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Topic: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First (Read 14220 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #25
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]


Vivian listened without speaking as her brother poured his soul out to her. She couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like this wasn’t something he had spoken about often. She was no counselor, but she was his twin, and that meant that she understood him better than any counselor ever could. Smiling kindly she gently squeezed his hand in return.

”You’re not a monster brother. I’m sure you aren’t the only person to have felt this way towards those who have wronged you.” She glanced at the board and saw that her Queen was now threatened, in retaliation, she moved her Queen to threaten his Knight again. ”I’m not a counselor, but if I were one I think I would probably tell you that those are completely natural feeling and that the first step is to admit them and blah blah blah, you know the story.” She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts, and tuck a loose strand of hair out of her face. ”I think the point I’m trying to get at here is that I’m your sister, you can tell me anything and I will not judge you. Instead, I will hug you and tell you that it's alright.”


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #26
Lt JG Salem Martin| USS Theurgy | Vivian's Quarters] Attn: @The Ostrich

Salem had known more than enough councilors in his time, they had been a mandatory part of his life ever since the escape from the camp. He had mandatory counseling at least once a week since that time, and even now kept it up. It was one of the things that had cleared him for duty all that time ago. The fact that he had been able to deal with the tragedy and that he always tried to move past it to look at himself objectively. Even so this was the first time he had ever talked about this to someone outside of Starfleet counseling. The fact that Vivian didn't find him disgusting after he had bared his heart, made him feel more comfortable, even so he still felt an odd sense of anger at the universe.

He watched her move her queen and sighed. He had been aiming for that piece since he had started moving his knight, and with that single movement he was now stuck without a target. He could move the knight to check her king, but there was a Bishop that would take his knight, For now he had to just retreat and recoup back to a safe spot.

He looked at Vivian, moving closer to her. He gently pulled his sister into a hug, his body trembled slightly, the game helped, it gave him something to focus on while they talked. "But now we are just talking about my life." He said brushing his eyes after the hug broke.

"I'm only half of the wonder-kin, tell me about your adventure. Three years in Romulan space, how the heck did you manage that one?" He was tired from just talking about his own battle scars, he wanted to know about Vivian's time, the years he had lost from her while she had been elsewhere. "Tell me about the Resolve."


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #27
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]


The Resolve. The valiant ship had carried her and so many others through hell and back to return them to Federation space. She felt tears gathering in the corners of her eyes as she remembered the noble and honourable crew who had died aboard that ship on their journey home. The tears threatened to fall as she thought of those who had died during their evacuation of the Resolve during the Battle of Starbase 84. Captain Kendrick had sacrificed his life at that battle so that they could escape. Lyhn, her dearest Jessica, had died there too, Vivian didn’t even know how, all she knew was that the doctor hadn’t made it.

”We were a proud crew. Our Captain held us together even in the darkest times. We couldn’t have had a better man leading us. When we returned, we expected heroes welcomes. Three years in Romulan space is no small feat. It was not what we expected, we had to fight for our lives to get out of there. Captain Kendrick sacrificed himself for us, and I...I lost...Lyhn...she was everything to me.”

The tears began to roll down her cheeks again. She tried to wipe them away, and distract herself from those painful memories by moving one of her pawns out of target of his knight.


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #28
Lt JG Salem Martin| USS Theurgy | Vivian's Quarters] Attn: @The Ostrich

It was easier to watch the chess board than it was to look at Vivian who was starting to cry. While he had wanted to focus less on him, it seemed he had caused Vivian to remember someone she had lost. It hurt to watch his twin cry, he wished he could support her. Getting out of his chair he moved another pawn. to behind his knight.

He moved closer to vivian, gently putting a hand on her, rubbing her back. He kind of knew how she felt, but he had never had someone so close to him, he was too guarded, too broken. If there was anyone in this universe he did trust it would be Vivian, and seeing her cry broke his heart. He took a tissue and brushed her cheek. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drudge up memories."

He sighed. This reunion was both wonderful, and yet it was full of melancholy news. He supposed as time went on for the two of them this would get easier, the would have the chance to expand, work with one another. Despite being on a ship with a mission that seemed impossible. It would be a lot easier with Vivian on the bridge with him.

"Do you want to talk about her?" He said softly, taking Vivian's hand.


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #29
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]


”I'm not...I don't...I...her name was Jessica Lyhn. She was the chief medical officer of the Resolve, and she was...she was...she was everything.” Vivian squeezed Salem’s hand as tears rolled down her face. Jessica’s loss hurt and sat heavy in her heart. She hadn’t seen the counselors about the pain she felt, yet somehow it was easier to pour her heart out to her brother. He knew and understood her better than any counselor ever could.

”We were, uhh, we were in a relationship. She was such a sweet person, so honest and kind hearted. I loved her Salem, with all of my heart. I feel empty without her. She was the kindest person I ever knew, and she was taken from me when the Resolve went down over Starbase 84.” She gave a small sob and used her free hand to brush the tears from her face, lest she start crying into her brother’s shoulder again.

Her eyes flicked to the game on the table in an effort to distract herself ”If I’m not mistaken, I now get first blood” She smirked as she took his pawn. It was hardly a victory, first blood was rarely the move which decided the game, but it certainly felt good to be the first to claim an opponent's piece.


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #30
Lt JG Salem Martin| USS Theurgy | Vivian's Quarters] Attn: @The Ostrich

"I wish I could have met her." Salem said truthfully. He felt some amount of pain, not from the tight grip, but of loss and empathy for someone who had clearly meant so much to a member of his family, it was a tragedy one he had to take seriously, and disliked the loss of such a life. He nodded understanding that he couldn't speak to the dead as he didn't know her.

When Vivian focused on the game board and moved to take his pawn there was a small glint of a smile, as he quickly moved his rook to take the piece. "A pawn for a pawn, really sister?" he let out a small sigh as he looked at the board. Then to vivian.

"I've never had anyone to hold that close to me." He admitted. "If you'd believe me, I've never even had.... relations before." He rubbed his face slightly embarassed as he revealed that he had never really had any connection on that level. "I started as a crewman, and back then it always seemed like the career was more important, by the time I had moved into an officers position I was in the war camp, basically there was always something more important in my life."

"So I would have liked to meet her, this woman whom could be so important to my sister. I suppose I would have welcomed her into the family if I could have." He smiled. "I would have enjoyed telling her about that time you got seperated from me and dad while we were in the capital, and you could have swore that you were abandoned."


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #31
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]


Vivian listened as Salem revealed the details of his non-existent love life. She hadn’t known any of this. Her own numerous relationships made her seem like quite the nymphomaniac in return. She blushed slightly when he mentioned the time she had gotten lost.

”Hey, I was young, the capital was big, I couldn’t find you. I was convinced that you had abandoned me, I was just really relieved when you and dad found me again.” She gently elbowed him in the ribs. ”Besides, I have plenty of stories about you too.”

She lazily surveyed the game board, then reached out and pushed one of her pawns forward a single space. She grinned mischievously as she did so ”Yes, a pawn for a pawn, but now my trap is springing just as planned.” That would throw his game off a little she knew. Chess was not just a game of strategy, but also a battle of wits. One had to be able to predict what an opponent would be likely to do next, and plan accordingly. Thus was its appeal to so many.


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #32
Lt JG Salem Martin| USS Theurgy | Vivian's Quarters] Attn: @The Ostrich

"Ah see the thing you didn't see is how dad reacted, he thought you had been kidnapped or something he was ready to raise that entire capital to the ground. Then I end up finding you in the library." Salem said with a bemused smirk. Something about talking about their past, their parents it brought him a bit of closure. He had always hoped that Vivian had been alive when her ship had vanished. After his own experience with the labor camp he had been wondering if there would ever be a day when the Martin twins would get to have such a peaceful day.

Sure it was on the cusp of a dangerous mission, and on service to a ship that was full of technical traitors, but he had to admit he was glad he had made the transfer.

Salem heard her talk big about her trap had been sprung and saw her move, he smirked. "Oh well by all means if your trap is springing why should i disapoint." He said taking her freshly moved pawn with one of his the set up for the battle had ended, now was the phase of war.


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #33
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]


Vivian smiled as he took her piece, then quickly retaliated by taking the piece which had just taken hers. Plucking it off the board she rolled the pawn between her fingers. "Right where I want you brother." She tapped his forehead "That tactical brain of yours is no match for this nerd brain of mine" She tapped her own forehead, unable to keep a goofy grin off her face.

Placing the pawn back on the table she smirked and relaxed back on the couch. "I've always been drawn to libraries. So much to learn there! You should try it some time." She spoke teasingly, in that way which was natural between siblings.


Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #34
Lt JG Salem Martin| USS Theurgy | Vivian's Quarters] Attn: @Kinvarus

Salem sat back his eyes looking over the chess board. Rook to e-5, check, but dead rook due to bishop at c-7. He had a knight, with some set up he could move the rook to e-3, take the pawn with his knight the turn after, but there was no gaurantee that she would use her queen to take out his knight, more likely it would be killed by her knight, at which point he would be trading a rook and a knight for one singular piece of value.

His bishop is pinned down because of his own pawn. He could pull out his queen, but at this point he had succeeded the center control as a no mans land.

He wasn't in check, it would take a long time for her to nail him down, but he knew a loosing board state when he saw it. He tapped his foot for a moment clearly stalling.

Something beeped, and Salem smiled for a moment, saved by the literal bell. "Right time to get to our jobs. Bridge needs us." They were about to go to war with the borg after all.

"You gonna be okay with everything that I dropped on you?" He asked softly, looking at his sister. There was a gentle kindness there, after all the teasing and arguing he still cared for her deeply.

"Delete chess board." He smiled for a moment. "I guess we will never know who would have won that." He said clearly scooting his failures under the carpet at the moment. She had beaten him, but that didn't mean he had to admit it this time.

Re: CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First

Reply #35
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian's Quarters |  Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ]   Attn:

Vivian was sat back much like her brother, however unlike Salem, who was looking over the board she was looking at him. What are you thinking Brother? she pondered as she observed her twin. Truthfully the game had already been won, or more accurately had been won by her. Granted there was a bit of a way to go but she was 95% sure she'd got him and even then she was being generous. Still she wasn't a bad winner after all and Salem was a sound strategist, far more so than she was in most things but even he couldn't think his way out of this one she was sure, still it would be interesting to watch him try.

As remained silent as he continued thinking, at least until she heard his foot tapping and allowed herself a small smile, he was stalling. Evidently the strategist knew he was beaten. Unfortunately Vivian knew her Salem all too well and knew that he wouldn't just roll over and accept defeat even when it was obvious to both of them that his goose was well and truly cooked. She admired him for that in a lot of ways, he had a never say die attitude, it's part of what kept him alive during his captivity and why he had a do what I can with the time I have left outlook on his life. Truthfully Vivian wished that she had a little more of that in her than she did.

Before Salem could make his move however, something in the room beeped. Evidently it was time to go fight the Borg, something that Lieutenant JG State the obvious over there pointed out.

When he asked her if she was going to be okay with everything he'd dropped on her like a bombshell she hesitated only a moment before answering truthfully. [color=DarkCyan}"Probably not....eventually maybe. Ask me later, we have bigger things to deal with at the moment."[/color] Which was true, at the very least the Borg would keep her mind off of all of that for now.

What she hadn't been expecting though was for Salem to delete the chess board with a smile. "Oh please! I had you dead to rights, you know it and I know it." she exclaimed as she stood up and started making her way towards the door before glancing over her shoulder at him. "You know you Brother, I remember you being far more gracious in defeat." she added with a smirk. 


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