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Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #50
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Black Opal Facility | Command Centre ] Attn: All

Having turned away from the console, Jennifer watched the Commander as he gave his orders, but her thoughts were on that voice she had heard from his combadge - the voice of the traitor Captain. The mass-murdering bastard who had stopped at nothing to get away with his treason and carry out the will of his Romulan allies. How could it be that this man before her had chosen to defect to someone like that, out of his own will joining forces with that Chameloid?

Defeat was a sour taste in Jennifer's mouth, and she expected the mess hall to be a trap, but still she stood tall - grinding her teeth and raking her red tresses out of her eyes when the Commander returned his attention to her.

"As if I have a choice?" she said stoically in retort as he asked to speak with her in her Ready Room, and with one final look at the staff in the command centre, she walked towards the door - leading the way into the room that she had been about to retreat to before the Theurgy had arrived. She walked around her desk, watching the Commander from underneath her eyebrows cautiously, and sat down in her chair - facing him.

"So this is where you tell me that everything I have been told has been a lie," she said, the scepticism plain in her tone, "and that Captain Ives did not kill all those Starfleet officers because he - or she -  did not want to face the penalty for treason?"

[ Captain Ives | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All

Seated in his chair, Jien looked up from his armrest when Lieutenant Tovarek asked permission to beam over to the base. "Permission granted," he said, thoughts still on Ensign Carver and what had happened between him and her. He did have the presence of mind to give his Chief Science Officer some further instructions."Make sure that you proceed with caution and coordinate your investigation with the present security personnel."

After Tovarek left, Selena Ravenholm's voice came through the intercom, basically telling Jien that there was more to the Black Opal than met the eye, and hearing that, Jien guessed that Tovarek would likely find out more than he could have hoped for. "Permission granted," he said to the peculiar woman, "and make sure you inform Lieutenant Tovarek about what you find in the systems too. He is heading down there to investigate what can be found on the base beyond the expected."

Jien was waiting for Wenn Cinn to report in when he heard a voice from the engineering station, but it did not sound like Lin Kae at all. The young holographic specialist had been silent up until then, and when Jien recalled what he had just said, he rose from his chair. "Security has seized the command centre, and the base personnel are being unarmed and incarcerated in the mess hall as we speak. What do you mean, Mister Lin?" he asked, before he made the connection to the fact of Skye Carver's death. Jien remembered how the young Bajoran had switched bodies with the late fighter pilot during the Ishtar incident, and how they had both been on the away-mission to Nimbus III. As far as they knew at that point, Carver was the only casualty, but there was no telling what had really happened when her Valkyrie was hit.

Jien had no idea what the uncharacteristically calm specialist was up to by his duty station, but the implication of what he had said was reason enough to approach the young man. That, and the fact that Lin Kae was such a proficient programmer that he had unshackled Thea from Starfleet's digital chains was alarming enough. "Step away from the console, Lieutenant. That's an order."

The risk of compromising the fragile trust of the base's personnell was too imminent, so any sudden and unwanted development could start a wildfire down on the base. Therefore, Jien grabbed the young man's forearm and twisted it back from the Engineering station - making Kae step away from it. "What the hell did you do?" he demanded, then whipped his eyes towards the view screen. "Theurgy to the Black Opal. Thea, Ravenholm, whatever Lieutenant Lin did from here, undo it immediately!"

[Kae... What did you do? What have you done?] asked Thea from the base, the tone of her voice horrified on the intercom - and it made Jien feel a cold shiver up his mimicked spine. On top of that, Thea spoke again, but this time, it was an automated announcement generated by the ship's computer.

[Tactical Alert. Vessel approaching, bearing one-eight-four mark seven.]

What the hell is happening? Jien rounded on the viewscreen and the information that was generated on the glass-like surface, still holding Kae by the forearm and not letting go. His oaken eyes quickly derived that whatever Kae had done to the base's systems, it was likely completely unrelated to what the long-range sensors just picked up. Unless Kae had used the base's systems to signal the approaching ship, it had happened to arrive right then by chance alone. The warp signature was one Jien was quite familiar with, and since the civil war had begun, he had never thought he'd seen it outside the RNZ.

"It's a Romulan warbird, Mogai-class, approaching at warp nine," said Jien under his breath, heart beating in his ears. Yet when he adressed Thea, his voice was firm again. "It says it is still cloaked... Since when could you detect cloaked Romulan ships, Thea?"

[Since I had a phasing cloak of my own installed, Captain. I calibrated the bottom tiers of my sensor sweeps according to the phase variables applicable for the mass of starships. ETA: One minute.]

"I see." It seemed that even if Vasser had their cloak sabotaged, Thea had learned something useful from it.

"Red Alert!" he said next, and turned his hard eye towards Lin Kae. He shoved the young man to the floor with his grip - as if he was a child - and raised a finger to point at his face. "Stay. Guards, take Mister Lin to the Brig. Thea, transmit on secure channels to all addressed parties as required. Number One, we need you up here. We have company, and scare means of deterrence. Mister Wenn, keep the Black Opal ours, and watch your backs down there. Ensign Henshaw, alert the wolves in the air, but have them remain on their current patrol route. Tell Renard that we might require him and his wolves back in their cockpits if the situation down on the base allows for it. Have him coordinate with Wenn Cinn. Helm, no hasty movements. Turn Thea so that we can give it a broadside, but do it slowly so that they still think they have the element of surprise. Covington and O'Connell, I need those torpedoes now, and I need them transported directly into the starboard pod launcher platforms. I cannot stress the urgency in this enough. Stark, help them in any way you can."

There was only one explanation for why a Romulan warbird was approaching a secret Federation facility, and it was that the enemy was leaking coordinates to one of the Romulan factions in the civil war. Furthermore, it was not unlikely the enemy were going to use the Theurgy as a scapegoat - causing a diplomatic incident and wiping the blood off their hands on Jien's uniform. If Jien was supposed to have defected to the Romulans, then it was easy to tell the FNN that he had been feeding secret intel to them.

Jien closed his fists at his sides as he stared at the viewscreen, and the glare remained while he changed... to her female form. "If we cannot convince them to return to their side of the RNZ, we might have to destroy them. The protection of the Black Opal is our priority."

[ETA: Twenty seconds,] Thea said. Jien stretched her fingers, gearing herself for what was to come. Watching the count-down on the view screen while her crew scrambled to prepare for a second battle.

OOC: Plot-twist! Hope you are all okay with some final drama before we settle this raid on the Black Opal. :) Please PM me with any questions. DocReno, I hope you are okay with the development, and we would very much like to know what Lin Kae did. Please make sure to PM the actual intent to IronFerrox and me since we play Thea and Ravenholm.

Also, sorry for the slight delay, people! Hope this makes up for it.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #51
[ MCPO William Robert O'Connell | Transporter Room One | Deck 05 | USS Theurgy | 0815 hours ]  

"Doctor Duv, Mister Tovarek, feel free to step up on the transporter pads and I'll be with you in two shakes of a lamb's tail," Master Chief William Robert O'Connell drawled to the two blue collared officers who had entered the portside transporter room on deck five.  He looked up from his console and looked the two officers over, checking to make sure that they had brought the equipment he deemed necessary for an away team mission.  It was the duty of the senior enlisted personnel to make sure that both their officers and subordinates had everything they needed to complete their mission.  If you didn't take it, odds were you were going to go without. 

"Alright, I'm going to beam y'all to Commander Trent's location," O'Connell informed them.  "The transporters'll be busy once the swag starts comin' in, so don't do anythin' that'll require an emergency beam out sirs.  Transportin' now."  As the burly engineer's large hands played over the transporter console, Doctor Amelya Duv and Lieutenant Simon Tovarek glowed brightly before disappearing in a shower of sparks.

"Okay Papa Bear, let me know when t' beam up the first batch," O'Connell said as he activated a communicator on the his console.

Covington's response was drowned out by the warning claxons sounding Red Alert. 

"What the hell?" O'Connell sputtered.  "Why don't things ever run smooth?"

[ Maya | USS Theurgy | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 15 | 0815 hours ]

In the fighter hanger on deck fifteen, a blue collared officer was performing a very different duty.  "Ensign Skye Carver pronounced dead at 0815 hours on Stardate 57096.3," Doctor Maya announced solemnly as she rose from the remains of the fallen pilot.  The shuttle pilots and the stretcher party stood in respectful silence as the little Vulcan put her instruments away and closed her medikit.

The alarm claxons signaling a red alert situation made a few people jump but Maya remained perfectly still. 

[Red Alert,] Thea's voice was heard over the claxons.  [Red Alert. All hands to duty stations. This is not a drill. Repeat: This is not a drill.]

"Attend to Ensign Carver," the little Vulcan instructed the stretcher bearers.   "I must return to sickbay."

[ Lt. jg. Tessa May Lance | Wolf-07 | Outer Space | | Outside the RNZ | 0815 hours ]

Tessa's mouth went dry when a light on her Valkyrie's console flashed to indicate a red alert situation.  "No!  No!" she cried as she brought her fighter to a full stop, fearful that it would start shooting down her squadmates without any direction from the pilot.  Only then did she notice that the Theurgy was sending her coordinates of a cloaked starship... 

OOC:  I'm assuming it took a half hour to take the station.  I'm also assuming that the Theurgy sends out the coordinates of the Romulan vessel out to the fighters.

GM note: Awesome post! I have made slight edits in Thea's announcement and the location for the Valkyrie's tractored landing, but correct, Cameron Henshaw would send a tactical update including coordinates.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #52
[ Wenn Cinn | Alpha Squad | Black Opal Facility | Loading docks ]

As Cinn was filled in on the situation on the station he nodded and looked to the people who had come to his aid. "I see, well then." He turned to his troops. " Gather up the stunned crew of the station and relocate them to the medical bay. After the losses we saw in the mutiny to stun burns, I think we should provide the common courtesy to look after their injured, put our best foot forward despite what is being said about us." He watch as his men began to carefully lift and move the unconscious defenders back to their medical center. "Well now that we have the taken care of it is time for us to report back." Before he could even begin to report in, he began to be informed of the arrival of a Romulan ship.

Cinn looked to the members of the Wolves and he let out a sigh. "Alright you two, get back to the hanger and get yourselves a few crates and begin constructing a barricade, I will get a few of my remaining me to help you." He tapped his hand over his combadge to open his communication back to the Theurgy. "Captain I have a grasp of the situation on my end. I will be dedicating a portion of my forces to medical. We will be moving the injured and stunned to safety so that they do not get caught in the crossfire. I will also be leaving them there so we do not end up with a repeat of what happened with the Triage center."

 Cinn began to walk back to the Loading docks. "This station was designed with the possibility of being raided in mind, if anyone comes for the Loading Docks we will hold them off as best we can, but we will likely be falling back to the corridors. We will gain the natural bottleneck there, and with the steps we took, they will not be able to do anything to the rest of the station from here." Standing out on the balcony area overlooking the hanger Cinn spoke out. "Alpha, we need to fortify, take crates from the inner side of the fortification and move it up to the corridors within the base. We must construct a fall back position."

Cinn took a deep breath, he would need to remain here for the sake of his men, with their reduce numbers he would have to take personal command of Alpha to keep up moral and ensure that they held up under pressure. With another deep breath Cinn tapped his combadge again. "Captain with the way I have split up my forces, I will be holding at this location. With the educed numbers in the force I feel my skills will be best employed here ensuring that the enemy does not get in a toe hold." he looked over the area as he knew he would be sealing up the command booth of the Loading Docks so that no one could get at them during the fight. "Alpha will hold is position Captain, you can count on that, and we will also take over medical running to hopefully keep a  handle on casualties."

As much as Cinn wanted to take charge of he situation tactically, but he knew he needed to step back and allow others to play their part, he was still a bit distrusted among the crew, so best show that he was willing to hold the line and follow orders, instead of rushing off to be the maverick commander who raided the brig, and killed without hesitation. He knew that after this point he would win back as much of the crew as he could, the rest would not trust him no matter what, but after showing his dedication in two different ways, he was sure he would be part of Theurgy again...or at least enough a part to satisfy his own personal worries.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #53
[Lieutenant Lin Kae | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge] Attn: All

"What the hell did you do?"

As the shape-shifter twisted his arm backwards and then the announcement of the incoming Romulan ship, Kae's eyes betrayed more emotion then his voice which was the same cold, dead, emotional tone that he had previously spoke with and as he started to speak, he slowly stood back up as if he was under some kind of massive weight.

"What *I* did, CAPTAIN, was ensure that a killer did not use the base to murder any more of *MY* crew." he said as he looked Jien dead in the eyes when he caught hir gaze again. "You have been too soft on those that just happened to be the good apples among that slavering pack of jackals and hyenas that came over from the Harbinger, I mean that pilot Slayton is a walking PTSD bomb waiting to happen and yet you're allowing him free access to a fighter craft knowing full well that at a moment's notice he can do whatever he wants because he's a fully capable killer."

Kae then motioned around the ship's main bridge while still staring at s/he dead in the eyes. "Look at everything you haven't accomplished, *CAPTAIN*. You have successfully done only one thing and that's not gotten us blown the frak up yet and yet we still follow you..we are beaten down, blown up and across, sexually abused by a bloody plant and we still follow you despite the fact that you allowed...*YOU* *ALLOWED* Skye's body to just float off into the dead vastness of space without a second thought..."

Kae's face still betrayed no emotion as the information started to course through his mind. "If my memory serves we have exactly less then a minute for you to come up with some kind of great plan to save us..but I...I want answers, I'm so fucking tired that I can't see straight anymore and one of the scant few people that I actually gave any kind of shit about is dead and her killer is either on that base or near it.."

Kae's emotionless façade started to slowly crack just a little as his rational side fought to keep his emotions buried and in check.

"What I did..I didn't want her to go unavenged.." Kae said simply.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #54
[ Captain Ives | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All

When the Holographic Specialist spoke up behind Jien, she turned her head from the viewscreen to meet his accusations, even if the Romulan warbird was going to drop out of warp in within the minute. As she met the young Bajoran's stare, her own eyes were hooded underneath the sharp line of her browridge - the scowl of a commander looking at a traitor. She had admired Lin Kae's abilities, to a great degree even his idealism when it came to Thea's rights. She had trusted him to protect her, but now, he might just have jeopardised what was left of the crew and the digital soul he had been charged to protect in his official position. Something which became plain when Thea's voice was heard on the intercom.

[Lieutenant Lin disabled the transporters, Captain. Not just my own, but the Black Opal facility's too. We have no way to restock on torpedoes, and Commander Trent is still down there, along with everyone that we managed to beam over. I am working on activating both transporter systems, standby for reactivation.] It appeared Kae believed the new fighter pilot from the Harbinger could have killed Skye Carver, given the ease which the base could shoot her down and the nature of the Valkyries' tetryon cannon, which could have disabled Carver's shields. Did he mean to trap Carver's killer down there?

Having been a victim of treason on the very bridge she stood once before - when Captain Vasser threw her into the Brig of her own ship - whatever admiration Jien held for Lin Kae had evaporated. Did he really think she did not know how many had died since they fled Earth? Could he not fathom how it grieved her, and how she still had to lead them on their mission? Yet as he faced her, he it appeared his resolve was failing him, and he began to see what he had done in rational light. It was, however, too late for second thoughts. Kae would have to live with the rashness of his actions. The security guards grabbed the young Bajoran, and Jien made no move to call them off. She just stared at him, letting him realise for himself what he had just done. She could say that if there was any justice to be served in the matter of Carver's death, that same justice would apply to him.

[The vessel has dropped out of warp, bearing one-eight-four mark eight,] announced Thea, her feelings towards Kae's betrayal plain in her digital voice. [She is still cloaked, but I have made her visible on our sensors and I am transmitting the coordinates to the Lone Wolves. Transporters are still down. Stand by for reactivation...]

While Kae was led to the turbolift by security, his accusations and demands gone unanswered, Jien turned her attention to the man at Tactical. "Petty Officer Arisaka, do let the Romulan vessel see any weapon signatures lit just yet. She will be scanning us and the Black Opal, deciding if the prize is worth the fight. Keep the shields lowered, and let them take stock of our tactical systems. If we are lucky, she will decide to retreat instead of taking us on. Either way, we buy ourselves some time while they contemplate their next move. Operations," she said next, not letting the situation get to her - or at lest not letting it show - and she looked towards Natalie Stark, "restrict yourself to passive scans of the warbird. Otherwise, she will know that we have seen her. Thea, get the transporters online and notify Covington and O'Connell immediately when you do. We need those torpedoes."

Wenn Cinn reported in, telling Jien that he would keep the base from being compromised by Romulan ground forces. With the shields of the base gone, the Romulans would be able to beam personnel inside, and his three squads would have to dig themselves in and keep the Black Opal from falling into enemy hands. Ironic, how they would have to defend the very base they had just seized. "This is Ives, understood... and may the Prophets be with you."

[ Thea - Mobile Emitter Projection | The Black Opal | Command Centre ] Attn: All

By that point, both Simon Tovarek and Amelya Duv had arrived and left, given instructions on where to go. They had been the last ones to beam over before Kae shut down the systems.

Thea's eyes felt like they burned, and her analysis had shown that it was a result from the emotion's chip's feed. Tears unshed at the thought of what Kae just had done, and blame towards herself for not seeing how her closest friend had fallen to delusions and blame towards Captain Ives for all that he has been through. What might hurt the most was how she knew what Skye Carver meant to Kae, or at least she believed she did, and seeing him react so violently to her death made her grieve for him - despite what he had just done.

"I am unravelling the encryption he laid on my systems to keep the transporters non-functional," she said to Ravenholm as she stepped away from the main console, letting Selena handle the Base's systems in her comatose state, but she was confident that the dark-hair woman could still hear her. "Yet Kae knows my capacity better than anyone, and foresaw how I would do it. I need you to integrate with me, at the cost of powering down this base again."

Having walked in a circle behind Ravenholm as she spoke, she came to stand next to the cyborg, and she resequenced her projection to hollow out her abdominal area. In the glowing hole she made, her mobile emitter floated on its anti-gravity units. She put a hand on Selena's shoulder, prompting her to wake up quickly and act. "Connect to me, and lift Kae's encryption. He does not know your software, so you will do it quicker than I could."

At that moment, Commander Trent emerged from the Dewitt's office, likely wondering why his transport to her Main Bridge was not energised yet - and got to see Thea offering a direct hardware link between herself and Ravenholm. "Commander, due to treason," she said, unable to give Kae's actions any kind of nuances, "I need Ravenholm's help reactivating my transporters, but the base will be left dark again - vulnerable to having the Romulans beam down here."

Meanwhile, by the door, Ida was listening in to new orders from Wenn Cinn, and she got to her feet when she heard Thea's announcement. She swore and raked some white hair out of her eyes. "Beta squad, we might have Romulan ground forces here any minute. By Lor'Vela, keep your eyes open, and do not let them pass."

[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Wolf-09 ] Attn: All

In the air, Rawley's eyes were wide as she learned what was happening - realising that she and her two sister wolves were the only line of defence between their base ship and a cloaked Romulan warbird. It was a Mogai-class, also known as the Valdore, and while Rawley had never fought its kind before, they were real bitches in simulations. One of the first models used to serve as the flagship for the Romulan Imperial Fleet, and with a wingspan roughly 900 meters wide, and with those wings rife with forward-mounted disruptor banks, not to mention torpedo launchers able to fire four torps at the time, there was no survival getting in its sights.

"Ghost to Renard," she said, sucking a breath through her nose while she thought, "I am ordering the new girl to launch as well, and even if I know it might be her death-sentence... it looks like I have no choice. Please, get back up here. The Theurgy has no hard-points and its only the three of us, four counting Gun-Shy, but we really need the rest of you... otherwise the base ship might be compromised."

And we will be the first to die.

She noticed how Goldeneyes had stopped her patrol route, hovering in the space above the Black Opal, and Rawley swore. They could not act suspiciously, lest the Romulans would know they had been spotted. "Goldie, fall in line, damn you! Resume patrol route unless otherwise ordered, got it?" she said, feeling how strange it was that she was giving orders to her would-be Flight Leader, but Rawley knew that as acting Wolf-leader, she had to assert command over her sisters if they lost it. "Morrigan, we double back and set a new route, letting Goldie join in again. Follow my lead."

While she adjusted her course, she could not help but look at the spot in space from where the Romulan ship was supposed to be watching them, unable to glean anything even if she knew it was supposed to be there. She opened up a channel to the Fighter Assault Bay, tapping into the PA system and letting her voice be heard by the deck crew. She imagined that Skye Carver's Valkyrie was there along with the recovery shuttle, and that Eun Sae Ji got help from medical to remove the body from the cockpit. She also knew that Gun-Shy was on stand-by duty, likely watching everything from the monitors in the lounge area.

"This is Wolf-Zero-Nine, acting Wolf-leader," she said over the intercom, knowing that she was taking a risk and that the greatest risk lay with the survival of the new pup. "I'm ordering the launch of Wolf-Zero-Eight. Ensign MacTavish, get your ass in your Valk and fall in behind us. Await further orders on the squadron comm-channel. Ghost out."

Evelyn felt cruel... then again, she had heard about Gun-Shy. The Trill had taken the Niagara Exam completely unprepared, and been one point away from passing it. It was not short of astounding, how she had been studying to become a regular shuttle jockey, and without prior training or understanding about what the test would be about, she had lasted several minutes while outnumbered one-to-fifty in the Tactical CONN equivalent of the Kobayashi Maru, and this while flying a Peregrine-class. A ship-class, on top of its inferior design, that she had never been behind the controls of before. When Rawley had heard about it the day before, she had not believed a word of it - thinking that there were no such talents lost the way MacTavish's had been. Such talents were hand-picked for greater things than flying shuttles.

Perhaps the new wolf would have to prove her mettle again, only this time, it would not be in any simulator...

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #55
[ Cameron Henshaw | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All
The red alert was a surprise to everyone as Thea informed them about the arrival of Romulans. Henshaw looked up from her station and cursed within herself as she turned her attention back to the console she was working with. She needed to inform everyone of the danger present and prepare for an eventual fight. Yet it seemed this wasn't the only thing happening at the bridge as Lin Kae seemingly lost it. Bringing the captain to stop him, yet it looked like the harm was already done.

As Cameron saw how Lin Kae was escorted away rather roughly, she looked back at her station before making sure what she needed to do. She closed her eyes for a second before tapping her console. "Patrol party for mission ops, sending you the exact location of the Romulan Warbird. Be advised, you are not to engage the target at this time. Carry on with your patrol duties until further notice. I repeat, continue your patrol. Ops out." she said with a calm voice yet with a stern tone to it as she noticed Goldeneye already breaking formation.

The accusation of Lin to the captain was something that made Cameron feel responsible though. Lin had seemed to be doing alright while she had tabs on him. Yet now it seemed one of their most closest crew members had fallen to the other side. Perhaps he could rally a new mutiny or perhaps his actions were just amplified or changed by the death of Skye Carver. Either way, Cameron felt responsible for not noticing the change of thoughts with the young man earlier.

Biting away the feeling of failing at her regular routines, she spoke up "Captain. For the record I have to inform you that it was not Ensign Slayton who was to blame for the early death of Skye Carver. I will give you the report when it's done, but I feel it to be my duty to inform you that this was nothing more than what seems to be an accident at first sight. We can clear the air around it later, but for now we need all our focus on the danger present." she concluded as she looked at the empty void of space where the Romulan Warbird laid.

[ Ameyla Duv | Black Opal Facility | Sickbay ] Attn: Maverick, Ryuan Sel, others

After her entire medical and security team had been beamed down at the bridge of the Opal facility. Amelya looked around her before directing her people to make their way to Sickbay. This was before things took a turn for the worse...

On their way to Sickbay, they rounded up those who needed medical assistance to follow them. Amelya found Maverick in one of the side corridors and helped him ease Ryuan Sel out of his arms "Alright pilot, good job, we'll take her from here." She checked Sel's vitals before sighing and scanning her over with the tricorder. "Alright, we'll bring her with us to Sickbay, we can treat her there. Nurses, please help me carry her." she instructed to those who were with her, yet it was Simon Tovarek who finally took Ryuan Sel in his arms and carried her to the medical facility. The medical party carried on to medical and set up shop there. The Sickbay turning into a small organized triage post. Amelya took care of the most injured once first before looking further. Sel was being placed on a monitor to check her vitals while preparations were made to undo the effects of the stun shot she received.

She tapped her combadge "Duv to Commander Trent, medical is up and running, if any other teams have casualties have them brought to us. At first sight, we have a few critical cases but all in all it seems like the bulk of the people here are alright." she stated before carrying on to do her work.

[ Simon Tovarek | Black Opal Facility | Corridors ]

Simon followed the medical teams to some point before he broke off into a corridor to see the Mistress at arms out cold. He looked at the Bajoran female before looking at Duv as she assessed the situation she was in. "Don't worry Doc, I'll get her over to Sickbay before I carry on with my search." He said and lifted the Bajoran blonde up. She felt lighter than he had anticipated and made sure her journey to Sickbay was without too much interference. He laid her down on one of the biobeds before he looked around. The situation seemed under control her and he walked towards the exit. The guards that were supposed to go with him turned around to follow him before he raised his hand and shook his head. "No no, guys... I think your aid down here will be needed more. So consider it a direct order to stay here, keep the peace and help out if needed." He instructed them. One of them objected but Simon silenced him "Look, I'll be fine, I still have my hand phaser with me in case of an emergency."

With that Simon vanished out of Sickbay and followed the long and winding corridors to the science section of Opal. Some of the lights were flickering due to the bombardment of the Valkyries and Theurgy on the top batteries. Conveniently the science section was on the top floors of the station. Thus likely to be hit as well or at least having power issues due to the impacts. The Russian lieutenant brought out his tricorder and phaser, just in case, as he scanned for any interesting readings. So far nothing special had come up, yet most of the offices seemed to be a mess or abandoned. He figured that most science officers here hadn't been up to anything in a long while.

He ended up in the office of the Morwen Angharad, the science officer of the Opal facility. He sat himself down in her chair as he started to sift through her reports and PADDs, in the hope to find something interesting. Yet unaware of the looming danger just kilometers above his head. 

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #56
[ Kanti MacTavish | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Nolan

The past two days had seen Kanti spend virtually every hour on-duty in one form of training or another. When she wasn’t running simulated flights to get accustomed with controlling the Valkyrie, she was reviewing operation procedures for the fighter, reading up on Tactical CONN lingo and protocols, or spending time examining her own fighter to become acquainted with its systems and maintenance. It was like the Academy all over again, except instead of learning how to fly a bulky shuttlecraft from Point A to Point B, she was getting a crash course in how to effectively hurtle through the void of space inside of a giant tin can screaming with the destructive firepower of a half-dozen weapon emplacements.

All that training was being carried out with the understanding that, in a few weeks’ time, she would start running in patrols alongside the more veteran pilots training her, netting some actual flight, getting comfortable in the pilot’s seat before she was deployed into a firefight. All perfectly sensible; she may have been experienced as a shuttle pilot, but this was a different beast altogether.

Thus it was only natural that these plans would go tits-up, just as so many other things tended to lately on the Theurgy. The Trill ensign had been keeping an eye on the battle via a PADD as she sat at the controls of her inactive fighter. In between checking the latest reports being disseminated across the ship by various departments and automated computer updates, she was running through diagnostics on her Valkyrie, making sure the craft was in tip-top shape. Good practice, at any rate, for performing pre-flight checks before she started actively deploying on missions.

Good time to be practicing, too, as became evident when the intercom lit up with surprise orders from Rawley to launch ASAP. The comm channel had closed before Kanti had the opportunity to mutter back any sort of worried acknowledgement; probably a good thing, considering that the sudden rush of terror flowing through the pilot would’ve been clearly audible in her tone. Her eyes were widening to the size of dinner plates already; deployment, right here, right now? Cripes, her approval to transfer into the Lone-Wovles had come through less than forty-eight hours back - if they still used pen and paper records, the ink would’ve still been wet on the transfer orders.

There was a bit of a mad dash mentality as she scurried from the seat of her fighter, rushing to the lockers to grab a flight suit that had been issued to her only hours earlier. In her mind Kanti was running through operating procedures as fast as she could manage, calling up the details of flight procedures that she’d been practicing during these past few weeks in simulators. The redhead estimated that, in this sort of pinch, she was familiar enough with the pre-flight checks to get them over with on short notice. In a few minutes at the worst, she could be in the air so to speak, flying out to join up with the rest of her element.

What worried her more as the helmet of her exosuit clicked into an airtight seal was why she was being called up. A few status reports flashing across her PADD as the order to launch came in had mentioned a new, cloaked contact on approach. Given their current location, it wasn’t too difficult to figure out what that contact was. Fitting, though; from what Kanti remembered of history class, Romulans had the most fantastically awful timing. Or perhaps it was perfect timing from their perspective?

Regardless, she wasn’t overflowing with optimism as she scurried into her fighter, closing up the canopy as she started rushing through pre-flights. It was rather fortunate that she’d been spending her time today inside of the cockpit, checking on various systems to confirm readiness; half of the items she would normally have had to run a check on, she already knew were ready to go. Navigation was online, power levels looked normal, weapons and shields both at the ready, propulsion… a bit wobbly for a few seconds as it powered up, but leveled out quickly (she’d need to have engineer take a look at that potential disaster after this), inertial dampeners firing up now. Nothing mounted onto any of the extra weapon hardpoints at the moment, but she could take off without the craft exploding underneath her.

With a long sigh as her fighter purred to life, Kanti switched on comms and vocalized a request that she hadn’t expected to make for at least a few weeks. Such was life on this ship. “Control, th-” She stopped short, half-choking as she realized her voice was shaking more than a ship at warp with faulty inertial dampeners. C’mon, MacTavish, pull it together, pull it together…

The channel opened again after she spent several moments trying to gather something that bore a vague resemblance to composure. “Control, this is Wolf-Zero-Eight,” she started again, a tinge of unsteadiness still noticeable, though not quite to the same degree, through her distinctive Scottish accent. “Requesting permission to launch.” Her hands were already gripping the joystick for dear life as she had flashes of climbing into a simulated Peregrine five years ago, with about the same level of actual flight experience.

That is to say, jack shit.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #57
[ Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard |Black Opal Facility| Loading Docks] attn All: especially Mav, Husker, Ghost, Gunshy, and Ji

Miles nodded as he heard the security commander, "Roger that Cinn.  Husker you heard the man."  he quickly keyed his com and sent a quick shout to Maverick and 06.  "Mav, 06 get to the LZ were gonna need every Valk we can to stand a chance against a Mogai till that thing decloaks we stay grounded.  They Don't need to know we can see them yet."

Running quickly towards the LZ miles heard the incoming orders from the acting leader. and the newest tac conn initiate's request to launch.  "Good call lead," he added quickly "but belay that launch Gun-shy.  Ji, you listening! I want you to find the most powerful things we have left in that bay and mount them on her hardpoints.  Get her outfitted for deep space strike.  When that Mogai decloaks I want her ship primed to decapitate that bird when we compromise it's shields."

It was very shortly that he arrived where they had landed and quickly helped the others set up the barricade before slinging himself back into his Valkyrie and bringing up his preflight systems but not the main engines so no major power spike could register to the cloaked ship.

[ Aisha S'iti |USS Theurgy | Bridge]
Aisha nodded, watching as kaye began to be hauled away, She hadn't really gotten to know him much but from what she had heard he was a usually one of the more reserved members of the crew.  She could only imagine how close he must have been to Skye if her death was enough to make him snap like this.  Trying to ignore the situation on the bridge she focused on the situation in space.  "Alright then I'll just make it look like we are adjusting our position as part of the rearming procedures.  Tactical we should be close enough that when they decloak we can expand our shields to cover a few of the more sensitive areas of the base.  We might be able to force any boarding parties to only beam to places where our security forces can counter them more effectively."

[ Selena Ravenholm | Black Opal Facility | Command Center ]

Selena was already busy trying to counter the malicious programming that Kaye had so easily slipped right under her nose.  "Damn she said quietly trying to counter the viral attack that seemed to pass from one system to another.  Then she heard Thea through the fog of her work.

With no time to think about it she disconnected from the systems and did as asked.   Connecting the cable to Thea's core she closed her eyes and entered Thea's world for the second time.  This time on far more amicable footing but no calmer of a situation.  opening her eyes within the world of Thea's mind she saw what could only be described as like a galaxy suspended in a void, numerous points of light like stars forming into a giant Theurgy shaped galaxy each point of light a different system that was located on her body. 

Selena focused as she seemed to be able to sense where the corruption was at and where it was spreading through her body.  It was like watching a venom spreading through a person's bloodstream and Selena was now an anti venom primed to target and destroy this sickness spreading through Thea crippling her transporters.  Selena focused on Thea's memory Thea's picture of what the code was supposed to be hardwired to say and began to overwrite the corrupted code with a skin graft like patch of fresh correct code causing the different compromised systems to come to life one at a time in a cascade of systems sweeping over the ship.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #58
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley|wolf 05| Black Opal Facility | Engineering ] Attn: Security Team Charlie Wolvs, Lucan, Wolves, and especially Nolan & Ironfox.

The old saying was true, there is no such thing in life as a milk run. Hearing the word come down the pipeline Nathan was stunned for a moment why were the Romulans here! Just as they were finally in the midst of peaceful dealings, and had secured engineering he had to abandon his post. Handing the mistress at arms over too the medical crew he gave a small sigh of satisfaction as he knew she was safe. "Thanks take care of her, I have a bird to fight.. apparently."

he made his way with wolf 06 to their landing zone."Loud and clear Wolf 01 will get back into space ASAP."

He was moving faster now, more stable, as he had caught his breath. The sudden appearance of a Romulan Mogai helped give him some focus. As he got to the landing bay though he paused for a moment as 06 ran to his ship Maverick paused to regard his bird, would it even help? His Valk had been the instrument of one of their own's death, he wasn't sure what had broken down on the ship but he knew he hadn't heard any warning signs when he had fired on Skye. Was it a good idea to help now? what if he shot another wolf!

Maverick placed a hand on his valkiry feeling afraid to fire it's weapons. He shook it off and got to his seat, and started running pre flight checks. Everything was coming back all green, but then it had when they had launched on the initial assault as well. "Iron-fox, I haven't had a chance to flush any bugs from my system yet please advise. Sensors are green, but I do not trust them."

"I can still run interference, but I do not trust my weapons." Even if he couldn't shoot without fear of hitting an ally, he could still run interfearance and take up another position for the Mogai to fire on. Anything to distract them from hitting Theaurgy after all.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #59
[ MCPO William Robert O'Connell | Transporter Room One | Deck 05 | USS Theurgy  ]  

"Dagnabit!" Billy Bob O'Connell muttered as the transporter console went dark.   "Thea!" he called.  "What's goin' on?"

[Lieutenant Lin disabled the transporters, Master Chief. Not just my own, but the Black Opal facility's too,] the ship's computer's disembodied voice replied.

"The gorram away team's still down there!" O'Connell protested.  "An' I know that a red alert means that we got to vamoose!"

[I am working on activating both transporter systems, standby for reactivation.]

"O'Connell to bridge," he announced as activated the ship's intercommunications system.  "Those torpedoes are gonna have'ta wait."

[ Lt. jg. Tessa May Lance | Wolf-07 | Outer Space | | Outside the RNZ ] 

"Goldie, fall in line, damn you!  Resume patrol route unless otherwise ordered, got it?"

Wolf-09's voice startled Tessa, and she realized that by falling out of line, she risked letting the cloaked vessel know it had been spotted. 

"Er um, copy that Ghost," she stammered as she reactivated her Valkyrie's thrusters.

"Patrol party for mission ops, sending you the exact location of the Romulan Warbird." Cameron Henshaw 's voice ordered over the communications system.  "Be advised, you are not to engage the target at this time. Carry on with your patrol duties until further notice. I repeat, continue your patrol. Ops out."

As she and the other two pilots signaled their acknowledgements, Tessa glanced at the readout for the cloaked vessel approaching them.  Mogai class. Warbird.  As if a D'deridex class wasn't deadly enough.  Only the latest, greatest, most up to date battleship the Romulans could throw at them.  It was official.  God hated the Theurgy and everyone on it.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #60
[ Commander Trent | Black Opal Command Deck and CO's Ready Room ]

A humourless smile graced Trent's lips when Dewitt asked if she really had a choice.  Truth be told, she really did despite all appearances to the contrary.  Theurgy needed allies, or at least Starfleet personnel who'd doubt the official narrative they were being fed from higher up.  And if they were simply to force the actual truth down others' throats, Ives and her officers would only hurt their own cause.  Once she sat down, only then did the Executive Officer take a seat across from her, and he nodded at her question.  "More or less.  A lot of what you have heard has been coloured with some pretty interesting interpretations all right, with some uninformed conjectures and a good deal of outright lies.  As for the men and women of Task Force Archeron, I did not kill them outright because the last thing I wanted was their blood on my hands, not when the vast majority of them did absolutely nothing wrong and just followed their orders.  Orders from a hierarchy that has been compromised, mind you, but they were completely ignorant of that."

He knew those words would raise some questions, so he chose to preempt them.  "Sankolov, though I should say whatever it is that passes for him, wanted me to develop a soft-kill weapon against the Theurgy, a way to kill everyone on board outright, without warning or even a way to defend themselves.  I came up with a way to do it, by sending orders directly to various systems' firmware via a commlink or even by faking an active sensor return echo.  Instead, I deployed that weapon against the task force through a telemetry and information sharing link between all vessels.  But unlike what he wanted the cyber-attack I was working on to be against Theurgy, I made sure it would be... less lethal when I used it on him.  Still, more people than I would have liked died when I made sure they couldn't have access to shuttlecraft, fighters or runabouts, but thousands are still alive because of that restraint.  And even after I made my way over, which Captain Ives never expected, Sankolov was completely helpless and the Captain could have rid herself of that threat quickly enough, but she's not a monster nor a murderer.  Now, Captain Vasser of the Harbinger is another story altogether but that's another story."

"The only kernel of truth to what you've heard is that Theurgy and her crew did defect, and that we were joined by Vasser and his own ship.  But the difference between he and Ives is that Captain Ives always tried to avoid engaging Starfleet assets.  Vasser, from what logs of his I managed to see, didn't shy away from that.  And unlike Ives, he wasn't one to be content rendering his Starfleet opposition simply combat-ineffective, as I did with Sankolov and we did with your command.  He was a monster and trust me, the universe is a much better place now that he's no longer in it." 

"The truth is, Commander that..."  And then he was interrupted as the Captain's voice came across on his combadge, advising of a spaceborne threat and hearing, as the XO, what was said to others.  Slapping it in response, he called back.  "Aye Captain.  Please beam Commander Dewitt alongside me." 

But the familiar effect of the transporter did not come, and Trent rose from his seat.  "Commander Dewitt, with me if you please," he called out.  Perhaps his voice was quiet, but the hard edge of command, the voice of a man who was well-experienced in combat, was unmistakable as he strode back into the command center.  But he did not call for a report.  Instead, he simply listened.  Transporters were down, so a solution was needed, and fast.

Again, he activated his own combadge again.  "Mister Covington, Mister O'Connell" he started, "be prepared to send ship-launched torpedoes directly into the SOM magazines.  But don't bother beaming pods over.  Covington, use whatever worker-bees and mules you can get your hands on and get them out to Theurgy the old-fashioned way."  Then, a dangerous light flickered into the tactical-trained Commander's eyes.  "But make sure you de-couple some pods from their rafts, and from the mules, as you go but still deliver one raft per mule at a time to the launchers.  But no matter what, keep laying pods in case we need more than one salvo." 

Trent had been briefed, what seemed a lifetime ago, about torpedo pods and their capabilities.  For storage and rearming purposes they were coupled into rafts of twenty-four and the dedicated ammunition mules, really a cross between a stripped-down shuttlepod and an overpowered conventional worker bee, could tow two such rafts... and he doubted the Romulans knew that...  And now, he would skip the middleman in deploying those weapons.  If they did need that kind of salvo weight, it wouldn't be too soon to prepare them.

"Bridge," he continued, "Let's skip the middleman with the pods.  I have Covington laying pods for you, and you'll have ordnance for the main tubes as soon as we get any transporters back online.  But in the meantime, I recommend you start flushing the spend pods from the launchers, make room for the loaded ones that are on the way."

And then, he turned to Ravenholm and Thea as main lighting went offline and emergency lights flickered on.  "Ladies, time is of the essence.  Prioritize transporter functions for both Theurgy and the station.  Next priority is to get some fire control online.  I don't know what we're looking at out there, but if we can use Black Opal to direct some pods it could make a world of difference out there."

[ CWO1 Covington | Black Opal ordnance bays ]

Sten might not be the Tactical Chief but he was one of the few who was as proficient with ordnance handling as his counterpart in the Tac department, and while he was the overall head of the resupply operations, his own specific tasks would have to do with the rather sensitive process of rearming Theurgy.  And as such, he was already in that kind of position when the call from the Captain came to speed up the process.  "On it, Captain," he curtly replied.  However, the call that followed was one that he did not judge to nullify Ives' orders, but instead made them more efficient.  After all, it was an XO's job, regardless of how new he was on the job, to make things run smoothly from the officers' perspective. 

But then again, he had a healthy dose of respect for that gaunt amputee of a new XO they had.  The man was smart, hard-working and knew his way about fighting a starship if the Chief of the Deck was any judge.  And that soft-spoken, newly-promoted Commander was the acting CTO as well, and if he wanted the hard to detect pods out into space faster, such Papa Bear could accommodate.  "Aye Sir," he simply replied.

One thing that could be said, Covington was not especially long-winded when it came time to getting things done.

Tapping his own combadge, he started issuing directions and before long outer doors were manually overridden and atmospheric forcefields were put into place, and four mules, each bearing two rafts of twenty-four pods, started their run, a pair headed towards each of Theurgy's pod-launching arrays, and each mule seeding half its payload along the way just as they'd been directed.  Ninety-six pods would be dropped over the course of their first trip, nearly fifteen hundred Mark XXVII torpedoes hanging out in the black within their pods, just awaiting a target and the launch command, hanging out in space, ready to ruin the day of whoever crashed their party...

However, he did also call O'Connell.  "Billy, I've got my lads tagging whole skids of quantum torpedoes for you, whenever you're ready."

And then, the station went dark and a vicious string of curses came out from the older man, and he hit his combadge once more.  "Bridge, this is Covington.  We're in the dark here so I hope you're not in too much of a hurry to get warheads in your main tubes, but by now you should have a nice bunch of pods out into space and some getting fed into your launchers as we speak."

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #61
[ Lt. Cmdr Natalie Stark | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge | Deck 01]

Natalie swallowed hard trying to process it all. Skye Carver was dead ... she didn't really know the Lone Wolf, but she felt the blow all the same. Any death was felt, of course, but some were felt more than others, and the loss of yet another wolf. It was any wonder the wolves weren't cracking up into a pack of loons. Even the surrender of the Black Opal base wasn't enough to help off set the loss of Skye - certainly not for Lin Kae.

The Chief of Operations had been monitoring the flow of goods transported over to the Theurgy when she heard the holographic specialist speak up from the back of the bridge. As Captain Ives tried to pry an answer out of Kae, Natalie tried to pry an answer out of the ships computer banks. But she couldn't get very far along before things got so, so much worse.

[Tactical Alert. Vessel approaching, bearing one-eight-four mark seven.]

A Romulan Warbird?? What the Fuck? A few weeks ago, she would have lacked the discipline to keep that little gem in her head. As was, she almost blurted it out anyway. She pulled up any and all readings she could on the ship, surprised - though only monetarily - that they were able to plot its course, even though it was cloaked. How to take advantage of this, she thought, without tipping them off.[/i]

Covington and O'Connell, I need those torpedoes now, and I need them transported directly into the starboard pod launcher platforms. I cannot stress the urgency in this enough. Stark, help them in any way you can."

"Aye aye Captain," she called out to him, turning her eyes from the scene unfolding behind her to the controls before her. "Billy-Bob," she addressed the Chief on less than professional terms, but felt that was needed now,keeping her vioce low so as not to disturb the other officers snapping to their duties. On her console there was a display of power output across the starship. Now was time to put it to use.

"I'm routing a little extra power to the cargo transporters - it should allow us a bit more leeway with the anular confimement beam," the torpedoes would be stored in weapons racks which, under normal circumstances would be fine - they'd just tag a rack and beam it to storage. Since they had to beam and load on the go, Natalie - as well as Sten and Billy-Bob - would have to be creative.

"Start an auto-sequence, Chief, and keep a sharp eye on the target destination. Its going to be tricky to beam directly to the launcher, but we can do this."

She routed her next call to the ordnance officer, keeping CPO O'Connell on the line with her "Torpedo room. I need a signal booster installed by the starboard pod launcher asap." She looked at another readout, scrolling across the left side of her console, "Should be one on hand in the storage locker on the starboard wall. Get it up and running, now." That would allow the transporters to better lock in on their target destination inside the ship, without having to rely on the internal sensors, which were still damaged.

"Sten," she said next, trusting in Thea to route her calls accordingly, killing the line to the transporter and torpedo bay and opening one of the station instead. "Get your folks to tag those torpedoes individually. We can't do a bulk transport if they have to be locked and loaded as we beam them on board." The original plan was out the window and it was time to see what they could do on the fly.

Natalie was so wrapped up in issuing orders and doing what she could to smooth out what was to come that she almost missed Lt. Lin loosing his shit in the aft of the bridge. Almost being the key word.

[Lieutenant Lin disabled the transporters, Captain. Not just my own, but the Black Opal facility's too. We have no way to restock on torpedoes, and Commander Trent is still down there, along with everyone that we managed to beam over. I am working on activating both transporter systems, standby for reactivation.]

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Natalie groaned out under her breath. All their prep-work just now, was for naught. "Shit," she swore, only belatedly realizing that her comm line down to Sten was wide open. "Chief, keep tagging away," she said, "Transporters are down, but the second we get them up -" if we get them up, if we aren't blown away she silently added - "We're gonna need them ready to go."

She felt, more than heard the presence turn towards her, and she tensed. "Operations," Ives said next, not letting the situation get to her - or at lest not letting it show - and she looked towards Natalie Stark, "restrict yourself to passive scans of the warbird. Otherwise, she will know that we have seen her

"Aye ma'am," she acknowledged, pushing the worry of the transporters aside - Thea would fix what she could as fast as she could and at this point, there was nothing else Natalie could do. So she bit down on her lip for a moment and took a slow, steady breath. She reconfigured her console, bringing up the passive scanners. She tweaked the output - stealing a tiny amount of power from other systems to boost the signal gain, and began to route the display to the main screen - a small readout appearing next to the hazy image of the mogi-class vessel.

"O'Connell to bridge," he announced as activated the ship's intercommunication system.  "Those torpedoes are gonna have'ta wait."

"Roger that Chief," Natalie responded first, hearing the man call up from the transporter room. She hadn't had a chance to bring him back into the loop. "Thea's working on it. For now, get ready to start as soon as the transporters are up and running again. They signal boosters down in the Torpedo room should be up and running by now."

A new voice called out over the  comm system.

" "Bridge, this is Covington.  We're in the dark here so I hope you're not in too much of a hurry to get warheads in your main tubes, but by now you should have a nice bunch of pods out into space and some getting fed into your launchers as we speak."

Natalie sat back and blinked in surprise. It wouldn't be as efficient as the tag and beam system, but as far as back up options went, well Sten had gone and outdone himself.,

OOC: Had an idea about how Natalie would help with the transporters, started writing it, and then saw oops, transporters are down. Hope my handling of that flows easily and makes sense. Tried to go back and make edits accordingly, based on posts that cropped up after I started. And there were a lot. Let me know if i need to scrap this whole post and start over or not...

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #62
[ Fasha "Morrigan" | Wolf-03 | Outer Space ]

Fasha frowned as her display began to flash red her eyes immediately strayed down to view the red alert that was being relayed to their fighters. Now she saw what was causing Goldie to lose her cool her grip on the stick of her fighter tightened. A Romulan warbird was nothing  to shake a stick at she'd ran through countless simulators in the past and she'd had her share of failures during those simulations. She heard Ghost snap at Goldie telling their fellow wolf to get back in line before issuing orders to her as well. Fasha nodded "Acknowledged Ghost I'm with you." Fasha stated as she followed behind Ghost as she adjusted their patrol course. Fasha wasn't sure how she felt as she listened to Ghost issue the order to launch Gun-Shy into the fray. She didn't entirely know the new girl so well only that she'd done well in simulators. Simulations were different there wasn't any danger no real risk. It was when you finally sat behind the controls and felt the risk that you found out if you were cut out for the real thing.

[Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ]

Eun Sae watched solemnly along with the rest of the hangar as Skye's fighter was recovered by one of the recovery shuttles. Her hands rested on the top of one of the mobile workstations moved about the hangar. "Confirmed retrieval of Ensign Skye Carver..." Eun Sae said delivering the short report back to mission operations. Eun Sae took a breath through her mouth and exhaled through her nose as she moved out onto the floor. "Get her out and get her fighter into one of the stalls..." Eun Sae said trying to put on a strong face for those around her. For a moment everyone seemed to ignore her simply staring at the fighter. Eun Sae could partly understand death was never something you should grow numb to. But right now wasn't the time for grief not when the mission wasn't over when there were others still out there that were still drawing breath. "Now..." Eun Sae said her voice low at first. "Didn't you hear me? Move!!" Eun Sae called. Immediately snapping most of the deck crew out of their daze. "Our job isn't finished yet get moving!" Eun Sae called out.

Spurred by her words the deck crew immediately went about clearing space for the soon to be empty Valkyrie. Eun Sae moved toward the Valkyrie itself hoisting herself up onto the wing as crew from medical began to set up a stretcher and a body bag already marked with the name of the deceased. Eun Sae bit her lip as she opened the cockpit. She closed her eyes gripping the edge of the cockpit tightly steeling herself before finally reaching out to undo the restraints holding Skye upright. She quickly maneuvered Skye out of the cockpit letting the woman rest on her shoulder as she pulled her out. Members of the medical team were quick to assist her taking Skye from her and quickly rushing her out no doubt to stop her presence from damaging morale more than it already had.

Suddenly Ghost's voice sounded throughout the hangar jolting her out of her stupor she blinked as Ghost's voice belted out orders to launch another pilot. Her mind went down the list of pilots until she finally realized who she was talking about. She turned and whistled sharply drawing the attention of a few members of the deck that were more accustomed to working with her. "Get 08 ready suit Valkyrie everything!" Eun Sae called out.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #63
[ Captain Ives | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All

Standing in front of the viewscreen, Jien heard Cameron's quick words on the matter of Skye Carver's death, and Jien could fathom that Cam wanted to say those words for many reasons, but she did not have the time to acknowledge her more than with a brief nod. Jien could deal with all that later, when there was not a Romulan warbird staring at them down its sights. Lieutenant S'Iti had got them in position, and even thought to expand the shield envelope to key areas of the base, which Jien nodded towards Arisaka to do if he could. If - or when - the warbird opened fire.

Several people were heard over the intercom, where Trent, Covington and O'Connell were doing everything they could to arm Thea before any kind of engagement began. "Ready the broadside pod launcher array, but not in a hurry. We need to appear like we are in no rush to get the pods in place," said Jien quietly, watching on the viewscreen how the four workbees were hauling fully stocked pods across the short distance between the Black Opal and the Theurgy, and given the darkness of space, it was nigh impossible to make out the fact that pods were being dropped from the rafts along the way. "Thea, help Tactical to sync with the pods already out there, but do not arm them until I give the word."

It was not enough, but it was a start. Jien would be far more confident about the situation if Thea's eight forward launchers were stocked, because the reloading time of the pods were not in their favour if they ran out of them. They had pulse phaser emitters too, of course, but against a Mogai-class warbird, that would only get them so far before they'd suffer damage from enemy fire... and that was damage that they could not afford if they were to survive at Starbase 84. And as Jien stood there, staring at the bearing of the cloaked warbird, she could not help thinking that the battle was inevitable.

The Romulans would know about the Theurgy and its alleged defection to their side. It was all over the FNN, and any civilian knew about Jien and her crew. By some means, likely from the true enemy, the Romulans had learned about the Black Opal. If the Theurgy was present, then they would have the perfect scapegoat for raiding the base and tipping the scales in the Romulan Civil War. In fact, by destroying the Theurgy, it would contain the political fall-out of Romulus or the Resistance being accused for conspiring with Ives to get their hands on Thea. If the Theurgy was destroyed, that problem would go away, and they could simply deny ever having been at the Opal.

Knowing that... Jien wondered if she shouldn't strike first? Did she not owe it to her crew to give them a better chance for survival? Wasn't the message from Starbase 84 at stake here too? Captain Vasser would have used the element of surprise and opened fire already if he could. He would not have bothered to wait. Staring at the bearing towards the warbird, Jien debated going against protocols of engagement simply to gain the leverage they needed. The Romulans had little choice, and less reason to wait than her, since each second meant that the Theurgy could arm itself more, and the prize of the Black Opal would be lost.

So Jien raised one hand where she stood. "On my word... fire the broadside directly from the hull... followed by the deployed pods. Send in the Lone Wolves... and raise our shields..." she said quietly - eyes unblinking - hand still raised. Time seemed to stand still whilst she looked at the cloaked warbird, and there was not a sound on the bridge while they waited for the first move from the Romulans. A move Jien wanted to make in their stead... but she forbid herself to do - not about to initiate the engagement since they might not have to. Please, don't test me. Hail us, or retreat back whence you came... We don't need this. Not now. Not now...

"The warbird is decloaking," said Petty Officer Arisaka, "I am reading weapon signatures. They are opening fir-"

"Now!" called Jien, dropping her hand, and as she did, the Theurgy launched the first barrage - the entire broadside launcher array discharging its collective payload against the warbird just as it became visible. "Have at it!"

[ Thea - Mobile Emitter Projection | The Black Opal | Command Centre ] Attn: All

When Carrigan Trent spoke, Thea turned her head to look at him and Jennifer Dewitt while she stood there in front of Selena Ravenholm - her emitter exposed and plugged into. The red-haired woman was frowning at the sight, even as she seemed agitated by the implication that Romulans had arrived.

"Aye, Commander," said Thea, millions of tasks running in the back of her digital mind. One of them was to monitor Ravenholm's progress, seeing her patching up the code that Kae had locked, and steadily, system access was being restored to her, granting more access by the second. It was akin to having one's limbs reanimated - functionality returning after atrophy.

The development on the bridge would come to merit a report to the First Officer, so Thea's attention returned to the physical presence around her emitter instead of what was happening inside her systems. "Be advised, the Romulan warbird was about to open fire, but Jien Ives gave the order first. The battle has begun. The Romulan vessel is on the defensive, taking damage." Thea watched it happening with her sensors, and she relayed what she saw with her inner eye. "Deployed pods between the Black Opal and me has been synced to my targeting systems. Petty Officer Arisaka is taking aim now, about to fire off the pods."

There were sounds from outside the corridor, and ThanIda zh'Wann readied herself where she crouched by the door. "We've got company! Engaging hostiles!" Then she leaned out into the corridor and shot the first volley, soon followed by the rest of Beta Squad - shooting from their individual covers outside the Command Centre.

Thea could have confirmed that the Romulans were beaming down ground forces to the base, but she made another priority. Ravenholm had been successful. "My transporters are back online. Energising torpedo transports as according to O'Connell's coordinates. Forward launchers are being restocked."

[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Wolf-09 ] Attn: All

There was no sound in space, yet the conflagration along the Theurgy's starboard launcher array was nigh blinding to Rawley as she set a new course towards the decloaking Romulan warbird. They had their orders. "This is Wolf-Leader, target acquired! Bearing Ten-Five-Two Mark Five! Engaging enemy! Fox, we really fucking need you guys up here, now!"

No more had she addressed the wolves down on the Black Opal and set a new course than she saw Gun-Shy's signature on her sensors. It seemed Ji had been quick about mounting hard-points on the Valkyrie - giving the new pup some sharp teeth. With three Valkyries under her command, and with the Romulan warbird making sluggish defensive manoeuvres to little avail, Rawley gave her orders.

"Diamond formation, girls! I take point! Gun-Shy! You take up the rear! Follow our lead, unload whatever you have time for, and then regroup behind Thea for a second run! Power to forward shields, then the aft ones as you retreat! We are going in! I repeat, we are going in!"

No more had Ghost given Gun-Shy enough time to enter formation than she was off - going in at three quarters impulse and hoping she had her three sisters with her. ETA was just a scarce few seconds. Ahead of them, the trail of deployed pods between the Black Opal and the Theurgy discharged their payload - photon torpedoes shooting off towards the warbird just ahead of their approach. Timed right, their approach would be shrouded by the detonations against the enemy's shields and hull.

Fortune favoured the bold, so Rawley bared her teeth in denial of the crippling fear she felt. Her thoughts went to her dead brother, hoping he could see her from beyond the veil. Courage is fear when it had said its prayers.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #64
[ Dyan Cardamone | Black Opal Facility | Security Squad Beta]

Dyan's first order of priority was to take cover behind something and clutch her weapon close to her. The brief sense of relief that came from their takeover of the facility was already gone, replaced by tension. The Romulans were coming, and from what she understood of the situation, they didn't come to crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate.

The darkness around her felt freeing, rather than stifling. She had better cover. Should a raiding party beam down, they'd never see her coming. She was strong, in control. In this current moment, the present was all that mattered.

That's why she kept her distance from Zaraq. It was much easier to stay in the moment, focused and alert if she imagined that, somewhere along the way, he stopped existing. That whole period of time after her betrayal-- plucked out of the universe's timeline by way of magic, maybe, or an unhealthy dose of willful ignorance and denial. What happened then doesn't matter now. All that matters is giving the Romulans what for. She gritted and bared her teeth, she felt her tail quiver between her legs.

Let them come,
she thought, I'll show them what I'm made of.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #65
[ MCPO William Robert O'Connell | Transporter Room One | Deck 05 | USS Theurgy  ]  

"All right people!" Master Chief William O'Connell barked as his large hands danced over the transporter console.  "Transporters are reengaged!  Beam up the swag as quick as yuh can jest like we practiced cause we might lose our lock any second now!"  When the deflector shields went up, using the transporters would be impossible unless someone on the bridge left a 'hole' in the shields for the transporters to use.  That was risky business.

On the transporter pads in front of Billy Bob, the glowing silhouettes of loaded torpedo racks appeared and disappeared as they were routed to the torpedo magazine bay on deck eleven.

[ Lt. jg. Tessa May Lance | Wolf-07 | Outer Space | | Outside the RNZ ] 

"Diamond formation, girls! I take point! Gun-Shy! You take up the rear! Follow our lead, unload whatever you have time for, and then regroup behind Thea for a second run! Power to forward shields, then the aft ones as you retreat! We are going in! I repeat, we are going in!"

Wolf-07 fell in behind Ghost's Valkyrie at three quarter impulse, forward shields at maximum.  The time for insecurity vanished as the training took over and she copied Rawley's every action.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #66
[ Ryuan Sel | Sickbay

With her vitals were failing to stabilize and in fact dropping a number of scans quickly reveled the reason. The phaser blast that had struck her, had done so between her shoulders and fractured her 5th thoracic vertebrae. Her body had reacted by going limp to keep from getting any more damage. She was going to need surgery to get the bone fragments out of her spinal column and prevent any more damage.

OOC: Sorry this is so short. She's pretty much down for the count for now.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #67
[Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton | Valkyrie WOLF-04| Space near the Warbird]

As Husker flew his fighter, something nagged him in the back of his head as he started to switch his tactical systems to different settings as it was one thing to pick a fight with a stationary target like Opal but against something that was capable of a random assault situation like a Romulan warbird..that required a slightly deviated recharge settings for his tactical systems.

But as he prepped his phaser array recharge settings, the thing that had been nagging at him finally managed to crawl forward enough into the front of his brain that made him blink just a little bit as he selected his communication system instead. "This is Wolf Zero Four to Theurgy Actual, requesting to ask Thea a question."

Husker then moved into position behind and to the upper right of Morrigan's wing and he made damn sure that he had a clear firing line at the new hostile.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #68
[ Kanti MacTavish | Wolf-08 | Space ]

The engineers on the flight deck had done a remarkable job of slapping extra weaponry onto the frame of Kanti's fighter in a very short span of time. One ECM pod to help provide an extra defensive boost, plus three extra torpedo launchers bolted hastily onto the Valkyrie's hardpoints, two of them slotted with Mk. XXVII's while one was loaded with an EMP torpedo. The imbalanced load was forcing Kanti to keep her forward thrust ever so slightly out of balance just to fly in a straight line; a delicate maneuver that she wasn't too familiar with even in calm, simulated conditions.

Her grip around the stick was about the only thing tighter than her own sphincter as Rawley ordered the Valkyries currently in the air into diamond formation as prep for their incoming opponent. At the very least, she was able to take up the rear, where the occasional correction she had to make, jolting the fighter back into a straight line as it tried to veer off course, wouldn't be plainly visible to everyone else in the squad. Just figured, didn't it? First time flying into combat, and she quite literally couldn't keep her craft straight.

Before it could descend into a pity party inside the cockpit, she pulled her helmeted head forward then brought it back to smack against the seat. C'mon, MacTavish, keep this shite together. In about thirty seconds they were going to be in the thick of it - there were plenty of instances where the ensign had fed herself the now-is-not-the-time cliche, but it was more true than ever at this moment. The impact didn't even remotely damage her helmet, but it forced the trill to focus on her job, at least for the moment. Just needed to keep her attention on staying in formation, keeping ready to fire, and hoping that the constant veering would make it too difficult for the Romulans to get a weapons lock on her fighter.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #69
[ Aisha S'Iti | USS Theurgy | Deck 01 | Main Bridge]
Hearing the captain's command the Cardassian helmswoman glared a the display and engaged in a sequence of close to base maneuvers making sure not to leave the base vulnerable knowing that the bases only real chance was to have the Theurgy there as a shield until its shields were back up  knowing the Theurgy could become equally vulnerable if they remained too stationary she plotted in a sequence that would keep them close to the base that would allow tactical to keep the shields rotated for the base while also allowing the Theurgy to continue with an effective rate of fire with what they had been reequipped with.

[ Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard |Black Opal Facility| Loading Docks | Valkyrie Mark III Fighter: Wolf 01]  **Edited to add in a response to mav**
Listening to the com channel and watching the space outside Miles waited for the time to act.  "Roger that Mav, last thing we need is more blue on blue.    Just aggitate the hell out of that bird but don't do anything too reckless."  His hands were primed on the controls watching waiting and then the time came.  Sensors came alive with the telltale readings of a decloaking vessel but were soon overwhelmed with shrill alarms indicating the vessel was charging weapons.

Flipping two switches up his craft's repulsors kicked on lifting his craft off of the ground as  his thump toggled another switch down causing the landing legs to immediately recede back into the fighter's hull.  Within less than a half a second he had pushed forward the throttle on his fighter  causing the engines to flare to life propelling the ship out of the landing area and back into space before he pushed the throttle to full impulse angling his ship into a pass that would give him a line of clear fire and allow him to rejoin with the rest of the squad on the second pass.  Until then though Ghost had to hold down the squad.  Until he was able to actually rejoin the attack formation it was for the better that Ghost kept the reigns.

[ Selena Ravenholm | Black Opal Facility | Command Center ]
Ravenholm looked around for a moment trying to think up a plan of action.  quickly she began to bring up one major system after another rerouting power and coordinating the commands through her own altered neural pathways.  Feeling the sensation of knowing where the ship was when it decloaked she came to a realization. in this state she could essentially sense what the station saw  knowing this it was only a question of bring back up the necessary systems and the station could begin a defense of its own.  The Theurgy just had to buy her some time and she would have the stations shields and weapons systems active again

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #70
[ Captain Ives | USS Theurgy | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All

First, the broadside of 270 Mk XXVII photon torpedoes had been launched - the pods discharged directly from the hull - and while the torpedoes did not have the same yield as the photon torpedoes in the forward launchers, the massive barrage was certainly not something the Romulans were expecting. Jien saw that the pre-emptive broadside had forced them to abandon their fire protocol and resort to immediate evasive manoeuvres, and their disruptor banks opened fire to try and decimate the ordinance heading towards them, but the cannonade of torpedoes was already inbound... and they were too late. The majority of Thea's smaller photon torpedoes came to smite the warbird's shields. Jien did not need Arisaka's report to see that they had done more damage than the shields could compensate for - multiple hull breeches showing across the starboard wing.

"Launching deployed torpedo pods now, Captain!" said the Asian man at Tactical, and Jien neither answered nor looked away as he acted on the orders she had given him before. Between the Black Opal and the Theurgy, the breadcrumbs of drifting pods turned towards their common target and launched the second salvo against the Mogai-class ship. The Romulans likely had not encountered a pod-laying Federation starship before, their sensors unable to recognise the small launchers for what they were.

So the trail of breadcrumbs launched a wedge of torpedoes against the warbird before it could realign itself for a counter-strike against the Theurgy. The salvo was not as massive as the one Thea had launched first, but it was considerate enough, and the warbird only had time to fire its disruptors for a couple of seconds before it hit. Jien felt the reverberations through Thea as her shields absorbed the blows from the disruptors, but the thrumming noise ended when the warbird was hit. Jien did not look away from the adversary, suspecting that their shields still held, and gave further orders with her hands white-knuckled fists at her sides.

"The Lone Wolves are making their first strike," she announced, seeing the tactical information on the edge of the viewscreen and the Valkyries approaching the warbird. "Pulse phasers, maximum yield! Turn the ship and engage the target. Arm forward launchers, quantum torpedoes, full spread! Ready to fire so that we can cover their retreat!"

With eight forward torpedo launchers to be primed on the warbird, Jien would do what she could to make sure no more Lone Wolves had to die that day. When Thea's pulse phaser emitters opened fire, her chiselled features were lit in glaring light - eyes primed on the development.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley | Wolf-09 ] Attn: All

At the point of their assault, Rawley bared her teeth as she maintained course towards the Romulan warbird. She saw that a few more wolves besides Gun-Shy fell in behind her after launching from the Black Opal, but she did not have time to read the signatures and determine who they were. As long as none of them broke away, she stayed true to the intended assault.

"This is Wolf-Leader, deploying tetryon pulse cannon!" she called over the squadron channel, meaning to bite a chunk out of the prey's shields so that the rest of the squadron could sink their teeth further into its flesh. At her current speed, she had to maintain an iron grip on her stick so that she wouldn't deviate from her course when the massive weapon folded itself out underneath her Valkyrie. Luckily, they were flying in a straight line at break-neck speed, so her manoeuvring was not so much complicated as it was daring. A couple of disruptor beams hit her shields, making her bird shake and glare warnings, but she was almost there. She was past the point of no return. "Charging beam! Firing in five, four, three, two, one! Now, bloody now!"

With a mere kilometer left to the warbird, she discharged her tetryon cannon straight into its shields, and as soon as she did, she broke off - rolling backwards with her Valkyrie and letting her brothers and sisters unload their hard-points into the enemy's briefly exposed hull.

[ ThanIda zh'Wann | The Black Opal | Command Centre ] Attn: All

The first ground forces had beamed down the moment the warbird decloaked, and they were heading straight for the command centre. It was uncanny how they knew exactly where to go, since Ida had expected them to try search for the access ways to the heart of the base. No, the Romulans troops knew immediately that their corridor was the one to pick, and Beta Squad were outnumbered from the beginning of the engagement.

The Romulans, however, might not have expected them to be ready, since they had trusted their cloak to give them the element of surprise. Therefore, the first half minute of the engagement were in Ida and her squad's favour, since they could stun numerous Romulans before they fell back to regroup beyond the turn of the corridor. When the second wave came, things were not as easy, and Ida found herself forced to hide behind her doorpost more than taking down hostiles. She could see Zaraq do the same, his shaved head catching the emergency lights of the corridor. Petty Officer Cardamone - or Sar'unga - was further down the corridor, perhaps able to engage the enemy directly if they did not see her before they reach her hiding-place.

In the command centre, Ida could hear Thea speak up after a voice was heard on the intercom - the voice of one of the Lone Wolves heard in the command centre over the noise of the engagement between the wolves and the warbird above the Black Opal.

"This is Thea, come in, Ensign Slayton," said the hologram of the ship's A.I. where she remained by the main console next to Selena Ravenholm. She had moved aside, however, to let Commander Trent have access to the console, and Dewitt looked like she wished to assist, but she was unsure about her own standing among the Theurgy's present personnel. It was her base, but it was not technically hers anymore...

[ Meanwhile on the Black Opal | Morwen Angharad's Office ] Attn: Nolan

Sub-Lieutenant Lai Radaik led his squad down the corridor to the designated area - four men following his lead as he walked with his rifle raised. His eyes were along the sights of his weapon, and he breathed through his nostrils - sharp eyes darting between the shadows of the dark area. The designated area seemed deserted at first, until they reached the office. There, he saw a shadow moving, and Lai gestured for his men to halt before they were seen in he doorway.

Was there any point in calling for a surrender? Lai did not think so. He gave it a couple of seconds to let his men ready themselves, then they burst into the spacious office with all its science aparatus. Lai opened fire first, shooting where the source of that shadow had been before. His men followed suit, all four of them opening fire towards the same area, despite how Lai might have preferred if they held back and searched the rest of the area before following his example.

As it were, it might have been a worse mistake than he first thought.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #71
[ Dyan Cardamone | Black Opal Facility | Security Squad Beta]

Outnumbered doesn't mean overpowered. Dyan gave the first wave hell, remaining hidden and shooting the second she saw a Romulan backside, and not a moment sooner. This knight in shining scales had a plan, and that plan involved eliminating all Romulans.

She remained hidden behind her bulkhead for the second wave. By the time the second wave got there, there was a pile of unconscious Romulan bodies all down the hall. If it doesn't deter the new Romulans, then at least it serves as a reminder of what will happen if they don't give up soon.

As soon as she heard the second wave approach, as soon as they came close, she leaned over and fired as fast and as heavy as her weapon would allow. Her war cry sounded more like a shriek, it bounced off the walls. All her pent up rage came out in one cathartic explosion.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #72
[ Fasha "Morrigan" | Wolf-03 ] Attn: All

Fasha kept a tight grip on the stick of her fighter as stray beams of disruptor fire struck her shield causing the bright blue barrier standing between her and death to flare brightly her helmet's visor immediately darkening to prevent the flare from blinding her. As Ghost relayed over the squadron channel the deployment of her tetryon cannon Fasha immediately armed two of her hard-points. The two in question being two Mk-1 Hellborne Torpedoes entering a target on her fighter's targeting computers for it to feed to the torpedoes on-board guidance package.

It wasn't long before the sound of Ghost counting down filled the squadron channel. Fasha could feel her blood pumping faster through her veins her grip on the stick tightened her finger poised over the trigger that would release two armor piercing nuclear based torpedoes straight into the looming Romulan warbird infront of them. As soon as the beam had fired overloading the warbird's shields Fasha wasted no time firing both payloads. Both Hellborne Torpedoes zooming ahead screaming toward the center mass of the enemy ship.

Fasha didn't wait to see the results as she quickly broke off following Rawley swiftly diverting power to her Aft shields to cover their retreat. "Two away no visual on effect." Fasha reported.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #73
[ Selena Ravenholm | Black Opal Facility | Command Center ]
Feeling the computer began to come alive to her mind she directed the energy to go to the Weapons and shields and opened her mind to the station seeing through its eyes in a way that she could only imagine would feel quite familiar to Thea if she were with her in this interface.  Selena's lips opened and her voice spoke through her mouth but also through the PA systems on the station and over the hailing frequencies to the Theurgy.  "Black Opal Station is online.  Red Alert, shields Powering up, and Phasers banks online, Firing on enemy vessel.  Selena hadn't broken into the AI of the station.  Selena had made herself the AI, and was now bringing the stations full potential to bear on the Romulan Warbird at her doorstep. 

[ Aisha S'Iti | USS Theurgy | Deck 01 | Main Bridge]
The Cardassian kept the ship's course of movement allowing the Theurgy to rotate about its axis. As the wolves ordinance closed in and the Station began to come to life as a shield began to form around its previously exposed areas and phaser arrays began to stream energy into the attacking Romulan vessel. In a matter of seconds, the forward launchers were aligned with the enemy, and tactical could discharge the quantum torpedoes in the forward launchers.

Soon, the ship would invert itself, and eventually, pods would be loaded onto the previously unarmed side.  The second broadside array would be aligned to the warbird, allowing for a follow up broadside on the warbird.

[ Miles "Iron-Fox" Renard | Wolf 01]
"Lead, this is, Fox;  thanks for making that hole I got something special just for them."  He said looking to his two remaining hardpoints on the weapons display.  Remembering he had armed himself with Dual EMP torps he smirked.  Targeting the Warbird he sent his payload in right behind the ordinance that had just been launched.  Evading long range disruptor fire miles kept a visual on the bird to report the impacts.  "I've got that visual 03! Confirmed torp hits on port wing!"  He said watching as his own EMP torps headed for the port side disruptor generators and the warbird's plasma torp launch controls for that side.  If he predicted the effects right, with its current damage half of the warbird's weapons would probably shut down as soon as they hit their mark.  That was if the bird didn't get her shields back up in time to stop them.

Re: DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

Reply #74
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley|wolf 05| Black Opal Facility | Engineering ] Attn: Lone Wolvs, Lucan,

Nathan listened to Miles as he commented that he was not to act out or do anything too dangerous. He bit his lip a little tightening his hand on the controls again. No weapons, he couldn't trust his sensors, and he was basically just providing a body for the enemy to shoot at. This was a time he really wished he could have some music pumped into his helmet as he flew. He would give anything for some blood pounding tunes as he flew right about now it would help ease his stomach.

As he turned the ship around and finished his check list he waited till Maverick's signal and on that mark he was out and back into space rejoining with the other wolves to draw fire from the enemy ship. He flew to cover the rest of the wolves ducking between shots and keeping himself as close to the Romulan ship as possible so that it would constantly register him as a threat.

His instincts had him checking over the sensors as he was flying, and as he did he noticed two things, one the controlls were now much more smooth then they had been otherwise, and he was also starting to notice that most of his readings were correct. Did he set a diagnostic before he parked his ship? an internal error that fixed when he had rebooted? something had been wrong with his ship right? If it wasn't than why had they lost one of the wolves?

He shook his head those were not the questions that he should be thinking of right now.

OOC: sorry for my delay i'm running some catch up now.

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