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Topic: Day 04 [2230 hrs.] Enemies of the Empire (Read 6480 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 04 [2230 hrs.] Enemies of the Empire

Reply #25
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | First City | Qo’noS | Prior To The Fight ] attn: @Eden @Ellen Fitz @BipSpoon sorry for the delay

"Aye, best of luck ma'am, pffft, like you need it," Adam replied before he grinned and winked at Valyn. He headed off with Callax to cause the Tal Shiar some trouble and rescue Enyd.

[ Abandoned Sewer Station | Under First City | Qo'noS | The Fight's Prologue ]

As Adam caught up with Callax after a brief respite, everything hurt so he appreciated the lull in the action. Standing had been a task but he managed it, pain momentarily taking a backseat as fresh adrenaline pushed him forward. The pilot informed him that one Tal Shiar escaped and was in pursuit of Valyn, not good. Adam mused and thought it was a good idea to contact the Klingons as he'd nodded his agreement to follow the escapee.

”No worries,” Adam said between breaths as well. ”I look like shit, you look worse buddy,” he chuckled though he caused pain and he gripped his sides. ”See to Enyd, see ya both soon.” Adam began to head over to help Valyn with what they hoped was the remaining Tal Shiar, and when Klingon disruptor fire appeared wildly in the chamber that the Romulans used as a control room.

”Shit,” Adam said and had to drop to the ground to avoid several shots he could see due to the darkness before they could hit him. He heard Callax call out that they were Starfleet and clearly those new arrivals were Klingons. His shipmate labeled them as idiots, Adam chuckled more and braced himself as pain came again.

He hoped this wouldn't take long as he had to get moving again to help Valyn. He took a somewhat painful deep breath. ”petaQ! Cease fire, you are late! We killed most of them already.”

The firing stopped and many grunts later Adam left Callax to deal with the Klingons and rushed off to help Valyn.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 04 [2230 hrs.] Enemies of the Empire

Reply #26
[ Lieutenant Valyn Amarik | First City |Qo’NoS ] Attn: @Eden @Ellen Fitz @Sqweloookle  [Show/Hide]
Valyn charged. She used every bit of power her muscles could generate, sucking in deep breaths of air as she propelled herself forward, trying to make her way towards her friend. Her oath however, was impeded by another. He was Romulan, like her, and much like her he too also seemed to have a penchant for knives. She ducked and contorted her body slightly to the left, the first two attacks flying past her as Valyn rushed to close the distance, just as her opponent did the same.

Valyn watched her posture, watched her stance, even tried to listen to the pattern of her enemies breathing. She was searching for a weakness, and in the meantime dancing away from strikes that flew at her, like the angry barb of a threatened scorpion strike after strike came for her, and most missed. Not all did however. As Valyn reached forward to push Melus’ wrist down with a harsh twist, the knife clattered to the floor. With her right hand however, she delivered a brutal slash to the side of Valyns face, carving what looked akin to the slash of a large feline as copper-tinged blood spilled for Valyns face.

She inhaled, sharply as she stepped back, in the same motion moving as though she were a fluid and not a person, she pulled a knife of her own. She didn’t rise to the bait of being Starfleets pet, she knew her people would hate her for her choice, and she wasn’t going to waste breath trying to explain her choices to him.

She swing out the knife with a brutal stab aimed for the gut of her enemy, which was swiftly dodged. Behind her, she heard another volley of fire, from Klingon weapons. She didn’t have the chance to look though, before Melus had thrown himself at her, slamming her into the ground, bringing up the knife to drive it into her sternum…

She drove her knee up into his groin as he straddled atop her, and threw him up over her head as she rose to her feet. “Only one dying here is you.” She said it with a coldness not often found among the ranks of Starfleet, as she stalled closer. She’s thrown him into some sort of water tank, which spilled onto the ground around him. Melus rose, again taking on a position of readiness as Valyn threw herself at him. Punch after punch, kick after kick they mauled one another like two beasts fighting for sovereignty of a watering hole. Eventually, they found themselves on the ground, wrestling for superiority once more.

Melus gripped Valyn by the throat, and squeezed, with everything he had. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt reality slipping around herself, feeling that innate and unnatural hunger for breath. What happened next happened as though it were natural to her. Programmed into her brain. She stopped struggling, allowing herself just a few millimeters of slack in his grip, and she struck. She fling her hand forward, slamming fingertips to his eyes before rolling her hips so that she was atop him. As he bellowed in pain, blood trickling down his checks and aquiline nose, she gripped him by the hair, and held his face in the gathering puddle of water. Her eyes had no thought in them. She said nothing. She didn’t wince from her injuries which, we’re by no means minor. She simply did, as though being driven by some outside force, she held Melus there until his legs stopped kicking, and the bubbles stopped.

“Told you.”

She said it quietly and shoved the body away, stumbling backwards into a guardrail and gathering her bearings. Until a disruptor bolt clanged off that railing, and she took cover.

Re: Day 04 [2230 hrs.] Enemies of the Empire

Reply #27
[ Commander Arusha | Transporter Station | First City | Qo'noS ] Attn: @Eden  @Sqweloookle  @BipSpoon

Sometime later…

She would log Bekk Wos and Bekk Tarf as lost in the line of battle. For all their incompetence, there was no need for their families to suffer for their idiocy. That they were killed by friendly fire did not disturb Arusha, nor did she fault the Starfleet officers for firing back in self-defense. Wos and Tarf had been the bottom of the barrel of her precinct; in some ways, these bedraggled officers had done her favor by ridding her of the two ingrates permanently.

Looking up at the transporter pad and noting those injured and those just looking like they’d gone through a Klingon wedding ceremony, Arusha snorted to herself. She wasn’t so prideful to look a gift targ in the mouth and had every intention of offering her sincere thanks for their unexpected support in flushing out the Tal Shiar scum that had been knifing her gut for so long. At this thought, Arusha’s eyes narrowed when her gaze fell on the Romulan standing at the edge of the pad, hands and feet shackled, lips pulled back in a satisfied smirk. That he was one of the least injured only aggravated her.

“Are you certain you wish to take that scum with you? We are happy to deal out swift justice to him and repay him for all the inconvenience his colleagues caused you.” She almost wanted to insist on keeping him as a way of making an example of him, winning back some honor for her precinct at his execution. But then Arusha thought of all the paperwork she already needed to fill out and how much of the picture she still didn’t know the details about and decided to let Starfleet have him if they so wanted. One less mess for her to deal with.

The Romulan bastard raised a single eyebrow at her suggestion but was prevented the opportunity to answer when one of the newly arrived officers, fresh off the boat and come to collect the lot of them, spoke up. Based on his uniform and stance, this officer was in command of some department or another and had beamed down in direct connection to this Romulan. “Thank you for the offer, but that won’t be necessary. We will deal out all necessary justice. We thank you for your cooperation on the matter.”

Arusha shrugged and nodded to the transport officer, “Just keep him out of my precinct if you want to keep him alive.”

[ Enyd, dazed and annoyed ]

She’d intentionally taken up position on the far side of the transporter pad, as far away from Hirek and Fisher as possible. Leaning against Cal for support, Enyd felt like a drowned cat but knew aside from some soreness, welts here and there, and bruising, she was doing much better than Valyn and Adam. She was already thinking about how she could make it up to them, this whole rescue business, and knew without having to suggest it that baking a cake and hosting tea at her quarters was assuredly NOT enough.

[ Hirek, amused and grateful ]

The wretched view of the Klingon transport room shimmered away, replaced by the sterile environment of what he could only assume was the transporter room on the Theurgy.

“Before you thank me,” the chief Intelligence officer spoke over his shoulder as he led the way off the pad, “we have a meeting scheduled with the captain.”

Hirek followed the man for a few paces before stopping and facing the rest of the officers he’d up till recently been facing off against. “My sincere apologies for the discomfort and inconvenience you’ve experienced over the past few hours. I hope, with time, we may make amends and put this all behind us.”

The Intelligence officer snorted but said nothing more as he led Hirek from the room.

Re: Day 04 [2230 hrs.] Enemies of the Empire

Reply #28
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Transporter Station | First City | Qo’noS ] attn:
@Ellen Fitz @BipSpoon @Eden I hope my references to your characters are ok?

It was good to be out of the Sewers and now heading back to the ship, they had to use this Klingon transporter in order to get back since they all lost their combadges back in the surprise attack. It felt to Adam that that was a long time ago, he hurt all over and while Klingon medical facilities were adequate, Adam believed that they all wanted back on Theurgy as soon as possible.

The conversation between the Klingon woman, whom Adam didn't quite recall the name of due to his pounding headache, and Fisher continued on and Adam picked up bits and pieces, the Romulan who helped them save Enyd was joining them? He wondered. Adam couldn't pinpoint the moment that the Chief Intelligence Officer had joined them but was happy he was there nonetheless.

As it all came to an end and the transporter powered up, Adam glanced over at Callan and Enyd, attempted a smile and it may have come off as a grimace as the turn of his head caused some pain spikes. If he kept still the pain all over seemed dull but moving too much, he didn't want to. At least he didn't get any major disruptor burns.

[ Theurgy ]

Once the beam's effect vanished Adam was glad to be back home. He knew his first stop was sickbay, well hopefully he'd not have to be debriefed first. He, Callan, Enyd and Valyn were greeted by medical officers in the corridor and escorted to the nearest sickbay. He had seen the Romulan and Fisher go the other way.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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