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Topic: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar (Read 2448 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 04 [1300 hrs.] A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar


STARDATE 57566.48
MARCH 14, 2381
1300 HRS.

[ Lt Carrigan Trent | The Victory Spot Bar | Klingon Block, Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] attn: @The Ostrich

It had a been a long time since a certain Carrigan Trent - or Hahne Kedar, purchasing agent for Kanala Exports if his current ID was to be believed - had done any kind of field work as an intelligence operative.  In fact, he had never done any as an active operator, only in training.  And after two days of running drills within the holodeck, he finally did head planetside for what would amount to a low-risk live-environment exercise.  Simply, it was simply to head down there, and be as unobtrusive as possible, to fade into the background of the bar and acquire minor tidbits of information without overstaying his welcome.  His communicator had been set to record whatever he would hear, and would serve as a 'marking guide' after he would transcribe what he had acquired, and would give him a idea of just how long ago the Basic Intelligence Officer Course had really been. 

He was dressed in the Aldean equivalent of a casual suit, the kind of clothing that would hardly look out of place on the back of a middle-class businessman, and he had selected  spot near the bar to enjoy a late lunch.  At least, the Victory Spot did not only cater to Klingons, so it did mean the slice of targ on his plate was cooked, and there were local vegetables alongside it, and the bloodwine selection meant he could find one that would not leave him feeling as though he'd just drunk alcoholic superheated plasma. 

And so there he sat, listening to his current mark, a Lurian who was going into great depths to explain the exact nature of his business, personal and familial connections to a certain Morn, who apparently was a fixture on Deep Space 9, a pillar of that community, a Lurian among Lurians, and apparently his fourth cousin three times removed, though apparently that may not be entirely accurate...

And just then, Carrigan Trent started to regret not having undertaken a holodeck exercise instead; transcribing this would be a pain...

Re: SD 57566.48: A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar

Reply #1
[ Ltjg Jhozahosh “Blizzard” sh’Avhennes | Alias: Priavao sh'Qynallahr | The Victory Spot Bar | Klingon Block, Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]


Jhozahosh sh’Avhennes didn’t look like her usual self. Gone was the crisp military uniform, replaced by vibrant orange robes and countless amulets, looped around her neck. Having wandered the Ibai Besi Promenade for a couple of hours, pretending to be a jewelry merchant, she decided that a drink and some food was in order. Spying a bar in the Klingon Block she grinned, that would be the place to go for a good drink and some rowdy company.

Stepping into the bar, her nose was immediately assaulted by the familiar smell of Klingons. She smirked, how long had it been since the Chol’Vok? She wasn’t sure, and it didn’t really matter. The good memories of hours wasted in her galley came racing back, her contingent of Imperial Guard Commandos and the Klingon Shocktroops had sung, brawled, and drunk themselves stupid after many a successful mission.

A smirk still on her face she came up to the bar, beside a Human and a Lurian. ”Barkeep! Iw HIq, 'ej ghoQ gagh ram! DaH!”* She fixed the Klingon behind the bar with a confident look. She knew what she wanted, and she was letting him know that if she got anything other then his very best, there would be violence. As the barkeeper moved away she turned to the Human and the Lurian. ”Fresh is best. A trader on Qo’noS told me that, and he wasn’t wrong.”

Her antennae twitched in amusement as she took a seat at their table. ”Priavao sh’Qynallahr, or Pria to my friends. Can I interest either of you in some handmade Andorian jewelry.” Her hands drifted to the numerous amulets hanging from her neck. She picked one out of the bunch and held it aloft. ”You won’t find one half as beautiful being mass produced.” She smiled, antennae observing the reactions of the Human and the Lurian.

There was something familiar about the human. Something she couldn’t quite place a finger on. ”You seem familiar my good Human, have I traded with you before?”

*Bloodwine, and fresh Gagh! Now!

Re: SD 57566.48: A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar

Reply #2
[ Lt Carrigan Trent | The Victory Spot Bar | Klingon Block, Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] attn: @The Ostrich

It was a good thing Trent was not trying to memorize everything that was being said word for word, for that Lurian was delivering a lot of information at an absurd rate. But his tale was meandering, making it ever harder to track down the key points the obscenely out of practice would-be spy tasked himself to pick up on.  Hell, given the way he was treated, he seemed to be a regular and would make  good mark for repeated exercises.  Which meant Trent would make a point to stay away from his personal life as much as possible, at least where it was not entangled with his business dealings, if only as a self-imposed respect for privacy concerns.

And just as he was getting some details clearing up in his mind and trying to actually look like he was enjoying his lunch and not be there specifically to eavesdrop on conversations; in fact, he was finding targ wasn't too different from wild boar, and actually wondered about a few recipes, when he was rudely interrupted by an Andorian plunking herself directly across from him, trying to sell him something.  "Not particularly interested, Miss sh'Qynallahr," replied Trent with his particular near-whisper before returning to his meal. 

But then, what she said stopped him, a bite halfway between his plate and his lips.  Human?  Seeming familiar?  Looking up, he considered her features and did not place them from anywhere in particular.  But according to the data he'd had access to, Andorians tended to be very thin on the ground on Aldea, and for one to call him 'human'?  Oh hell...

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken.  I've never met you before I am certainly not a human, miss." 

He needed to get rid of her, lest she blow his cover.  And as it stood, the mission was compromised...

Re: SD 57566.48: A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar

Reply #3
[ Ltjg Jhozahosh “Blizzard” sh’Avhennes | Alias: Priavao sh'Qynallahr | The Victory Spot Bar | Klingon Block, Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime | Aldea ]


Jhoza frowned at the human as he claimed to not be human. That wasn’t impossible. However, he seemed familiar. If he wasn’t human, then on this planet he was probably Aldean. Problem was, she had never met any Aldeans before today, therefore no Aldean would seem familiar, unless he were one she had met earlier today, which he was not. Logic therefore dictated he was probably not Aldean. Jhoza had spent much time on Earth, met many humans and served with many more aboard various ships in the fleet. If he were human that would explain him seeming familiar to her, but why was he claiming to not be? Her antennae bowed in thought. If he were human claiming to be Aldean...the cogs of her mind whirred, quickly putting two and four together and giving her a valid scenario.

He wanted to stay undercover, she was sure of that, so she needed to use a code he might understand. After a moment of thought he expression cleared up and she smiled at him, antennae bowing toward the human. ”No, we have met before, I’m sure of it. I was aboard the Andorian trader Blizzard in the Azure Nebula, I’m sure I saw you there too my good sir. I’m positive of this. Not even the prospect of assimilation could persuade me otherwise.”

Hopefully he would pick up on her code, she was all but stating that she was a member of the Theurgy’s crew. She was sure she had passed him in the corridors of the bruised and battered ship they called home. The more she thought about it, the more sure she became, she had seen him there.

Re: SD 57566.48: A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar

Reply #4
[ Lt Carrigan Trent | Alias: Hahne Kedar | The Victory Spot Bar | Klingon Block, Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] attn: @The Ostrich

What in the world was that woman doing?  Could she be one of the people they'd picked up in the nebula?  That was entirely possible, but she was making enough noise to fool the casual ear.  But now, she had thoroughly compromised what he had been doing.

Which meant what had been intended as a surveillance operation was being turned into evasion and resistance to interrogation.  And, as it would appear, a counter-intelligence situation, lest a sharp pair of ears on the lookout for something out of place start looking in all the names she was dropping.  However, one thing he would not do would be breaking his cover if he could avoid it.  And the best way to do it was to leave.

"Are you deaf or just drunk?  I have no idea who the hell you are, I couldn't care less about this 'Blizzard' because she doesn't carry anything Kanala Exports is interested in, and the Azure Nebula is nowhere near here."

Having finished his meal with two more bites, he rose up and walked out, not taking any chances.

"Go away, will you?"


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