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Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

[ PO3 Lorad | Passageway | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | Uss Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Griff

Training. Experience. Luck. Those were some of the most important elements when someone had to navigate the chaos that was the battlefield. There were other factors that had to be considered as well but his father had always felt that those three were the most important. Lorad was sure if he himself agreed or disagreed but in his current situation, he was finding it hard to come up with a better selection of components. He was having to relocate his quarters thanks to battlefield chaos after all.

During the Theurgy’s fight against the Klingons on their way to Qo’noS, the ship had sustained multiple hits causing damage. One of those hits had vented both the common area of his quarters, as well as the room formally occupied by his sister, to space when the bulkhead was destroyed. Both rooms were violently decompressed and stripped bare before the emergency forcefields had come on. Luck though, had smiled on him and his own room was untouched beyond shock damage. But it had meant that he needed to relocate while repairs were undertaken.

Which is how he found himself walking down the passage way on Deck 11, a large duffel in one hand and a PADD with the location of his new berthing in the other. The bag held everything that Lorad had that he considered personal or sentimental in nature. It might not be much compared to some, but it was more than he himself had ever owned outright. He had had no possessions as a slave and few as a soldier. His lot had improved as a rebel but resources were scare and everything was still shared. It was only after coming aboard that he had started to acquire objects and articles that the hulking Reman considered his own.

“Here,” Lorad mused softly as the PADD told him that he had arrived. Despite being his newly assigned berth, Lorad felt that it was polite that he introduce himself instead of just barging in.

So he sounded the door chime.

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #1
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | NCO Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88


Lillee was not having an ideal morning. It was always the same problem after a battle, and Lillee had been susceptible to it ever since her first engagement as a much younger fighter pilot: she struggled to adapt back to normalcy, the regularity of duty shifts, the relative dullness of not being shot at on a regular basis. Sure, Lillee technically knew that she shouldn't feel safe. They were orbiting Qo'nos, of all the cursed worlds, and while Martok was an ally, the Klingons on the whole were as predictable as a damaged grenade, and about as safe to be around.

Still, the Theurgy was no longer at red alert, and the crew had begun to relax somewhat for the first time since leaving Aldea. Lillee had begun to do the same, but she still felt off. She still felt amped up, still couldn't sleep properly, still felt jumpy, and still felt...well, off. Her comrades over the years had assigned a number of names to her oddness: fert haseev, the "drunken fire", had been a favourite jibe of her comrades in her old squadron. Her Starfleet comrades in the war had been even weirder, with one accusing Lillee of having the "heebie jeebies". Another had, somewhat less brilliantly, simply suggested that "Lillee has ants up her butt".

Either way, as she stood in the sonic shower that morning, Lillee was not looking forward to her day. She hated how she felt on days like these. Still, there was nothing for it but charge on. At the very least, it beat how she'd recovered from the last battle: thoroughly hungover, her body tingling from the drunken bedroom adventure of the night before, her mind lit with hazy memories of Ghost and Angel. Climbing into a Valkyrie that day had not been fun.

When the chime rang through the shower stall, Lillee looked up in surprise. Who could possibly be coming by at this hour, least of all shortly before Lillee started work? It was awfully familiar...Anh-Le? Who else? Odd...unexpected...but Lillee would hardly mind. Smiling, she turned off the sonic shower and stepped out, slipping on a fluffy white robe and tying it off. Perhaps Anh-Le would be the cure for her fert haseev, in one way or another. And, indeed, perhaps it was those same "heebie jeebies" that explained what happened next.

When Lillee stepped to the door and tapped the control, she was smiling as the doors opened, only for her jaw to drop in complete shock. What she saw quite effectively short-circuited her brain. Completely flabbergasted, Lillee just stood there, staring at the Reman before her.

"Vah b'vhor??" she whispered in her native tongue, her tone one of total disbelief.

vah b'vhor? - what the fuck?

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #2
[ PO3 Lorad | Passageway | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | Uss Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Griff

Terran. Bajoran. Betazoid. Vulcan. Even the Klingon or Gorn. Those were all potential roommates that Lorad had considered when considering the situation. He had even considered that he would be assigned another pair of empty quarters, right up until told that he had a new roommate. Naturally, they had failed to mention just who his new bunkmate would be. He may be a stranger to their ways and have difficulty understanding their language, but this, this was something he understood. Humour, however warped, was a near universal constant. And someone was laughing somewhere at the situation that he and Petty Officer Third Class Lillee t’Jellaieu now found themselves in.

“Agreed,” Lorad responded to the whispered exclamation in Romulan from the woman before him. While not an expert in such matters, he concluded that he had interrupted the woman’s bathing judging from the robe and the condition of her hair and skin that he could see. Still, standing there in the passageway was not conducive to the discussion that they obviously needed to have so Lorad help up the PADD. “I have been assigned new quarters here after battle damage to my former ones,” Lorad explained, again in Romulan. “Should I request new ones based on your objection or may I enter?”

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #3
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | NCO Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88


Recovering from her shock, Lillee hesitated before shaking her head. "No," she said firmly in English. Taking a breath, she stepped aside and gestured for Lorad to enter. "I bid you welcome. My pardon for my reaction. It has been many years since I have met a...uh...Reman." The Earth word was uncomfortable on Lillee's tongue, but it felt more appropriate than the common rihannsu term, which was loaded with uncomfortable connotations and history. Yes. Better to stick to the Federation framework for now.

At least he is the same rank as me. Oh Elements, that would've been so much more uncomfortable if one of us outranked the other.

"I am PO3 t'Jellaieu," Lillee said after a moment, breaking an uncomfortable tension. Her stomach churned, but Lillee tried to show no further sign of her nerves or unease.  "I...I am known as Lillee to many, and you may call me that if you wish. It is unusual for a rihanna to be casual with a name, I know, but a necessary compromise when living among aliens." Realising belatedly that the Reman was an alien, she sighed, tightening her robe reflexively, hating how exposed she felt. Only then did realisation strike. "You are Samala's brother, yes? She has spoken of you a little. I am her supervisor."

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #4
[ PO3 Lorad | Passageway | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | Uss Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Griff

The Romulan’s reaction was understandable given who, or more specifically, what he was. A different place and a different time, one or both would be trying to kill the other right then. But here, aboard the Theurgy, renegade vessel though it was, they were allies and members of the same crew. They were working towards shared goals. A Vulcan would say it was only logical for them to bunk together. And though they shared a heritage with the Federation founding member, neither Romulans nor Remans were known for applications of logic.

“She was going to refer to me using the Romulan word for me instead of Reman,” Lorad mused silently as he stepped past the pilot. “Judging by her state of dress, she either prefers the comfort of her own skin or was in the middle of cleaning herself.” Glancing around, he noted the similarities of the room to his previous quarters, but also the few differences too, reflecting the tastes of the occupant. As he looked, absently noting the different view out of the window, Lillee began to speak behind him, breaking the silence.

“I have never called any Romulan by their given name,” Lorad said in Reman, turning slightly so that he could look back at the woman with both his eyes. “Not even my sister’s mother. Too many years under a lash,” he noted by way of explanation though he kept his tone neutral. “A practiced art, being indifferent in someone else’s native tongue.” The thought struck him as something he would have to work on if he was to remain here. 

“But yes, I am Lorad, Samala’s elder brother,” the Reman introduced himself. “And she has told be some about you. Both good and bad. But that is between you and her. She is old enough now to have her own opinions on other beings. As am I,” Lorad pointed out, hoping to settle things. “If you wish, you may return to your bathing. Or whatever else you were doing.”

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #5
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | NCO Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88


There was something profoundly disconcerting about Lorad's disdain. It was somehow more unsettling than playing cat-and-mouse with a Klingon warship in an asteroid field, and probably much more dangerous. Lillee couldn't help her eyes shifting to her open bedroom door and the sheathed honour-blade that lay on her bed, an instinctive reaction as much as anything else. Samala had nearly cut her throat just for trespassing on her ship. What would her older brother do if given even the slightest opportunity?

"I do need to report for duty soon, but I would know this first," Lillee said, injecting some sternness of her own. She refused to be cowed, even if the Reman was perfectly justified in his hatred. "You hate me for my blood. So be it. You have good reason to. I couldn't care less. You are a stranger to me. However, I need to know now, clearly, if this will be a problem." She crossed her arms, her damp blonde hair hanging around her face. "I don't want to sleep with a dagger under a pillow. If you are content to co-habitate in peace, I can live as such and accord you respect as a shipmate and comrade. Can you? If not, we should arrange different accommodations and save us both the headache. This is a large ship. There is room."

Then a thought occurred to Lillee, and very real anger flashed in her brown eyes. "And regardless, I suggest that we find whoever planned this foolish 'joke' and make them regret the day they were born. This is not remotely amusing."

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #6
[ PO3 Lorad | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | Uss Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Griff

Lorad noted the repeated eye movement back to one of the individual bedrooms of their shared quarters and allowed himself a single glance in the same direction. That glance simultaneously told him that that was her room, and that she had a bladed weapon on the bed; experience told him that it was likely a sword. Curious about why she felt so threatened by his proximity and yet did not want him to seek out another berth, Lorad cocked his head slightly and looked back at the Romulan pilot. He didn’t have to wait long.

As Lillee spoke, Lorad understood her nervousness and apparent reaction to what he now believed she was taking as a threat display from him. He wanted to laugh but knew that to do so at that moment would only escalate the situation and he was unsure which of them would be able to reach their weapon first, hers on the bed or his in his bag. No, this was not a time for blades but for words. Something he knew he had never been good at.

“You mistake my words for insult where there is none,” Lorad began slowly. “I was merely remarking on a Reman casually using a Romulan’s name. It is not done within the empire,” he pointed out, not needing to specify which empire. “I do not hate you for your blood. I learnt that lesson with Samala’s mother, my father’s second wife. I was trying to say that your dealings with her will not influence yours with me, in anyway. She makes her own choices now, as do I.”

“But I also agree that whoever organised this is in need of retribution,”
Lorad mused absently. “Sadly, it will have to remain relatively bloodless.”

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #7
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | NCO Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88


"Oh," Lillee said faintly, taken aback. "Wife? Oh." Lorad's reply was so measured and reasonable that she didn't know what to do with herself, shifting awkwardly on her feet. How was it now her who was feeling foolish!? "I...apologise for my was unworthy. And disrespectful of a shipmate." And wasn't that just the most uncomfortable thing Lillee had ever said. She sighed, rubbing between her eyes. A weird day was getting weirder by the minute.

Lorad's agreement about revenge did provoke a small smile, at least. "Relatively bloodless," she repeated curiously. "Not entirely bloodless. Something that we can talk about later, yes?" Making plans with a havrannssu now? Could it get more weird? Lillee jammed her hands into her robe's pockets, very much wishing to suddenly be elsewhere. A Savi abduction would surely be preferable to this.

"I must now get dressed and report for duty," she said, more formally than she intended, taking care to meet Lorad's eyes. "Uh...excuse me. Settle in however you like."

With that, slightly quicker than was natural, Lillee moved to her room and closed the door. After taking a moment to simply recover from what had just happened, she took off her robe and started getting dressed, eager to hurry up and get to work.

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #8
[ PO3 Lorad | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | Uss Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Griff

Seeing a Romulan flustered was a rare occurrence for Lorad. So rare that he could count the events on a single hand and have multiple digits remaining. He could also tell that her stammered apology was a difficult thing for her get out, though the fact that she would even apologise to him did endear her somewhat to him.  Once again, he was finding that his father's words about not judging a species by a few individuals was prudent.

“I have never known vengeance to be a bloodless endeavour,” Lorad noted calmly, his gaze fixed again on his new roommate. “Have you?” he added somewhat rhetorically. Romulan vengeance, while often more subtle than the Klingon form, was nevertheless often as bloody. Lillee’s response was a declaration that she had to report for duty, something that Lorad would not impede in any way.

After Lillee had taken her leave, Lorad moved into his own quarters and set the PADD and duffel down on the bed, looking out the window to see how the view of the ship differed from his former quarters. Noting the changes, Lorad turned back to his bag and opened it, gazing at the kukri that sat on top. Despite being a well-built weapon, the engagement the day before had shown some deficiencies in the design that would need to be addressed. It was a fine blade, but it was not one that suited the style of combat that Lorad was trained for. Hearing movement behind him, the Reman turned to see Lillee standing there and he asked a question that had been on his mind ever since returning to the ship yesterday.

“Do you know of any bladesmiths aboard the ship?” Lorad asked as casually as he could given how he imagined he looked to the Romulan. “I had originally asked the Efrosian Suq to ask me in the design and construction of a new knife, but he departed before we could meet about it. This, while a fine weapon, is unsuited for me.”

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #9
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | NCO Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88


Lillee wasted no time getting dressed, keeping a weather eye on her door all the while. Lorad was downright unnerving; calm and well-mannered, but also clearly dangerous if he chose to be. Lillee couldn't fathom what it would be like to live with him. Perhaps they'd work opposite shifts, barely ever see each other?

By the Elements, Anh-Le! As she pulled on her uniform jacket, Lillee winced. Well, Anh-Le hadn't visited her quarters yet anyway, so it hardly mattered...oh, thank the stars Anh-Le was an officer and had her own quarters. With her mind still somewhat frazzled, Lillee briefly checked herself over before heading back into the main room, grateful to see that Lorad had moved into his own room. She hesitated, pondering whether to simply leave, but her mother had raised a polite rihanna. Reluctantly, Lillee instead stepped over to the open doorway of Lorad's room.

He asked his question before she could say anything however, and Lillee swore privately, having hoped to simply say goodbye and be on her way. The question was odd, but upon glancing at the bag (and seeing the rather nasty weapon that lay there), it was a reasonable one. The chill at the base of Lillee's back could not be denied, however.

"This is a Starfleet vessel," she said. "They do not value martial artistry as we do." Lillee sighed, thinking. "The industrial replicators on Deck 25 can fabricate a blade if you wish. Someone in Security may be of help if you want something of real quality, however. Chief MacGregor is skilled with knives and would know more."

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #10
[ PO3 Lorad | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | Uss Theurgy | Qo’noS ] Attn: @Griff

Social cues were still somewhat of a mystery to the Reman but even to him it was plain to see that the Romulan was uncomfortable in his presence. And yet she had accepted his assignment to their now shared quarters. Perhaps she had other motives for choosing to live in discomfort. What those might be, Lorad did not know. Either way, he would try to avoid antagonising the pilot unless called for.

“Thank you, I am familiar with the Chief,” Lorad acknowledged as he pondered which path to take first. Replicating something was the fastest option but there were limitations on that method that could lead to a weakness in the blade. Much like food and other items, sometimes you had to make an object by hand to truly bring out the finest quality possible. Yes, further enquiries were necessary.

“I thank you for your assistance,” Lorad continued after a moment, pausing for an instant at the end, almost bringing himself to use the pilot’s given name as she had directed that he could. He knew and used the given names of many other members of the crew but in that moment, old habits reinforced with a slaver’s lash asserted themselves, holding him back. It was a sign to him that there was still work that he needed to do before he was completely free from his past life on Remus.

“I hope your duty shift goes well,” he said instead, hoping to end their first interaction as roommates as a pleasant one.

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere

Reply #11
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | NCO Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88


It was all very stiff and formal, forcibly polite, but at least it was...a start? A start of what, Lillee had no idea, but at least she was (reasonably) certain that she and Lorad could co-exist. Suddenly Lillee was reminded of her children, living among the humans and their values...what would they think of their mother right now, struggling to accept cohabitation with someone purely because of their species? Fvadt, she hadn't even begun to educate them on Romulan history, its high glorious points and its more disgraceful low Lillee had to be an example, even if her babes might never learn of this.

"Good day," she answered politely, inclining her head for the half-breath required between those of equal rank. Lorad had not given explicit permission to use his name, so Lillee deliberately omitted it; the right to use another's name was important in their culture, after all, something common to both species, or so Lillee had been taught as a child. With that, Lillee left their shared quarters, feeling even more perturbed than when she'd awoken.

It took twice as long as normal for Lillee to reach the mess hall, and the rest of her day was strewn with absent-mindedness, although fortunately Lillee didn't have to fly. It was a most unusual circumstance, but she'd work through it. She'd have to.

And if the uneasy tolerance between her and her roommate was eased by exacting vengeance on the poor soul who'd thrown them together...well, all the better.


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