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CH05: S [D04|1145] Evening the Odds

Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]@Blue Zephyr

Tactical Log, supplemental.

Theurgy Vector One has disengaged from its first contact battle with the Asurian allies known as the Savi, as well as some Asurians themselves abducted our Captain. The Savi we've encountered thus far are defined by graviton beam weaponry, an interest in hybrid humanoids... and a ship that exceeds Superdreadnought classification, the likes of which could only best be compared to the Borg. Let the records indicate they are of grave threat if crossed. Unless we come up with a countermeasure or exploit, our best bet is to keep eluding the enemy until reunited with the other vectors or unlikely allies to survive. Given our mislabeled status as outlaws and renegades, let's hope we at least find some kindred spirits out here.

There was a reason he kept posters and gold-plated models in his quarters of the lists of various crew and craft named or designated Hornet. From carriers to front-line attack craft, carriers were king, while the pawns charged first. In Leon's opinion, real kings were knights. He gave his daily log as he conducted basic security-grade martial arts warm-ups then he prepared for a busy day. Seemed like a steak-and-eggs morning. When that was taken care of, he continued his entry in the flag bridge.

"Through an away team to the Coreless Moon claimed by the Klingons, Sud Lang, we have made an ally in the form of a defector who has come forward with a long life-spanning experience and noted service in Cardassian and Klingon military service, indentured or otherwise promoted. I myself recruited and battle-promoted former Maquis survivors when we discovered what the Dominion was doing to their race, and all they wanted was a chance to hit back, so this is a welcome familliar chance at fostering trust with one's neighbour. Besides, we needed the dilithium. And the vector's pulse phaser arrays are undergoing round-the-clock maintenance. A little cannon-polishing never hurt anyone.

Our guest also had quite the story of firsthand accounts of the encounter on the Coreless Moon upon joining aboard, records indicate that Ensign Mariner rescued this El-Aurian; one Miss Zyrao Natauna from a team of Klingon Attack Bandits-- correction, Computer, hostile combat cr....

...Crap, he realized his original fighter jargon had stuck with him even though he meant to express both praise and interest in the next-generation fighter craft of the Quadrant. "Computer, end entry."

Later that day, at the Flag Bridge console, he arrived 15 minutes early to the A.I. core's holographic table display. First up, he summoned a readout of a Theurgy-class V-1's armaments against those of the Versant, various comparable Starfleet ships ranging from Steamrunner to Sovereign and everything in between to best mirror Task Force Archeron. Leon finally rendered the estimated findings of the now-designated Versant Superdreadnought, designated 'SSD Versant', or 'Savi Superdreadnought' on the flag bridge's holographic readout. The craft beggared the imagination in size but even the smallest flea could drive the largest creature insane.

Marquez also labeled readouts what Theurgy was able to glean off of a quick scan of the alien SSD, enough to estimate what, if any hardpoints he and his team could find and exploit. There was a meeting with Zyrao later and later, a report to the Acting Captain by the end of the day in the hopes of presenting the variables for a battle plan. Leon still wanted statistics and fighter compliment capability of the KDF forces. At any point, there could be another player on the field; he needed to see firsthand if she'd feel less inclined to turn on Starfleet if she was trusted to a reasonable extent. When she arrived, Leon introduced himself. "Leon Marquez. Chief of Tactical,", he offered a friendly handshake but continued. "I've read about you and heard you can handle yourself when it comes survival and Klingon Raiders... to say the least." He customarily omitted the detail that she turned on her crew. Fortunately, he remembered the right term for the vessel in question, rather than the derogatory term, 'bandit.'

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #1
[Zyrao Natauna | Maybe This One Isn't a Dick | Meeting More Men | Only Known Vector | USS Unwelcoming]

Ship run by idiots and imbeciles.. how long it has lasted.. must be at the hands of the crew and not the upper echelon. Zyrao thought to herself as she toured the corridors of the Theurgy's first vector.  This was an excellent waste of time.  It did many things.  People saw her face and would recognize her.  The more people that recognized her the more people would believe she was one of them despite her Klingon issue flight suit and disruptor at her hip.  She knew that they would get used to her face, the way she walked, someone she had even heard called it a prowl.  Perhaps it was, it could be possible that all the military and martial training had created something of that movement with her  hips and legs.  Her body was strong, still, she didn't really try to do anything with it.  She merely walked the only way her body knew.

Another thing that this did for her was she was gratefully mapping out the interior of the First Vector.  It was a large ship and she could imagine that once it was all put back together, it would be massive.  She would start out by mapping this part out in her mind.  Reconnaissance was important and having a working map of the hallways, corridors, and hiding spots was something that would come in handy at some point.  Not necessarily against the Theurgy crew but this lot seemed like the kind that invited trouble.  Trouble that she didn't always think she wanted to engage with.

This also kept her mind and body busy.  She had nothing.  She had been brought on board with the clothing on her back and the weapons in her hands.  All of her books, her precious book and tea collection, had been burned into oblivion when her ship had exploded.  It was hard to think about, all the centuries of tracking them down and collecting them on back water planet and searching through each ramshackle building to her collection.  Now that collection was particles of space dust.  It was best not to dwell on such thoughts. 

Could gut a man for a cup of tea though... she thought to herself as she slid her hands into her pockets and continued to move. 

Heavy footsteps behind her, running, coming towards her.

“Um..  Zy.. Zeh.. Za... “

Zyrao rolled her eyes and stopped.  Twisting her body, boot squeaking slightly on the deck plating, she turned to face the one that could not seem to get her name right.  Not even the first part.  Her grey eyes leveled him with a gaze that caused him to come up short.  He backpedaled slightly as he realized that he had her attention.

“Zyrao.”  she completed.

“Yes.” he was breathing heavily, and she wondered why he had run to find her at all.  Seemed like a complete waste of physical exertion.

“Say it with me now.  Zuh.  Ra-ow.”


“Right, keep going.” she said quickly waving her hand in the air to get him to get it together.

“Ra.. ow.”

“There, now put it together, it's not a difficult name, it's far easier than Andorian.” she said.

The Support officer chuckled and nodded.  “Zuh... Raow.  Zyrao..”

Zyrao smiled.  “There we go.  Now that you understand and are pronouncing it properly what can I do for you.”

The young man scratched the back of his neck nervously.  “Uh.  Oh!  Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez requested you on the Bridge.”

Her brow rose.  “Did he now, tell me why.” she stated, it wasn't a question but there was also no room to not answer as was clear by her body language.

Adam's apple dipped up and down for a moment.  He was intimidated, that was all right, most men were.  Even the .. pretend Captain hadn't know what to do with her.  She tilted her head waiting for an answer.  “Something to do with the Savi Super ship.”

“Super.. ship?  Is that a technical term?” she inquired.

“Uh no, I just can't remember what it's called.” he chuckled with chagrin.

“I see, fine, I will head that way.” she said with a quick nod.

“Escort.. I could...” the young one moved in closer, a step.. too close.  Ah, he's attracted, well at least he has good taste. 

“Actually, I know the way, thank you for your time.  I'm sure I will see you around.. What was your name?  I don't think you traded.”  her grey eyes met his dark blue ones.

“Oh!  Chase McRider.”

Zy blinked.  Odd name, likely human..  “Very well, thank you.. Chase.” she gave him a bit of a smile and headed off for the Turbolift which was positioned exactly where she remembered it to be.   She would have to remember Chase, if she ever needed information and quickly she figured that she could easily squeeze it out of someone that had the hots for her.  That was, honestly, the easiest way to get information that someone wasn't supposed to give.  People often whispered or admitted things after a good row in the bedroom than they would any other time.  The Turbolift carried her upward and through the various decks.  Stopping here and there to add or subtract other persons from the Elevator.  The crew of the Theurgy were higly diverse and she found it comical how they all, no matter how crowded the lift got, gave her some kind of berth around her person.

Reputations are everything. she thought amused.

Finally, the door opened to the Bridge and the woman stepped out.  Her eyes swept the massive Bridge with it's many stations and the crew doing their jobs, she assumed.  Her eyes shifted to find the man in question, he wasn't hard to pin down for sure.  One he looked right at her, and his eyes said it all, but also he was looking at the schematics for the ship that they were going to have to figure out how to infiltrate and take down at some point.  Taking a deep breath she rolled her shoulders slightly.  Having slept in The Sabine last night was not exactly the most comfortable place but she had slept in worse and honestly the company of Sera was refreshing.  The Theurgy crew had many other things to worry about, and since she was unneeded at the moment and would be needed at some point a fresh mind was required. 

Crossing the Bridge she came up to Marquez, her eyes searching his face.  Apparently, he was Chief of Tactical.  He openly offered her a hand shake.  Well I already like this guy better than the last smooth ridged jerk I met last time. she thought.  Extending her hand, which was strong and firm, she shook his hand firmly and yet gently.  She didn't need to crush the man, plus she had a feeling they might be like minded people.

“Zyrao Natauna, KDF Strategist, at least, until yesterday.” she reported simply and easily.  The Acting Captain could take a couple lessons in respect and greeting someone from this guy. she added to her mental musings.  He mentioned that he had heard she could handle herself especially when it came to survival and Klingon Raiders.  A slow smirk ticked the right side of her mouth upward slightly.

“The Klingon are simple people.  Battle, honor, fighting.  It is what they live, breathe, and die for.  Are you wanting the Klingon on your side, or are we speaking of this ship you have here?” she asked motioning to the holoprojection that floated above the table.  “What do we know of this ship?” she asked her El-Aurian accent was heavy but the Universal Translator picked up her native language and made sure that Marquez could understand it simply.  She was going to work on learning Starfleet Standard but she needed to be settled first.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]@Blue Zephyr

Leon had less of a reputation but more of a strong vibe that he seemed to give off, even when he gave off a scolding or correction, he had a way of turning any criticism into a praise or recommendation that had a way of commanding a certain morale-boosting presence. Given his experience working with the likes of former Maquis rebels and Romulans in the last half-decade. Resolve even had an overgrown ant aboard. It took Sharky the pit bull some time to ever get used to the creature, almost at it took him to... actually, that dog still wasn't used to F'rell.

Leon regarded Zyrao with the same regard as a coach assessing a new teammate, and led her to the strategic planning table and the readouts he'd summoned.

"With the exception of the Borg Cube, Reman Warbird or a Dominion battleship, have you ever heard of anything as large a threat as this monstrocity?" Leon indicated at the holographic readouts. "Vector 2 was able to get within distance of in-depth scans. If we link up with them, Security Chief Wenn Cinn and his security specialists can beam aboard and give us some much-needed boots on the ground. Unless you have any better ideas?"

"I've got a standing prize of triple holodeck time to whoever's bright ideas or viable intel yield the winning scenario. If you'd like to contribute towards evening out the odds against this Superdreadnought, you pick any spot in whatever the elements created and do whatever the hell you want in there for 18 straight or reusable priority hours. Of course, I invited myself to the competition, just to make it competitive." Leon explain in no uncertain terms why Zyrao was there. The read-outs of Vector 1 and its weapons array were displayed in various readouts behind him, not to mention some of the identified or actively-scanned Asurian ships and smallcraft appeared for scale nearby.

"Records state you were rescued by one of my men. He claimed that the, and I quote him, 'Alien 'hottie' with multiple disruptors on-hand at all times' had damning allegations against one of Theurgy's science officers." Which reminds me. I see those components for a KDF Disruptor on your body armor. I've read Lieutenant Worf's security entry myself from the '60s. Cough it up-- one component at a time." Leon challenged, raising no alarm, though at least one other officer glanced questioningly. Probably at the use of the word 'Hottie.' "So what do you know about Lieutenant Hi'Jak?" Leon continued, giving them something to do while he set up the interface to respond to clone or multi-use of several models for the sake of theoretical attacks or strategic projections. It was going to take at least an hour or so..
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #3
Zyrao Natauna | Down to Business | No-Balls Contest | BAMF-time | USS Has Promise]

Zyrao's grey eyes shifted over the large Hologram images that stood over the table.  The massive presence was something that you could almost feel even in this minuscule size that it was now.  The fact that she could easily remember seeing how big it had been and she highly doubted she had even been that close to it as they crashed into the Fighter Bay.  Running a hand through her short hair she tried to figure out the best way to enter the thing.  The obvious place was the hanger bay, but that was the worst decision, and she knew it.  It was a secluded area of the ship for the most part and any ship worth it's weight would have blast doors and air locks for intruders that decided to take advantage of it.

She did not like to think about the Borg.  There was not much anyone could say about them, they were the scum of the universe as far as Zyrao was concerned.  It was something she had lived through, barely, and probably only because she was a solider.  She lived and breathed fighting, tactics, and strategy.  Here, she was at home.

This was her element.

Grey eyes, sharp, and yet somehow kind shifted over to the man as he spoke speaking that one of the Vectors had been able to get close enough to get some indepth scans.  He wanted to beam people on board, which was fine, and smart.  But, only if it was done properly. 

“We need that information to make the best educated guess.  However, I would suggest several small infiltration teams instead of one large team.  We could cover more bases, the element of surprise would be felt more vastly, and if one team was sacrificed or stuck, the entire mission would not be a gross failure.”

He told her he had triple holodeck time to who ever could come up with a winning scenario.  Are there limitations to holodeck time, triple might work well for learning this horrible language.  Though at least it's more soothing than Klingon.  I suppose I will take what I can get. she thought as she looked at the man.  “I don't think it would be fair to compete, but I might do anyway.” she gave a quick shrug looking at the man that had been receptive to her being there.  A nicety, for sure.

He shifted the topic off the monstrocity that they needed to infiltrate and liberate their crew from and to more gossip style talk.  Speaking of the man that she had fought with on the Moon base, she did not recall the names of those other than Sera, a friend that she hoped to continue to see from time to time.  However, she knew that Hijak had been down there as well and was the Science officer that Marquez was talking about right this minute.

“That is correct, though alien hottie is objectifying me in the worst possible way.  Whether my looks are attractive or not had no bearing on the battle we fought and won down there.” she sighed, men were stupid, inane, and completely basic when it came to women.  It was really, truly, one of the more disgusting things about gender.  Men weren't the only ones that could be simplistic trash sluts.  Women could be too, they were just more emotional about it.  Either way, Zyrao was not a fan of being objectified for anything more than her skill set.  He then called her out on her disassembled disruptor that she had hidden all over her person.  A slow grin crossed her features as she sighed and straightened her back.  One at a time parts began to ping on the table.  The tubes, the conduits, the power supply, the hand guard, the trigger assembly.  Piece by piece they were placed on the holotable where they stood until all her small pockets were empty.

“You're the only one to have noticed, I'd give you another .. shiny circle for your neck but I think that Captain Asshole would blow his lid.  Oh, but that might actually be worth it, .. only if I can promote you in public.” she chuckled.

Then he asked what she knew about Hijak.  “Oh disarm me and then talk about a backstabbing worthless Klingon instead?  That sounds like you knew I'd like to blow a hole in his face.  He sold you out.  A mole, a plant, whatever you.. Starfleet people call it.  He informed my boss, of where you were, what you were doing, and allowed for you to go down to the Moonbase and set off the system that would have killed you all.  He thought nothing of it.  The Klingons wanted blood.  Of course, I caught the message, I was able to decipher enough about the situation and the Theurgy from it and .. me being crafty to know that we were playing the wrong side of this battle.  The Captain could have his moments of intelligence, but in that moment, he was nothing but a pile of shit.  I took my exit, and turned the tide of the battle in the Moon.  He would as soon have seen your ship blown to nothing.  Traitor, is what he is.  The worst of his kind, not even his mother will look on him with kindness.”

She shook her head to the side.

“Tell me of your Pretend Captain.” She said looking over at Marquez.  “He has large boots to fill and does so poorly.  Anger is his crutch, and respect is unimportant.  Is this with all Captains?  I have heard proof that Captain Ives was not this way.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | War Room | Playing this by the numbers | Introspectively feeling pleasantly combat-apprehensive | Hold, on, why is my personal log header so Bad-Ass all of a sudden, is this an El-Aurian thing? ]@Blue Zephyr

"I'm afraid we don't have enough power to run a holo-simulation at this time, or I'd divert power from auxiliary and run several simulations of any engagement with the enemy craft at this time. Then there's the other player on the field, Sankolov and about a dozen Starships crewed by innocent Starfleet personnel who think we're the true threat to civilized space." Marquez drew out of his own constant reminder that there were victims out here too that he cared about on principle and had to use to his advantage if at all possible. He'd hate himself if he had to be responsible for any deaths of Federation lives and only his tone heralded any of this. It was a good time to program one simulation into the tactical computer of a tri-angular series of strafing runs against the Versant's pressure points. "The issue isn't about where we put them, it's about where our people are and how long we can keep their shields offline and hull as brittle as possible to get our team out, for the likes of you and a team of other hot-shots to meet. You might even get your chance to reunite with the... individual from the moon."

While that loaded for the next minute, he watched Vector-01's pretzel-shaped hologram dance along the weapons fire arcing across the Superdreadnought's hull then break off in an erratic course to avoid merging the flight path of the other two to keep Savi gunners guessing.

"I apologize on Mariner's behalf. The Ensign's home region has its own subdialect, and evidently, he went on to compliment your marksmanship; which explains the term 'hottie', which is short for a hot shot-- a marksman." If Jimmy only knew how much after his messes Leon had to clean up after his unpredictable friend. "Don't worry, You'll get it back. It takes a Commander's permission, of course." He hoped he didn't give her any wild ideas as he waved over a noncom to secure the weapon and check it into security before returning his attention to the holotable.

"If its any consolation, records state the spy was kidnapped by the Sa'vi. Maybe some good will be made of him. In other times, a sin of that magnitude would call for a keelhaul." Lest there be any recordings made here, Striker passed on recalling what 'keelhauling' was defined as, and how it was a preferable example to traitors and mutineers; a sworn Starfleet officer would abhor at the concept, but Zyrao could in fact get the hint. Unless of course there were others who had an axe to grind with the traitor. "We've had a share of mutineers in the last week. Some mutineer-fanatics formed a cult around our temporal affairs officer and tried to blow up the ship and murder individual crew. I took some chewing for advising my crew to watch eachothers' backs until we've settled in, so I'd like to feel just a bit vindicated in my sense of caution."

When asked about how Leon felt about his XO at the moment, Leon shrugged as he looked at her, recalling how they didn't get along well on the bridge before the ship scattered its vectors as she came aboard.  "I'm the wrong guy to ask. Haven't set down with the acting Skipper yet. But the XO feels like he knows what he's doing, even if he's new to the chair, I know what that's like so I'd cut the the guy a break when it comes to conduct... and lend him a hand at tactical." The opportunity for a pun about an armrest crutch was exchanged for a reminder of why she was here, but the joke was made without emphasis.

Still unsure of what to call the captain, he kept it to old earth military jargon still commonplace in Earth Starfleet, an age he read his colleague had been through, and often enough, it was permitted to be used on Resolve, something Leon privately still hadn't gotten over, and a modicum of familiarity was stable footing for him to think on, only now with the powers of three vectors' worth of broadside or alpha-strike weapons fire to hit on point.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #5
Zyrao Natauna | Learning the Ropes | Blunt is a Language | Why Can't All Commanders Be Reasonable? | Proving Worth]

It was a shame that Starfleet had allowed some parascitic entity to reign surpreme.  A worm, for the lack of a better word, was controlling all these powerful and well trained people.  It was disgusting and disturbing.  Zyrao hoped that she would never have first hand contact with the parasite because the likelihood was she would rather just execute those that were infested and take care of the problem that way.  There was likely some method of death that would work.  Perhaps salt.  It worked on regular worms and a parasite was little more than that.  Though apparently these were somewhat intellgent if they could control the people involved to make certain decisions.  How the crew members of the Theurgy had remained uninfested boggled her mind.  Yet, she hoped that it had more to do with Ives' involvement than anything else.

Zy longed for Ives to take control again.

According to Martok, Ives was levelheaded and trustworthy or she wouldn't be here.  She would have taken her own Bird of Prey and ghosted from this worthless battlefield.  Now, she was stuck here helping people make decisions based on her centuries of experience on the battlefield.  She hoped that she could be an asset.  Some of the crew; Sera and Marquez included, were actually good people.  She didn't mind standing beside them.  Others needed to get fucked.

The individual from the moon.

“The Traitorous Anal Fissure or the One that thinks I'm an alien hottie?”

He apparently was talking about the Hottie one since he named him a moment later, Mariner, and apologized on his behalf.  “Do you make a habit of apologizing for other people?  You shouldn't, it degrades the apology and it's not yours to give which means its shit.”  He told her that she might get her weapon back but it took a Commander permission.

“Well if we're talking about the Idiotic Waste of Space currently residing in the Captain's chair then I won't be getting it back.” she stated calmly, but honestly enough.  She wasn't sure when Ives would be back, but she would do just about anything to get the level headed Captain back.  Maybe, she could convince the Captain that they needed another First Officer.  One who's first language wasn't; Dick.

He mentioned the traitor and her shoulders tensed slightly, but a grin crossed her face when he mentioned killing the Lying Traitorous Fake Klingon.  “With great pleasure, Leon.” she chuckled darkly.  Zyrao did not have all the standards that Starfleet did, she had been raised and worked with various races enough to know that Starfleet imprisoning everyone that stepped out of line was a waste of time, effort, and money.  Sometimes, people just deserved to be shot.  She didn't know the full story of the Traitor but she doubted there was enough excuses that actually excused his actions.  It was likely that he was only out for himself and his own agenda.  She would be greatly interested to hear what words he vomited out of his mouth to take care of this little problem.

“If that's true, then it's wise to advise your people to watch their backs.  Mutiny is dangerous and it can be a seed of a root that you cannot control.  If Ives is doing what a Captain should be doing, they will make sure that it is squashed fully once they are back on board.  Until then.  You should watch your back and those of the people you care for.  That is being a good Commander, a good officer, and a good person.” she admitted as she brushed her hair out of her face and sighed.  Last night with Sera was something else.  Something she would remember and it had taken her mind off of the shit that she had dealt with since coming to the ship.  It was nice to have at least one person on this clearly cursed ship to spend her time with from time to time.  She did not desire anything more than a friend.  That wasn't her way.  She just wanted to find a place here, settle in, and make herself useful.

There was nothing worse for an old soldier than to be bored.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | We sure this thing is just a Deterrent-class, not a Full-tilt Warship? | I mean seriously, this could have 'Deterred' the Founders | Now to redefine the term 'Deter' ]@Blue Zephyr

"I haven't seen you shoot, so I can neither confirm nor deny the official report." His neutral tone belied the fact that he was joking about the still held-on to belief (however forced it was, in case she was telepathic and doubted him) that hottie was an abbreviation of 'hotshot'. "Also, out here, that kid's one of the closest I have to family, after all the people we've each lost to the Dominion, only to get involved in all this. You'll forgive us both for keeping a bit of old habits when they mean well or flatter someone's abilities." he responded firmly, but still didn't manage to gravitate into her perception of XO Trent, if anything stopping well short of it.

Good save, but the simulation was running its programmed pattern, with ventral and dorsal phaser arrays panning at full firepower while the pulse cannons and even a full point-defense barrage yielded enough damage over time when a specific point along the vessel's relatively under-armored ports. This projection's estimates only dwindled as the other Vectors were picked off and harassed by Savi and Asurian fighters as the fighters did their best to keep the other pilots distracted.

That was Salvo, Meony, and K'ren out there. Plus others who entered this chapter in their shared quest during that accursed starbase battle. Seeing their icons blip off the holotable's simulation made him frown even past the El-Aurian's agreements with his instincts. So far, with or without them and their ability to keep assets in the fight, their odds of surviving with minimal casualties looked more like a losing proposition; statistically the Superdreadnought was invulnerable for now. It was obvious to anyone seeing this situation could see a direct path was not the best for this engagement. Fighting conventionally with a variable amount of Theurgys surviving assets didn't look good in this holosim, even with the best virtual-intelligence left behind in the wake of Thea's hijacking.

Leon was positive he'd locked out the holotable from the main computer and that his strategies were safely isolated on a datarod, to not leave any trace of his battle plans for anyone to steal or view, not unless they were in this room. The next time the endgame plan and contingencies to be tailor-made would be seen, they'd be employed or otherwise committed to memory. Allthesame, Marquez labeled the file 'Deterrence', and sealed it with a thumbprint-retinal scan. Any subvariants would be derived from names and sublistings of the plan. He paused this simulation and looked to Zyrao for her input.

Leon reset the simulator and added two squadrons of Asurian fighters to lured-away beacons in the hopes that they could advance further without being stung by the bees-from-hell. This time, he considered smashing them first with both lower vectors and letting any smallcraft place transporter beacons along the vessel's hull with the implication open for sabotage. Orange-indicated combadge logos indicated strike teams from the various vectors. This twist seemed to cause the probability-of-success icon to surge a steady degree, stopping short of a quarter-odd chance of success.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #7
[Zyrao Natauna | Taking Compliments | Odd Man Out | Advisor of Tactics | Time to Make this Bitch Mine]

She supposed she would have to believe him, though, it seemed like an odd wordage.  However, she also knew that there were so many different kinds of people out there.  So many races.  So many people that she had never even met she could not assume that she knew everything.  She had only scratched the surface of the universe.  She knew  a lot of the shit that was out there, a lot of the bad, the dark... and she knew The Dark.  There were times that nightmares played havoc with her sleep patterns because she remembered The Dark and all that it brought with it. 

The plans were saved and put on a safe datastick that it seemed only he would be able to access.  She hoped that was the case, especially, if Mutiny was something that traveled in small circles around the ship.  That was a dangerous thing.  It could change the tide of a ship, create a chasm that could not be bridged, and a war would break out.  When you were talking mutiny of people that were this intelligent and specialized she knew that it would be a war that would last eternally.  She knew not, which side she would take, but if there was a side against the Current Asshole in the Center Seat, she'd be all over that.  Wrong or right.

“Well I appreciate the compliments.” she stated calmly after he finished reitterating that it truly was something for just being impressed by her skill set and nothing to do with her being a woman that looked nice.  Which was good, Zyrao had never put much gravity in looks to begin with, they were fleeting especially when you were as long living as she was.  There were many races out there that were not classically beautiful but had the souls that could pull her out of the Darkness when it was necessary.  She could not remember, easily, the last time that happened.  Drax had been a means to an end, most of them had been, honestly.  She knew there were times, love, had come into play.  The careful and colorful mix of chemicals that would create the feeling of longing and care.  Yet, she hadn't felt them in a very long time and was, at this point, pretty certain they were gone.

They were done, and Zy knew that she had the option to leave and go find her Quarters.  She had one now, thanks to the Quartermaster, though in one aspect she thought she might actually miss the Sabine.  She hoped that she and Sera could retain their friendship when everything was said and done.  Drinks, dinners, chit chat.  Zyrao doubted she would be drunk enough to sleep with the woman again, but in the least, she could have a good friendship.  Her first, in a long time.  She'd had friends on the Klingon ship but predominately people were scared of her or jealous of her.  It got exhausting. 

There were empty seats on deck, so she crossed while Marquez finished up his work and plopped down in one.  She still didn't know how to read Starfleet Standard and she hadn't been given any help in getting things switched to her own languages so she couldn't replicate herself anything that she might need.  Still, for now, she would just take a seat and enjoy a little bit of off your seat action.  She slid another seat over closer to her and she put her boots up into the seat of it and relaxed, arms crossed over her chest mostly for them to have something to rest on.  Cordage of muscles pushing against her tattooed skin.  Silver eyes took in the hustle and bustle of the room they were in, those that Marquez felt like keeping close enough that they could know the plans without being afraid of betrayal.

When Marquez was finished he was messing around with the simulator more, though she doubted that he was going to find a better mix than he had already.  Her eyes shifted to the man.

“So the Theurgy.  How did you end up on a ship cursed by the Federation?” she asked him curiously, straight out, not holding back at all.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | That wasn't so bad, I've got a good feeling about this | Training Day  | ]@Blue Zephyr

Leon realized he probably made his point a bit sharper than he meant to, and the high note soured in his mind. The thought was self-contained, rather than transmitted, but he let the matter slip unnoticed. Logging the data, Leon summarily kept his stone-faced regard neutral as he internally computed her input and applied layers of his own experiences and battle patterns into his translation of the El-Aurian's designs. He couldn't recall his Art of War as impeccably as Ferengi with their Rule-codex, but knew enough to watch the battle unfold and know well enough to anticipate how best drive a cascade-effect explosion and to strike like lightning. Leon liked what he saw and let the schematics for the tentatively-named 'Natauna Maneuver' were saved under the codename 'Jubilee', a reference hidden in plain sight, among many disguised files that only apparently he knew how to access. At a later time and place, he would summon that 'attack pattern' and be prepared to apply the maneuver to turn the tide of their eventual showdown.

"My dad's a professional sportsman but joined Starfleet Security to stay with my mother, and I. She... ...was... a Conn Officer. USS " Leon admitted, zeroing in on a moment that let him revisit pre-war zeal and a glint of what his Starfleet career could have been, culminating in his mother's murder during the Breen attack. "Growing up on a starship, it was something of a 'Never-ending Sacrifice'... I lost most of my childhood classmates to a Cardassian sneak attack, and basically took arms to protect the lives and values of the Alpha Quadrant. I swore I'd do anything to protect it." Leon kept his response as brief as he could. It bothered him, and his neutral tone did little to hide his own jaded outlook to life.

Fortunately, his motivation for revenge and, more specifically, answers as to why he was constantly singled out as a sole survivor time after frakking time was not something left to the conspiracy some nicknamed chance or fate. He completely ignored the motion of the El-Aurian tactician appropriating a seat and would have done so, had he a topic to relate to. He hoped lore was a solid ice breaker, given her apparent lack of Andorian or Romulan experience. It was a different spirit than what he was used to, but fortunately, she was all-business. He appreciated that.

"Have you read the teachings of General Chang... being a contemporary of his, I wonder if his... findings on defeating superior foes " During the lead-up to the hated 'Gowron' Conflict, Marquez studied certain Klingon lore in his spare time. Leon himself had little, if any personal respect for the Klingon Chancellor responsible for the unnecessary loss of Federation life preceding the Dominion War and wanted to anticipate the chancellor and his attitude toward the Imperial Navy. Thank lucky stars he was replaced by a career military official, not a politician, lest Gowron had taken Chang's lessons over those of his students.

To best do his duty in that misfortunate struggle, Leon had studied up on his Klingon history and placed himself in that man's mindset. Gowron was born from the short-lived epoch of Chancellor Gorkon and his daughter Azetbur, General Chang and his more reform-minded protégé, Torlek, Leon had found a single Federation-approved edition of the Klingon Academy version that drew parallels to Shakespeare, Sun Tzu, and other 'misfortunate Klingons' who were stranded on Earth and were forced to mate with local denizens, according to Chang. One of Chang's last pupils before his death, also, incidentally included K'mpec the Reformer. "He's been blacklisted by history as the warmonger who nearly sacrificed his Empire to win a battle." Leon sighed, turning his back momentarily to pocket his datarod, changing the subject. "But he's trained some of the more progressive minds in the Empire in generations. I take firsthand input where I can get it."

Clear in his indifference to etiquette, he clearly didn't give a second thought to getting a Raktajino and a katheka before putting his feet on her table, in a gesture of aknowledging her lack of formality. He could return whichever refreshment she didn't have any taste for into the replimat, based on her preference. "Let's just say I'm here, on ... this ship... because 'tis Nobler to take arms against a sea of troubles and oppose my torments, than to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Leon smirked, as if coming to a revelation, but his gaze seemed more of relief than determination.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #9
[Zyrao Natauna | History of Tactics | Generals of Honor | Chit Chat with the Like Minded]

Zyrao was unsure what 'professional sportsman' meant.  To her it could mean any manner of things.  Perhaps something where they played sports instead of having actual jobs and contributing to a race or city.  Which was a complete waste of time, truthfully.  There was nothing wrong with sports, in leisure, but those that sought to do so for money would find themselves in the glory of Zyrao's low opinion.  Perhaps they hunted, for game or sport, she knew not, but again, unless it was actually provide sustenance to a family she could not find the merit in such activities.  She did not believe, as some, that every person should be forced into the serve of a militaristic organization.  She merely believed that you did not actually live a full and worthwhile life if you were not actually contributing to society.

Her opinion of his father was fairly low at this point. 

He mentioned that he joined Starfleet so that he could follow his mother, who was a tactician.  Like himself.  Dead then. she thought quickly to herself though she didn't state it out loud.  She felt for him, she had lost everyone that she had loved as a child, she'd lost her partner when she was fighting the Borg and would never get that man back.  It was not easy to lose the people that meant the most to you but you became hardened.  Hatred, revenge, pain, were the sharp knife that could shape and form you into the kind of tool and weapon you needed to be.  He did not go into detail, and she didn't ask, there were some pains that needed to rest.  If he wished to talk about it she was certain there were people he would much rather vent to than a strange El-Aurian that spoke fluid languages and was more Klingon at the moment than any other race. 

He did however, give her information, about the fact that he had lost many of his childhood friends and classmates to the Cardassian.  She was unphased.  She had seen the good and bad of the race and had differing opinions on them than most people.  They had both held her captive and allowed her to live and then; again she had betrayed someone.  Just like she had the Klingon's she had betrayed the Cardassians.  Moving upwards, moving into better protection, better positions.  It was what was important in life.  She needed to continue finding positions for herself where she could do her work, keep busy, and continue living.  She had no real ultimate goal at this point just living, surviving, and moving forward in whatever place was the best at that moment.

He was jaded and angry.  Beings had taken his friends and family from him.  She wondered, momentarily, if the Cardassians were also responsible for his mother's death but she did not ask.  She was collecting information at this point.  He mentioned General Chang, the Klingon General that had been hell bent on battles.  He had been known to fight in them himself, which she actually approved of.  No matter what her rank was in the armies and defense forces that she had fought in and along side she found herself always enjoying the battle as much as always.  Therefore she was the first one to jump into battle and never one to stay behind the lines giving orders. 

“You mean his take care of this issue yourself?” she asked curiously.  “Instead of relying on others you jump in first and take out the problem?  You realize that he eventually had to eat his hatred for the Federation and work along side them.  I realize that you are already with the Federation but recall that not everyone is either good nor evil.  Each and every race I have ever encountered in my very long life have had a mix of both.  Like humans.  Like any race.  It's all about circumstances that twist an innocent new mind of a child into something completely different.  Not to state that the loss of life is ever right in any circumstance yet there are times that they are just casualties of war.”

He told her that it was the higher ground to take arms against the battlegrounds around them than to suffer in his own agony.  She tilted her head for a moment as he sat down offering her two different drinks.  Some Andorian disgusting excuse for caffeinated beverages and then her beloved raktajino.  She leaned forward and noticed that his boots were on the table like her own.  She grabbed the Klingon coffee and pulled the cup close to her.  Wrapping her old hands around the mug she let the warmth seep into her fingers for a long moment before she took a long sip.

“Tastes like home.” she grunted a bit more Klingon than she spoke normally.  Taking out a breath she looked back over to the man that seemed comfortable with her company.  She appreciated that he wasn't too self righteous to just chill with her for a few minutes while they had the chance.

“The Theurgy seems to have received it's officers through various means.  It's a melting pot of different ships, shuttles, races, and planetary defenses.  I'm curious, are you native to this ship or did you arrive much like myself?” she asked him curiously taking another sip of the coffee that practically pumped in her veins at this point.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | Sentiment's not a weakness if it's studying yesterday's bad guy | Times change | Now it's you, our buddies, our enemies and the sons-of-bitches trying to exploit us all ]@Blue Zephyr

"You can thank Mister Mariner for that formula. Our ship was destroyed by the parasites responsible for this situation. At risk to his own, life he refused to let the memories, treasures and experiences of the starship Resolve, as a crew-- as a family-- die, the way we lost our Captain--my friend, Tristan Kendrick at Starbase 84. All those hardships, all those sacrifices and we never did make it to Earth." Leon momentarily sneered at being the one who took Hawthorne down enough for Kendrick to deliver the fatal blow. "Apparently, he shared your fondness in raktajino, and was a connossieur, at that... Kang's Summit, 2284, good year." Not as good as the coffee shops in Golden Gate Park or Sausalito, in Leon's opinion, but Kendrick's demonstration for a Klingon equivalent showed off his cultured side.

"Resolve had just come back from three years avoiding the Romulan Imperial Navy after being lost in space for three years of harsh survival. Before the battle, I had hoped to find a posting in my home system and settle down before considering my future. Now, if we don't come up with a strategy," Leon inhaled sharply at the electric buzz the Andorian coffee gave him, but was to be expected,

"And I mean an endgame, not any one single battle, against these glorified gagh, then no one will have a future on my world, no more families. Just a quadrant soaked in blood and chaos while all honor, sentience and dignity fades to a dim memory." In a move that looked particularly painful if not scalding, Leon downed the steaming Andorian beverage and exhaled, as if he'd just had a fifth of a tequila.
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #11
[Zyrao Natauna | Singed Throats Make for Poor Conversation | Vengeance is Best Calculated | You Won't Get Your Friend Back ]

She did not know what to say to him.

He was hell bent on the wrong done to him.  It wasn't even about that though, there was something to be said for having and desiring vengeance on those that had harmed those that you cared about.  But you would find, in life, that it never actually satisfied.  She had found that many times, and over the years.  It was better to just break away from the pain and start a new than letting it dictate what your future would be.  She had gotten revenge before, in the past, yet that didn't make any difference.  She had found herself truly that it was best to move on.  There were times that she wished she could squeeze the power cables of a Borg and watch them suffer the way that they had suffered her people.  Nearly making them extinct.  However, she didn't think it would help. 

She would never appreciate the Borg but she was not going to actively hunt them down either.

“You look at your anger all wrong.  Yes, you lost friends.  No, you did not return to your planet.  However, holding onto your anger, letting it fester in such a way will bring you no peace or joy.  You hang onto the feelings and emotions of the past yet you forget that they are in the past.  Another day, another battle, Commander.  You must remember that these people...” she flickered her hand around the room and towards the door.  “They look to those with the proper golden dots on their collar to help them focus.  You cannot allow your own need for vengeance to over take everything else that is important.  Furthermore than that, the future is never found in the past.  Yes, lessons learned, however the future is before you.  One foot at a time, you step into it.  You focus on the forward not the past.   You will only find regret and disappointment behind.  It is in the future which you can make changes and develop the person you want to become.”

She listened to his hopes and dreams of what he had wanted when the Resolve was allowed to head back home.  Before, everything happened and he ended up on this ship.  She gave a shrug.  “I had dreams too, those were two hundred years ago, and long go.” she admitted.  She wasn't trying to be cruel but she was trying to give him the wisdom that she had gained over the centuries that she had been tortured, enslaved, and alive.

“I think you are overly harsh.  Judging an entire quadrant of space as though it has no soul.  Think first, that you are the hand of good.  Whatever the Federation are lead to believe because of the parasitic influences you have to recall that perhaps you are the soul in this Quadrant of space. You do good, even if others believe that you do not.  You must hold steadfast to your own beliefs.  Let the past guide you but the future is what you need to focus on.”

She looked at the man that sat there, drowning himself in Andorian coffee, and she hoped that he didn't sear him down the throat.  He wouldn't be able to speak if that were the case, though with Medical practices on board she imagined the issues would be temporary.

“Find the good, in the present, it is what you have now.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Commander Leon Marquez | Don't Get Mad | Get Even... | Get. Very. Even ]@Blue Zephyr

"Kendrick." Leon counted, raising fingers as he listed his issue with the parasites, "My ship. Members of my crew. Those lost at the Battle of Starbase 84. They were only the beginning. There's no point in fulfilling the law of retribution, when there's a more urgent objective...". Four heartbeats passed; one for each mention of the fallen. Uncharacteristically, Leon sneered as he let more Andorian caffeine enter his system and let his tactical training think towards what he'd do if he could get his endgame goal across to the command staff.

"Justice, Revenge and Retribution are secondary objectives. Turning the Parasite Homeworld into an overgrown vat of *Gagh* before they do, God knows what, to Earth and our Federation brothers." He considered reminding of the possibility of having to fight fellow Starfleet in duelo-a-la-muerte. With or without nonessential personnel, Leon calculated five-figures at the most in terms of inevitable or possible if unchallenged losses soon.

"I know what good is, and how to apply it." Leon reminded himself, more than having to say it to Zyrao... then he sighed. "I will do what I must to protect us all... It's not an ultimatum, it simply is what I've committed to: When I put that monster down, Resolve's fate became linked to that of Theurgy, and her mission to contain the threat."

Marquez had made his point, or so he hoped, that this was duty, not personal. "I'd like to think we could have an ally, among those Seven thousand or so souls in Admiral Sankolov's task force... maybe even from your colleagues. House of Torlek, or perhaps even House Pegh... that is, depending on the state of the Empire." In Reality, Marquez only knew the Klingons from his misfortunate years as a Lieutenant in the Klingon-Federation War, or what he gleaned from Ensign Tancredi. It probably wasn't good form to bring that up, particularly after the Dominion War, even though he had yet to enjoy a world of peace, which was all he could've really wanted. After, of course the law of blood for blood had been obeyed.

"Later this evening, I'm going to have a meeting with my department, and with a handful of minds from our newfound recruits and... your 'friend', our acting Captain." The deadpan tone of his speech didn't exactly reveal that he was joking, but he invited her anyway. This, however, he meant as he concluded his offer before finishing his drink, "I'm sure we could all benefit from your apparent wisdom." Perhaps they might even air out any tension at that point.

Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 1145 hrs. ] Evening the Odds

Reply #13
[Zyrao Natauna | Revenge is Wasteful | Energy Better Spent Elsewhere | Talking to a Brick Wall | Men Continue to Disappoint]

She understood his pain.

Felt it, had been there, lived it.  Over and over again.  She had suffered through the same horrors that he had, if not the same, then at the very least similar.  She had not lost a crew, she had lost a race, a planet, people she loved.  She had gone on, pushing herself into the future never taking no for an answer.  Biding her time until she could make her next move; whatever that would be.  Right now, here, she was glad to be a part of the ship and something bigger.  Looking forward to finding a position here with a crew like this.  She would never be more than a civilian but here, she hoped, that people like Marquez would find himself understanding and appreciative of her skill set.

He mentioned a meeting, later, with his crew and the Acting Captain.  Her brow rose, as he invited her to come and impart her wisdom to the people that would be in attendance.  She stroked her lower lip with her thumb again, the tattoos on the backs of her hands and fingers showing for the brief moment on display as she thought about the whole prospect of doing that.  She didn't mind, and honestly, proving herself worthwhile to the ship was in her best interests.  Airlocks and random escape pods were her enemy on a new ship, especially one such as this that came with judgmental command teams and a disrespect for all that didn't have golden emblems on their collars.

“I think, I would like to attend.  You will have to allow me to know the time and place.  I have not been issued any equipment however, I was recently given Quarters, so you could send my messages there.”  she shrugged a single muscular shoulder and she rose smoothly as if she knew how to utilize every single one of her muscles.  Brushing her short hair out of her face, grey eyes studied the man in front of her still sitting with his legs up. 

She gave him a quick nod. 

“I look forward to working with you further, Leon Marquez.” she said simply with a half grin.  “Until later.” she gave him a quick nod and headed for the door.  She didn't really like leaving her disruptor behind, and she knew that Captain Asshole wasn't going to let her have it back.  She slid her hands into the pockets of her jump suit and headed out to see if she could find entertainment for a while.


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