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Topic: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia (Read 8829 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #25
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

Annika pondered Isel's question about what department she wanted to join, and ignored the comment about Xenobiology and Isel being able to help her study.

Truth is, Annika had wondered about which department to join for the last three years, and she'd have to make a choice soon.

"Truth is...I don't know what department I want to join. I know not Science or Medical, 'cause they're sooooo boring! At least for me! I think either Engineering or Tactical would be good fits. I've excelled at those courses while at the Academy, but I'm still not sure, you know?"

Annika stared at Isel after she finished talking, but not staring at her, more like staring without seeing as her mind was thinking about what she would do. The last three years had flown by for the young woman, however she was now a senior cadet and would be a commissioned officer within a year...if all went according to plan.

The young brunette took a sip from the water glass that was on the table in front of her, and then set the glass back down on the table. She then snapped out of her thoughts and realized she hadn't heard anything Isel may have said.

"Sorry, were you saying something? I was lost in my thoughts! How about you? What do you want to do?"

Just before Isel had started to respond to the question, the waitress brought the food around and set it down on the table in front of them.

"Douzo" the waitress said to the two of them as she bowed slightly.

"Arigatou" was Annika's reply to the waitress as the Japanese woman scurried off to take care of other tables in the restaurant.

Annika turned her attention back to Isel before taking any of the food and waited for a reply to her question before she would take any of the food.

"So..? What do you wanna do in Starfleet?"

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #26
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel listened as Annika spoke of her uncertainty as to which department she wanted to go into. When she finished speaking Isel saw her eyes take on a somewhat blank expression, the other woman clearly being lost in thought. Isel giggled as the absent-minded expression, watching as Annika moved on autopilot and took a sip of water. Isel crossed her eyes at the other woman, having fun with the temporary mental vacancy.

”Sorry, were you saying something? I was lost in my thoughts! How about you? What do you want to do?”

Isel has been about to answer when the waitress returned, carrying their food with her. As she set the dished down on the table, she and Annika exchanged brief words in the somewhat familiar language before the server retreated once more. As they had made the exchange, Isel had studied the food that now sat on the table between them. Much to the Vulpinian’s relief, the small rolls did not seem to contain actual spiders, which led Isel to question where the name came from. One roll seemed to contain raw meat that was a pinky-red colour, with a vegetable of some sort and sauce. The other had what appeared to be a deep-fried meat with several different vegetables, and some sort of glaze. The tataki beef looked the most appealing to her, thinly sliced bits of meat that appeared to be lightly seared on the edges and raw in the middle, sitting in a light looking sauce.

Isel turned her attention back to Annika as the Human repeating her question, asking what Isel planned to do in Starfleet. The question put Isel in a bit of an awkward position, a small amount of uncertainty showing in her features. If she talked about her past, it might prompt Annika to ask more questions, ones Isel couldn’t afford to answer. While she found the Human extremely attractive, Isel still didn’t know that she could trust the alien-hating brunette. Not that she planned on being very forthcoming with anyone about her previous… employment. Isel lifted her glass of water and took a long sip, buying for time as her mind raced to decide what to tell Annika. In the end, she decided on a simply vague truth.

”Well, I have experience with weapons and propulsion systems, and with piloting. I’ve always been interested in mechanics and weapons technology, but there’s nothing that comes close to the thrill of flying, so I’m hoping to get into the CONN department. Or maybe Tac Conn. I think flying fighters would be awesome!” Isel said, becoming rather animated as she spoke, excitement gleaming in her eyes. ”There’s something about piloting a small craft at high speed that really gets the juices flowing, you know?” Isel added with a sly expression. One particular incident came to mind, when she had been piloting a shuttle full of crates of Romulan disruptors that were to be delivered to a group of freedom fighters on some backwoods planet. The local government had apparently got wind of the deal, and Isel had ended up on the run, pursued by several small interceptor vessels from the local government’s military. She couldn’t even remember the name of the planet now, but she remembered the thrill of the chase, her heart pounding as she dodged the shuttle she piloted through an asteroid belt to escape her pursuers.

”There’s nothing like it. It’s a total turn-on.” Isel said, some breathless from the memory, her heart beating faster as she felt the excitement of the moment once again. She turned her gaze back to Annika, her pupils slightly dilated and her eyes burning hungrily, and gave the Human a broad grin. ”Have you every flown a shuttle or anything?”

Isel glanced down at the table, remembering the food. ”Oh, right. We should probably get started on this!” Isel said, looking between the three dishes. ”What should I try first?” Isel asked the other woman, finding herself distracted. She looked up at Annika again, looking slightly flustered. "That spider roll doesn't actually have spiders in it, right? 'Cause that would be fucking nasty..."

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #27
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

Isel had mentioned getting into Conn or Tac Conn, and then she talked about piloting fighters and shuttles and she became visibly excited. Annika had seen the Vulpinian excited, but never that excited. It was obvious that would be the best choice for the woman as it was something that actively excited her.

Lucky her.., Annika thought in almost a jealous manner as Isel seemed to have it all figured out on day one of the Academy, and here was Annika, still unsure as she started her fourth year.

”That spider roll doesn’t actually have spiders in it, right? ‘Cause that would be fucking nasty…” Isel had said, catching Annika off guard and causing her to burst into laughter which persisted for more than a few moments. She reached up to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had formed from her laughter. She hadn’t laughed like that in a long time.

” it doesn’t! Could you imagine? That’d be terrible!” she replied when she could finally get a few words out.

She then reached forward and grabbed one piece of each dish they had ordered and placed them one by one on her plate. The young woman took a bite of a Spider Roll as she watched Isel putting the food on her plate, seemingly focusing on the Beef Tataki of which she had taken three pieces.

The young xenophobe watched Isel pick up a piece of Beef Tataki, held it front of her nose and smelled it before putting it all in her mouth before chewing and swallowing it.

”It’s so cool you’ve had the chance to fly a shuttle at high speed, I’m jealous!” she said as she looked up at Isel who had kept eating and seemed to be unaware that Annika had said anything.

She picked up the remaining piece of her spider roll and put it in her mouth, before chewing and swallowing it.

Just as good as always

She then looked up at Isel, ”Good, isn’t it?”

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #28
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Once Isel had put the morsels of food on her plate, she decided to try the Beef Tataki first, picking up a piece and holding it up for inspection. The juicy meat certainly looked appealing, and a few sniffs of the sliced meat only added to her anticipation. It smelled amazing.

Isel finally popped the sliver of meat into her mouth, savouring the flavour for a moment before slowly chewing the delicate flesh. It tasted better than she had imagined, the delicate flavour and savoury juices filling her mouth as she worked at the meat with her teeth, rolling her eyes slightly in enjoyment.

”Fugh… thas gut…” Isel muttered softly, her words jumbled around the mouthful of food she still chewed.

”It’s so cool you’ve had the chance to fly a shuttle at high speed, I’m jealous!” Annika said, though Isel hardly heard her through the excessive enjoyment of the raw flesh.

”Huh, what?” Isel asked, looking at Annika and seeing she was chewing a piece of the nastily named Spider Roll.

Why would they call it that?!?

”Good, isn’t it?” Annika asked, looking up at her.

A grin spread across Isel’s face at the question. ”Oh, it’s tasty!” Isel said, continuing to stare at the Human. From the look in Isel’s eyes, she might have been referring to the food or the company. Isel dropped her gaze and selected a piece of the spider roll, eyeing the piece dubiously before hesitantly putting it in her mouth. As she gingerly chewed the piece, she was surprised to find  that it too was delicious. Her chewing intensified as a look of relief and enjoyment came across her features. She gave the Human a smile as she swallowed the mouthful. ”This is really good? What did you call it again? Suzie?” She asked as she picked up a piece of the spicy tuna roll, popping the small round piece in her mouth. Her eyes widened as she chewed the piece, the spicy mayo giving off a surprising heat. She quickly swallowed the mouthful and stuck her tongue out. ”Hot!” She said giving Annika a wide-eyed expression and panting like a dog as she reached for her water. ”They aren’t kidding when they call it spicy!” Laughed the Vulpinian, waving one hand in a fan-like motion in front of her mouth as she picked up another piece of spicy tuna roll with her other hand.

”What did you say earlier? Something about flying shuttles?” Isel asked, looking at Annika quizzically, peering at the Human over the piece of spicy tuna roll that hovered in front of her mouth. ”I used to fly them a lot when I was with the O…” Isel caught herself just in time, her eyes widening. She stuffed the spicy tuna roll into her mouth, her eyes widening at the heat once again as she chewed.

”At my old job…” Isel finally finished her sentence after swallowing the searing mouthful. She silently chastised herself for nearly slipping up, unable to believe the mistake she had almost made.

Great Isel. Just tell the Human who hates aliens you used to work for the Orion Syndicate. That’ll go over REAL well. Isel mentally berated herself, ensuring she kept her expression neutral.

 ”Anyway, that’s what I want to do in Starfleet. I like tinkering with engines and stuff, but I love flying.” She told the other woman, unsure of how much of the slip she had picked up on.

Hopefully not much…

”So you speak the same language as that woman who works here?” Isel asked. ”How many languages do you speak? Federation Standard and Netherlandese?” As Isel guessed at what the Netherland language would be called, she figured she might get it wrong, but if Annika was laughing as her mistake then she wouldn’t be concentrating on her slip up. Changing the topic while making a fool of herself was an easy way to take the other woman’s mind of what Isel had been about to say. Isel ate another bite of beef tataki as she waited to see if Annika took the bait.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #29
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375] @Fife

”So you speak the same language as the woman who works here? How many languages do you speak? Federation Standard and Netherlandese?” Isel had asked, causing Annika to burst into laughter yet again.

Annika felt like it was a stupid question, but when she allowed her brain to process the question, it actually made sense for an alien to be confused.

” I speak only a few words of Japanese, which is what I was speaking to the woman here. I also speak Federation Standard and Dutch, otherwise known as Netherlandese to you!” Annika had explained while still trying to suppress her laughter and winking at the woman sitting across from her.

Annika took a bite of her food again before delving into something that Isel had started to mention, but didn’t finish the thought…verbally at least.

”You mentioned your old job…what exactly did you do? I hated my old job, working at an artisanal cheese place making cheese by hand; rather than, you know, using replicators!” Annika mentioned while rolling her eyes slightly and giggling.

”My old boyfriend got me that job while I was still in high school, but the work sucked and he was an asshole, so here I am! Plus he was lacking in some departments..”She said while holding the pads of her thumb and forefinger about 3 centimetres apart. The innuendo was highly implied, but left unsaid as most women in the galaxy would know exactly what they were talking about.

Annika popped the last piece of sushi into her mouth and quickly chewed it and swallowed it before apologizing to Isel.

”Sorry, I haven’t let you get a word in! Where are my manners? Tell me more about yourself Isel Nix!”

Annika then took a sip of her water as she awaited the reply from her roommate.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #30
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel giggled at her own foolishness as Annika corrected her about the language she had been speaking, as well as her native tongue, informing her that her home language was called Dutch. It didn’t make much sense to Isel, the language being called Dutch while the land was called Netherlands, but Humans were a strange bunch, so Isel decided not to question it too much.

Isel’s heart skipped a beat when Annika asked her about her old job, though she calmed down somewhat as Annika began talking about her own previous job and an ex-boyfriend, distracting herself from the initial question. Isel chuckled and popped another piece of suzie into her mouth as Annika said her old boyfriend was an asshole, and speaking of him being lacking. The Vulpinian let out a laugh and almost choked on her food as Annika held up her fingers, indicating the manner in which the asshole had been lacking.

”Sorry, I haven’t let you get a word in! Where are my manners? Tell me more about yourself Isel Nix!”

”That’s ok, I like listening.” Isel said as she considered the question, ”That’s too bad about your boyfriend. Or ex. The asshole part. And the tiny part.” Isel was buying for time, unsure of what she should say about her past. She’d already told the Human she’d been sold on the Orion slave markets, but she couldn’t very well tell her anything that came after that.

Well Annika, after I was bought by an Orion Syndicate boss, she freed me and I because her enforcer, then her right hand man. Or woman. Fox? Whatever. Either way, that wouldn’t go over well…”

”My old job isn’t worth talking about.” Isel lied as she gave the brunette across from her a smile. ”Getting to fly shuttles was cool, but that was the best part of it.” Isel’s mind was racing as she tried to come up with something else to say. She’d lost her flirty attitude at some point between being flustered and trying to think of something plausible to say. ”It was kinda lonely too. Most of the people I worked with were assholes.”

And I was their boss, for the most part…

”That’s why I left and joined Starfleet. Change of pace, change of lifestyle. You know?”

Did she buy it?

Isel lifted her glass and drained the last of the water before she continued, letting her heartrate return to normal somewhat. Her hand was steady despite her agitation. ”This suzie was good! We should come back sometime!” Isel said, feeling calmer now as she smiled at the Human. ”Do you have another class this afternoon? If not, we should hang out! Unless you want to go read some more.” Isel stuck out her tongue as she teased the other woman. It wasn’t that she disliked reading, she could just think of more fun things to study than Temporal Mechanics…

…Her new roommate, for one…

Isel’s eyes had narrowed slightly at the thought, a sly smile spreading over her face as she enoyed the mental image and waited for the Human to answer.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #31
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

”Do you have another class this afternoon? If not, we should hang out! Unless you want to go read some more.”

Annika thought about Isel’s offer to hang out, but she wasn’t sure if she had another class that afternoon or not. She had to think about it for a few seconds before coming to the sudden realization.

Shit…I do have a class this afternoon! Annika thought quite worriedly that she was late, but realizing she still had half an hour before the class started.

”I do have a class in thirty minutes, but we can hang out afterwards! Your choice on where we go!”

Annika then picked up her glass of water, finished it and then stood up from the table. She realized they’d have to leave right away in order for her to make it to her class on time.

She looked at Isel and held out her hand to assist Isel up from her seated position. Isel took the human’s offer to help her up from the table, and unfortunately for Annika, held her hand a little longer than normal.

It was still weird to Annika, however she was starting to feel at ease with Isel, which was nice for a change.

The two then left the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk towards the transport train back to the Academy; making small talk along the way about the weather and how quaint the neighbourhood was.

Annika looked up and saw Zach and his friends headed right towards them, however it seemed that he didn’t notice both Annika and Isel there until the last moment. He looked up just in time to see the two women and immediately moved out of the way to avoid a confrontation. As the two well fed cadets walked past him, his only comment was ”Ladies.. as he nodded his head and let the two by both uninterrupted and unharassed.

Isel seems to have set him straight…at least temporarily

After they had passed Zach and his friends, Annika turned to Isel and mentioned, ”That’s nice for a change…thanks for taking care of that little problem!” and without missing a beat, she realized she forgot to mention the plans for tonight  ”Oh shit! There’s a huge party tonight for the new cadets…you in?? It’ll be fun. It was when it was my first year!”

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #32
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Saru Sushi Bar | Noe Valley Area | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel felt a pang of disappointment as Annika told her that she did have a class, though Vulpinian brightened as Annika suggested they hang out afterwards. Maybe the Human was warming up to her after all.

”I don’t know anywhere around here, but I’m sure we can think of something.” Isel replied with a grin as Annika held out her hand to help Isel up. Isel didn’t need the help, the Vulpinian being quite lithe and agile, but she accepted the help nonetheless, enjoying the chance to hold the Human’s hand. Annika usually seemed uncomfortable with Isel’s touchy-feely nature, and Isel wasn’t about to pass on the opportunity.

As the two left the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk, they engaged in some idle chit-chat, talking about nothing important. Isel was focused on her friend, and didn’t notice Zach and his friends until the last moment, noticing him just as he moved aside. The Human male simply nodded to them and gave a respectful ”Ladies” as they passed, though Isel could see one of Zach’s friends watching them walk away, seeming to focus on Annika as he asked Zach if that was the one he had been talking about. Zach glanced at Annika with an odd expression on his face, colour rising in his cheeks. One of Zach’s other friend was watching Isel, giving her an unmistakable look of interest, in response to which she swished her tail a little and fired off a wink in his direction, causing the Bajoran to colour a deep shade of red.

Isel smiled as she turned her attention back to Annika, a knowing smile creeping across her features as the Human girl thanked her for taking care of that “little problem”. Isel was about to reply when Annika seemed to remember something, talking about a party that was going on that night and asking if she was in, adding the promise that it would be fun.

”A party, huh? Sound good!” Isel said, a broad grin spreading over her features. ”Do I get to see you dressed up all sexy?” She teased, watching as the colour rose in her friend’s cheeks.

”Oh, stop blushing! You’re hot!” Isel informed the other woman, taking hold of Annika’s arm and hugging it with both of hers. ”Aaand…” Isel drew the word out, giving her friend a knowing look. ”I’m not the only one who thinks so!” She continued with a shit-eating grin. ”I don’t think the Daddy’s Boy the Dickhead is actually being a dick. I think he wants you!” She informed the blushing Human, ”He was totally giving you a look just now! That and his friend was giving me the eyes, too,” She added with a giggle, ”but that’s beside the point. I think Zach’s into you! Maybe he likes ‘em short!” Isel continued to tease, seeing just how red she could make her companion. ”Maybe you’ll see him at the party! You should wear a really sexy dress! That’ll definitely get his attention! And if not, it’ll certainly get mine!” Isel leaned against Annika as she said the last part, then finally released the Human as she let out a laugh.

”Are you ok? You’re really red...” She baited the Human, ”Should we take you to Medical?” Isel laughed softly, shaking her head as they made their way onto the train platform.

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't tease you so much." Isel admitted as they stepped onto the transport train which would take them back to the Academy. "I couldn't really have fun before. My old job was kinda serious. No-nonsense sort of stuff. I guess I'm having a bit too much fun with my new-found freedom." The Vulpinian shrugged, suddenly looking somewhat shy and uncertain as she voiced the confession to the Human. As the two sat on one of the bench seats in the mostly empty train, Isel made sure to tuck her tail on the side of her body farthest from the Human. "Do you forgive me?"

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #33
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Bay Area Transport Train | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

”Ewww…Zach?? He can go fuck himself, because there’s no way I’d be into that!” Annika said initially making a disgusted look with her face, followed by some laughter.

Isel had mentioned that she found Annika hot. Despite never having trouble with men or women; it was the first time that an alien had described her as ‘hot’. As such, Annika was blushing, a lot. She felt her face was almost on fire from her blushing so much.

”Do you forgive me?” Isel had asked, which caught Annika off guard. She didn’t see what she had to forgive Isel for.

”Forgive you? For the teasing? That’s what friends do Isel! All good!” she replied to the Vulpinian, which ended with a half hearted friend hug.

[Now approaching Starfleet Academy. Doors to the left] came the announcement from the overhead speakers on the train. Both Annika and Isel stood up from their seat and made their way to the door as the train slowed while approaching the stop at the Academy.

As they stood at the door waiting for it to open, Annika turned to Isel.

”I should be back around 1800 hours, party starts at 2000 hours, so we’ll have plenty of time to get ready!” she finished saying, as the doors opened and the two parted company so Annika could get to class.

[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 1832 hours | 2375]

Annika rushed through the door of the dorm room and threw her bag on her bed while announcing,

”Shit shit shit…Sorry I’m late!! hoping that Isel was actually there. She caught some sound of rustling on Isel’s side of the room. Annika darted through the clothes in her closet, looking for something sufficiently revealing and sexy enough to wear to her final first day party at the Academy. She finally found the little black dress that she liked, where the hem came to mid thigh and showed just the right amount of cleavage. She peeled off her cadet uniform and took off the standard issue bra and underwear.

Annika stood there, naked, looking at her dress. She was about to put it on when she realized she should take a quick sonic shower before she got ready for the party. She made her way to the bathroom and noticed that Isel wasn’t on her side of the room.

Where is she? she thought to herself as she pressed the door open button on the bathroom.

The doors slid open and she stood face to face with Isel who was clearly ready for the party. She looked good, sexy even; at least for an alien.

Annika made a feigned attempt to cover her naked body from the prying eyes of the Vulpinian standing before her.

"Hi!" Annika said in an attempt to sound embarrassed.

in retrospect though, Annika figured, It’s only fair to tease her back…

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #34
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 2375 ] @trevorvw

When Annika hadn’t arrived at 1800, Isel could only assume something had held her up. She’d had people severely punished in the old days if they were late for a rendezvous without a damn good reason for it, though that was the past. At present, the Vulpinian simply assumed Annika would get there when she got there, feeling no anger at the Human.

Maybe Zach finally grew some balls and actually talked to her… Isel thought as she opened the top drawer of her dresser. The drawer was only half filled, containing 3 sets of uniforms and a handful of civilian clothes. The other two drawers of the dresser remained empty, since Isel had brought little with her as she embarked on her new life. She pulled out several pieces of clothing, finding her clothes to be mostly utilitarian and as such unsuitable for a party.

”Well fuck…” Isel muttered as she pushed the drawer shut. With a sigh, the Vulpinian turned and made for the door, heading for the nearest replicator. ”To the replicator I go…” She said to herself as she padded out of the room.

20 Minutes Later...

[ Cadet Isel Nix | Back in the Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 2375 ]

Isel hurried back into the room, glancing around to see if Annika had made it back yet. She hadn’t. Good. Isel moved to her bed and laid out the newly replicated clothes. A black tank-top, though a little more intricate than the simple ones she had in her dresser, and a black skirt that would only cover the top third of her thigh. The clothes laid out, Isel disrobed and grabbed a quick sonic shower before dressing. As she stood in the bathroom, scrutinizing her outfit in the mirror, she heard Annika come barging into their dorm room.

”Shit shit shit… Sorry I’m late!!” She heard the Human call out, which caused the Vulpinian to giggle as she adjusted her shirt in the mirror. The black tank top looked good, form fitting and showing a nice bit of cleavage, with the shoulder portion consisting of two inch-wide strips which crossing in front of her throat and looping behind her neck rather than over her shoulders. The tank had two long trails of fabric at the bottom than wrapped around her abdomen in a criss-crossing manner, hugging her toned stomach. The skirt was short, but she liked it that way, and had little choice in the matter since longer skirts would get caught around her tail and annoy her.

Isel had just turned away from the mirror and was about to head for the door to go check on Annika when the Human came to her instead. The door slid open, revealing a surprised, and very naked, Annika standing before her. Isel’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment, then took on another look altogether as the Vulpinian let her gaze trail down over the other cadet’s body, which Annika was making a half-hearted attempt to cover with her hands.

”Hi!” Annika said, almost sounding embarrassed.

Not that she should be... Isel thought, her eyes enjoying the view of what Annika’s hands struggled to hide.

”Hi yourself!” Isel said as a sly grin spread across her face, her tone appreciative. ”I thought the party wasn’t until later…” She added, raising her ravenous gaze to meet Annika’s. ”You’re a bit late, but I have to admit… this was well worth the wait…” Isel said. She felt her heart beat faster as she took a step closer to the exposed Human, her tone low. ”Either you’re trying to tease me…” Isel mused aloud as she reached out and placed a hand on Annika’s bare hip, her multi-coloured gaze still locked on the Human’s, her eyes narrowed as she regarded Annika through her lashes, ”or I’m just a very lucky little Fox.”

Isel stood right in front of Annika now, her left hand still resting on Annika’s right hip. Her other hand hung at her side. She made no further move towards the Human, not wanting to push her too hard. This was still the same Annika that wasn’t at her best when around “aliens”. She was just much more naked than she usually was. And Isel, being Isel, had to struggle desperately to control herself and keep herself from pouncing on the Terran beauty.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #35
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 2375 ] @Fife

Isel still had her left hand on Annika's right hip, which made Annika feel both uncomfortable and intrigued. She looked at Isel's eyes and then down to the hand resting on her hip. She hadn't been sure of which path to take. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"You'll have to stop.." she said whilst slowly biting her lower lip, "I need to shower and don't wanna be late!!" she finished as she side stepped the Vulpinian and headed for the shower. Isel mentioned being teased or being very lucky, either way, Annika added in some extra sway in her hips as she walked to the shower. She knew Isel was looking and didn't feel bad in the slightest.

As Annika stepped into the sonic shower and turned it on, she felt the grime and sweat from a long day disappear off her skin. She caught Isel looking at her as the alien left the bathroom, albeit slower than was normal.

Annika smiled slightly and sighed at the thought of toying with her new roommate.

[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 20 Minutes Later | 2375 ]

Annika had finished in the sonic shower after about five minutes, and then spent the next 15 doing her hair and makeup. She had curls left in her hair from the previous day and threw her brown hair up into a messy ponytail. She liked wearing her hair in that way and as a bonus, it was easy. She walked out of the washroom, still wearing nothing as she had forgotten to bring her dress with her. She looked around and saw that Isel wasn't in the immediate vicinity, so she made a mad dash to her side of the room and slipped into her dress. The nice and soft material feel amazing against her bare and freshly cleaned skin.

She then reached down to put on her black high heels and proceeded to look at herself in the mirror.

Looking good as always! she thought to herself as she finished surveying her appearance in the mirror.

She hadn't seen Isel, or been hit on in 20 minutes so she called out to her roommate.

"Isel! Are you ready to go??"

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #36
[ Cadet Isel Nix | Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel had felt a pang of disappointed when Annika had asked her to stop before side-stepping her and heading for the shower. She’d watched the Human walk away, adding some extra sway to her hips as she went. Isel stood for a moment enjoying the sight as Annika stepped into the shower, then slowly made her way out of the bathroom.

Having finished getting ready and finding herself with time to kill, Isel made her way to her bed and flopped down on the mattress before picking up the PADD which lay on her bedside table.

Might as well do something productive while she gets ready… Isel thought to herself as she pulled up the reading file for Astrotheory 101.

[ Cadet Isel Nix | Dorm Room | Starfleet Academy | 20 Minutes Later ]

”Isel! Are you ready to go?”

”Huh?!?” Isel blurted as she was jarred awake by Annika’s voice. The PADD that had been lying on her chest clattered to the floor as the Vulpinian sat bolt upright, eyes wide and mouth agape in her startled state. ”Fuck, what?” Isel asked, looking around the room in confusion. She looked down at herself, seeing the clothes she was wearing, and remembered that they were going to a party. ”Yeah, I’m ready,” she told the Human, wiping a string of drool off her chin as she rose from the bed. She stooped and retrieved the PADD from the floor, tossing it onto the mattress before heading for the door. She was wiping sleep from her eyes as she moved into Annika’s view, shuffling along sleepily.

”Sorry, I was trying to do a bit of reading while you got ready. Astrotheory is fucking boring…” She mumbled before lowing her hands and looking at Annika. ”Wow! Look at you all sexy and done up!” The Vulpinian exclaimed as she eyed the Human up and down with an appreciative grin. Mischief crept into her grin as she narrowed her eyes at the other woman. ”I bet Zach is going to be all over that!” She teased, giggling as she stepped towards Annika. ”Unless I fight him off and keep you all for myself!” She added as she linked her arm through Annika’s. ”Shall we go?”

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #37
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | Welcome to the Academy Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

Annika and Isel showed up at the house just off campus around twenty minutes after the party was scheduled to begin. Annika had never wanted to be the first to a party; and this was no exception. The two walked up the front steps of the very large and old house. There was the sound of music coming from inside the house and there were multiple people arriving around the same time as the duo.

They stepped into the house and saw lots of cadets within the house; most of whom had began pre-drinking well before they showed up at the party. Most people were scantily clad and Annika noted that the vast majority of them were good looking.

If I'm gonna start this year off with a bang, this would be the place to start!

The diminutive brunette figured that she would let loose and try to have fun in her fourth and final year at the academy.

The two roommates made their way deeper into the party, snaking their way through the throngs of people milling about.

"Let's get a drink!" Annika said to Isel, unsure if the Vulpinian had heard her due to the volume of the music within the house.

With those ears, she probably did hear me, she thought to herself as they approached where the drinks were.

They arrived at the bar and saw a vast majority of alcohol to choose from. Annika had been thankful that there was none of the synthohol crap there. She poured herself a glass of whisky and sipped it while Isel decided what she was going to have.

After Isel decided what she was drinking and poured it, the two stood there surveying the room and looking to see where to go or what to do. They noted there were people partying inside and in the back yard. Thankfully both Academy Security and San Francisco Police allowed the cadets this one major party at the beginning of the year and didn't bother them about the noise.

Isel had said something to Annika, but she didn't hear what was said as the music was too loud. She leaned into the Vulpinian to ensure she would be heard.

"You said you're more liberal with relations than us Humans, so how about we find you someone to be more....liberal with! Wanna stay in here or check out the back yard?"


Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #38
[ Cadet Isel Nix | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

As they had approached the house where the party was being held, walking up the front steps and into the building itself, Isel couldn’t help but look at their surroundings with a growing sense of curiosity. Oh, she had partied plenty in her old life, in both higher circles and lower, but she had never been to a party on Earth. So far it seemed to involve a lot of loud music, alcohol and stumbling people. As they moved through the house she saw a number of people already showing signs of intoxication, some sitting and laughing on sofas, others dancing to the blaring music. She was happy to note that many of them were quite attractive as well.

Tonight could be fun… Isel mused as Annika leaned in and spoke in her ear, raising her voice so that she could just be heard over the booming sounds within the house. Isel nodded at the suggestion of a drink and followed Annika to a large table with a vast array of bottles arranged in a chaotic mass on either side of a large metallic cylinder. The cylinder had a hose protruding from it, and as she watched an already tipsy male staggered up to the table and used the hose to fill a red plastic cup with a foamy golden liquid. Once the cup had been filled, a little too much since the male sloshed some over his hand on onto the floor, he raised the glass to some friends nearby and stumbled away, singing the words “red solo cup” in a loud, drunken voice. And very much off key.

Isel picked up one of the red cups from a stack on the table, presumably the “red solo cup” referenced in the drunken idiot’s song, and filled it with the golden contents of the cylinder. She looked at the drink dubiously, sniffed it, and sampled the small amount of the liquid. It was some sort of ale, it seemed.

”Is this Human ale? Fuck, you guys are timid compared to the Andorians!” Isel yelled to Annika, unsure if the Human heard her over the pumping baseline of a song. She laughed and shook her head, then chugged the laughably weak contents of her cup. She turned her attention back to the table, picking up a bottle of a golden coloured alcohol and inspected the label.

What the hell is Tequila? She wondered before popping the cork and wooden cap off the top and pouring a generous measure into her now empty cup.

The cup half-full, she re-capped the bottle and set it back on the table, sniffing the new drink as she turned back to Annika. It certainly smelled stronger. Taking a sip, Isel found that it was a hard spirit, smooth and strong. Not as strong as a Saurian Brandy, but still not bad. She looked up at Annika and gave the other woman a crooked grin just an Annika leaned in and yelled in her ear, talking about liberal relations and finding her someone to be liberal with, before asking if they should stay inside or head to the back yard.

Isel was about to answer when she saw a group of four males walk in. It was Zach and his friends, including the Bajoran who had been checking her out earlier. Isel turned her gaze to Annika and grabbed the Human’s hand, pulling her out of the room and heading for the rear of the house. As they stepped out onto the back deck, squeezing past an already intoxicated pair of Humans who were making out in the doorway, Isel turned to Annika. Now that they were outside, the music was reduced to a level where they could actually be heard without resorting to yelling.

”Zach’s here.” Isel informed her friend with a giggle and an impish grin. She took a large swig from her cup and made a face, smiling as she scrunched up her face and wrinkled her nose.

This tequila isn’t bad!

”You should totally go get your flirt on!” She told Annika after letting out a small cough to clear the burning sensation from her throat. ”Man, this stuff’s good!” She added, looking down at her cup for a moment before returning her gaze to Annika. ”Seriously though! You should go talk to him!” She told the other woman, nudging Annika with her hip. ”Live a little!”

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #39
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

”Seriously though! You should go talk to him! Live a little!”


Annika pondered the woman’s suggestion for a few moments before finally deciding that she was right. Isel was being very pushy in trying to hook up Annika and Zach, and Annika figured she’d drag Isel along.

Annika rolled her eyes and relented verbally to Isel. ”Alright fine! I’ll go, but sure as shit you’re coming with me!” she said while grabbing onto Isel’s left arm and dragging her along with.

As the two re-entered the house and they made a beeline towards the group with Zach and the Bajoran in it. As they approached, Annika wondered what the outcome of this encounter would be. Half of Annika hoped that Isel would make Zach piss himself.

They came to a stop just a metre from the four men, just as the men all turned in unison to look at the duo. The four men then proceeded to look up and down both Annika and Isel’s bodies. The men clearly enjoyed what they saw and made no attempt to hide that fact.

”Zach…I don’t think you two were formally introduced. This is Isel” Annika had said while putting her hand on the back of Zach’s upper left arm.

”H..hi” Zach replied seemingly giving zero fucks.

Annika and Isel stood there for a few moments before Annika piped up again.

”Gonna introduce us to your friends?” Annika said as a hint to get conversation going.

”’re boring, I won’t waste their time”

Annika was a little repulsed at this comment and was surprised.


She thought back to the last three years at the Academy, and this year she was determined to have more fun. As Isel said…live a little..

”Boring huh? Annika said as she turned away from Zach and his friends to face Isel.

She looked into her heterochromatic eyes which sparked like diamonds, Annika then reached up her right hand and placed it on back of Isel’s neck. The brunette then moved her head towards Isel, looking at the woman in front of her in anticipation. She saw Isel’s eyes dart around in anticipation. Isel’s aroma was intoxicating, even for an alien.

Annika’s lips landed firmly on Isel’s lips and the feeling was both electric and mesmerizing. It sent a warm and fuzzy feeling throughout Annika’s body. The kiss had lasted longer than she had anticipated, however in the moment, she didn’t care. She broke the contact between their lips, but lingered for just a moment just millimetres from her lips. The brunette bit her lower lip as she pulled back from Isel. Annika turned back to Zach and his friends who each had a look of shock on their faces.

”Yeah, you’re right. I’m pretty boring”

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #40
[ Cadet Isel Nix | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel had been amused as Annika, spurred on by her insistence to “live a little”, had grabbed her by the left arm and dragged her back into the house. The Vulpinian had laughed as she was towed along, pausing to take another large swig of tequila once Annika had stopped in front of the group of males.

Isel took another drink soon after they arrived in an attempt to hide her grin. She was well aware of the fact that the four guys were checking them out, and was enjoying the attention, even going so far as to give the Bajoran a wink when he smiled at her. Then Zach went and opened his mouth, as men had a habit of doing, and ruined the moment. Apparently she had been wrong, and Zach actually was just an asshole. And a rude asshole at that! Her amusement vanished when the asshole in question called Annika boring, the previous mirth instantly replaced by burning anger.

Who the fuck does this asshole think he is? Isel thought as she seriously considered shifting into her Natural form and tearing the piece of shit to shred. The Vulpinian was fairly certain she’d seen a Gorn outside that she could feed him to…

”Boring huh?”

Consumed with rage and murderous thoughts as she was, the Vulpinian was only vaguely aware that Annika had spoken, though her attention was drawn to the Human woman as Annika turned to face her. The Vulpinian was confused at first, having expected Annika to be upset, but instead she saw something else in the Human’s expression. Isel could only stare at Annika with a slightly puzzled expression as Annika reached up and placed her hand on the back of Isel’s neck. Realization dawned on the Vulpinian when Annika began to bring her face to meet Isel’s, a look of anticipation in her eyes. Isel was fairly certain her eyes now held a similar expression as they darted down to look an Annika’s lips, only to return to the brunette’s clear blue eyes with a hungry expression.

Isel’s heart skipped a beat as her lips met Annika’s, the Human’s enticing scent filling her nose and leaving her head swimming. She returned the kiss with enthusiasm, her tail wagging a thrill surging through her body at the sudden and unexpected change in the other woman. Isel reached out with her left hand and placed it on Annika’s hip, the hand lingering there only a moment before it snaked around to Annika’s back, pulling her in closer. He right arm was still holding her drink, and simply hovered out to the side, completely forgotten along with the boys for whom this display was being put on.

Isel felt a pang of regret as Annika broke the kiss, though as she slowly opened her eyes she found that Annika had lingered, and was biting her lower lip as her clear blue eyes met Isel’s own multi-coloured ones from point blank range. The Vulpinian let out a slightly ragged breath as Annika pulled back and turned to face the boys. Turning her own attention back to the asshole and his friends, she saw that one and all wore a look of shock on their faces. The sight brought a satisfied grin to Isel’s face, which only widened as Annika spoke.

”Yeah, you’re right. I’m pretty boring.”

The hell you are… Isel thought with growing desire, unsure if the slight dizziness she felt was the result of the kiss or the alcohol.

”I don’t think you’re boring…” The Bajoran began, taking a half-step forward toward Isel.

”Uh-huh… Hold this.” Isel said without looking at the Bajoran, draining the last of the tequila and holding the empty cup out towards the man. Seeming uncertain as to what was going on, the Bajoran obliged and took the empty cup. Isel, both hands now free, grabbed Annika’s hand and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway, pushing the Human woman lightly against the wall.

”Ok…”Isel said somewhat breathlessly as her eyes locked on the other woman’s. ”What the fuck was that? I thought you didn’t like aliens?” She reached up and cupped Annika’s cheek with her right hand, leaving the other resting lightly on Annika’s shoulder. ”That better not have just been for show, because you’re going to seriously mess with my head if that’s what that was!” She stared into those clear blue eyes with an almost desperate expression, lightly caressing the soft skin of Annika’s cheek as she spoke,  ”Seriously Annika, please don’t tease me like that!”

Isel fought an inward battle as she spoke, resisting the urge to just pin the Human woman against the wall and kiss her again. Normally she would have. It was only out of concern for the other woman’s unease around aliens that she held herself back, and even then, it took a great deal of restraint. The fact of the matter was, while Isel had been hitting on Annika since they first met, Annika had changed the situation by kissing her. Yes, the Vulpinian was a shameless flirt, but now she had Annika’s scent, and she couldn’t get it out of her head. Sure, that Bajoran in the other room was cute, and had made himself useful when he took her cup, but in this moment Isel had eyes only for Annika.

”You’re far from boring, by the way.” Isel added with a crooked grin. The Vulpinian blushed as she gave Annika’s shoulder a light squeeze, feeling her heartrate finally starting to return to normal.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #41
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

”You’re far from boring, by the way” Isel said after what had just happened between the two of them. Annika’s heart was still running at a high rate and her head was swimming. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the kiss; or both. She knew as she looked into the beautiful heterochromatic eyes in front of her, that she had to respond. She tried to gather the thoughts swirling around in her head to make some semblance of it.

”Well..uh..honestly it was for show, at least at first. Then after I..uh..kissed you and you kissed me back, it felt more than that.” she said as she felt that her mouth had become drier than the surface of Mercury, ”It was electric! To be fair to you, I’m not sure why it happened, but I’m glad it did! I don’t want to lead you on or anything”

She looked at the Vulpinian in front of her and could see that Isel was looking for what to say as she stared right back into Annika’s eyes.

Just then, Annika noticed in her peripheral vision that Zach and the Bajoran were both peering around the corner into the hallway to see what was going on.

Probably hoping to see some hot girl on girl action, Annika thought to herself while mentally rolling her eyes.

”We’ll… right with you!” Annika called out to the two men who quickly scampered away.

Isel hadn’t said anything yet to Annika’s explanation of the situation or what was happening, but she found that okay. It was a lot to take in and things had just escalated very quickly. 

Annika’s thoughts drifted in two different directions at once. In one direction, she felt weirded out and unsure of herself due to kissing an alien. When she told herself that she wanted to work on her xenophobia, this wasn’t exactly what she meant.

The other direction her thoughts went though, were very erotic and just the mere beginnings of her thoughts affected her body. She felt blood rush to her face, her breasts and her groin. The scent of Isel wafted into her nostrils as she felt her face get warm and a moistness appeared around her groin. She felt ashamed for feeling this way about an alien, but her body had different ideas.

She snapped out of her current thoughts and thought about the boys that were waiting for them. Annika reminded herself that she was going to do whatever the hell she wanted to do this year.

I may not have been teasing Isel just now, but we can tease those dicks

”Wanna fuck with those assholes?” Annika had asked Isel, hoping that it would break the awkward tension that had grown while it was just the two of them in the hallway.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #42
[ Cadet Isel Nix | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel’s heart sank as Annika admitted that the kiss had just been for show at first, though the Vulpinian brightened as Annika elaborated, referring to the kiss as electric and admitting she was glad it had happened. Then the Human said she didn’t want to lead Isel on, which left Isel somewhat confused. Did she mean she wasn’t leading Isel on? Or that she hadn’t meant to? Isel stared into the other woman’s eyes as she tried to puzzle out what Annika had meant. Isel was about to ask the Human which is was when something off to the side drew the brunette’s attention and caused her to turn her head. Isel’s eyes moved down along Annika’s slender neck for a moment before she, too, turned her attention to the side, curious as to what had distracted Annika.

It was Zach and the Bajoran, both of them peering around the corner to watch them.

Not so boring now, is she? Isel thought with a feeling of satisfaction. An impish grin spread over her features as she gently let the hand that still cupped Annika’s cheek slowly slide downwards, trailing her fingertips down Annika’s cheek and neck until it rested on her shoulder. Annika had wanted to give the boys a show, after all, so Isel was happy to play along. She kept her eyes on the two males as she moved slightly closer to Annika, and watched as the stupid expressions the boys wore grew more idiotic by the moment.

”We’ll… uh… be right with you!” Annika called to the two dolts, which prompted them to retreat out of view around the corner.

Isel turned her attention back to the beautiful brunette, he two morons gone from both sight and mind. Her eyes locked on the clear blue of Annika’s own, and she felt her heart surge again. She saw Annika’s face colouring, a rosy hue rising in her pale cheeks. It gave the brunette a certain glow that did nothing to dull Isel’s desire. The Vulpinians breath came more quickly, the deeper inhalations filling her nose with the Human’s scent as her chest rose and fell. Isel felt heat rising in her own cheeks, as well as between her legs. Oh, but she wanted this Human. She shifted her weight forward, moving herself closer to Annika.

”Wanna fuck with those assholes?” Annika asked, the sudden sound of her voice startling Isel and causing her to jump slightly. It took a moment for the Vulpinian to understand what the Human had said, her mind having been filled with thoughts of the two of them alone.

”What? Oh. Yeah, sure!” Isel stammered as she tried to get herself oriented back in the present. ”Just one thing first.” Isel had slid her hand up Annika’s shoulder as she added the last part, snaking her hand behind Annika’s neck and pulling the Human’s face to meet hers once more. She pressed herself against Annika as she pulled the Human closer, kissing her hungrily as they bumped back into the wall. Isel had Annika lightly pinned between herself and the wall now, and while she knew she was running the risk of spooking the timid Human, she couldn’t help herself. The kiss lasted only a moment, just one heart pounding, head spinning, breathtaking moment, before Isel broke the kiss and stepped back, brushing her fingers along Annika’s neck as she moved away from the Human. ”Fuck you smell good...” Isel told the brunette, slightly breathless. Her breasts heaved as she drew in a slightly ragged breath, her eyes focusing on Annika’s yet again. ”Ok…” She said, still slightly breathless, ”I’m ok. Let’s go.”

Isel turned and took several steps down the hallway before she stopped dead and turned to face Annika, her eyes wide with a confused look. ”Wait, you said fuck with, not fuck, right?” The Vulpinian asked, obviously confused about what she had heard. ”That Bajoran’s cute and all,” She continued as her eyes ran over Annika’s shapely body, the curves of which were so nicely accentuated by her little black dress, ”but I’ve kinda got my sights set on someone else tonight…”

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #43
[ Cadet Annika Van den Berg | "Welcome to the Academy" Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife
"Fuck with...or fuck..either way" Annika said to Isel as she winked at the Vulpinian standing with her.
Annika pondered for a few moments about how to fuck with the boys. Her first thought was that her and Isel could tease them so much that they'd have blue balls for a week. Then she thought about leading them on all night, but ditching them at the end. She wasn't entirely sure how she really wanted to proceed, but she knew that she wanted to do something, while keeping all of her options open.
She looked at the Vulpinian as she pondered the options flying through her head, but couldn't quite settle on one of them. She decided to give the newcomer the choice.
"So we could be cockteases, lead them on and then ditch them at the end of the night or something else you can think of. Zach's annoyed me for three years now and I finally want to get back at him. Hell, we could even sleep with his friends and not him. All I know is that I'm getting drunk tonight and wanna have some fun. Any ideas?" Annika finally finished talking and looked at Isel as she took a sip of her drink and waited for Isel's response with baited breath.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #44
[ Cadet Isel Nix | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @trevorvw

Isel gave her friend a grin which was laden with mischief as she listened to Annika’s idea for fucking with the boys. She very much enjoyed Annika’s thirst for revenge, and was happy to help the Human to that end.

”Well if your plan is to get drunk, drink up! By my count you’re way behind!” Isel teased with a giggle. ”As for your plan, we can do either. If we’re hooking up with Zach’s friends, then dibs of the Bajoran! I hear their nose isn’t the only place they have ridges…” Isel giggled again, giving Annika a suggestive look. ”We don’t have to decide right now. Lets go hit on his friends and see what happens!”

With that, Isel linked her arm through Annika’s and steered the woman into the other room, heading for the table which was laden with drinks rather than for the group of guys who watched their entrance with idiotic expressions which carried a mix of interest and excitement. As the moved, Isel sent a coy glance in the Bajoran’s direction, which caused him to perk up, then quickly blush as he realized how he had reacted. The sight made the Vulpinian laugh as the two women approached the drinks table.

”Ok what should I try next?” Isel asked as she looked over the vast assortment of bottles arranged on the table. ”The tequila was pretty good. But I want to try something else.” Isel turned to Annika to see if the Human had any suggestions, but was distracted by movement out of the corner of her eye. Zach and his friends were approaching the table as well. ”Incoming on your six.” The Vulpinian muttered, warning Annika of the approaching group. ”Let’s just freeze Zach out. Remember, the Bajoran’s mine.” She added with a wink, giving Annika a small grin.

”Hey ladies!” Zach said rather enthusiastically as the group came to stand by the two of them.

”What are you drinking?” Isel asked, peering into Zach’s cup. ”Is that beer?”

”Yeah, you wanna try it?”

”Hell no! I don’t know where you’ve been!” Isel said, wrinkling her nose as Zach and his drink. She turned her attention to the Bajoran, giggling a little as she noticed her still carried her empty cup. ”Aww, thanks!” She said sweetly as she relieved him of the cup. ”What about you, cutie? What are you drinking?”

”This is Bajoran Springwine,” The Bajoran informed her, holding out his own cup for her inspection. As Isel peered into the cup, she found that it contained a pale blue, semi opaque liquid. She leaned down to sniff the cup’s contents, placing her hand lightly on the Bajoran’s wrist as she did so. She felt the man’s forearm tense slightly as she touched him, though it relaxed a moment later. Isel sniffed the springwine and found it to have a tangy, fruity scent. She straightened and looked up at the Bajoran, who was a head taller than her, and smiled. ”Can I try a sip?”

”I offered you a sip…”

”Yeah, but you’re gross.” Isel said, barely turning her head towards Zach before turning her attention back to the Bajoran, who held out his cup for her. Isel kept looking at the Bajoran, staring into his eyes as she took the cup and sipped the pale blue liquid within. The drink was good, and the view wasn’t bad either. The Bajoran was far from ugly, and Isel found the ridges intriguing. They added a bit of character to the face that Humans seemed to lack. As Isel slowly swallowed the mouthful of the tangy springwine, she let the cup hover in front of her face. ”So what’s your name?” She asked with a giggle, stealing a glance over at Annika and giving the Human woman a mischievous look as she waited for the Bajoran to answer. She saw that another of Zach’s friends had approached Annika, a tall Human boy with darker skin and a nice build. Zach seemed confused as to what was going on, which Isel suspected would be a feeling that would continue into the night as she and Annika exacted their revenge.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #45
[Cadet Annika Van den Berg | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Francisco | 2375 ] @Fife

”So what’s your name?” Isel had asked the Bajoran.

The Bajoran looked equal parts intrigued and scared as he answered Isel.

”Uh..Gale. Razka Gale” as he half heartedly smiled at the Vulpinian standing next to him. 

Annika moved to position herself in between Zach and his other two friends, with her back to Zach as she talked to the other two friends.

”Hey boys..” Annika said as she traced her fingers down the middle of their chests. They both smiled at Annika as they tried introducing themselves to her. Well, to be fair they did introduce themselves, but Annika wasn’t really paying attention. She glanced to her left to see that Isel was doing just fine talking to the Bajoran. She turned to the man on the right.

”Would you get me a drink?” she said adding with a wink as he scurried off as quick as he could to fetch Annika a drink.

”Listen bitch, what’re you doing?” came a protest from Zach behind her but Annika didn’t even acknowledge that he even said anything. All she did was lean into the rather attractive man in front of her and whispered in his ear.

”If you don’t want that asshole to be a cock block, I’d suggest you get rid of him” as leaned back from the man in front of her, she gently bit her lower lip and flashed a coy smile. She watched his pupils dilate as he processed what she had just said and he quickly moved towards Zach.

”Listen bro, you gotta get out of here” he said as he was pushing Zach away from where they were standing.

”What the fuck? You...You’re picking that loser over me?” Zach protested, his voice trailing off as he finally admitted defeat and walked away. Annika was sure that Zach would be finding away to make her life hell over this, but she didn’t care.

”Do you guys wanna get out of here?” Annika said to her new friend along with Isel and the Bajoran. Nods were exchanged amongst the quartet and they started to make their way for the door. Just as they were approaching the exit of the house, the other friend had arrived with the drink.

”I’ve..uh…I’ve got your drink”

Annika looked back over her shoulder at him, he looked on with eager anticipation.

”You’re the odd one out…sorry!” she said to him as they walked out of the house.

Re: 2375/Starfleet Academy: Fascination and Xenophobia

Reply #46
[ Cadet Isel Nix | “Welcome to the Academy” Party | San Fransisco | 2375 ] Attn: @trevorvw
As Isel studied Zach’s Bajoran friend, she noticed he looked a bit scared. Probably scared of upsetting his Prophets… she mused as she linked an arm through one of his. ”Don’t look so scared, Gale,” Isel teased the man, pressing herself against him, ”I promise I won’t bite too hard!” Isel grinned at her own little joke, flashing her prominent canines to the man. Gale seemed torn with a mixture of fear and arousal, which only spurred Isel’s amusement onward.

”Do you guys want to get out of here?” Annika asked, looking first at her own target, then at Isel and the Bajoran. Isel nodded at Annika, then laughed as another of Zach’s friends approached with Annika’s drink, and was promptly rejected.

Isel snaked out a hand as she passed him, lifting the drink out of his shocked grasp as she passed. ”Better luck next time!” She giggled, casting a glance over her shoulder at him. ”Zach looks lonely over there. Why don’t you keep him company?” She teased before turning back to the Bajoran. She gave the man who’s arm she still held a wink, then took a sip of the drink. She cast her eyes downward and looking into the cup with a disappointed expression. ”Damn. Beer.” She muttered, then shrugged and downed the cup’s contents before tossing the empty solo cup over her shoulder. She looked up at the Bajoran, who was staring at her in surprise, and grinned. ”So tell me… is what I’ve heard about Bajoran’s true?” The poor fellow looked confused, so she decided to elaborate. ”I’ve heard you guys have wrinkles in more places than just your nose…” Isel’s eyes narrowed as she made the remark, her suspicions confirmed as the Bajoran’s face turned a furious shade of red. ”I’ll take that as a yes…” Isel said, grinning up at him. She pushed herself up on her tiptoes and pecked the Bajoran on the cheek as they walked. ”Relax, Gale. Tonight’s going to be fun!”

Tomorrow might not be so good though… Isel thought to herself as she glanced ahead of them at Annika and her new friend, Zach might not be too happy with his friends… but serves the bastard right! Isel grinned at her mental remark, enjoying the revenge they had exacted for the asshole’s behaviour. The fact that they’d get to have a bit of fun that night was certainly a bonus as well…

Isel had heard a saying among the Humans, “revenge is a dish best served cold”. She couldn’t help but think that’s she’d be enjoying this revenge tonight, despite the fact that this particular revenge promised to be hot and sweaty.

It certainly wouldn’t be the first thing the Humans had gotten wrong…


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