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Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

[Zephyr Praise | Downtime | Bonding | Seaside Escape | Alone, For Real]

The villa, was gorgeous. Sloping white walls that not only reflected the sun, the sand, and the water but had a gracefulness all of their own. The exterior walls were deep, allowing the windows to stay shaded so once you were inside, it was bright with sunlight, but you got the reprieve from the actual rays. There were windows everywhere, as the villa jutted out into the ocean a little bit, allowing for the most perfect views all around except in the back of the home. This was the kind of place that Zephyr hadn't seen in years. She had been dying to go to the surface with Khorin. She had spent years on and off ships, and then years stuck on the Azurite station waiting, and hoping, and working. But there was lack of almost anything organic that she hadn't grown in a hydroponics lab. This, this was heaven to a soul that had always found comfort in the world when it surrounded her by natural beauty. 

The villa, they had rented out under their assumed names. Zara Morgan was her own name, something that she had used a name generator for. It had finally come up with something close enough that she could at least use it without having to worry about slipping. Zeph stepped out of the front of the house and listened to the waves crashing against the private beach just
 down below them. A winding, glass walled, staircase lead from the upper deck where she stood with the wind playing in her curls, down to the beach that belonged to this home only. 

She turned around, and the wind whipped her hair around her. She was wearing a very small, pair of shorts, or what could generously be called shorts. They were practically short enough to be called long underwear at this point. But they were short showing her toned legs and the pale skin that would either be burned or tan by the vacations end. On her torso was a simple backless tank top of a deep green color that accented her newly corrected eyes. She no longer had the full black eyes of the Betazoid but while she retained her full blooded heritage she had decided to get her eyes back. Seeing the black orbs in the mirror was something she had a hard time getting over and V-Nine seemed happy enough to give her back the color she had once had. She had been worried Khorin wouldn't like them, but when she had come back to their Quarters with green in her eyes he had seemed ecstatic. 

She saw him coming out of the house and her face warmed up. "It's absolutely perfect here. I wish we could stay." she said brightly.

He wasn't wearing any of his silly sweaters today, the weather was warm and crisp and the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt was probably her favorite part. She crossed the steps to him and pulled him down into a long and tight hug. It felt so freeing to be here on the planet. Ground, actual ground, beneath her feet. She kissed him hungrily feeling his arms encircling her small waist and pulling her up off the ground and into his arms proper. The kiss seemed to last for what felt like forever but she didn't care. They were finally alone, finally able to just be together. Their leave wasn't very long but it was better than being on the ship for
 forever. She wanted out of the Science labs and out of the Quarters and off a ship.  

Just for a little while. 

"I have a surprise for you." she said as he set her down quickly. 

She rushed back inside, and then came back out with a large basket. It was a brightly colored yellow basket that held all manner of colors within. She also carried two rolled up towels.  

"Come down to the beach." she said nodding towards the staircase. 

They went down the lovely staircase that almost seemed to float in the way that it was created with it's glass stairs that allowed you to see clearly all the way down. Kind of a sense of vertigo if you looked down too long. Finally, at the bottom, she kicked off her flip flops and let her feet sink into the bronze colored sand. The waves of the water brushed up against the sand, but not just where she stood yet. Waiting for Khorin to join her she sat down the basket and opened it dumping out all manner of buckets, different shapes, sizes, and kinds. There were some to build walls, some for towers, small tools to make impressions of doors and windows. She beamed up at him. 

"Want to make a sand castle?" she asked him curiously surrounded by the brightly colored plastic she had replicated.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #1
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts| Aldea]

Khorin had always liked the seashore. As a grumpy teenager, ostracized on a planet unprepared for a young Klingon, Ocean Beach had been his personal refuge. Sand under his feet, marine breeze ruffling his hair, the brackish Pacific scent in his nose and the murmur of the waves in his ears. Overall it had a soothing, almost mesmerizing quality that Khorin had always loved. That place, that little private cove in the outskirts of Aldea Prime was almost a miniature version of that memory. Yeah, the sky was deep orange, like in an eternal sunset. The seagulls' cries couldn't be heard either. Aldea's sky was clear up to the horizon, with no clouds or birds that could spoil the impeccable gradient of the celestial dome. But despite these slight differences, the landscape and the Villa screamed tranquillity. And though he would never recognize it out loud, Khorin needed it. From the moment he had been removed from the ice ( anew ) he had lived in a state of unremitting tension. The steady chase, the Versant, the debacle once they returned to the Theurgy, the state of constant stress to make sure his chemical imbalance was under control. Even though his off-work time with Zeph had been a blessing, a oasis of peace in the activity maelstrom of their lives, the Klingon had felt a everlashting strain in the back of his mind, a need to keep her safe, as if they were still aboard the hellship.

But there was no room for that that day. No stress, no tension, no need to protect anyone from any invisible enemy lurking in the next corner. It was just him and her. A strangely curved but comfortable villa. The sea, the sand and the sky. The pilot stretched his arms above his head, enjoying the sensation of the sun and the breeze over his bare skin. That was another welcome advantage. It was so warm. And the Klingon adored that. So as soon as they had reached the place, Khorin had discarded the KDF armour that was part of his alibi on the planet alongside that name that had taken hours to choose only to ensure that Khorin turned his head when called by that false name. So in a compromise they had decided that he would adopt the name of his grandfather, Drax. The liaison had had his hesitation about letting him down to the planet because of his inability to maintain his false persona. But Zeph (Zara now?) had managed to convince him. So they had obtained their passport to go down to the planet and that allowed him to dress now only in a red swimwear, which could function as shorts too. And that is all, nothing else over his skin. The sunlight and the wind on his tanned skin and the smooth floor under his feet were a pleasant novelty after months in space. And that he wasn't the only light clothed who was prancing around was just an improvement, he thought as he descended the staircase to meet Zeph.

Her short curls swirled around her contrasting vividly with the paleness of her face. Her new green eyes sparkled when she saw him, and Khorin just loved how they fit her personality so well. They weren't the black pits in which he had lost himself in the Versant, but they were warm and friendly and welcoming. And she felt more comfortable retaining that little trait of who she had been before the Savi. And Khorin loved those new eyes for it, because they were hers and she felt better about them. So when she looked at him, Khorin grinned from ear to ear. "Indeed," he replied as he approached, his eyes locked on her, not at the landscape. "It's perfect." he cheeky added. She threw herself into his arms and he lifted her off the floor, answering her kiss eagerly, a deep purr somewhere deep in his chest. He never had enough of her, he never tired of having her around. He never had enough of the feeling of his skin on hers, of the gentle pressure of her mind when she was around.

The kiss lasted for too little in his judgement. But when she announced that she had a surprise he left her on the floor and simply waited for her return, her enthusiasm evident in the way she bounced back to the villa and how she came out almost tiptoeing,as he held the yellow case as if she were carrying a pirate treasure. They both hurried down the spiral staircase, almost in chase of the other, playfully, because they could indulge in foolishness and just being themselves. Just the enjoyment of their mutual company and the moment they lived. When they reached the beach Khorin had a moment to enjoy the sensation of the sand on his ridged toes and then he jogged for a minute around the small inlet, enjoying the freedom he had at the time. When he trotted back to where Zeph was on her knees he saw that she had extracted a myriad of cubes and small plastic molds of different colors from the box that spread around her like a garden full of strange multicolored flowers. "Want to make a sand castle? she asked.

"Of course,"  he proclaimed, falling on his knees too, his trademark side grin etched on his face. Instantly the Klingon began to pile up a mountain of sand next to Zeph. A huge mound, humongous, that almost hid the betazoid from his sight. "We need a hill,"  he cried enthusiastically. "Any self-respecting stronghold must stand in a high place,"  he declared, leaning out from behind the pile, sand garnishing his arms to his elbows, and chest and one of his cheeks. "And a moat! Do you want that it has a moat?"  he asked enthusiastically.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #2
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Tactical Sand Castles | Perfect Harmony | Of Course We Need a Moat]

He seemed excited.

She wondered about all of the things that his mother had done with him growing up.  She knew that he had, before the Versant, been like her; a halfling.  Half of his father, half of his mother.  She was the opposite, but even still, she was one person that was very glad for the Savi correction.  It wasn't that she had ever really longed to be a full Betazoid.  But, she didn't want to give it back either, because it was a whole different experience.  She loved the fact that the rest of her mind was finally unlocked.  There was something about being whole, she had never minded being half, but she didn't want to quiet the part of her mind that had opened.  Her telepathy, which had only been a little unlocked thanks to an alien form she encountered ruing a mission at some point, had been fully unlocked and she didn't want to go back.  She didn't blame Khorin for not wanting it either.  Thus, the only thing she fixed was the fact that she had wanted her eyes back.  The black pools of eyes that she had gained on the Versant had looked too alien despite her seeing them in her mother's face all her life.

Khorin seemed all for getting a castle going, and Zeph was rather excited herself.  Though, as Khorin dug his big meaty hands into the sand and began to create a mountain she could only sit back and watch.  Khorin was all or nothing.  He was big and loud.  He was in your face, or he wasn't there at all.  He was bright sunlight when he was happy, and he lit up the entire room when he was there.  He was the voice you could hear all the way across a massive deck, she never misheard his voice in the halls.  When he called after her while she walked with her nose buried in a PADD she could never ignore him, his personage was just too vivid, too loud, too there.

Even now as he did his mountain creation he was all in.  100%.  It was something she admired about him, that he was all in.  Always.  Like with her, the first night they had spent time together.  He had mated with her, and not just in the physical way but in a blood bond that would tie them together.  She had not expected to get married, because, technically that's what she felt they had done.  While it might not be on paper, and it might not be a ring on her finger, she wore his crest on her shirt.  Even now, his crest lay on the emerald fabric on her chest.  She knew, now, that Thomas had been waiting to find her again in his life, but she had never expected to see him again and there was something magical when she was with Khorin. 

He told her that any self respecting stronghold was build up high for maximum protection.  She smiled at him, leave it to Khorin to find some way to turn this into some sort of military assignment.  Leaning over she pecked his cheek before she began to help.  The mountain was high and it was going to be interesting to get a castle on top.  She stood up so that she could better utilize the high altitude of their castle base and used one of the edges of the molds to straighten and flatten the top of the mountain packing it down so that it could actually hold up a castle like they were probably going to build.

Khorin asked if they wanted a moat, and she laughed.  “Of course we need a moat.  And we have that giant cavernous lake you just dug right at the foot of our mountain to feed it.  I'll get started on the castle, you can fill the lake and moat.” she said with a smile on her face.  Kneeling back down in the sand Zeph began to create the internal parts of the castle.  Four large squares before adding two more on top of those.  Zeph was careful to get the sand wet, and to pack it in just right so that it would work perfectly once she turned them over.  However, even as careful as she was some of the areas crumbled. 

“This castle has survived through many battles, as evident.” she laughed showing him the small areas of 'damage' where the sand had just been not wanting to stick properly. 

“We're so close to your family, aren't we?  Do you think any of them are in the city?” she asked to make conversation while they worked together on the castle.  The sea breeze blew her curls around her like ribbons, tangling them tightly into something that would likely be painful to get out later, but she would manage.  Sacrificing for the greater good, and all of that.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #3
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts| Aldea]

Khorin only looked up from his behemoth piece of sand engineering when he felt the soft touch of Zeph's lips on his cheek. His response was a broad, pleased smile, as if he had just received the greatest gift in the world. Because, for him, she had done it. Every second around her was a treat, something he had never known he wanted until he had met her, and now he craved for it. Khorin was not a man who did things half-heartedly, in any aspect of his life, and since his Correction this trait of his character had become even more extreme. So those moments alone with Zeph, that time where they were alone for each other, with no obligations, no persecutions, constrained only by what their hearts commanded them, were a treasure. And the Klingon was willing to enjoy it while it lasted. He would not miss a moment. It was there by and for her. For them.

So, after a complacent grunt as he witnessed how the castle bulwarks began to be erected, Khorin readied himself for the task for which he was responsible. The moat. Obviously a wide and deep moat, which made the mountain on which the towers started to stand one after the other seem even higher. However, after several minutes in which he simply used his hands like an digger, he found that he had a major issue. The moat was dry. The pilot let himself fall on his buttocks, his feet in the pit and his hands deeply buried in the dry sand, as he watched Zephyr's work, in case it gave him any clue on how to solve his juncture. The Betazoid had worked conscientiously, smoothing the top of the mountain and raising four towers that delimited the castle, with several levels standing proudly over them. Narrower walls began to join them. Right then Zeph pointed at the cracks in the structure, claiming amid laughter that it had survived many battles. Khorin grinned as he saw them and hurried to reply. " Things that have been damaged and have history, that have survived battles and challenges are the most beautiful," he rumbled as he ran a thick finger through one of the crevices, widening it. He then used a group of white pebbles that he had found in his moat work and placed them in line, one by one, following pattern of the tower's mark. " Scars transform and enhance, telling the story of how one has grown to be who one is, of the battles one has won, of his own history... they are beautiful" he said, as he repeated the process in the next crack.

As he padded the imperfections with pebbles and shell bits, his woman asked him about his family. He knew it was a well-intended question, but the memory of the brig's talk made his smile fade away, replaced by a meditative grimace. "That's correct," he finally replied. "We're so close to the Empire's borders and my uncle Khorvan's ships have been part of the KDF detachment of Aldea for many years... but I' ve heard that he isn't assigned here now, but instead my half-brother is," he explained, with a frown. Khorin had never known how he should feel about his brother. He was family, but, at the same time, Gorka had always shown his disdain for him. In fact, he had tried to kill him on multiple occasions, almost succeeding when both were children. As the two grew older, the conflict became more violent and had escalated into true duels in which Khorin had triumphed out of sheer physical strength. However, while it had been his prerogative to kill his half-brother if he chose to do so, he had never actually done so. They were of the same blood, both Margon's crotchspawn. So on every chance, the pilot had spared him, which had only increased Gorka's animosity against him. Not only did he have to deal with the humiliation of losing against a filthy hybrid, but he also had to deal with the shame of owing him his life. Khorin sighed and looked at Zeph with an unusually serious face. "Listen, Kyamo, if it is my uncle's or my grandfather's people who are on this planet, they will give your life for you... but if it is Gorka or his minions... just stay away." he asked as he stood up. The breeze swirled in his long mane, ruffling his hair until he looked like a wild animal. The Klingon sighed again, his gaze lost on the horizon and he remained silent for a while. "I'm not sure why my brother is here, but i'm sure he's up to no good," he assured as he shook his hands to get rid of the sand that covered them.

Then, just then, it popped into his head.

In an instant, he forgot the ominous thoughts that had possessed him, and he leapt forward until he reached the nearby shore. He threw himself on his knees over the wet sand and began to dig a ditch. He fast-worked thoroughly and in a short time, a deep ravine linked the shore with the lake that fed the moat. The waves, channelled by the recent construction, reached the Klingon-made pit, flooding it and surrounding the stronghold with cool seawater. Khorin giggled, pleased with the outcome, all thoughts of his brother left behind. He walked back to Zeph with a proud smile etched on his face. He dragged one of his feet down the waterway, enjoying the beating of the waves on his toes.

Meanwhile,something wriggled through the ditch. Something tiny and iridescent.

That Khorin saw too late.

"Ouch!!!!!" he howled with surprise as he pulled his foot out of the channel, attempting to get rid of the hairy creature that had bitten his big toe. A fierce, vicious fight followed, one in which the little creature efficiently managed to avoid the Klingon's blows and creep up his body out of his reach. One in which Khorin mainly beat himself up as he tried to catch the critter running over him. Eventually, the small amphibious monster had the ill idea of biting the pilot's arm, which shook it, resulting in it flying off... to fall into Zeph's lap. Once there, the furry animal curled up on itself and began to purr pleased.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #4
[Zephyr Praise |  Beach Bunnies! | Nope, it's not a Bunny | New to the Pack | Can we Keep it?]

Zephyr watched curiously as he leaned forward towards their castle and began to widen the gap that was placed in the wall from the ill fitted sand in the form.  He began to place white pebbles there and began to talk about how the scars that were formed through life made the thing even more beautiful.  Her smile that had been bright and cheerful now held a softer but warm quality to it as she listened to his words of wisdom.  She still had a scar, from when she was a young girl on the forearm that ran up her left arm.  She had never actually wanted it healed even though Starflet medicine could probably get rid of the scar she didn't mind having it because it reminded her of her first pet, Onyx, the owl.  He had perished a long time ago, but she still remembered rescuing him and bringing him back to health.  How he had stayed with her for a long time, even on her first ship before everything had happened and he had died when the ship was eventually taken away by rebels.  Now she had a scar, but that was fine, and she was just glad that she could be alive and enjoying her time on the beach like this.  She didn't know when and if she and Khorin would ever be able to actually do this again so she wanted to really enjoy this as much as she possibly could.

As he finished fixing the wall with the pebbles she leaned over and pulled him close giving him a long slow hug.  Snuggling into his neck for a moment, one of her favorite spots to be, her heart pounded heavily against her chest.  “I like the way your mind works, Khor.” she admitted to him kissing the edge of his beard softly before she pulled back so that he could get back to building his amazing and very over the top castle.

He began to talk of his half-brother and how he was the one that was here and not the Uncle that he had hoped to see.  That if it were his Uncle they would have gone to see him and been welcomed but with his half-brother here, it was not something that they wanted to get into.  There was something there, between him and his half-brother and she wondered if it was because Khorin had once been half Klingon himself.  She doubted that another race 'correcting' you to what you were supposed to be would be counted as full Klingon to anyone that had known him before hand.  Though that was stupid she could understand the Klingon way of thinking.  Pure was best, rough and tumble was best, violence was love and everything else.  She loved Khorin for the way that he was, the way that he made her heart skip a beat, the way that his smile lit up a room, those stupid fuzzy sweaters, and even the way that he snored so loud she had to get some noise canceling ear buds to put in her ears for the night so that she, too could sleep.  But, there was nothing better than curling up in his arms.  Hearing his hearts beat beneath his chest, hearing his breath against her chair, smelling his scent after a fresh warm shower.  Curling up against those stupid fuzzy sweaters.

They really were stupid.  But, so soft.

“If I run into him, I'll kick him in the balls, once for you, and once for me.  Then run.” she chuckled softly as she watched him.

He had an idea, she could tell before even he could tell.  Then he dove off after the water and began to make a trough that would feed their moat.  She continued building the castle, and was standing now so that she could reach the top of the last highest point.  She carefully put the sand filled pail down upside down and let the sand slip out and waited to make sure that everything held, and it did.  With a breath she sighed and sat back down so that she could start getting some shells to decorate it with.  He had dug up so much of the beach there were many shells readily available for her to pick from and so she quickly began to sort the ones that she wanted for different places on the castle.  She was so busy sorting her shell treasures that she didn't notice that there was something swimming up the trough that he had made, or that it was fighting to get through the water.  It wasn't until Khorin registered a small amount of pain, even before he vocalized it that she knew something was up.

“What happened?!” she looked up at him her eyes widened, hoping that he was all right, though the pain was slight things could get infected.

Only she didn't see him hurt she saw him flustered as he tried desperately to catch, or beat up, or something some kind of small creature that was running all over him quickly as it could causing Khorin to hit himself more and never once actually hit the creature.  Zeph couldn't help but laugh as much as she didn't want to,watching this huge Klingon male trying to fight this tiny fluffy little creature, was hilarious.  Especially, since he was kicking his own ass in the process.  Finally, Khorin got the upper hand, another bit of pain, and he was flung off and right into Zeph's lap.  Where he curled himself up into her lap and began to shake and purr.

What in heavens...

She looked down at the little thing that had somehow decided that she was home and carefully picked it up. It had just attacked Khorin after all, she wanted to be careful.  But, in her hands, it was just this cute little bird like creature.  He was small, like a very small little owl.  With cute yellow eyes, a little yellow beak, and as fast as he was moving, he was very pudgy.  Probably too pudgy.  He was round, and when his feathers and fur weren't wet he would probably be even bigger.  She looked at the little guy who looked up at her and gave her a little quiet squeak from it's beak.  A huge smile broke over her face as she looked at it. 

“It's adorable!” she cried out as she gave him a little hug, holding his wet shivering body to her chest, and he burrowed into it seeking the warmth of the Betazoid instead of the cold breeze against his fur.  “Oh look, isn't he just so precious!  Khorin, look at him, he's sooooo cute.  He doesn't look very old, maybe he's a baby.  But I don't see a family around here or anything for him.” she said looking around, not wanting to take him if he had some kind of family nearby but the fact that he was all alone and shaking probably meant that he didn't.  He must have been separated.

She looked up at her boyfriend and smiled.  “You think we could keep him?” she whispered conspiratorily.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #5
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts| Aldea]

"It's a little monster," growled Khorin in a sulking mood as he knelt beside Zephyr. The goddamn critter that had attacked him with such violence seemed happy in his beloved's hands, squeaking and chirping like a little fledgling. The accursed creature waved its tiny chubby paws in the air, asking for cuddles and caresses. And it stared at him with those huge round, yellow, warm eyes.

"Ok, all right it's an ADORABLE little monster," he finally admitted, getting nearer to observe the creature more closely. It didn't seem as vicious as it had seemed at first. With extreme care, Khorin ran one of his thick fingers over the animal's head, which closed its eyes and bowed its head, obviously enjoying the stroke. "Adorable and plump" he chuckled, daring to run a second finger over the creature's beak. With a sort of awareness, as if it guessed the insult he had been directed, the chick snapped its beak, pinching the skin until Khorin's blood flowed.

"Qa' roQ!" barked Khorin, tumbling backwards and quickly bringing his finger to his lips to try and stop the bleeding. The Klingon glanced at the little thing with a hurt, offended expression. The little beast just huddled further into Zephyr's hands, chirping to himself in delight. "Okay, fine. 'Baby Fat', you fucking monster" acquiesced Khorin with an outraged tone as he sat back down and approached Zephyr and the nasty thing again. "I, too, was a chubby little pup, I guess you could grow up into a big predator too," he admitted mumbling between his teeth. The fledgling whistled happily, as if it accepted the apologies. Khorin looked at Zeph with slightly rosy cheeks. He was a warrior, from a caste of warriors. And inadvertently he had confessed that he had been a chubby, wee boy wasn't easy for him.

For her part, the betazoid didn't seem too focused on what he was saying. Rather she was chattering excitedly and rocking the chick. Khorin feared the question before it arrived.

"You think we could keep him?" she asked, her green eyes sparkling and excited.

Khorin hesitated for a second, looking at the micro-injuries it had inflicted on him. Yet in Zeph's arms it seemed calm and well-mannered. Even happy. To gain some more time, Khorin stared around them. Certainly there was NOTHING in the sky. No feathered, hairy monster willing to make their righteous rage fall on them for stealing their cub. Nothing in the waves that resembled a worried mother could be seen. Indeed, it looked like the creature was on its own, left to its fate. And Khorin had a soft spot for the little furry creatures, and had no heart to leave it there without protection. But the prospect of being pecked every time she approached Zephyr didn't seduce him too much either.

He looked at the two of them for a moment. He could not deny that treat to his Par'Machkai. In addition, dealing with such critter would prove his skills as a protector and mate. In a very Klingon way. The pilot sighed, defeated. "yInDayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ." he grunted to himself. "We'll keep him with us in case his parents come back for it, we can't just leave a pup outside on its own," he finally stated. "If they come looking for it, we'll let it go with its parents," he warned, not wanting Zephyr to become too infatuated with the creature. But he was well aware that it was too late for that. "But if when we have to get back to the ship they haven't come yet, we'll take it with us. We'll manage to get it into the ship..." he added with a smile as he leaned over to kiss Zeph. Before his lips touched his Kyamo's, the creature leapt, clutching its beak at the edge of his beard. Khorin stared at Zeph, helpless. "But please, if it stays... train it," he begged.

Qa' roQ! →  savage creature!
Par'Machkai → a term of endearment, used to refer to one's mate
yInDayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ. → To understand life, endure pain.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #6
[Zephyr Praise | Finding More Family | So Cute but So Fierce | The Perfect Pet for a Klingon]

The look, that Zephyr gave to Khorin, when he called this little guy a monster told him that she would go down fighting if he said anything bad about this cute fluffy little thing in her arms.  He was wet and shivering and she cradled him against her chest to hold him and keep him warm.  He seemed very happy there, though she couldn't really tell if it was a boy or a girl that was something they would have to look into later though she got the feeling it was male just by the fiercness of his fight with Khorin and how he was snuggling into her happily.  Finally, Khorin conceded that it was an adorable little monster and he won a bright smile from the woman that he had chosen to mate with.  A bit of a smile on her face and a glistening in her eyes.  She was already pretty in love with the thing even though she knew they might not get to keep it.  He probably did have a family somewhere and would likely be missed, but until then, she wanted to at least take care of him.

Khorin began to pet the little guy and he seemed to be fine with that.  He was almost purring, but not quite, it was like a little shrill kind of huffing, almost like a hooting but deep inside his lungs and stomach.  She could feel it more than she could hear it.  But, when Khorin mentioned that he was adorable and plump he ended up with a bite on the finger via a quickly moved beak and a snap of it.  Zeph bit her lower lip to try not to laugh because... watching Khorin get his ass kicked by the cutest little thing ever.. was hilarity itself.

She chuckled when he called him something in Klingon.  “Now Khor, he's just a little guy a bit territorial but look how cute he is.  Doesn't your heart just melt when you see his little fluffy face?” she asked looking up at him, and Khorin growled as he called him 'baby fat' but then mentioned that he was once a fat pup himself and that the little guy might actually grow up to be a predator too.  “He already is really good at fighting and think about it, if you could raise him he would probably be worthy of a Klingon pet.” she said looking up at him she knew that she was picking the right way to go about this.  Telling him how this little guy would be a worthy and fierce warrior was a great way to get him to let her keep him.  She loved pets and hadn't been able to have one on the Azurite station.

Khorin looked around, and she assumed it was to see if he could see any others, but barring that, he finally relinquished.  Stating that they could keep him but if his parents were found they would definitely have to give him back to his parents.  Zeph nodded and tried not to get too attached but as she looked down at the little guy and his little purring hoot against her chest she couldn't help but melt a little further.  Zeph fell in love quickly, and hard, which was why it was that she had mated with Khorin the night they had returned to the ship.

It was hard, because that was before she knew Ravon was on board, but even still, she didn't regret it.  She loved Khorin, in a way that she had never loved Thom.  It might have developed over time, with Thom, had she found him first and Khorin had not been in the picture.  They had been best friends and on his side of things it was already there.  But for her, he was a friend, a brother, a good man.  But, her heart had been given to Khorin back on the Versant and solidified when they were here instead.  Here, she had found her soul mate and didn't regret her decisions.  She had told Thom, that she was taken and he was furious.  He had missed his chance, one he never thought he would get, but Zephyr hadn't wanted to string him along.  It would be unfair to everyone and it was better to be honest. 

Khorin had some conditions for taking the creature and as he leaned in to kiss her, the creature lurched up and chomped down at the edge of his beard.  Causing the young Betazoid to laugh and agree to the terms that had been given to her.

“I promise, I will train it if we take it back.  Come on.  Lets go up and make some lunch.”

They got up and headed up the glass steps with their new little bundle in her arms.  They headed back inside the large home they had rented and put the little guy down once the doors were closed.  He squawked and began to run around the house as if he was checking it out on his own.  He jumped up on this and that fluttering his wings that would allow him to glide just enough to get where he wanted but he couldn't get far off the ground.  Likely because he weighted too much.  Zeph went into the kitchen and began to work on cooking them some food so that they could eat and thought that the little guy probably liked fish and luckily they had plenty of that so she set some raw fish to the side for their new little family member.

“I was a little wary coming back down here, after the whole... kidnapping thing.  But, this time I brought my handy attack Klingon.” she laughed softly while she prepped their meal.  She had told Khorin about the whole kidnapping thing and he had wanted to raze the entire planet to make sure they never got their hands on another set of officers again but she assured him she had handled them well enough and they weren't going to forget her.  She looked over at him and gave him her bright sweet smile.

“Hey I was thinking, tonight, you want to go back down to the beach?  We could take our buddy there if we want, and we could have a big bonfire.  Roast some foot on the flames and eat out there?  It could be a fun experience?” she offered. 

Speaking of their little buddy, he was currently pulling a large fluffy pillow in his beak across the living room having liberated it from the couch.  Once he got it in front of the brightest window, he plopped it down and climbed into the center of it nestling down right in the center of it and curling up like a little fluffy ball he let out a large big huff.

“Well he likes fluffy things so he'll fit right in with you.” she teased Khorin with a laugh.  “But you better keep your sweaters out of his beak.”

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #7
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts | Aldea]
Attn: @BZ 

After Zephyr managed to unravel the fledgling from the Klingon's beard, the trio climbed the staircase back to the villa. On the terrace that hovered over the beach, Khorin halted for a moment, and took advantage of the privileged views to inspect the area. The sky remained clear, only a couple of thin clouds swirled lazily over the horizon, fraying their edges into long, almost transparent fringes. The surrounding cliffs also seemed uninhabited, no nest and no natural construction as far as his keen eye could see. Far away, where the coast curved towards the Ibai Besi stuary, the light metal profile of another seaside Villa arose, while on the opposite side, the shore descended into whimsical rock formations, melting into a wide wetland. Khorin leaned over the railing, until half of his body swung precariously over the far-distant sand. In spite of all his efforts, the only thing he was able to spot in the marsh were feathery, cattail-like plants and wispy, orange shrubs, which barely lifted a few palms from the ground. There was no sign of a pair of feathered monsters searching for a lost chick. The Klingon pushed himself with both arms again and with a slight leap his feet hit the ground again with a loud 'plop'. He sighed, running his fingers through the damp hair that covered his nape. No matter what, it seemed that the plumb fluffbutt had come to stay, regardless of his opinion on the matter. Despite the lure that his mate had thrown at him about the ferocity of the nestling, Khorin was not yet very persuaded to adopt the creature.

As he spun toward the house front door, the transparent gate allowed him to witness how Zephyr placed the little creature on the floor. The chick wasted no time and started running from side to side, half trotting, half jumping over the shiny ceramic floor. The little animal seemed to have absolute control over its front legs, which it moved with determination and dignity, guiding it to the places that aroused its interest. However, the nestling's hind legs seemed to have a life of their own, and they moved cheerfully back and forth, leaping slightly and wagging the tail arbitrarily. On several occasions, the chubby rear paws decided to move faster on their own, so that the young bird's butt ran for an instant parallel to the animal's head, until the asymmetrical rhythm made it roll on the floor, in an unruly sphere of feathers, short paws and outraged dignity. Khorin couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. Truly the creature was SUPER CUTE. A muted giggle made him lift his eyes towards Zephyr, who was watching the chick with enthusiasm, with her mouth hidden behind her hands to avoid offending the nestling with her laughing. But Khorin didn't need to see her lips to know she was smiling. All of her glowed as she watched as the pup stood on its four legs again, clumsily, puffing its feathers in deep indignation at the humiliation it had undergone... and two seconds later it scampered around again, disorderly, in search of a new adventure. That little monster made Zephyr happy. And Khorin was physically incapable of denying her anything that would make her happy. As the Klingon opened his gate to enter the villa, he had made up his mind. Despite the painful pecks, Fluffbutt stayed with them. When he closed the door, just behind him, the waves began to bathe the mountain over which the sandcastle stood. One of the battlements was covered with foam and crumbled partially, so that the proud flag that had crowned it was swept away by the waves.

Meanwhile, in the house, the baby bird kept running and fluttering from room to room, while Zephyr was busy in the kitchen. Khorin, meanwhile, made his way to the main room to remove some of the sand that covered him, as well as changing his wet trunks for something more comfortable.  The Klingon was just finishing dressing when Zephyr mentioned her recent kidnapping on that very planet. The Betazoid laughed, minimizing the issue and kept working on the food. Khorin, on the other hand, didn't laugh at all, and threw himself on the bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling and his hands clutching tightly handfuls of the sheets. Inside of him, swirled once more the rage, the guilt and the desire to hunt down those bastards to make them pay for each of the minutes they had held Zephyr captive, broken every bone of their bodies. Khorin has failed her, both as a Klingon and as her mate, and both his upbringing and his blood urged him to start a bloody rampage against those who had dared to lay a hand on his Kyamo. Furthermore, it had all happened... with the Alpha Wolf, Thomas Ravon. As much as Zephyr had explained him the situation, a violent blast of jealousy took hold of him again, a sinister desire to let his superior, and all the males in the system know that Zephyr Praise belonged to him, and ONLY to him. Khorin fought for a few minutes with the irrational jealousies that haunted him, well aware that, in the solitude of the Villa, he had to redouble his efforts to hide it from Zeph. He wasn't proud of it. But the idea of the ladies' man himself, Thomas Ravon, and his Kyamo alone, the skin of one heating the skin of the other... drove him mad. He knew it had been a necessity to survive but....he hated the very idea. The potential outcomes. If they wouldn't have booked the villa and performed real juggling to arrange their free time together, the Lone Wolf would have preferred to remain in their shared quarters, safe. And he would have shown her in every possible way, physically or not, that he was capable of protecting her. And that it was the only mate she needed. And the very best.

When he could finally suppress that grim feeling well enough, Khorin left the room. As soon as he crossed the lintel, Zephyr greeted him with the sweetest smile, unaware of the battle taking place inside the Klingon. He tried to answer it with a half-sided grin but, for the first time since he met her, it failed to reach his eyes. Luckily, the betazoid seemed to be entertained filleting a piece of meat or fish and didn't seem to notice his mood. In fact, she rushed to come up with a plan for the evening. A good bonfire and roasted food. In other circumstances Khorin would have ADORED the idea. Tasty food and a controlled act of destruction in the middle of the night alongside his beloved? It ticked all the FUN checkboxes on Khorin's list. However, fear made him wary. He didn't want that she got hurt. He didn't want another negligence, another mistake, that jeopardize her right under his guard. Once again, as the night he had fought with Cross on the Versant he realized that Zephyr was his greatest strength... and his greatest weakness. Even more now that they had consummated their union and, in his eyes and in Klingon's, he had devoted his life to her. To be aware of that weakness frightened him. And he was even more scared of being frightened.

So, he took a long time to answer, and when he did, his voice didn't sound as confident as usual. "Yeah, sure, sounds cool," he replied evasively, as he made his way to where the nestling rested happily on a cushion. "Maybe we could take a walk along the marsh before, look for fluffbutt's parents and so on... and we'll see when we get back how tired we are," he proposed hesitantly, without being very sure of his own plan. He squatted next to the baby critter, which had managed to reduce itself to a perfect sphere of feathers, fur, a smiling beak and half-closed eyes. A ball that was making obvious efforts to ignore the Klingon sat behind it.  "I thought I saw some really odd-shaped plants out there, maybe they are interesting for you," he added with more conviction. Plants and Zephyr were always a winning combo. With a little luck, the trek to the marsh and back, carrying the samples and the fledgling would tire her enough to not want to go out again once it got dark. When it was most dangerous to be outside.  When it was most dangerous to be outside. When the flames' dancing shadows could hide shapes willing to kidnap her again. Khorin frowned again, a knot thickened in his stomach at the prospect of losing her. Zephyr, for her part chose that moment to tease him about the love he and the little bird shared for fuzzy things, and warned him to keep his sweaters safe. That made him laugh sincerely for the first time since he entered the house. "If that little monster DARES to snatch one of my sweaters away, he'll have to deal with me," he threatened, taking the bird from its nest by the armpits. Surprised by the suddenness of the movement, the small animal let itself be dragged while Khorin dropped on his back, lying face up on the ceramic floor, while at the same time he held the chick up high with his arms stretched out. The bird remained still for a few moments, surprised by the perspective shift. However, as soon as it realized what was going on, it bristled its feathers and began to whistle outrageously, trying to peck at Khorin's hands but failing again and again in its endeavor. Every time the animal was about to reach his skin, Khorin dropped his arms, until the nestling was almost at his face height. Then, he blew strongly to the animal's face, which ruffled its feathers and closed his eyes. As soon as the Klingon stopped blowing, the chick chirped loudly again and Khorin lifted it back as far as his arms could reach. After several repetitions, the animal seemed to understand the game and its attitude became more playful and silly. Khorin laughed happily and finally let the fledgling lie on his chest, humming joyfully. Only then, the Klingon dared to pet its head and the animal received the caress satisfied. Inadvertently, both purred, pleased with the situation. And so Khorin momentarily forgot the dark emotions that had seized him.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #8
[Zephyr Praise | Love is Protection | Klingon Way of Life | We Are One | Emotional Turmoil]

Khorin disappeared when he came into the house.  She figured that he was changing, she would probably change in a bit, but she didn't get as covered with sand as he did.  He got very over zealous with his castle building technique and what not.  All the flying sand had ended up in his beard, his hair, all over his skin.  She figured that he probably would benefit from new clothes if not a quick wash off though she had to admit she was hoping to get him alone in the shower later.  She hoped that the little buddy they had suddenly adopted, maybe, probably, would be just fine while they enjoyed the shower and watching him now as he lay in the center of a very fluffy pillow she figured that he would be.  She was cooking when she felt it.  She couldn't feel all of it which meant he was likely trying to hide it from her.  But she could feel some of it.  She was very intune to Khorin.  She could tell when he was upset, when he was jealous, when he was sad, when he was hurt. 

She knew that the whole kidnapping situation set heavily with him which was why she tried to keep it as light as possible when it was brought up.  She knew that he was worried about her, and he probably felt like a failure for not having been there.  Thom was there, and she had confessed to Khorin what had happened.  Not just some, all of it because Zephyr wanted to make sure that he knew everything so nothing could be brought up later.  She didn't want him to find out about anything later and be mad that she had omitted things she might not have found important.  She had told him that Thom and she had been friends back in the academy and only just found out they were both on the Theurgy now.  That she had told Thom about Khor, and how he was mad about it.  How he had said some really hurtful things and started treating her differently because she already had someone in her life and it wasn't Thomas Ravon.

She had wanted to be as open and honest with Khorin.  She confessed that she had no feelings for Thom outside of being a friend.  And, that he had taken her heart on the Versant and still held it.  She had no desire to give it to another soul and hoped that she and Khorin would be able to just enjoy themselves in their relationship and continue building their lives together.

When he came into the room she gave him a bright and sweet smile.  Hoping that it would work against any fears that he still had, but only time could heal his concerns and knowing that Zeph was a very loyal woman and wasn't going to be swayed by anyone.  She didn't know Thom was a ladies man, though, he had been in the Academy but she had always hoped he would mature with age.  She figured that going down to the beach for some bonfire and food would be a great time, especially for Khorin.  But, he seemed not excited about it, and her eyes looked up at him and she bit her lower lip.  She didn't like him feeling like he couldn't protect her, and the whole situation down on the planet before was her fault for going outside the city, here they would likely be safe.  He didn't seem excited, and he didn't, nearly as happy as she thought that he would be.  Her brow rose curiously as he said they could take a walk along the marsh to look for the little creatures parents and see how tired they were when they got back.

She bit into her lower lip and gave out a sigh.

“Sure.  I do like walks, and we could collect some shells to take back with us, and make a keep sake of some sort.” she said with a bright smile, hoping that by twisting his plan a little to allow them to enjoy themselves a bit might help him.  He mentioned that there were some plants that he had seen she could get some samples floor and she chuckled softly.  “You're just trying to butter me up.” she teased from across the room and noticed that he was hanging close to their little friend again.

He and the little fledgling were playing while she cooked.  The scents of fish and vegetables filled the air.  She had their buddy's stuff set to the side so that he could eat when they ate.  If they did end up keeping him she wanted him to get used to being in the right schedule.  She figured it would be the best option for them.  Watching them play was absolutely adorable and melting her heart completely.  She cooked and hummed while she did so.  It didn't take long and she had thrown a little bit of citrus and some spices on the fish, but otherwise let it speak for itself.  Finally, it was done and she plated a large mountain of food for the man that was playing with their new recruit, and a smaller one for herself.

“Come on boys, it's dinner time.”

She called them as she brought the plates to the table and set them down.  The table top was glass, and the lower part of it was made out of some kind of white coral or stone that was carved to look like it.  Whatever it was, it was lovely.  The chairs were a simple metal with white cushioned seats.  She put the raw fish on the floor on a glass plate so that their little buddy could eat. 

“We really ought to give him a name.” she said softly when he came trotting over at record pace and began to use his beak to grab up the food and began to eat it.  Khorin sat down making the chair he used creak slightly but it held his weight, she smiled over at him.  “I know I know, he isn't ours yet.  I'm just saying, we need to call him something.” she said softly as she took a bite of her fish with a bit of pepper speared on her fork and chewed it.

“I know this is silly but what about Jasper?” she offered, she knew naming was a dangerous thing.  But, she really wanted to have something to call him. 

“Oh, I was thinking, tomorrow, would you want to go into town and go shopping?  I was thinking it could be fun?  Wouldn't take long, just for a couple hours.”

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #9
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts | Aldea]
Attn: @BZ 

"A sake?" asked Khorin out of curiosity, as he paused for a brief moment the game he was playing with the nestling. The jealousy and concern he felt for the kidnapping still raged in his chest, so his voice sounded more apathetic than usual but, unlike his previous responses, there was a hint of intrigue in his voice. A badly hidden desire to know what Zephyr had in mind. "Sounds like a plan" he confirmed shortly after, as he made the fledgling fall to the point of almost touching his face. The beast extended its small claws in a vain attempt to scratch his ridged nose, which rewarded it with a stronger blow than the previous ones.

When Zeph gently scolded him because he was trying to lure her, Khorin halted his gameanother time, this time he kept the animal raised far over his head. The creature shrieked outrageously, so its chirps and hisses almost drowned out the Klingon's deep voice. "Of course i'm wooing you, woman" he answered with a frown. "That's part of my job as your mate" he reminded her as he tossed the fledgling into the air. The little animal flapped its small wings in vain, as them barely held it hovering over the lying pilot for a split second. But his energetic efforts were futile and finally gravity won the battle, plunging it back into Khorin's coarse hands. "My duty is to try to make you feel comfortable and show you how deeply I love you," he added without thinking too much about the weight of his words. He just kept playing with the fledgling, barely paying attention to anything else.

Soon, the smell of whatever she was cooking began to flood the room, curling around the Klingon and the chick as if it were a living creature. His stomach growled in response, more than ready for dinner. The sound frightened a little the creature that purred on Khorin's chest, which required several minutes of petting and chin scratches to appease the young animal again. Eventually the creature settled back on his pecs, but it seemed somehow restless and ready to bite. "You're hungry too, huh, buddy?" Khorin asked the little animal. He hoped he was right. He didn't want to get another peck from a treacherous fluffbutt for no reason. The next time Khorin ran his hand over the creature's back, he did so with extreme delicacy, at least by his standards. Just in case.

Shortly thereafter, Zephyr let them know that the food was ready and Khorin rushed to stand on his feet, and let the young bird slide down his body until it fell to the floor on its feathered butt. The animal squeaked loudly in protest, pecking the Klingon's naked heels as retaliation, but it forgot the outrage that had been committed against it when it saw the plate of raw fish on the floor. Ignoring everything else, it quickly trotted to the dish and, without the slightest delay, it started to swallow the food avidly. Khorin grinned as he watched it, scratching his nape unconsciously, leaving a small trail of sand at his feet.

 After checking that the young animal was more than busy devouring its meal, Khorin let himself fall on one of the chairs, right in front of Zeph. The seat creaked under his weight, which made the pilot tense and grasp the edge of the table tightly. Those chairs were designed much like earthen ones, and Khorin had broken more chairs on Earth than he wanted to acknowledge. At the time, he was large, heavy, and Klingon... but now he was far larger, denser, and more Klingon than he had been, so the embarrassing habit of breaking chairs under his weight seemed to be re-activated with Aldean furniture. After a tense minute, Khorin could see that, though similar in design, the local chairs were more robust, so he loosened his grip on the glass table and settled in a little more comfortably, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

Without further ado, the Klingon began to engulf the food in the dish in front of him. The bowl was nearly unable to hold the mountain of fish it held, but Khorin hastened to lighten its volume without saying a word. He had always been a good eater, due to his quickened metabolism, but since his Correction, which had added an extra stomach to his digestive tract, the volume of his intake had increased exponentially. And, distracted as he had been playing with the nestling and, prior, immersed in the ominous thoughts about Zephyr's kidnapping, he had not realized how STARVING he felt. So much so that he didn't care that the meal was primarily fish. He had never been very fond of fish, since it lacked the fats and carbs that made up most of his daily intake, but whatever Zeph had prepared, he must admit that it was delicious. The mixture of citrics with protein, just cooked enough to tell that it wasn't completely raw, was more tasty than he wanted to acknowledge aloud, and it appealed his predator nature. When he had gulped down more than half of the plate, he finally raised his eyes to the betazoid and confessed. "Zeph, this is one of the best things I've tasted lately. Even though it's dead and diced," he happily claimed. "Almost as good as gahg" he praised it while he scratched his beard.

Shortly after this, his Par'Mach'kai brought up the subject of the name of the creature that nestled on her feet, with its head still resting on the glass dish. She suggested calling the creature Jasper. "Jasper?" he repeated with an far from persuaded grimace. Khorin turned his gaze away from his plate and moved his eyes toward the half-asleep creature. "I don't know, it doesn't sound too fierce," he admitted, cocking his head. "What do you think about it, fluffbutt?" he asked the nestling, as he pushed it with his toes. The little animal complained and tried to keep his eyes tightly closed. "Come on fluffbutt, it's important," he insisted anew, but the animal simply hid his head between his paws. "Fluffbutt, hey, fluffbutt, come on listen to me, fluffbutt" the Klingon kept pushing for a while. Finally, Khorin sighed and addressed him again. "Ok then... JASPER" he tried. Only then did the animal raise his head and peep in query. "Here you are" Khorin rumbled, looking at Zeph with a grin dancing over his lips. "He seems to like that name, Kyamo". Khorin knew it was wrong. Nicknaming the creature was the first step in keeping him, whether they found his parents or not. But they couldn't call him fluffbutt all day long, could they? After all, he did not seem to be paying attention to that epithet.

So dinner unfolded slowly but steadily, and as the Klingon was licking the last droplets of sauce from his plate, Zephyr made a suggestion for the next day about going shopping. If the idea of spending the night by themselves,close to the flames seemed unattractive given her recent abduction, the idea of spending the morning surrounded by strangers on a planet that he had never visited, triggered all his alarms. Khorin let go of the plate and folded your arms across his chest, decorating his shirt with a greasy stain. He scratched his chin again, uncomfortable, unsure how to verbalize his fears about her safety without sounding like a coward. He stared her for a while, observing the enthusiastic gleam of her green eyes as his mind noted how much she wished that he just relaxed again. That he would merely have some fun. Khorin fought his impulses for a minute and finally surrendered. He offered her a short nod and a tiny smile. After all, they couldn't stay all their leave locked up and far from any danger. At the end of the day, there would be KDF soldiers in the city. And his alibi of being a member of the KDF himself, could be able to get them some assistance with relative ease if something turned south. "Yeah, I like that idea, it can be fun," he eventually said. "Besides, I haven't eaten any Aldean candy yet... and I think I can find a good place with imported gahg," he added excitedly. "I'm not sure if you've ever tried it, but I WOULD KILL for a piece of Meshta gagh," he declared earnestly as he rose to his feet. Khorin leaned over to pick up the nestling and place it on Zeph's lap.

Then, he kissed her on the crown of her head. It smelled of sea breeze, salt and sand, and was an interesting addition to her particular scent. Without saying much more, the Klingon occupied himself in clearing the table. It was a routine he had unconsciously adopted. If Zephyr was in charge of putting food on the table, either cooking it from scratch or simply replicating it, Khorin was in charge of cleaning it later. Or the other way around. It wasn't something Khorin had previously done, a chaos lover as he was, but it seemed the right thing to do.

A little while later, when he had finished putting everything in order, Khorin went back to Zpehyr, who was relaxing after the meal on one of the couches, with the nestling sleptlike a log by her side. The small bird rested on his back, his wings fully spread and his paws moving in the air slightly, as if he dreamt about trotting or swimming. From time to time, he snapped his beak noisily, which made Khorin wonder that perhaps his dream consisted of a fierce attack on a helpless Klingon pilot.  He approached the pair very carefully, and sat down on the arm of the couch as gently as he was capable of, in an attempt to avoid waking the creature. Once he had successfully settled there, he placed his large hands on Zeph's shoulders and began to massage them. As his fingers rubbed the muscles that held her spine, he leaned over her, and he nibbled at the upper arc of her ear, in a suggestive way.

Over the table, his padd chimmed, disturbing the intimacy between him and his kyamo. Khorin frowned, but tried hard to ignore the padd. Instead of grabbing it, he let his hands descend down Zephyr's back, taking care of the knots beneath her scapulas. The padd's alert signal beeped again, followed by the red blink of a high-priority message. The Klingon closed his eyes tightly and kept massaging his mate back, trying to ignore the annoying distraction.

Meshta gagh → a gahg which jumped

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #10
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Beachside Romance | New Family Members | Annoying and Persistent Messages | Never a Good Time]

He had said love.

And though they had mated together, he had never actually said that word to her.  Though, she could feel it, and knew it, it was nice to hear it slip from his tongue so easily.  For her, it meant that he himself had realized it and was owning his emotions on the front.  It meant a lot to her, since she had given up her friend, for him.  Thom hadn't wanted to be her friend and, honestly, she didn't know what else to be for him.  She had always thought of him as a friend and perhaps after their long separation they could have gotten back together and become something more with the great distance.  But, that wasn't going to happen because her heart had been taken by Khorin before she even know that Thom was still around.  His rage at the matter, his legitimate anger and rage about something that he couldn't control scared her and made her realize that he still wasn't ready to love.  Whatever it was in him, she couldn't figure out what made him so angry when things didn't go his way.  Watching him beat the face in of one of the men that had held them captive had altered her view on Thom slightly.  He had always been held in such high regard and she wouldn't hear anything spoken negatively about him from anyone.  No matter how mad she had been after all his correspondence was over, she had never truly thought less of him. 

Until now.

“Well, I hope you know how much I love you too.” she said warmly from her spot in the kitchen.

They sat down to dinner and she smiled softly as he claimed how amazing it was.  She thought so too but then it was actually nice to cook.  To have pre-ordered some supplies to be delivered to the home so that they could actually cook.  It was nice to mix spices and herbs and the things like that together to make something amazing and flavorful.  It was good to work with her hands outside of the Botnaical lab and make something they could all enjoy.  Even though she hadn't done much for the little creature at their feet she had tried her best and he didn't seem to have any complaints. 

They began to talk about naming the little guy even though they both knew it was a dangerous thing to do.  But, he wanted to call the little one fluffbutt and she was most decidedly against that one.  While his butt was fluffy she didn't think it worked well and he didn't seem to enjoy it either.  Rather getting a bit snippy when it was mentioned.  He seemed to understand their language or at least understood the intention behind words because he was very adept at getting the point across that he liked or didn't like something that was said.  Khorin seemed to be the one that he was most unhappy with most of the time.  Zeph couldn't help but giggle when the little guy made his decision on his own name and decided on Jasper.  Biting the corner of her lower lip she just shook her head, those two were adorable in their little fighting ways.

When she gave out her idea of going shopping out in town she could tell that he was mulling it over so she waited beause she knew that he would get to it in a moment.  Sometimes he had to process though she could tell that it probably had more to do with her safety than anything else.  Zeph was fully capable of taking care of herself but she knew that as his mate he felt that it was his job to do it.  It was probably going to be something that they fought over from time to time as much as she didn't want nor like to fight.  It was going to put tension on them and she knew there was something about Thom that bothered him so she had swallowed all the pain and emotions that she felt about losing him as a friend and just pushed them down.  She would have to let them out and deal with them later but right now she didn't want to disrupt the fragile balance that Khorin had worked so hard to maintain since the incident on the Theurgy when they got right back home.

He finally admitted that he would like to go and get some candy he hadn't gotten to try it yet.  And maybe some imported Klingon fare.  She smiled brightly at him.  “Deal.”

Dinner over, Khorin got up to do the dishes as he had since they had first moved in together.  One would cook, the other would do the dishes, and it was less load on one or the other.  It was nice and sometimes they got silly and did the dishes together which usually ended up in a very wet kitchen area because of the splash wars that they would get into.  Soaking both of them and the room at the same time.  But, it was part of what made life amazing when she was living with Khorin.  He made life an adventure, it didn't take going to other starships or space to find it, it was there in her Quarters every day.

She picked up Jasper and headed for the couch.  She lay down across it, tired from their travels, the castle, and the day, she wasn't ready for sleep yet but it didn't hurt to take a break.  Jasper curled up against her chest and snuggled there happily with a little almost purr like chitter and a sigh.  He began to fall asleep with his belly full and soon his little chitters turned into little snores as he lay curled up on her chest.  Zeph thought about turning on the holoscreen that was mounted on the wall but decided not to and instead, from where she lay, she could see the ocean out in the distance and so she decided to just enjoy the scenery.  It wasn't going to be something they could see all that often and who knew when they could set their eyes on a real ocean again.

Khorin came over when the dishes were done and Zeph shifted her head raising her chin so that she could look up at him from her spot.  Khorin began to rub her shoulders and massage them getting his thumbs behind her spine.  Zeph's eyes fluttered closed as he began to get rid of some of the stress from the days since she had come onto the Theurgy, before that, and before even the Versant.  Zeph seemed very at easy and warm but she had her own stresses.  She didn't like to lean on other people and so she tried never to do that and kept most of her stuff to herself when she could.  Perhaps one day she would feel better about opening up a bit more, but sometimes things seemed so trivial and honestly she wasn't even allowed to talk about all the stuff on the Azurite Station that had caused her to run away.

How she was probably on a wanted lists of the underground somewhere.

Khorin's lips met her ears and she smiled softly.  There was a chime from across the room, but she didn't think it was hers, she doubted anyone would be reaching out to her and the chime didn't sound like hers.  Khorin decided to ignore it and work on her shoulders and her back more, she smiled softly enjoying the attention of her beloved when the chime sounded again annoying the both of them.

“It must be important.” she grumbled softly, though she didn't want him to leave her or the massage, she was most definitely hoping this was going to end up in a bedroom fun, or hell, kitchen fun for that matter.  She didn't care where the fun was had, but she wanted her Klingon in this big beach house, she wanted him on the beach too, she wanted him everywhere.

Zeph lifted her head and kissed along his jawline as best as she could through the coarse hair of the beard, disturbing Jasper who squawked at them angrily and jumped off the couch going off to find his furry pillow he had decided was his earlier in front of the windows.  Now that she could move she took Khorin's lips for her own and kissed him deeply.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #11
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts | Aldea]
Attn: @BZ 

"It must be important." Zeph said.

Khorin only snorted as an answer. First of all because he couldn't deny that she was probably right, but mainly because he didn't want to be distracted from what he was doing. He was very close to her and so he had a pretty good idea of what Zeph had in mind at that moment. Not for the first time since that... mental 'thing' had activated between them, Khorin was thankful that it existed. That it connected them. Klingons, for the most part, were wary of telepathic species. Khorin himself still felt awkward around it. It didn't help that according to Zeph he didn't talk mentally to her. He YELLED. But it's like he was: direct, forthright and loud, so his mental connection with his Par'Machkai was the same way. Whatever it was, at times like that, he appreciated the connection with Zeph and the extra level of intimacy he gave them.

~I don't care if it's important~ he purred eventually, while he continued dealing with the betazoid's back knots. His hands were more and more bold, and they sought not only to relax the stress, but to elicit another kind of reaction, one more stimulating. The Klingon nuzzled her neck again, and kissed the smooth corner of his jaw in order to...

The Padd rang again. Insistently, "Qu'vatlh" Khorin snarled, deeply irritated, as he raised his head to look for it. To complicate things even further she lifted her head and kissed in turn his own jaw through his thick beard. Khorin groaned again, but aside from the irritation at the persistence of the message, there was a big deal of desire on that sound. The pilot looked at his kyamo for a few seconds, hesitating whether to stay, go mute the device or simply throw it out the window and that the future Khorin would worry about whatever was so important as to pester him on his day off. The fledgling, Jasper, woke up at that moment, making it very clear that he was also sick of his nap being interrupted in such a nagging way. So, with all the dignity that a ball of feathers and fur, plump and tiny could muster, he jumped from Zeph's lap to his perch upon a fuzzy cushion. "Good boy" thought the Klingon at the time with a chuckle. Then he leaned slightly towards Zeph...

... And the padd chimed again, more and more nerve-wracking every second that passed. "vIjaH 'e' ghor" finally snorted Khorin as he rose on his feet.  He was definitely going to smash that thing. He was going to reduce it to such small pieces that they were going to need a tricorder to find some trace of the Padd. With that destructive instinct within, Khorin began to move toward the damned device. Before he could get too far away, Zeph grabbed him by the chest of his shirt and kissed him passionately. He replied in the same fashion and for a few moments, nothing else mattered. Neither his vengeful spirit, nor the bloody padd, nor the message, nor anything else. When their lips parted he looked at her with great intensity, opened his mouth...

And the padd rang another time. Khorin snorted, defeated, and shrugged, before he crossed the room with long strides to annihilate that annoying sound and devote himself to what he REALLY wanted to pursue at that time.  As soon as he reached the goddamn thing, Khorin hit the screen to unlock it, ready to delete the note and return to the couch as soon as posible. However, the sender caught his attention. Before he noticed it, he had opened the message and was reading line after line its contents.

It was, to say the least, unusual.

A mixture of annoyance, excitement and nervousness filled his chest. "Kyamo... I guess I won't be able to go to the city with you tomorrow..." he rumbled from across the room, eyes still on the padd. "I have been required to act as advisor and bodyguard in a meeting between the second officer and the Klingon administrator," he explained as he dropped on the couch next to her. He passed one of his strong arms over her shoulders before stretching her out against himself and then he gave her the padd to read the message herself. "It's a great honor, but it' ll steal a few hours of my leave" he told with a pitiful tone. This was their moment. Their spare time, just for them. Well, and Jasper if he stayed. But it was also a chance to earn a name in the Empire, even from the side of allies and not from within. And, who knows, perhaps he could get some insight into what had happened to his uncle. Or he could arrange that they send a message to his mother or to his family. An opportunity he would not wish to waste, just as he would not want to lose a minute with Zephyr. Unfortunately, Khorin had not developed the ability to be in two places at the same time. Not yet.

Qu'vatlh → general invective
vIjaH 'e' ghor → I'm gonna break that

OOC -> Post 23.000 in the site :D

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #12
[Zephyr Praise | Don't Answer | I Need You | You Are Mine | I Yearn for You]

It was amazing, to her, to have found someone that she could share her mental abilities with.  He wasn't scared of her mind being connected to his.  Of her voice and his melding without sound.  She loved the way that his voice felt.  When he restrained himself and he wasn't shouting into her mind his voice was like a river of rolling stones that had intonation with a great deal of love and concern for the young woman that had taken quite the liking to him.  He was something special to her, the way they clicked, it was jlike breathing the same air all the time with shared lungs.  She didn't know how she would do without him and on their first mission when they had to be apart, she on the ship and he out among the other Wolves, how she would handle that.  It wasn't just him that she would worry for, though she and Ravon had fallen out she still cared for and worried for him.  Though she could not stand in his life the way that he wished she had hoped they could retain their friendship.  Though his harsh words and even harsher feelings after the debacle of kidnapping had taken place, she highly doubted that he would warm up to her again.  It hurt her heart, but it was what it was, she would not turn her back on Khorin, he was her Imzadi.  One did not turn their back on it.

He claimed he didn't care if it was important.  Causing her lips to curl up in a smile while they danced with his and the two of them enjoyed what could prove to be a very romantic night.  She wanted to make it special.  The cliché things that most people would roll their eyes at.  Flower petals, candles, and just the two of them.  She supposed they could leave Jasper out here where he could rest on his apparently favorite pillow and relax.  She wanted to be as loud and as soft with Khorin as she wanted to be he was all hers tonight.

Except for that incessant beeping.

She didn't stop even as he pulled back.  Contorting her body to follow his movement and kiss along his jaw brushing her face against the course hair of his beard.  It had it's soft spots, and it's rough spots, but she liked his beard and had been helping him keep up with it a bit better.  She didn't mind it so long as it wasn't a matted mess so she used some kind of oil someone had recommended to her and a comb every time he took a shower to make sure that it didn't get all messed up.  He always smelled like the oil and it was a pleasant sent.  He was going to go, she could tell, in his mind, in his emotions and she pulled him by his shirt.  Fingers curling into the fabric as she pulled him into a heated and hungry kiss to remind him not only who was in charge but who was more important at the moment.  But of course, it beeped once more.  He cursed as the damn thing beeped again, and she sighed slumping onto the couch in defeat as he crossed the room to where his PADD was laying on the table reminding him that he had a job.

“Our jobs never end.” she grumbled as she flopped over on the couch and buried her face in one of the fluffy pillows that Jasper hadn't stolen yet.

He was reading the message and Zeph rolled over to stare at the high ceilings.  A crystalline light fixture hung high over head and twinkled with it's internal lighting in a really lovely way.  She was still staring at it as she tried to get her body to calm back down from it's heightened emotions and desire to have her Klingon here and now.  It was then that he called her name, or the name that he called her anyway and those lovely hazel green eyes she had gotten back for herself shifted over to him.  He explained that he wouldn't be able to take her shopping in the city tomorrow.  She turned slightly and she sighed, that was another thing done.  The Theurgy was taking away part of her vacation.  She thought they would have a couple days to just be them, make memories, buy stupid trinkets, and just bond more.  Without work, without separate schedules, but apparently that was too much to ask from the Theurgy gods.  She was about to ask if it was Thom because she was fully willing to punch the man in the face if he was doing this out of spite of her choices and being a raging bastard.  But, before she could ask he clarified that he had to act as a adviser tomorrow and she sighed.


Zeph rose up from her spot on the couch with a really adept roll off the couch and onto her feet.  She walked over to the huge wall of windows and leaned against one of them with her hip watching the way that the waves crashed into the sandy shore now that it was getting darker.  She was watching the sunset which caused the normally yellowed, golden, and bronzed colors to become even more dark and beautiful.  Almost a copper color at the moment and she let out another sigh.

“Will you be back?  Or is this very short vacation over?” she asked him quietly as she stared out at the ocean.  If it was over, she was going to be sad, she figured that he could already tell she was a bit upset as it was.  Their mental connection left little to the imagination, they were mated in her mind and his own, in both Klingon and Betazoid ways.  So it was a pretty strong connection.  Her heart was currently heavy in her stomach, she had wanted something good today.  Something good after the Versant, after the Azurite, after running away, after her research, after Ravon.  She wanted something good.

This was supposed to be the good and now duty called.

Zeph felt dejected.  This wasn't how she had hoped her time on Aldea would go.  She had lost her best friend, gotten kidnapped, watched him beat the crap out of someone, then she had told Khorin all about it.  He had been struggling with all sorts of pent up anger, rage, and betrayal.  He knew she didn't love Thom, he could feel it and she had told Thom straight up who she was dating she hadn't lied or gone around the bush.  Still, this was not how she wanted these days to go.  She had imagined all kinds of Aldean fun.  Now he was to go back to work and she would have to chose to stay on her own or go back to the Theurgy.

“Don't worry about the bonfire.  Or the walk.  You have to rest up for your .. stuff tomorrow.” she said throwing her plants away.  They didn't matter now, and he would need sleep if he was supposed to be a body guard.  There went the passion, there went the fun, there went all her plans. 

Stupid PADD!

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #13
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts | Aldea]
Attn: @BZ 

Zephyr rose from the couch and walked slowly through one of the Villa's picture windows. Khorin followed her with his gaze as she wandered away from him. The Klingon sighed loudly as he witnessed her depart, a pang of her emotions mirrored deep in his chest through the bond that linked them. The enthusiasm he had previously felt for his assignment to a mission with the Klingon System Administration faded into guilt. This was supposed to be their vacation. For them both. And this sudden assignment would send it all to hell.

When Zephyr eventually halted her steps, her back turned and her gaze lost on the waves, the pilot stood up too and retraced her footsteps until he reached her. He stood behind her and leaned forward, as he ran his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Hey" he purred softly as he pressed her against him in a tight embrace. "Of course I'll be back, I'll only be out for a couple of hours. Three tops." he assured with great resolve. He wasn't sure how long the meeting would last, but he wasn't willing to waste any extra seconds there once it was over. He wished his words sounded reassuring and cheerful, but the disappointment and helplessness she radiated was heartbreaking for her mate. Khorin tried to put the blame away, while he nuzzled her neck and the sweet spot behind her ear.

"I'll put myself on armor like a tough KDF dude, I'll pretend that I am a bad guy, and I' ll get bored while Lieutenant Commander Stark argues about bolts and screws with a pot-bellied old Klingon and be back with you before you even realize I've gone." He reassured her with a cheerful tone to brighten her up a bit. "As soon as Ops gets what they need from the Administrator, I'll take the first Shuttle back to the planet, you won't even be aware that I'm gone, for real.... Furthermore, I promise you that I will compensate you for the time wasted," he vowed with a suggestive grin growing on his broad face. After that, he landed a kiss trail on her neck and jaw, until he managed to coerce her into turning around and faced him again.

"And don't you DARE to think you'll get rid of me so easily," he threatened her before leaning over to tickle her sides. "If you thought you were going to escape so easily from having fun with me you are so wrong" he teased her while letting her go to give her the chance to run away or counterattack. Both were more than tempting for the klingon.

"So... bonfire or trek to seek out the fluffbutt parents?" he asked as he leaned over, ready to jump and catch her again. He still didn't like the prospect of the risk of being attacked in the dark, but if that cheered her up a bit, he would surrender and suppress part of his paranoia. Whatever it took to make her smile again.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #14
[Zephyr Praise | Change of Plans | A Bit of Alone Time | I Don't Want to be Alone | Federation Steps in Again]

It wasn't long before the warmth of his large body came behind her.  She could feel those strong arms that exuded the feeling of safety shift around her slender form and hold her against him.  She knew it wasn't exactly his fault, they had jobs, and those jobs could call at any time.  The problem was, that she had just really  hoped they could enjoy their small vacation down here and make some memorable memories.  She knew they had built the castle, they had eaten, and enjoyed themselves a little bit but already he was being called back to work and she really didn't want to see him go.  That wasn't fair to her, and it sure wasn't fair to him.  He also deserved some time to be on his own. 

Khorin promised that he would be back in a couple hours, three max, and she turned her head slightly to snuggle into his chest as much as she could with her back to him.  He leaned down to nuzzle her neck so she nuzzled into him even more than, letting her arms wrap around his neck for a moment to keep him close to her as long as she could.  He explained all he had to do was put on armor, and protect someone named Commander Stark and then he would be right back.  He wouldn't stay for even an extra minute.  Her eyes looked up into his and she nodded.

“You better not make me wait too long.  I might spend all our credits in town out of boredom.” she teased with a bit of a smile on her face.

He promised to make it up to her and began to kiss along her jaw causing her eyes to slide closed as she leaned more heavily against him.  The emotions of feelings from before, without the pings from his PADD, were returning quickly.  That was soon gone when he began to tickle her, she laughed and squirmed, and tried to fight against him though in her current position he was strong and the only thing she could do to get out would be actually hurt him and she wasn't willing to do anything like that.  He let her go through, and she elbowed him in the ribs and took off across the house.  Leaping over the couch, jumping to the back of it and racing through the house quickly knowing that he was on her heels.  Though she was laughing the whole time.

She called out her answer to his question from the other side of the house.  “Bonfire.  If Jasper has parents we will probably see them while we're down there anyway!” she looked at Khorin waiting for him to make a move to see where he was going to go so that she could dodge in the other direction.  “Come on Klingon boy, you're not going to let a spritely Betazoid get away from you are you?  Big strong warrior.... tsk tsk, you like all kinds of fluffy and soft things, and you're mated to someone that feels emotions like breathing.  Where is this .. warrior?”

Oh she knew that would only excite him, and she knew that he would come after her with that feral growl he could occasionally come out with that did things to her insides.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #15
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts | Aldea]
Attn: @BZ 

The elbow in the ribs caught him off guard. Khorin let out a strangled gasp that soon morphed into a quiet snarl. A growl that didn't express anger but rather something else. When he lifted his eyes, Zephyr was leaping effortlessly over the couch, which made that a predatory grin spread over his features. "Oh, so that's what this is about..." he rumbled with feigned outrage. He barely gave her a few leaps of advantage before he sprang after her, as chase and seduction were deeply intertwined in his DNA. However, despite his long strides and his greater reach, Zephyr managed to stay just out of his grasp. His fingertips brushed her shoulders or her short curls a couple of times but he failed to catch her every time. Zephyr had learned a few cunning moves, and every day it was harder for him to capture her swiftly. Which made the game even more exhilarating for the Klingon. The growl echoed even louder, deep in his chest.

With a series of dodges and a sudden hop over a piece of furniture that knocked down a vase which shattered on the floor, Zephyr put enough distance between them to make a halt and allowed herself to answer his query. "Ok, bonfire, roasted meat and anything else that we could burn at the fire," he purred in agreement as he sprang up again to try to grab her. The betazoid sidestepped him with no apparent effort and he snarled as he stumbled on a footrest and staggered forward, away from Zephyr's trail as he tried to remain on his feet. His mate took advantage of this circumstance to tease him. Khorin failed to reply to the taunt. Or at least he didn't answer with words. He only growled ferally as he resumed the chase, his grin even wider on his lips.

The manhunt lasted for several additional minutes, in which Zephyr always seemed to get what she wanted with every dodge and turn, without even noticing that the Klingon was herding her to the place he intended. When she passed through the room's lintel, the pilot didn't lose a second and followed her, his strides longer and faster than they had been until that moment. Then Khorin leapt over her and wrapped her in his arms, so that they both lost their balance and fell over the bed. Zephyr still put in some amount of struggle, but finally the combination of a higher weight and raw strength made the Klingon regain control over the situation. He held her firmly against the mattress, his body on top of hers, his hands clasped over her wrists. Firm enough that she could not escape, but without harming her. "Here is the warrior, woman" purred triumphantly before he leaned over her and traced a path of small kisses and nibbles on her neck. "Here is YOUR warrior" he added, as Khorin freed one of her hands, so that he could draw the silhouette of her chest and her waist. When his lips reached her clavicle, his teeth tightened a bit harder on her pale skin, just enough to scratch it and taste a sampling of her blood. His hips squeezed against hers willingly, which revealed without doubt what her game has stirred on him.

"What shall I do with you now? Tsk tsk" he playfully demanded.Then, he released her other wrist and rose slightly, pulling his chest away from her while keeping her lower body pinned tight against his. "What kind of Klingon would I be if I let you insult me like that without an act of atonement in exchange?" he inquired with faked severity.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #16
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Wooing in Klingon | How to Find a Mate |  Hunter or Hunted?]

He knew, in a moments notice, what exactly this was.  The growl in his chest, the light in his eyes, the way that she knew exactly how to taunt him at this point had him going.  He knew that he wanted to catch her, to have her, and make her surrender.  Zeph knew that giving into him easily was not always his cup of tea.  There were times that soft intimacy developed between them and that was fine too, but there was a lot of times that it started out as a little bit more physical, a chase, a fight, a wrestle, something to that extent and then it was the culmination afterwards that was their reward.  She was quick and able to move her body quicker than him.  Not only because she was smaller and lithe but because she had been trained as a fighter as well.  She had both of those talents on her palate and it enabled her to give him a run for his money almost any time they were playing this little cat and mouse game.  It helped that when he missed her she taunted him with a giggle, a chuckle, or just a little snide remark.  Nothing harmful, no, but something that would only make him hungrier to catch her.

She should have been able to tell that he was herding her towards the bedroom, but she was too worried about stepping around, to the side, and past him that she didn't realize it until she had passed the room's door frame and stood between it and the bed.  Suddenly, a large Klingon male, having cornered his prey appeared in the door way and slammed her down onto the bed.  Zephyr squealed in delight as she fell onto the bed and it bounced slightly with their combined weight.  Glad that it didn't collapse after their sudden fall onto it, she realized then that she was being held down.

Zeph fought, trying to twist her body this way and that, to get out from under the oppressive weight of the Klingon above her only she realized it wasn't going to happen.  Her momentary lack of concentration worrying about the bed had put her in the most disadvantageous spot.  He looked down at her, holding her wrists ina  single hand while his large paw cascaded down her side and enjoyed the slight curves that she had.  Zeph had some curves where it counted, but she was not overly curvaceous in any way, shape, or form.  She rose her brow when he mentioned that she had the warrior, her warrior and she let a big grin form across her face.

“Is that so?” she asked feeling his hips grinding into hers where she lay underneath him.  Eliciting all the feelings that had been on the rise during their couch make out session but having been ruined by the call to work.  He kissed down her jaw and the shirt she wore allowed for her collar bone to be bared to him.  Which he took advantage of.  A quick hiss of sharpness, a bit of a burn as he scratched her skin to taste her blood.  Zeph shuddered underneath him though she tried not to.

“I think, atonement should be very thorough.” she whispered in a heavy voice as she leaned up as best as she could and bit against his neck.  Raking her teeth against the skin she bit with enough pressure to actually pull slightly on the skin before letting go.  Her eyes raising to his in a challenge.

“I think you better claim me thoroughly, lest I forget who is in charge.”

Thus, the carnal pleasures took over the bedroom.  The bed, sadly, didn't make it, two of the legs broke off during their tussle, and Khorin made short work of the other two, so the frame rested on the floor itself with broken legs as they continued to use the bed as it was meant to be used for.  Zephyr was not the kind to only let him do what he wished, she took control from time to time and enjoyed making him submit where and when she could only to be forced into it again herself moments later.  It was very much a fight for dominance in the bedroom as it was a love making session but when they both crashed to the messy bed afterwards with grins and smiles on their faces.  It was all cuddles, and love, and basking in the warm glow of being together another day.

Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #17
[ Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai| Villa by the sea | Aldea Prime outskirts | Aldea]
Attn: @BZ 

Khorin curled lazily in the bed. His chin rested on the top of Zephyr's head. There was a satisfied smile on his broad face, concerns and duties long forgotten. The Klingon tilted his head, and buried his nose deep into her wild curls. As he inhaled, his nose was filled with the scent of her, and the salt from the sweat and the sea, the raspy smell of beach sand and the sweet scent of what they had just shared. A gentle purring echoed self-satisfied within his chest, a soft, quiet sound, exhausted.

The pilot turned slightly over himself, to tighten a frayed sheet over both of them. As he did so, some of the still intact pieces of the battered bed creaked a bit. A squeak confirmed that a new part of the furniture had broken. Khorin chuckled , and in that brief laughter there was a good amount of pride. "My fierce Kyamo" he rumbled as he outlined her face with his rough fingers, before he playfully pinched the tip of her nose. "Klingon women should be careful, there is a more vicious female warrior in this system," he joked as he pulled a lock of hair away from her face. Khorin couldn't stop smiling. And he couldn't help but caress her. Not the demanding and needy caresses that had dragged them to bed, but ratherones that spoke of the worship he felt for her. How much he cherised every little trait that was hers, every gesture, every uniqueness that was hers and of no one else. As he had done other times, in previous days, he counted the small freckles that adorned some points of her skin, dark landmarks on her pale flesh. "SoH Daj law' Hoch Hovmey Daj puS" he recited as he nuzzled the gap between her neck and her shoulder, one of the places where he had left the mark of his teeth on her. tlhIngan Hol had few words to express love, so warriors had to be more creative in their words for their mates. That was why love poetry was a surprisingly popular artistic expression among Klingons.

Khorin would remain as they were forever. Simply enjoying each other's company, the contact of their skins, how a smile brightened their features. He merely indulged himself in those cuddles and the love he professed for her and the one she felt for him, for a period of time he refused to measure. Always too short. Perhaps, at a certain moment, he dozed off, because he felt comfortable and safe with her in his arms, or he in hers arms, like the big, clumsy puppy to which he had always been compared. However, that peace did not last forever, as Khorin would have wished.

There was little warning.

Some frenetic scratches on the door.

An anguished chirp.

The door unlocked when a nestling threw himself against it, tired of being alone, and it banged against the wall. The little feathered creature shortened the distance between the door and the bed in just a couple of leaps and, with a huge jump for such a small creature, he landed on the Klingon's stomach, ripping the air out of his lungs. Jasper gleefully cheeped when he discovered that Zephyr was there and started bouncing over the breathless Klingon in the midst of a happy chatter and a flurry of iridescent feathers.

SoH Daj law' Hoch Hovmey Daj puS. → You are more interesting than all the stars.
tlhIngan Hol → klingonesse // Klingon language


Re: Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea

Reply #18
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Paradise | Pleasure | Enjoyment |  Perfection | Ends Too Soon | Back to the Grind | Lets Run Away]

There was something in the after, after the sheets were wrinkled, the covers were on the floor, the bed was broken, and the room was quiet from the grunting, screaming, and moaning.. that was just perfect.  There was this quiet moment in the after that allowed for just them to enjoy the warmth of being together, of knowing what they had just shared together again.  She had never thought herself really Klingon mate material, she had never been into rough or even hard, or anything like that.  But it wasn't just that with Khorin either, it was a careful balance of Klingon and of love.  There was something definitively primal about it all and it was something that she enjoyed.  However, her favorite moment was that after moment.  Where she lay spent on his shoulder.  Hearing the rumbles of pleasure and comfort from his chest beside her.  Where her head lay and rose and fell with every single breath.  While his hands played in her tangled curls and she listened to the thick rumble in his chest.

She wanted to move, she probably needed to.  There was a bonfire they had talked about, and looking for Jasper's family, and taking a walk.  None of those could really pull her from the strong arms of the Klingon that was currently holding her as though she was the most precious thing in the world.  She knew that she was special to him she could feel it in him, and it didn't even take her empathy to do it.  She could tell in his eyes and the way that he looked only at her. 

The door opened, and Zeph popped one of her eyes opened lazily to see a fluffy feathery ball bound into the room.  He squawked impatiently and began jumping at the side of the broken bed until his little feet found grip and was able to get him a small hop to the matress itself.  He chirped triumphantly and headed over to Zephyr who was still only covered by a scrap of frayed sheet and seemed to be just pleased as punch to see her.  He nuzzled into the back of her neck and then trotted around to the small of her back where he turned in a circle three times before laying down and began to groom his feathers with his beak.

Zeph let her eye slide closed, the whole family in the bed at the same time, was kind of really nice.  Zephyr fought hard but lost the war in trying to stay awake and moments later she was asleep on the chest of the best Klingon in the known universe.


When morning came, she didn't want to move any more than she had the previous night.  She was not so much tired but she knew that when she got up, she would have to say goodbye to him.  Sure enough, it was time though, and by the time they dragged themselves from the broken bed he didn't even have time for breakfast.  She didn't really want to stay on her own but she figured that she and Jasper could have a walk, maybe head to the city and shop, before heading back to the Theurgy to wait for Khorin to come back from whatever duty he was going to have.  Outside on the deck, the air was cool because the sun had not yet fully risen and the breeze buffeted against them both while they kissed a long goodbye.  Jasper ran around the deck chasing small bugs that he wanted to eat and enjoying the cool fresh air and the dew that still lay on the deck beneath his feet.  Finally, Khorin left to head back to the Theurgy and Zeph stayed outside a while to let Jasper play.

It ended too soon, but the memories would last them a good while.


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