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Topic: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1 (Read 8084 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #25
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

Oh, sweet, sweet Vanya, Natalie thought. This girl was the opposite of so many steryotypes they'd all grown up with about Romulans, in the Federation. We're supposed to be above this kind of thing, she thought bitterly. And now here was Natalie trying to come to terms with they hypocritical bigotry being shown by citizens of a government that professed to be above such things. The Federation in general and Humanity in particular were supposed to have moved pass such petty feelings. And yet here I am, dealing with the aftermath that put lie to the hypocrisy., made flesh and - well, not bone exactly....

As she worked with deliberate care, flashing that micro-transporter over the girls face and trying not to think about how nasty that bruise was, Natalie gave answer to the questions she'd been given. At least, as best she could. After all she was no councilor, she'd had no training in this kind of thing.

"People...generally speaking, and the more I'm here, the more I think, regardless of species - people tend to fear what they do not know. What they do not understand. When all you know of a race of beings is that, in 200 years of relations, you have been met with nothing but war and subterfuge, gaining very little insight to the people can be hard to set aside that fear."

"I think thats why Starfleet has the Cross Species dorm, yeah? Meet new people, new life, new civilizations. Expand your horizons. Make the unknown, known. And then, less scary." She smiled a bit. "I'm sure there are plenty of stories in the Empire about Humanity and the Federation boogy men. The thing is...I probably didn't think about it that way until I met you.  And well...

"As much as we profess to be enlightened, not everyone can look past that immediate fear. And not everyone can set aside grievances of the past. I don't know why they shoved you, not fully. It could be simple hazing but ...there's nothing simple about it when they bring your species into the equation. Maybe as they get to know you, that will change." It wasn't exactly a helpful statement, but it showed that Natalie feared Vanya was right.

Her tricroder gave a little trilling beep, and Natalie darted her blue eyes away. "According to this," she began, shifting her tone as she leaned over to pick the device up, wiggling her hips a bit to get into a better position, and then running the scanner over the prone Vanya, "You should be all good to go now. At least...internally. Need to do something about that bruise." As she spoke she slid off to the side to allow Vanya to sit. She watched the Romulan Andriod take stock of herself, twisting about. It was fascinating, the range of movement. The lifelike articulation that her engineers had managed to recreate.

Life. Artificial, yes, but life no less, with feelings that hurt just as sure as my own

The compliment buried at the end of her statement almost went over Natalie's head, as buried as she was in her own thoughts.. Almost. A deep, fierce crimson seeped into her skin, flushing from her cheeks, over her face and down her neck, disappearing past that golden collar.  Her own clothes were stained with mud and much, though to a lesser extent than Vanya's.

"I'm that is.. you think? Ah.." she stammered, shut up, shut her eyes, and took a breath. "Showers. Yes. Yes." She stood, nearly tipped backward, but managed to plant her feet, bend forward and offer Vanya a hand up. "We both need a change of clothes and to freshen up. Showers are.... are a good idea. yes."

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #26
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya nodded in agreement to Natalie’s words. “I often fear things I do not understand. Or find myself ‘not’ fearing something I might should. It’s often hard to tell the difference. At least for me. That… ramp up… ‘childhood’ which you have, I sort of skipped over. “

She listened about the reputation that the Romulans had earned here, in the Federation. “In my private studies… studies.. I should ‘not’ have conducted.. I often noted the complete difference in how events were portrayed. The Star Empire may depict an interaction as unprovoked aggression from the Federation, or the Klingons upon the Star Empire… but when I read the Federation histories… banned documents as you can imagine…. It was different. They showed almost the flip side of the credit. Romulans attacking unprovoked, often from Cloak, with out warning or seeming reason.” A bit of a sigh escaped her. “Clearly both couldn’t be true at the same time. Often the differences far exceeded anything you could categorize as perception bias as well. These events weren’t two different people seeing the same thing and perceiving it different. I’m sure that happens. The differences were significant enough to show that one, or the other, had to be lying.”

A longer pause and her dark green eyes looked to the Martians. “Considering my primary purpose, and other things that have come to light… I imagine that the Federation histories were… shall we say.. ‘less’.. in error.”

A smile was offered to Natalie. “Well the all Romulan dorm was so very empty. So I opted for the cross species one.” The smile turning into a bit of a grin. Natalie would know that Vanya as a singular representative of her specie wouldn’t have the choice that Nat herself did. “I’m so very glad that you Choose to expand your horizons.

Am…. I less scary to you now, Natalie? Or more so? You know me more than anyone not of the Daystrom Institute.”

When Natalie was done indeed she sat up and inspected herself nodding. “You do excellent work. You could be a technician first class in the Star Empire.” The android gave Natalie a wink to indicate that was a good thing.

Then, Vanya paused and tilted her head. Natalie had stammered a bit again and Vanya strove to suss out the meaning and or cause. Then the Android’s face soften and delicate long fingers reached up to gently brush Natalie’s cheek.

“Yes, Natalie… I very much do. You are a radiantly beautiful human. You… you mean you didn’t know?” Her voice soft, not at all mocking. Seemingly gently surprised that Natalie was unaware of her beauty. It was an endearing trait. Not modesty. “Your eyes are so deep. Like limpid pools of time… and your skin, smooth and velvety.. the hair. Dark but with those little golden brown highlights…. That’s before we even get to your body.” The Romulan smiled as if she were sharing a secret with Natalie.

Then showers were proposed and Vanya nodded. “Oh! Yes. That is a most excellent idea. Did you wish to share one?”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #27
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

"I think I lost a fear of you withing the first few hours knowing you, Vanya," Natalie said to reassure her roommate. "Knowing what makes you tick is a bit of an eye opener. I can only imagine that the folks at Daystrom must be proud of you."

Today was a bad day, in that her roommate had been targeted out for her 'species' by other cadets for a cruel, if childish prank that had further reaching, unintended consequences. But from another perspective, today was a good day, in that Natalie had learned a great deal about her friend, and the hope would be that, this knowledge would help her be a better friend to her roommate. Help make Vanya's life at the Academy a bit more bearable. Not exactly what Natalie had expected when she'd signed up for Cross Species rooming. She'd hoped to have her horizons broadened. Just perhaps, not quite in the fashion it was taking. Or in so many different ways.

Regardless, Natalie was as glad as Vanya seemed to be in that moment that she had volunteered for this; given that the Romulan had little choice in the matter. Unless they were going to put her with a Vulcan, and somehow, Natalie doubted that would have gone down well. The two hypothetical roommates would have seen each other as long term science experiments, in the best of cases, she imagined.

(She had no idea that at least one of the faculty at the Academy had suggested just that arraignment. This was shot down by the department head of the therapy branch of the medical school attached to the Academy as "heartless academia with no understanding of real world implications." Students were not to be used as experiments.)

"Well, I hope I don't have more practice on the subject - in that it means someone else sends you for an unwanted dip in a pool somewhere. But I'm...I'm glad I can help. And that I haven't mucked you up any." She wasn't entirely comfortable with praise, though when it was for a job well done, Natalie was able to bear it quite a bit better than when it was for physical compliments. This, she was clearly ill equipped to handle. As evidenced by her resemblance to a tomato, as Vanya heaped a fair bit of praise and admiration her direction. The touch to her cheek was soft and caring and sweet, and Natalie tried to pretend she didn't shiver just a little bit. Swallowing, the girl stammered out a response.

"I...that is...not really had a chance to be told. Or think about it." She gulped. "Are all Romulan women this forward with um...ah...their complimentary opinions?" Flattery was...difficult. It wasn't that she thought the Romulan was buttering her up. As far as she could tell that 'guile' that Romulans were accused of having didn't appear to be present here, just innocent admiration.  All of that at play didn't help her blushing state when Vanya inquired about sharing a shower. That was not exactly what Natalie had been intending when she noted that both of them would need one.

The issue at hand however, was the time. A quick glance around showed that they had spent quite a good deal of their break between classes with getting back to the dorm room and dealing with the impurities inside Vanya. If they were going to make their next classes (and never mind having a bite to eat) they would have to be quick about things. Sharing a shower - and the accommodations would be big enough for the both of them - might be the wisest of options.

Not that his made Natalie any less nervous about the prospect of being naked in the presence of someone else whom was objectively stunning. She couldn't think of the last time she had been in such a state. Probably as a child. She'd not been one for team sports in her teenage years when she became rather self conscious about, well, everything.

"I don't want to impose," she started, carefully, trying to keep her voice steady and calm. "I've never really um, shared a shower. But...well...time." She pointed to the chronometer on the wall. "We don't have all that much left if we're going to avoid being late to class." She trembled a bit - the fear of being late, so early in the semester, seemed to out weigh all the various butterflies going about in her stomach.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #28
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya smiled when Natalie divulged that she was no longer frightened of her. A bit of a nod and then an arched brow. “The people at Daystrom were very much interested in my inner workings, but I could only stay there so long. I am not a … ‘thing’ to be disassembled and studied, but a person. I need to learn and grow. To become stagnant.. is aberrant”

Vanya gave an agreeing nod about wishing to avoid a repeat performance. Her dark green eyes narrowing a bit.“Next time I will be ready and the results will be vastly… different.”  Which sounded just a touch sinister, but the look quickly passed from her eyes and she looked to Natalie again. “You didn’t muck me up. You de-mucked me Natalie.” The Romulan grinned as if Natalie had made quite the joke.

Then Vanya was noting her roommate’s coloring and her head tilted, looking to Natalie with curious eyes. “The males of Mars must all be same sex oriented.” A firm nod “Or stupid.”

The next query made Vanya pause and think about it. “I may not be the best to ask. My trainers and technicians seemed to admire my technology, but often found fault in my training sessions. I surmise that finding fault in others is a trait well ingrained into the Romulan mindset. Many of my files revolve around determining weakness to categorize or exploit.

My mother though… wanted me to be more… she made those routines… secondary. Not primary… she wanted to encourage my curiosity. My wonderment. So… I am different than they would have ‘had’ me be… they wanted me to calculate.. to pick apart, to seek out that weakness and use it.

Instead.. because my mother subverted that into secondary processes. I have the ability to… be curious. to.. Compliment if I see something that deserves it. The ability to be critical is a choice. Not a given.”

Her eyes looked to Natalie and she sighed. “Which is a lot of words to say.. no.. Most Romulan women are not as forward with compliments. At least not in my limited experience. You… got stuck with the “Weird Romulan”

Natalie pointed out the time and Vanya nodded, coming up to her feet with the grace that Nat had become more accustomed to. “Quite right and a very astute observation.”  Hands dipped down to grip her sodden undershirt and peeled it up and off. Letting it fall in a sodden heap she shirked off her support garmet as well and let it fall to the pile. Boots were tugged off and then socks. Natalie might see a bit of bounce and jiggle to all the right areas. Pulling off wet clothes was difficult but Vanya was determined. After the socks were removed she stood and the uniform pants were likewise shucked and then the panties. Pausing she looked to Natalie. Now standing wet and nude before the human.

“Hurry, Nat. If we’re late to class we’ll get demerits and it’ll go on our record! We must be swift!!”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #29
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

Vanya's opinions on the male portion of the Martian natives got a short burst of giggle. If she were being honest, there had been a time or two that Natalie had questioned the orientation of the men in her life. But, also being honest, she'd buried herself in her studies after the shuttle trip. There was every chance that someone had been hitting on her and it had gone right over her head, so deep in school texts and technical manuals as she'd been.

"Well, I don't know if I'd call you weird, or simply 'kind.' Which is the kind of Romulan I'd like for a roommate," Natalie declared as she swept some of the dirty locks of hair that hand fallen out of her bun away from her face. A face that was still red, if not quite tomato colored any more. They had enough to worry about with getting to class, so Nat had to push that embarrassment aside. At least she kept telling herself that. It was easier said than done, considering the objectively beautiful woman standing there next to her. Not, she reminded herself, that I'm into women. And yet...

Natalie belatedly realized that she had been watching her roommate undress and not focusing on her own clothes. True enough, she could blame it on concern for the Android. Would the wet clothes cause new issues to her servos and other inner workings? The answer appeared to be no, as Vanya jiggled in a pleasant fashion, unabashedly nude in front of Natalie. The only issue was that wet clothes clung to the body - none of the jerking motions that Nat had observed when Vanya tried to crawl out of the Koi pond.

"Sorry, sorry, you're right," Natalie said in a hurry as she bent right down to fish her feet out of her boots, and stayed bent, tugging her socks off as well. There was a nervous eagerness to her motions as she wiggled her bare toes on the floor. Being naked in front of Vanya wasn't exactly on her bucket list, but having a poor showing in the first week of classes was much, much further up the list of things she did not want. The buxom human's clothing were not as wet as Vanya's, though they were coated with mud and muck from helping the girl after she'd fallen. As such, it was a bit easier for Nat, working that grey uniform off.

Easier being relative.

She whoofed as she tossed the heavy jacket aside and tugged up her less stained undershirt, in a similar fashion as Vanya had. The bra under this however, took a little bit more work. Nat had plenty to support, and when her breasts dropped free, she let out a sigh of relief.  They gave a healthy bounce as the Martian began to wiggle out of her pants. They were well fitted, thanks to the Romulan's foresight when they'd first moved into the quarters together. And in the interest of time, Nat hooked her thumbs through the waistband of her panties, taking the whole lot off in one go.

"I'll shove these in the replicator to recycle them," Natalie said, scooping their clothes up after she'd pants'd herself, scattering about the room to gather the discarded attire. The replicator would take the dirty clothes, break them down, and reconstitute new uniforms in the saved sizing pattern's that Natalie had reprogrammed it to provide. Thus done, she turned to face Vanya, still red, fighting the urge to cover herself. If Vanya isn't bother by being nude I shouldn't be either she tried to convince herself. Still, there was the impulse to twitch her hand down, to cover the trimmed triangle of brown curls above her own sex.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #30
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


A smile was offered at the assessment of being kind and Vanya gave Natalie a gentle nod of thanks. She too was kind. Vanya had noted that from the start, but today she’d seen a bit of steel in the Martian as well. The anger that had flashed when she’d deduced that Vanya had been mistreated. That had been informative. Natalie was capable of ‘more’ than kindness. Which she would no doubt need at some point in her Academy and later, Starfleet career.

Vanya paused and her eyes played over the human’s form as it was revealed. A slender pointed brow arched up and seemed to accent the soft cranial ridge. Vanya did indeed totally pause to observe the disrobing of the young woman. Noting differences and likenesses to her own tall form. Glancing down at her self and then up at Natalie as more was uncovered.

Vanya was watching, positively enchanted as Natalie so conscientiously scooped up the soiled clothing and put them in the small replicator for recycling. Keen eyes watched Nat bounce around gathering the clothing and put it away. She noted the little twitches of hand when Natalie looked back her way. The nervousness bleeding off the young woman.

Vanya offered a smile and motion with her hand. “Shall we?” They were in a bit of a rush, and her motion allowed Natalie to head for the sonic shower ahead of her. It also gave the Romulan the ability to follow Natalie into the head, and get the full wrap around view.

As they got into the shower and Natalie activated it to start the cleansing process, Vanya glanced down, but her brows went up. “The pigment of your areola is decidedly pinkish of hue. I had no idea!” Of course her own had a very soft greenish hue. “How beautiful”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #31
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

Natalie had struggled to ignore the feeling of Vanya's gaze on her body as she had stripped down, and then activated the recycling sequence on their shared replicator. Now however, there was little she could do to force the attention from her mind. She reminded herself that Vanya was a scientist, and so there had to be a bit of professional curiosity about the similarities and differences between their species. Understandable, to be sure. Seeing something on a PADD, and seeing it in the flesh were two very different things.  And it wasn't as if Natalie hadn't been enthralled herself. Purely out of curiosity, of course.

And if you believe that I've bot a prime piece of waterfront real estate to sell you on Tholia, Nat.

Regardless, time was of the essence, and a Starfleet Cadet was expected to be decisive. So Natalie put a bright smile on, and moved toward the shared head accomidations. The facilities sat between their quarters, and another female quarters with two more cadets. Luckily at the time, it was not in use. Nat was able to peek in quickly and confirm as she depressed the button to open the door (these doors would not just sweep open as someone walked past, for obvious reasons).

Thus, unaware that Vanya was enjoying the back view as much as the front, Natalie padded across the tile floor, past the refresher, and to the sonic shower enclosure. True enough, behind the frosted glass pane was a berth that could easily hold both women, and another as well, like as not. There were, Natalie knew, some very large species that had attended the Academy and the facilities assigned to cadets were constructed with that in mind. Her fingers danced across the control panel, keying up a fully body deep clean cycle, and then multiplying the occupants. It would take a few minutes, and would be rather intensive.

But then we've both got mud in places we'd rather not, like our hair Natalie thought, as she belatedly undid the bun at the back of her head, letting it fall about her shoulders in a sweaty mess. And to be fair...I'd hate for there to be some particle that I missed that worked its way into Vanya. She was surprised a bit, by how much she cared for the Android. Then again, she had all of one real friend at the Academy so was it really that surprising?

"Right, In we go," she declared and then did so, stepping into the enclosure and trying to convince herself that this was a perfectly ordinary thing to do. Plenty of people showered together, she reasoned, once again reminding herself of various sports teams. This was a facade that cracked the moment Vanya commented on her nipples. Natalie felt her eyes go as wide as saucers, and she let out a startled squeak, glancing down at her breasts, half covering them. The sonic pulses began to cascade about them, causing the girl to tense, and then relax, but having the effect of making Natalie appear cold - at least as far as those nipples were concerned. As such, they were rather flushed pink, she noticed.

Of course, this lead her to glance over at Vanya and note that, sure enough, the girls were green. "I'll admit that I've never thought about the differences that um...that would affect....well...." She gestured down at her own nipples, then over to Vanya. "Coloration. But yours are a lovely shade too!" She added fast, less she appear rude. Of course, passing out from embarrassment would also be rude...

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #32
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya’s curiosity was indeed intense. It was something that carried over from the base imprint of her ‘’mother’s” youthful mind. It had been enhanced and encouraged during her training period. A defining characteristic of the young woman. One that she rather enjoined in engaging in. It was why she was on the Science Track after all. Natalie for her part was an encyclopedia of information in and on so so many subjects. Vanya was delighted to room with the other young woman. From discussing sunsets on Mars or Romulus, to the pros and cons of her favorite tools and now even to the amazing and enchanting differences of Human/Romulan physiology.

Vanya followed the Martian into the head and as Natalie started to que up the sequence in the sonic shower Vanya took two more steps and flicked the lock to prevent girls from the other room from coming in. Not that Vanya would care what so ever, but she had seen the reactions of her roommate for a short while now and if someone interrupted her showering, Vanya had a sinking suspicion that she may need smelling salts to revive her. Then the embarrassment of passing out.. might require a second dose. So.. Just a lot easier to lock the door.

Vanya paused for a second. Her mind was not as fast as a Soong type Android. Data for example was an order of magnitude or two faster than she, but her mind processed far faster than most biologicals. And for a full second of concentrated processing, she pondered over Natalie. Over herself locking the door to protect the other girl’s sensibilities. To … protect the human girl. It was new. So she took a long time to look at it from different angles. Well a long time for an Android.

Vanya analyzed the actions, emotions and reactions and realized that she had starting writing unique subroutines for Natalie. Routines that were at this moment, unique to the young woman. Written with her in mind and specifically for her. There was a partitioned sub-folder set aside for Natalie now. With numerous items of note, flagged and routed for memory and faster retention. Unique programs were being developed with the other young woman in mind.

It was all new for Vanya. She had interacted with people at Daystrom but this sort of thing had not happened. She hadn’t felt the need for specialized sub-routines and programs. With Natalie she did. That alone was utterly Fascinating for Vanya.

That full second ticked by and then Vanya retreated to the real world and smiled moving to follow Natalie into the stall. When Vanya made her observation and Natalie squeaked it caused Vanya to jump a bit, and of course with the jump, and Vanya not covering herself her own breasts jumped a bit with her and gave a satisfying and attractive bounce. Seeing Natalie’s widened eyes she looked back down and noticed the physical reaction and looked back up to the young humans face. “Even more so now. The sonic pulses do feel nice on the flesh don’t they” Vanya almost purred. 

When Natalie commented on her own breasts Vanya smiled down at them. “On yes. I rather like my own as well. I suppose that’s a good thing. An android with horrible body image developing an eating disorder or something would be disturbing on a number of levels wouldn’t it?”

Vanya closed her eyes and arched her head back letting the sonic waves play over her flesh. Her own body reacting like Natalie’s, skin tightening, and showing the intricate details of the bio-flesh’s design to the young engineer sharing the stall.

A few moments passed and Vanya’s dark green eyes opened. Her hands came up but she paused, looking to Natalie for permission. Only once it was granted did those slender fingers slip into Natalie’s dark brown tresses and gently massage the girl’s scalp and run down through her hair. The sonic waves dissipating and lifting away the sweat, and any dirt and grime that might have come over from Vanya herself. The hands so gentle on Natalie’s scalp and through her hair. Tender touches and caresses, ‘washing’ Natalie’s scalp and hair as it were, in the sonic shower. Her fingertips brushing the back of Natalie’s neck. Then after a few moments Vanya’s hands slid free of those silken tresses. A pointed brow raised and she turned. Clearly wishing for the same sort of aid. Her own hair was much more mussed, it’s obsidian black color marred by pond muck, scum and algae and what have you.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #33
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

There was a hard logic there in Vanya's words that Natalie could not dispute. She found herself nodding in agreement, letting her eyes close for a moment as she attempted to center herself. The pulsing sonics did feel good against her skin, and it was having the same sort of affect on both herself, and Vanya. This wasn't all that out of the ordinary for sonic's. At least, depending on the setting. There had been rumors about ways to tune the machines to....great affect. Not, of course, that she ever attempted that to her own sonic shower back home on Mars. Never ever had she. Why that would be a tinkering bridge too far. (She had).

"I have to say that the sonics...have a different sort of cleaning affect than a hot water shower," Natalie began, then paused, turning her head a bit and pouting slightly. "Which...would be a really, really bad idea for you. So lets forget that line of thought." No point in trying to describe it to a woman that would likely suffer tremendous discomfort from the act of taking a shower. That would be just mean.  She offered up an apologetic smile, and - again - glanced down at Vanya's Tits, quietly agreeing with the girls previous statement about them being rather lovely. 

"How would that work?" she asked, unable to stop herself. "Would you be able to actually gain weight? I - i mean, that's rude of me to ask I'm curious." She laughed, sheepishly.

That line of questioning eventually faded when Vanya raised up a hand and gestured to Nat's hair. The Ops officer went very still for a moment, coloring in the cheeks, before giving a slow nod of permission. She turned, presenting her back to the Romulan woman, the tangled hair cascading down it. She couldn't think of the last time someone had 'washed' her hair, in a sonic shower or a regular one. She shut her eyes and tried to hold still as the slender fingers raked the debris out of her curls, shaken free by the pulses that were, once again, shifting their intensity. It drew a humiliating, low noise out of Natalie, her shoulders slumping, relaxed, as a shiver ran straight from her scalp down, down down.

It turned out she really liked fingers in her hair. That was going to take some digesting.

For the moment, she just willed herself to be quiet and tried not to fidget too much. Which proved to be an exercise in futility as she squirmed quite a good deal under Vanya's careful touch. She trusted that the Romulan wouldn't find it too odd. Or so she hoped. When it came to physical contact and interaction, Natalie's experience had been limited to hand holding and the like. Certainly not shared showers with friends washing friends hair.

As the fingers left her, Natalie sighed, rolling her shoulders back and her head from side to side. That little touch at the back of her neck had her flushed all over. It had felt rather lovely, and was yet another thing that the Martian was simply unaccustomed to.

"Thank you," she said, very quietly as she turned around, still pink cheeked, still taut in various places and shivery all over. She blinked those blue eyes and stared up, putting the expression on Vanya's face into context, exclaiming"Oh!" She rubbed the back of her neck and giggled slightly, nodding.

"There's an old, old human saying, predating our expansion out into the galaxy," Natalie said quietly - she couldn't bring herself to speak up at a normal tone. Something about the setting seemed to prevent her from speaking up.

"'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours,' or so it went," she continued, losing herself in the conversation and not thinking a about the fact that they were both very naked in a shower. She cracked her knuckles and raised her fingers up, twirling one in a circle to indicate that Vanya should turn around. Natalie bit her lip and took a good look at what she had to work with, and nodded, taking the girls hair into her hands, from the bottom, slowly working her way up, untangling as best her fingers could.  She could feel the heat of the other girl, so very close, as the pulses worked to help Natalie remove the grime from the tresses.

"Silky," she murmured as she worked the hair, making her way up and up, fingertips eventually making contact with the back of the girls skull. They swept up and in, and when she raked them back, she brushed behind the tips of the girls pointed ears. As long as she was focusing on the mechanical aspects of actually working her fingers through hair it was almost possible to forget the context and setting. Or that Vanya might be experiencing the same sort of physical stimulation that Natalie had when she was on the receiving end of such attentions moments before. She had a serious case of tunnel vision going on and had barely noticed the way her fingers caressed the tapered ears as she pulled strands of hair back behind them.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #34
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya nodded to Natalie and smiled a bit. “I’m not 100% adverse to water. I can take a hydro shower now and then if I’m careful. It’s a problem with total submersion with out warning. If I’m careful before hand I can…. “  She motioned.“Prepare for the interaction with water. Think of it as you holding your breath? But a touch more complex with internal components. I can take a few moments to seal off aspects or power down others that might have negative interactions. It is possible though it limits some of my functions. Again sort of like holding your breath. Getting caught in the rain would not be detrimental. Exposure to a constant deluge or hurricane could be problematic. My designers were working on better ways to deal with it, but… I’m a prototype. First of my kind. Far from perfect. Maybe you can help me with it someday?”

When Nat inquired about eating and if she’d get fat, Vanya slid her hands down her sleek well toned body. “I can consume food and drink, and even have tastes that I enjoy and some I dislike. There is a human beverage that I enjoy, though I must confess to it being visually off-putting. The Replicator calls it “Chocolate Milk”?”  A bit of a chuckle escaped her.    “How ever I do not digest food or drink as you do. It’s stored and then offloaded at a later time.”

“I was purposefully designed to be able to alter my physical appearance pertaining to weight by an aspect of 15% either way. Allowing me to become a bit softer of aspect and more rounded, or even slightly emaciated. It was to… facilitate aspects of my primary design purpose.”
A ghost of a frown crossed the Romulan’s visage.

Then she was was washing Nat’s hair and observing the reactions of the young woman. The smile returning to her face as she did so. The sensation of the human’s hair on her fingertips was enjoyable to her. As was the tactile sensation of Nat’s scalp and warm flesh. The martian for her part seemed to enjoy it as well, if the loosening of shoulders and sounds emitting from her were an indication. Vanya could wash her hair for much much longer than their allotted time frame. Sadly they did have places to go, so after some time her fingers slid free of the dark tresses with clear reluctance.

At Natalie’s thanks Vanya smiled and nodded to the shorter young woman.“You’re very welcome.”
At the expression Vanya tilted her head and raised a hand looking at the neatly kept fingernails at the terminus of the long slender fingers then back to Natalie. “Perhaps later this evening after class?”

At the motion she turned and presented her back and hair to the Martian. As Natalie started to untangle and wash it, Vanya’s hands came up to press against the side of the shower stall. Her long back arched and her head rocked back presenting the hair more to natlie and showing the serpentine arch of spine. The lines of her flesh down to those long legs and that tight ass. While Natalie had a few low sounds escape her during her turn, Vanya’s soprano voice let out a rather long and clearly pleased moan that seemed to start high and end low in a toe curling sound. A full body shiver and then Vanya bit her bottom lip gently. The hip length hair regained it’s glossy sheen, seeming to show black-green in the light as the shower did it’s work with Natalie’s help and clensed it. Falling straight as an arrow through the young human’s fingers.

Then Natalie caressed her pointed ears. A sharp intake of breath and Vanya leaned back into it. In fact her arms came off the wall of the shower and one reached back. Cupping Natalie’s hip, the Romulan leaned back against Natalie’s chest. That silky hair caressing Natalie’s breasts, nipples, and even her stomach. Vanya seemed to become putty in Natalie’s hands. A whisper of voice escaping her.

“Romulan… ear points are extremely sensitive… and I love having them touched.. just… like…. you’re….. doing…… “ The voice trailing off into a positively feline purr.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #35
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

For her first week at the Academy, Natalie was shocked to discover that today seemed to be the day that she was learning the most. And not a bit of it was in a classroom. Nor was it from a professor or teachers aid. It was from her roommate. Be it the innate workings of her design (or the fact that she was, indeed, an Android) to how to repair and help up keep the girl, this was a fascinating lesson in robotics and higher engineering AI systems and operations. The kind of thing that was right up her alley, at least as far as her major was concerned.

Already, Natalie was worrying way, in the recesses of her mind, at the 'problem' of Vanya and water. Because as amazing as a sonic shower could be - and this was one that was proving to be excellent indeed - there was simply something about a hot, steaming shower that would beat a sonic, every day of the week. Unless, of course, you were (for lack of a better word) allergic to water. This was going to be something she'd want to solve, eventually, for her friend.

Yes, this was all academically intriguing, and an eye opening experience. But then there were the cultural lessons and personal preferences, about boundaries and how idioms went over other species heads. As much as Vanya was an Android, so too was she a Romulan. Perhaps a bit of an atypical one, but Romulan all the same. And Natalie had just discovered that they sounded very, very enticing when...stimulated.

While the idea of her liking Chocolate Milk was adorable (and Natalie would have to get her to have some fresh from the farm) the reaction that Vanya had to that tiny brush of her fingertips was something straight out of a dirty holo-novel. There were a few male cadets that Natalie had met, and a few other boys' she'd known back on Mars that would pay in bars of gold pressed latinum to have someone react the way that Vanya did just now.

Two bodies formed a tight line of flesh against flesh, from Natalie's bust all the way to her hips. This was about as sexual a thing as Natalie had ever done in her life, and the poor Operations Cadet froze up on the contact. Her brain was overloaded with stimulation, shock, and had no idea how to handle the new sensations. It was the kind of thing that would, in the end, take the girl quite some time to sort out, as to what she liked, didn't like, and was ambivilant about.

The hair, felt good, strapped between her and the Romulan. And her friends hand, on her leg, felt good. And she couldn't even bring herself to think about the fact that her friends butt was pressing up against her hips in a very suggestive manner. All she could do was squeak, her fingers frozen, trembling against the other girls ears.

"I...uhmmm...." she couldn't figure out what to say. "er....ooops?" She tried. Vanya had been having such a bad day of things so far, and here she was, being told that the Romulan liked - no, loved - these little touches. Maybe this is what she needs to relax?Nat thought, giving another little stroke.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #36
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus 


Vanya gently leaned back against her roommate and felt the fingertips tremble against her pointed ears. Making little touches, almost vibrations of their own as the sonic waves cascaded over both of them. The touch was gentle and nice and soft. The flesh pressing to her flesh felt good and warm and alive. The sensualist Romulan rather liked that too, and female flesh was of such a different experience than that of males.

At the “Ooops?” Vanya opened her eyes and one brow rose. Oops? Did Natalie not mean to caress her ears in the fashion she had? Was Vanya confused, or had she misread the sensation? Confused perhaps but the sensations were delicious. Of that she was quite sure. Perhaps Natalie had not meant to impart them?

Vanya had been just about to pull away when Natalie stroked her ears again. Another shiver. Vanya’s back slipping against Natalie’s front. The hand on Natalie’s leg gripping a touch more firmly and pulling her more flush against her own form. “Ohhhh… yesssssssssssssss!”

The Romulan’s eyes shut again and she reveled in the sensations being given. In the warmth of Natalie’s flesh against her own. The breath on her shoulder and neck. The feel of Natalie’s feminine curves against her back, and on yes, Natalie’s so talented fingers on her ears. She let those delectable sensations roll over and through her and enjoyed them immensely.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #37
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

Scientific curiosity satisfied, Natalie thought to herself. If she'd had any doubt that Vanya would respond like anything other than a 'real girl' to certain stimuli, such doubts had been well and truly banished. Given the way that the Romulan was pressing back against Natalie, the way she was practically clinging to the human woman's leg, there could be no doubt. Another little stroke of the ear confirmed for her that she had found a very vulnerable aspect of the alien woman.

She should stop. There were a legion of reasons to stop. For one, she had zero experience with this. There was also the fact that she was, as far as she could tell, uninterested in women. She was barely interested in sex at all, having been so hyper focused during her teenage years that the particular bug never really bit (never mind feeling sad at getting passed over). This was her roommate. She was foreign. She was an android. They had classes to get to. This was not the time, nor the place. Or the person. You shouldn't be satisfying her curiosity at her friends expense. This was wrong. They would be late. You're uncomfortable. She'll be uncomfortable. Things will be awkward after. You don't know what you're doing.

All the reasons not to kept playing about in her head. Natalie was pulled tight, vibrating with indecision. Part of her very much wanted to bolt from the shower, shame faced and run, and keep on running. This was so far out of her wheelhouse that by rights she should have passed out.

And yet....And yet.

Vanya was her friend. Vanya had a bad day. And all this cost Natalie, was a little bit of physical comfort and a boat load of confusion.

Taking a slow deep breath, and trying to convince herself that this was simply a kind gesture for a friend and not something far more intimate, Natalie settled in, gently stroking the girls ears, one after another. She bit her lip and said, "Relax. Just for a moment, okay?"

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #38
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


Vanya leaned back against Natalie and enjoyed the sensations of the fingers on her ears. A long moment was taken just to revel in the physical. To enjoy the touch of another. It had been some time since such had even been an option. Needless to say no-one was stroking her ears at the Daystrom Institute during the assessment of person hood there. Nor had any of the lawyers and judiciary during the trial to grant her the same rights of person hood. Ear touches had been a long time missing, and she quite liked it. So for a few moments, she relaxed.

That said the Android’s mind was not 100% dominated by the physical. After a few seconds of the intimate contact her dark green eyes would open. They would fix on the wall in front of her. This was great and she enjoyed it, but it would not be fair of her to make Natalie late for class. The human had already forgone her lunch period to see to Vanya’s needs. She had been quite understanding about the information that had been learned. No doubt a surprise that would cause paradigm shifts in how she perceived her roomie.

So as good as it felt Vanya swallowed and stroked Natalie’s leg once and then gently peeled her back from Natalie’s front and half turned looking over her shoulder with an almost lazy and sated smile.

“Thank you very much for that. It feels.. wonderful. It really does.
We need to finish up though. We are approaching a point where, unless we arrive out of uniform, we will not make our after lunch classes. I’m pretty sure that would net us demerits as well for not adhering to the uniform code.”

Peeling away from Natalie she swiftly finished her shower and then opened the door. Good thing with sonic showers, you don’t need to dry off.

The Romulan stepped out, pausing infront of the mirror to run her fingers through that long sable fall of hair and grab a scrunchy from the sink. With swift deft motions she pulled her hair up into a high pony tail and tightened it. Nodding she paused and turned to unlock the door leading to the ‘other’ girls room, before practically prancing into the one she shared with Natalie.

Time was short and they had places to be, so together they would approach the replicator. Uniforms were grabbed out rapid fire. Vanya pulled on her socks first. Bending to reach the feet at the end of those long legs, smoothing them up. Panties were snagged and pulled on and smoothed as well. Then the tailored uniform pants were grabbed out. Slipping them up over the flare of hip and ass, they were fastened in the front, hands making sure they fit right. The belt was left off for a moment and Vanya reached for the bra. Sliding it on over the shoulders she fastened it and paused. Looking down she arched a slender pointed brow. “Odd….” Then she glanced over to Natalie and back down at her own breasts and gave a bit of a bounce. The frown deepened. “I think…. Perhaps… we may have….” She glanced back over at Natalie who’s garment would be a size too tight, while Vanya’s was a size too large. Then her nod came. Yep. Natalie was in possession of the dark teal one and Vanya had the gold.

That explained it. Reaching back she unclasped it and sheepishly offered the gold one over to the other young woman.

“Oops, I grabbed Ops!”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #39
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

It wasn't that bad. Not really. All she was doing was gently caressing her friends ears. Naked. In a sonic shower. Pressed so tight together that Nat could feel just about everything on the back side of Vanya. Her friend being a woman. And an Alien. And an Android. Not that bad at all when you added everything together. No, not bad. Clearly, Vanya was enjoying herself. Natalie had never made anyone moan and shiver quite like this. That in and of it self, removed from the situation, was somewhat thrilling, and certainly captivating. Enough to shove some of the genuine concerns aside. Concerns such as time spent in the shower, or propriety. Classes.


Vanya gave Nat's bare thigh a brief caress that drew a soft, almost dreamy sounding noise from the Ops Cadet. She blinked a bit as if slipping out of a trance. She'd feel guilty about all of this later, probably. She wasn't prone to introspection but right then she had a lot to think about. She had been pleased to help her friend relax. And yet this was the kind of thing she'd been taught not to just do all willy nilly. Vanya was looking back over her shoulder now, reminding Natalie of the proverbial cat that got the canary, and causing a blush to form once again. It had died off during the physical contact they'd shared but seemed to be resurfacing now. Though it did not last long.

Classes They were going to be late for them.

"oh, shit," she swore, softly, face paling ever so much. "Oh my god, we're going to be late." It was all said quietly. Not in a shrill exclimation, but more a simple, concise statement of fact. They would be late if they didn't hurry. Natalie tuned out most of what Vanya did from that point, taking a moment to rush through the last motions of cleaning and settling herself as well. The vibrations cut off as one of them slapped the button to kill the shower session - in her hurry, Natalie couldn't remember which of them had.

She was following Vanya right out of the room, shaking her head a bit. Her wavy hair had puffed up and gone fluffy after the shower, as they often did, but she didn't have time to worry about that. She'd rake it back into a bushy tail later. Right then and there she just wanted to get to class, and hurried off into the other room, scampering about.  Too much to digest in too little time; Natalie did what she did best - compartmentalize the input and bury it for later reflection. (If she ever got around to it. She was great at repressing things).

 The replicator whirled and whistled, depositing two cadet uniforms to their exacting, pre-programmed specifications. No charge to their credits, because they had recycled the previously allotted outfits. Into this pile of clothing both women tore with marked haste, tugging on various pieces of underclothes. Natalie was frowning through her bushy curls as she forced her bra on, wincing a bit. "Why is this so tight?" She asked aloud, then blinked, looked at Vanya, then down at herself, and then back at Vanya. She now had empirical evidence that her own bust was larger than the Romulan's, because it was the science candidate's top she was trying to squeeze into.

The hilarity of the moment was too much, and Nat burst into a fit of giggles. Not quite bordering on manic or anything like that, it was, none the less, a good release of stress, and she shook her head, hiding her mirth behind her waves of brown hair. "Oh god, what a pair we make," she said quietly, pulling the too small top back off and handing it sheepishly over to the Romulan, before pulling her own golden fabric on. No time to really dwell, she laughed all the same, hurridly - but carefully - picking through the clothes for the rest of her uniform.

"I guess this is good practice for response time drills in the future. Making sure we grab the right stuff in a hurry?" She purposed, sounding contradictorialy at ease, considering the time crunch they were in, and the intimacy of the moments prior.

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #40
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor ] Attn: @Brutus  


At Natalie’s exclamation of “Oh shit!” The Romulan paused and looked at her with a highly arched eyebrow and a moment was taken to lean to the side and inspect Natalie’s rear. A long pause and she shook her head.

Getting out they moved into the dorm room and went about getting dressed until the misapplication of underclothes. Natalie giggled and the corners of Vanya’s lips turned up. A look of curiosity crossed her face and she grinned. “Well we do seem to have rather nice pairs.” She nodded, was that a joke? Was it on purpose or had the android just made a very acute observation?

Exchanging the bra for the proper one she slid it on and adjusted herself. It wasn’t exactly like Vanya was lacking. It was just that Natalie had been twice blessed. Once that was on she pulled on the under shirt and then grabbed the tailored jacket. Academy gray with the teal shoulders wasn’t the most beautiful of uniforms. Vanya looked forward to graduation and getting the black and grays.

Once the Jacket was on, she smoothed it down and glanced to Natalie. It was going to take her a minute to tame that mane, so Vanya stepped past her and swiftly gathered up Nat’s stuff for her next class. With Android efficiency she stacked it in a neatly transported grouping, her hands seeming to almost blur.

As Natalie finished taming the mane, her items where handed to her and Vanya grinned. “Sometimes machine efficiency isn’t a bad thing?”

As they turned for the door Vanya flipped open her foot locker and a hand dove inside. A slight crinkle then her boot hit the side of the foot locker closing it. Swoosh and they were heading out the door.

Jogging down the hall Vanya’s hand came up. Two Starfeet Regulation Energy Bars! Scientifically formulated for human consumption to ensure steady release of energy for a 6 hour stretch. Vanya grinned as she gave them to the Martian. “Cant have you running out of fuel in afternoon classes. If you flunk out… I’d have to get a new roommate, and that’d be such a hassle!”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1

Reply #41
[Cadet Natalie Stark | Starfleet Academy |  Freshman Dorm Alpha 2 | Cross Species Accommodation | Fourth Floor  | Freshman Year | 1 Week into term]Attn: @Cosmos 

A bit of a hint of red. Yes, it was impossible to deny now that, by most species aesthetic standards, both Natalie herself, and Vanya, had what would be considered attractive pairs of breasts. Pleasantly plump and yet delightfully perky in the right ways. Not that any boy had bothered to really pay her any attention in that department. In fact, she'd probably had more compliments from Vanya about her breasts and other assets in the week she'd known the girl than in years of school on Mars.

But there wasn't really time for that. Now that she was attired in the proper colored underclothes, she began to add the rest of the uniform. Perhaps slightly slower - though at the same time, she was putting some trust in Vanya's ability to pick out the right  articles for herself. At least the girls managed to make a good showing of getting dressed, the Romulan finishing a bit ahead of Natalie, whom was pulling her pants up even as her roommate finished settling about her own hair.

Sure enough, it did take quite a bit of doing for Natalie to get that mane of curls into something approaching passable. It was a tight, overly bushy bun behind her head. It would keep the curls out of her face, and high up enough so that when she leaned back she wouldn't be trapping it between her and the seat. Little things, but they mattered. She finished just in time to see her Romulan counterpart blur about the room. She felt her mouth open just a tad.

"That was...yeah, wow," she said, taking her gear as it was offered up. She jerked her head toward the door, and they set off, Vanya pausing long enough to fish out a meal for the both of them. It was a level of preparation that Natalie considered praise worthy. She herself did not keep e-rats on hand.

"No,  we can't have that. Breaking in another roommate might be a bridge too far for this week," Natalie agreed with another relieved laugh. She used her teeth to tear open the foil wrapper as the duo jogged down to the turbolift. "Thanks for this," she added, digging in. She had wolfed down half of the snack by the time the lift deposited them on the main floor of the dorm. It wasn't the worse tasting meal she'd ever had, but at the same time it wasn't exactly a replicated cheeseburger.

She stopped briefly at the door, looking at the paved path that would lead to their classes. "On a bright note, we won't be passing the Koi pond," she remarked as they set off. That bit of campus was going to be off limits to her roommate, Natalie decided, as they ate up the ground with long, fast strides.

For now, at least. Until we deal with all of this....

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