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CH05: S [D04|1300] Leaving the Past

Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

It had been a stupid mistake. She had missed an obvious detail because she had not been looking for it. it was not until Sel checked Hi'Jak's record once more, preparing to write up her report, that she noticed a mark for behavior. She checked it and quickly her eyes skimmed over the two reports, one by Commander Carrigan Trent and the other by Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin, both about the same incident.

She had just gone over the main parts of his file, forgetting to check if there were any reports on him. it had been a slip up on her part. And what was worse is she knew why. She had been distracted when she had been compiling information. Thoughts of Sarresh floating around in her head. he had rushed through it because she didn't really want to have to deal with it. Now she had made a mistake and had to make it right. At least at this point, no one knew about the mistake and with any luck, she could keep it that way. But she needed to get her head in the game.

And to make matters worse the reports changed things. She was not sure how yet, but it was clear that this would change things. Both of them were on the same vector as her, and she would be reporting to Commander Trent soon enough. That meant that she would need to speak with Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin, she needed to act as if she hadn't missed the detail. It already painted the interaction she had with the two women that morning in a very different light.

Had she jumped to conclusions against them? That Zyrao Natauna had proven to be difficult to deal with, not unlike a wide number of Klingons. It was perhaps more cultural than anything else, after all. Sel considered this for a second, just visualizing the woman made her want to get into a fistfight. Never a good sign.

"Ensign Ryuan Sel to Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin, I am doing some follow-up work on Lieutenant Hi'Jak. If you have a moment free I would appreciate speaking with you about your previous interactions with him," she said in a smooth tone after she tapped her combadge.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #1
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Corridor | Deck 6 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] [/i]Attn: @Absinthe


["Ensign Ryuan Sel to Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin, I am doing some follow-up work on Lieutenant Hi'Jak. If you have a moment free I would appreciate speaking with you about your previous interactions with him,"]

Vivian tapped her combadge ”This is Martin, I will be with you shortly Ensign.” She tapped her badge again and terminated the conversation, then headed down the corridor towards the nearest turbolift.

[A couple of minutes later|Security Office|Deck 15|USS Theurgy]

The door slid open and Vivian stepped into the office. Sitting behind the desk was a Bajoran woman, the single pip on her gold collar identifying her as an Ensign, no doubt the same one who had requested her presence for this meeting.

Her eyes wandered across Sel’s body, taking in her piercing green eyes, strong lips and her blonde hair, curiously it was much shorter on the left side. No doubt that was done on purpose, but Vivian could not figure out the reason Sel wore her hair this way. Vivian’s eyes continued their journey, dropping to examine the ridges on her nose, then tracing the line of the other woman’s jaw, before dropping to her well formed chest.

After several moments Vivian realized she was staring and quickly sought out Sel’s eyes. ”Ensign Sel I presume. No, wait, you’re beautif-err-Bajoran, that means you are Ensign Ryuan...right?” Vivian felt heat rising into her cheeks. She felt like a mild fool, first getting the Bajoran’s name in the wrong order, then almost calling her beautiful rather than Bajoran. Well, you aren’t wrong Vivian, she is beautiful.

She gave a slight shake of her head, banishing any fantasies before they could begin to form. ”You wanted to ask me about Lieutenant Hi’Jak I believe, was there something in particular you wanted to know?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #2
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

She could not help but smile at that, the scientist was so awkward by way of greeting that it immediately pushed thoughts of the interview from earlier out of her head. And a compliment too, Sel could live with that.

"Yes, I was just going over the report you filled a little bit ago about a confrontation you had with Mr. Hi'Jak," Sel said, her voice taking on a smooth and confident quality as she leaned to one side in her seat and folded her hands in her lap. "Have a seat please," she gestured to the now quite empty chairs on the opposite side of the desk.

When Sel smiled at her, her arm outstretched pointing to the open chair, it was almost cat-like, or at the very least there was some hint of a predator to it. It was not normally within her nature to flirt with females, but after the morning she had, she needed the release. Plus the Chief Scientist had acted so awkwardly that Sel was not going to pass up the chance to feel good for a little bit.

"I was just hoping to go over the details of it with you and maybe get your thoughts and feelings," Sel said, her eyes never leaving Vivian's as she leaned back in her chair. She had seemed to switch modes at the drop of a hat. She had shoved aside her gnawing insecurities and pangs of longing for someone else and focused her attention on the woman in front of her. This could be fun for a little bit, maybe distract from her pain. "Anything that comes to mind really."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #3
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 |Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian gratefully took a seat as Sel smiled at her. There was something predatory about the smile, something sly and clever, something which caused Vivian’s heart to flutter and her brain to turn to mush. Vivian smiled warmly in return. She would like Sel to smile like that to her often, smile to her as they lay together in the sweet confines of each others arms. Her eyes began to wander across Sel’s face again, drawn to the ridges on her nose. She wondered how they would feel under her fingers as she stroked them, would Sel like that? Would Sel like it when she pressed her soft lips against them?

Vivian quickly snapped her attention back to reality as Sel started speaking, once again banishing the fantasies forming in her head. ”I assume you know the details of the attack upon me by those damned cultists?” Vivian asked ”And how the Lieutenant rescued me, and simultaneously shattered a man’s knee?” Vivian shuddered slightly as she remembered the sickening crunch, and the agonized screams of the wounded man.

Vivian thought quietly for several seconds ”I do not believe that Lieutenant Hi’Jak intended to injure the man. He apologised immediately to the injured man, not that it did the poor fellow much good. He also seemed rather annoyed that the whole incident was going to ruin his reputation, something about not wanting to be known as the violent Klingon.”

She frowned slightly to herself as she raised her hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Hi’Jak had seemed like a nice enough person in their later interactions, yet her first meeting with him had been extreme to say the least. ”I think he is a nice person, and a good officer. However, even after he broke that mans leg and subsequently apologised, he still gave some very unsettling threats to the other man who had grabbed me and was threatening to break my arm.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #4
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

One of the many skills Sel had learned was to tell when someone was studying her body, looking at the details of her. She'd seen slave traders do it when she was little more than property and she'd seen people do it when they looked at her in that curious way when they wanted her. She learned the subtle clues to try and figure out what it was they wanted, what it was she needed to do to survive. Because that is what she was, a survivor.

"Sounds like he could be exceptionally aggressive," Sel said calmly. Her tone was smooth, almost taking on something of a sensual quality, even if her words were nothing but purely professional. Still, her gaze never left the deep brown eyes of Vivan, as if trying to pull the woman sitting across from her into her own eyes. "Though I had read a report that suggested he threatened you. I believe Commander Trent spoke with him about it later. It seemed to be something of a cultural misunderstanding, though from a certain point of view the report makes it clear there were some issues, perhaps even a murder of another superior officer."

"I know it does seem like him protecting you from the dumbasses might make up for some things, but let's not get too far down the road of that. Hi'Jak has been accused of betraying this ship and her mission," Sel said as her smile faltered slightly. She had already missed the reports on Hi'Jak and could not explain his behavior simply based off of the information she had in front of her.  "We need to try and understand the man before we try to decide what should be done, even if we never see him again, the report will need to be filed."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #5
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe

Vivian’s eyes were drawn back to Sel’s, Sel’s piercing green eyes. Green eyes which seemed to tunnel straight through her, and simultaneously draw her in. She leaned forward in her seat, her tounge running across her teeth as she placed one knee over the before resting her hands gently in her lap.

She nodded slowly ”He told me he was involved in his superior officers death as he left Starbase 84. But I don’t think he was the actual killer, he said...oh what was it...” Vivian’s brow furrowed as she frowned, racking her brain to try and remember the conversation. ”He said there was a struggle as his superior tried to arrest him and this superior died as he was preparing to strike the fatal blow.”

”He seemed annoyed that his previous commander was ignoring his advice and transfer requests, he said he died by his hand for that reason.. His exact words following that were; I am hoping that you are a better commander.” Vivian shivered ever so slightly ”I’m not sure it was his intention, he had just saved me after all, but I’m sure you can see how that could be taken as a potential threatening statement.”

Vivian ran her hands across her face and through her hair as she let out a long breath. ”I don’t think I know the man well enough to make a true judgement on whether or not he would betray this ship, this crew, and this mission.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #6
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

That was about what Sel had expected to hear. It did seem like little more than bravado, typical of Klingons to say the least, but it was just one more loose thread in the tapestry she was trying to unravel. The whole problem was that she had unreliable witnesses, a nondetailed report from an officer she could not speak to, and reports about a man who was antagonistic at times. it was not enough to paint much of a picture as to the nature of the man or if he would really betray them, and more importantly what would need to be done about this betrayal.

"Sounds like an eventful encounter," Sel said calmly, her eyes never leaving those of the woman across from her. She could read enough of the woman's body language to tell that there was more going on than just the conversation about Mr. Hi'Jak, and Sel would have had to been lying to say it wasn't slightly thrilling to see someone on her hook once more, even if she didn't normally go after women. It made it easier to ignore the pain and longing inside. It wasn't much to say that the awkward gaze of the woman made her feel good, made her want to see how far she could push it.

So with a faint smile and crossing her legs in just that way to emphasize them she continued.  "I wish I had the chance to meet him, might make writing this report a fair bit easier. I mean it sounds like he showed up just in time to keep those dumbass devoted from doing anything too bad, so that's a good thing. But it's difficult to pin down the motives of him. I mean he's not just a man, but also part Klingon, and good luck trying to pin down the clear motives of Klingon or a man."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #7
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn:


Vivian chewed her lip as her eyes followed Sel’s every change in posture. The Bajoran’s words were like silk to her ears, somehow soothing in their quality, even as they discussed a decidedly non-soothing topic. Yes, such a soothing voice, one which she would never tire of hearing whisper sweet delights as they tangled...

Once again Vivian was forced to banish fantasies from her mind before she spoke. ”I do not believe it is fair to judge him as either a Klingon or a Human. We must keep in mind that he is a hybrid, both Klingon and Human. As such, I believe elements of both cultures will have significant impact upon his actions.”

She shifted in her seat again, running a finger under the collar of her uniform. Was is just her or was it a tad warm in the Security Office? The blonde bombshell before her seemed comfortable. Perhaps the Bajoran had a higher heat tolerance than she did? That seemed reasonable. Vivian liked to keep her quarters slightly cooler that this, but she was sure that she would be able to make Sel feel comfortable with the temperature in the bedroom.

Carefully controlling her words, as to prevent any potential slips of the tongue and give away her true feelings, Vivian continued to speak “I know little of the lieutenant’s past, the relevant details are probably in his personnel file. However I think it might be a reasonable suggestion, given the circumstances, to do some digging where possible and try to build up a picture of his life before Starfleet. His own history may shine some light on his actions.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #8
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

"Unfortunately, due to recent revelations about his past not much in his Starfleet record can be considered 100% accurate anymore," Sel said, her tone just as smooth as before. She spoke as if she were speaking of something all too sensual, something erotic, even though the topic at hand was far from it. It created a contrast that only made the game more fun. Since her relationship with Sarresh had begun she'd been strictly focused on just him, on giving her body to him and only him. Thus she hadn't spent much time flirting or teasing anyone else.

She'd forgotten how good it felt.

"And he didn't have any psyche notes attached to his file that would suggest any instability that I would expect. This feels more like a move that was forced out of him by some necessity, or perhaps some sort of bungled escape? It's not exactly clear what his motives might have been," she went on, her tone staying just as silken and seeming to take on a quality of intimacy, getting a touch quieter and a little huskier, almost whisper-like. "It makes me wonder if the strain of the mission proved too much for him. I would have expected more from a Klingon, but as you said, he's not really a Klingon or a Human. We must consider him unique. I am no psychologist and even if I was I doubt I could make much of his motives based off of the information I have right in front of me. It seems a pity, but I won't be able to take much of that into consideration when I give my recommendation was to what to do with him should he return to us. But perhaps I may be able to debrief him and understand his motives then. We'll just have to wait on that front."

With that Sel leaned forward in her seat and set her PADD down, clicking the display off as it touched her desk. "I think that's about all I needed to ask you concerning that matter," she said, her voice shifting once more, this time moving effortlessly back to her calm demeanor, though still keeping it's silken quality. "Unless there was another matter you wanted to discuss with me?"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #9
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn:


Sel’s voice had taken on a sensual, almost hypnotic quality. Vivian licked her lips as she half day dreamed while listening to what was a very un-sensual topic. That voice! If only it could go on forever, drawing her in, ever closer until...Vivian blinked several times and quickly readjusted her posture as she found herself starting to lean in toward Sel the seductress.

”Another matter?” Vivan spoke quietly, her brain still mush from Sel’s seductive tone. ”There was another matter, yes.” Vivian’s was silent for several seconds as she searched her brain trying to remember what else the beautiful Bajoran knew that she wished to know.

Was there a bed involved? Her brain seemed insistent on that point, or maybe not a bed. Beds weren’t always needed for intimate actions. After all, she and Doctor Nicander hadn’t...Nicander!

”Doctor Nicander” Vivian blurted out the name and fell silent, then blushed as she realised that didn’t give Sel very much to work with. ”I...I was told you were there when he...revealed himself?” Vivian trailed off, not quite sure how better to phrase it. ”Could you please tell me about that?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #10
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

At the mention of that man Sel's demeanor suddenly shifted. She turned in her chair, angling her body away from Vivian and frowning. She had not expected Lucan to turn out to be a... Well, it had been a shock and it left her feeling more than a little sullied. She had let him into her body and she did not know if he was one of them at the time. It would make some sense. She'd heard rumors that a number of things he'd done were not overly pleasant, but she had taken them for just that, rumors. People made rumors about people they saw as cold. But now she questioned it.

"I was there. I saw it first hand," she said, her voice losing it's sensual edge and becoming cold. She didn't want to have to explain her personal history with the man, but she could feel it digging at her, like a dagger in her side. It was hard to think sexy thoughts when all she could think about was how she had been all but used by one of those things. She could have lived with having pretty good sex with just the doctor, but one of those things, it changed things. "He got a hole shot into him and went on the attack before most of us could react. He tried to delete the LMH and gutted one of his own fucking staff." She turned her head, remembering the sound of the poor doctor's guts hitting the carpet. "He would have killed all of us if he had the chance. Lucky he didn't fucking get it."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #11
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian almost flinched at the sudden change in Sel’s demeanor. Gone was the soft sensual quality which she had loved so much, and in its place was cold hard stone. Vivian felt the blood draining from her face as Sel described the brutal events.

Her heart was fluttering in her chest, and she was unsure exactly why. It could have still been due to the oddly sensual chat earlier, or it could have been some sort of stress/fear/panic response to the information about Doctor Nicander. She had allowed the man, the possibly monster at the time, to take her. Her most intimate self laid bare and the monster hadn’t hesitated to indulge in their most base of instincts.

Vivian felt physically ill as the whirlwind of thoughts continued to spin through her head. She placed a hand against the base of her throat and swallowed deeply. ”I can’t believe that … he … he seemed so normal when I was with him. Gutted his own staff...” Vivian made a small squeaking noise as her eyes grew wide with recognition and shock ”Oh shit! He could have killed me too!”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #12
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

"I wonder how many women on this ship he had in a position to kill easily when they were at their weakest," Sel wondered aloud. She paused after that, realizing she didn't really know if she'd been special, though if the rumors, the whispers about the doctor, were true, then he'd worked his way through a number of the staff. Had he also fucked the one he'd gutted too? She didn't know and she didn't want to know. It was a simple fact that he was a monster, he was one of those things and if she had it her way she'd flush him out an airlock or bolt him to a wall and see how many bullets from her Accipiter he could take before he was nothing more than a pile of pink paste.

"He turned out to be a monster," she intoned grimly. "Makes me wonder if he's the only one on this fucking ship... If he's the only one I've..." She stopped herself. She was talking about what she had decided not to talk about and she knew no good would come of it. "That fucking prick..."

She sighed and shook her head, trying to clear it of images of his body, the feeling of his seed inside her. She felt disgusted with herself, disgusted with her body that she had gotten pleasure from that monster. It was sickening.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #13
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian made a small noise of agreement. Prick was an accurate description of her updated opinions of the man/monster, although there were many other colourful words which could also be used in this circumstance.

”I realise this could be a difficult topic for you, for both of us, but were there any signs before he...did what he did?” Vivian waved a hand aimlessly. ”I’m trying to work on ways to discover who may or may not be a parasite before they reveal themselves in more...violent ways. Anything you might remember could be very helpful to me, and of course I will be visiting that monster and running several tests once the Theurgy is in one piece again. If I’m lucky I may even be able to find a way to remove the parasite and bash its fucking skull in!”

The venom creeping into her voice surprised Vivian. Her feelings toward the doctor were clearly closer to the surface than she had originally thought. A small part of her mind yelled out that if this was how she felt, perhaps she should get someone else to run the tests. But the rest of her brain hushed the small voice of reason as she reveled in the thought of utterly destroying the infernal creature inhabiting their doctor.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #14
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

With a quirk of an eyebrow, Sel could not help but smirk at Vivian's change in demeanor, the vicious side coming out and demanding revenge for some slight. It was a very sexy thing in Sel's eyes, always had been. it was someone willing to damage themselves in some way just to damage another, it was a level of passion and intensity that she did not take lightly.

"Personally I'd be just as fine flushing them both out the airlock, host and parasite. In my experience it's not a matter of separating them, it's a matter of getting what you can out of them and disposing of the body once it's all over," she replied, her tone was just as cold, but took a more spiteful edge as she spoke. While before she had hated the parasites in a strictly professional way, it was her job to hunt and kill them after all, now it was personal, now she had been violated by one of them. It didn't matter if there was a way to separate them, in her mind they were one in the same at that point.

She knew she couldn't ever look at Nicander without seeing the monster and then remembering the feeling of his skin against her own, the feeling of him moving inside her. She hated herself that the memory still sent a small shiver up her spine. She wanted to view it as a violation, as akin to some kind of rape, but the truth was far more complicated. She'd consented then and only now, knowing what she did, did it seem like anything but a decent fuck.

"And no, I didn't notice anything about him that set off any alarm bells, he just seemed like a sturdy sexually active kind of guy. A little on the cold side maybe, but after all the shit we'd been through it didn't seem too odd to me."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #15
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn:


Even cold Sel was beautiful, in a much more fierce way. It was something that both frightened and excited Vivian. Would she be the same when they returned to Vivian’s quarters. Would she...Vivian mentally kicked herself. Now was not the time for fantasising about the beautiful Bajoran before her. Now was the time for serious discussion.

Vivian nodded sadly in acknowledgement of Sel’s words, she had expected as much, but it never hurt to ask. ”Thank you Ensign.” Vivian smiled and dipped her head slightly, a softer tone returning to her voice ”If you need anything else from me please don’t hesitate to ask. I am always happy to help out those who need it.”

There was something else that Vivian would have very much liked to help Sel with. However now was not the time to ask. They were both on duty, and the ship and crew were still in danger, so perhaps it would be some time before any sort of intimate relationship became a possibility. Nonetheless, Vivian’s eyes continued to wander across Sel’s body and lust after her.

”Was there anything else you wished of me?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #16
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

She took a breath, trying to steady herself, bring her mind away from thoughts of that man, that thing, and back to the woman sitting in front of her. There had been a shift in her mood and the look that made Sel want to push things farther was still there, but perhaps even more now she knew she shouldn't do anything. She had a pang in the pit of her stomach, reminding her of the fact she had fucked a monster and had orgasmed on his cock. The fact she had gotten off on him disgusted her more than she was really willing to admit.

"No, I think that should be all for now," Sel said with after she had fully collected herself, something that had taken her no more than a second or two to simply focus and breath. She got to her feet and did her best to smile as she extended her hand outward. She didn't want to get to close to the other woman. She was too emotional, too raw from the conversation. She didn't trust herself to stay professional. She didn't trust herself at all.

"Though I may need to go over some stuff later, would you mind if I got in contact if I needed your input?" The words slipped from her mouth smoothly, not implying too much but saying quite a fair bit.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1300 hrs. ] Leaving the Past

Reply #17
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Security Office | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian nodded, smiling warmly at Sel. She accepted the extended hand with a firm grip. The other woman’s smile once again turned her brain to a quivering mess of emotions calling out for her to do delightfully wicked things. ”Of course, thank you Ensign. Feel free to contact me at any time. I’ll see you around.” She released Sel’s hand and headed for the door.

As the door slid closed behind her Vivian released a long breath and ran her hands through her hair. Why was it that Sel had been so beautiful? Why was it that she had desired her? Vivian shook her head ruefully, there was a time and a place for those thoughts, and in a corridor while on duty was neither the time nor the place.

As she set off, back towards the science labs Vivian’s mind began to wander again, despite her best efforts to stay focused. She wanted Sel, and judging from the tones in Sel’s voice during their conversation, there was a chance that Sel wanted her too. She smiled to herself as she felt herself blushing. With any luck she would get the chance to see Sel again soon, and with a little more luck they would both be off duty and Vivian would be able to properly seduce the blonde Bajoran.


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