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Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Stardate 57562.64 
Thursday March 12 2317 hrs 
Aldea Prime 

[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife


The sound of enchanting rhythmic beats resounded in one of the parts of the city of Aldea Prime. The nightlife was certainly blooming in Aldea as one of the trendier spots to be in was called the Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge. It was a large establishment near the coastal side of the city. If moths were drawn to light, most people would get drawn to this place as the exterior looked like every clubber's wet dream. Inside you had various room which in turn offered a very specific kind of music. One room for example would hold more trance inducing beats as another room would provide a more lounge atmosphere for people to wind down a little. rinks and snacks were offered in copious amounts and there would be no surprise if even the underworld saw it fit here to deal out drugs where needed. Of course, the official policy would be to ban drugs away. 

Kythalie had slipped on a comfortable yet sexy light burgundy - red dress that would allow her the freedom to dance and party. The hair of the Betazoid, whom was wearing brown contacts for the occasion, was loose and her wild hair moved along with her dancing. She was off duty and only had a new duty a full two cycles away, thus she indulged herself into the local drinks and snacks while openly flirting with whomever showed interest in her. The woman needed a change of mind set after the near death experience by the Borg encounter a few days ago. She was still coping with the loss of her good friend Eboh as well and what better way to do so down here in possibly the trendiest club in town. It was still relatively early, yet inside the building it was hard to tell just what time it was and it seemed like parties could go on for days here without an end. 

Benmual was enjoying the beats of a certain song as she danced freely before she bumped into another party guest. She turned around to see who it was and recognized the woman on the spot as she had been ordered to place her under surveillance. Said order had been revoked not that long ago and Kythalie doubted that the woman knew who she was. The music was loud however and any conversation would be hard to overhear or even understand between the both of them. With the white haired woman in front of her, Kythalie leaned in "You're from my ship aren't you?" she asked loud enough for Isel to understand while not loud enough to come over the music. 

The eyes of the Betazoid went over the shorter woman in front of her, Kythalie was about a head taller and she looked over the attire of the woman "Care to dance with me?" she asked louder this time, not caring if anyone overheard her now as her eyes locked into Isel's.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #1
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel, having traded patrol rotations for the evening to allow herself some downtime, had decided to visit the planet below. Having replicated clothing that would hopefully help her blend in with the local population, as long as no one noticed the tail, she had beamed down to the surface of Aldea Prime and had made her way through the streets following the sounds of laughter and music in search of it’s source. She wore a flowing wrap around her waist that covered down to mid-calf, effectively hiding her tail and adding a colourful swirl to each step. Above the wrap she wore a black, off-the-shoulder top with a colourful pattern across the chest, with the strap of a light blue tank top visible on her bare left shoulder. Her hair she wore loose and flowing, the white locks cascading down over her shoulders and back, the pale strands seeming a vivid contrast against the black top.

Her wandering took her to a street on the coastal side of the city, the breeze carrying the distinct smell of the ocean to Isel’s nose as she made her way along. The Vulpinian closed her eyes a moment and inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent and the feel of the breeze which stirred the white strands that hung about her torso. Her tail swished slightly with pleasure beneath her skirt, though she was careful to limit the movement so as not to draw attention. When she opened her eyes again a moment later, her gaze fell upon a crowd of people milling about near the entrance to a building, the sign above advertising it as the Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge. Her curiosity peaked, Isel altered course and made her way to the club. The doorman outside gave her a quick glance as she approached the entrance, followed by a second glance as she passed by, seeming startled by her gaze. Once inside, Isel paused and let the atmosphere of the place wash over her. The large room was filled with people, either milling about at the bars set against the walls or dancing in the center dance floor, moving and writhing to the pumping beat of the music. Isel could see doors to the sides that led to different rooms, with more people dancing visible through the portals. She had arranged the shore leave to unwind, the events of the past few days weighing heavily on her mind. The defection, the fights with Donna, her injuries and the new environment of the Theurgy had all been a lot to take in, and Isel needed a break.

And this place was exactly what she had been looking for.

Making her way to the bar, Isel ordered herself a couple of drinks, then quickly downed them both before leaving the empty glasses on the bar as she turned to the dance floor. Isel’s skirt flowed around her as she made her way through the crowd, her hips swaying to the beat as she lost herself in the throng of people. She danced with people here and there, the atmosphere and crowd of people reminding her of the clubs she’d frequented during her time with the Syndicate, though the lack of recognition on the part of the people around her was a nice change. People in this club didn’t know her. To them she was just a tiny white haired woman with pointed ears and mismatched eyes, nothing to take particular note of. Isel had been dancing with what she presumed was a local man when she felt someone bump into her, prompting her to turn and glance up at the person. She looked for the source of the bump out of curiosity, not anger, and quickly found it in the form of a taller woman with brown eyes, wild hair and a darker complexion. “Taller” and “having a darker complexion” were relative descriptions, since Isel herself stood only 5 feet tall with skin that was quite pale, though there were few who would give a different description to the wild mass of dark curls atop the woman’s head, the mane of hair seeming to have a life of it’s own as it twisted and bounced along with the beat of the music that was pumping around them. Isel smiled up at the woman, the sharp prominence of her fang-like canines clearly visible with the toothy grin. Isel tilted her head as the woman leaned in, offering a pointed ear as she guessed that the woman wanted to say something over the roar of the music and the drone of the crowd.

Isel cast a curious glance at the woman as she asked if Isel was from her ship, assuming at once that the woman must be a member of Theurgy’s crew. Isel didn’t recognize the wild-haired female, who looked like she could be Human, though she was new to the ship and had seen so many new faces that she could hardly keep track. Isel nodded at the woman in reply, not wanting to yell over the noise, silently mouthing the word “Theurgy” at the other woman with a questioning look. The woman asked her to dance next, and Isel finally spoke, raising her voice to be heard above the din.

”Sure!” She called, moving herself so that she was standing and dancing in front of the other woman. She wasn’t sure Donna would be overly happy about Isel clubbing alone and dancing with other people, but Isel wasn’t particularly bothered at that point. She was no slave, not anymore, and nobody owned her, not even Donna. She’d do as she damn well pleased. And at that moment, dancing with this woman from Theurgy’s crew pleased her.

Isel moved forward, placing a hand on the woman’s hip and leaning forward against her as she tipped her head back, standing on tip toe to bring her mouth closer to the woman’s ear. ”What’s your name?”

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #2
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife

The white haired woman gave a nod, her canines visible with the grin she gave and Kythalie couldn't help but laugh before the woman clarified which ship by mouthing it. Benmual gave a nod to the statement and winked as her body began to move again to the beats of the music. The woman before her sure knew her moves as she started to dance before her and Kythalie slightly adapted her dancing style to fit with Isel's. Eventually Isel asked her name and Kythalie felt in a playful mood as she smirked and waggled her eyebrows "Name's Kyara Ev'tira." she answered her "What about yours?" she asked, wondering if the woman would give her cover name or her true identity.

She could feel the hand of Isel on her hip though as she had asked the question, and while waiting for her response, Kythalie simply placed her arms around her neck and shoulders. Her hands hanging loosely behind her as she closed the distance between them. Their hips brushing against one another as they swayed to the music and Kythalie leaned in to rest her head against the shorter woman. It made it easier to converse and to club goers it would just look like the two women were sharing a more intimate moment.

After hearing Isel's response she grinned "Well met." she winked before she eyed the bar "I'm perched though, care to join me for a drink?" she inquired the Vulpinian as she added a nod of the head towards the bar to make clear where she wanted to go. Benmual remembered having to monitor both Isel and her wingwoman Donna. The latter not being here it seemed and it did make Kythalie curious. She always assumed fighter pilots to be relatively close to one another so she asked "Your squad partner not along with you to party?" 

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #3
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
”Kyara Ev’tira.”

The name was not one Isel had heard before, though she knew few enough of the crew that her lack of knowledge didn’t mean much. It could also be the woman’s Aldrean cover. Isel wasn’t overly concerned in either case. When asked her own, Isel debated several options before finally responding. ”Eira Demi’es,” she informed the other woman, giving her Aldean cover. The cover was simple enough, using her actual first name and a distorted version of her Syndicate alias, though not close enough to be recognizable to any who might know it. She wasn’t worried about such things at the moment, however, as she was simply enjoying dancing with the other woman and occasionally smiling up at her as their hips brushed against one another, Isel’s mismatched eyes meeting the other woman’s brown deep brown orbs.

If not for Donna, this one could be a lot of fun…

Isel let the thought go as soon as it entered her head, not wanting to dwell on the recent conflicts with Donna. Lately it seemed as if she’d been at odds with everyone, which was why she’d traded shifts to give herself a bit of time alone on the planet. If she ended up dancing with a particularly attractive… Human? Whatever she was, that was fine with Isel. The taller woman leaned in and asked if Isel wanted to get a drink, her proximity giving Isel a whiff of the other woman’s scent amid the chaos of people and aromas, as well as a brief view down the low neckline of her dress which Isel took full advantage of for a moment. Isel then directed a lop-sided grin up at Kyara, or whatever her real name was, and nodded her agreement. Grabbing Kyara’s hand, Isel began to make her way through the crowd of the dance floor, Kyara in tow, until at last they were by the bar. Off the dance floor and away from the speakers, the sound was more reasonable, and she no longer had to strain to hear as Kyara spoke. Kyara asked Isel, or rather Eira, if her squad partner wasn’t along to party on the planet’s surface. Isel gave to other woman a wink as she ordered a drink from the barman, then turned back to Kyara and waited for her to order before she finally shook her head, the motion causing white hairs to sway this way and that.

”No, she’s not here.” Isel informed her, ”I just wanted to get away for a bit. Traded shift rotations to give myself a chance to get down to the surface for a bit of fun.” As Isel explained this, she made a mental note that the other woman knew she was a member of the Tac Conn squadron. The thought left Isel slightly worried, and more than a little curious as she wondered what else the woman knew about her. Isel caught herself, chalking it up to the sort of paranoia which had been her constant companion in her old life. This was just the sort of noisy, crowded place that she would have frequented back in those days.

At least she won’t know that… Isel thought to herself as the drinks arrived, raising her glass to toast with the other woman. ”To new friends and good dance partners!” she offered by way of a toast.

And may the new friends not blackmail me like the old ones... She added in her head, eyes staring off at the dance floor for a moment as she sipped her drink. When the multicoloured orbs refocused on Kyara, the chipper amusement had returned to her expression. "So, Kyara," Isel began as she studies the other woman in the slightly more visible atmosphere around the bar, "What do you do what you're not dancing planet-side?"

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #4
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife 

The white haired woman gave her cover identity to the Betazoid which wasn't that surprising really. Their dancing carried on for a while longer before the request for a drink was made. Isel or well Eira took  her hand and quickly lead her through the busy club to one of the various bars. It was less noisy hear, music wise yet a lot of people were chatting around them. Eira placed her drink and Kyara made her order as she was informed that the companion squadmate of the woman was not with her. It earned the vulpinian a nod from the Betazoid as she got the drinks they ordered and paid for them.

"To new friends and dance partners indeed!"
Kyrara answered amused as she downed her drink rather quickly and felt the warmth of the alcohol run down her throat and warm her up. She shook her head a little, her hair moving in delay seemingly before she laughed as this was proper fun. Eira asked her what she did besides dancing off the planet and the taller woman winked "Officially I'm a clothes vendor." she answered Eira with a smile before she leaned in "Unoficially, I'm a security officer that transferred from the Cayuga." as she said so with a more hushed tone, to make sure nobody would overhear it.

Kyara ordered a new set of drinks for the both of them as she asked "You need to be at work tomorrow?" depending on the answer, Kyara would determine how much she'd give the lone wolf to drink. To Starfleet standards that is, unless she wanted to go overboard and turn this night into an epic one. Kythalie herself was free today and only had a new graveyard shift the next evening, so she was all in for tonight. Of course, her planning could always change last minute, though she felt confident about it for now.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #5
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel chuckled as Kyara identified herself first as a clothes vendor, then as a security officer, then smiled as the taller woman ordered another round of drinks for the two of them. A thought seemed to occur to Kyara, who turned to Isel as asked if she had to work tomorrow. ”I’ve got the night off,” Isel replied, ”My patrol would have started any minute now, but I traded with someone. Needed the down time to decompress. It’s been a bit of a crazy week, ya know?”

Isel grinned and tipped back her drink, making a face as the alcohol hit her. Fwah! Isel sputtered shaking head her with her eyes squeezed shut before turning and signalling to the bartender to bring them another round. ”But yeah, next flight rotation is midnight tomorrow. Double shift is gonna suck. Double suck if I’m hung over, but hey. That’s what caffeine is for!” Isel winked at Kyara, her grin broad and cheerful. ”Why? You planning on busting me for going on duty hung over? Or are you just worried that I’m going to turn into a piece of fruit like the princess in that Earth fairy tale? What was her name? Cinder-something?” Isel nodded to the bartender as he delivered the requested drinks, sipping at hers for the moment rather than downing it in one go. After pulling another face, Isel continued. Ugh! Why do I keep ordering this stuff? Anyway, didn’t some princess turn into a watermelon or a kiwi or something?”

Isel shrugged, giggled, and downed the rest of her drink. Blelegh! Oh gods, why am I doing that?” Isel looked up at Kythalie, her eyes slightly glassy from a mixture of alcohol and horrible taste. ”You Humans have some fucking weird mythology. I mean, seriously! A fucking kiwi? Those things are like fuzzy green testicles! Like fucking Orion balls or something. Or, like, I dunno." Isel seemed to consider it for a moment. "Fluffy Gorn balls?” Isel paused in her ranting, the alcohol obviously making her chatty, and looked up at Kythalie with a broad grin. Despite the ramblings which hinted that Isel, or rather Eira, was certainly feeling the effects of the drinks she was downing in quick succession, the Vulpinian seemed surprisingly steady on her feet. ”You have really pretty eyes!” Isel giggled, shaking her head as though trying to clear a thought out, then directed an impish look up at the Human. ”Alright, Kyara, what say we get that body of yours back on the dance floor?”

OOC: Special thanks to @Numen for the inspiring comparison of Kiwis to testicles!

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #6
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife

"Tell me about it." The woman laughed as she knew far too well what she meant. The second round of drinks was delivered and Kyara quickly downed them along with Isel. The alcohol was good, feisty, but good. The pilot was getting chatty and Kyara couldn't help but laugh as another round was ordered. The two girls enjoying themselves as they downed the other batch of shots again and Kyara shook her head "I doubt I'll be on duty by the time you'll start your double shift." she laughed before bumping into Isel playfully. The tale about an Earth fairy tale made no sense to Kyara as she shrugged "I don't know really... I'm not Terran." she answered with a grin as she winked. The tale sounded weird though, women turning into kiwis or watermelons, it made little sense to the security officer.

The betazoid had to laugh as the woman began to ramble and she downed her last drink steadily as she listened to Eira blabbering on about Orion or Gorn balls with fuzz on them. The woman laughing and tapping her on the head "You've had experience with Gorn or Orion balls?" she teased the woman before she laughed about the lenses she wore.

Eira was perhaps slightly intoxicated, yet she was fun nevertheless as she suggested to Kyara to get back to the dance floor. Kyara left little time for Eira to second guess as she dragged her back to the musically filled room. The beats going fast yet rhythmic as the room was turning hot. Kyara began to dance with Eira once more, though it didn't take long before the alcohol made the implied boundaries the Betazoid had forced herself on to fade. She got closer to Eira and placed her hands on her hips as she danced against the Vulpinian, laughing and clearly having fun as she allowed her body to grind against hers. There was no need for talking on Kyara's behalf and her mental barriers lowered slightly as she picked up thoughts from those around her.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #7
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel had missed Kyara’s admission that she wasn’t Terran, having been preoccupied with thaning the bartender for the drinks, though she caught the grin and the wink. Isel grinned back, not wanting to seem rude and hardly needing much excuse to grin at that moment. She was very much enjoying herself. When Kyara tapped her on the head, asking if Isel had had much experience with Gorn or Orion balls, Isel couldn’t help but laugh along with her. She had set herself up for that one. Isel wrinkled her nose as a mental image of what either of those might look like sprung into her head, emitting a loud Blegh noise to accompany the grimace.

Isel laughed again as Kyara led her back to the dance floor, having just enough time to down the last dregs of her drink before being hauled away and having to toss the empty glass back to the bartender with a giggle and an apologetic smile. The bartender, for his part, took it all in stride, skillfully catching the glass and giving Isel a wink as she was pulled off in the direction of the music.

Now back on the dance floor, Isel found herself surrounded by the press of the crowd and the heat of so many bodies moving to the beat of the music. Kyara had pulled to a halt and now turned to face Isel and move to the rhythm, and Isel wasted no time in getting close to her new friend as she let the thumping of the speakers settle into her body, the sound propelling her. Kyara moved closer and placed her hands on Isel’s hips, pressing herself against the smaller frame of the Vulpinian. For her part, Isel had no objections, and pressed back against the taller woman while raising her arms and linker her hands behind Kyaras neck. Isel smiled up at Kyara as they continued to move together and smiled impishy up at the other woman as she felt Kyara’s body pressed against her.

In another life, I could have had fun with her… Isel thought to herself, thinking back to when she used to frequent establishments such as this one. The music, the press of people, the smell of the crowd, it all reminded her of her old life. She would have been in her Natural form then, leaning against the bar clad in black and watching the goings on until someone caught her eye, much as Kyara had. Demetria would have had no qualms about seducing the attractive… whatever she was. No, Demetria would have taken her to a private room guarded by her employees, and enticed the sweet Kyara with more drinks before moving on to something more… carnal.

Isel Nix, on the other hand, had to behave herself. She wasn’t in the Syndicate anymore, she reminded herself, and that wasn’t how Isel Nix behaved. She was Starfleet now, and while she might desire Kyara, she was in no position to act on such things. That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the odd thought that wandered into her head, though, and in her tipsy state, such thoughts were becoming more frequent.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #8
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife

The disgusted face made Kyara laugh even more so with the accompanied sound she emitted with it. While being dragged to the dance floor, Kyara noticed how Isel managed to just toss the shot glasses back to the barkeep. Soon it didn't matter any longer as they were amidst the crowd and dancing once more. This was going to be a long long night. The fact that there was no way to tell if there would be daylight outside or not only increasing the odds that the partying crowd would stay in longer than expected.

The two of them seemed to hug against one another as they danced, drawing eyes from some people around them, especially males. Yet Kythalie didn't mind as she was having fun. The whispers in the heads of those around her remaining whispers as they were far enough and her barrier not low enough. The thoughts and emotions from Isel Nix however were a different thing all together. She was close, real close and her mind emitted thoughts that were at a comfortable level to pick up. It was rude to pry, yet Kythalie could just pick up on these without any forcing of herself.

She picked up shreds and images about the Vulpinian in her true form. How she'd be in similar looking clubs and how she'd have plans for the Betazoid. It made the taller woman laugh as to the outside world it seemed like she was just having fun.  The reminder that the smaller woman was a Starfleet officer seemed to kill her buzz in her head and Kythalie looked back into Isel's eyes. Wondering to confront her with it or not. She decided to let it pass for now, dancing to the various beats with the woman and picking up more odd thoughts from the woman.

It became apparent that Kythalie should at least inform the woman of her skills that were picking up things from her dancing partner. Kyara leaned in and rested her forehead against Isel's as she looked in the woman's eyes "I told you I wasn't Terran, but maybe I should specify that I'm a Betazoid." she informed her dancing partner as she leaned in further to her ear whispering "And just because you're a fleet member doesn't mean you can do bad things to me." she whispered suggestively, figuring the woman would be able to make the link to her own thoughts she had emitted earlier on.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #9
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
As Kyara leaned down, touching her forehead to Isel’s the Vulpinian rolled her eyes up to meet the toher womans, a grin playing across her features. As Kyara spoke, informing Isel that she was, in fact, a betazoid, Isel’s eyes went wide with surprise, and a touch a fear. Isel’s body tensed, her feet stopping deda mid-dance.

Fuck fuck fuck…

Isel was furious with herself. She was usually so cautious, ensuring never to think of her past life in the form of specifics just in case one of those sorts were around, the dangers of such thoughts being overheard looming as an ever present danger. Isel’s body relaxed somewhat as Kyara continued, telling Isel that, just because she was a fleet member, it didn’t mean she could do bad things to her. As Isel realized she had picked up on those thoughts, rather than the other parts, she allowed herself to calm down and relax. She gave the other woman a sly look, her eyes narrowing as an impish grin crept across her lips. Kyara’s tone wasn’t accusing, but rather carried with it a suggestive tone.

”Me? Bad things?” Isel asked, her features taking on an expression of feigned innocence as she began moving to the music once more. ”And what sort of bad things do you think I’d like to do to you, dear Kyara?”

Isel’s mind wandered for a moment, wondering if Kyara’s earlier comment about her squad partner had stemmed from previous knowledge, or the fact that the taller woman was a telepath. Isel would have to be careful. She didn’t know how to shield her mind from such people, though she was experienced in schooling her thoughts. Isel pulled Kyara closer, her arms still wrapped around the dark skinned woman’s neck, and pressed herself against Kyara. ”Ok, miss sexy sneaky telepath. What am I thinking now?”

Isel took a deep breath in an attempt to get her heartrate back to normal. Then she stared up into Kyara’s eyes as she concentrated, picturing Kyara in her mind. In her mental image, Kyara was lounging alone on Isel’s bed in her quarters, dressed just as she was now but lying in a rather alluring pose. The lights were dim, and on the bedside table were two glasses of what appeared to be champagne. Isel continued to concentrate on the image, her lips curving to take on a mischievous expression as her mental image of Kyara raised one had and held up a pair of kiwis, toying with the pair and rotating them in her hand like a pair of Baoding balls.

”That bad enough for you?” Isel asked with a  giggle, unable to concentrate on the image any longer. She stuck her tongue out at Kyara for good measure, the pressed herself against Kyara as they continued to dance, pushing herself up on her tiptoes to bring her mouth closer to the other woman’s ear. ”Besides, who’s to say what I was thinking about was bad? Or does security police inappropriate fantasies now too?” Isel asked, her breath hot on Kyara’s neck. She pulled away then, dropping off her toes with another giggle and a wink and letting herself sway to the music.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #10
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife

Kyara could feel the surge of anger boil up inside Isel and for a moment she wondered who it'd be aimed towards. Was the woman angry at her for being a Betazoid or was she angry at herself? It was hard to tell, especially with the barriers still decently raised. It didn't take long though for Eira to calm down again and continue dancing. The grin across her lips encouraging Kyara to continue with their dancing and fun, dismissing the burst of rage.

The Vulpinian challenged her as to what bad things she'd think she'd like to do to her. Kyara grinned and shrugged as she kept her arms around the Vulpinian's waist, her fingers tracing over her back as she gave it some thought "Oh, I don't know... As long as it doesn't involve Gorn balls." she replied with a laugh as she kept moving to the music and enjoyed the playful banter. As Kyara was still considering what she would like to receive from the Vulpinian, the shorter woman pulled her closer and pressed herself against her. Their curves pressed against one another as Kythalie certainly didn't seem to mind as she licked her lips.

She was challenged to read the mind of the white haired vixen and Kythalie grinned and shot her a look before nodding and focusing to it. The image was read and ictured before the kiwis came into view and the security officer's face turned sour as she slapped Eira on the shoulder "Eww! I've only seen those Terran fruits once, I don't even know how they taste!" she laughed as she saw the humor in it and narrowed her eyes Isel's question pretty much answered as Kythalie poked her tongue out as well.

She had taken a step back after reading the mind of Isel, the Vulpinian was quick enough to close the distance and as they got back into their rather physical dance. The Vulpinian words made Kythalie think for a second as she felt bad she couldn't return the favor to Isel by giving her a mental image of her own "We do not." she answered the question about policing inappropriate fantasies. Isel was close though, very close as Kythalie could feel the breath of the woman on her neck. She raked her nails against the Vulpinian's hips before looking back at her as the woman swayed her hips to the music and grinned at her.

Kythalie's eyes remained narrowed at her, as if angry at her, though the grin on her face would betray her true feelings. She moved closer to Isel, moving behind her now as she moved her hands over the Vulpinian's abdomen. Her hands just running short of the underside of her breasts before she whispered in Isel's ear "How about I show you what I had in mind?" the Betazoid wasn't shy of physical contact, nor using her body to amplify a message. Slowly Kythalie dipped her head down after whispering the words to Isel, giving a kiss on the woman's neck and tracing her lips further down to the shoulder of the pilot. She wasn't sure what her relation was to the other squadron pilot.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #11
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel felt Kyara’s fingers tracing along her back, felt her curves press against her body, and saw the way Kyara licked her lips, all the while thinking she might be in trouble with this one.

Then Kyara had seen the mental image Isel had been picturing, and her lovely face scrunched up in a sour grimace as taller woman slapped Isel’s shoulder. As Kyara voiced her protest, laughing as she did, Isel couldn’t help but laugh with her. As Kyara stepped back and stuck her tongue out as Isel, the Vulpinian had the briefest mental image of herself nipping that tongue between her sharp teeth, not enough to make the other woman bleed, of course, though perhaps enough to elicit a little yelp from the mocha-skinned beauty. The thought brought a mischievous grin to the Vulpinian’s face and she closed the distance with Kyara, and she pressed herself against the other woman all the harder as she felt the Betazoid’s nails raking over her hips. Isel raised an eyebrow as Kyara moved behind her, tilting her head to the side to glance over her shoulder at the taller woman. Her own hands moved to cover the the dark skinned woman’s as they moving to her abdomen, the up to just below her breasts.

”How about I show you what I had in mind?

Isel’s heart raced as Kyara whispered the words in her ear. She felt the other woman’s head close to her, felt her breath on her ear, and then felt her lips on her neck, her eyes rolling back in her head slightly as those lips traced a line down her shoulder. ”Mmm…” Isel let out a soft moan as she pressed herself back against the other woman, reaching up over her shoulder the run her nailed lightly across Kyara’s neck as a sly grin spread over her features.

Inside, however, Isel was a bundle of conflicted feelings. Lust and arousal battle against reluctance and loyalty battled against a sense of betrayal and loneliness. Isel had felt lost since coming aboard the Theurgy, adrift in a sea of strangers, alone, betrayed, and unsure of who to trust. Donna was still in her life, though how far she truly trusted her was a question that plagued Isel’s mind. Blackmail was quite the hurdle to overcome, especially when it let to you being shot at by both the side you were deserting, and the side you were trying to defect to. And the Klingons. And the Borg.

And now here she was, finally feeling at ease and with a beautiful woman’s lips on her neck, with no agenda or underhanded purpose that Isel could see. She should be happy, and yet she found herself feeling uncertain. She and Donna had had a long talk after making it to the Theurgy, and while they had worked things out, finally going so far as to express their love for each other, they had also agreed to a relationship that wasn’t an exclusive one. Not sexually, at least.

Even so, the discussion had only taken place yesterday, and Isel found herself feeling nervous about actually taking advantage of the understanding she and Donna had come to. Isel closed her eyes, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach waging a fierce battle against the sultry lips that yet caressed her neck, sending waves of desire through her, each wave battering down the feeling of reluctance.

Finally one of the warring emotions won out, the other side of the internal conflict being wiped out, the butterflies being killed to the last man. Isel ran her fingertips up Kyara’s neck, weaving the digits into the Betazoid’s hair as she gently pulled the taller woman’s head forward, raising her head so that her mouth was poised right next to Kyara’s ear. ”Now, now, Kyara…” Isel whispered, nuzzling her face into the dark skin of Kyara’s neck. The woman’s scent was intoxicating, and made Isel’s head swim slightly. ”I thought I wasn’t allowed to do bad things to you…” Isel craned her neck up, gently nipping the Betazoid’s earlobe between her front teeth, being careful not to use her prominent, fang-like canines. Isel chuckled softly as she pulled away slightly, staring back over her shoulder and into Kyara’s brown eyes with her own mismatched blue and green ones. ”But…” Isel grinned, pressing herself back against Kyara’s body and shifting her hips to the thumping beat of the music. ”I am curious…” Isel continued, twisting her neck to allow her to plant a kiss on the Betazoid’s neck, while as the same time reaching behind her with her free hand and running it over the Betazoid’s hip. ”Good thing I’m not a cat…” she chuckled, her eyes still on Kyara’s, her expression urging the other woman on.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #12
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ]   @Fife

Isel seemed to enjoy the thing Kythalie was doing to her. She could hear the soft moan from the woman and she could see how her body reacted to the touch. She could quite easily deduce that the Vulpinian enjoyed female companionship. The general good feeling it gave her was enough for Kythalie to carry on, the way Isel raked her nails against the back of her neck making the Betazoid giggle. With her barriers lowered lightly though, she could feel a bit of turmoil inside the woman. She didn't pry further though and simply decided to enjoy the time they had and see where the turmoil would lead to.

It didn't take that long really for Isel to choose one emotion over the other as the lust began to radiate from her core to the outside world. Kythalie smirked and felt her head being pulled forward by the white haired beauty as she brought her lips up to her ear and whispered. The Betazoid laughed as she felt Isel's proximity, enjoying it and lavishing in it. Her words made Kythalie think and she turned Isel around so she could properly look into her eyes and the whole package for that matter. Her arms coming to hand loosely against her shoulders as her hands toyed with her white hair as they continued to dance.

"Nobody said anything about me not being able to do bad things to you." Kythalie or Kyara shot back to Isel as she smiled wickedly. The expression of curiosity and cats made the Betazoid narrow her eyes as she hadn't heard the expression that often "Good thing you're not a cat but a Vulpinian?" she tried to guess it as she was pretty sure that wasn't the point of it. She had to laugh as she concluded it probably wasn't right at all before she rested her head against Isel's face "Regardless... What are you curious about?" she asked, not probing into her mind to find the answer, enjoying the cat and mouse game far more.

"Curious about how I look under this dress? Curious to how my lips would feel on yours? Curious about something else entirely?" she asked the Vulpinian whilst she ran her nose against hers and stopped talking as she leaned in slightly. Her tongue slowly slipping past her lips to lick against Isel's, teasingly, carefully. It lasted a few seconds before she leaned in more and brushed her lips against Isel's and eventually kissed her.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #13
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel grinned as Kyara pulled Isel around to face her, Isel’s hands going to Kyara’s waist as the taller woman’s hands went to her shoulders, toying with the white hair which cascaded over them. The grin widened and turned slightly impish as Isel stared up into the Betazoid’s eyes, exposing sharp canines that gave the smile a wolfish appearance. The Vulpinian’s mismatched eyes seemed to sparkle with intensity as she gazed up at Kyara, the two continuing to move together to the music.

When Kyara spoke, answering Isel’s comment with a wicked smile and the retort that Kyara hadn’t said she couldn’t do bad things to Isel, Isel fired back with a wicked grin of her own. Isel’s comment about curiosity and cats didn’t seem familiar to the other woman, and Isel had to remind herself that Kyara wasn’t Terran, and was apparently unfamiliar with many of the expression Isel had picked up during her time on Earth. Isel pulled Kyara towards her as the Betazoid asked what she was curious about, the taller woman going on to speculate that Isel’s curiosity was regarding how Kyara looked under her dress. Or perhaps how her lips would feel against Isel. The speculation was accompanied by Kyara’s nose brushing lightly against Isel’s own, causing Isel to giggle softly. Kyara stopped talking then, her tongue snaking out to brush tantalizingly against Isel’s lips before Kyara’s lips moved to brush the Vulpinian’s. The soft, light contact prompted Isel to move forward to meet the kiss that came next, Isel’s blue and green eyes disappearing as she closed them and savoured the kiss. She removed on hand from Kyara’s hips and reached up, lightly brushing the backs of her fingers against the Betazoid’s cheeks before snaking them forward to tangle in the woman’s wild hair.

Once the kiss was broken, Isel opened her eyes and peered up at the Betazoid with a slightly dizzy expression, her voice somewhat breathless as she spoke. ”Good guess…” she breathed with a giggle, her eyes remaining locked on the Betazoid’s, ”And yes…” Isel allowed her eyes to travel downwards, trailing over Kyara’s slender neck and down to the enticing view afforded by Kyara’s dress. She raised her gaze once more, her mismatched eyes meeting Kyara’s once again as she added ”To both…”. She freed her fingers from Kyara’s wild mane, running the tip of her index finger along the Betazoid’s jawline. ”So, if you’re the only one allowed to do bad things here…” Isel’s eyes flashed dangerously, her grin both dark and alluring, ”then I suppose I’m also curious…” Isel allowed her fingers to trail back up into Kyara’s hair, pulling the other woman forward as Isel stood up on tiptoes, pressing herself against the other woman. ”…to see how bad a sec officer can be…” The last was whispered into Kyara’s ear, the words quickly followed by Isel nuzzling the woman’s neck and planting a kiss on that same neck, just below Kyara’s jawline. She kissed her way up Kyara’s cheek, her tongue snaking out to flick the Betazoid’s earlobe before she gave it a light nip, wanting to make the other woman jump yet careful not to draw blood.

She let herself fall back to flat-footed then, gazing up at Kyara with a hungry expression, her grin a full of teasing delight. As she grinned, she cupped Kyara's cheek with one hand, concentrating hard to try and have Kyara hear what she was thinking.

Careful, the fox bites...

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #14
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife 

The reply Isel gave her after the two shared a kiss made Kythalie laugh as she shook her head and didn't say much more for now as she just eyed the Vulpinian whilst still moving against her to the beats of the music. Isel kept talking and Kythalie chuckled at the words again as she rolled her eyes slightly and gave Isel a mocking grin "Don't tell me you're the one that's going to ask me if I have restraints and all that?" she teased the pilot as she brought her lips closer to her ear "I bet everyone can be as bad if they're stimulated properly."

Isel's teasing kisses across her neck and the nip at her earlobe didn't make the Betazoid jump, on the contrary. She remained rather calm by it as her hand came to run down Isel's back and stopped at her bum. Giving it a squeeze after the teasing nip. The Betazoid grinned and looked into the mismatched eyes as she whispered "Want to get out of here? Or do you want to dance a little while longer?"

It was all the same for the Betazoid, dancing would allow her to tease the vulpinian a bit more, to use their bodies against one another and to let their imaginations run wild. On the other hand, they could take this up a notch and finally figure out what the other one looked like underneath all that clothing. It was all fine for Kythalie, though they'd probably still have to find a place to go to should they decide to leave. She left the choice to the Vulpinian as she first of all closed the distance once more to kiss Isel once more on the lips, not teasing anymore, but just claiming her right there on the spot.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #15
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel laughed when Kyara mentioned restraints, giving the security officer an impish smile. ”No restraints, thank you very much!” Isel said with a giggle, her outward reaction giving no hint of the momentary pang of fear which had shot through her.

No restraints.

It was something that Isel had an absolute aversion to, the remnants of her time as a slave. While the Vulpinian had few things that bothered her, that was still one thing that she couldn’t get over.

The worry disappeared form her as Kyara went on to say that, stimulated properly, anyone could be bad. The remark certainly suggested that the Betazoid had a few ideas of what they might do, leaving Isel curious. Perhaps the security officer had more to her than Isel might have suspected…

Isel felt a thrill run through her as Kyara’s hand settled on her rear following Isel’s little nip, and Isel returned the other woman’s grin when she asked is Isel wanted to get out of there. The taller woman followed the question with a kiss, a proper one this time, not teasing or playful but full and sensual. Isel brought her hand back up to Kyara’s head, pulling herself to the other woman and returning the kiss enthusiastically, her body pressed against the other woman’s. She ran her other hand down to Kyara’s hip, pulling Kyara’s body to her. Isel let a faint hint of a moan out into Kyara’s mouth as she savoured the kiss, her hand running back up Kyara’s torso, and lightly brushing the her breast before snaking around Kyara’s back. As Isel finally broke the kiss, she grinned up at Kyara with a breathless expression. ”We should probably get out of here,” Isel admitted with an impish grin, ”much more of this and we’re going to be giving these people quite the show…”

Isel gazed up at Kyara, her body still pressed to the other woman’s, with an eager grin. ”So… uh… your place or mine?” She asked with a giggle, her hand sliding down Kyara’s back to give the Betazoid’s shapely rear a playful squeeze.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #16
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife

The pang of fear that shot through Isel was easily picked up by the Betazoid, the eyes of the wild haired woman just scanning in Isel's eyes yet not mentioning anything further on it. It was one thing to pick up on emotions or thoughts, but another entirely to confront said person with those feelings. An invasion of privacy would one call it. Thus Kythalie just carried on with talking as if nothing had happened and the emotional state of Isel seemed to smoothen out.

The Vulpinian got on her tip toes as she answered Benmual's question about wanting to leave the club for a better place. The lips of the white haired woman full on Kythalie's who simply replied it with enthusiasm. Her hand squeezing lightly to tease against Nix her bottoms as her lips parted a little to flick her tongue against her lips. The electric charge run through the Betazoid's body as Isel ran her hand up to her, their bodies pressed together. The music brought her in a slight trance as the two made out and the men around them really enjoyed the show as Kythalie could pick up.

Isel's comment made Kythalie laugh as she looked around, giving a some men a wink "I think we already started a show... Or we at least have an audience..." she answered her before laughing as she looked back towards Isel "I don't have a residence planetside." she admitted as she was on limited funds really. The squeeze delivered by the Vulpinian made Kythalie press herself even more into her as she leaned down to whisper in Isel's ear "Or if you want to spice it up, I don't mind giving a public show..." she dared her with a grin. Unsure how Isel would react, it was really a mix of the thoughts and feelings she was picking up from the people around her. men were always sexual creatures, their imagination let loose, even more so with the booze.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #17
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel glanced around as Kyara made mention of their growing audience, letting out a giggle and sticking her tongue out at a group of rather eager looking men who were watching the pair with rapt attention. Turning her gaze back to Kyara, Isel gave a smile as the other woman explained that she didn’t have a residence planetside. The Vupinian threw her head back and laughed as Kyara offered to make their encounter into a public exhibition, the gesture sending white hair flipping upwards.

”HA! No thanks!” Isel laughed, shaking her head and giving Kyara an amused look. ”These pervs want a skin show, they’re gonna have to get their jollies elsewhere.” Isel pulled Kyara closer, running one hand up the Betazoid’s torso and cupping a firm breast in her hand, casting a coy sideways glance at the group of gawking males before looking up into Kyara’s eyes. ”Besides, I don’t want any of those greasy bastards getting any ideas. I want you all to myself!”

Isel went up on tiptoe again then, the nails of her hand gently scratching the back of Kyara’s neck as she whispered in the Betazoid’s ear. ”Why don’t we head back to the ship? My quarters will give us plenty of privacy.” Isel planted a light kiss on the other woman’s neck as she finished speaking, pulling away and giving the Betazoid a hungry look as she waited for the other woman’s decision. Whatever the Betazoid wanted, Isel had no intention of making herself a spectacle for a bunch of horny Aldeans. She had known those who got off on such things, and while Kyara seemed more than eager to give it a go, the Vulpinian had no interest in being gawked at by a bunch of horny losers while trying to enjoy herself.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #18
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Mor'Kaina Flux Lounge ] @Fife

The Vulpinian declined the offer to put up a show in public and Kyara couldn't help but giggle at the reaction of the white haired vixen. The Vulpinian's hand ran over Kythalie's torso and came to cup one of her breasts as she teased the gawking men on purpose it seemed. The Betazoid let out a soft grunt at the action and bit her lip. The woman's eyes looked hungry, very hungry "Fair enough." she answered her with a slight tap on her rear "Lets go..." she smiled before she pulled Isel closer again to give the poor sods a parting gift. A heated kiss, tongue and all as she made the kiss last a good few seconds whilst her hands roamed over Nix. Feeling up her curves, body and frame before pulling back with a wicked a grin and pulling her along out of the crowd to the exit of the club.

The two ladies made it out a few minutes later, giggling and laughing as they shared a tad more of small talk whilst making it back to one of the shuttle bays which would bring them back to the ship in orbit. On the ride up to the shipyards, there was more teasing, both physically as well as on a conversational level. Once they arrived back on the Theurgy it didn't take long at all for the two of them to rush of to Isel's quarters. When they both arrived their the party outfits were quickly discarded as Kythalie and Isel pretty much devoured one another once the doors closed.

Moans and other lustful sounds filled the room and lasted for quite a good while as the teasing had both of them riled up. The room's temperature quickly heated up and after what could possibly feel like hours later the two of them fell silent. Fully pleased and content with the result. Clothes, underwear and shoes were spread throughout the room and the sheets of Isel's bed covered Kythalie's body just from the hips up to her breasts. Her caramel legs lazily hanging over Isel's legs as the two were close against one another in the aftermath of a great lustful release.

Kythalie's head resting on the Vulpinian's wild white hair now as she ran her fingers lazily over the pale skin of the other woman. She didn't need to talk, nor wanted to as she just savored the moment. Perhaps it was just a one time thing or perhaps it could turn out to be a recurring item. Though those were all questions or ideas that didn't bother or occupied the Betazoids mind. She simply enjoyed the blissful aftermath of this and the person she was with.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #19
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Personal Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel’s eyes remained closed for the moment as she basked in the afterglow of satisfaction, her nose filled with the scent of the Betazoid’s hair and perfume. She felt the other woman’s hand gently running over her skin, the sensation sending shivers up the Vulpinian’s spine as a smile crept over her features.

”Careful,” Isel murmured, cracking one eye ever so slightly to peer at the Betazoid with a single blue orb, ”I’m ticklish.” Isel let out a soft, throaty chuckle as she let her eye close again, shuffling over slightly to get nearer the warmth of her bedfellow’s body. Isel opened her both her eyes then, gazing lazily over at the source of the scent and warmth. Kyara had the blankets covering her from hip to breast, and Isel couldn’t help but smile at the memory of exploring the regions of the Betazoid’s body that were currently hidden from view.

”So…” Isel murmured again, rolling onto her side and bringing one hand up to tangle in Kyara’s wild mane of hair. She leaned forward, gently kissing the dark skin of Kyara’s exposed shoulder, then the collarbone. ”Do I get to know your real name now?” Isel’s eyes met Kyara’s alight with a mixture of curiosity and post-climax bliss. ”Or would you just prefer to remain the sexy mystery girl from Aldea?” Isel giggled as she asked the question, craning her neck forward to bring her lips to Kyara’s, savouring the kiss as her fingers played with the other woman’s hair.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #20
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Isel Nix Personal Quarters ] @Fife

Kythalie had to laugh as the Vulpinian warned her about being ticklish "Good to know..." she teased the white haired beauty, though she had no intention to assault her with a tickle attack. When Isel did move closer to her to get closer to the warmth, the Betazoid placed her arms lazily over herb efore retracting one to play with the woman's hair. Isel seemingly had the same idea as she got on her side and Kythalie smirked.

"I've not formally introduced myself yet?" she teased as she rolled her eyes "I do like the ring of the sexy Aldean mystery girl..." The mismatched eyes of Isel did make it even more interesting to keep looking into. Before she could answer, The two of them kissed once more and Kythalie moved her hand away from Isel's hair to pull the sheets between them away so their bodies could be against one another. There was nothing more blisfull than skin to skin contact. Plus as the kiss was heavenly, the two would probably taste one another after their wild play from earlier on.

As the kiss broke off and the two of them were tightly pressed against one another in a comfortable yet caring way, Kythalie leaned forward to nip at Isel's ear before whispering softly "You can call me Kythalie... And if you want to look me up, Benmual is the last name ensign." she nuzzled her face into Isel's neck for a bit before hugging her and just savoring the moment in perfect bliss.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #21
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel grinned as Kyara teased her about not having properly introduced herself, the Betazoid rolling her eyes theatrically. The Vulpinian’s grin was accompanied by a giggle as Kyara admitted that she rather liked the was Sexy Adlean Mystery Girl sounded. Kyara’s reply was delayed as Isel leaned in to kiss her, and the delightful woman with the luxurious dark skin had the marvelous idea of removing the sheets which had been pinned between them.

Isel’s one hand continued to entwine itself in Kayra’s wild hair, while her other arm snaked around behind enticing woman which currently shared her bed, pulling Kyara to her and relishing the feeling of her pale skin pressing against the other woman’s warmth. Isel deepened the kiss, letting out a soft, appreciative moan against he other woman’s lips, all thoughts of names momentarily lost from her thoughts.

As the kiss finally ended, and with the Betazoid playfully nipping Isel’s ear, Kyara finally revealed her real name to be Kythalie Benmual. Isel closed her eyes and savoured the feeling as Kythalie nuzzled her face into Isel’s neck, hugging Isel to her as she did so. Isel lightly stroked the other woman's hair, a smile playing across her features as Kythalie addressed her by rank. "I think we can leave rank out of this for the moment..." Isel murmured, lightly running the tips of her fingers down the smooth skin of Kythalie's back. "We're naked, in my bed, and all tangled up in one another." Isel lightly kissed Kythalie's forehead, her nose filled with Kythalie's scent with the Betazoid's proximity. "Isel is fine."

Where have I heard that name before… Isel thought to herself, eyes still closed as she held Kythalie tightly to her. Benmual… Benmual… Then it came to her.

A smile of recognition came over Isel’s features as she pulled her head back from Kythalie, her eyes opening and seeking the Betazoid’s. ”Benmual? I’ve heard your name before!” Isel giggled using one leg to push herself up, rolling both of their bodies so that she lay atop the security officer. ”You’re the one who was assigned to monitor us when we came aboard!” Isel lowered her head, kissing Kythalie gently on the tip of the nose. ”I’ve gotta admit… this is one way of keeping tabs on someone!” Isel laughed, shaking her head a moment before pressing her lips to Kythalie’s once more, murmuring the words ”Remind me to get into trouble with security more often…” against Kytahlie’s mouth.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #22
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | Aldea Prime | Isel Nix Personal Quarters ] @Fife

"Isel it is... Dashing naked Isel... Very hot and needy Isel..." Kythalie teased the Vulpinian as she laughed and hugged her as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the touches she was getting from the other woman. There was a moment of silence before the white haired beauty came up with the realization where she had heard her name before. Kythalie's eyes opened as Isel re positioned herself on top of her. Kythalie's hands resting on her hips and dragging lazy circles against her skin as she smiled and nodded slowly as she was exposed as the security officer that was assigned to monitor her and Donna.

The Betazoid had to snort as Isel laughed about this being a way of keeping tabs and Kythalie managed to reply "We're pretty hands on with Security right now..." she joked before she felt the lips of Isel on hers once more. This girl really enjoyed her it seemed and the feeling was more than mutual. However, she wasn't sure if this would be a long time thing. Considering she knew the history between Isel and Donna.

"I really hope you don't... I'd hate to go after you to stun you or anything and have them figure out I slept with a dangerous criminal." she whispered as she traced her hands up over the Vulpinian's sides before engulfing her breasts. The Betazoid's dark eyes looked up to Isel's mismatched eyes as she leaned up and eventually sat up straight, her hands moving to Isel's back as their breasts pressed against one another "I don't know about you though... But... You kind of wore me out after a full shift and all that dancing and well... More..." she snickered as she nipped at Isel's lips "So do you want me to sleep in? Or would you rather have me retire to my own quarters?" nipping again at the lips, yet tugging at them this time "I mean, I don't know how you're wingmate..." she didn't pronounce it fully, but she didn't want to cause any problems. Especially not after having such a great time with the foxy pilot.


Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #23
[ Ensign Isel Nix | Aldea Prime | Mor’Kaina Flux Lounge ] Attn: @Nolan
Isel giggled against Kythalie’s mouth as the security officer had made a comment about Security being “hands on”. The giggling turning into a full-on laugh as Kythalie went on to speak out against Isel’s idea of getting into trouble with security, adding that she’d hate to stun Isel. Or have her fellow security staff figure out she’d slept with a dangerous criminal. ”Me? A dangerous criminal?” Isel laughed, her eyes narrowing suggestively. ”What? You want to search me, officer?” The expression didn’t last long before Isel was laughing again, and she gave Kythalie a big, toothy grin. ”C’mon! I’m little and fluffy! I’m not dangerous!”

Well, not anymore… Isel mused silently as she smiled at the other woman. She could feel Kythalie’s hand tracing along her side, the light touch of those mocha fingers sending electric jolts of sensation through her entire body, making her want to burst out laughing from the ticklish feeling and jump on the other woman and ravage her anew at the same time. Isel instinctively wrapped her arms around the other woman as Kythalie sat up, drawing Isel closer and pulling the Vulpinian’s body against her own. Their breasts pressed against one anothers, and Isel found herself staring into Kythalie’s brown, contact-lensed eyes as the other woman spoke, Isel trailing her fingers across Kythalie’s back as the other woman talked, claiming to be worn out after their encounter. She laughed as she made the admission, and nipped Isel’s lip, causing the Vulpinian to giggle from where she straddled Kythalie’s lap.

Isel considered Kythalie’s question as the Betazoid asked if Isel wanted her to stay or head back to her own quarters, again nipping her lip. Then Kythalie began to ask another question, pertaining to Isel’s wingmate, though she hesitate, not finishing the thought. Isel knew what she was getting at, however, and pulled back slightly to look Kythalie in the eyes.

”Don’t worry about me and Donna. We’re together, but we’ve got an understanding. We’re not exclusive.” Isel explained, giving Kythalie a reassuring smile. ”As for being worn out, I thought you security types had stamina! And as for the other part…” Isel teased, pressing herself harder against Kythalie and nuzzling the mocha woman’s neck. She planted several light kisses along the soft skin of that neck before nipping at the taller woman’s earlobe playfully. When she continued, she spoke in a whisper, just beside Kythalie’s ear. ”What makes you think I’m going to let you out of this bed, my dear Kythalie?” With those words, Isel pulled back and grinned, her eyes locking with Kythalie’s once more, the mismatched orbs fully of playful suggeston.

Re: Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!

Reply #24
[ PO2 Kythalie Benmual | USS Theurgy | Isel Nix Personal Quarters ] @Fife

"Yes you." Kythalie answered as she poked her tongue out "And I might just search you again." she offered with a wink. The Vulpinian had at least proven to be cute as she showed the security officer a toothy grin. It earned her a ruffle through her hair by the wild haired Betazoid before she broke out in laughter and traced her hands over the white haired woman. As they gazed in one another's eyes, the Betazoid realized she still had her contacts in. She would have to remove them at some point yet chose not to do so yet as Isel traced her fingers over her back.

The topic about Donna was sliced into and Kythalie nodded as she came to understand that the two shared a more open relationship. This given was perfectly fine for her as her species was known for its promiscuity. She never had any problems with open relationships or the fact that she sometimes or often butterflied from relationship to relationship. It wasn't like she was a nympho though, yet she did enjoy the chase, the tension that built up along with it. Of course, the prize in the end was always a plus, though at times disappointing.

Nix had answered Kythalie's state of being worn out and any chance to return to her own quarters. The Betazoid had to laugh as she shook her head "Fine, you want to see who has the most stamina... I can make this a competition." she answered with a grin as she cocked her head slightly "In that case, I'll stay until my next shift starts..." She answered with a purr. Kythalie leaned back, grinding her hips against Isel's on purpose in order to pop the contacts out and place them on the nightstand. She returned to Isel with a smirk "Much better." The Betazoid was ready for round two and she pushed Isel back into the sheets before hungrily kissing her on the lips as their bodies began to move against one another. The night was still oh so young.

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