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Topic: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw (Read 4081 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw

[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Bastila

Marija’s Thaw
Stardate: 57568.74
March 15, 2381 @ 1030hrs

“Her vital signs appear stable. The artificial vertebral columns appear sound as well. Nerve transponder rates at acceptable levels.” Vinata stated the findings aloud to the small team of enlisted Nurses surrounding the body of Ensign Marija Ferik. The team had performed a semi-de-thawing process from stasis, but preserved deep sedation in order to carry out the surgical procedure that saw the replacement of the Ensgin’s vetebral column with an artificial one.

While Vinata was not the primary medical professional that oversaw the surgical procedure, he had been involved and was now responsible for the wake up and recovery process. The overall replacement had only taken a couple of hours, and thankfully had been uneventful. Ensign Ferik’s neck had been repaired as well. He had thought it a shame it had taken them this long to fix the security officer but alas, events had dictated the situation and it had simply been out of their control.

The Ovri was pleased to have had the opportunity to participate and continue his responsibilities, especially considering his own distractions had become noticed within the department as of late. Vinata took great care in confirming things were stable from a medical standpoint, having reviewed various sets of scans, before he gave the go ahead to start the reversal of anesthetics and the final phase of the thawing process.

As the tone of the heart rate monitor sped up, in coordination with the start of Marija’s wake up, Vinata tapped his long and slender fingers on the edge of the main console nearby the biobed. Part of him was nervous as to how the security officer would wake up, especially given the trauma she had undergone.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #1
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Aharon

At first there was only darkness. She couldn't hear, feel or sense anything in the blackness, only that she felt heavy, very heavy. Her limbs didn't seem to want to move when she tried and nor did her eyes want to open either, unless they already were of course and she simply was in complete darkness. Despite this however she was very calm, at peace even.

Eventually however she vaguely became aware of noise. It sounded like it was very far far away, deeper into the darkness. As she tried to focus on it, all she could hear was a muted, muffled sound that she couldn't identify. The longer she listened however, the louder the sound seemed to be getting, as if it was hiding in the darkness and coming towards her, it's approach getting faster and faster the closer it seemed to get.

However Marija started to notice that the sounds were also getting clearer and more distinct as they approached and started to separate into various sounds. It sounded like a series of beeps and possibly voices? She wasn't sure on that though as the sounds were still muffled. It took her a few minutes to notice that she felt lighter too, no longer as heavy as she had been.

Opting to try opening her eyes again, they felt very heavy still but they did seem to be responding as out of the darkness she could see a small, blurry dot of white, although it disappeared when her eyelids dropped closed again. Pausing a moment, she tried again several times, each time managing to open her eyes a little more than the last. Yet they were still heavy and she felt tired, part of her wanting to just drift back to sleep again but something told her not to.

Reluctantly she forced her eyes open again and slowly tried moving her arms, feeling them moving, albeit at a much slower pace than they really should have been along the what she assumed was a bed and pressed down on it, feeling her body slowly but surely start moving. She wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but her body felt completely drained. Slow and sluggish like it hadn't moved in over a year or something.

Still she managed to push herself up into a seated position and allowed herself to stretch, feeling several muscles, tendons and bones popping, which was actually quite a nice feeling if she was being honest. After blinking several times to try and clear her vision, she started to make out various shapes in the room, a table, a bed, computers. Turning her head to the side to look around, she winced when she looked towards the first bright light she saw, immediately covering her eyes with a groan.

Covering her eyes with her hand, she looked around again, her eyes spotting an Ovri wearing a teal coloured Starfleet uniform looking at her. Teal meant either Science or Medical. Shaking her head, her blonde hair flowing from side to side as she tried to shake the cobwebs loose and jumpstart her brain, the security officer looked around the room again, immediately recognizing the look of a Federation ship’s sickbay.

The realization of where she was, seemed to jump start her brain as memories of her time on the ship flashed through her mind, brief little snippets here and there but enough to start waking her up from her slumber.

“I’m on the Theurgy?” she said, the tone of her voice a mixture of a statement and a question, almost as if she was sure and yet unsure. The after effects of stasis having not yet worn off. Still feeling a little groggy and sluggish, she tried not to move too much beyond moving her head to look back at the Ovri standing near her bed.

Despite her current state, is was aware enough to figure out that since she was in sickbay, something must have happened to her, yet for the life of her she couldn’t remember what. “What happened?” she asked.

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #2
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Bastila

Vinata felt the tenseness within himself settle as he witnessed Marija’s more settled wake up. He held his arms extended and close to her as she managed to sit herself up in the biobed, partly because he was worried she might fall over from a possible onset of weakness. It seemed as though the young security officer’s fit and athletic build held its own however.

“That is correct Ensign Ferik. You are on the Theurgy.” The Ovri stated this in confirmation with a soft tone as he flipped his medical tricorder open and removed the small medical scanning probe front the front of it. He waved the probe at a respectable distance taking more detailed scans of Marija’s body. “To answer your question. You were fatally wounded during the Theurgy’s encounter with the USS Calamity. The medical team needed more time in order to safety stabilize you, so you were placed into stasis. It has been some time though...”

Vinata nodded to one of his nearby staff, who assumed a position closer to Marija, so he could move over to the adjacent console nearby and better examine the revised body scan. “I am Ensign Vinata Vojona, one of the Nursing Officers on board the Theurgy. I was involved in your surgical procedure before thawing you completely from stasis. How are you feeling?” Vinata’s long fingers glided across the console with ease as he spoke. After he asked his question however, his eyes were once again fixed on Marija and his key entry paused.

“Are you experiencing any unpleasant symptoms? Dizziness or nausea?” Vinata wanted to ensure his patient was as comfortable as possible, especially before he had to inform her of how much time had passed since she was placed into stasis.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #3
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Aharon

Marija felt herself relax a little at the confirmation that she was indeed on the Theurgy, it meant that she was safe and where she was supposed to be, that was good. She was somewhat aware of the Ovri close to her, extending out in case she wasn't able to maintain her balance, which is appreciated. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass herself by falling off of the biobed.

Turning her head to look towards the man, she focused on his voice as he spoke. Telling her that she was fatally wounded and that they had needed more time to stabilize her. Which immediately put three questions in her head. What happened to her? What did they have to do to stabilize her? and lastly how long had she been out for? Before that however, she'd need to clear this fog from her head and actually be able to focus on what she was told.

Blinking slowly and shaking her head again, as if the action would clear the cobwebs she looked at the nurse and gave him a warm smile "It's nice to meet you Ensign Vojona, wish it was under better circumstances." she replied. "As for how I'm heads a little foggy, hard to focus, like I just woke up from a deep sleep and my brain is taking it's time waking up...which I guess is pretty accurate thinking about it. Same with my arms and well my whole body, it just feels heavy, slow and stiff to respond to what I want it too. I'm not a big fan of that." she answered.

At his question about how she was feeling in terms of symptoms she took a moment to focus on herself before shaking her head "No, no dizziness or nausea I feel fine in that regard." The security officer answered as she flexed her fingers, watching as her digits slowly curled into a fist and uncurled again. Much like every other part of her body, they felt a little stiff but they were working, which was good.

Watching as one of the medical staff moved next to her as Vinata moved over to the console, she was glad that someone who had actually been there for her surgery was there for a wake up since he would know exactly what had happened to her and what had been done, and not just reading it back to her from her medical file. "You said you were there for my surgical procedue? What surgery did I need?" she asked before pausing as she tried to remember what the last thing she was doing was. "I remember....I remember fighting...on the ship, it was a gun battle...someone called out to me and then....then I don't remember anything after that until waking up just now."

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #4
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Bastila

“Likewise Ensign Ferik.” Vinata’s big-bug like eyes examined her closely now, he found her to be quite beautiful really - more so, he appreciated the most feminin attributes about her. Since his own transformation, by the hands of Savi, Vinata had embraced what most humanoids would consider female physical qualities. He now wore his skant/skirt uniform solely and he found himself drawn into a pattern of analysing and appreciating the female form in relation to his own physical self.

“That heaviness is most normal, I assure you. It will be several hours before you are feeling fully-yourself once more, maybe a day or two at most. You are quite a healthy and fit female though, I imagine your reconditioning will be swift.” Vinata did his best to provide an encouraging tone in his approach with Marija. “It is possible you may experience some of those symptoms, nausea and dizziness that is, even with the preemptive antiemetics we administered prior to your complete thaw. Please report such things if they occur and we can treat further.”

Satisfied with the detailed biomedical scans Vinata moved in closer to the security officer in his care, he took note of her questions regarding exactly what was performed on her. He understood and respected this curiosity and was more than pleased to explore the details with her. “We replaced your entire vertebral column with an artificial one. Your organic and original column sustained irreparable damage in the Calamity event which led to a complete shutdown of transmission of the neural pathways within you body. “ Vinata once again moved closer to the consol, which had a side display of the artificial column.

“This new column is reinforced and much more durable than an organic one. It is highly unlikely that this will occur again.” The Ovri now pointed to a visual of the Ensigns neck region. “We originally thought we would need to put an artificial support there at the neck as well, but, we elected to naturally regenerate and support this area…. Long story short, you are in excellent health now Ensign Ferik.”

Vinata listened to Marija’s recount of events now, which still remained somewhat jumbled in her mind. “Well… What you essentially remembering is your moment of death.” It was a grim way to describe it but was the truth. “Some people struggle to even remember as much as you have. It may come back more clearly with time, perhaps even in your dreams? It must be quite an unusual feeling.”

Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #5
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Aharon

Marija gave Vinata a smile as he observed her, simply assuming that he was observing her to make sure that everything looked okay with her after the operation and thawing process, not even considering that he might have been appreciating her beauty, or perhaps it was simply the somewhat sluggish response of her brain that it hadn't caught up to that fact.

Still her attention shifted to his voice when he spoke about the heaviness that she felt, nodding when he told her that it was normal and would take anywhere between a few hours to a few days for it to wear off and for her to start feeling normal again. "Well I'm hoping for the few hours option over a few days, this is not the nicest feeling." she said with a smile. At his comment about her being healthy and fit, she was pleased to hear that, although was less thrilled that she might still experience some dizziness and nausea and nodded "If I do I will be sure to report it immediately." the blonde replied, although immediately might have been too strong a word, if it got really bad then she would call.

While Vinata had been looking at the far more detailed medical scan of her, so too had he been listening to her questions. Now however it was Marija's turn to listen as he spoke and told her what operation she'd had to have. Listening intently as the Ovri told how they had replaced her entire vertebral column with an artificial one, she had no idea that the damage had been that severe. Before she could say anything however, Vianta had moved to a console and displayed the artificial column they had put into her. "My entire spine?" she muttered quietly as she observed the spinning image on the display.

Despite the somewhat shock at how badly she had been injured, she did hear him tell her that her replacement was reinforced and more durable than an organic one so at least she wouldn't have to worry about that again. Evidently however the bad news wasn't over as a visual of her neck appeared on the screen, looking at it as Vinata pointed it out, explaining how they opted to regenerate her neck instead of replacing it, she wasn't sure what she preferred in that instance. However it would seem as though she was in excellent health now however. "Well that's good to know."

She had been through a lot in her life and had survived but this...this was something else entirely. As if to mirror her thoughts after what she had told him she had remembered, he told her that what she had remembered was pretty much the moment she had died. My death? I actually died? she wondered, slowly turning to look at him, not really thrilled with the fact that she had remembered more than some had, she certainly didn't want to remember it having already having more than her fair share of bad memories already. "Well I certainly hope I don't, what I can remember is more than enough, but yes an unusual feeling is quite an adequate description. Unusual and a little terrifying."

Glancing back at the screen, seeing one image of her neck next to the artificial spine replacement she now had, Marija took a deep breath. What was done, was done. She was still here and was still alive, all she could do was move on from it and leave it in the past, much like ever other trauma she had endured in her life. "You said I was in perfect health now so that's something. Thank you, to you and the medical staff for your work and saving my life." she told him.

Sitting up straight and now fully aware of what had happened to her, she stretched, feeling her back straighten, forcing her chest out as her upper body pulled. It felt normal, just like her original spine had, the same with her neck when she rolled it, although that was still her original neck, not that she had expected anything to not feel normal, it just was just an odd feeling between mind and body that would take her a while to come to terms with.  Returning her attention to Vinata it was time to ask the next most important question she had. "How long until I'm cleared for active duty?"

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #6
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Bastila

“I can empathize with that feeling Ensign Ferrik. I am sure it would be rather terrifying.” The Ovri felt for her in that moment - certain that the entire experience was both disorientating and unsettling. As a Nurse, he could respect and acknowledge the feelings of his patients - although, the futility of humans were that much more of a reality given their vastly limited ability to heal. Ovri were much superior in that capacity, being able to regenerate entire limbs if necessary - with little to no help in the form of medical intervention. It was something Vinata had become all too familiar with in his time on board the Theurgy and in Starfleet, human fragility - unfortunately.

“You are indeed Ensign Ferrik. The picture of health.” The Ovri retracted himself out of his inner thoughts and replied in a jovial fashion. “You are quite welcome. I am both pleased and honoured to have been able to be a part of this. It is rewarding to see you awake and functioning well.” It was the best part of Vinata’s profession, having a part in the healing of an individual and seeing life brought back into them.

“I must, once again, offer apologies for the length of time it took us to get to this point. It.. has been over a month since you were put into stasis... I am sure when you get caught up on current and past events you will have insight as to why…” Vinata could tell that Marija had been unbothered, at least he thought so, given that she had not reacted to his prior statement regarding the time that had passed since she was placed into stasis. Still - he had awkwardly paused when he informed her of the timeline, as if he had expected a level of annoyance and discontent.

“I could clear you for duty today if you were that keen on returning. I would recommend you take the rest of today off though and rest. Catch up on things.” He expressed this cautiously and hoped that Marija would heed his advice in this matter.
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #7
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Aharon

Marija couldn't help but chuckle and nod at the Ovri's reply, he certainly wasn't wrong there. She admittedly didn't know much about the Ovri as a species but she did know that they healed a lot quicker than Humans did, that was something she envied. Nobody wanted to be sick or laid out on the shelf out of action for an extended period of time, waiting as injuries healed. They could even regenerate entire limbs, if she could have done that she might not have needed the surgery and all the other injuries she'd endured and sustained over the years would have healed a hell of a lot quicker too...well physically at least.

Smiling at the nurse, she nodded "Well that's great to hear again all things considered." She smiled, Vinata's jovial responses certainly infectious and a lot better than other experiences she'd had under medical care, it was a nice refreshing change. "Well given everything I apparently went through it's certainly great to be awake and functioning well that's for sure."

Marija would admit that the fact a month had passed didn't bother her at all. Hell she'd lost her entire childhood to monsters that she was very much awake and aware of all the time, so a month being blissfully unaware of the passage of time made for a nice change. Still Vinata was genuinely apologetic about it and shook her head "No need to apologise Vinata, whatever the reasons I'm sure were necessary, besides I needed the long nap." she replied with a grin, which wasn't actually a lie given the numerous nights of insomina and lack of sleep she'd had before her injury, in fact she felt more refreshed now than she had done in quite a while before that.

Marija was relieved to hear that she could very well be cleared for duty if she were keen to do so, which she wasn't entirely sure that she was but it was still good to know that medically speaking, at least physically she was good to go. "Well that's good to know." she said, although based on the cautious tone in his voice, it was clear that he was hoping she wouldn't dive right back in head first. Honestly even if she did want to, the blonde wouldn't have the heart to worry him like that if she did. "I'll take a few days to get readjusted to life and catch up, say 2 days?"


Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #8
[ Ens. Vinata Vojona  | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Bastila
Luckily, the security officer that had been thawed showed the appropriate attitude concerning her own health, and in lack of a Doctor present to give Ensign Ferik instructions about when she could first return to duty, Vinata hoped that once a Doctor could speak with Ferik, they wouldn't ask for more time than the Ensign had suggested. All Vinata had to go on was the medical journal, which stated that the surgery had such good results that there were no immediate needs for added precautions.

"Take it slow," he said to her with a smile, "mind your neck, and don't go rolling around and fire phasers on the phase range even though it might feel compelling to do so. When speaking with the Deputy or the Chief of Security, please ask for light tasks to begin with?"

A movement in Vinata's peripheral vision made him turn, and as coincidental as it might seem, he did know that the figure approaching had requested to be informed once the Ensign came to.

"And look who's here?" he said with a chuckle and stepped away a little. "I will return in a little while. Deputy zh'Wann, if you need me, I will be over here."

The Andorian who served as the Deputy Chief of Security aboard the Theurgy approached the biobed with a faint smile on her features. Her name was ThanIda zh'Wann, Vinata recalled, and the woman had been through a lot on her own part, but also done a lot for the crew and its mission. The blue-skinned woman stepped up to the biobed after inclining her head to Vinata, saying, "Thank you, Ensign, and thank you for making sure I was notified."

While Vinata stepped away with a last smile to Marija Ferik, he could hear the Deputy speak to the newly thawed Human on the biobed. "How are you feeling, Ensign?" she asked, folding her hands behind her back and angling her head and antennae towards the prone woman. "I can imagine you have plenty of questions."

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #9
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Auctor Lucan

Sitting on the bed, Marija chuckled at his words and nodded "Take it slow I can do and I promise I will at least not do any rolling around on the phase range for a while. Can't promise I won't do any phaser firing though, I do need to make sure I'm not rusty in that department." she replied, honestly. "I'll be sure to let them know about the lighter work load though." she added.

Shortly after she had finished speaking, someone else that she did recognise entered the room. It was ThanIda zh'Wann, the ship's Deputy Chief of Security, something that took Marija a little by surprise. She had more than expected to be the one to chase down either her or the Chief once she was ready for duty. She waited silently as Vinata and the Deputy Chief exchanged words until the Andorian turned her attention back to Marija and spoke to her directly.

"Feeling pretty good all things considered Ma'am." she answered, fighting the urge to stand up at attention in front of her superior officer and chuckled when the woman stated that she probably had plenty of questions. "You could say that Lieutenant, I imagine I've missed quite a bit in the last month, so an update on our current situation would be nice. Some things I can figure out on my own, like the fact we're all still here would imply we won the fight with the Calamity for example." 

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Bastila
Standing next to the biobed in the Recovery Ward, it was eerie to see the Ensign addressing her and looking like nothing had happened to her. For when Ida had found Ferik in the upper shuttle bay the day the Calamity first attacked them, the human's head had been twisted around completely, looking up at her from the deck at an unnatural angle. Ida had been positive that the Ensign was dead, and it had been a surprise to read the medical report saying that the Ensign's heart had still been beating, and that there had been hope for her yet.

Tough pinkskin, the Deputy thought as she smiled faintly to Ferik, letting her eyes wander over her gown-clad frame as if not being able to credit what she saw. The blanket hid much of the blonde woman, but it did appear like sickbay had taken well care of the security officer after she was thawed. Either way, it was gratifying to see a familiar face of the original Theurgy crew again. The query made was expected, and Ida had a mix of good and bad news for the officer.

"Correct, but it wasn't easy. We made an ally of the Akira-class ship we found prior to the battle - the USS Harbinger - and together, we managed to put and end to the threat. Unfortunately, the Commanding Officer of the Harbinger proved himself unhinged, and an Augment, and he tried to take over the Theurgy together with his First Officer. We stopped him, but at great cost."

Ida paused, knowing that the Ensign likely didn't know who the current Chief of Security was. "The Calamity hologram attacked you, but while you lived... Commander Grayson didn't. He died from the phaser fire sustained by your rifle, taken from your hands after you fell. By Lor'Vela, there was nothing you could have done differently, so do not make the mistake of blaming yourself for what happened. The hologram literally materialised behind you in the vid-recording. There was no time to get away."

She emphasised this, her antennae angling forth as she said it. Having blamed herself for a lot of things before she met Jovela and was shown the truth of it, she did not wish that fate upon the human before her. "A lot has happened since then, more ships having joined our mission and been destroyed, but we have officers aboard from those ships. Our Chief of Security is now Kai Akoni, originally from the USS Endeavour."

Ida paused there, since she had yet to tell the woman where they were, but wanted to let Ferik digest the news so far first.

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #11
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Auctor Lucan

Sitting on the biobed watching the Deputy Chief, Marija watched as the Andorian gave her the once over, her eyes scanning her in assessment. She wasn't aware that Ida had been the one to first find her after she had been injured so just assumed she was assessing her visually based on the medical reports that her and the Chief of Security had both been given about her given the fact they would have needed to know if she was physically well enough to return to duty.

When the woman started her briefing, Marija listened intently as the Andorian described the final battle with the Calamity, finding a friendly Starfleet ship was great news but of course this was the ship of the damned it seemed so that good news didn't last too long, at least they had beaten the Calamity, that was something and they had stopped the Augmented CO who tried to take over the ship, which was also good, despite the losses.

The pause Ida made immediately made Marija know that bad news was about hit her and braced herself for it, listening as she continued to explain that after the Calamity hologram had broken her neck, she had used her rifle to attack Commander Grayson, killing him. Lowering her head, she shook it slowly. Grayson was a good man and a great leader, one she had been damn proud to serve under. The blonde raised her head however when Ida told her how the hologram had managed to get the jump on her and told her not to blame herself and nodded. "Yes ma'am." she replied. "I'm just sorry about Commander Grayson, he was a good man." she added.

The Andorian continued, explaining that their new chief of Security was someone called Kai Akoni from the USS Endeavour, she didn't know him but would no doubt have plenty of opportunities to do so, although getting used to a new boss would take a little getting used to. Evidently they had also met up with a few other ships along the way, although it seemed as though those ships had been destroyed too, that was more bad news as a few more ships flying with them would certainly be useful.

She took a few minutes to process the information she had been given and allowed herself a small smile as she looked up at the woman opposite her "Sounds like I missed quite a bit ma'am but I get the feeling there's more coming that I need to know, I just hope there's some good news in there at some point too."

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Bastila
Oh, while the Ensign didn't know it, there had been some bad blood between Ida and David Grayson. The newly thawed Ferik had called Wenn Cinn's successor a 'good man', and while she had her own reservations about it - for obvious reasons - Ida nodded slowly. A good man, perhaps, but a great Chief? Compared to Wenn Cinn? No, Ida knew what kind of superior officer fit her own tastes best, and Grayson hadn't been it. Perhaps it was the human concept of perpetual consensus in their kind of leadership? In this regard, Ida preferred the stricter doctrine of the Andorian Guard.

Ida made no comment on it, though, because there was too much to unpack in regard to Grayson and what the Ishtar Entity had made them do in that holding cell. Things that, on top of everything else that had befallen her since Niga, didn't exactly help. Instead, Ensign Ferik had made an inquiry as to what more there was to learn, hoping for good news, and Ida realised that... despite the five months of persecution across Federation space, she did have something positive to add.

"There are things best read up on in reports, the context lost otherwise, but I can tell you that we're at a safe port, getting repairs. We have managed to convince High Chancellor Martok of the Klingon Empire that the Infested are real - the Chancellor having seen one himself and what they are capable of - and he has used his ties with the Aldeans to offer us shelter. We're currently in the Aldea Prime Shipyards, and while there are security protocols in place, we are able to get shoreleave down in the city. As a part of the agreement, we are helping the Aldeans protect their planet and their city because the forces of the Empire have thinned out."

And therein was the second part of the good news. Ida smiled quietly and cocked a hip, folding her arms underneath her chest. "Martok lost a lot of ships to the Borg, who sought to invade both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Theurgy managed to intercept this development, however, with the help from both the Endeavour and the Cayuga, and together with the Klingons, we halted the invasion at the doorstep, sealing the aperture through which the Borg Queen would lead her forces. Worth mentioning, also, was that the Infested meant to use the Borg for their own plots, and in stopping the Borg, we have also.... how do you humans put it? Put a stick in their bicycle wheel? Thrown a.. 'wrench' in their works? Shelat, your idioms never made sense to me."

After her exile from Andoria, she had - at least - appropriated a lot of Earth culture, but she still struggled at times.

"Sufficed to say, we have won a great victory against the Infested and the Borg. While the Infested try to act like nothing happened at all, the Klingons are already singing about it, and they will not be able to suppress the truth for much longer. When we leave Aldea, we leave on the offensive, instead of being on the run."

Good news, for the newly thawed. Ida just hoped the Ensign would rehabilitate in time, and enjoy some shoreleave before they set a new course.

OOC: Sorry for the tardy reply! Will reply more quickly now that I got some work stuff in order. :)

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #13
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Auctor Lucan

Unaware of the Deputy Chief's views on their former Chief of Security and what really had transpired between them Marija sat patiently waiting for the Andorian to speak, imagining just what things she was remembering to tell her, assuming that whatever was taking so long was obviously a recap of all the things that had happened, or at the very least the woman was thinking back trying to remember if there was indeed any good news to be had.

When Ida did start speaking the blonde nodded at the suggestion to read the reports, which she would most definitely do, even more so considering the fact that she was on at least a day or two's best rest before she'd be allowed to return to active duty and would have the time to do so. Still she listened as evidently there was some good news, they had finally had a safe place to get repairs, found an ally in the Klingons of all people and had a place to get some shore leave and relax a little.

"That certainly is good news ma'am." Marija replied with a smile "It's great that we have a safe place to fix the ship and to take a breather, some R&R would do everybody a world of good. Even more so the fact that the Klingons are on our side and are aware of the threat, it's nice to know we're not the only ones out here alone with that knowledge."

Watching the woman before her smile and cock a hip she went wide eyed at the revelation that the Borg had been discovered and defeated, as if they didn't have enough problems with those infected the universe had to throw the Borg at them too? Still the fact that they were beaten was great. "I imagine the Wolves really earned their drinks in the Lower Decks after that battle." she chuckled "Although it doesn't surprise me that those parasite's would want to use the Borg to their own advantage, it makes sense tactically." Marija added as an afterthought before smiling softly at the Andorian's attempt at remembering Human idioms "That would be a spanner in the works ma'am." she corrected although her tone was light with humour.

The Lieutenant summed up the good news and honestly it was something that deep down Marija was pleased to hear, after everything that had happened and that she had been through, waking up to more bad news would not have been good for her already severely...cracked mental state to say the least. Still she smiled a genuine smile "Well to be fair ma'am the Klingons would sing a song about a highly contested game of darts if they won but there's no denying that those victories are worth celebrating, sorry I missed it. I suppose they won't be able to hide the truth for much longer,  hopefully we'll get more people on our side on that day." she replied and nodded in approval at the last part of Ida's words. "Good, it will be nice to be on the offensive for once."

That being said however, the idea of having some shore leave and being able to get some normalcy back into life certainly wouldn't be something she would skip out on, despite the fact she'd been in stasis the last month.

OOC: No problem AL :) 

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #14
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Bastila
While the human spoke, Ida couldn't help but think about how much she'd like to paint her. Indeed, even in the drab sickbay gown, just thawed and straight out of surgery, with no brush having touched that head of hair for over a month, Ensign Ferik would make for an intriguing model to capture on canvas. Perhaps, after she'd recovered somewhat, Ida could make the suggestion.

"You're not the only one that the Calamity hologram hurt," she said in a cursory finish to the relaying of events that Ferik had missed. "Adam Kingston got his skull fractured up on the Main Bridge, and he was put on ice as well. He's back on his feet again, thawed before the battle with the Borg, but I don't know what you'll think... but he's no longer himself, I find. He was... sour, and introvert, spiteful when Starfleet turned on us. Remember how we even discussed this at one time, before the Calamity found us? Now, every time I've met him, it seems more and more clear that he's adopted this... acceptance of the situation, and actually behaves like a Starfleet officer again. Because of this, he is now our Master-at-Arms, in charge of all training and drills, as well as weapons maintenance."

Ida paused, because she was getting to something specific with this switch of topics. "Once you're back on duty, I'd be grateful if you confirmed this for me, since you are one of those who knew him from the time when we escaped Earth. I'm fairly confident it's not my imagination, and if nothing else, it might be good for you to touch base with someone else from the original Security department aboard."

Little did she know how Kingston had sought to take advantage of the Ensign, before Thea happened to pull Kingston away.

"I will make sure you get to meet Commander Kai Akoni once you're back on your feet, and when you're feeling better, I have a suggestion for an off-duty activity. Of course, there are all kinds of distractions down on the planet and in these Klingon shipyards, but I had an idea for something more close to home."

Perhaps she ought to let Ferik rest, given all that she'd been through, but she was still curious about the human's neck and if she had any further questions. Ida decided that, as easy as the human was on the eye, she'd linger a little while longer - remaining where she stood with her arms crossed below her chest.

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw

Reply #15
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Auctor Lucan

While Marija would never wish harm on anybody, especially her fellow security officers she couldn't say that cared either way that Kingston had been injured given what had happened the last time the two of them had been alone together, even fresh out of stasis that much she remembered quite clearly. Yet another list of things that had happened to her that she would much rather forget and move on from.

Despite that however, she kept her expression neutral even more so considering that not only did the Deputy Chief not know what had happened and might even want to do something about it if Marija told her, but by the sounds of it whatever had happened had drastically altered the man's personality so maybe things had changed. That being said however, she really didn't like the idea of him being in charge of their training drills and weapon maintenance. Before that they had worked different shifts so it was relatively easy to avoid him but considering they ran regular training drills, that had gone right out the window.

"Yes ma'am." she replied with a nod, hoping beyond all hope that the somewhat reluctance and shift in tone of her voice had gone unnoticed, then again she had never really been that lucky so she wouldn't be surprised if she was called out on it either.

When the conversation had turned to the LT informing her that she would make sure that she would get to meet the new Security Chief the blonde nodded before arching her eyebrow when the woman suggested an off duty activity for her to do despite the activities down on Aldea on in the shipyards. "Thank you Ma'am, I look forward to meeting him. I would also be interested to hear your suggestion, if you wouldn't mind." she answered, her curiosity peaked.

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #16
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Bastila
There has been... some kind of reaction to the mentioning of Kingston, but Ida had not been attuned to catch on to it. When she got the impression that there as an air of non-committal from the Ensign, it was too late - her antennae rising in query when she'd already moved on to talk about Akoni and their current whereabouts.

At least Ferik looked forward to seeing their new Chief Security Officer, and she seemed to accept that things were not what they used to be. Perhaps, though, for the better, since the time after the Niga Incident and the visit from Ishtar hadn't been the brightest of their voyage. Ida had no idea what the pinkskin on the recovery biobed thought of those events, but perhaps they could speak of it in private rather than the middle of sickbay, or at least in Ida's office, once Ferik was back on her feet.

What Ida hadn't been prepared for was the question about the off-duty activity that she'd alluded to, not having foreseen that the blonde Human would be curious about it right away. She realised in that moment that she might have erred, for not divulging what she had in mind might be considered rude. Perhaps it was something cultural that drove her to answer as well, since on Andoria, there was no stigma to what she'd suggest - artistry and showing of skin certainly no taboo.

"By Lor'Vela, I had meant for you to recover before making the suggestion," she said with a chuckle and ran a hand through her white hair - her antennae writhing a bit at the implications. She took a step closer to the bed and lowered her voice a bit. "It's something that I had meant to suggest before the Theurgy was caught up in this mission of ours, but the chance never came up. I'd like to draw you, on canvas, if you would be so willing. This doesn't have to be on the Theurgy, of course, if you prefer to go on shoreleave during your recovery. Either way, it would be my privilege to capture you on canvas. No obligation, of course. I'd never give such orders, believe me."

Having given the suggestion, Ida had put her hands on her own hips and couldn't help the small smile that animated her chiselled features. Such expressions did come more easily after what happened three days past on Aldea, when she'd been able to process some of what she'd been through together with Head Nurse Jovela. "I should leave you to your recovery, however, unless you have any further questions?"

Re: Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw

Reply #17
Ensign Marija Ferik | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  @Auctor Lucan

Sitting on the biobed, Marija couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when the Deputy Chief said that she wasn’t expecting her to enquire about her suggestion so soon. After all, why wouldn’t she? She was going to be on light duty for the next few days by the sounds of it and with them on the way to this Aldea planet there would be plenty of time for shore leave. Whatever it was, it was an activity that apparently, she would need to recover from a little more first.

Things didn’t get any easier to understand when the Lieutenant closed the distance between them and lowered her voice as she spoke, as if telling some deeply guarded secret. It was most definitely not what Marija had expected when she had asked the question.

However, when the Andorian had told her what she had in mind, it became clear why she had whispered it and it was most definitely not what she had been expecting as a suggestion. She wanted to paint her? That was a new one, nobody had ever wanted to do that before. She wondered if this would be a clothed portrait or a nude one, not that she was entirely sure she would ever take the Andorian up on the offer, at least not yet.

While thinking on the whole thing, Marija did catch that Ida had apparently wanted to suggest to her before everything had gone to hell, which was interesting to say the least. Looking back on it Marija couldn’t exactly remember if or when she had ever seen the Lieutenant express any sort of interest in her and if she had then Marija had clearly never seen it.

“Uh wow that is uh not what I was expecting. I’m flattered that you think I’m worthy to be captured in such a way.” she answered "I'll have to uh think on that one for a bit if you don't mind, but I'm certainly not opposed to the idea." she added, watching as the Andorian laid a hand on her hip and smiled slightly in her direction.

When asked if she had any further questions, Marija thought for a moment before shaking her head "No ma'am, I think I'm good for now thank you."

Re: Day 05 [1030hrs] Marija's Thaw

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Bastila
Oh, it became quite clear that Ida had managed to embarrass Ensign Ferik, judging by her reaction to the suggestion. While Ida may have preferred to draw her without clothing, she knew that humans were a little bit less open to such, so she'd refrained from suggesting that outright.

Which was decidedly a good call. At least she'd not entirely opposed to the suggestion...

"Very good then, I'll leave you to your rest, and when you are ready, there are a lot of reports to go through before you return to duty." Ida was speaking in her normal tone and she wanted to reach down and pat her shoulder. She refrained however, not sure if the Human would be open to such a gesture so soon after waking up. She may already have made a fool of herself in voicing her old wishes in terms of capturing her with her brushes. She smiled a bit, however, before taking her leave. "For the time being, just make sure you recover, and remain at ease in the knowledge that the ship is in a relatively safe port."

She turned to walk away, but paused after a few yards, glancing at the pinkskin over her shoulder. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate seeing you back with us - one of the original crew back on their feet. Not just in the sense of there being hope for us all to come out of this... but since you were with us when all of this began. With all these new faces around me... it makes one forget what it used to be like aboard this ship."

With that, she left, hoping to speak with the Ensign soon enough.


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