… She was certainly trying to entice the Reman, and he had no doubt it was going to work. Who wouldn’t take advantage of such an invitation before long? Realizing the truth of his own thoughts, Derik set to work immediately, knocking out the outlines as fast as he could. He wasn’t sure how much time he would have, so working quickly was paramount.

”So first I capture the basic lines of the image, roughing out the people and scenery so I know where everything is. This is perhaps the most important phase of the drawing, as it sets the positions and relative sizes of everything. After this part, it’s much harder to go back and make adjustments, so getting everything as accurate as possible helps a lot. It’s also very important if you have to work on the same piece over multiple sessions. Otherwise, each time you have to come back, the subjects or background might have changed slightly which can throw off a artist.” The Trill finished up the general outlines and moved on to marking out some of the more defining features. The subtle muscle lines of Donna’s form, the way her hair was cascading down, the slight spread to her legs…

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #19
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros 

The Trill appeared to work effortlessly, even as he explained what he was doing. Lorad supposed that it was the same for all beings who were skilled at something. Engineers, artists, fighters, it made little difference if the ability was there. He himself knew this from when he had been instructing combat techniques. Being able to fight and speak at the same time. Still, he was awed at the deftness that the man before him displayed. The way he began at the outside before filling in the details, each pass of his hand adding more and more to the image.

It was only as more of Donna was filled in that he realised exactly what was on show. Or more precisely, how it was being displayed. From Veradin’s position, and by association Lorad’s, he could quite clearly see the entire nude form of the fighter pilot without obstruction, allowing him to trace in all her generous curves. The Reman felt his loins stirring as he looked at the female before him, his eyes catching her own, causing him to wonder as time seemed to slow, if Donna was modelling for the artist seated near him or presenting herself for his viewing pleasure instead.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #20
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stego88
As Derik started entering into the final phases of capturing the scene before him, he noticed that Lorad was behaving a little differently. Absent minded shifting, staring right into Donna’s eyes and she into his……Well that took longer than I expected. Definitely has his attention now though.

Yet having his attention wasn’t everything. From the Reman was staring at her, Veradin figured he must have been mulling something over. Was he wondering if Donna was merely showing off for the picture? Was he wondering if she was showing off for him? Was he wondering what he should do?

”Both.” Derik whispered to half naked man beside him. ”Whatever two things you’re thinking she’s doing: It’s both.” The Trill finished another layer of color. ”I can tell you’ve got butterflies. So let me clue you in on a little secret: Donna rarely does anything without a purpose…” He let his words trail off so the Reman could follow what he was hinting at. \

Three more layers of color came together in no more than sixty seconds, bringing a finality the creation of this piece. Satisfied, he set his pen down and flexed his hand again.

”Another one down. What’s next?”

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #21
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

Veradin’s words rang inside his head as his eyes remained locked on the form of the nude Terran before him. Where his time with Sera had been impulsive and reactionary, he had the feeling that the pilot was luring him in. Which meant she was either teasing him or was wanting him. And the thought that she wanted him, caused his already firming member to grow ever more rigid, straining against its confines to be free. Something that both he, and Donna, noticed.

“Lorad, you look uncomfortable over there. Why don’t you come over here and join me,” Donna purred, not moving at all except to arch her back slightly to push her chest and bum out more. The movement caused a noticeable twitch in the Reman’s groin and Donna smiled at her success. When he began moving back in her direction, she knew she had him. He was hooked on her line, stuck in her web and now it was time for her to feast. 

“Here, let me help you with those,” Donna said softly as she shifted to a kneeling position in front of the hulking figure. Working at his pants, she soon at them undone and in a single motion, slid them all the way down to his ankles. As she brought her head back up, she found Lorad’s rigid shaft hanging there for all to see and she positioned herself so that it was resting on her face, the weight of it making her own loins dampen.


OOC: Image of their pose available upon request.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #22
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
Veradin’s mouth…..hung open. Everything had happened so fast it was hard to believe at first. Lorad’s arousal hadn’t gone unnoticed by either of them, with Derik merely pointing out the fact that Donna was acting for his benefit. He figured she’d pull him in to another pose, then work her way towards finally exposing the rest of the Reman’s skin. Half right. Sort of. She invited the hulking man over to join her, only to decide that if they were to pose again, it would be naked this time. No more teasing.

So when Donna pulled the man’s trousers off, and his manhood finally sprung free, Derik was fascinated. It was humanoid in shape, dark of color like the rest of the Reman’s skin, and most interestingly of all, had some faint patterns like the rest of the man’s body. The Trill admittedly wondered if they were raised patters to provide texture. Or did they somehow aid in reproduction amongst his own species? When she looked back up, she let the pulsing organ rest right on her face. And for her next trick, Ms. Petterson will make this sword disappear! The helmsman thought, the sound of some circus conductor narrating the dialogue.

He was of course getting more and more off track when Donna pulled him back from his thoughts, insisting that he draw. She was right of course. Given the level of arousal slowly rising between his two models, they wouldn’t be holding any various positions for very long. Veradin worked as fast as he could to get the outlines done. Worse came to worse he could always revisit the images later for coloring. It was capturing the poses as they developed that was most important.  Plus he didn’t know how much longer he would be “allowed” to stay. Lorad might have been shy about doing anything potentially sexual with an audience. The Trill had simply no way of knowing.

Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #23
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson & Tesserarius Lorad | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Argyros

The weight of the Reman’s shaft on her lips. The feel of the Terran’s breath on his skin. The shivering contact of his hanging fruit against her throat. The contrasting hard points and surrounding softness of the pilot’s breasts against his legs. This, and more, was what the Trill’s two models were feeling in that moment as they posed, him looking down at her and her up at him, their gazes meeting around the girth of his manhood. Her eyes, somehow Lorad found himself unable to look away from them. They were twin pools that he wanted to descend into and explore their depths.

He was not naïve enough to not know where this art session was not head. Nor was he inclined to want to change its course. He could feel his pulse from the pressure it exerted on the sensitive skin that was now resting on Donna’s face and it was taking a great deal of his self-control not to pull her up and take her there where they both stood. And as sure as he was that he wanted her, and that she wanted him, he didn’t know what to do with Derik. Fortunately, Donna did.

“Derik,” Donna said, her voice and its warmth sending a shiver through the Reman’s body. “After we change position, you’ll have five minutes to rough something out. After that, you’re going to get an eye full if you stay. Up to you,” Donna said, never breaking eye contact with Lorad. “Lorad, would you help me up?” Offering her his mismatched hands, the Reman carefully pulled the pilot up. Now standing, Donna pressed her body up against his own and lifted one of her legs up to rest on his hip, his artificial hand coming down unconsciously to support it.

“Last pose, Derik,” Donna declared. “Make it count.”


Re: Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?

Reply #24
 [ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Donna’s Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
And just like that, all the Trill’s concerns were proven unnecessary. Donna had everything well under control. Not that she needed help or anything. Of all the poses she could choose, the picked one she had worked with specifically with Derik on in the past. It tickled the Trill that she would end up using it. Course, after Veradin thought about it for a brief moment, it did offer a few…advantages. Her fair warning given; Derik worked as fast as he could to get as much done as possible. He focused less on the really detailed work such as Lorad’s prosthetic, relying on the previous shots to fill in the blanks. Their bodies presses together played interestingly with the way Lorad’s skin lines melded into Donna’s curves.

Yet five minutes was not enough time to finish. He barely finished some semblance of a decent outline when the clock struck zero. True to her word, Derik watched the pair through side glances as he packed up his things. Sparks quickly accumulated enough static electricity between them to become pure lightning. Lips met lips. Bodies melded together. For the briefest of seconds, the helmsman actually thought about staying. Interspecies mating could be rather interesting to watch. But this wasn’t a classroom, there wasn’t anything scientific going on, and the Trill was smart enough to know when he became a “third wheel”.

Using his PADD, he checked the hallway for anybody walking by before he slipped out of Petterson’s quarters. It would have been annoying to have to explain why he might have been in her room while she was “building a repertoire” with the Reman. He set about to wander the corridors, figuring he’d end up wherever the winds wanted him. Donna would probably share the details later he mused.

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