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[2381] Nothing to See Here

Tuesday March 17, 2381, Unknown Space

[ Avi ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Boat weren’t exactly first class. Heck, weren’t even second — was a rustbucket held together with tape an’ a dream, weren’t no two ways about it. Mostly carried cargo, an’ mate, whatever they had in the damn hold smelled like a bunch’a fuckin’ Bulgallian sludge rats, an’ feel free t’use ‘fuckin’ as a verb or an adjective, just really go wild on that one, was accurate either which way. Got a damn waft of the stench every time the doors slid open, an’ he weren’t even sittin’ that close.

Not that it was much possible t’get all that far away. Boat was small enough already, an’ the passenger area was fuckin’ tiny. Basically just a set of shoebox bunks, an’ this common area what looked like it wanted to be fancy about a hundred years ago but was three marriages an' a bottle of gin down the line. Was just a bunch of tables, kinda sticky honestly, an' a couple’a grotty armchairs gathered around the window, as if anyone gave a monkey’s about the view — ooh, another star! Fuck off.

Whole boat coulda done with a bit of love, a fuckin’ clean, an’ mate whatever kept creakin’ like that had better not be important. But weren’t much choice, all in. His third boat, now, in what? Two days? Difficult t’tell out here. Time went funny when you was out in space too long, got hard t’hold in your head proper. An' with each ship he’d gotten farther out, ‘till he was really startin’ t’push the envelope. Not many boats shuttlin' around out here. Even if there had, he fuckin’ smelt like a Fed, couldn’t have anyone what’d start sniffin’. Just tryna keep his head down, yeah? ‘F he got spotted afore he even made it to Epsilon whatever, ‘f he got ratted out, he was fuckin’ cooked, that’s it, door closed mate. Get grabbed an’ there wouldn’t be nothin’ that Andersson could do for him. Didn’t much fancy gettin’ caught by the Feds, of all folk — probably bore him t’death with some lecture, never even get to the kinky parts.

Not many people comin’ out this far, at least. He’d stand out more, a’course, but he’d never been good at blendin’ in anyway. Fewer idiots to remember him, fewer dickheads to care. Could only be good. Would be changin’ boats again afore he was done, could only hope if any questions was asked they’d be too late.

Had done well to get as far as he had. By the time the Feds knew who they were lookin’ for he’d been long gone. Still. Had grown eyes in the back of his damn head long before he’d gone a-spyin’. Hard habit to shake.

Least it kept him occupied. Nothin’ to do on this shitass garbage boat ‘cept breathe through your damn mouth an’ try not t’think too hard about the stain on your seat as they rattled through space like so many mangy sardines. But not him -- lucky old Avi, he still had a job, even after all this. Had to figure out which one of these backwater chuckheads travellin’ alongside him was the contact he was meant t’be meetin’.

Were all fuckin’ idiots, seemed like. Mostly human-lookin’ fellas, though that meant shit all, plus a Klingon bloke big as they come, a woman with a wild-eyed kid, an’ some shifty Bolian motherfucker. No clue which one he was after, Andersson tellin’ him shit all as usual.

Had picked a table with a good view of the room, keepin' his eyes peeled. Hoped his contact knew enough to spot him, but if not he'd just have to watch the others, wait for one of 'em to do somethin' sneaky-like an' give themselves away. Knew the code once they made contact, 'course he did, but couldn't start spoutin' that off to just anyone or he'd look like a damn loon. Had to wait first, figure out who it was gonna be.

Fuckin’ hell, he hated this shite.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381] Nothing to See Here

Reply #1
[ Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan | Worst Ship in the Galaxy ] @fiendfall 

Erev had been on a few rustbuckets a few times but by the spirits’ name, there were ships used by the Gatherers which were in better condition than this. A good place to hide to be sure, because who in their right mind would travel on a ship with components which Erev swore he saw being held together by actual tape. Every once in a while he would hear a shudder through the ship’s hull and pray that it didn’t disintegrate around him then and there.

And the smell, good grief. It was overpowering, and woe be him to share the blood of two species who have sensitive noses. Part of Erev wished he could reach in with a pair of tweezers and nip his olfactory nerve before this journey continued. At least the view was nice, even if the scents wafting in from the cargo bay smelled like an overpowering mix of rotting corpses and vomit left out in the sun. The chairs were difficult to get used to, but when you can’t fit in one of the bunks a chair will have to do, so might as well pick the most comfortable chair aboard this scrap heap waiting to happen.

As he sat before the viewport, Erev’s head turned to cast his gaze around the space. Not much to survey, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to pick out his contact. Mostly humans or humanoids around. A woman with her child, a bolian who looked like they distinctly disliked the company of law officers, some humanoid wearing an ardanan toga, an extremely attractive humanoid with long raven hair, someone who was either a bandi or homeless…

Erev pulled out his PADD, a civilian model of course, and checked the description of his contact. Luckily, he was the very attractive humanoid. Erev’s mouth twitched a smile and stood, the springs in the chair protesting as he did so. Despite the dizziness sourced from the awful stench of the place, Erev meandered over to where the contact was seated, who at that moment appeared to have the only disposition one could have after being stuck aboard a ship that had less structural integrity than paper mache.

Okay. Time for the word. Erev sat himself down and glanced around at the rest of the cramped interior before turning back to the man before him. “I hear the Urusov Gambit is an excellent opening for three-dimensional chess.” He said, and hoped dearly that he had chosen the right person.

Part of him wished that Andersson had given him a code based on soccer, as that was something he and any other efrosian knew about. Three-dimensional chess though? Where to even begin with that nonsense, good lord.

OOC: Respond with anything you feel is the code response, all I know is that the Urusov Gambit is an opening chess move.

Re: [2381] Nothing to See Here

Reply #2
[ Avi ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Leant back in his chair, tryna look all relaxed, as if his leg weren’t jitterin’ below the table enough t’power the entire fuckin’ boat. As if he weren’t strung out from days on the run an’ no real end in sight, fuckin’ hitch-hiking halfway across the damn quadrant — an’ even before then, sneakin’ around on Andersson’s business, as if he ain’t left that shit behind already. Been lookin’ over his shoulder a lot longer than this last week, fight or flight 24/7. That shit wears on a person. Coulda really gone for a nap, honestly, if he weren’t twisted up so tight.

Woulda hoped there’d be time enough for sleepin’ when he finally reached Epsilon Mynos, ‘cept he knew a dead horse when he saw one. Them lot was fugitives even more’n him, no point makin’ bones about it or nothin’, was lucky they was even sittin’ still long enough for him to jump onboard.

Yeah, lucky. Or somethin’.

Felt someone’s eyes on him, scanned the area as idly as he could. Didn’t catch no Tom, no one obviously peepin’ — which, honestly, not all that reassurin’. Only meant whoever the fucker was knew what they was about, knew enough not t’get caught with their dick in the letterbox. His contact? Or someone with a nose too big for their own good?

Brought an arm up t’rest on the table, other hand driftin’ towards the phaser hidden in his jacket folds. Left the hand restin’ on his leg, ready t’move if somethin’ started kickin’ off. Paranoia’d kept him goin’ this long; weren’t gonna start ignorin’ it now.

Movement further into the room caught his gaze; Bigboy, the fuckoff massive Klingon fella, startin’ to come over this way. Hand on his leg twitched. This came down to hand-to-hand an’ Avi was cactus-fucked, no two ways about it. Could take a hit, give as good as he got even, but this was some David and Goliath bullshit, an’ with his ribs still pissed at him from last time? Nah mate.

Bigboy reached Avi’s table, slidin’ into the seat opposite smooth as you like. Had a glance around, all furtive. No need; Avi could see the others behind the bloke, ain’t none of ‘em givin’ half a shit. He an’ Bigboy could shoot each other dead an’ it’d take a minute for anyone t’notice. One good thing about this shitty awful boat, at least.

The bloke turned back t’Avi, said somethin’ about some chess strategy. Ah, gotcha, Bigboy was Avi’s fuckin’ contact. Prob’ly, anyway; unless someone had figured out the code an’ come after him… Nah, nah, Feds weren’t that imaginative, an’ all the ones what were was on Andersson’s payroll. Should be fine.

‘Long as you don’t mind a phyrric victory,’ he said, finishing the greeting. Trust Andersson to pick something ponsy an’ double-meanin’ like that. Anyway, looked like Bigboy was the fella he’d been waiting for — not too bad, considerin’. Better’n gettin’ his fuckin’ lights knocked out by the bloke, at least. An’ Klingons was good company — though, closer up, could see Bigboy weren’t fullblood, was only really the size an’ the head bumpums what made him look Klingy. Somethin’ else in him for sure.

Didn’t much matter either way. Was still the kinda bloke Avi wouldn’t mind climbin’.

Speakin’ of… ’Follow me,’ he said, gettin’ up. Couldn’t talk out here, bunk room should be private enough. An’ couple’a handsome lads like them, folks’d just think they was off for a quick bonk. ‘Let’s get somewhere quieter.’
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381] Nothing to See Here

Reply #3
[ Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan | Olfactory Hell ] @fiendfall

“Long as you don't mind a pyrrhic victory,” thank the spirits, this was in fact his contact. Better this handsome fellow than the bandi, or the shifty bolian. At least Andersson knew how to pick his agents, that much was certain. Erev made no protest as he stood to follow the hotboy, though he made a conscious decision to palm the klingon disruptor beneath his ragged poncho as he did so. He could assume that Avi was similarly cautious, as was everyone else on this excuse for a ship. At the very least they could give a nasty surprise if anyone followed them.

There was ah… of course the small chance that this wasn’t his contact, but rather some oddball who loved chess and was about to try bed Erev because of an unhealthy fixation with the game. Small chance, but one can never know on a ship like this. The man knew the passcode and also resembled his contact so it was a reasonable guess, but… one never knew…

Right, push those thoughts out of the way, it was mission time.

The bunkroom was… well, drab. Erev could spot at least three different kinds of mattresses, plus one bunk that looked like it distinctly did not have a mattress. Only two blankets as far as he could tell, one with what looked like a faded squid pattern, and one that had seen about fifteen fluids he didn’t much care to identify.

Nobody was inside the room at least, everyone out in the commons for the most part. Everyone seemed to like watching the stars zip by as streaks of light filtered through the superluminal lense of the warp field. Whatever, less pressure on their backs.

Erev sniffed the air. Still awful, and this time it smelled vaguely of- Spirits the people on this ship were so uncouth.

Regardless, he turned to face the man before him.

“So,” Erev began, “Just to make sure, I’m assuming I have the right person before me? Does the name Andersson mean anything to you?”

He placed his hand on a bunk to lean against it, but reconsidered after a few seconds. Well, still, not as bad as cleaning up that one orion merchant’s quarters after- no, those memories must never be unearthed, let not the terrors of the past come back to light.


Re: [2381] Nothing to See Here

Reply #4
[ Avi ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Moved off towards the bunk room, figured it'd be plenty private around this time. Had a moment as they reached the door, Avi hangin' back t'try an' get Bigboy t'go in first. Weren't catchin' Avi leavin' his back open to a stranger like that, not on the first fuckin' date. Take him out t'dinner first, fuckin' hell.

Luckily Bigboy didn't make no thing of it. Hadn't much fancied some kinda stand off; 'course, if Bigboy'd really wanted Avi t'go in first, weren't much of nothin' he coulda done about it -- fella had more'n a head on him, an' he couldn't rightly shoot a bloke over that kinda trivial shit. Not that it'd be trivial t'get a knife between the shoulder blades, but most civilised folk didn't 'xactly think that way. Would get all offended if he started pullin' that shit.

Nah, weren't gonna pretend he weren't glad it didn't gotta be him all trustin'. Never came easy.

Once they was in, could see the bunk room was a fuckin' disgrace. Had been in plenty'a grotty places in his time -- slept in 'em, too -- so figured there weren't much what could surprise him anymore. Still, folks was paying for this fuckin' trip, an' this was the kinda service they got? Did the shitty crew on this pissing boat not have any goddamn shame?

Fuckin' hell, he was turnin' into his damn mother.

Nah, considerin' the rest of this forsaken ratbag of a boat he'd kinda expected somethin' like this. At this point Avi coulda found an entire nest of Targs an' it wouldn't'a been outta place. Whole place was a fuckin' menace. Was like hurtlin' through space in a warp-capable armpit.

Turned out, just 'cause Bigboy didn't mind showin' Avi his back didn't mean he weren't still bein' cautious. Turned t'meet him once they was both inside all safe-like, checkin' in Avi was the right fella. Had to wonder, he been that trustin' 'cause he figured Avi t'be a safe bet, or 'cause he figured Avi didn't pose hardly no danger? Maybe was just the Klingon in him. Them folks had stones on 'em the like other species could only dream of.

Flashed the guy a grin, leant up against one of the bunks. Hardly even noticed the stink. Did he know Anderson? Did he ever. Where to start with that motherfucker.

'Yeah, yeah, means plenty. Grumpy bloke, hardly got no hair t'speak of, real hardass.' An' that was just the nice things. 'Figurin' you're here 'cause he sent you an' not 'cause you're lookin' t'drag me back kickin' an screaming.' Said it like a joke. Wasn't joking.

'Name's Avi,' he said, hand half-ready t'go for his phaser. 'Designation KA-945-6173 LSR. Ensign.' Any more'n that an' Bigboy had gotta give Avi somethin' in return.

Or get him drunk. Either one.
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: [2381] Nothing to See Here

Reply #5
[ Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan | Bit of a Fixer Upper ] @fiendfall

Erev wondered whether Anderson was messing with him now, because of something Erev might have done. First there was the freighter, which was something that he was certain was damaging some of the nerve endings in his nasal cavities. Not to mention the fact that a Federation safety inspector would have a heart attack just seeing the place, and that wasn’t saying anything about the fact that there was probably an undiscovered infestation of cardassian voles, or those GS52 lightning bug things. And then there was his fellow brother in intelligence, which if true meant that the man leaning on the bunk before him possessed far more than he let on.

Still, Erev cracked a slight smile of relief as the man- or rather Avi- gave his identification. “Ah, good, the old man wasn’t sending me these orders as punishment after all. I suppose I should respond in kind, huh?” His eyes glanced to Avi’s hands, then back again.

“Erev, Lieutenant, IV-667-9076 LRM” He replied, and reflexively checked over his shoulder to see if anyone was lurking. “Well, it’s good to meet you at last, I only wish we were surrounded by better scenery.”

He glanced around for a place to sit and found none. “I don’t know how much you’ve been briefed on the situation, Anderson certainly informed me of some curious things. Call him a ‘hardass’ of you like but the man sticks up for what he believes in. Now… I’m sure you understand the need for discretion, so of course certain vessels and people probably shouldn’t be referred to directly.”

Erev waited to make sure Avi got all that. “But, that of course begs the question of how much you know, how much Anderson has told you.”

A noise caught Erev’s attention and he cast a glance to see if someone from the common area had followed them. From what his eyes could pick out it was probably something scuttling through the walls unseen. He half expected to see the bandi man from earlier, or the bolian. This assignment on this ship- it was getting him too jumpy. Being too foolish, Erev. Or so he chided himself, despite the fact that his hand reflexively twitched towards his hidden disruptor.

Re: [2381] Nothing to See Here

Reply #6
[ Avi ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada

Bigboy clocked Avi's jumpiness right out the fuckin' gate, gaze flickin' down t'where Avi's hand rested at his side, ready for a quickdraw. Weren't that obvious, liked t'think only someone what was as paranoid as him — or what'd taken their training t'heart — woulda noticed. Still, fella didn't call Avi out or nothin'. Was fair t'say Bigboy really was intelligence, prob'ly been around the block a coupla times too. Hard t'get a read on the bloke. Avi, now he was obviously a fuckin' nutter, wore that shit on his sleeve. Made him real easy t'manipulate. Couldn't threaten him for fuckin' toffee, but manipulation… Real easy.

Wondered what Anderson had on Bigboy.

Bloke didn't go pushin' for more without givin' his own shite in return, awful civil of him. Rattled out name, rank, an' designation, an' blow me down if we ain't in the company of Lieutenant Bigboy, fuckin' hell. There but for the grace, amirite?

Seemed the Right Honourable Mr Lieutenant Bigboy was a fan of Anderson, leastways enough t'defend the bloke. Interestin'. Figured with a rank like that Bigboy woulda seen through that kind of shite already, but then, had taken Avi a while too. An' Anderson could seem like a right standup fella when he weren't tryna fuck you over.

Somethin' caught Bigboy's attention, bringin' his head round t'sweep the area. Eavesdroppers? Avi pushed off the bed he'd been leanin' on — hardly a great loss, considerin' — an' cleared the room again, checkin' anywhere some skeevy bloke coulda been hiding. Didn't find nothin', but didn't hardly make him feel better anyways. Christmas, he wished the sign used in Intelligence had a broader fuckin' vocab, could stretch to intel sharin', would solve so many damn problems if someone gotta have eyes on you and speak the sign to understand a lick of what you was sayin'. Just talkin' felt insecure as fuck.

Still. Hadn't found no one. Would keep an eye out, a'course, an' encrypt his fuckin' word usage much as he could. Was all they could do for now.

Bigboy's question still made him laugh, though. Reckoned Anderson ain't told him jack of shit, 'cept what Avi'd passed on himself. Still, knew he was better placed than most. Lotta folks still got no idea.

Fella's rank came with high clearance, so Avi didn't gotta worry about runnin' his mouth. If the bloke was sent by Anderson, that is. If not, could be he was just lookin' to gauge how much Avi knew. In which case he prob'ly wouldn't be lookin' to bring Avi in after all. Prob'ly just go for that blaster underneath his ratty poncho, finish it up clean-like.

Still. Bigboy's designation was SFI, knew that much. An' didn't make much sense t'send Intelligence after their own, not when they was clearly aware it was Anderson what'd masterminded the whole thing an' would struggle t'tell how far the bloke's influence went.

In all, figured he could be mostly honest with the fella. 'We got an infestation. Bugs runnin' around, happy as Larry. Identified a few myself.' Weren't gonna mention the Theurgy — if shit went south, didn't wanna have ratted them out an' all. Weren't gonna mention the Cayuga neither. No matter Bigboy's clearance, that shit was classified. If he wanted folks tellin', that'd be Ives' call; Avi was just the messenger.

Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

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