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Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Sabine Away-Mission

Captain Ives has approved the away-mission, and the Sabine launches early on Day 03. The overall mission is about securing whatever dilithium can be found on the Klingon outpost hidden on the Coreless Moon. However, the Klingon outpost is built on top of an ancient colony, destroyed in part by whatever rendered the moon so damaged, and more so because of the mining operations that the Klingons preformed when the outpost was manned. The Klingon outpost pre-dates the Klingon-Federation Neutral Zone, and as for how old the underlying ruins of the colony are, its unknown. Sera vers Aldnoah visited this place at some point during her years fo scavenging for artifacts, and the only glyph she could translate was one saying "Lightborn". She also suggested that entry to the deeper levels of the ruins were impossible since it required strange wavelengths of light to open the sealed doors. This is what was known as of the mission's beginning.

  • The people picked for this mission are the following, in no particular order:
    • Deputy ThanIda zh'Wann, Mission Leader
    • Lt. Daniel Havenborn, Fighter Escort Leader
    • Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, Fighter Escort Pilot
    • Ens. Zrinka Agaixot, Fighter Escort Pilot
    • Miss Sera vers Aldnoah, Pilot & Guide
    • Lt. JG Hi'Jak, Scientist & Klingon "Intelligence" ;)
    • PWO Heather McMillan, Xenobiologist & Potential Key to the Ruins
    • Ens. James Mariner, Security & Redshirt 1
    • PO2 Eliska Bremmer, Security & Redshirt 2
  • The Sabine and her Fighter Escort leaves the Theurgy at 0700 hrs. on Day 03 - @Mathis posts lift-off (Thread then open for banter) LINK
  • The Sabine and her Fighter Escort arrives to the Coreless Moon at 1000 hrs. - (Underway, posting order suggested in OOC note) LINK
  • Upon arrival, the Klingon outposts needs to be powered up and have environmental controls activated. Until then, everyone leaving the Sabine has to suit up in EVA-suits or Sec/TacCONN exosuits. Sera has her own exosuit on the Sabine.
  • Once gravity and life support is online, the ones on the ground are split up into search teams. Deputy zh'Wann splits everyone up like this:
    • SuD Lang Command Center: Kaligos w. Hi'Jak & Auctor Lucan w. Ida
    • Dilitium Storage & Mining Ops: Striker N7 w. Mariner & Mathis w. Sera
    • Ruins of the Lightborn: Doc M. w. Tessa May Lance,  CanadianVet w. Bremmer & Triage w. Heather
    A map will be supplied for the search of the outpost, to inspire how that goes. Havenborn and Agaixot remain in their fighters.
  • The bowels of the outpost and the ruins might be overrun by these Talarian Hook Spiders They are arachnids that hide in dark long powered down ships, and seem to thrive in such environments hiding in the few warm places left. When the team restore main power to the Klingon outpost they would be able to crawl out of the heating vents where they have long resided. An unparalleled horrific swarm of hungry spiders with hooks for appendages. If they are encountered in zero-gravity areas, they are also flying at the team members.
  • More information will be forthcoming at this point and onwards.

See below for discussion and ideas about the mission. This list was updated at (see below date for when it was edited).

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #1
Just one, really.

I don't think the whole place should be fully operational. Sure there might be atmosphere in most places once power is restored, but overall it should be pretty unpleasant. Lights not all working, environmental controls being uneven so some areas are still close to space-cold while others are sweltering, and gravity isn't fully restored. Because flying spiders.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #2
you are an evil man @CanadianVet .  Flying Spiders? Seriously??  Eeewwwww!!!  But in CV's vein of thinking.. perhaps the station has been neglected so long that it's a bit dilapidated as well?  Maybe not in a huge way, but it's obvious that it's been in need of maintenance for a long time.  So doors don't always open all the way and turbo lifts barely function.  Perhaps the spiders are aiding the process and can digest some of the internal parts of the station, making them weaker than they should be.  It wouldn't really phase the spiders, but if a full grown human stepped on a platform that had been weakened by the bugs, it might collapse...
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Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #3
Okay...someone's gonna have to babysit Heather. She's liable to get herself killed with all these hazards.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #4
hmmm.. how big are the spiders? coz I have a serious phobia for them

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #5
I mean you don't have to land on the planet if you don't want to...
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #6
Zrinka won't mind them but I get all creeped out about them..

Luckily, I have a brave 6 year old who gets rid of them if they are small. while Mummy hides on a table. and I have a nice neighbour for the others - he works as an exterminator.

and yeah, I know that's embarrassing..

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #7
Nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have fears and it makes us act differently regardless of our age. I have a friend with scoliodentosaurophobia (the fear of lizards, specifically) and nothing about it makes sense to me, but I can understand. And spiders are terrifying, even to someone like me. Though I can find some to be oddly funny. But the ones in this story? Those are total NopeSpiders.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #8
@Havenborn I'm fine wiith either space or moon..  Whichever fits is cool with me.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #9
Thanks to my evil spam folder, I came in late for this one...

Okay so since we're getting close to the point where Daniel will have to give out orders to the other two pilots, @Josie and @Doc M. my question to the two of you is where would you like your characters to be?  On the moon with the away team, in space flying patrol with Daniel, somewhere else?

I'd like Tessa to go down on the planet.  It will give her a chance to run and scream and it will allow Tessa to "protect" Heather with a combination of Goldeneye's clumsiness and phenomenal luck,

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #10
I love Tessa. She's so much fun to read, and a brilliantly thought-out character. Heather's clumsy too. The two of them can crash around together!

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #11
Okay so part of the reason I ask is that Daniel would want to leave one or two fighters in the air doing a combat air patrol, Daniel would definitely choose himself as one seeing as he's the ranking pilot, but I want to make sure that if someone joins him that they want to be there.

I can certainly think of multiple reasons to have the two of you on the ground as well as in the air.  So Tessa is on the ground and Rini is in the air annoying Daniel?  Does that sound good or would Rini like to be on the ground with the spiders as well?
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #12
@Havenborn space is fine.. Good idea - I was already planning for it. Rini will bring along appropriate background music and tribble recordings.

By the way, how big is the moon? Could affect the patrol flight plan.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #13
Hey, got a question.. Do fighters have internal holo-emitters? like in the cockpits. Coz I had some amusing thoughts for the 'annoy Daniel' idea.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #14
Lol, sorry, only the Reaver had that since it was originally piloted by a hologram when it launched from the Calamity. :)

So, no holoemitters inside the cockpits. I bet she can annoy him anyway?

Oh, as for the size of the moon, here she is:


Auctor Lucan

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #15
Mmkay @Josie, I just want to make sure that you won't get bored in orbit, that's all.

I look forward to seeing what Rini has in store for Daniel.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #16
Attn: @Havenborn @Doc M. @Josie @Mathis @Kaligos @Triage @Striker N7 @CanadianVet

See top post! An update has been made and please let me know if people change their minds about staying in orbit or going down to the site.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Seeking Hope | Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #17
Fuck.. definitely space for Zrinka.

Re: Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #18
Definitely going down onto spider murder planet. It's a great vacation spot to bring the whole family.

Re: Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #19
I'm not too sure about the whole splitting up every which way thing.  Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having Ida evaluating Mariner and Bremmer?  Or if they do split up, it would be after some time.  Say, after they clear up a path to wherever they can bring something resembling power back online, and then split up to hit their respective objectives because, for a reason independent of the spiders, they really don't want to spent too long there?  Maybe because the 100+ year old power plant really isn't that reliable anymore and may or may not do a very brief impression of being the heart of a star when its containment lets go?

Re: Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #21

A wise Canadian screenwriter named James Cameron coined what I've ever since called Vazquez's Law of 'Any Questions':
"I just wanna know one thing. Where. They. At?" -- Pvt. Vazquez, making a gun gesture, Aliens

Jimmy's going in gear comparable to this ^ if possible. I hate spiders-- black widows and those jumping scorpion spiders namely-- the Rachni level from the first Mass Effect remains my largest pet peeve in that series. That said, I don't mind sending Jimmy out there to turn these things into paste.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #22
I'm excited for all of this. I imagine Sera will not be given a weapon and will likely be extremely pissed that she doesn't have one after the first spider encounter. :D

Re: Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #23
Oh for sure. Anyone that has to face down a space-nope-spider unarmed would be hella pissed.

Re: Sabine Away-Mission Sub-Plot Discussion

Reply #24
She can have Heather's, it's not like she's gonna do anything useful with it anyway.

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