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Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Embracing the Other Side | A Break from Botany | Unexpected Patients | The Ire of a Betazoid]

Zephyr had been missing medical.  The healing, the satisfaction of putting someone back together, the learning to help people in a tangible way.  She wasn't sure that she would ever be any good as a counselor like many of her kind tended to go with.  She actually like the practicality of working with her hands, trauma and triage had always been her favorite because it was fast paced and sometimes her abilities gave her an edge before they could actually get a scan done.  It was pretty handy time after time.  Still, that wasn't what she was working on today, she had just been helping get through all the physicals and things like that the ship needed before they could disembark again for yet another mission.  Zeph had to admit she was looking forward to an actual mission as she hadn't been on one in a very long time.  Though, she hoped the next one lacked any of the fun that they had known on the Versant.

“All right, Lieutenant Davis.  You're all set to go, your hand is doing great, the osteo-regenerator and the PT you have been doing have it working good as before according to your test results.” 

The young man looked up, he had dark hair, bright green eyes, and pale skin.  The story said he smashed something on his hand in Engineering and crushed it.  However, when he told the story it always changed slightly, some new detail 'remembered' some older detail omitted.  She was pretty sure he had been checking someone out and wasn't paying attention.  But, she didn't list that in his records because all was well and he had only injured himself but she would most definitely keep an eye out for further incidents regarding him. 

“Thanks, Lieutenant.” he said getting up with a grin.

“No problem at all, I'll make note you're cleared for any and all duties, and hope I don't have to see you back in here.” Zeph said jotting down notes on the PADD in her hand.

“Well, I don't know, if all the doctors are as pretty as you...”

She had felt it, earlier, the attraction but it was something that as a Betazoid she dealt with often.  Zeph usually ignored it and had here as well, but apparently he was more bold than she had given him credit for. 

“If I see you back in here I'll have to make a note in your file that you're prone to putting yourself in danger for unhealthy reasons and likely in need of counseling.” she stated firmly.

“I-” he paused.  “Right.”

Zephyr lead him out and pointed at the nurse who would get him released from the bay.  She headed over to the nurses station and stood there brushing her short curled hair behind one of her ears as she looked through the various PADDs.  Come on, something interesting.

“There's an officer from the flight deck, just came in with a broken eye socket.”

Zeph's eyes lit up.  “Really?”

The nurse laughed.  “Yep.” the PADD was hoisted up and tossed over to Zeph who caught it deftly out of the air. 

“You know what I like, and I appreciate that.” she grinned as she turned heading for the bed where this hurt man was.  She didn't even open the PADD yet she was just excited to be dealing with a trauma instead of a regular check up.  The man was behind a curtain as she headed down the rows of biobeds encircled by the curtains for privacy though she could hear the slight groaning and feel the level of pain as she got closer.  The pain level was hiding something that felt familiar.  I must know him, I hope it's not Khorin.  Though they hadn't said Klingon.

She pulled the curtain to the side.  “Good evening, I'm Doctor Pr-”  her eyes took in the bleeding, bruised, swollen, and pained form of Thomas Ravon sitting on her bio bed.  “Well, okay...” Zeph took a deep breath and opened the PADD to see what had happened. 

...confrontation in the SCO's office....

...attacked by a fellow officer....

...broken eye socket...

Her lovely hazel green eyes shifted up to Ravon as she read through the modicum amount of information that was given as to the situation that ended up with his crushed eye socket.  Thing was, she could tell he was pissed, and shocked, and sad, and things in between but it didn't dawn on her what had happened yet.  She put the PADD down on the rolling tray and pulled it over with her as she picked up the tricorder to get a good reading on the bones in his face.

“Got in a fight you couldn't win?” she asked as she stood there scanning his face only a foot away from Ravon.

Re: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

Reply #1
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

After Khorin was dragged off to the Brig Ravon was in no condition to do anything more but to move himself over to Sickbay. The deckhands had seen most of it and the talks behind his back would probably spread like wildfire. The throbbing only became worse in the turbolift and once he actually got in medical the first nurse that saw him had clamped on to him and escorted him to a biobed right away. So there he sat, waiting for his face to be fixed.

He reached up to the left side of his face, he could feel the swollen skin against his digits. The left side of his face feeling numb, yet unnaturally thick. The wide array of colors decorating it were lost to him, though whenever anyone from medical passed by they'd glance at him and quickly scurry along with a look that said enough. Khorin surely got a good chunk out of him, that was for sure. One of the nurses came along to inject him with some painkillers as she informed him that a doctor would see him soon. Ravon had nodded, waving it away "I've got time, tend to the ones who need it more." he had answered. By answering, some blood had trickled in his mouth, the metal taste of it stimulating his tasting buds.

He shook his head and sighed softly when he heard footsteps come closer. It was the voice as she introduced herself that really made his body tense up, causing a searing sting in the left side of his face. His good eye looked at Zephyr, yet just as quickly glanced away from her. He felt the unease pool together in his gut, the lingering anger as always still there. In addition he was still in pain, despite the painkillers as Zephyr's scan indicated that some of the fractured bone was pressing on certain nerves and was at risk of severing the nerve to his eye. If he'd wait any longer he could probably lose the eye.

He didn't say a word to her, not sure why. She wasn't the cause of this, or was she indirectly? Regardless, she came to stand in front of him. He could keep glancing away from her, though it just caused more pain as his left eye tried to follow the movements of his other eye. So he was forced to look at the doctor called Zephyr Praise. Her words made his jaw clench together as he furrowed his brow, which in turn just caused for more pain.

"One can't ever win in a straight up fight against a Klingon. Even less so when they grab you from behind and swing a first punch." he answered bitterly "I must admit, your taste in men hasn't really improved." he bit back at her, the anger again being unchecked as it just found its way out.

Re: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

Reply #2
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | I Need an Adult | Oh Crap, I am One | Treating Grown Children | Totally Not Holding Grudges, Either]

Zephyr was looking at the damage done to his face, the bones were fractured, some were straight broken, and his eye was still swelling.  Some of the blood flow had been staunched because of the swelling around it, and there was a good amount of blood in the eye in question likely clouding his vision.  Who ever had worked him over had done a really good job.  Luckily, modern medicine meant that while he would appreciate a nice pain killer later this evening he would be fine and his pretty face would be snapped back into place quickly.  She pulled her hypo out of her pocket and quickly administered some pain killer so that his stats would go back down to their base line without the pain to push them upwards.  Looking up at him she tsked over his face, he had always been good looking, and even under the swelling he still was.  But, she didn't return his feelings, and never would, especially not after what she witnessed on the planet.  His rage was unwelcome. 

He mentioned a Klingon and for a moment she didn't quite get what he was shooting at.  He had gotten into a fight with a Klingon that he knew, but suddenly it dawned on her.  That they were talking about Khorin.  Her eyes widened in surprise as he mentioned that her choices in men hadn't changed in all those years.  For a moment, hurt flashed across those lovely hazel green eyes of hers, before anger replaced them.

“Well I guess it's good I didn't pick you.” she shot back at him as she rose the osteogenic simulator and began to knit his bones back together.  The dermal she would get in a minute right now it was the bones that she needed to fix up before she could concentrate on the flesh and muscle around it. 

Zeph sighed.  “Can we not fight?  I get that things didn't go the way that you expected.  But, I met him first, before I even knew you were still alive.  I tried to explain that to you and you went off on me, and then the people that kidnapped us.  I just want to be friends, and you made sure that I'm well aware you don't want that.” she told him blatantly as she finished fixing the bones, and did another scan of his face to make sure that they were all seated properly just incase.  Modern medicine or not, there was still room for mistakes from time to time.

Re: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

Reply #3
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

The hiss of the hypo made the pilot grunt slightly, though the effects were felt shortly after as the pain faded. It was always peculiar how pain could just dissipate like that and Ravon's good eye turned to rest on Zephyr as she fired back a reply to his comment about her choice of men. It stung deep into Thomas though he probably had that coming. The bones were being mended and it didn't really hurt, though he could feel the bone mass move underneath his skin as his nerves were still stimulated, be it mildly, by the fixing.

The Betazoid sighed and the pilot simply closed his eyes to focus on not moving. Her request to not fight was perhaps fair, though could he just leave it like that? He let her words seep in as she scanned him again. Things hadn't gone as he expected, perhaps that was an understatement. He wanted to think about his answer, though he blurted out his answer "Be friends? Your bulking boyfriend has made it pretty clear that I shouldn't even talk to you." he sighed as he shook his head, making Zephyr have to scan his face once more due to it "Fuck, he could've smashed my head in if he wanted. If anything, I should've shot him on the spot." he answered more calmly now "I can't even start to fathom what he'd do to you if he loses his temper."

Thomas looked down as he shrugged "Then again..." he didn't finish the sentence. His thoughts considering to kill Khorin if it ever came to that. A side Zephyr had seen down on Aldea and Ravon was quick to mask his thoughts for her once more as he knew how much it had hurt and scared her. His eyes looked back up at her as he asked her "Can you still be my friend after you've seen what I am?" He had seen the fear in her eyes when he had nearly killed a man with his fists and feet. Time had changed him indeed from the young man she learned in the academy to the grown flawed man he was now.

Re: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

Reply #4
[Lt.  Zephyr Praise | Can We Be Friends | How to Come Together | The Klingon in the Room]

Apparently, friends was a no.

She looked up, a bit wide eyed at the venom in his voice about her big boyfriend making sure that wasn't going to be the case.  She sighed, he wasn't wrong.  If Khorin was in the Brig, and Ravon's face was all messed up, that meant that Khorin had lost control.  She knew that he could control himself but after she had told him what had happened on the planet, Khor had a rough and raw spot where Ravon was concerned.  She bit into her lower lip and looked over at Thomas.  He had no idea what a big part of her life he was.  He had no idea how much she missed him when they weren't able to talk or communicate.  And, had he moved in before Khorin things would probably be very different.  Zeph also believed that some things happened for a reason, there was something special about her bond with Khorin even if Thom believed that he would be the better choice.  She knew that he probably saw himself as the better choice, and time would tell if he was right, though she didn't think she had picked incorrectly.

Khorin made her soul sing.

When it was mentioned that Khorin should have been shot, she took a visible step back.  He's just angry, he doesn't really mean it.. probably.  She didn't want to look into his mind any further to find out if she was actually right or not.  She liked Thomas, but, she loved Khorin and the mere thought of someone wanting to do ill will to him made her stomach churn in a rough way and her blood boil.

“He's never lost his temper with me.” she admitted with a slight shrug.  “He's different with me, maybe if you weren't trying to glare at me across the decks and trying to hurt my feelings, you would get a chance to actually see him with me.  Then maybe you would understand better.” she told him softly as she worked to get things on his face mended up.

The bones on his face came back just fine and so she pulled the dermal regenerator  out and began to fix the muscles, vessels, and tissue that had been broken by her mate's strong fist.  He then asked her if she really wanted to be his friend after what she had seen him do.  For a moment, Zeph was just quiet concentrating on the color retreating from his face and returning back to the norm for Ravon.  When she finished, she put the device to the side and sat down on the edge of the Biobed right beside him.  Totally unprofessional, but totally necessary.  She gave a sigh and thought about his question.

“Honestly, you've always been a friend in my book.” she told him.  “From way back when at the Academy.  Even when we lost contact because of where I was stationed.  I didn't know... you had feelings for me back then.  I... you were with so many girls all the time, I just figured they were better for you and then you introduced me to Ethan and...” she fell quiet for a moment.

She knew he knew some of what had happened with Ethan but she doubted he knew the whole story and she wasn't sure now was the time to mention it. 

“Everyone gets angry, everyone.  Even me.  Do I think you went a little far?  Yep.  Do I think you were thinking properly?  Nope.  But,  you know, that doesn't make you a bad person Rav, it makes you human.  It makes you someone with emotions.  Though, I think that guy had no idea what was coming for his face.” she chuckled trying to lighten the mood.  “Thomas.  I'm sorry it wasn't you.  You're a good guy, a great guy, and I have always been blessed to have you in my life.  If I'm honest, these last week or so... has been torturous.  I'm on a new ship, with new people, and the only ones I know are the dorks like me and Khorin.  I don't get to hang out with my best friend, or see him, or talk to him, or vent with him.  And it sucks.” she said looking down at her fingers which were worrying at each other.

“I guess the real question is, can you actually be a friend with me?  Are do you still hate my choices so much?”

Re: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

Reply #5
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zephyr worked her magic further on Thomas his face and the pilot was still angry, very much so in fact. Not only had his face been reduced to a pulp, it might have consequences down the line for his leadership perhaps. Sure, he acted like any officer would presumably do. Send the subject to the Brig and a sanction was fit to follow. He had done all that, yet perhaps it was his ego that took a dent as well. There was no way he could've won from Khorin in a fist fight, hell he would be on an ICU or worse if that had happened.

His own thoughts faded again when Zephyr's voice resounded next to him. Despite being angry at her, the way her voice lit up a room would instantly commandeer his attention. He would hate to admit it now, but he was still hooked to her. Despite the knowledge that he'd never have her the way he wanted her. It was a thing he'd have to accept, maybe he did already, though it was hard to let go of her. It had been years since he had a thing for her, it had to heal.

He turned his head slightly to her as the words she spoke stung. He was glad he never lost his temper with her, if he had, Ravon would probably push through with the idea to simply put the Klingon dog down.  He didn't answer her, to see them together and how well they matched. He probably could at some point in the future, yet not now.

Praise eventually came to sit besides him on the biobed. He turned his now fixed face to her, the skin felt a bit stiff yet it would grow more flexible over the next hours or days. Zephyr opened up it seemed as she explained what he was to her. The pilot jaws clenching slightly as he listened to her. She brought up him introducing her to Ethan and Ravon sighed with a shake of his head. He had messed it up numerous times with Zephyr it would seem in hindsight. Was it his place than to stop her from being happy?

Zephyr ventilated after that and Thomas could feel his heart sting once more. He kept looking at her with a serious look on his face and his lips tightly pressed together as his mind thought of a million things, yet none of them sticking to form a profound answer. His eyes looking down to her fingers as they meddled with one another, fighting for control. She was nervous and Thomas could probably ease that stress. He could. The pilot slipped off the bed as he felt up his jaw and his vision seemed fine enough to function aboard a fighter.

He let a painful pause set in as he considered his answer and tugged on his uniform jacket before looking at Zephyr "I think... You'll first need to talk to Khorin. I can't admit to agreeing to your choice." he answered her as he turned his back to her taking a step forwards before stopping and sighing before he turned his head to look over his shoulder at her "But if he can live with me being your best friend... Let me know." he offered her, leaving the chance of friendship open, be it ever so slightly.

Re: Day 06 [1600 hrs.] More Than Bargained For

Reply #6
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Turning His Back | Second Chances | Jealousy Will End All | Why Can't Boys be Adults?]

He got up, and Zeph watched as he put his coat back on.  She knew that he was about to leave, and as much as she didn't want him to, there was no reason for him to stay.  She knew that he was mad at her, but she had a feeling that he was more hurt than he was mad.  She had found out that most men tended to go to anger when they felt almost anything.  She knew that Khorin did and it was something she was trying to work with him on.  But, obviously, she hadn't worked hard enough.  She had underestimated the level of jealousy and anger that Khorin had when it came to her and she would have to be more careful in the future.  However, she worked with a lot of men and at some point Khorin was going to have to stop seeing them as threats and start seeing them as the coworkers they were.

He paused after taking a step forward, she waited, watching his back as he looked at her over his shoulder.  Stating that if she could get Khorin to accept the friendship then to let him know.  Hope blossomed over her small chest, and she gave a bit of a smile.  She wanted to give him a hug, but, she knew that wasn't the thing to do right now and it would likely be unwelcome.  She didn't want to change the slight progress they had made here. 

“I.. I'll let you know Thomas.” she said softly as he turned to leave again.

Zeph sat on the edge of the bed staring at the curtain that gave her the privacy she needed for the time being while she processed everything.  Every time she thought about Khorin breaking Thom's face the fire of anger grew in her chest.  The tightness getting worse and worse with every moment as she thought about how he just attacked Thom.  Not trusted Zeph, not trusted her feelings for him, just attacked him for (what she could not figure) was a valid enough reason.  She didn't know how long Khorin was banned to the Brig, but she would find out and she was planning not to visit him for a little while.  No, he needed to be punished, and suffer, and learn that he couldn't be a child.  You couldn't just kick your friend because they didn't p lay with you.  No, Khorin was going to have to work for it.  She got up and headed out of the curtain.  Grabbing the next PADD thrust in her direction she got back to work.


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