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Day 02 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

"Wanting A Second Opinion"

Stardate 57562.08
MARCH 12 2381
1758 HRS

[ Amelya Rez | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M. 

The Wardroom lounge was rather peaceful whilst the ship was docked, a few more people were in the room having a drink, dinner or a snack. The interior of the Wardroom lounge had a rather old vibe over it. Resembling Terra's early 20th century diners, it had everything that would fit in it. Neon lights which formed words, old music in the background and the waiters and waitresses seemed to roll around with small wheels attached under their shoes. The interior was rather bright, the walls and bar varying in color from blue, to red and tints of white. Rez wasn't sure if this was a daily thing or if it was a special as the lounge was known for changing their serving custom depending on the day.

Amelya was seated by the bar and next to her sat Maya. The Vulcan physician had agreed on the invitation of the Trill to join her for dinner now that their lives weren't a madhouse with an overfull Sickbay. Rez had decided to be surprised by the daily dish and it seemed to be a double cheeseburger with fries with some extra toppings on the side. It was again a typical Terran dish which Amelya had never eaten before. It was a curious looking meal and she was unsure on how to start with it. She looked over to Maya to see what her order looked like "I tell you Maya... Terrans have some weird foods." she snickered as she bumped her shoulder against her.

"How have you been my friend?" she asked to make some small talk, wanting to learn a bit more of the Vulcan as they had worked together a lot, though it felt like she knew so little of the green blooded Vulcan. She truly did consider the Vulcan to be a friend of hers. She was kind, sometimes a bit weird, but all in all... Amelya could trust her with anything, that she was truly convinced of.

Re: SD: 57569.63: Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #1
[ Maya | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Atten @Nolan

“I had a stimulating time down on the planet,” Maya replied as she poked at her salad.  Doctor Maya was a slender Vulcan female of indeterminate age. She had allowed the rather severe haircut favored by most of her people to grow out a bit and now her pageboy haircut had grown enough to hide the pointed tips of her ears. Likewise, she had allowed her dark bangs to grow enough to hide the severe slant of her eyebrows.  Her almost egg white skin indicated that her ancestors lived even closer to the poles of her home world than those of Commander Ducote, or Doctor Kobol , or Amelya Rez herself.  Considering that the planet Vulcan was known for its blistering heat, it was understandable that the denizens would tend to cluster at the poles.  Off duty Maya wore a conservative flowing gown that had a long skirt, long sleeves and a neckline that went up to her collar. 

“The Ibai Besi Promenade was breathtaking,” she continued, “although I do recommend hearing protection if you are going to spend a substantial amount of time there.  The din can give one an earache after several hours of it.  Although their Hondartza Luzea beach was advertised as ‘clothing optional’ disappointingly enough the majority of the beachgoers were not nude.  It would be refreshing to visit a society where status was not an issue and everyone was equal and our Sulokian propriety did not discourage us from accepting our physical forms, but there was the consolation of there being no uniforms.  My visit to Aldean Prime University, on the other hand…”

”Excuse me, ma’am,” a masculine drawling voice interrupted.  Maya turned her long narrow face to fix the newcomer with a blank catlike expression.  Standing before the two doctors’ table was a tall broad shouldered human male whose pale pinkish skin indicated that his ancestors had thrived closer to the poles of his planet.  Incredibly, the rank pin on his uniform was that of master chief petty officer, a rank that held respect and seniority, but not the rank of a fully commissioned officer.   William Robert ‘Billy Bob’ O’Connell wouldn’t enter the officer’s wardroom unless it was business. ”Do yuh mind if Ah borrow Doctor Rez fur uh minute?  Ah swear it won’t take two shakes of uh lamb’s tail.”

Maya blinked her large hazel eyes twice before glancing over at Amelya.

OOC:  I’m assuming that the Sulokian sense of propriety on Vulcan is even more straightlaced and confining than the Victorian sense of propriety on Earth.

Re: SD: 57569.63: Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #2
[ Amelya Rez | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]  @Doc M. 

Amelya was listening interested at Maya's encounters planet side. There were obviously some questions that had to be asked to the Vulcan physician as she talked of protection when going to the Ibai Besi Promenade and a slight chuckle left the Trill when she heard the disappointment of people not being nude at the Hondarta Luzea beach. In the meantime, Amelya had sliced off a piece of her cheeseburger with a fork and knife and was chewing on it when a masculine voice interrupted Maya's tale of her planet side adventures.

Amelya turned around to face mister O'Connell, it was slightly odd for an officer to show up on the premise here. Amelya's eyes looking over the engineer before she nodded and looked at Maya as she simply stared at the man in only a way she could. Amelya smiled friendly to her friend as she gave her a soft squeeze on the shoulder "I won't be long." she assured Maya before she turned her attention to Billy Bob "How can I be of service to you?" she asked as she got up from her chair. She stepped away from her meal and friend for a second, moving to the side and closer to one of the view ports.

Rez was wearing a jeans like pants that hugged onto the forms shape of her legs and lower body, furthermore she wore a white blouse which wasn't too tight fitting. It almost looked like satin, yet was made of a different fabric and offered a very vague see through as O'Connel would be able to make out a blurry shape and color of the Trill's bra underneath.

Re: SD: 57569.63: Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #3
[ William Robert O’Connell | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Atten @Nolan

The master chief appeared mighty uncomfortable, trepidation evident in his normally brusque demeanor.  ”Beggin’ yer pardon Doc, but Ah wuz wonderin’ if um, well Ah guess there ain’t no polite way tuh put it,” he mumbled as he looked away and rubbed the back of his neck.  Apparently the way off duty clothing flattered Amelya’s figure made a real impact on the husky human and he was blushing like a teenager asking her on a date.  Either that or he was blushing like a nine year old who had been caught misbehaving.  ”Ah know, Ah say Ah know Ah’ve bin skippin’ out on mah doctor’s appointments as of late, but it’s jest thet…”  His voice trailed away as he forced himself to look into Doctor Rez’s innocent green eyes.

Just who was looking back at him anyway?  Amelya Duv, who was rescued from her ship when everybody aboard the Harbinger went plumb loco and turned into raiding and ravaging pirates?  Endena Rez, the Starfleet Intelligence officer who had been temporarily the Theurgy’s first officer before the mission at Starbase 84 went south?  Or was the doc now one of them, the Infested, the puppet of an unspeakably evil and eldritch life form that had been implanted into Doctor Duv by the ship’s former chief medical officer, Doctor Lucan cin Nicander?  Was the Rez symbiont even in her body or had it been thrown out with the medical waste and something sinister and rapacious substituted in its place?  Either way, there was no way he was going to keep a doctor’s appointment with Doctor Rez, even if it was just a routine checkup.

Master Chief O’Connell wasn’t quite the brainless rube he often appeared to be.  Twenty years of placating officers had left him with a degree of tact and the ability to… bend the truth a mite.  What he said next wasn’t a lie exactly, it was perfectly true, but tact demanded a lie of omission.   Heaving a large sigh he coughed into his fist and started again.  ”Well ma’am, if you’ve bin cross checkin’ with Counselin’ yuh already know thet the uh… contagion we picked up from th’ Mahéwa System messed us up uh bit, an’ not jest physically.  Jest fur th’ sake uh askin’ are you familiar with whut happened to us back on Planet N9GA Majoris, th’ planet Niga that is?”

Doctor Amelya Rez hadn’t been aboard when the officers and crew of the Theurgy had to deal that nightmare they picked up from the planet Niga; she had come aboard during the events of a completely different nightmare.  But had she been subjected to third nightmare from which there was at this time no coming back from?  That was a question that Billy Bob was not allowed to ask.

Re: SD: 57569.63: Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #4
[ Amelya Rez | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]  @Doc M. 

The Trill crossed her arms as O'Connel began to talk and her eyes rested on him as she could see his blush and somewhat awkward behavior. He brought up his missed up doctor appointments and she had honestly no problem with it considering the chaotic times for both their departments the lat couple of days if not weeks. His eyes finally made contact with hers and she gave him a slight nod as she smiled warmly at him.

"I've let myself in on the history of the Theurgy mister O'Connel." she answered him "I'm aware of the pollen infection of Niga and the subsequent emotional trauma it has dragged most of the original crew into. " It had been a serious chunk of data to go through and quite possibly a horrific scenario to have gone through. She had read eye witness accounts and data that had been followed up with it. If not for the intervention of the temporal officer the Theurgy crew would presumably be lost forever.

Amelya's eyes kept resting on Billy bob as she tried to figure out what it had to do with him missing doctor appointments "If I may ask so bluntly mister O'Connell... How does this connect to your missing appointments?" her eyes broke away from him as she looked around to check if anyone else was close enough to overhear their conversation before she asked in a hushed tone "Is it because you don't trust yourself or women after Niga?" she probed carefully, seeing if it would get the answer out of the master chief.

Her dark green eyes coming back to gaze into his eyes, almost digging into his very soul it seemed. She wasn't aware of his doubt about her true identity. It had been a thing she had thought about in the past few days. If people would still trust her like they would when she was just Amelya Duv, or did things get more complicated with the joining? Would people hold her responsible for the actions and betrayal of Jona/Edena Rez. So far she hadn't picked up too many negative reactions, some people did look differently at her. Perhaps it was only natural as she truly was different with the symbiont inside of her.

Re: Day 05 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #5
[ William Robert O’Connell | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Atten @Nolan

Billy Bob withered under her gaze and finally looked away and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.  His strategy of telling bald-faced truths was backfiring fast.  Sharing his deepest vulnerabilities with anyone was difficult for the normally suspicious master chief, and sharing his most embarrassing weakness was doubly hard to someone who was an officer, a beautiful woman, and possibly possessed by one of the ravenous entities from beyond.  Those tight trousers and the way her dark bra was visible under her almost see through blouse wasn’t making things any easier.  But O’Connell had already committed to this bad decision and there was no option but to see it through.  

”Well  uh yeah let’s jest say thet given the um… nature of mah um, emotional distress yew may hev jest hit th’ nail on th’ head there Doc,” he grudgingly admitted.  It was then the master chief had an epiphany.  After what happened to him in the Mahéwa System, whether or not Doctor Rez was possibly Infested made very little difference.  He would be avoiding his scheduled physicals with the delicious doctor either way.  The realization came as a relief until a humiliating counter realization revealed itself.  While he had originally intended his difficulties with… arousal… to be his excuse it was really the other way around.  Amelya’s possible Infestation was merely reinforcement, but he had been avoiding doctor’s appointments in the female dominated sickbay for some time now.  What he had intended as a smokescreen wasn’t even half a lie, it was the painful and embarrassing truth.

And that truth was almost as painful and embarrassing as the faces O’Connell must have been making.  Amelya must have been wondering why he was just staring off into space and grimacing, or more likely, knew exactly why he was staring off into space and grimacing.  There was nothing else to do but take the plunge and get this over with as quickly as possible.  Taking a breath, he turned to face her once again.  ”Uh well, until we git uh counselor thet kin fix me up Ah reckon we should git me uh more masculine doctor tuh be mah personal physician.  Otherwise Ah’m liable, Ah say Ah’m liable tuh find me another excuse tuh miss mah physical.  Ah know, Ah’ve seen me do it.”


Re: Day 05 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #6
[ Amelya Rez | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M.

O'Connell admitted to the earlier statement of Rez, emotional distress. The Trill gave a short nod and smiled just a little before taking on a more neutral demeanor. She could fully understand why he wouldn't trust any female physicians after the ordeal at Niga. Even as she had read up on the reports of the incident, the symbiont now residing in her had given her some nightmares about how the situation truly had developed at first hand. It woke Amelya up sometimes and brought her cold shivers to realize the extent of how invasive the infection went.

"I find it commendable that you've taken this step mister O'Connell. A brave step to make." she replied softly as she reached out to give the man a pat on the shoulder. Her new boss came to mind as she did wonder why O'Connell hadn't made any appointments with the Câroon doctor Nicander. Before his reveal as an infested, the master chief ought to have gone to him if he preferred a male physician? The Trill didn't want to burden the man with any more pressure on his shoulders or fact checking for that matter. In essence he was in distress, so to speak "Doctor Kobol  is currently the new CMO, I can check when he's available to see you at his earliest convenience? I can also inform counseling to book in a session for you, perhaps with a male counselor to make things less... Confronting."

A slight squeeze applied as she kept her gaze focused on him and only him. As if the engineer was the most important figure in the room "I hope that you can overcome this feeling in the future master chief... However..." she paused as her eyes studied his face "Will this be a nuisance as well down in engineering? I suppose there are less women working there, yet... Can you still work with them professionally or do you feel the same emotional distress there?" Even though the man had shared his vulnerability to the good doctor, she couldn't help but still feel the need to follow up on what he had told her.

Re: Day 05 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #7
[ William Robert O’Connell | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Atten @Nolan

”Oh no Ma’am,” Billy Bob assured Amelya in a booming theatrical tone that could be heard clearly all through the room.  ”Ah’ve um, managed to adjust to workin’ with th’ ladies on duty.  It’s really, Ah say it’s really quite simple; Ah jest schedule the gals Ah find most irritatin’ on th’ same shift an ever’body looks gender neutral, jest like one uh th’ fellas that is,” he added at a lower volume.  

He smiled at what he thought was a clever joke before remembering that he was no longer the acting chief engineer, not even a chief engineering officer for of the one stardrive vectors.  As the propulsion chief of vector three he could still make the schedule provided he could get the new chief engineering officer to sign it, but that was it.  Worse yet, experience had told him that doctors seldom had a sense of humor when they asked a patient to describe their symptoms, and that jocularity from a patient suffering a psychological distress tended to backfire horribly. 
”That’s a joke, Ah say that’s a joke doc!” he boomed as his face flushed.  His voice then dropped to a lower volume that could almost be described as quiet.   ”Ah’ve managed tuh git over workin’ with ladies in th’ engine room, it’s jest thet…” Here he paused as he looked around the room and took a step closer to the delicious doctor.  ”You’ve heard uh fetishes n’ role playin’ and all thet nonsense right?  Ah kin overhaul uh warp reactor with uh female in close quarters, but havin’ such uh gorgeous creature lahk you askin’ me tuh strip down ‘till you kin see Christmas is somthin’ Ah’m uh gonna have tuh build up to.”

So uncomfortable was O’Connell’s confession made it obvious that this was not mere flattery.  He was perfectly sincere.  And he was fidgeting so bad that one would think that he had been born before they found the cure for Parkinson’s disease.     

Re: Day 05 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #8
[ Amelya Rez | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M. 

The theatrical tone made the Trill physician step back for a second before she smiled and even laughed at the chief's trick to manage to work with women in his department. It was an easy fix, yet with his position now gone he'd probably have to adjust to new people and thus probably more 'less irritating women'. The doctor still looked with a certain degree of concern to Billy Bob as the man now seemed to panic and quickly added that it was a joke. Was it truly a joke or was he trying to hide up the problem here? It was hard to tell.

Amelya cocked her head to the left slightly as she listened to the explanation of the human engineer. He brought up fetishes and role playing and the doctor gave a slow nod, curious to where this conversation was going for. When the cat came out of the bag, Amelya was rather stunned at first as the man had managed to slip a compliment in for the doctor. The cheeks of the Trill turned a bit pink before she smiled and chuckled "I can understand the problem mister O'Connell." she answered softly, not wanting them to be overheard either.

"Rest assured, this conversation remains between the both of us." she smiled as she placed her hands on his to stop his fidgeting. Her eyes looked deeply into his as she continued "Seek out Dr Kobol  at your earliest convenience, I will keep tabs on your appointments now. If I see you've slipped up again..." She paused for a second "I'll come for you myself." she said seriously yet with a wink, aiming for it to be like a joke. She hoped the human would understand as he seemed the humorous type.

Re: Day 05 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #9

[ William Robert O’Connell | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Atten @Nolan

Billy Bob’s blood ran cold as he envisioned a Possessed medical officer coming for him while he slept.  He had frozen in place while she held his hands, but whether from the self-revulsion at his own arousal from being touched by such a beautiful woman or from revulsion at the thought of being touched by one of the Infested was impossible for even the master chief to determine.   

”That won’t, Ah say, that won’t be necessary Doc!” he shouted as he flinched and hopped a step backwards.

Back at their table Maya looked up from the PADD she had been reading and looked in the master chief’s direction.  She raised an eyebrow before blinking twice and returning her attention to the book she had displayed on the device.

”If Doc Kobol  is willing to tuh be mah personal physician the only thing that’ll keep me away from mah physical will be if Ah’m already in sickbay fur uh different reason.”    He smiled nervously and decided that it was time to put some distance between himself and the woman that Doc Nicander probably… correction:  the two women that Doc Nicander had probably infected with brain mites that would operate both Rez and Maya’s bodies until they grew so big that they exploded out of their heads like a couple of science fair volcanos. ”Well now that we got this straightened out Ah guess that Ah’ll be takin’ mah leave.  Let yuh git back tuh yer meal thet is,” he nodded. 

When Amelya returned to the table she was sharing with Maya, the little Vulcan asked her:  "Are the men from your world as excitable as the men from his planet?"

Re: Day 02 [1758 hrs.] Wanting A Second Opinion

Reply #10
[ Amelya Rez | Wardroom Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M.

It was unclear if the engineer caught on to the joke Rez intended to give, yet his reaction was rather amusing nevertheless. He pretty much shouted the answer towards Amelya before he hopped back. Needless to say it did cause for some attention of the attending visitors of the Wardroom lounge, yet the moment was fleeting and the returned to their activities shortly after. The chief still looked somewhat awkward in the situation as he mentioned being glad the situation had been smoothed out and that he'd let her return to her meal. The doctor simply nodded as she smiled at him "I appreciate that Mr O'Connel, have a good day." she smiled as she nodded towards him and watched him make his leave.

She returned to the table where Maya sat and as she took her place the Vulcan posed a question which invoked a laugh from Amelya "Sometimes, not always... Not in that capacity that I've seen though." she answered her friend before she gave her a wink "You were talking about your visit planet side, please continue. I'll gladly take pointers for when I get down there myself." Amelya smiled as she continued with her meal and looked up to see what Maya had discovered furthermore on the planet.

The topic of O'Connel didn't linger all that long in her mind. The subject dealt with and needing some supervision at best. She wasn't worried about his mental health just yet. If anything, she had to be flattered, right?


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