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CH04: S [D05|2230] Unprepared & Ready

Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared & Ready

[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado
She was aching and tired before she'd even begun to use any muscle. Her head throbbed fiercely and muscles burned or ached despite minimal usage. Meony knew the Screaming Death was winning the fight. She should be reporting to sickbay already, by rights, but Daniel would understand, and he'd probably even agree, that she could serve best out there with the rest of the Wolves. They were short-handed and every extra person on the field counted. The only concern was whether she'd live long enough to get back and report to Sickbay. Every moment could be her last, so what was she to do?

Sighing, the redhead slowly but surely peeled off her standard uniform, down to her thermal underwear, and then began the arduous task of getting on the bodysuit that went on before the armour. She kept her hat low over her brow in case anyone walked in on her while she dressed. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and no amount of cold water did anything to disguise the fact. She was no good with make-up, so hiding the signs of her deteriorating health was out of the question. Moving was becoming so difficult, and she had to pause to take a breath...or a few, before she could continue.

Holding the black bodysuit in her hand, she settled on a bench, clad in only a small tank top and underwear, while she fought down a wave of nausea and pain, keeping a steady flow of breathing. Closing her eyes, she decided to concentrate on happier thoughts to overcome the throb in her head. She could do this. The rest of the Wolves would be counting on her to pull her weight. She needed to do this. The pain eased, and the wave passed, then she realized she was no longer alone.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

Rawley had been in a run. Running from Ravon’s quarters. It was her intuition that woke her up. Something in her that felt the need to be prepared with her fighter as soon as possible. Rising groggily from atop of Tom’s muscle-bound chest, she rubbed her eyes and inquired of the time. When she heard the time from the computer, she realized she need to be ready at a moment’s notice with her fighter. She bolted from Tom’s quarters and didn’t stop until she was at the lockers.

She took an intake of breath once she arrived at the lockers and made her way to hers. She didn’t realize how much she missed her own locker, her flight suit and…

Rawley had a mirror, a small mirror, as part of decoration of her locker. Looking in its reflection, Rawley saw someone else behind her, across from her locker. A ginger lass looking weary, looking like she had quite a burden on her shoulders. She recognized her not just because she was ginger, but because of the hat.

“Meony?” she asked.

She blinked in perplexity. She had forgotten about Meony. Snogging in general would do that. But something from Meony’s posture seemed to bother Rawley for some reason, and…

There was a big reflective surfacing near Meony. Rawley could see herself looking back at her…looking back at not just her nearly bare back, but her nearly bare bahookie in the process. Rawley realized she left most of her clothes back in Tom Ravon’s quarters. Her rush to the lockers blasted them from her mind. She turned red in embarrassment at the sight of her thong-clad visage. God forbid if she inadvertently mooned Meony, and anybody she passed in her rush to get down to the lockers.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #2
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado
“Howdy, sugah,” said Meony with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. “Ya all raht?” She shifted her posture so she could see Evelyn from under her hat, without ever exposing the red rims of her eyes. It would only really be a problem if the woman chose to come closer and peer under her hat brazenly, then she'd have to explain the situation, something she wasn't prepared to do, so she slowly began to get dressed, pulling the sleeves onto her arms, and she slid her legs into the suit. Since Evelyn was here, she could make her help her zip up more quickly, and that worked perfectly, since she'd have her back to the woman. “Suitin' up early too, huh?”

She'd left the makeshift lounge of the karaoke session when it occured to her a social gathering was the last place she wanted to be in, where too many people could ask questions about how she looked and why she was still slotted for duty. She could just imagine Silim Parnak shaking his head at her right now.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

“Aye, lass,” said Rawley. “I figure the sooner I was close to me fighter, the better. Need to be on hand and ready in case. Sorry if I mooned yeh, lass. I must’ve been a sight for any passersby, ‘Ghost’ Rawley in her stringy knickers.”

She helped Meony on the suit and then moved to get her own suit on. Something was definitely wrong, for Meony to not look at Rawley at all. What was wrong with her?

“May have forgotten me uniform; I was out snogging after letting out some ugly Scottish belching,” she said, chuckling at the karaoke night. “Something get yeh down, lass? Some lad yeh doon? Someone insult yehr singing?”

She assembled the suit, feeling a little more decent and a bad arse lass. She turned back to Meony. The sight of her almost made Rawley melancholy herself. She knew that pose; Rawley made that herself when Cale died.

“Oh. Perhaps it’s the inevitability that when yeh get in that cockpit, it could be yehr last time?” she asked. “I know that feeling. We face death every time we fly. Every wolf faces death during a hunt or a confrontation. I’ve seen death time and again when I fly.”

She didn’t know whether or not it was encouraging, so she went a different direction with her words.

“If it bothers yeh, ginger, that it could be the last dogfight you may go through,” she said, “the best yeh could do is think of the most pleasurable, yehr most treasured memory, one of the happiest moments of yehr life. Such moments for me are rare, but I try to make the most of them to make me happy moments happy. For instance, I’ve had the loveliest night after karaoke, making oot, snogging…beautiful it was. Something like that, a moment of love, is a lovely memory.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #4
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado
Meony shrugged at the woman's apology, again feeling confused at the embarrassment. Maybe things were different here on Theurgy. The Resolve pilots certainly didn't have time to waste on feeling shy when they changed from their uniforms to their flight suits. Hell Sector never allowed them that kind of luxury. “Ya ever wandered 'round th' ship buck naked drunk outta yer mind?” she turned her head to study the woman under her hat through her peripherals. “No? If so, ye're good, hon.”

Because that was exactly what Meony did...possibly more than once.

She nodded in thanks when she had her jumpsuit zipped up for her. Now that the wave of pain and nausea passed, slipping into the suit wasn't so hard. She started to pull on the armour, and listened to Evelyn talk. The Scottish woman knew something was off from the redhead's stiffer and slightly secretive manner, but she assumed on other things as the cause, much to Meony's relief. She could play along with that. “It's always one-a mah fears,” said Meony, agreeing with Evelyn, “Ah have mah memories...” she thought briefly of Khorin, then Havenborn, and finally Jimmy, and felt a pang of anguish. “' Ah have mah pain.”

She turned her back to Evelyn, took off her hat and slipped her helmet on quickly, making sure her long hair was bundled in properly, then she turned on the opaque shielding on her helmet before turning around to look at the other woman, who wouldn't be able to see much of her face beyond a shadow. “Ah had fun at th' karaoke. Now Ah'm ready t' flah, for mah crew...mah family.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

“Oh, aye, ginger,” said Rawley with a smile, her flight suit fully on. “Me, too.”

She had noted Meony had her helmet on. Was something up with her face. Rawley shrugged. If Meony was going to be that prepared, then she’ll do her one better. Rawley put the helmet on and was quite satisfied, astounded how long ago it was when she came in hurriedly in her knickers.

“Nothing like a good night of recreation to steady the nerves,” she said. “Bonus points if snogging was involved,” she added with a giggle.

“I get if you are a more recent arrival, Meony,” said Rawley with understanding. “I get it if you’ve been through a lot. Me, I’ve been flying with the Wolves from the beginning. Since we were forced to go on the run, that is. We’ve gained some and lost plenty in our quest, for want of a better word. For me, there were two people I felt closest to that I’ve lost: Soo Young Seung, another Wolf like me…and Cale Winterbourne, me half-brother. Now those were the losses that hit me most. Especially Cale. He used to be the Theurgy’s helmsman he was.”

It somewhat hurt Rawley to think of Oracle and Cale, but they truly never left her…in her heart.

“I didnae know if yeh saw any scars on me person when I came in me knickers, lass,” she said. “If yeh did…well, these were reminders since our quest began. I’ve ne’er have them removed. Ne’er. I’ll ne’er forget me journey thanks to me scars.

“It dinnae mean I will just keep wallowing over them. I intend to keep going, to help the Theurgy with their hullabaloo. I’m glad to have a friend in yeh, Meony,” she said, slapping a hand on her shoulder in a friendly gesture.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #6
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado
Despite the strength amplification of her suit, it still took everything not to topple over from the comradely clap to the shoulder by the other woman. Any other time, Meony wouldn't have even registered that, but right then, it felt like she could have been bowled over if she did it again. Keeping it to a short stumble, Meony forced a laugh and quickly stated, “Dang, lost mah balance there a minute...”

Straightening up, she kept on her facade, and trying to remember everything the woman said about herself. She could imagine the losses the woman experienced, as it wasn't unlike what she experienced with the crew of the Resolve, save that most of the Resolve was lost along with the ship and captain, and only a token of the crew that was left had now been assimilated into the Theurgy. “Know whatcha mean 'bout them scars. Ah kept most'a mahn too. Glad t' have ya watchin' mah back out there too.”

Her tone became sombre as she considered the foe they were going up against, acting on the word of a man and crew that had nearly fried the Wolves with a Runabout impulse burst inside a shuttle bay. “Ya ever faced Borg b'fore? Ah know we talked th' talk 'fore we set out, but now Ah teenk about it? Ah wonder just how good we're gonna fare with only one third of a ship and limited capabilities...”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

Rawley smiled at Meony’s stumble, but her smile shriveled at mention of the Borg.

“Well, I dinnae know,” she said. “Dinnae forget about the Wolves, lass. We all can fly circles around their cubes. And we could easily do damage. Inside it, if it boils doon to it. Wouldn’t that be something, to punch a hole in a cube’s hole and blow it up from the inside.

“Depends on what we come up against, Meony,” she said. “The smaller ship, the better, although I’m sure the Wolves and the ‘Sword’ will hold up fine against a cube. We’re a lot smarter and faster, and the ‘Sword’ has more teeth than the Theurgy.”

As she spoke, she realized something: If all the other pilots named their fighters…well, she didn’t recall the name of her fighter. In any case, she must’ve lost a great deal of fighters in her time, either to crashes or getting blown to bits…she remembered how much fun she had on a Reaver, as well as taking one down.

“Meony, I dinnae think me own fighter has a name,” she admitted. “I may need to give it a name…I’ll name it Winterbourne, after Cale. It’ll be a fitting tribute to his memory. At least I can remember him when I fly, as well as other things, aye.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #8
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado
“Sounds good t'me,” said Meony, and she glanced outside at the fighters. “Ah named mahn Sassy Slayer. Ah've a thing fer alliteration.”

She rested her fists on her hips and studied the ground, “Th' Sword maht have th' most teeth outta all the otha vectahs, but we ain't 'xactly fresh'n'kickin' y'know? We got holes goin' raht through a whole buncha decks, and at this poahnt? We're lucky if th' plumbin' doesn't back up.”

As she spoke she started to check her suit's readiness one last time, making sure she had everything on right, and the helmet's opacity shielding was still on. “Ah'm gunna run mah pre-flaht checks. Looks lahk th' rest o' the othahs're comin' and they's gonna wanna get ready'n'goin' too. Was good talkin' t'ya. We'll watch each other's backs'n'give 'em all hell, come what may. Sharp eyes'n'steady nerves, Rawley. Ol' Resolve sayin'.”

She bumped fists with the other woman, and then headed out towards her Valkyrie.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 2230 hrs. ] Unprepared And Ready

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay Lockers | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage

Rawley smiled and bumping fists and made for her fighter to make her own pre-flight checks. She could see that the other pilots were coming in, as well. She’ll need to get it ready within a moment’s notice.

She took a moment to look it over. It had been so long since she flew in a Valkyrie. It had been so long since she flew, ever. She missed flying. But she was glad to be flying again, even more so with some of what’s left of the original pack, and especially with a new, spry friend with her.

Much as Meony tries to look otherwise, Rawley still wondered if something was wrong with Meony. If something was up with her, she shouldn’t be flying…

…but then, she realized it was a hypocritical thought. She remembered she wasn’t supposed to fly if her neck started hemorrhaging. She felt her neck. She only winced slightly; it must mean she was feeling where the knife sliced her throat. But the wincing lessened. And it would keep lessening. In fact, the more Rawley thought about it, the more she was thinking that her neck was definitely better. She may be well enough to fly after all. No likelihood of hemorrhaging at all.

And so what if any of the bloody doctors have anything to say about it? She wanted to stay away from Sickbay as long as she can when she landed back in. She always had the unfortunate tendencies of heading for Sickbay every time she flew. Most of the time.

She stroked her hand alongside her newly named fighter. She thought of Cale. Poor Cale.

“Wherever yeh are, Cale, I hope I can make yeh proud,” she said quietly, almost in a prayer. “Yeh…and me mum and dad as well. I miss yeh, Cale. I will never forget yeh. Not while I fly this new bird. Your memory will fly with me, Cale. Yeh…and mum and dad.”


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