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Topic: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH02 Vantage Points (Read 25854 times) previous topic - next topic
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Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH02 Vantage Points


This Chapter features the hour when the USS Niger and the Sword will cross paths, plus all Supplemental Threads that are started.

Just like in the interregnum, Supplemental one-on-one threads are started at your leisure! Supplemental threads should be named Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day XX|YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, and can extend as far back as right after the battle with the Versant and all the way up to 2100 hrs on Day 05, where the second Rendevouz will be missed due to a hostile threat to the Sword.

These are the main tasks to solve, your Mission Objectives in this Chapter:


Primary Objectives:
- The USS Niger is to dock with the Sword, landing inside the Fighter Assault Bay (where Tacitcal CONN can "welcome" them aboard)
- Have Ranaan Ducote and the crew of the Niger briefed about the Theurgy's mission and the Savi
- Have Wenn Cinn & Tovarek etc. briefed about the Borg threat to the Federation
- Conduct "An Interview with a Parasite" in the Brig, learning what options and opportunities there are. Multiple outcomes.
- Make a new Squadron Org Chart for the remaining Lone Wolves.
- Before the third Rendevouz opportunity with the other Vectors, find where the Borg came from
- A hostile force will show up and make it so that the Sword miss the second Rendevouz
- Either the Sword makes it to the third Rendevouz, or it doesn't.

Secondary Obectives:
- Bonding between the Endeavour survivors and the crew of the Sword, or any one-on-one scenes for that matter
- Study of Savi remains left aboard after the battle, learning to know the enemy
- Implementing new ideas or tech for fighting the Borg and/or the Savi

New objectives may be added depending on development.

Known staff on the Sword and Niger both can be seen in the new thread as well as the Main OOC board. :)

Battle Bridge & Closest Deck Interior Blueprint: [Show/Hide]
Here are some random ideas that have come up in the process!
  • The development of the scene in the Brig should allude towards a solution where Nicander can become a willing asset to the mission, provided that his real self can be brought back in control of the body. And no, Heather does not need to shine her light on him again. Rather, if his body is fixed so that the real Lucan doesn't need the parasite to stay alive, he'd be able to wrest back control, even though he might remain locked up.
  • When the Niger docks in the Fighter Assault Bay, present Tactical CONN officers may use their weapons and function as a security force in the bay, overseeing how the crew on the Niger steps out in the bay. An order from the bridge will establish this.
  • Obviously, Wenn Cinn and Amelya Rez needs to have a talk early on, for many reasons.
  • Perhaps we should have a thread depict some mid-warp dogfighting with the Savi pursuers?
  • Wenn Cinn might learn about his Deputy, how she died, from someone?
  • The LMH, Eve, has a personal situation which should have plenty of ripples. Contact TrexelCat for more info.
  • Havenborn should tell the rest of the pack about Honey Badger, this, perhaps in an early Supplemental thread.
  • We also have the triangle-drama with Liam Herrold, Eun Sae Ji and Chris Slayton, depending on how much we want to deal with it.
  • There is also the fact of Nicander's nature being known, and what reactions there might be to this, and yes, I am looking at all past lovers and friends of his.
  • Nicander might even play a role in convincing the Niger crew about the verasity of the Theurgy's mission. Perhaps they get to visit him too, to see him with their own eyes?
Sithick might learn about Doctor Lahkesis Saugn, and what Nicander did.
  • Lastly, there is also the dilemma of the mission itself. With a Borg threat, what takes priority? Getting the Theurgy crew back from the Versant against Ives' last orders for the protocol? Continuing the mission, spreading the truth about Starfleet Command? Or should they devote 100 % focus on the very real threat of a Borg invasion of Federation space? This might be at the forefront of many minds, as this thread develops.


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #1
Sithick might learn about Doctor Lahkesis Saugn, and what Nicander did.
In regards to this little bit here, Varder could be the one to inform him. Potentially in the main sickbay whilst he is being treated for his newly cut up arm Sithick might end up there for some reason, either some form or repair work (there was a lot of phaser fire in the main sickbay) or he may have even been injured slightly himself whist the sword was escaping.

Actually, as I think about it if we wanted it should potentially be possible to have something with the LMH also come into play with that?

First thoughts and all that. Lemme know what people think.
uhh, probably an @Masorin


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #2
I like how you are thinking here, tying loose ends together. @TrexelCat and @Masorin , how do you like writing a thread with @Jm Von Cat in Main Sickbay, set sometime late on Day 03 or early on Day 04, where things are quite hectic and there might still be Savi fighters in pursuit of the ship?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #3
I always like the idea of Sithick pulling double duty in engineering and tactical con. I'd love to go over any threat where he learns about his lettuce leaf, so I'm up for this idea.

Also I'd like to know if Sithick can have a moment with our mistress at arms if she is on the sword. Sithick had experience with the savi weapons both being fired upon, and even using them against the enemy. I'd love to talk about how they can work with the few they got from the the Savi bodies, and what we could potentially reverse engineer with these new guns.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #4
I like this idea! Problem is that the Mistress at Arms is on the Helmet, not on the Sword, where Sithick is. Perhaps some other Engineering bloke NPC? Not ideal... Isn’t there someone else on the Sword with the right kind of skillset for this?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #5
With regards to the Savi guns, Bremmer was Resolve's mistress at arms. She's qualified to look 'em over, if need be.  And while she isn't an engineer and all that, she certainly ought to be able to at least make them more ergonomically friendly for non-Savi

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #6
Good call!

In fact, we might need 3D models of graviton weaponry, be it the Savi or Asurian versions.

With regards to the Savi guns, Bremmer was Resolve's mistress at arms. She's qualified to look 'em over, if need be.  And while she isn't an engineer and all that, she certainly ought to be able to at least make them more ergonomically friendly for non-Savi

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #7
@TrexelCat , @Doc M. , @Nolan

Y'all are the medical peeps on V2. Which one of you wants to be the one to formally awake Kino Taer?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #8
@TrexelCat , @Doc M. , @Nolan

Y'all are the medical peeps on V2. Which one of you wants to be the one to formally awake Kino Taer?

I will.  I like to have my characters be "linking characters" who provide continuity but aren't necessarily the focus of a particular scene.  Speaking of which:

I like how you are thinking here, tying loose ends together. @TrexelCat and @Masorin , how do you like writing a thread with @Jm Von Cat in Main Sickbay, set sometime late on Day 03 or early on Day 04, where things are quite hectic and there might still be Savi fighters in pursuit of the ship?


Auctor Lucan

It's likely Maya would be present during that scene, even if her only role is instruct Eve to deal with those characters and then leave to attend other patients.

Of course, we shouldn't gloss over the Doctor Nicander problem.  I'd like to have Maya volunteer for dealing with that troublesome patient, for to my knowledge she is the only one aboard who has mind touched one of the parasites and lived to tell the tale and has the best chance to have some idea of what she is dealing with.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #9
@TrexelCat , @Doc M. , @Nolan

Y'all are the medical peeps on V2. Which one of you wants to be the one to formally awake Kino Taer?

I will.  I like to have my characters be "linking characters" who provide continuity but aren't necessarily the focus of a particular scene.
Cool beans! Do you want to make the thread or should I?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #10
@TrexelCat , @Doc M. , @Nolan

Y'all are the medical peeps on V2. Which one of you wants to be the one to formally awake Kino Taer?

I will.  I like to have my characters be "linking characters" who provide continuity but aren't necessarily the focus of a particular scene.
Cool beans! Do you want to make the thread or should I?

Sounds like a plan.  Since we want to get your new character Kino Taer, into the action as quickly as possible, let's wave her wake up right after the events of Chapter 01: Supplemental | Untruth No More so your character will have plenty of time go through physical therapy (offstage) and return to duty in time to participate in Chapter Four. 

I might as well start us off:  Maya will be placing Amelya Rez in a bed in the recovery ward when Kino Taer wakes up and starts asking questions. 

Any further discussion on Kino's first scene should probably be continued by PM but I posted my response on this thread because so many people's characters were in the vicinity that I thought we should alert them in case they want to make one or two posts in that thread for continuity's sake.  (I also posted my reply here in case Auctor Lucan felt that we should move the scene forward a few hours... or days...)  I'd like to hear from Nolan before we begin.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #11
With regards to the Savi guns, Bremmer was Resolve's mistress at arms. She's qualified to look 'em over, if need be.  And while she isn't an engineer and all that, she certainly ought to be able to at least make them more ergonomically friendly for non-Savi
It might be irrelevant, but perhaps Eliska and Kino spent enough time with or around Sinead to have picked up a few tricks she's shown. I've demonstrated this through A'vura Zeshryr, who learnt a few jury-rigging tricks from Sinead. Given that Eliska and Sinead spent time together a lot on the Resolve, perhaps Eliska might have learnt one-or-two engineering know-hows to figure out the weapon a little faster? Just an idea you could play with if you liked. :)

Oh, and guys? It might be useful, or it might be more useless than Silim Parnak's experimental bat, but before she left the battle, Meony had busied herself with taking a huge amount of scans of the Savi fightercrafts, and their shields, and the Versant, as well as recordings and scans of the damaged Vectors. All of them. So perhaps Thomas Ravon or the others in command could take her Valkyrie's logs for study, maybe we can identify the strengths or learn the frequency that the Bandit's shields are running on. It won't give us much of an edge in terms of numbers, but we'd be able to level the playing field in terms of shield strength and weapons damage.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #12
Well, with the Borg impending, I think I can picture that a scouting mission finds the end of a transwarp corridor created from an array by the Borg. Maybe the end of a new transwarp hub. Something of an edge-of-your-seat idea.

I would like the idea that the Sword barely makes it to the Third Rendezvous, and that the Theurgy would eventually be faced with having the task force chasing them catch them at one end, and the Borg popping up in surprise at the other end. I can imagine a surprise jump scare of a Borg Cube...scratch that, make that a Tactical Cube, appearing out of nowhere.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #13
With the reorganization of the Squadron, it would fit that the newcomers would be integrated into the original Lone Wolves, with "Razor" Ravon leading the squadron with Rawley as his second-in-command. In addition, considering Rawley's solitary nature and need for friends, it could especially fit for her and one of the newcomers, say, Meony, to become friends.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #14
Well, with the Borg impending, I think I can picture that a scouting mission finds the end of a transwarp corridor created from an array by the Borg. Maybe the end of a new transwarp hub. Something of an edge-of-your-seat idea.

I would like the idea that the Sword barely makes it to the Third Rendezvous, and that the Theurgy would eventually be faced with having the task force chasing them catch them at one end, and the Borg popping up in surprise at the other end. I can imagine a surprise jump scare of a Borg Cube...scratch that, make that a Tactical Cube, appearing out of nowhere.

I like that idea.  Lead TF Archeron right into the lap of a Borg cube... One stone, 14 birds...

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #15
Stone? @CanadianVet With the Borg, the stone's a boulder. A very resilient boulder, if not a mountain. :) But at least it would keep the lot busy while Theurgy escapes from the fire following out of the frying pan. Or maybe Theurgy would duck back in at the last minute, the Lone Wolves would pull a Death Star Trench assault on the cube, Theurgy saves the day.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #16
Or... Theurgy and her assets break contact... and let the Borg and TFA merrily kill each other?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #17
I was thinking more Borg vs Versant vs TF Archeron and Theurgy in the middle of it all, just trying to get her kidnapped crew back and bug out.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #18
I'm inclined to follow @patches on this one. It was rather clear that the Theurgy alone would not stand a chance against the Versant. Even if we manage to lure TFA there I think the odds might be a bit lighter, though significantly harder since we'll have two forces trying to wipe us out. The Borg however are a wild card, they don't care about Theurgy, though I imagine them to be very interested in the Versant and vice versa.

Which makes me wonder, are we okay with the loss of "innocent" lives aboard TFA? I mean, they're just following orders of the parasitical overlords? Can we really just get them slaughtered by either the Borg or Versant? Headlines could imply we lured them in a trap making us look even more evil.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #19
@patches What an excellent idea! Theurgy rescuing her crew amidst a three-way tussle between the Borg, TFA and the Versant fits; an action sequence with an edge, in which one wouldn't know if the Theurgy would get out of it okay. And if the TFA are zealously following orders from the parasites in Starfleet, then it would be a lesson of what happens if one messes with the Theurgy. Also, I can imagine, should the Borg vessel be crippled in the onslaught, Theurgy and the Lone Wolves would finish them off, with Rawley making the critical blow: I can imagine her shouting "Assimilate this!" before she nukes them. :) A little nod to Worf. :)

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #20
Keep in mind, the Endeavour and Theurgy crew members still held aboard the Savi ship need to be rescued; and goodness knows what's left of the Cayuga.  Rogue though the members of the Theurgy may be, they are still (mostly) Starfleet officers so there is no way they could willingly leave a conflict where TFA is threatened by the Savi and the Borg and I don't see TFA leaving with either of those two forces in their territory even if their primary goal is to capture the Theurgy.

Ultimately it puts Theurgy in the worst possible scenario... repairing, reintegrating, rescuing and retreating, all at once.  If the Borg come out on top, assimilation time (and just imagine if they assimilate a Savi...); if the Versant comes out on top, given how close they are to wanting to recycle those of us they have NOW, imagine after a fight with a cube?  Anyone they get at that point will recycled.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #21
Yeah, all of these ideas are awesome, but I would like to emphasise something that both Nolan and Steelphoenix touches upon here.

These are the Borg, inside Federation space. The possible destruction of Task Force Archeron - which is not a desirable purpose to strive for since the 99,99 % majority of the officers on all those starships are innocent and misled - pales in comparison to the destruction of all Federation worlds. And you all think that the rescue of the people on the Versant is important?

Look at the bigger picture OOC, but IC, focus on the motivations of your individual characters. The missing piece, I think, is the understanding of the ramifications of Borg being where they are, and how that might be a bigger issue than we're currently giving credit to.

In short, any dutiful Starfleet officer would abandon the people on the Versant to address a threat this big to the Federation. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #22
Okay. Sorry about that.

I can see where things would be going; with the Theurgy crew's desperation of getting the truth out and Starfleet on their tail, the last thing they needed was the Borg. I can imagine everybody's reaction. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, in a way.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #23
Okay. Sorry about that.

No need to apologise,  lol. I was merely pointing out something not-so-obvious. :)

It is really important that the loss of the crew on the Versant is keenly felt and that in their hearts they want to go rescue them primarily.

But logic, the brain, would suggest that either the Theurgy's mission or the Borg threat is more important. It's a family or duty dilemma. Duty bding saving millions of lives from the Borg or the Parasites.

A great example: Would Ranaan Ducote still make the Borg his priority if he knew Blue For an was on the Versant @Top Hat ? :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH04 Charades

Reply #24
With the reorganization of the Squadron, it would fit that the newcomers would be integrated into the original Lone Wolves, with "Razor" Ravon leading the squadron with Rawley as his second-in-command. In addition, considering Rawley's solitary nature and need for friends, it could especially fit for her and one of the newcomers, say, Meony, to become friends.
I'm down with that.  ( good )

Okay. Sorry about that.

No need to apologise,  lol. I was merely pointing out something not-so-obvious. :)

It is really important that the loss of the crew on the Versant is keenly felt and that in their hearts they want to go rescue them primarily.

But logic, the brain, would suggest that either the Theurgy's mission or the Borg threat is more important. It's a family or duty dilemma. Duty bding saving millions of lives from the Borg or the Parasites.

A great example: Would Ranaan Ducote still make the Borg his priority if he knew Blue For an was on the Versant @Top Hat ? :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

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