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Topic: Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity  (Read 5704 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity

Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity

[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Orcus fighter pilots Resolve fighter pilots + Husker + eventually other Lone wolves who want to check in

The aftermath of his encounter with Rawley still rushed through his veins as he calmed himself. He had changed out of his exosuit and wore the traditional duty uniform. The briefing was about to start in ten minutes and as the Orcus pilots and one of the Resolve pilots were being beamed in to the briefing room, Ravon was the lucky one to address them. As highest ranking officer of the current pack he was now placed in a role to inform and welcome the new pilots as well as lead the old pack for the time being. It was a task that he had fulfilled before on the Kusanagi while commanding his own squadron called Red Viper Squadron. With a sigh Thomas made his way to the doors of the briefing room. He glanced around at the fighters in the hangar before the doors of the briefing room slid open. Slayton was standing at the door, waiting for him before he stepped in. Ravon nodded for the Ensign to accompany him up to the stand.

The room looked different than he remembered from when he was there last. In fact, the last time he was here there were more Lone Wolf members than there were now. The room was relatively crowded compared to what it usually held pilot wise. The stand where Miles used to give his briefings and debriefings was his goal now. It felt odd to stand in his place  and he looked at the gathered pilots. He recognized a few faces in the crowd Alessia and Minjae the ones that came in sight first. With a determined stride in his walking Thomas nodded at the gathered pilots before he went up to the stand in front of the room. He looked at the gathered crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard the USS Theurgy," he started as he leaned against the stand, his eyes moving over the crowd. "My name is Thomas Ravon, I'm current Wolf leader of the Lone Wolves squadron. I've understood that the squadrons of the USS Resolve and the USS Orcus have joined us. To those pilots gathered here, I wish you welcome to your new home. Crew quarters will be appointed shortly and I believe most fighters will be able to get stationed in the flight deck just outside." he spoke with a loud yet calm voice. "Most of you are probably wondering what evidence we have. A solid proof of why we call our own Command to be infiltrated and usurped." he paused as the news of all of it was hard to bring. "Our first evidence would've been the prisoner that we had called Sonja Acreth. A recording of her in our holding cells will show you all what we're really up against," he concluded before he continued "However in one of the maintenance bays we have a fully functional Reaver. A fighter that isn't supposed to exist yet... It was sent after us to hound us into oblivion and has caused for plenty of losses in our squadron. Either way, an official announcement by the captain and XO will probably be made in the next coming hours. So I advise you all to go there."

He paused again to let any displeasure or mumbling pass. "That said... Are there still any questions I can answer to or help with? " he asked decisively as he looked around for any takers.

OOC: Triage, not sure if Tancredi is in Sickbay or not, so feel free to post in here too

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #1
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| outisde of the Fighter Assualt Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy]

Chris had taken only the time to change out of his exosuit, splash some water on his face and then change into a clean uniform before moving to wait outside of the briefing room with his arms crossed over his broad chest as he thought about the current situation.

Kanti and Fasha were both dead and Miles had ordered him to go ahead and was supposedly going to follow him in back to the barn but the senior pilot didn't and now both Tali and T'Zantha were also on board the ship.

Chris closed his eyes tightly for a second at that thought, the last two people that he could ever think to have wind up on this ship was not the two of them but somehow they were now there and that worried him..especially since Tali knew how he felt about someone.

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a little angry sound that could only be described as "#*!*%!$" before he released his nose to lean his head against the bulkhead as he waited for Ravon.

Right now the squadron needed to stayed unified even in the face of the uncertain nature of so many new pilots and after recent events, even with his Andorian trained pragmatism Husker was more then a little leery of these newer pilots.

The surviving members of the Wolves from the Resolve was one thing and he knew deep down that he could trust the was so many of these new Orcus pilots that would have to earn their stripes here on the Theurgy...

...and it was that thought that drew him up short as it dawned on him that maybe he was meant to be here all along possibly, he had never felt "at home" or "right" on the Harbinger but the moment that he first set foot on felt like he was finally home.

Chris was drawn out of his thoughts when he noticed Ravon walking up to him with his face set in a determined but thoughtful expression.

Ravon nodded for Chris to follow him up to the stand and Husker did that.

*This will be interesting* was his only thought.

[LT Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy] ATTN: All involved and then some.

Tali was sitting in one row of chairs with T'Zantha or "Sniper" leaning against her shoulders as the two women calmly and quietly waited for the arrival of the wing commander of the Theurgy and prayed that they would be allowed to get out of the exosuits and into a shower soon.

As the numerous pilots around them were murmuring and having quiet conversations about the present situation, both of the senior pilots from the Orcus where quiet as they pondered their next...


Both Terror and Sniper slowly turned their heads to regard Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Cameron "Witch King" Ward who was munching on what appeared to be munching on something, apparently without a care in the world and while this simply caused Terror to blink in astonishment at her fellow pilot, Sniper refused to let herself stay quiet as she quipped "Really, Ward..really?"

Witch King looked over at his fellow Orcus officers as he held up an half full pouch that had language on it..from FERENGINAR..

Even Terror couldn't help but ask "What in the name of Lor'Vela are you eating at a time like this?"

"Freeze dried Depruu Grub Emporium tube grubs with sriracha flavoring." was the only thing that Ward said before he took a couple out of the pouch and pooped them into his mouth with a slight crunching sound.

The two women where about to say something when the door to the briefing room opened up and one of the Lone Wolves that Tali recognized as a "Thomas Ravon" from her briefings on the Theurgy's wing entered the room and headed to the commander's stand and then started speaking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard the USS Theurgy," he started as he leaned against the stand, his eyes moving over the crowd. "My name is Thomas Ravon, I'm current Wolf leader of the Lone Wolves squadron. I've understood that the squadrons of the USS Resolve and the USS Orcus have joined us. To those pilots gathered here, I wish you welcome to your new home. Crew quarters will be appointed shortly and I believe most fighters will be able to get stationed in the flight deck just outside." he spoke with a loud yet calm voice. "Most of you are probably wondering what evidence we have. A solid proof of why we call our own Command to be infiltrated and usurped." he paused as the news of all of it was hard to bring. "Our first evidence would've been the prisoner that we had called Sonja Acreth. A recording of her in our holding cells will show you all what we're really up against," he concluded before he continued "However in one of the maintenance bays we have a fully functional Reaver. A fighter that isn't supposed to exist yet... It was sent after us to hound us into oblivion and has caused for plenty of losses in our squadron. Either way, an official announcement by the captain and XO will probably be made in the next coming hours. So I advise you all to go there."

"A fighter that isn't supposed to exist.." Ward repeated quietly as he quietly munched on his tube grubs.

"And apparently they are a real threat, my love, look how Christopher's face and posture reacted when Ravon said "Reaver" became very still which means he's fought them previously." Sniper said in a whisper to Terror who could only nod in response before making a hushing motion to Sniper.

He paused again to let any displeasure or mumbling pass. "That said... Are there still any questions I can answer to or help with? " he asked decisively as he looked around for any takers.

Tali respectfully raised her hand as she fixed the senior pilot with a serious expression. "You must pardon my bluntness of this question, sir, but may I respectfully ask what is the current status of the wing?"

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Orcus fighter pilots Resolve fighter pilots + Husker + eventually other Lone wolves who want to check in

The eyes of Ravon went over the pilots before one of them raised her hand. Her question was a rough one, easy to answer yet heavy on the soul. "You must pardon my bluntness of this question, sir, but may I respectfully ask what is the current status of the wing?" she asked and Thomas shifted in his place before nodding and looking down for a second before replying to it.

"As of today, we're counting five pilots with only four crafts ready to fly," he said adding a pause as he had counted Isley along as a pilot. Miles would never try out the flying pitch again he imagined unless really necessary. "Well one pilot being suspended for the time being so four pilots is what's left of our pack." he corrected himself. It was another harsh reminder as reality sunk in again with Thomas. Their mighty pack reduced to just a figment of what they were. "The status of the wing is however combat operational. Despite our small number we still have plenty of ammo and ordnance to fly around with.

"Any other questions I can answer?" he asked again as he nodded respectfully at Tali.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #3
Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami) | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, DocReno, Even Angels Cry, and anyone else I may have missed

With a bit of help from Karma, Minjae had been able to enter Deck Sixteen early. Meaning, before the speech had began. Minjae had been looking around every now and again, curious as to whom all was here. There were mostly foreign faces, people he had no idea as to whom they were or where they may have come from.

Suffice to say, he was relieved upon spotting Angel had managed to arrive aboard the Theurgy.

Good, he inwardly thought, I need at least one familiar face.

... Maybe 'prefer' was the better word.

Either way, it wasn't like he could - nor would attempt - to go back to Marcus Slayton.  Fuck and no. Minjae would rather die before then. Of course, that was a very real possibility.

But ... he tried not to dwell on that.

Luckily, a new set of footsteps provided the distraction Minjae needed. A smile immediately spread over his face as none other than Razor appeared. Although he had self-discovered his gift for flying on his own, Razor had been one of the first and most major sources of inspiration for Minjae. It was his encounters with Thomas that made him feel one-thousand percent sure he not only wanted to be a pilot, but wanted to work his way up the ranks.

The man had a way of inspiring others.

It was also being told to fire at him that helped the Shinigami decide to turn his back on Marcus Slayton. The order would have been a horrible and unnecessarily brutal one to comply with. That would be more an act of treason than abandoning the USS Orcus; at least, that was how Minjae felt.

It was thus only fitting that it would be someone as experienced and skilled as Razor standing before the White Wolves and giving the speech.

As Thomas began to relay everything - including the recent events which implied sabotage and other 'low blows'  had been used - that had occurred as of late, Minjae remained perfectly silent and still. Making damn sure to listen. Tuck every detail - no matter how small - away. He was being told all of these things for a damn good reason.

It would be pretty crappy of Minjae to forget any of this.

"So?" Karma inquired, whispering the single word gently into Minjae's ear. "Do you have any questions?"

Minjae tapped his right middle digit against his pant leg rapidly, trying to figure out if he was missing something. If there was ... well ... he would remember it. At the moment?

His answer was a 'no', shown as he moved his head slowly from side to side.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #4
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, Waffles, Esyel, Others

Alessia and Sehl arrived at the Fighter Assault Bay with Dev, Minjae and their respective RIOs shortly after she agreed to the transport and just in time to see Ravon standing at the head of a gathering of other pilots.  Together with the others, she made her way close enough to hear but lingered towards the back of the crowd.  As Ravon's gaze roved the room, she made sure to lock eyes with him and toss her head back in a quick gesture of greeting.  He seemed to acknowledge her, which would have to be good enough for now.  Alessia had no way of getting to him without pushing through the small crowd, and he looked like he was about to address the group anyway.

His speech started out fairly standard as far as new recruit introductions go, and while it did touch on the topic that Alessia wanted to discuss, he didn't go into details.  Perhaps she would learn those later at the briefing that the Captain would no doubt hold, but Jien Ives was a stranger to her.  The only information she had on the Chameloid Captain was colored by the newsfeed's political agenda, which painted the Captain of the Theurgy in a bad light.  While she was curious to find out for herself what sort of person this 'traitor' was, she was also wary of him (or her).  Right now, the important details that Alessia wanted were the intimate and personal ones that only Ravon could share.  Why did he trust and follow this Captain Ives?  That was the only question that mattered.

She would have liked to ask Renard as well, but if that Petty Officer was right, he had given his life so that the Theurgy could escape.  Alessia began to voice a question, but someone else spoke up first.

"You must pardon my bluntness of this question, sir, but may I respectfully ask what is the current status of the wing?" It was Tali who asked the first inquiry.

"As of today, we're counting five pilots with only four crafts ready to fly, Well one pilot being suspended for the time being so four pilots is what's left of our pack.  The status of the wing is however combat operational. Despite our small number we still have plenty of ammo and ordnance to fly around with.  Any other questions I can answer?"

As Ravon once again opened up the floor, Alessia glanced at Minjae.  He was slowly shaking his head no.  Once again the curiosity formed in Alessia's mind and once more she decided to wait.  Not the time or the place.

"You want to ask something, don't you?"  Sehl whispered.  "It's why we beamed up here: to talk to him.  Here's your chance."

Alessia also shook her head.  "No.  What I want to know would be best discussed in private.  I can wait until he's finished here and then approach him after."

Sehl shrugged.  "That's your call, Alessia.  I have questions too, but I want to wait and see what their Captain has to say."

Alessia nodded in agreement.  Captain Ives would surely hold a briefing and in it he/she would explain everything.  Most things could be answered at that time.  For now, Alessia just needed patience.  She chewed on her lip as the question stewed in her brain: to ask or not to ask.  But she was impatient.

The question was on her lips as she thought the words.  "So, why do you believe their story?"  It was pointed right at Ravon, and loud enough for him to hear over the murmuring crowd.  "You don't have to share right now, but at some point I'd like to discuss it with you."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All present.

It seemed no more questions were headed his way and Thomas figured that most of the pilots would attend the briefing Ives would hold later on. He tapped slowly with his fingers and gave the audience one last look. He noticed Min Jae shaking his head for any further questions and Alessia was chewing on her lip. He didn't think she'd ask anything more before the question was fired anyway out of the crowd.

"So, why do you believe their story?"

Thomas his eyes darted back to Alessia as he smiled faintly and nodded. "I could share it now, yet the hard evidence of it all will be revealed at the crew wide briefing later on." he spoke up. "As for me personally..." he paused for a second as he looked down and over at Husker. "At first, you don't want to believe that our highest form of Command has been overtaken. You think everyone on this ship has lost their minds." he started before he closed his eyes "Agreed it was hard to grasp at the start. Yet after an incident that we call the Niga incident, We were faced by an officer that came to us through a temporal breach. He rescued our crew from certain death, but I feel like that's where the ball started rolling." he continued "You start thinking... It might be a possibility.  However... When Calamity showed up weeks later... That's when it truly sank in for me. A battleship from the future. We were faced with the true result of these usurpers within Starfleet. The ship wiped out our friends, crew, loved ones. Whatever we're doing is pissing off someone really badly in the future or in another timeline. So if we're not holding the truth, I have no other clue why we're being so hunted ferociously."

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #6
Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All present.

At that moment the door hissed open and staggering into the room was a flustered young woman.  “Omigosh!  Is there a meeting?  Nobody told me there was a meeting.   I swear I checked my PaDD…”

Tessa May Lance had been forced to beam out of her Valkyrie during the battle at Starbase 84.  She had lost her Valk, her loyal steed, and it felt just like she had lost another squadmate.  She had gone down to the flight deck to ask deck ops if they had another fighter she could use.  The sad answer was yes.  Thanks to the mutiny led by Captain Vasser two of Tessa’s squadmates had lost their lives while aboard the Theurgy rather than in the cockpit.  She had been given Hannah Slaverton’s Valk to fly, but when Tessa went to move it into her spot there was another fighter parked in it, and older model, a Valkyrie Mark II.  That’s when she noticed that there was a meeting going on in the briefing room.

“I know there’s a meeting in a half hour but... Tom?”

The officer behind the podium wasn’t Miles Renard.  It was Thomas Ravon.  That meant that no matter how much Tessa wanted to believe otherwise, Iron Fox hadn’t made it back.  She glanced at the pilots who were seated and noticed with the exception of Chris they all had unfamiliar faces.  Not even Rawley was here.

“Um… Am I in the right meeting?”

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thomas Ravon, Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton, Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami), LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel", Tessa May Lance
“Ah think ya are, honey,” said Tancredi, in answer to the flustered woman, still rubbing idly at the spot on her head where she'd cut her scalp through her helmet somehow. The EMH that came after the two lady pilots that first tended to her upon exiting her fighter shuttle, had completed the treatments. The protective coil around the tumour in her brain was affected from all the throwing around, and it had to be corrected, immediately. That was about as fun as wrestling naked with a angry horta. And she opened up all nearby pilots and the EMH to a whole new universe of foul language, in Klingon, Romulan, various Earth languages that came to mind, and Andorian too. The newly sealed wound twinged and tingled, making the girl wince. She knew she shouldn't keep touching it, and keep herself relaxed, but first, that wound felt so weird, and it was like she could feel the readjusted coil in her brain and it made her want to rub it. Second, she was too wound up and had way too many questions and where the hell was anybody from the Resolve?

Forcing herself to stop rubbing her wound, she decided to rest her hands on her custom pistols, Flash and Burn...but her hands grasped empty air where the pistols in their holsters were normally located. “...the fuck?!?” said Tancredi, her voice in a harsh whisper. When she was beamed here, something must have happened in the transporter buffer. But...“What in Sam Hill?!?” Her knife was missing too, no, make that knives. Even the one disguised right over her groin. Holy hell, how did they know to look there?!? She had a lot of weapons and they were all gone. She felt naked. Utterly, completely, stark naked, in a room full of unknowns. This was not her ideal situation, no, and she went back to rubbing idly at the freshly healed wound. Her hat at least was still left to her. If they took that...not even a Q entity could protect those responsible from her.

She only half listened to the man, Thomas Ravon, he said his name was, while she looked around with disguised panic. If anything went wrong, if enemies beamed in right this instant, as she had seen happen so many times before...she had to take her mind off it. “Ye're fahn, Meony,” she told herself quietly, “it's all fahn. They ain't here...”

Where was Havenborn?

To distract herself, because rubbing that wound that often might reopen it. She raised a red-stained hand too, “Hey, sir? Anyone qualified to flah dat Reaver? Sounds t'me lahk dat's a mighty fahn piece o'equipment.”

Not her. Not now. Because maybe if the entire Resolve chain of command was around, along with the entirety of the crew accounted for, then she'd volunteer, if they needed psychotic pilots with nothing to lose. But only after she's ascertained everyone's whereabouts and well being. Otherwise she had to cool it with hotshots and stunts, see everyone make it safely home first. Then she can go get herself killed in battle.

Where the fucking hell was Havenborn?!? She had seen him enter this Theurgy ahead of her.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #8
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton| Fighter Assualt Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy] ATTN: Everyone.

Chris watched the by play of everyone in the room but stayed quiet from where he was near the podium which may have been confusing to anyone who was there but after what happened recently with the Vassar Stupidity, Black Opal, and then the recent starbase battle and the information about Doctor Maya coming to light..he felt better standing at the front of the room near Thomas and studying the room especially with all of the new faces.

He knew that he could trust Terror, Sniper, Tessa, Ghost, and Isely..but the rest he was still weary of.

After Ravon fielded the question about trusting the story, Chris almost said something but instead kept quiet as he didn't believe the story either at first since it felt like it was something out of an hold novel from the earlier days of the of the infamous "Reed Tales" stories that his brother Daniel used to watch when they were kids but after seeing the information for himself..especially the scene with the calm, emotionless finger breaking..well, that was enough to show Chris that something was indeed going on.

As a former "Guest" of the Klingons, he understood several aspects of pain that quite a few of his fellow officers in the room with him at the moment couldn't even begin to touch which in turn gave him a unique perspective for when Acreth broke her host's own finger and what the reaction should've been but when everything was said and done...

He shook his head when Tessa came into the room and was rather confused as to what was happening. "Yes you are in the right briefing, Tessa, and yes..that's Ravon indeed." Chris said with a wry grin before motioning to an empty seat near the front of the room.

But when a red-haired pilot raised her hand and spoke in an accent that made him blink as he honestly thought that he would need a universal translator app for, his eyes narrowed when he spotted her hand at which point he said "We've got a couple cross trained on it with the deck chief looking for more test pilots for now but if I may, are you alright because of your hand looking like that?"

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All present.

Thomas his words hadn't turned cold yet or the door had hissed open as Goldeneye entered the scene. She looked baffled and asked if she were in the right meeting. Yet the biggest surprise came from her as she saw Thomas standing in the spot Miles used to stand for so many times. Husker replied her question and Thomas nodded "All wolves are welcome to join Tessa. Feel free to settle in."

As a red haired pilot raised a blood stained hand, Thomas frowned a little before he smiled wry "As the ensign here says, we'll start training most of the pilots to at least have a handle with it. Maybe in time we'll see who qualifies best to fly the fighter but for now I think most of us should focus on their own birds." he answered. That raised his question, which bird would he use? His own fighter had been nothing more than a piece of cobbled together junk. Sure, it had firepower though there was nothing that could make it space worthy.

Perhaps he should take a look at Carver's old fighter, the memory of the deceased pilot and emotional bond they had shared perhaps a strong remedy to help in his grieving process. Kestrel would be space worthy again, if the damages weren't too high. He blinked a couple of times before he looked again at the gathered crowd.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. That would be all. General meeting with the captain will start at 19.00 hours. I think you should all freshen up at least and go see the quartermaster for a place to settle. Also, I believe all of you will have free access to the lounge in case any of you need to blow off some steam. Any follow up questions can be asked to me if you feel the need to. That will be all and thank you all for your attention." he concluded before he stepped down from the stand. With a sigh he patted on Husker his shoulder and his eyes went over the crowd to look for Min Jae and Alessia.  

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #10
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton, LT Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna, LT JG T'Zantha "Sniper"| Fighter Assualt Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy] ATTN: Everyone.

As the meeting wound down, Chris pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to focus his own thoughts after the end of the meeting as the various pilots started to mill about here and there and he looked up when Thomas patted him on the shoulder to which he nodded to the other man with a faint smile.

Tali and T'Zantha managed just barely to pull away from their own grouping of pilots to make their way over to the Chris where the two looked at him with a pair of faint grins of their own. "Look at you, standing up here at the front of the room like you're all important now." Tali quipped at him with her eyes twinkling.

"Yes, it does seem that he is much more happier here then he was previously with us aboard the Harbinger." T'Zantha also quipped.

Chris rolled his eyes at the two of them. "Something like that but I have missed the two of you though." Chris admitted before Tali came over and wrapped her arms around the taller human followed by the vulcan.

"You have been missed as well, Christopher." T'Zantha said, a ghost of a smile faintly appearing on her face before disappearing just as quickly.

"Sniper's right as usual but what's going on with you standing up here with the new SCO?" Tali asked with a raised eyebrow.

Chris just gave a smile that was akin to the old Earth term of "cat eating the canary" and didn't say anything to that other then to ask "So what made you switch sides, Tali?"

The Zhen simply smiled a little bit before answering with "Well you wouldn't just up and join a band of traitors if there wasn't something actually wrong with the entire situation, Chris, and that's the honest truth..but where is everyone else like Liquidus, Panther, Go-Devil, Riptide, Freya, Smoke, Hawk, and the others from our old squadron?"

Chris took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. "Liquid was killed shortly after the Harbinger went rogue, he was actually making some excellent headway with his sessions with O'Connor but he was killed shortly after his last session with her along with Go-Devil, Hawk died during some recon work which lead to the Harbinger hooking up with the Theurgy." Chris explained, his tone somewhat somber as he spoke. "By the time that we hooked up with the Theurgy, we only had a single squadron of fighters left and I was Phantom's wingman."

Terror and Sniper looked at each other for a few seconds in complete shock. When they had left the Harbinger's wing it was bigger then the Orcus' had been and to hear that it had been reduced to a single squadron at the end..that was somewhat troublesome.

"Who was in the squadron at the end, Christopher?" T'Zantha asked, her tone unusually serious.

"The Dor'ghtlh or Survivor squadron as we had become known as was composed of myself, Phanatos, Riptor, Bleed, Smoke, Freya, Titan, Riptide, Liquidus, Hawk, Spectre, and Tempest." Chris said in an equally serious tone.

This news actually made Tali reach out and use Chris' closest shoulder for support as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Well..did they at least die with honor though?" she asked, feeling more then slightly numb.

Chris hesitated as he tried to find his own words before shaking his head slowly. "No..Eli and Henry did but the rest of them didn't. T'Rena..she went mad and used her abilities to drive a lot of other people mad as well which you'll probably hear about sometime soon." 

Chris then reached out with his left hand and took Sniper's right hand into his and squeezed her hand gently, reassuringly which allowed the other woman to briefly touch his mind and see what he wasn't able to see. A brief flash of a memory of a conversation in the Harbinger's own pilot's briefing room...a dark and terrible conversation that Chris walked into...

T'Zantha's eyes closed tightly as she forced the memory out of her mind, before looking at her wingman and lover, seeing the concern on the Zhen's face. "I'm fine, he just shared something with me...I'll explain later." she said before she gently squeezed Husker's hand back.

Tali slowly nodded before turning to see her new SCO in one part of the room. "Alright, can you make sure that he doesn't go running off while I go and talk with this..Lieutenant Ravon?"

T'Zantha simply nodded and the Zhen made her way through the throngs of other pilots until she reached the human and tapped him on the shoulder. "Lieutenant Ravon, when you have a moment can we speak?" she asked respectfully.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All present.

Tessa couldn’t help but notice that Christopher was pretty cozy with most of the new pilots, particularly the seductive silver haired Andorian and Vulcan gals who seemed to cling to him like a second skin.  Was it her imagination or was Christopher holding hands with the albino Vulcan lady?  You didn’t shake hands with a Vulcan; nobody shook hands with a Vulcan.  There was something about a tactile empathic something or other that made Vulcan’s very uncomfortable with touching.  She couldn’t see the Vulcan’s reaction; had the Andorian lady called her “Sniper”.  That must be her callsign.  Apparently the two of them had a history with Chris, from the sounds of things they all used to serve on the Harbinger together.  But Husker and Sniper must have had something that went beyond that, nobody shook hands with a Vulcan, but didn’t Vulcans kiss by holding hands?  Or was it rubbing their fingers together or something like that?

As Christopher’s delicious duo turned their attention to Thomas Ravon Tessa seized the opportunity to get close to Husker and softly ask him “So who’s your friends Chris?” while trying not to act too nosy.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna

As the briefing room dissolved into chatter and people moving about, it proved to be a challenge to get to Alessia or Min Jae in a straight line. Some pilots came to ask for their quarters or what would happen to their respective fighters. Thomas did his best to answer what he could, yet urged most pilots that time would tell where the fighters would all be stationed and to see quartermasters for room preferences. He could feel his body begging for some rest or at least a proper check up from medical. Yet he bit away the urge and carried on.

It had been a while since he had seen the briefing room bustling with so much life. The wolves that he had last seen, filled the room as a merry bunch, yet this was rather out of proportion. The number of bodies here could almost double the amount of pilots present the last time he was here.

Ravon never got further than five steps from the front of the room as he suddenly felt a tap op his shoulder. Thomas turned around and faced the Andorian pilot as he looked over at Christopher for a second before looking her in the eyes. He nodded as she respectfully asked for a moment with him "Yes, of course. How can I be of assistance?" he asked her as he looked over her shoulder to her co pilot briefly. His mind getting to work and figuring they were probably part of the Valravn squadron that also packed Alessia and Min Jae.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #13
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton, LT JG T'Zantha "Sniper"| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy] ATTN: Everyone

Chris looked up at Tessa as he noticed that something had caught Sniper's attention as the vulcan was now not next to him. "You mean Tali and T'Zantha?" he asked with a faint smile. "They where apart of the Harbinger's wing way before any of this happened."

Chris looked at his fellow Wolf and couldn't help but chuckle just a little bit at the conversation that he just had with the two women. "Tali was the squadron commander of the squadron from the Orcus, Tessa, and she jumped ship along with Sniper and the majority of their unit because *I* was there..that's why I'm laughing sorry."

Sniper had moved away to check on some of the other pilots that had jumped ship along with Terror and the rest of them before turning to notice the pilot who had arrived late was now standing next to Christopher and studied her posture for a moment before silently moving back to stand behind the human.

Sniper was silent for a few moments and just listened to their conversation before the white-skinned woman made her presence known by saying "Tali and myself trust Christopher as he has proven himself to we hope that trust can be extended to you as well, young miss."

Chris looked over Tessa's right shoulder to look at the red-eyed vulcan and then shook his head. "By the way, I wish you could say that you get used to Sniper doing that..but I've known her long enough to not lie about that." he admitted in a tone that hinted that he'd been long on the very side that Tessa now found herself.

[LT Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy] ATTN: All involved and then some.

Tali's face turned into a warm smile, "My name is Lieutenant Talidenai zh'Idenna, but please call me Tali or Terror and I promise not to take up too much of your time."

Tali wasn't sure that she could do what needed to be done in front of so many people..let alone T'Zantha and Chris but it was still soemthing that had to be done at some point but right now she felt that she honestly couldn't do it.

She may have left the Idenna keth behind along with any form of honor for betraying Captain Slayton like she just did...

Tali took a moment to look over at T'Zantha and saw her talking with the pilot who arrived late and Chris for a moment before turning back to face the pinkskin but she drew a little bit closer so that she could speak a little bit more quietly to him.

"Look, one SCO to another..I know what I gotta do but I'd rather not do it in front of what's left of my command." she said quietly to Ravon, her light blue eyes looking into his. "So if I may have a few minutes of your time in private at some point after this big briefing thing that you mentioned, that would be that alright?"

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna

"Pleased to meet you lieutenant zh'Idenna." Thomas replied granting her a warm smile back as he cataloged her shorter name and probable callsign. He noticed she was in doubt for a moment before she looked over to look at the albino Vulcan and Husker, who was now joined by Tessa. Thomas figured that the Harbinger pilot and the Orcus pilots shared a bond somehow, yet he didn't dig deeper into it just yet as she drew herself a bit closer.

Her words however caught Thomas off guard as his brows pulled together for a second before he smiled again and shook his head slowly. "To be fair... Tali," he said pausing to use her shorter name "I'm not the actual SCO aboard this ship. Mile Renard is... Or was... Either way, I'm the highest ranking officer at the moment, but that doesn't grant me the title of SCO." he answered honestly before looking her in her light blue eyes "So I'm not sure what you need to do, but I can sort of guess." he smiled faintly before biting down his lower lip for a second. "I can spare you some of my personal time in a couple of hours. Perhaps after the briefing of Captain Ives?" he suggested "We could meet back up here or use the office of the SCO if need be." he gave her as a suggestion. The back of his mind wondered what she had to tell him, did it have something to do with giving up her title as SCO or was there more to it? It seemed to be just another thing saddling up on the so many questions that were haunting Thomas already, yet on the outside, he showed no sign of deteriorating in his stance. His face still friendly and kind to the pilot that had addressed him as he awaited her reply.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #15
[LT Talidenai "Terror" zh'Idenna| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room| Deck Sixteen| USS Theurgy] ATTN: All involved and then some.

Tali couldn't help but smile at the steel that she heard in the pinkskin's voice. "You may not be the alpha now, Ravon." she said softly with a tone of pride for the other person in her voice. "But with the kind of steel that I just heard when you stated that you may or may not be the SCO shows me that you're ready for it..between us two warriors I would follow such steel into battle willingly."

She gave Ravon another warm smile before bowing her head in respect to him. "Also I thank you for your candor, Mister Ravon, because the kind of talk that you and I need to have none the less I honestly don't think that I can do in front of the remains of my own pack..let alone in front of T'Zantha and Chris." she admitted freely.

She took in the other pilot's posture and quietly made notice that there was a friendly look on his face..she was still concerned but she kept those to herself and off of her face.

"Just let me know when, Mister Ravon." Tali said before taking a step back. "Now I'm going to see if I can't steal one of Husker's spare uniforms and get out of this tin suit, if that is alright sir?" she added respectfully.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Thomas Ravon, Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton, Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami), LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel", Tessa May Lance
“Huh...” said Tancredi, when another pilot noted her hand, something she hadn't noticed, but now that she did, she wanted to kick herself, which might earn her another concussion, so she'd save that for later, when the healing was complete. But the pilot and Ravon both gave her the answer, and she decided she would like to be one of the test, she didn't. Not anymore. If she could fly a fighter again, it would be something she's familiar with, not some future ship. And there'd be more revelations to come in another meeting. Might as well see what she could see about this starship.

“Raht then, Ah'm off.” She turned her back and marched out promptly. First thing she needed to do was get that bleeding stopped, and clean her gauntlet a bit. Then find Havenborn, and go from there.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #17
[ Tessa May Lance | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All present.

Tessa could only smile and mumble a greeting when the attractive Andorian introduced herself.  She hated to admit it, but Tali was nice…  real nice, and she wasn’t broken and defeated like Tessa was.  She really didn’t know T'Zantha, but that was par for the course with Vulcans.  All in all Christopher seemed to have some pleasant squadmates…

Tessa Lance felt a lump in her throat when she remembered how comfortable Christopher was with three ways.  Examining Tali and T’Zantha, she couldn’t help but wonder just how close the three of them were.  It looked like the old gang was getting back together only Tessa wasn’t part of it.  Her old gang was mostly dead.  She didn’t know why she was getting so upset, it wasn’t like Chris had promised anything to her, just suddenly she felt completely… alone.

“Well the three of you must have some catching up to do,” she croaked weakly.  “Catch you later,” she added as she blinked back the tears and left the briefing room as quickly as possible.  As a matter of fact, she decided to leave the fighter bay as quickly as possible.  Yes she had good reason to cry but she hated to admit that the “death and glory” spirit so necessary for being a warrior was practically absent from her these days.  It was bad enough having everyone think she was a crybaby, but she wasn’t ready for her new squad mates to know beyond the shadow of a doubt.

OOC:  I needed an explanation for Tessa missing out on PROLOGUE 06: WASHING AWAY THE MEMORIES | DAY 01 [1700 hrs.] and now I’ve got it.  Adding Tessa to PROLOGUE 08: LOOSE GEARS | DAY 01 [1700 hrs.] to explain where she was.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #18
Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami) | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, DocReno, Even Angels Cry, and anyone else I may have missed

"Minjae! Minjae! Goddamnit, Minjae!"

It wasn't the words being angrily whispered into his ears, but feeling his shoulders getting shaken that finally snapped the young pilot out of his 'zoning out' session. When it dawned on him what had just happened, his face almost immediately burned a deep red color, seeming to match Karma's own cheeks. "Damn straight," she muttered, sighing as she crossed her hands over her chest. "You should be embarrassed. Dear gods! I've heard of water off a duck's back, but ... "

Her hands fell atop her lap as Karma elicited another frustrated sigh.

"You will be sooooo lucky if he doesn't bitch you out for this, you know?"

"I get it," Minjae muttered under his breath.

"So prove it! Act like you give a shit! Actions - or lack of like this - will be how you can be easily found, sent right back to Slayton, and put on trial, if not worse!" Karma's eyes softened as she realized that last sentence was a bit of a low blow. Alas, it was a much needed one. "I'm sorry, but do understand something. Neither of us are teenagers anymore. Just ... be careful, okay? You wonder why I'm still your RIO? Because of situations like this. Anyone else would have probably let you .... sink. Drown. But we've both come too far to just have that type of fate engulf us. So please ... don't do this again, even if the meeting is a bit boring."

The last few words caused Minjae to smirk, as he quickly picked up on the slightly subtle hint at least he hadn't been alone in his reaction. He had been more immature, no doubt. But at least not the only person to feel a similar emotion, which made him feel a lot better.

"Now," Karma calmly added, nodding her head towards Razor's direction, "If you're religious, start praying. I think you're being sought out."

Indeed, a turn of his head revealed Thomas looking around ... and Minjae felt his heart stop for a few seconds. It was in his direction, wasn't it?

... Well, with how long you were out, literally anyone probably saw you. Shit ...

Taking a deep breath, Minjae slowly stood up, steeling himself to man up. He'd made a mistake and was ready to accept any verbal lashings that may or may not come with this talk. "Yo, Thomas! Good to see you're well. Really, it is."

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #19
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, Waffles, Esyel, Others

What Ravon said made a lot of sense.  Some things could only be explained by the most outlandish theory possible.  Since the most outlandish theory had been time-traveling future agents hellbent on the destruction of our kind, and since there had been more than one encounter that supported the theory, Alessia agreed that it had merit.  It helped, of course, that she trusted this man with her life in combat.  Her sentiments towards him allowed his words to carry a certain amount of weight.

As the questions stopped and the gathering was dismissed, Alessia locked eyes with Ravon.  He seemed intent on making his way over, but there were many other pilots in the hangar who wanted to speak with him.  Sehl observed with slight amusement as Ravon made a strides length of progress followed by seemingly two strides back.  He was the man of the hour, so to speak, thus it was natural that every person here would seek him out.

"He'll get here eventually, Angel. No need to gawk."  The Andorian commented.

"Wha? I wasn't-" Alessia Stammered.

"Not intentionally, no.  But you were."  Sehl teased his pilot before changing gears.  "That's a hard pill to swallow, futuristic technology and whatnot."

Alessia nodded.  "I saw no fault in his reasons.  The theory was supported by multiple incidents."

Sehl stared at Alessia's profile.  When she had made up her mind, it was nigh impossible to change it.  Perhaps later in the day, when they heard the official briefing, he'd have better luck.  "If you say so."

Alessia flashed a smile at her RIO.  "I say so.  And you follow where I lead, so let's make Ravon's job easier."  She grabbed Sehl's wrist and led him into the crowd, crossing the distance between herself and Ravon, but stopping short of Terror.  Whatever words were spoken between the two SCO's, Alessia couldn't hear.  The hushed voices compared to the buzz in the hangar indicated that she should not be privy to such information, so she waited nearby.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn, @Even Angels Cry, @Esyel

Ravon kept his eyes trained on Talidenai as she spoke kind even flattering words. It made him wonder why she wanted to speak with him in private, yet he didn't want to turn down the offer as it would also be a good input to know the new people on the flight deck. "Please, call me Thomas. I'll contact you when I have the time." he answered her before he rested his hand on her left shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. As she mentioned getting out of the flight suit, Thomas grinned "I can believe you'd want to get out of the suit. Please, feel free to do so. I'll leave you in the care of Chris." he concluded with her before he let her go and noticed two more familiar faces as they made their way to him.

It was Minjae Soh that made it first to him with his RIO, followed by Alessia Garcia who came in close as second with her own RIO. It was a warm feeling Thomas got from seeing the both of them. Memories of their time on the USS Kusanagi resurfacing. It brought a warm and vibrant smile on his face, a smile that he didn't think was left inside of him after all the bad news from earlier on.

"Yo, Thomas! Good to see you're well. Really, it is."

Thomas his eyes went to Minjae and he smiled "Soh!... Where the hell did they drag you in from? Don't tell me you qualified for those fancy birds?" he added teasing before he gave the pilot a hug and a few slaps on the back. "It's good to see you too though. I'm glad to see some familiar faces. Makes you wonder how big this universe is really." he answered with a wink. It seemed Thomas hadn't noticed the pilot zoning out, due to the sheer number of new faces, he hadn't paid extra attention to those he already knew.

Before going further into a conversation with him, he passed over to Alessia and gave her the same greeting like he had done with Minjae. "Alessia.... Good to see you're still alive and kicking." he said before letting go of her too. "Fancy that... Kusanagi pilots are top notch quality." he snickered, wishing Miles could only see how good these pilots were. "Tell me, how have you two been? And please, introduce me your RIO's." he said with some happiness in his voice, yet still maintaining a professional attitude to them. His eyes were lit up again, forgetting about the cold frozen tomb he escaped. Looking forward again to the future that laid ahead.

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #21
[ Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Even Angels Cry & @Esyel
Still in her exosuit, but having let her white hair down from its tight bun, Devyrie Okhala had watched the Theurgy's Wolf Leader introduce himself and told them what he knew. Passively, Dev had listened and watched the pilots seated around her, taking note of which White Wolves had followed Terror aboard the multivector dreadnought. There was one pilot she didn't recognise. A red-haired human who seemed rather worse for wear after the battle. From what she could pick up, there was supposed to be more pilots from the Luna-class Resolve, but perhaps they were even more hurt than the present human was.

Ferris, her RIO, was seated next to her, and at some points, they had exchanged glances. The two of them had chosen to follow Terror on Dev's hunch, on the indication that there were no ties between the Theurgy and Romulus - making the claim of them being traitors false. There were a lot of circumstantial indications too, and interesting claims from the one with the callsign Razor, but in the end, Dev knew she had to reserve her judgement until she'd heard the Captain of the ship make hir case.

Indeed, the White Wolves Squadron had been briefed about the Commanding Officer of the ship, but since Dev had decided to come aboard, she simply had to give the Chameloid the benefit of the doubt. She dared not think what she and Ferris would do if they had been wrong. Could they escape? Should they try to make Terror and the rest of the White Wolves see it their way? Commit sabotage? Send a message to Task Force Archeron? Whatever they'd do, they would likely die aboard the Theurgy.

Stay calm,
she told herself as she remained seated after the briefing was over. Play it smart. What would father do?

While she grew up, her father had been open about his past in the Romulan Star Empire, and what he'd done in the Tal'Shiar. It was because of what he'd sent her a mere week past that had made her doubt Starfleet Command's claim. That was her lead. She had to verify what father had warned her about. She had names, and indications about the Romulans being baited to declare war against the Federation. Baited by Starfleet. But why? Who in Starfleet would gain from inciting war?

She and Ferris had some pieces of the puzzle, but her father hadn't know the whole picture either. Now, it was up to her and her RIO to piece it all together. They just had to be careful and not tip their hand, should the rest of the squadron be played for fools.

In the end, Devyrie rose from her seat, and so did Ferris. They walked past Angel, Shinigami and Karma, and they inclined their heads in turn to Thomas Ravon when they left the briefing room. They emerged into the Theurgy's Fighter Assault Bay, which was much larger than the one on the Orcus. They had no idea if they were being monitored, so Devyrie only exchanged another glance with Ferris. He shrugged to her with one shoulder and Devyrie nodded. They had to know more. Devyrie wanted to trust in Terror's judgement and be fine with that, but at the same time... it had seemed she defected because she trusted one of the Theurgy's pilots.

It if was one thing Dev's father had taught her, it was that 'trust did not equal intel'.

In silence, Dragon and Furry walked off to change out of their exosuits, and find something to eat before the next briefing.

Re: Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity

Reply #22
LT JG Alessia Garcia, Callsign "Angel"| Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan , @Esyel , others

"Tomas!"  Alessia returned her greeting with fondness.  "It has been so long!  I can't believe you're really here!"  She was grinning so much that her nose crinkled.  Her hand reached for his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze just above his elbow.  "Gracias a Dios.1"  Alessia hadn't expected the emotional tidal wave that surged through her at that moment, but she was suddenly overcome by the events of the day.  Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she took one wobbly step back as her arms returned to her sides.

Sehl stepped up to fill the void that Alessia left.  He held out one delightfully blue hand to Ravon, in greeting.  "Rii.2  I am Sehl th'Chilnes, Angel's RIO.  You might have heard me out there.  I go by Talon, or Sehl.  We met at the shipyards.  Got paired up by personality and skills because of some test and we've been flying together ever since."  Sehl's handshake was strong and his grip firm.  "Angel spoke about you on occasion.  And the other one.. Renod?  My condolences on your loss."  He glanced toward Alessia. "Both your losses."

Alessia held her smile while Sehl chatted with Ravon, despite the emotional release she was experiencing.  After much eye-blinking and wiping the sides of her face, she felt her breathing return to normal.  She cleared the wetness from her face one last time before rejoining the conversation.  "Hah, lo siento3, I'm sorry.  It's been a long, confusing day.  I was just so relieved to see you again, and be here with everyone."  Alessia gestured around the bay.  "We are all living on borrowed time, you know.  Only God knows when it's our time.  I thank Him every day that I come back alive.  Not everyone can be so lucky."  She fell silent a moment as her thoughts wandered to her old ship, the USS Orcus.  "I pray that they survived."

There was a long pause before either of them spoke again.  It was Alessia who broke it.  "So, Tomas, you're our new SCO?  How does Terror feel about that?  She's protective of us you know.  With all that's happened, I don't blame her."  Her gaze became quizzical.  "What about our birds?  You have space for them, but has anyone aboard been trained on how to service them?  I'm sure Sehl and the others can offer a crash course, but they'll need to be looked at." 

Sehl scoffed at the offer Alessia had put on the table.  It's not that he couldn't teach a bunch of deckhands how to maintain a Valravn fighter, it's that he didn't want to.  Had his calling been in instruction, he would have become a teacher.
But he hadn't.  He'd become a tactical CONN officer.  It seemed more prudent to him that they use their bird to get a look at their surroundings and survey the damage done to the ship.  Not to mention, they could have been followed so it would be wise to get some eyes out there.  Ship sensors weren't 100% accurate all the time.  He was certain there was already a plan in place, but just in case, and as partial payback, he spoke up.  "You know, it might be wise to take a fighter or two out and do a fly around.  Scan for probes, asses the damage, survey the anomaly we're in.. that sort of thing.  I'm sure Angel would be happy to do that." 

Alessia's glanced at her RIO just in time to see him wink at her with a smirk.  She exhaled loudly.  "Yes, I would love to volunteer, if you need someone for that.  And while I'm out, Sehl can teach a class.  It will be good for us, and your pilots look like they could use a break."  Truthfully, the other pilots looked haggard and Alessia thought they deserved a long break from their work.  As long as the Valravns were still in working order, she saw no reason why she and her fellow fighters couldn't help out.

For now, though, there were others waiting to speak with Ravon and Alessia didn't want to be rude.  "I realize you have a lot of demands on your time now, but if you get a chance later, maybe after shift sometime, I'd love to chat about what you've been up to."  Her smile widened.  "It really is good to see you, Tomas."

Alessia and Sehl said their good byes to Ravon and turned to leave the bay.  There was still time before the briefing and they needed to make sure their Valravn was being properly maintained.

[Unless they are given a reason to stay, Alessia and Sehl will exit the thread]

1. Gracias a Dios = Thank God
2. Rii = Hello (if I'm right, this is Andorian)
3. lo siento = I'm sorry
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.]

Reply #23
Ensign Minjae Soh (Callsign: Shinigami) | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan, DocReno, Even Angels Cry, and anyone else I may have missed

Minjae honestly wasn't sure what he was expecting. Though the time he had spent with Thomas - and now Angel, as she walked up - had been full of amazing memories, they had been relatively brief. It seemed that as quickly as he first arrived and met them on the USS Kusanagi, they both ended up leaving for some rhyme or reason. Which meant it gave all three of them time to change. Naturally, Minjae had done just that; maybe not much in the physical department, but definitely mentally, emotionally, psychologically even.

So what had happened to Thomas since they last spoke? Would he even care about the fact he had zoned out at all?

"Heh. Them drag me? That's a good one. The only one who dragged me away from there was myself." He returned the hug and pats on the back, slowly pulling away after the greeting had ended.

A light shove against his shoulders was felt. He didn't need to turn to know where it had come from or why. Clearing his throat, he then nodded to Karma behind him. "And, of course, I  had a bit of help. This is my RIO, Karma ein Yueh. She also goes by her callsign, Tide."

"When I want to," she quickly corrected Minjae, smiling as she bowed her head to both Thomas and Alessia. "Some days, he just won't shut up about either of you. If I didn't know better,  he was closer with any of you than I'd care to make assumptions about. He's got a good heart and everything, but really --- "

A now very crimson Minjae gently but quickly clamped a hand over Karma's mouth, using it to silence his comrade and assistant. "Oooookay, that's enough. Thanks. Maybe later -- when I'm not around or something. But I do have a few more serious things to speak about."

"About time," Karma replied, albeit in a muffled voice.

"To answer your question, Razor, yes. I am very qualified to pilot those - as you so elegantly put it - 'fancy birds'. I've actually done a bit of growing up and improving since you last saw me."

Though Karma kept quiet, it was easy to assume a smirk had adorned her face.

"I don't wanna hear anything about how it hasn't been vertically from you, Karma. I get that enough on a practically weekly basis. Got it?" It was partially a jest between the two; but it was equally serious. And the tone could be heard well enough.

"You gonna prove it then and stop almost getting yourself in unneeded trouble?" she asked, her question still muffled from his lingering hand.

" .... " Minjae finally sighed, slowly moving his hand away. "Who are you, anyway? My RIO or my mother?"

Karma smirked, replying without missing a beat, "Some days, it definitely feels like both."

Minjae rubbed his forehead, scoffing at the response. "Anyway ... it's great to see you both. Hopefully, we'll see you around more often, hm? I'd be more than fine with having a drink or two with either - or both - of you and catching up. For now, I do have a few things I need to do myself. Take care, Razor and Angel."  Both Minjae and Karma waved, the two grinning at both of the other pilots.

As quickly as Razor and Angel had seen and spoken with the Shinigami and Tide, they would be gone, seeming to vanish as if they were but mere phantoms.

Re: Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity

Reply #24
[ Lt. Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay Briefing Room | Deck Sixteen | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Even Angels Cry , @Esyel

The two former squad mates of Razor were both giving him quite a lot of information and he tried to respond and give them as much as he could in the moment. He addressed Garcia first "Better start believing I'm here." he snickered before he nodded at her and gave her a squeeze back in the back of her neck. He could notice the emotions rushing through her and decided not to push her emotionally more as it had been a rough day on everyone.

The introduction with Sehl went well and he shook the hand of the RIO. "Nice to meet you, Thomas Ravon, going by Razor." he introduced himself and smiled. He felt inclined to correct the pilot to Renard's name, yet the gesture of condolences were more to the point. "Thanks." he answered Sehl eventually and glanced over at Garcia. Her words about them surviving on borrowed time made Thomas nod slowly "That's true... I can only hope your former crew mates have survived the barrage. I'll suppose we'll see or hear about their fates at some point." he answered with a hushed voice, not wanting to raise it nor let it be heard by everyone in the room.

Minjae had talked in the meantime as well, introduced his RIO to Razor and Garcia. Thomas found Minjae's RIO to be fairly easy on the eye and he nodded at the female TACC CONN officer before looking back at Minjae who seemingly got redder and redder in his features. The tow of them seemed to drift off in their own discussion now and it made Thomas grin a little as he got to see first hand why the two had been teamed up. Furthermore, he didn't question Minjae's skill to pilot fighters, he was really just pushing his buttons and he couldn't help but keep grinning for a little while longer. After that the two of them said their goodbyes and Thomas waved them off before they seemingly vanished.

When she brought up him being the new SCO he shook his head "Not the new SCO yet, plenty of contenders." he smiled faintly "I'm acting SCO now by rank for the Theurgy crew, so we'll see where I'll end up." he clarified, wanting to speak to both Havenborn and Tali before anything official would happen. "As for your birds, I'd direct your questions to mister Covington. He's the chief on the flight deck, so he'll figure out what to do with your birds and look after servicing. We'll check when we can move the birds to the fighter bay. I do like your enthusiasm. If you want to school up the engineers to service your fighters or give them a quick course, you can always run it by Covington. Just a heads up though, treat the guy with respect and he'll do the same to you."

"I'm keeping you up for that chat Garcia!" he smiled wider as well before he waved off the pilot and her RIO.

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