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Topic: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion  (Read 10878 times) previous topic - next topic
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OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

So due to the amount of talk on discord of people that want to give a Star Wars RP a try, here is the OOC discussion board.

I myself have a couple of questions for those that are interested.  First, plot; it seems to be the general consensus that the story should be set in the Rebellion Era, i.e. anytime post-Battle of Yavin.  Second, structure; should we have a GM, no GM, multiple GMs?  I personally like having a GM (being one myself in a SWRP I run with my friends).  I'd honestly like to be a GM, but would have no problem having co-GMs or having someone else GM.

Keep in mind this is only supposed to be a secondary fun RP and should not take away from your writing within Theurgy.

And now, discuss!
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Star Wars Stories?

Reply #1
I'm up for it and wouldn't mind being a Force user or padawan of a force user of those who escaped the Order 66 and were kind of rebuilding in secrecy around that era..

I think it should be set up similar to how the main boards here are.. so that side stories are totally possible as well.
I dont' care whehter GM'd or not, but tthere should be definite main plot lines with given timelines so we know when we can work the side stories around them.

Re: Star Wars Stories?

Reply #2
I think I am one of the big proponents of this, I have been talking a lot about my weekly armada games, and was one of the first to pitch the idea. I'm more interested in GMing as that isn't really something I have tried much in the past.

That said what I am imagining is something close to the TV show rebels, i'm imagining starting out by having the players be part of a small rebel cell on an imperial controlled world. I don't really want to have jedi running around, my thoughts are if we do have players who are dead set on being force sensitive, there are ways we can handle it.

But in the long run, being force sensitive on this time period puts a target on your back, the jedi that didn't go into hiding died, believers in the force could have small miracles when their faith was tested, but in the end never really had enough power to turn the war.

So their are ways to do it, but i will say anyone who whips out a light saber usually got an entire contingent of troopers and missiles thrown at them. (In my armada games you would be surprised how many times I have killed Luke, he deserves it... dude ignores shields.)

So that's my idea, I'm willing to GM, if others want to take on that role, i am open to collaborating with them, i usually need others to help me stay on track.

Re: Star Wars Stories?

Reply #3
The Rebellion Era is interesting, and widely considered the prime era of SW, despite the lack of force-sensitives (on both sides), I like this dynamic. But that being said, I'm rather familiar with the Old Republic era, which I consider canon (Raddus Maneuver, anyone?), canonized in Rogue One to at least a marginal extent.

Where it slips into soft-canon or not, There is one at least semi-feasible concept once mentioned in one of the games, Empire At War: Forces of Corruption -- a realtime strategy game+Expansion pack set in the RotJ/Shadows of the Empire era.

There's also the Mass Effect 3 'From Ashes' DLC, involving a long-term deep-sleep revival of an ancient life form who summarily joins the party. This concept was also toyed with in Star Trek (TOS: Space Seed / TNG: The Neutral Zone) I'd like to imagine someone in the past, along with a few trusted, far-sighted individuals who slipped out of sight and mind hiding from the big bad at the time, known as Zakuul, stashing some of their equipment with them in whatever brave new world they awoke to. If such were the case, I wouldn't mind awakening one of these individuals from carbonite, and gotten the lay of the land with whatever crew or enclave he joins. There are some, only some Old Republic technologies that wouldn't be out of place in the future/Rebellion era, as indicated by the return of the Hammerhead Corvettes or certain airspeeder mounts.

Rambling aside, I'm in, either as a Pilot/Gunfighter or a Force-Sensitive. More likely a Lightside Sith (estranged with the Sith Empire's xenophobic tendencies) In SWTOR, I played a Chiss Vanguard and his Son, a Gunfighter, both were exceptional fighter pilots/Class-ship pilots; not to mention well-trained gadgeteers, so Hopefully their respective Starfighters and class craft were stored in a hidden bunker like in aforementioned EAW: FOC Clip, only in need of tuneups.
I stress though, Theurgy comes first. I can otherwise draw up character bios with my eyes closed.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Star Wars Stories?

Reply #4
Honestly I'd say we leave the Rebels TV series to their thing, they're set before the Battle of Yavin and having an RP that basically does the same thing would be kind of a waste.  I think Post-Yavin would be the best time because the Rebellion is in full swing at that point and it's far easier for characters to drop in and out as they please.

That being said, I do like the idea of cell or group.  Possibly having players in different groups, say a Rebel cell, and Imperial cell and a Fringer/Scum group.  The dynamics that could be had from seeing the war through different eyes could be pretty fun.  I've got some ideas for plot arcs and stories if you want to discuss them Kaligos.

Also when it comes to force-sensitives, there's nothing to say that so-and-so is or isn't force sensitive.  I'm going to use an example from the, now Legends book Death Star, which has a force sensitive Stormtrooper who chalked up his ability to luck, or just being an intuitive soldier.  So there are ways for characters to be force sensitive without them knowing about it, and even if they do know about their force sensitivity finding someone to train them would be nigh impossible.

Also as for lightsabers, I would agree that finding how to build one would also be nigh impossible at this point and the character would have to have started with one; also keeping it well maintained would also be pretty hard.  So I'm not going to say no, just that it's not something that a character should be wielding given the state of the galaxy.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Star Wars Stories?

Reply #5
One of the things that was discussed, and i Don't remember if it was in the Theu chat, or the private chat, was that one of the groups, could be a small surving group of Jedi from Pre-Order 66 that made into hiding in the outer Rim where they were outside of Emperial control and watchfulness and kind of left to themselves.  They of course slowly find other FS to join them and train in the years between order 66 and battle of Yavin and Ther small enclave would have old members from the original group, young padawans and new knights among them as well as non Force Sensitives that worked with them as well.  That being said, as mentioned it doesn't have to be the only group, but those like me, that don't want to Roleplay star wars unless it is in some sort of Force User capacity, that would be the starting cell they would be part of. 
I am particularly more fond of TOR era, so perhaps finding some artifacts from that era that helped with their training could be part of the storyline and backstory that we write up?

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #6
 Well this  all sounds delightful!  Should this happen, i am interested.  :)  i love the idea of leading a seek and destroy mission to snuff out the rebel scum hiding from the glorious empire.

I also love the idea of blasting as many troopers that come my way while trying to get through to the resistance and offer my aid.

I am not up on star wars lore so the time period doesn't really matter to me.  I just enjoy inserting my characters into grand stories and playing out their lives.  Its a fantastical game of text- based Sims. :)
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Star Wars Stories?

Reply #7
I am particularly more fond of TOR era, so perhaps finding some artifacts from that era that helped with their training could be part of the storyline and backstory that we write up?

That's the thesis to my point as well. The game mentions that Zakuul's Eternal Empire wipes out the Republic and Sith Empire to 15% of their former glory, the automated Eternal Fleet was as downright merciless as it was thorough. Seeing the danger, I'm opting for some survivors of Darth Marr's task force who went into hiding on a remote uncharted planet, perhaps under the sands of Tatooine where they went into Cryo-sleep with some of their ships and resources, slaving their droids to awaken when the danger has passed.

I agree, post-Yavin, Pre Hoth? Rebel Cells seem like a good avenue. I'd like to point out the similarity to Old Republic fighters resembling X-Wing series spacecraft, not to mention the XS and YT series freighters; or the Defender to the Corellian Corvette. The BT-7 Thunderclap, though, is a no-nonsense warship that clearly inspired the B-wing later on.

At their disposal, a couple of Period-specific fighters, for instance, maybe an XS freighter, BT-7(My favorite) Thunderclap or Defender-corvette. Even *lightsabers run out of batteries, so It'd make sense for those that stayed aboard ran out of juice and their former replenishment sources, ie Odessen, Ziost, Ilum and Dantooine are no-gos, rendering any force sensitives to improvise, like Chirrut Imwe with just sticks and firearms? I'd be down with gunfighters with force speed/leap/telekinesis, at least one. Otherwise, I'd be content with a pilot or two from the old era.  On TOR, I had full Bounty Brokers', Rishii, Hyperspace and a coupla others' reputation gear, but most certainly BBA(and the Casino-event Kingpin gear/weapons) will be what I factor in the most.

This could be one 'way in' for any TOR alumni like you and I, Josiah. Maybe one for any other TOR veterans? I know, it sounds a little like Captain America, but it's a sound notion to bridge the Old Republic with the common era. The Thranta-class in question, of course, joins the Rebel Fleet once contact is established with the Rebellion or whichever Underworld, perhaps Hutt, faction discovers the buried Hammerhead in the Dune Sea (Maybe some Jawas?) and wakes it up, triggering the wake-up protocol for personnel (and maybe, droids?) on standby.

- If Dan nopes * lightsabers, replacing them will be a personal quest for some of my characters replacing the crystals and power sources drained over 3,700 years and some change of being buried. Likewise for the ships/fighters stored in the hammerhead's hangar.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #8
I nearly forgot about this over the last few days. But I found it still active with conversation, so that's a good thing.

I'm a long time fan of Star Wars even before Star Trek, though these days I hold both in equal value. I would love to play a part in this game, and I am capable of taking up any position, although I generally favour playing a healer of some sort. Many of you may know I first learnt about Forum Role Play through Jedi VS Sith , which is a very open-ended kind of RP and you can be literally anything. I always found it more fun to play the "little guy" as it were. Someone "insignificant" to the grand scheme of things. It gets boring if everyone's a Luke Skywalker/Revan/Emperor Palpatine or even a Yoda archetype. So a few years ago, the site saw a growing influx of more believable characters (none of those psychotic Jedi who can wield Force Lightning and two Dual lightsabers at once with no consequences).

I've played in recent times a Force-Sensitive Rebel-by-circumstance doctor who was a former vet and rancher on Corellia, and a Zeltron orphan Jedi Padawan with only marginal capabilities or progress in the Force (meaning her connection is weak and she'll never be powerful, ever) (also ignoring the whole midi-chlorians crap, because that is all it is to me: crap). I have a character I would love to try out with you guys though, if you'd allow it. I like to think it doesn't break or exceed any boundaries already discussed or loosely agreed upon.

A young Coruscanti Padawan, a young Padawan at that, meaning she was JUST about to start out on her path from Youngling to Padawan, and Order 66 happened. Her master reunited her with her still infant brother, and sent them away from Coruscant in disguise, but the master was slain before he could follow after them. The Padawan manages to commandeer a recently-produced ARC-fighter and with pre-set coordinates, jumped away from the planet just before pursuit could be established. Her talent is healing and imbuing objects with the Force (she can make a rock or stick be able to deflect blasters or match a lightsaber for a limited time) (Force objects are not too uncommon as far as I know and even Mandalorians have been known to wield something called Force Staffs that can deflect blaster bolts or lightsabers).

If anyone or everyone thinks it's too much I can always make someone else simpler. I do often play Force-Sensitives who go their whole lives never knowing they were Force-Sensitive and just chalked it up to good fortune, the strange and unexplained, or just their own intuitiveness. In The Courtship of Princess Leia, there was a Imperial Officer who appeared for all of five paragraphs in total who was definitely a Force-Sensitive that even Darth Vader noticed, and his intuition or instinct guided him to Han and Leia and he brought an entire Imperial fleet down on their heads.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #9
Sounds good. I typically go with Healers.  And though my character on another site with actual improving stats over time due to y our XP.. Is both a great healer and good fighter, when I'm doing total RP, I tend to lean towards a Force user who is balanced and can hold their own/defend, but have extensive healing abilities.  They would never be a hero, but in the back end of battles and such, would lead medical teams getting the heros back on their feet to fight.

With the type of story that we are talking about, I would say that he would be one of the Younger Jedi Knights or padawans about to reach knight and while not the best fighter, had great empathy, and was already well known as a healer in their camp.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #10
I can safely say I have lost interest in this mostly because it seems like the time period is going to be something i don't know a lot about, and everyone seems to want to play force users. but you guys and gals have fun with this.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #11
I intend to go with either a Republic Strategic-Intelligence-Service agent/Pilot/Freelancer who devised and executed a 'time capsule' protocol in the face of galactic-wide annihilation, taking a handful of operatives (maybe force sensitives, maybe not) with him into the next generation. He took some volunteers from Darth Marr's task force with him, mostly light side or Republic-aligned. While antique, I was inspired by Cassian Andor's character with his droid buddy. Instead of K-2S0, He'd have an BH-7X (Bounty-Hunter Brokers Association Droid) with HK-51 programming that was likewise on hibernation protocol, but with passive documentation on current events via an onboard Gree power source. The Droid would thus have a temperamental historical document of the past to inform his masters.

It'd take some time before this unit gets their ships back into the fight though, as their Hammerhead/Thranta has been buried in a hidden Tatooine Stronghold/bunker for the better part of 3 millennia. Of all the reputation vendors and equipment, I find the BBA, Kingpins/aka Nar Shadaa Event and Rishii (Not the Gree, too overpowered lol-- maybe just that blaster rifle that Republic Special Forces reverse-engineered) to have some reasonable gear for what I have in mind. This would also determine whether I play the modern equivalent to a Scoundrel or a Vanguard. Or a Gunslinger, when considering my alien sidekick.

While a Jedi is very attractive to want to play as, and clearly my preference (on the hemisphere of Kyle Katarn, circa Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy), particularly sporting a sidearm, it does seem a bit cliché. However, should my pilot have at least force sensitivity/resistance (ie when Lord Vader's force grip seems to have no effect), this would come in handy, with him relying on jet-packs/boots or personal shields to deal with party-crashers.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #12
Im on the fence. I've always enjoyed the idea of capturing scum or imperials and getting even for whateveri t was theyve done recently. Or the corruption of a jedi to the dark side....a lot of the rp's ive been in for star wars have been um...dark. lol

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #13
mis-repeated post (the site was down today)  :S      :s :-S :-s
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #14
Hey guys, so I will be co-GMing with @Havenborn, and we have more or less set up the general direction we think would be good for the story to go into...

The premise will be set just at and after Order 66.


The majority of our story will be in a similar concept to Theurgy, where we operate within a carrier ship.

For this, we have chosen the Marauder-class corvette named as Liberty's Answer. If you read the specs of the ship, you'll find it is ideal for the RP, as it has space for fighters, shuttles and landing craft, and it is well armed.

The basic idea of the story is, several Jedi have escaped Order 66, and Emperor Palpatine has placed a price on every Jedi head. Bounty hunters, opportunists, pirates, criminals, clone troopers and more are out for blood. The Separatists, once the enemies of the Jedi, are now their only chance at survival.

The newly formed Galactic Empire is on the hunt for Jedi, led by the mysterious Sith lord, Darth Vader. One such group of hunter killers, consisting of a Venator class star destroyer and several Arquitens class light cruisers, are on the trail of Liberty's Answer...

This is where you come in.

Who are you? Are you one of the captains of the Arquitens class cruisers? Are you a clone trooper who now serves his Empire with boundless devotion? Or do you perhaps question your role in it all? Are you a Jedi, or maybe a Force-Sensitive living in terrible times? The choices are nearly limitless, but you have one destination, and only you determine your own fate. Will you bring down the Jedi or aid them?

For character applications, please send a PM to Havenborn and myself. Keep this thread for ideas and discussing the concept or if you have suggestions, we would love to hear them! (L)

May the Force be with you.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #15
Sounds good.  And looks like those wanting to fly a Star Destoryer might be able to do that. :D
I sent in an application though don't know how formal you wanted it.. done though.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #16
Mild curiosity (as ive not watched Clone Wars all the way through, or Rebels) are all Imperials at this point clones?

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #17
Negative, the Galactic Republic did use non-clone forces, they just weren't as numerous as the clones were.  So when the Republic transitioned into the Empire all the clone and non-clone forces transferred with.

Also to add on to what Triage was saying, there are four Imperial commander positions that could be filled, these would be the leaders of the Arquitens-class light cruisers that are going to be sent to hunt down the intrepid heroes of the Liberty's Answer.  I've envisioned the commander positions to be kind of a hands-on approach, kind of like how in Star Trek captains such as Kirk or Sisko would lead away teams instead of letting their subordinates do it.  However this doesn't mean that you have to play the commander, just that they're open for those who want to play as the Imperials.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #18
Sounds fun.  (:  Look forward to what may come of it.

Re: OOC: Star Wars Stories Discussion

Reply #20
Character Template

Orientation: (if applicable)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Avatar: (if applicable)

Rank: (if applicable)
Service Record: (if applicable)

Physical Profile:
Special Notes: (if applicable)
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #21
Sending one tomorrow.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #22
I just realized that no one uses the Birthdate system that I use in my Star Wars games with my friends.

So essentially for years in Star Wars I use the Ruusan Reformation dating system. Year 0 RR is in 1000 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) with Year 1000 RR being in 0 BBY.  For the purposes of our game we will be starting in 981 RR (19 BBY).  So when you are calculating your character's ages and birthdates count backwards from 981 RR.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #23
Caught between wanting to toss my Old Republic Sith into this (carbonite style) or bring in the young force-sensitive who ran away from home on Kuat to avoid being handed over to the Emperor's forces.  Choices choices...

Re: OOC: Star Wars: Liberty's Answer Discussion

Reply #24
For what it's worth I think we currently have more "rebel" players than imperial, if that pushes your choice one way or another, @steelphoenix

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