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CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Corridor | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

As Sel made her way down the corridor, some in the emergency quarters of whatever deck she was on she could feel the artificial gravity under her feet shift and sway. Something was clearly wrong with the power output of it. Or maybe it was the alcohol currently pickling her brain. She had quite a bit, perhaps more than she really should have. She had, of course, been much more intoxicated before, she could still walk and had some idea where she was going, but she was just drunk enough that walking was an ordeal and what she was about to do seemed like a perfectly sane and reasonable idea.

She had even considered doing it before she'd begun drinking, but by the end of that first bottle she'd made up her mind and by halfway, through the second she was certain of it.

So now she was in a part of the ship she would normally have only gone to for some duty related reason, to keep the peace and security of those on board the damned ship. But this time it was personal, this time she was here not because she had some duty given to her to be there, but because she figured she wanted something. Or at least she thought someone wanted her, and in her current mindset that was just as good. Her mind screamed and recoiled at how alone she felt and she just wanted it to stop.

She finally found the door she was looking for, her long fingers tapping the chime and then without waiting she began to input the security override of the lock. It seemed like a sensible thing to do, she figured who she was there to see had all but invited her and she just really wanted to sit down.

So when the door slid open she wasn't sure if it was because the woman somewhere inside the quarters opened it or if it was because she had overridden the lock.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #1
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn:


Somebody had activated her door chime. Vivian groaned and rolled over in her bed. She didn’t want to get up and answer them. They had woken her and that had made her slightly irritable and grumpy.

Very quickly after hearing the chime Vivian heard the sound of her door sliding open. She frowned, that wasn’t right, she hadn’t let them in. She jumped out of her bed, bare feet making no sound on the carpeted floor. She staggered blearily out of her bed room and into the main room. It was still dark in there, but Vivian could make out a figure standing near the door.

”Computer, lights”

As the lights rose from dark to max illumination Vivian blinked and rubbed her eyes. Perhaps blasting them straight up to full hadn’t been wise. Half blinded Vivian peered toward her late night visitor. After several seconds she managed to identify the woman before her.

”Ensign Sel?”

Vivian only now realised that dressed as she was, in a loose tank top and comfortable panties, that she was leaving little to the imagination of her beautiful guest. She blushed a deep shade of red and crossed her arms over her breasts, clasping her elbows tightly as a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts battled in her head.

” can I help you Ensign?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #2
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

There was a moment when Sel simply stood and stared into the darkness of the officer's quarters. No one was there. She wondered if she was going to have to file a report as to why she'd just used her security override on a door for no good reason. She really didn't care. She stepped into the quarters and looked around the darkness.

"Computer, lights"

The lights snapped on and Sel's head gave a throb. It had gone from far too dark to way to bright in an instant and it took a second for her eyes to adjust. She had guessed that Vivian would be in emergency quarters, something set up so that officers who wound up on the wrong Vector when the ship separated would still have somewhere to sleep at the end of their shift, but it looked far too comfy and lived in.

"Ensign Sel?"

Sel turned her head toward the voice and smiled drunkenly. Vivian was in little more than underwear and the sight of her made Sel's heart thud in her chest. She wasn't sure if it was sweet anticipation or true blue terror that rushed through her, but it was thrilling none the less.

" can I help you, Ensign?"

And there it was, for a moment Sel had realized she had not considered how she was going to start, how she was going to say anything. She had gotten as far as getting herself to Vivian's quarters, but hadn't thought anything else through. So instead of having something worked out to say she'd basically barged in and was currently standing in the main living room area of a higher ranking officer while she was far too drunk to really be the best of company. She wondered if she should lie, but then again...

"I was just... Well... I mean..." She struggled to piece together a coherent thought, a sentence that would explain why she was there. Her brain railed against her and it felt like there were no words, no real explanation that seemed to work. "I guess I just wanted... Well... To do this..."

She rushed forward haphazardly, practically throwing herself at Vivian. Her aim, even when drunk, was good and she landed her body against Vivian's and kissed her. It was not a deep or passionate kiss, not at first, it was almost shy. She was pressed up against Vivian, but still hesitated the moment it came time to kiss and barely brushed her lips against the other woman's.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #3
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian almost recoiled as Sel collided with her. Her arms were trapped between their two bodies, and as Vivian began to try to move back Sel’s lips pressed to hers. A light brush, not deep, not long, not passionate, but it did serve to steal Vivian’s breath and check her retreat. Her head leant forward as Sel’s lips moved off hers, trying to seek out the gorgeous Bajoran’s mouth.

”Sel?” Vivian whispered as she freed an arm, gently reaching out and cupping the other woman's chin. Her heart was racing, and she could feel heat rising in her cheeks and growing between her legs as they stood close. This is what her imagination had been taunting her with ever since their meeting earlier that day. ” this a dream? Because if it is I wish it were real.”

She freed her other arm from between their bodies now and placed it on Sel’s cheek. Slowly she pulled the Bajoran in for a second kiss. She pressed her lips to Sel’s, opening her mouth ever so slightly and sucking in the other woman’s lower lip. Her tongue slipped forward and ran along the Bajoran’s lip, tasting her skin, and detecting traces of alcohol. Almost reluctantly Vivian pulled her head away and looked into Sel’s green eyes.

”Are you drunk? Think carefully before making your next move Sel. I’m not sure I could hold myself back if you were to kiss me again.” There was a hint of a challenge in Vivian’s voice. She desperately wanted Sel to kiss her again, then she wanted to pick up the Bajoran and introduce her to the comfortable bed in the adjacent room, and all the wicked pleasures that could be found there.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #4
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

"A dream? Maybe? I don't know, do brief moments of bliss in the midst of a never-ending nightmare count as a dream?" Sel asked her breath now much heavier and her voice much quieter. Her breath smelled strongly of the Bajoran Fire Water she'd been drinking only a few short minutes before, it smelled something like burnt cinnamon and fermented jumja sap. An acquired taste to be sure, but one distinctly Bajoran and with the mix of spices to it, there was something significant to Sel. It was not a drink many other members of the crew would drink quite so heavily.

As she held her body against the other woman's, she could feel the heat rising to her face and flooding through her body. The first kiss had been one of her own, a tentative impulse that was more a rush of desire than anything else, but when Vivian had kissed her back, that was different. Vivian's kiss had felt intentional on her lips, it had stirred the desire in her alcohol-soaked mind. "And maybe I am a little drunk, but I'm here now, with you," she went on in the same hushed tone. "And I want to be here, I want to be with you. If you want me to go away I can..."

Sel smirked, a cocky self-assured smirk. She knew the answer and her confidence was too great and she was too drunk to hide it. She knew Vivian wanted her and she knew that she wanted to feel good, she almost didn't care who it was with. Hell the fact she had come to the quarters of a woman and kissed that woman proved that she was more acting on impulse than anything else. Consequences be damned, she wanted to feel good and even though she had no clue what to do or how to do anything with another woman she wanted to feel it none the less.

"I mean, I've never done this dance with another woman before, so you might have to show me the steps," she said with a slight chuckle. "If you want to..."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #5
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian felt her breath catch in her throat, Sel’s smile was so beautiful. ”Don’t leave” she whispered, gently caressing Sel’s cheek. Vivian could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest and a warm wetness growing steadily between her legs. She wanted Sel so very badly, and the other woman had confessed to wanting her. Then came the second confession of the night, Vivian was to be Sel’s first woman. A wicked grin spread across Vivian’s face ”I would be more than willing to show you the steps.”

Gently she pulled Sel in for another kiss. Her tongue snaked forward and probed at the Bajoran’s lips, trying to force them apart and gain entry to her mouth. As their mouths remained locked together Vivian wrapped her arms around Sel and pulled her close, pressing their bodies together. She could feel her loins becoming slick with need and her nipples hardening with arousal. She gently, but firmly pressed her groin against Sel’s hip.

Slowly and reluctantly she withdrew her lips from Sel’s and smiled sensually at the blonde woman. ”You seem a bit overdressed.” Gently she pressed her mouth to Sel’s nose ridges, enjoying the bumpy sensations on her lips. ”Would you like some assistance in removing some of your clothes?” She moved up further and gently kissed Sel’s forehead. ”Let me see you Sel.” Vivian whispered in her ear as her mouth traveled down the side of the other womans shaved head, delicately kissing the lobe before burying her face in Sel’s neck and continuing to gently kiss her.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #6
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

It had seemed that a number of her lovers did seem to focus on the ridges of her nose and in truth they were one of the more sensitive places of her body, but she had long since learned to control her reaction to having them touched. She'd have enough people try and use them as a weak point they could focus on that she had mastered them, yet she had to admit it felt nice to feel Vivian's lips on her nose ridges. She could feel the warmth of the other woman's breath and the wetness of her lips, the feeling sending a slight shiver up her spine. She closed her eyes and tried to focus, only to be interrupted with a comment about her clothing.

"I should warn you, I'm pretty sweaty," she said with a chuckle as she reached up and began to undo the fastens of her jacket. "Might be a good idea to take a shower first, unless you want some smelly girl in your bed." Her voice was low and husky, hiding how nervous she felt. She could feel her heart slamming in her chest. Really the only reason she didn't bolt out the door and back to her own room was the alcohol her brain was swimming in. Quiet thoughts of Sarresh still drifted around in the back of her mind, but she tried to ignore them, tried to focus on the woman kissing her, to push the world away.

And her body was responding to the kissing, to the touching. As she moved her hips she could feel the heat spreading between her legs, the liquidy need building. She didn't know what she wanted anymore, not really, but her body knew what it wanted and she was not about to argue with it.

With the shrug of the shoulders the jacket fell away and only a moment later her undershirt went with it, leaving her in a sweat-soaked sports bra and her pants. Her trim stomach looking just as smooth and well toned as ever. She was a living embodiment of a well-toned machine.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #7
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 |USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian felt her breath catch in her throat as Sel removed her shirt, revealing her toned and beautiful body. Ever so gently Vivian ran a hand down Sel’s strong stomach, coming to rest on the other woman’s hip. ”I don’t think the shower is necessary” she whispered ”That bed will be smelly and dirty by the time we are done...unless you want me to screw you senseless in the shower.” Vivian grinned seductively, thinking of the fun they could have together in the shower.

She gently kissed Sel’s lips again, drawing out the sensual, feather light contact for several seconds. She could feel the wet needy heat between her legs growing steadily more powerful and urgent. She was sure that there would be a small wet patch on her panties by now, betraying just how aroused she currently was.

Almost as if it had a mind of its own Vivian’s groin made contact with Sel’s hip. Groaning with need she began to gently rub herself against the Bajoran as she buried her face in Sel’s throat, allowing her base instincts to rule her actions. Her hands traveled back up Sel’s body to her breasts. With a few quick tugs Vivian pulled the sweaty bra out of the way, freeing the other woman’s bosom. Gently she placed her lips on a nipple. As she kissed it her tongue flicked out, tasting the soft, sweaty, salty, sensitive flesh. ”You taste divine.” she said, as she took a break to switch her attention to the other breast.


Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #8
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

She wasn't sure what it was, the thrill of the moment, her own arousal building, some awkwardness, or maybe even the raw sexual talk, but Sel felt the heat build in her face as she flushed. She was normally the one who took charge, normally the one who did the sexy talk and the kissing. She was seldom the passive party and she knew what to do that made men want her.

This was different. This was with another woman. She didn't even begin to know the rules or what to do. She felt like some confused horny virgin, and she couldn't even remember the last time she had felt like that.

"Um... No... I guess we could shower... Erm... Later..." She was awkward, she was awkward and unfocused. She could barely even look Vivian in the eye. Gone was the confident woman and in her place was a reserved and nervous girl, a girl who wanted more but was afraid of it at the same time.

As the bra came off, abandoned in the heap with her uniform jacket and undershirt, she was aware of how cool the air of the room felt on her breasts, the slightest touch and they were already hardening. And Vivian took no time in taking one into her mouth, making Sel once more the passive party to it all. She wanted to touch Vivian, wanted to run her fingers through the other woman's hair as she suckled on her breast, but she hesitated, almost frozen in a state of fear and arousal. When she switched nipples Sel was again aware of the cold was of the room on her now heated and wet nipple.

While Vivian busied herself with Sel's nipples, Sel began to breath heavier and heavier. She could feel the growing need between her legs, the growing dampness showing her desire. She was halfway convinced she was going to soak through her pants before too much longer. She wondered how obvious it was, she wondered if her juices had actually started to seep through her panties into her pants.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #9
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:@Absinthe


Vivian’s mind was gone. All that remained now was this small world, containing her, Sel, and the rising lust. As her mouth suckled at Sel’s chest, Vivian’s hands continued to explore her body body. Tracing the lines of her strong arms, and the taught smoothness of her belly, the flare of her hips and, as she slipped a hand into Sel’s pants, she discovered just how aroused the other woman was.

”Oh, Sel!” Vivian disengaged from the Bajoran’s breast and grinned seductively at her ”Is that for me?” Her fingers delicately traced their way around Sel’s wet lower lips. As she teased the other woman Vivian could feel her own wetness continuing to grow, the burning desire growing more powerful. ”What do you say we retire to my bed and relieve you of the rest of your clothes? I think they only serve to hide your delicious flesh from me.”

Keeping one had in Sel’s pants and pressing her lips against the Bajoran’s, Vivian led Sel into her bedroom. The blankets were thrown back, evidence of her rush to meet the intruder, the intruder with whom she was now intimately entwined. She ran her fingers once more over Sel’s wet slit before removing her hand from her pants. Gently she pushed the beautiful Bajoran woman backwards, onto the bed and disengaged her lips from Sel’s. She put her fingers to her nose and took a long sniff, smelling the other woman’s arousal and grinning again. ”You want me badly, huh? Well come and get me!” She struck a pose, flaunting her still clothed body, and challenging Sel to make the next move.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #10
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

Oh that hand between her legs, that fucking hand. Sel could barely keep herself from moaning as it rubs against her moist silken folds. She could barely contain herself as is, her alcohol-soaked brain thought it was all so good she could barely think of a world beyond. She didn't care that the ship was broken up and scattered to the winds. She didn't care that they were being hunted by Starfleet, she didn't care that the man she loved had been taken from her. All she could think about, all she could care about, was that hand and the feeling.

She did not even notice them moving, did not notice as she was led into the bedroom. In fact, the first she noticed they had changed locations was when she was pushed backward and fell onto the bed and not onto the cold carpeted floor. She wasn't sure it would have mattered to her if she had been pushed down onto the carpet and forced to do whatever it was the other woman wanted her to do there, she would not, could not, have cared. None of it mattered anyway.

"You want me badly, huh? Well come and get me!"

The words cut into Sel like a knife, and she felt her desire bleed out. She could not contain herself, not even if she had tried. She yanked herself up, grabbing the fasten of her pants and pulling, she was too intoxicated to really work the fasten and too drunk to care, so she simply tore the fabric. She let her pants slide down her long pale legs and stepped out of them, oddly graceful for as drunk as she was.

Then she closed the gap between her and Vivian. "Come and get you?" she breathed as her lips brushed up against the other woman's. "Maybe I will." She lunged her head forward, pressing her lips against Vivian's for a single moment and then broke the kiss and quickly buried her face in the other woman's neck. She bit and sucked, kissing and letting her teeth caress all the skin she had access to.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #11
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters| Deck 15 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian’s breath caught in her throat as Sel stepped out of her trousers, long graceful legs now on full display. She was so hypnotised by them that she missed Sel’s next words, and was surprised when she suddenly pressed their lips together, then broke away to attack her neck.

Vivian gasped with delight at the treatment being administered to her neck. Every touch felt like fire, burning lines of pleasure across her skin. Suddenly what little clothing she had on felt stifling, and Vivian struggled to haul her tank top off around the eager head marking her neck.. She shivered in delight and anticipation as the cool air washed across her nude torso. Now clad only in her incredibly damp panties Vivian wanted more than anything to finish this in an explosion of pleasure, but she resisted her temptations.

Gently she ran a hand down Sel’s back, feeling the muscle hidden beneath the skin. Her other hand took a different journey, tracing its path up the Bajoran’s ribs to rest gently on her breast. Softly she caressed the smooth flesh and lightly ran her thumb over the sensitive nipple. Vivian smiled as her hands explored Sel’s body, seeking out and teasing the sensitive places. Sel was eager, this was clear, however she was currently running on instinct alone. Vivian needed to guide her in the more subtle art of pleasuring another woman.

Gently she lowered her head and kissed Sel’s forehead. As Sel attacked her neck, Vivian softly kissed the parts of Sel’s head and face that she could get to, eventually coming to rest beside an ear. Tenderly she kissed the lobe and whispered ”Sel, I think my panties are stuck, can you remove them?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #12
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

Instinct alone guided her, she had the few sparse words and gestures of Vivian to go off of, but she was not sure how to do this, what to do. All she could think to do was to act and let the consequences be damned, she hoped that if she did anything wrong the other woman would tell her.

"Sel, I think my panties are stuck, can you remove them?"

She could not help but smile a little at that. It was a hint that even in her drunken state she could not miss. So she began to trail down, her lips never leaving Vivian's skin as she kissed, licked and sucked her way down. She paused to briefly suck and nibble at Vivian's collarbone, her hands exploring the smooth curves of the other woman's body as she trailed her way down. The next stop was a nipple, first she suckled on one, then trailed her way over to the other. She slowly lowered herself down to her knees, only leaving the nipples and breasts behind with a great hesitation, she was hinted at to go down to the panties and she was going to do as she was told, perhaps just this once.

Finally, after trailing a line of kisses down Vivian's stomach Sel was on her knees and at last breaking the contact between them to hold a few inches away from the thin fabric of Vivian's panties. She was at eye level with the other woman's panties and beyond her slick sex.. She leaned in and inhaled the intoxicating scent of them, letting the scent of arousal fill her.

And Sel hesitated for a second, a doubt sliding across her mind, a fear of what it would mean if she took the plunge. And then she gripped the panties firmly in her fists and as she pulled them down she pulled Vivian forward, pressing her face between the legs of the other woman so her sex would be forced onto Sel's mouth. She did not know what to do, but she'd had a few men do it to her, so she had a guess, an instinct she could follow.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #13
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian sighed as Sel traveled down her body. She gasped as Sel suckled upon her nipples, and gave a small moan of frustration as she left them to the cool air. Eventually the beautiful Bajoran stopped, her face close to Vivian’s damp panties. She watched, her loins growing ever wetter, as Sel leaned in to inhale her scent. A moment later her panties were hauled down, and she gasped as Sel thrust her face into her sodden sex.

She allowed a gentle moan to escape her lips as Sel began to take care of some of her need. Vivian felt her legs growing weak and jelly-like. She placed a hand atop Sel’s head, gently stroking her hair and holding her face in place against her groin. Pulling Sel with her and being careful not to break contact, Vivian moved backwards until she bumped into her bed. She lay back on it, spreading her legs wide and allowing Sel easier access to her needy sex.

Her hands sought out Sel. She stroked the other woman’s hair with one hand, while the other sought out the bumpy ridges on her nose and gently rubbed them. She enjoyed the feeling of them under her fingers, yet had little inclination as to the feelings that Sel would be getting from her gentle touches.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #14
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

Again they moved and Sel was hardly even aware of it. She simply kept her lips and tongue on the soft folds of Vivian and moved as such to hold them there. She had never tasted another woman before, only really having tasted herself on the faces and body parts of her lovers. This was something very different, she wasn't sure. She thought she liked it, but she knew she did like the sound that escaped the other woman's lips as she did it. And as the other woman spread her long legs wider to give Sel all the access she could want, a sort of smile crept across her face.

Her brain was still pickling in the alcohol in her blood, but she was pleased to at least be with someone, to feel, to touch, to taste their passion. It seemed to dull some ache deep inside her and she felt like she could survive with it, for a bit longer.

With the ease of access she could now move more freely, she began to trace a little figure 8 around the slick hole and then trace back up to make a loop around the clit. Each time she reached the middle she would wrap her lips around the other woman's clit and give it a light sucking kiss, flicking her tongue over it again. She hoped she was doing it right, part of her wondered if she needed to use her hands. She'd had lovers do both with her and she was just kind of guessing.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #15
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


Vivian gasped as Sel’s tongue went to work on her sensitive loins. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she arched her back as sensations of pleasure shot through her body. Every time Sel made contact with her love button Vivian couldn’t help but moan. Although it was mere moments between each kiss, Vivian felt herself longing for the connection, waiting for the burst of pleasure.

The universe no longer existed. There was nothing, except for the euphoric sensations flowing through her body, and the tongue expertly causing those feelings. She was in heaven, and deep within her pleasure addled brain a piece of her was very impressed, for her first time with another woman Sel was succeeding in every way that was needed.

Vivian raised her head and everything came into focus, she watched Sel’s head move as she deftly tongued Vivian. ” that my sweet...don’t stop...oh, oh, oh...mmmmm.” That tongue, oh how it moved, oh how her lower lips tingled as they were stimulated, oh the pleasure. Unable to keep much focus Vivian’s head dropped back onto the bed as her abs and thighs turned to jelly began to twitch in time with the jolts of pleasure flowing through her body.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #16
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

Even though Sel's brain was still swimming in alcohol she was able to focus enough to lick at the spots where it seemed Vivian made the most noise when she licked. She was by far no expert at this and indeed was kind of sloppy, her face quickly getting covered in a mix of saliva and the other woman's juices, but she was none the less eager to please. She felt oddly satisfied, giving someone else pleasure. As if that was enough, she was useful at that. She'd restricted herself to only Sarresh for so long now that with him gone she had not really given anyone pleasure in so long it had gnawed at her mind. She had been lost in a depressed, frustrated haze.

And she pushed her tongue deeper, probing, pushing, licking. She wanted to taste more and more. She pushed her tongue into the other woman's hole and moved it around the edge, then back up to kiss and lick at her clit. She pressed herself in, rubbing the ridges of her nose against Vivia's clit slowly, inhaling the scent of her oh so wet sex. It was so different from licking a man, where they were rigid and seemed to fill her mouth, it was as if she had to reach out with her tongue so much more to sample the taste of a woman.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #17
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


There was nothing but the pleasure. All Vivian could feel was the pleasure coursing through her body. The soft, yet strong, tongue mapping out her pleasure points felt divine as it slid across her sensitive nether regions. She could not help but give out a long moan of pleasure as she felt Sel’s tongue and lips caressing her clit. Her eyes flew wide as she felt a new euphoric sensation against her clit. She struggled through the waves of pleasure to look down her body at the woman between her legs.

Her nose ridges. That key Bajoran characteristic, pressed to her sensitive loins was causing the new sensation which was rendering Vivian so breathless. Her mouth flapped open and shut as she struggled to form words, trying to express to Sel exactly how she felt. ”Sss...sss...ssaahh...Ssseelll...ohhhh!!!” Her head flopped back as her hand sought out her breast, massaging the soft flesh and causing more pleasure to flow through her body. Her other hand slipped down and caressed Sel’s head. Vivian wanted to find Sel’s breasts, to weigh the other woman’s chest in her hands and kiss them, but her mind was too far gone to figure out how to get to them.

”Sssel...I wahhh...I wahhh...I need...nghhh, oohh, ahhh...yesyesyesyesyesyesyes, ohhh, there yes!” She cried out in pleasure. For a first timer Sel was doing very well in driving Vivian towards the edge.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 2130 hrs. ] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #18
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

The sound of Vivian's cries of pleasure made Sel want to do more. It was difficult to stay focused, she was still quite drunk and woozy, it made it hard to stay focused on the task in front of her. She wanted to make Vivian feel good. She wanted to make someone, anyone, feel good. She didn't know what good it would do, but she desperately wanted to feel good in some way, she was pretty sure the best way to do that was just to be with someone else. Hell, being alone hadn't helped.

So she pressed her tongue deeply against the folds of Vivian's slit, pushing it deep inside, running it around the ring of her opening and back up to the nub of her clit. When she moved her tongue down to the other woman's hole she let her nose run over her clit, letting her sensitive ridges move over that little pearl of sensitive flesh.

Without warning, she moved one of her hands up and began to probe her fingers into Vivian's wetness, curling them up to seek out every sensitive spot she could find. She was mostly guessing that Vivian's body was something like her own, even if there were some small differences here or there. She wanted to find those spots that made Vivian cum and she wanted to press on them. She felt for any place that made any different sound come out of her beautiful lips and she began to rub that spot all the more, any spot with a different texture or sensation. She wanted to drink it all in.

Re: CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #19
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


How Sel did it, Vivian knew not. The young Bajoran woman was either a natural, or a damn quick study. Vivian writhed on the bed, a slave to the sensations emanating from her loins, and the woman attacking them so expertly.

Her eyes flew wide and became unfocused as she felt Sel’s fingers slip past her slick folds and explore her inside. Her mouth flapped open as she groaned in pleasure. Fingers within her sex were very different to having a man down there. Where a man would fill her, fingers were smaller, yet they had the added advantage of being able to more fully explore her down there. And Sel did so with the same skill she had been demonstrating this whole time.

Vivian was was so far gone that she was barely capable of rational thought. She could feel her climax approaching like a far off wave, waiting to wash over her. All that there was existed in the sensations between her legs, the pleasure flowing through her body, yet strongest in her sex. She bucked her hips gently against Sel’s fingers, trying to guide them within her to seek out her most sensitive spots.

She cried out in ecstasy, arching her back and trembling all over as that glorious wave finally broke, waves of intense pleasure racing through her body. Vivian collapsed on her bed, chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath after that explosive moment. She gently stroked Sel’s cheek with her thumb. ”Sel, my beautiful...come up here...let me kiss you...and your amazing mouth.”

Re: CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #20
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

As the tension inside Vivian grew, Sel could feel it, could feel the way her body responded, and that didn't even go into the lovely sexual noises of extasy escaping Vivian's oh so perfect lips. And as she could feel it building she sped up her hand and tongue movements, slurping down the excess fluid created by her female lover. It was very different from pleasing a man, the only thing Sel had much experience in. She was uncertain, but perhaps it was her alcohol addled brain, or maybe it was simply her nature, she found herself pushing forward unashamedly. She wanted to give the other woman pleasure and she was set on doing just that.

When the dam burst and she felt as Vivian climaxed, squeezing around her fingers as the plunged into the soft wet hole, she smiled. She kept her hand moving as they rode out the orgasm together, the mad rush of power flooding through Sel's mind as she knew she had done that, she had made Vivian cum, and it made her feel amazingly powerful, perhaps the most so she had in some time.

But it did not last, Vivan fell limp and Sel slowed her movements and slowly withdrew her fingers from that sodden hole and licked them clean, sucking them gently into her mouth.

"Sel, my beautiful...come up here...let me kiss you...and your amazing mouth."

Sel looked up and felt the heat rise to her cheeks and then suddenly became aware of herself. She was suddenly aware that she had let her free hand slip between her legs and was stroking her sex through her own panties. She was aware of both how messed up of a situation she was in and how much she wanted more, she could feel her need through the thin fabric of her panties.

"I..." she began, but the words lost themselves in her throat. There was a moment of doubt playing itself across her face, a deep wound, ignored in her drunkenness was tearing itself open. "I..." She tried again, but couldn't figure out what to say. A dark panic was overshadowing her heart at that moment and her resolve was splintering. From her crouched position at the foot of the bed, she suddenly fell back, twisting to face the floor as she suddenly vomited, a mix of thick Bajoran fire water and swallowed sexual fluids spilled from her lips and onto the carpet.

Re: CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #21
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Absinthe


As she lay on the bed, recovering from her orgasm, Vivian heard Sel struggling to come up with any coherent words. Then she heard the other woman fall backwards and vomit across the carpet. Realizing something had gone wrong Vivian struggled to sit up, her muscles still not quite responding properly after her explosive climax. She slid clumsily off the bed and narrowly missed landing in the sticky puddle of vomit.

Vivian gently took Sel’s head and stroked her cheek. ”Oh sweet Sel...” She pulled the Bajoran woman away from the puddle and gently lifted her up onto the bed. Grabbing her discarded tank top, Vivian used the item of clothing to wipe the remaining vomit away from Sel’s mouth. ”I’ve got you sweetie.” She planted a gentle kiss on Sel’s nose, her lips caressing the ridges there.

Climbing onto the bed Vivian wrapped her arms protectively around Sel, enjoying the simple pleasure of holding the other woman close. Her hand gently explored Sel’s back, following her muscles as she drifted from the shoulder to the base of her spine. She wanted to go further, but was unsure if Sel was up to that at the moment.

Her other hand gently brushed some hair away from Sel’s face and tucked it behind her ear. She smiled as she looked into Sel’s mysterious green eyes ”It alright Sel. I’ve got you. Just lie still. How do you feel my dear?”

Re: CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #22
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

The world around Sel spun and heaved and churned. Her mind reeled and she tried to hold on while her head pounded. She had held on to strictly the high of the drunken feeling, but now it was coming crashing down around her and she just felt sick. Her muscled moved as she felt Vivian help her to the bed and she pressed herself against Vivian. A sound between a soft groan and a whimper escaped her lips as she rested her head against the chest of the other woman.

"Sorry..." she said weakly. She knew how unsexy it was to puke her drunken guts out on the floor of the woman she was just eating out. It really did send the wrong message. "I think I had a little too much to drink..." She took a deep breath of Vivian's scent in through her nose and exhaled. "I think your carpet might agree." She smiled weakly but didn't bother to open her eyes, even the low light of the room was now seeming too bright to her and she feared if she opened them the room would feel like it was spinning even worse than it already was.

"I was feeling pretty good... Now my head feels like I've been slamming it against a wall for the last hour," she said, her tone drifting to that cocky sort of way she spoke when she was most comfortable. "Note to self, don't try and keep up with a reman when drinking firewater. It results in brain pain."

Re: CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #23
[ LtCmdr Vivian Martin | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]


Vivian smiled at Sel words. ”I was feeling pretty good too.” she whispered softly in the woman’s ear ”All thanks to you and your oh so talented tongue, and these cute little ridges on your nose.” Vivian gently ran her thumb across Sel’s ridges, then carefully kissed them. She could still taste some of herself on the ridges.

”I could get some pain-killers for you, or I could...” Vivian slipped a hand into Sel’s panties, gently tracing a finger around her soft folds. Her other continued to gently caress her ridges, enjoying the bumpiness of them. ”It is only fair that I return the favour to someone as beautiful as you.”

She wasn’t sure this was the best thing to be doing to the drunk woman, but Vivian didn’t care. All she wanted was to drive Sel to the heavenly heights that Vivian herself had been experiencing a few short minutes earlier. She wanted to show Sel how another woman could be, how different, and how rewarding.

Re: CH05: S [D04|2130] Solitude F*cking Sucks

Reply #24
[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian’s Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

At the feeling of Vivian's thumb on the ridges of her nose, Sel could not help but shiver at the sensation. The kiss a second later caused a soft moan to escape her lips. Then she barely had time to consider the offer of pain-killers before she couldn't focus on it anymore as the other woman's hand found her extremely slick sex and a much higher pitch moan slipped out of her mouth.

"If you do that, I might... ah!" she said, but was cut off by a cry of pleasure when she felt Vivian's hand move directly over her clitoris. She moved her hips up, pressing herself against the hand. She was so wet, even after puking her guts out and even with her head pounding, she still felt so fucking turned on. "So... goo.. d..." She could hardly focus enough to say much of anything. It had been a while since the last time she'd gotten off, she didn't even know how long it'd been. She hadn't had the time of motivation since Sarresh had been taken and it had been a little bit before even that when they had done anything. And Sarresh wasn't a woman, so this was different anyway, plus she was drunk as fuck, so it was different and so good.

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