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Day 01 [1259 hrs.] Bridge Officer Test


STARDATE 57559.05
MARCH 11, 2381
1259 HRS.

[ Captain Ives | Holodecks 1 - 2 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @trevorvw
In one minute, the time the two Lieutenants had available for their tests would be at an end, and Captain Ives had taken the time to be there when they exited their separate holodecks. She stood there - in her female form - and waited for the time to run out, with Thea at her side. The chameleon bodysuit of the Ship A.I. interface had the black colours, since she wasn't representing any specific Department in her current function.

"How are you, Thea?" asked Jien and turned to look at the A.I. projection, a faint smile on her face. The two of them had been through a lot. The toll it had taken on Jien wasn't something she was open about, but she still hoped that the A.I. would have fared better than her, and that she was able to tell her if something about the experiences on the Versant had affected her.

"All things considered, Captain, I believe I am quite well, thank you," said Thea and returned the smile, her hands still folded behind her back and her shoulders squared. "Lieutenant Sinead O'Riley was able to upgrade my mobile emitter yesterday, and I now have an olfactory system that can detect scents. It's remarkable, even though I have yet to fully explore this new feature yet."

Jien chuckled quietly and turned her head to look at the doors to the two holodecks again. "I can imagine it feels like for you like it would an organic, such as me, to suddenly gain another sense. It must be a remarkable experience, digital or not."

"Quite so," said Thea, and at that time, the doors opened, and the two Lieutenats were due to emerge from their tests. Jien waited without comment for the two Endeavour officers to step through, after which he'd ask Thea to relay the results.

OOC: I leave it up to you how much of the Bridge Officer tests are featured in your posts, be it actually writing it out fully or your character remembering what kind of challenge was given to them. Please keep in mind the challenge that Deanna Troi underwent when she sought to become a Commander in TNG when you post. :)

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #1
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Holodeck 1 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @Fife

To say that Kai had a whirlwind few days would be an understatement. It had started aboard the Endeavour, ended up here on the Theurgy, studied most of the night and now he was about to start the Engineering Qualification portion of the Bridge Officer's test. He had already done the rest of the portions, hopefully passing them. Diplomatic Law, First Contact procedures and Bridge Operations were all done. Now he faced what he figured may be the toughest part of the test.

The computer had announced that the Engineering Qualification was about to begin, as it beeped as a sort of countdown. Kai took a deep breath and waited for the simulation to begin and hoped he could pass it. He looked down at the floor of the holodeck as the room changed to resemble Main Engineering aboard the Theurgy.

There were crew members rushing around as the red alert klaxon sounded. The red lights intermittently illuminated the room. Kai found himself standing at the Master Situation Table whilst looking at the warp core.

"We just lost contact with everything above Deck 17, including the Bridge" one of the Engineering crew members had told Kai as they looked at Kai for instructions. In Kai's mind he had figured that a situation where he would be the ranking officer in Engineering would be a rare occurrence, however he did understand that it was a possibility nonetheless.

Kai looked at the displays in front of him and noticed that there was something wrong with one of the antimatter storage containment units. The information he was seeing was that it was loosing integrity for some unexplained reason. He was informed that they were around 90 seconds from containment breach. He ran through the Engineering specifications in his head as the clock counted down towards the destruction of the Theurgy.

"Shunt the power through the neodyne relay to try and restore containment." Kai ordered one of the numerous engineering crew members around the room. Someone had acknowledged the order and tried to do what he ordered.

"The neodyne relay isn't holding. The magnetic field is fluctuating." came the reply to Kai as he shook his head once and thought of the next item on the emergency procedures list.

"Computer" Kai had realized the next option on the list, "Eject antimatter storage pod four, authorization Akoni Four-One-Bravo-Eight-Eight"

The computer thought for a few milliseconds before giving its response.

[Unable to comply. Ejection systems offline.]

Kai slammed the padd he was holding down on to the table in front of him while simultaneously swearing under his breath. He tried to keep his cool so the crew members, despite being holographic, could see he was keeping his composure.

He looked around the room and saw all the engineers either working hard to solve the problem or looking at him for orders.

"I need ideas people...and I need them now!" the potential Lieutenant Commander called out to no one in particular. 

He heard some ideas being called out which included transporting the storage unit away from the ship. He realized that this wouldn't work as the transporter wouldn't be able to get a lock on the storage unit with the fluctuating magnetic field.

He stopped and thought about all the options. He felt himself failing the test and losing his plan to become Chief of Security on the Theurgy. He was going to let Commander Ducote and Captain Ives down. He had been so confident about this test and voiced that to them. He knew his first duty was to the ship.

The ship...

Kai's first duty was to..the..ship..

It was like a light bulb moment had just happened for him. He realized what he had to do.

He turned to the Ensign who was to the left of him, "Ensign, can you manually stabilize the containment field at the antimatter pod?"

"Sir, it should be noted that Ensign Farmer would be exposed to lethal radiation levels during the performance of that task." Petty Officer T'Laras informed Kai.

Kai was already aware of that before asking the question; however, it was still nice that the crew informed him of the consequences.

"I understand that. Proceed Ensign Farmer."

The Ensign nodded and went into a crawl space in order to attempt to fix the issue. Kai continued to monitor the situation on the screen in front of him. Potentially ordering someone, even a hologram, to their death wasn't an easy decision. 

Kai noticed that Mr. Farmer had made it to the antimatter pod and had begun manually stabilizing the containment field. The containment field was 5 seconds away from complete failure when the Ensign had stabilized the field, while at the same time, Kai noticed that the life signs of Ensign Farmer had dropped to zero.

The ship was now safe.

[Simulation Complete.] The Computer had announced as the simulated crew members and main engineering had disappeared around him, leaving the bare holodeck grid. He sighed and wondered if he had done enough to pass. He had hesitated, however, like most mistakes he's made in his life, he wouldn't do that again.

Overall he had felt pretty confident coming into the test. He still felt confident after the test, while at the same time feeling like he'd been knocked down a peg or two so to speak. It was tougher than he had imagined, but all in all, he felt like it was good enough.

The main question was...would it be good enough for Captain Ives? He was sure he would find out soon enough as he headed for the holodeck exit.

The doors parted and he noticed Captain Ives, in female form along with Thea standing in the corridor. He also noticed that his friend hadn't emerged from his test yet. He hoped Cross was doing well, as Kai had every confidence in his friend, as he did in himself.

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Cross | Holodeck 2 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw

The doors of Holodeck 2 whirred as the drifted apart, showing a view of the simulation grid beyond. Cross stepped through the doors and into the corridor a moment later, feeling a sense of weariness settling over him. He felt fairly confident about his performance in the testing, the Bridge Operations portion having gone well. He felt he had struggled in the First Contact and Diplomatic portions of the testing, though few who knew him would find that a surprise. Diplomacy had never been one of Cross’ strengths. Cross couldn’t help but wonder if Captain Ives would have been able to hear his teeth grinding from the corridor during that part of the testing. He had managed to keep his cool, if only just, and he was fairly certain he had passed.

The Engineering portion had been easier for him, though admittedly he had had to study a great deal the night before to bring himself up to speed on the Engineering systems. Blue would be furious with him if she knew how rusty his engineering knowledge from the Academy had become.

He knew the last part of the test as meant to be the biggest challenge, sending a crew member to their death, sacrificing one life to save the rest of the crew. Cross supposed he had a leg up in that department, as he was generally known to be cold. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about people, but rather that death had been a constant possibility throughout the first half of his life, and he had seen many die in the camps. Duty was a ruling factor in his life now, and his duty was to the ship, and the crew. If that duty required that he send one on a suicide mission to save the rest, then that was what he would do.

And that is exactly what he had done.

The Junior Lieutenant had been a young man, and had looked frightened when Cross gave him the assignment, but he had done his duty and performed his task admirably, even knowing death would follow. Cross knew it was only a simulation, but there was something touching about it nonetheless. The Vulcan felt somewhat frustrated that he couldn’t remember the Lieutenant’s name. Wert? Wort?

It didn’t matter. It was all just a simulation. There would be no letter home to the man’s family. Even if it had really happened, Cross supposed sending a letter to the man’s family would be impossible while they were on the run, branded traitors by the Federation.

Cross sighed, pushing the thoughts from his mind as he glanced down the corridor and saw Captain Ives standing with Thea and Kai at the entrance to Holodeck 1 and moved to join them. Kai must have finished before him, and he hoped the big Human had done well on his tests. Kai would doubtless score much higher than Cross himself. Kai was nothing if not professional, and the man’s charismatic aura would no doubt allow him to pass the diplomatic portions of the test with ease where Cross had struggled.

”Captain.” Cross said in greeting, nodding to Ives as he approached. His gaze turned to Kai, and he gave his friend a grin before turning his attention to Thea. ”It’s good to see you, Thea.” He hadn’t seen the ship’s AI since they escaped the Versant, and seeing the AI’s female avatar walking the corridors of the Theurgy was still a new experience for him. The sight of her brought back a brief flash of memory.

Fighting through the Versant, the members of their team falling to Ante weapons fire all around him. The sight of Thea in the containment chamber, and the battle to free her. The flash of pain as his hand was  severed, and the greater pain of dealing with the wound. All those images flashed through his mind in an instant, then were gone. He smiled at the holographic AI before turning to Captian Ives.

”Well, Captain? How did we do?”

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #3
[ Captain Ives | Holodecks 1 - 2 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @trevorvw
The two officers emerged, the second not long after the first, and they approached Ives and Thea.

Watching them, Jien thought of the number of Endeavour officers that might end up in the new Senior Staff, and how it would be a time of adaptation for a lot of people aboard the three Vectors. Not just for the two men in front of her, but the ones that might end up reporting to them. That, not even taking into consideration how they would fare in working with the rest of the Senior Staff either. Still, Jien felt that it was a positive thing. The ship needed leaders that hadn't been persecuted for five months too.

When Lieutenant Cross asked his question, Jien simply turned her oaken eyes towards Thea with a faint smile.

"It would appear your total score ended up the same," the Ship A.I. began to say, the results already accessible to her. "Of course, you scored differently in different parts of the test, but the sum total is still at 93,2 % for you both. Passing the test, as you are aware, requires a sum total 85% success-rate. As for the errors made, they will be sent to you individually so that you may peruse them and adapt for your duties to come."

Which led to Jien speaking up, because as it had been stated, if they passed the test, they would be considered for the Departmental Head positions. She was a woman of her word.

"Congratulations, to the both of you," she said and when she unfolded her hands from behind her back, she showed two small boxes with their additional black pips. She gave them to Thea, who held them for her, so that she could proceed to talk to them while she fastened the pips at their collars. "It's not easy to put the past behind, the loss of Captain Amasov as heavy for you as some of the losses I have suffered in the past few months. It's far easier to linger in such thoughts, and have difficulty moving on."

She had fastened Akoni's new pip at his collar, and then went to Thea to to collect Cross'. "At some point, I hope you both will be able to consider yourselves members of the Theurgy crew, and not primarily survivors of the Endeavour. It is my wish that those under your command, in your separate Departments, also cease to think of you as outsiders sooner rather than later, because they might not know how dearly they need leaders that doesn't consider themselves renegades, but Starfleet officers."

After having given Cross his new pip as well, Jien folded her hands behind her back again. "Well done, Commanders."

Somewhat of an understatement, considering how little time they'd been given to study for the test.

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Commander Cross | Corridors outside Holodeck 1 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw

Cross stood with his arms behind his back as Captain Ives revealed the twin boxes, each containing the black pip that came with their promotion. Behind his back, Cross gripped his stump with his single hand as he watched the Captian pin the newest black pip on Kai’s collar. The Vulcan couldn’t stop himself from grinning at his friend as Kai stood there, looking immensely pleased. Cross was happy for him, knowing his friend came from a long line of Starfleet Officers. Had they not been aboard an allegedly renegade Starfleet vessel which was hunted and branded traitor, Kai might have been able to share the news.

Kai’s pip having been secured in place, Ives turned and collected the other box from Thea. She spoke as she did so, voicing her hopes that they would find themselves integrating with the Theurgy’s crew, and that she hoped they would soon count themselves among that crew, rather than as displaced survivors of the Endeavour. Cross found himself considering her words, having witnessed the Endeavour’s destruction with his own eyes out the viewport of the escape pod. The Endeavour had become his home, it’s crew his family. Now his home was gone, as was the majority of that family. Lost, killed or assimilated by the Borg. Cross supposed that, given the situation, he had little choice but to accept the Theurgy as his new home. Given what he had been thought with a portion of her crew, he suspected the transition wouldn’t be an overly difficult one.

Cross felt himself straighten instinctively as Ives turned to him, arms moving to his sides as Ives pinned the black pip on his own collar. That done, Ives stepped back and congratulated them both.

Cross allowed himself a grin, glancing between Kai and Ives. ”Thank you, Captain.” Cross said, focusing on Ives. He still remembered his first day aboard the Endeavour, meeting Amasov for the first time. This situation felt a lot like that day, though he was already well acquainted with Ives, having served under her command when they had taken control of the Versant. Ives had proven to be a more than competent Captain, and was certain easier on the eyes than the grizzled Amasov had been, at least while in her female form. She was certainly more open and communicative. Despite that, Cross found himself allowing a moment to feel the loss of Captain Amasov again, the solemn man having accepted Cross aboard the Endeavour and given him his first opportunity to serve as a department head. He owed a great deal to Captain Amasov.

The fact that his new Captian was a shapeshifter would take some getting used to, but Cross was used to adapting to new and unfamiliar people. Everything had been new and unfamiliar to him not all that long ago, after all. ”We won’t let you down, ma'am.”

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #5
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Corridor outside Holodeck 1 | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ]

@Auctor Lucan  @Fife

Kai came to attention as Captain Ives revealed the small black pip that she was going to affix to Kai’s collar. Kai had imagined this day ever since he made Lieutenant. His family had a long history of distinguished service to Starfleet, including his father, who had been a career Lieutenant for most of his career.

The day he received his commission upon graduation from the academy, his father told him that he had wished that Kai would some day surpass what he had been able to accomplish. Kai reminisced about this as the Captain put the pip in its proper place. He was proud of what he had been able to accomplish and he was very grateful to be provided the opportunity by both Captain Ives and the Theurgy crew as a whole.

However, at the same time, he was saddened slightly by the fact that he wouldn’t be able to share the news with his parents. They’d never know, at least for the foreseeable future, what he had done out here. He preferred that his parents think he was dead, rather than believe he was a traitor to the Federation.

He shook the thoughts from his head and smiled at Captain Ives as she stepped back from affixing the pip. He nodded at her as she then retrieved Cross’ pip from Thea and affixed it to his collar as well.

The Captain expressed her desire for both Kai and Cross to eventually consider themselves part of the Theurgy crew and not just Endeavour survivors. Kai could see her point, however, this wasn’t even a question in Kai’s mind. Fate had brought him to the Theurgy and his own personal decision had decided to keep him here. For better or worse, this was now Kai’s home. He was just happy there were some familiar faces along for the ride.

Cross had just told the Captain that the two newly minted department heads aboard the Theurgy wouldn’t let her down. He was right, as Kai had used that line multiple times in the meeting with Captain Ives to convince her to give him a shot in the first place.

”I have to concur with my esteemed colleague ma’am. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #6
[ Captain Ives | Holodecks 1 - 2 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @trevorvw
They both expressed their gratitude and remained as they were. Jien stood back and folded her hands behind her back, and changed... to his male form before he nodded to Thea. Gradually, the shifting between forms was becoming easier after the torment on the Versant, but he still had to flex his morphogenic matrix more often to prevent the lingering stiffness.

"On the Captain's authorisation, I have now raised both your security clearances to that of your new ranks, and I have scheduled meetings for you with the Asst. Chiefs of your separate Departments. Deputy zh'Wann in your case, Commander Akoni, and both Lieutenants T'Less and Martin for you, Commander Cross. You should find them available at your convenience. I believe Captain Ives will make a shipwide announcement of the change of command in a couple of hours?"

"Indeed, I will give you the time you need to speak with your closest subordinate officers first, before I let the rest of the crew know. You will also need the intermediate time to settle yourselves into the most urgent matters at hand in your Departments, and to contact the rest of the Senior Staff with any pressing concerns you may have on hand. Thea, will you inform them about Akoni and Cross?"

"A moment," said Thea, and in virtually no moment at all, she continued with. "They have received the notifications now, and will likely read in short. Congratulations again, Commanders," said the Ship A.I. before turning to Ives. "Will that be all, Captain?"

"Aye, Thea. Dismissed, and thank you," he said, and Thea gave them a smile before her projection dematerialised - her mobile emitter likely recharging since she didn't walk away on her feet like she had come to do since Lin Kae made the first iteration of that ingenious piece of technology. "Come, I am sure you are well familiar with your First Officer already, but if you have anything you wish to speak to me about, I have some time now while I head back to my ready room."

Jien led the way down the corridor, which would eventually take them to the turbolifts. Jien was heading to a transporter room that would take him to Vector 1 - which sat in the middle of the Aldea Prime Shipyards.

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Commander Cross | Corridors outside Holodeck 1 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw
[Show/Hide]Cross followed Captain Ives as he led the way down the corridors, allowing Kai to walk next to the Captain as Cross himself brought up the rear. Ives had invited them to bring up any matters they wished to discuss while he returned to his ready room, though Cross had nothing to put forward for the time being. He had been so preoccupied with studying for the bridge officer’s test, and with just getting acclimatized to the Theurgy before that, that he had had little time to think about other matters. He had an appointment later that evening to have the corrections performed by the Savi reversed. Or rather, to have the alterations to his physical appearance returned to their previous state. He had no interest in letter a Savi creation play with his genetics and more than they already had been.

Those thoughts drifted through Cross’ head as he followed Kai and Captian Ives along the corridor, listening to any discussion between the two as he followed in their wake. The Theurgy was going to be a big adjustment, he reflected, though it would certainly help that so many of the officers he had served with aboard the Endeavour would be there with him. Kai, Blue, Kobol , Ducote, they were all alive, and had more or less taken up their old position aboard their new home. Cross couldn’t help but think on the fact that they would all have a lot to grow accustomed to aboard their new ship. Blue, he suspected, would relish her new posting. The Theurgy was an impressive vessel, to be sure, and it made the Endeavour’s systems seem like antiquated technology that was almost ready for the museums. Thea alone was enough to bring Cross a moment of pause.

A sentient ship. A ship that thinks, learns, and adapts. Cross thought with a hint of bewildered amusement, Eventually she wouldn’t even need a crew, if things kept going as they were. Seeing her after their tests had been interesting, as Cross had had little-to-no interaction with the ship’s holographic projection outside of the Versant, and it had been nice to see her in much more civil circumstances.

Cross noted that the two officers walking just ahead of him were slowing, and looked up to see that they were approaching the transporter room. Cross followed the two officers into the room and pulled up short, watching as Ives mounted the transporter pad. As the Captain turned to face them once more, Cross finally spoke again.

”Thank you again, Captian. I appreciate the faith you’re putting in the two of us. We won’t let you down, sir.” Cross allowed a half-smile to play across his features for a moment. ”I will say that, while the Theurgy will be a bit of an adjustment, she’ll be a treat compared to the last instance where I served under you, sir.”

There’s not a ship full of Savi trying to murder us while we battle the Borg, so that’s at least a start… he thought, allowing the smile to linger on his lips.

”With your permission, Captain, I’ll leave you here. I’m going to try and meet with Lieutenants T'Less and Martin and work on getting fully up to snuff on the Theurgy’s tactical abilities before I report to sickbay for my post correction… er… correction.”

Re: Day 01 [1259 hrs.] Bridge Officer Test

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Corridor Outside Holodeck | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @Fife

As Captain Ives led the way away from the holodecks towards the Transporter Room, the Captain had invited any conversation that they wished to discuss along the short journey.

The trio started walking down the corridor, Captain Ives leading the way with Kai to the right and the new Chief Tactical Officer trailing behind by about a metre or so. Kai was walking and running through a thousand different questions and thoughts in his head. He tried to prioritize them, lest he waste the Captain's time with trivial matters.

"Sir, I'd just like to thank you again for this opportunity. I will attempt to live up to the legacy that Commander Cinn did while he was in this position. I do have one question Captain...have the Aldeans made any requests for Security personnel planetside as of yet, or will I have time to do a thorough review of the department?"

Come on Kai, that's the best you could ask? Kai thought to himself as he was mentally beating himself up for asking a somewhat dumb question.

The trio kept their pace as they moved down the corridor, while Captain Ives responded to the question and statement that Kai had made. Kai listened intently, watching the Captain's body language as he spoke. The large security officer had become fairly adept at reading people's body language, and he could, well, anyone could tell that Captain Ives was very confident with pretty much everything he did.

Bravo Kai. Ives wouldn't be Captain of a Starship without being confident, Kai realized, rather stupidly.

He was surprised that he'd managed to pass the Bridge Officer's Test with how off his game he had been lately. He relished in the fact that hopefully, being at Aldea, would allow them all to get back into a routine and become more like themselves, rather than a slightly hollow shell.

As the Captain finished the answer, Kai gave a quick and curt "Understood, sir." as they slowed down, approaching the transporter room.

After the trio entered the transporter room, Captain Ives stepped onto the transporter pad and turned to face both Kai and Cross. Cross began to speak in which Kai gave a sideways glance at his friend, wondering what he was seemingly sucking up for.

After Cross had finished talking, it was Kai's turn before the Captain left the vector.

"And I will have a meeting with Deputy zh'Wann and get her report on the state of Security aboard this ship. If there will be nothing else, sir"

Re: SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test

Reply #9
[ Captain Ives | Holodecks 1 - 2 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Fife @trevorvw
Walking the corridors, Ives listened while Commander Akoni asked about Aldea, and he had the answer at hand. The two had not been present during the Senior Staff meeting that morning, so the query had been quite expected.

"Yes, the Aldeans have requested our aid planet-side in some matters since the Klingon forces are stretched thin - a lot of ships having left the system in order to fight the Borg in the Azure Nebula. Aldea Prime is surrounded by abandoned cities, aptly called ghost cities, and they have become the homes of pirates and worse over the past years. Just as Tactical CONN will help patrol the entirety of the Epsilon Mynos System, complementing the KDF's resources in that task, our security officers might have to be called upon to defend Aldean interests."

The three of them turned and intersection, and Jien continued. "Our demand, of course, is that we are allowed to do so as per Starfleet regulations. We will not resort to unnecessary violence in order to get the repairs we need. Unless circumstances are forced upon us,  we will not use lethal force. Deputy zh'Wann will have the full information when you speak with her."

After he'd stepped up on the glass-like surface of the transporter padd, Cross spoke of the Versant and expressed his gratitude towards the opportunity given them - to serve on the Senior Staff. "I look forward to seeing what you're supposed to look like, Commander Cross, and you have fine officers in your Department. Lieutenant T'Less carried us through a lot of the strife after we fled Earth, and I recommend you listen well to all insight she can offer on the Theurgy's tactical systems."

"Where to, sir?" asked the posted Transporter Officer after Ives gave him a glance.

"Vector 01, please." Jien looked at the two former Endeavour officers before him, and changed... to her female form again. Gradually, the stiffness of her morphogenic matrix was lessening. "I will speak with the two of you soon."

"Energising," said the officer at the front of the room...

...and Jien smiled faintly to the newly promoted officers before she dematerialised.


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