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[2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

[Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

Ethan had been called off on a family emergency.  She had felt the urgency of his  need to go when he came over and told her that he would not be able to spend the holidays with her.  Coupled with the disappointment of not being able to spend their first holiday together.  She had never celebrated Christmas, not really, there were other Betazoid holidays that she had grown up knowing and celebrating but there was a kind of cool magic that surrounded Christmas.  She had never had anyone special to share something like this with and had been really looking forward to the fact that she could do that with Ethan now in her life.  With him gone, she found herself really quite unsure of what to do with herself.  Home was too far away to go during this winter break on campus and though it wasn't very long she found herself trying to figure out how to fill her days.

Enter Thom.  Thom had come rapping on her door panel not a few hours after Ethan had departed.  Likely, he had heard about Ethan ghosting back home to Ireland for the winter break.  She was not surprised to see him at her door.  She had become rather accustomed to the feel of his mind brushing against hers but she only felt the hint of it.  Zeph had always prided herself on giving everyone as much privacy as a natural born empath could muster.

When Thom had mentioned they were going on vacation and he was kidnapping her for winter break, her eyes had widened.  He detailed out that there had been a small cabin on a mountain reserved for them.  It was located on a beautiful place popular for it's skiing.  How she was going to survive skiing without breaking every bone in her body she had no idea.  Thom knew how clumsy she was but she also assumed there would be other things to do there rather than racing towards death on packed white powder and dodging trees as a pass time.  The mere thought of not being here anymore thrilled her and so she quickly replicated some winter gear more so than she had needed at the Academy, packed a bag, and she headed out with Thom.

The teleporation room was actually rather large, there were at least eight different discs in the room at equidistant locations that allowed people to beam directly into the resort.  Outside the large panes of windows you could see the vast white wilderness, the snow capped trees, and the beginnings of the mountain range where they would be living for a few days.  They were met with a friendly hostess who wore a lovely shimmering blue blazer and a pair of black slacks.  Her name badge read 'Becky'.  She had a mass of curls that was twisted up behind her in some sort of clip that resembled a claw in Zeph's mind.

“Hello and welcome, both of you!” she said extremely chipper.  Either she had to be, or she had taken more happy pills than Zeph. 

However, Zeph smiled warmly and gave her a nod.  “Thank you.” she beamed.

“I see that you are Cadet and Misses Thomas Ravon.”

Zeph nearly choked out but she only nodded allowing the woman to pull up the information on her PADD and she gave a quick nod.  “Fantastic, we have a cabin reserved for the both of you.  It's a really beautiful number, you're a lucky girl!”  said Becky.

Zeph blushed as red as her body could manage while still keeping blood flow to other parts of her body.  She stepped off the transportation pad with her bag in her hand.  “You're right.”  Zeph said, though she wasn't lying or playing around.  Thom was the best, she was so lucky that he was in her life.  He was supportive in all that she did and listened to all her woes.

“All right you two, these are your transport keys.  There are pads all over the resort you can use this key and it will take you right back to the cabin you have been assigned.  It will also have a panel if you wish to visit the larger lodge, some of the smaller activities and so forth.  Now, if you'll follow me I'll show you to the pad.”

With that Becky turned on her highly polished black heels and pounded off.  Zeph looked over at Thom and couldn't hide the smile that took over her face.  “Somehow, this is already fun and we haven't done anything yet.” she giggled a bit and the two of them headed off after Becky.  She showed them to another room which looked like a large lobby of sorts.  There were couches, chairs, and fur covered rugs strategically placed all over the place.  Many of them close to a massive stone fire place that must have been three stories tall.  Zeph could see through various partitions there was a game area, several holodecks, and other activities to chose from.  As Becky walked she plucked pamphlets from the wall with expert practice and then she stopped in front of a smaller transportation pad.  She turned on her heel with a whirl.  A slight curl popped out of the claw and fell down behind her.

“Okay here are all the activities we have going on for the next week or so.  These are the sight seeing places.  These are the skiing slopes and locations of rental gear.  These are the restaurants.  Of course every cabin is equipped with a high grade replicator so if you decided to stay inside” she winked at the both of them “You will be able to do just that!”

Zeph bit her lower lip around a smile and took the pamphlets.  “Thank you, Becky!”

Becky stepped to the side and the pair of them quickly stepped up on the pad which recognized the keys around their wrists and quickly beamed them out to their beautiful cabin that was already warm with a fire going in the stone fire place.  The fire place was directly across from the single large bed that dominated the room, it was massive and definitely enough room for the both of them.  There was another door that lead to a bathroom with a real water shower and all that one should contained.  Through another door was a living area with several couches, chairs, a kitchen, and a large screen if they wished to watch something.  There were windows everywhere that looked out into the frozen tundra.

Zephyr dropped her bag and squealed in delight.  Jumping up and down for a moment she threw herself into Ravon and hugged him tightly around the neck before pulling back.  “Thank you!  This is the best idea ever!”

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #1
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

The idea of taking Zeph away for a surprise holiday had been something Thomas had been working on for longer than a few days or weeks. It had been planned ahead as he had been trying to muster up the courage to tell Zeph about his feelings. However with Ethan blocking off that avenue the cadet had found himself with a booked holiday resort yet with nobody to go with. He had considered to ask one of the girls he had met on campus, whomever leaned closest to his preference during that time.

Miracles however were a keyword when around Terrans during Christmas holidays and believe it or not Ethan's departure to Ireland opened up the avenue to steal Zeph away for the holidays. Thus the kidnapping idea sprouted to full prowess and manifested itself inside the head of the cadet. He had informed her of the planning, not taking no for an answer as he had promised her that it'd be fun. If anything, Thomas was the man to go to when wanting fun, at least in Zeph's case.

After packing light himself he had pounded on her door until she opened up and dragged her away. If she was ready or not, she was given no longer prep time. In what seemed to be in a matter of no time, they arrived at the scenic panels in the large transport room of the resort. It was quite busy during the holidays it seemed. Their hostess welcomed them and Thomas felt his heart stop for a second as she addressed her as misses Ravon. He might've had forgotten to change the addressing titles in his plan, however, the flaw never manifested in his mind as he listened to the various activities around the resort.

Just as how Zeph had choked out on the addressing title, Thomas had quite the same feeling when he saw that he hadn't been given the cabin he had preferred. In fact, due to some reason they had received an upgrade to a sort of suite cabin. Which leaned closer to an almost honeymoon suite then a cabin which he had intended in the first place. To his own surprise Zephyr simply seemed to just go along with it as she admitted that she was a lucky girl with him. His mind having a pang of something before he just walked alongside her as they walked further into the lobby styled part.

This place was truly huge as Thomas gazed around and swallowed at the amount of activities and holodecks there were around in just this one place. He looked at their hostess as she handed out the pamphlets of various other activities, sightseeing tours, restaurants and so on. It felt abundantly clear that they would surely find a thing or two to do together without ever having to get bored. The quirky remark about the high grade replicator for indoor fun made Thomas snicker lightly as he nodded and after that they stepped onto their pads before they were beamed to their quarters.

As the materialized Thomas took his time to get his bearings and look around. It seemed like there was no excessive honeymoon kind of vibe in the cabin. He felt a sigh of relief escape his lips as he looked at the bed, which had rose petals over it. The funny thing was that they seemed to be holographically placed on the bed. When they were removed and dropped on the ground they disintegrated without leaving a piece of any of its existence behind.

Thomas moved over to the bathroom and checked it out as he couldn't help but smirk at the diorama it had over the frozen tundra. He felt Zephyr wrap her arms around him as she seemed overexcited herself and bounced of happiness. He looked into her eyes as she thanked him and exclaimed that it was the best idea ever. The man simply laughed and shook his head "But we haven't done anything of the activities yet." he smirked as he winked at her.

He explored a little further before he unpacked the few things he had and stored them away in one of the closet and drawers. He looked at Zephyr before he explored the cabin further. In the living room he found the complimentary bottle of champagne and two glasses to go along with it. He walked over to it and checked for any cards or something before he walked further to look into the well stocked fridge. Shaking his head as he was honestly in awe about the luxury and things they had at their disposal, Thomas returned to the living room, his eyes glancing over the bottle filled bubbles.

He took the bottle and walked back to the bedroom with the glasses in the other as he held up the bottle to Zephyr "Care for a sip?" he asked her with a smile as he eased back into the man Zeph had learned to know when she tutored him. The cold edged and elusive Thomas Ravon that she had known over the past few weeks or months had faded.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #2
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Not So Lonely Holidays | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

He looked down at her with the smile that she hadn't seen in some time.  Ever since Ethan came into the picture she had noticed that Thom had put more of a distance between them.  They still hung out, she still tutored him, but it was different.  The warm and easy demeanor that had always been Thom was just gone replaced by someone that was more business like.  Occasionally the other Thom would peak through.  Through laughter, or being fun, or her catching him off guard by something that she had done.  She was often goofy and he couldn't help but give a roll of his eyes every time she collided with stationary objects that weren't even in her path.  She was just attracted to danger, it seemed, and he was always teasing her about every new bruise that she happened to attain.

Though it was so nice, to have him there, with her fully.  His smile, his warmth, and his arm around her for just a moment before he headed off to explore the cabin more fully.  “We might not have yet, but we will, and that'll just make it even more awesome!” she called to his back.

Zeph stayed in the bedroom and tossed her bag on the bed and a spray of rose petals flew up around it before settling down slowly.  “That's not... standard... right?” she said to herself as she quickly unzipped her bags and began to unpack.  Putting her clothing in the dresser and the one dress she had brought with her in the closet.  Zeph did dresses from time to time but it was cold here and she wasn't sure it would be needed but then she figured she might need one.  Who knew what his plans were for dinners and the things like that.  So she tried to cover all her bases even though he had only given her minutes to pack.

She found him in the main living area and she smiled brightly as she reached up letting her hair down where it had previously been pulled back.  Her waves tumbled down all around her slight figure as she made her way to where he was holding two glasses with champagne.  Asking if she wanted one.  Zeph wasn't a drinker, mostly because she couldn't hold any quantity and would get drunk easily.  Most of the time getting a clumsy woman drunk was just asking for her to take it up a notch.  Which for Zeph, meant assured Death.  But here, she was with Thom and there was likely a medical doctor on staff if she broke something that couldn't fix itself.  He would also take care of her and of all the people in the world he was one of the two she most trusted.

“yeah, that sounds nice actually.”

She walked over to him and took one of the drinks from him taking a sip of the sweet bubbly liquid.  A smile formed on her face as she went over to the massive stone fire place.  It was a see through fire place so when they lit a fire would show in both rooms.  She pushed the button and flames erupted from the rocks below and began a low glow in the room.  She smiled softly, it was really beautiful.  Kicking off her shoes she headed over and lowered herself down on the fur rug that sat in front of the fire looking over at Thom.

“Come sit.” she patted the spot next to her.

Zeph took another long slow draw of her drink downing half the glass pretty quickly.  She could feel the bubbles as they tickled her inside on the way down to her stomach.  Giving a bit of a grin as she put the glass to the side on the hard wood floors.  She smiled softly, feeling relaxed and open.  She thought she would spend the whole holiday break without Ethan and missing him.  But, Thom to the rescue as always.  He was her knight in shining armor or something like that anyway.  Once he sat down beside her she scooted closer to him and smiled brightly at the fire.

“I've always wanted to come to a place like this.  It's just so peaceful.”  grabbing up her glass she quickly drained the last of it before handing it back to Thom.  “Can I have some more please?” she asked as she smiled up at him.  The firelight echoing in her warm hazel green eyes.  Flickering against those flecks of green that shimmered all too brightly.  When he filled her glass back up she leaned back on her elbows and stared at the fire. 

“It's funny... in the lobby that.. they thought we were like engaged.  Or would it be married?  Cadet Ravon and Misses?  I thought it was cute.  I was surprised though.” she admitted with a bright smile on her face her eyes shifted over to Thom.  “I mean.  I know I'm not your ideal girl or anything but it's kinda cute.” 

Her eyes twinkled and a bit of rose color took over her cheeks as she took another long sip of the drink, nearly taking half the glass again, she was starting to feel warm and fuzzy.  She felt like there was a slight buzz taking over her system already but this drink was really good!

“What do you think we should do first?  I mean, I'm all for skiing but we know that I'm just going to break my neck.  What about other ideas?  Like the trail hike?  Or um, there was that restaurant with the dance floor I saw in the one pamphlet.  With you leading I probably won't break anything.  I might sprain something though.” she giggled and scrunched her nose cutely as she did so.  The freckles that dotted her cheeks caught in the light as well. 

“Come onnnn, out with it, what do you want to do?” she bumped his shoulder with her own.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #3
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

Hearing Zephyr come to the living room made him smile again as she unraveled her hair. It was always a wonderful sight to see her hair like that. She agreed to have a sip with him and he popped the cork off, sending it across the room as it bounced off a wall onto the wooden floor. The floors were floor heated, so both of them could walk around bare feet if they wanted to without getting cold. He filled Zephyr's glass first and handed it over to her.

His eyes followed her as she walked over to the fireplace and tapped a few buttons to light up the fireplace to a roaring fire. It reminded him of a time where he had gone along with some other cadets to the beach. A large bonfire was made by the ocean and it was a fun night. He remembered the warmth and the sight of flames that night as he hadn't known a lot of people as it had happened in his first year. The flickering flames soothed his mind at times...

He snapped out of the memory as she called out to him, patting on the rug and he followed her and kicked out his own shoes before he sat down. The rug felt soft and offered some comfortable seating as it softened up the wooden floor. Thomas placed the bottle behind them as he took a sip from his drink. By the time he was halfway, Zeph had cast her almost empty glass aside as she scooted closer to him and looked into the fire.

Her confession about always wanting to come to a place like this made him smile more broadly as he was happy to have guessed right for their little retreat. He shrugged lightly as he downed the rest of the champagne, feeling the tingling sensation run down his throat "Glad you love it here... As for peaceful, you just wait till we're out in the snow." he laughed before he reached for the bottle when she asked for a little more champagne. He refilled her glass and looked her in the eyes, the moment he locked his eyes with hers he was lost. He drowned in the hazel green orbs of her and the flickering firelight only drew him in deeper as he watched her adjust her position on the rug.

He was lucky and glad that he wasn't drinking as she asked him about the lobby welcome. He probably would've spat out the contents of the drink or choked on it as he kept his demeanor and nodded "Yeah pretty weird..." he murmured as he licked his lips. His eyes casting back over her as she was ever so bright, as her eyes made contact back with him he rolled his tongue against his cheek as she never saw herself as the type of girl for him. "Says who?" he murmured against himself as he grabbed his own refilled glass.

She drank more of the alcoholic beverage and Thomas got the idea that she had quite a soft spot for the certain drink. The minor effects of the alcohol already taking effect as he could see that rosy shimmer on her cheeks. It made her look even more adorable as it somewhat highlighted her facial features even more so. They way her light freckles came out of it made him warm inside. He admired the view before she asked him what they should do.

He gave it some thought in silence as he kept his eyes on the lovely brunette. Her given options were valid enough and he grinned a little as she summed up the injuries she might get from each activity. "Hmm, you know, I might just have to keep you indoors in order for your own physical safety." he teased her before she bumped her shoulder into his and demanded more clearly for a suggestion of his own.

Thomas simply laughed with it and shook his head "Mmmh..." he pondered as he tried to remember what was on the pamphlets "We can go to the restaurant in the evening?" he suggested, dancing with Zephyr being a thing he wanted to do back when they were at the club where she met Ethan. He never really got to that, yet this was presumably his chance to fill in that wish.

"Otherwise... I heard from one of my fellow cadets that the hike trail in the national park was commendable. Even though there has been a lot of snowfall... I suppose you'll still see some unique plants there?" he said as he looked at the girl. She was a botanist in body and soul, thus the walk in the national park was probably just a thing she'd really enjoy he imagined. He waited to see her reaction as he took his own drink from the floor and emptied it. "Want me to replicate some more of this?" he asked her softly as he filled her glass once more and his, yet emptying the bottle by doing so.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #4
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Not So Lonely Holiday | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campground]

She grinned when he mentioned that it was peaceful but to wait until they got out in the snow.  Her brow arched softly on her forehead as she turned to watch him.  The fire light played with his features beautifully giving her this idea that .. maybe firelight really accented people just the right way.  The way that it shadowed his cheek bones a little bit, the way that it shimmered in his lovely eyes.  She had to admit he was good looking but then she had thought so from the very beginning.  Back, when he had showed up at her door and gazed heavily at Andromeda while asking for the girl that could help him pass science.  She smiled softly as she looked down into the golden liquid within her glass that was, again, nearing the bottom. 

He seemed to find humor in the whole Misses and Cadet routine as she did.  She knew that she wasn't anyone that he would want to date.  She would not be surprised if he ended up with a beauty like Andromeda or someone else just like her.  All curves, smiles, and lots of flirting.  But then, she hadn't really paid attention, too much, on the girls that Thom spent time with.  She figured that he spent most of his time with them when she wasn't around.  She didn't see him with girls all that often.  But, she supposed there was a reason for that.

She was just about to take a sip when she heard the mutter.  For a long moment she stared over at Thom.  She was very much used to the status quo of his mind and emotions.  It was something that she had come to just accept as Thom-neutral.  She didn't know all the nuances of it because she had not overly thought there was any reason to go too deep.  He had never been attracted to her, she was empathic, surely she would know.  Unless he had been from the beginning and she just lumped it into Thom-neutral like an idiot.  There's no way that's the case. 

“I think your type is much more.. Andromeda.  Or, that Bajoran that you danced with at the club before you ghosted on me.” she bumped his shoulder again playfully.  She had been so mad, it was the only time that Thom had seen pissed off Zeph.  When he had shown back up for his tutoring again the next day, she had let him have it.  Hands on her hips, fire in her eyes, and a few words to say.  He had been taken back, for sure, because Zeph was always happy and sweet and loving.  But there were times that shit had to be given.  He had needed it that day.  “I think I'm more the studious type?  So like almost no one's type at this stage in life.” she chuckled softly and gave a shrug of her slender shoulders. 

Ethan, obviously, seemed to think she was all right. 

He mentioned going to the restaurant this evening and her face lit up again.  The thought of dancing with Thom and having a bit of a nice evening really resonated well with her.  She hadn't really thought about the fact that it would likely be fairly romantic.  She just wanted to go and have fun.  Honestly, she had missed her chance at the club because he had gone off with the Bajoran and Ethan had asked her to dance.  By the time she got back he had disappeared and left for the night.  She had been slightly crushed because it had been he that she had come to spend time with.  At least she had been able to meet Ethan that night and things had been going well since then.  She smiled and gave him a nod.  “Well I'll have to up my game and look good for you.” she winked.

He mentioned a hiking trail they could go on tomorrow and at that he would see her eyes just widen in delight.  A bright shining smile crossed her face.  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him to her for a moment.  “Yes!” she said quickly and excitedly as she pulled back.  “that sounds wonderful, and I am less likely to maim myself.” 

He asked if she wanted more of the drink and her eyes flickered to the time.  Then back to Thom before she gave a nod.  “Yeah but don't make me so drunk I can't even get ready because it takes time to up the game you know.” she giggled softly.  She watched as he got up and went over to the replicator.  Her eyes followed him as he moved through their cabin before they returned to the fire.  Putting her glass down on the rug she stretched out and lay down on the rug for a moment to stretch out her body.  Her hair spilled all over the rug in various directions and the firelight flickered over her silhouette as she lay there for a moment looking up at the high ceilings.

She sat up when he returned and filled up her glass.  A smile crossed her face again, it seemed to happen a lot when she was with Thom.  “Okay so we're going to dinner and dancing and then hiking tomorrow.  What do you want to do?  This vacation is about you too, you know.  I'll sacrifice a bone or two if you want to try skiing.” she teased playfully.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #5
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

If anything Thomas was perhaps a master of keeping his mindset neutral. As far as neutral could be for that case. The mixture of various always roaming emotions in young Ravon made it somewhat harder to read him. He gazed back at her as she seemed to dwell in thoughts of her own. He snickered lightly as he admired her distracted look. If he would be perfectly honest with himself he'd come to the conclusion that Zephyr always had a sort of thing about her that he never ever saw with other girls. Sure he flirted and fooled around, yet with Zephyr he just turned into something else entirely.

The escaped mutter that slipped past his lips had been heard by Zephyr perhaps. Her eyes burning on his skin as she kept doing so in silence. It made the cadet shift a little in his spot before he looked at her and frowned his eyebrows "What?" he asked her playfully. Finally she spoke, pointing out to him that Andromeda was clearly someone more like the type he would fall for.

Thomas simply began to laugh as he looked down at the rug as she rubbed the night where he left her for Ethan back in his face. He had no fond memories of that night or the day he saw her again right after that. He had been baffled when he had seen her true fury. He couldn't even come up with a right excuse as to why he had left her or what his intentions were from the beginning. The tutoring class that was scheduled for that day had been postponed as Zeph really just torched him.

"Andromeda huh?" Thomas replied eventually "I can't lie to you that she's quite attractive." he admitted as he laid back a little "But I'm not sure if she's the right kind of girl for me..." he said with a shrug, he gave her last remark some thought as he turned his head to look at her. He was fighting the urge to blurt out what kind of girl she exactly was. Yet he wasn't as far drunk enough to reach the stage of blurting stuff out just yet "I seriously doubt that misses Ravon." he replied cheekily "I mean, just look at the boyfriend you're having. He doesn't consider you as the studious type."

Again she made him laugh out loud as she prompted to up her game for him for the night at the restaurant. The young man next to her sitting up straight now as he ruffled his hands through his hair. He didn't use the window of opportunity to compliment her on her natural beautiful looks and instead mentioned the hiking trail. Her reaction to it was explosive to say the least as she flung around his neck and her eyes had gone as wide as he had ever seen before. He had rubbed her back with his free hand as he enjoyed the physical contact they shared, his body tensing up at first because of it before relaxing into it.

She agreed that they could use a second bottle of champagne and so Thom simply walked over to the replicator and a new bottle materialized before he opened it and returned to the rug. On his way back he admired Zephyr's spread out form. Her body accentuated by the game of shadows cast upon her by the flames. Light was fading behind the peaks of the mountains in Colorado. He snickered as she warned him not to make her too drunk. "Who says I don't enjoy clown make up?" he teased her as he placed himself down next to her again. He placed the bottle in the on the floor behind them after refilling her glass.

She bumped back into him asking what he felt like doing and he sighed as she kept teasing him. A chuckle escaping him as she offered to break a few bones if he wanted to go skiing "I've never done any skiing myself, so they might have to medivac both of us out." he offered as he looked her in the eyes "I do want to check out the casino, do some poker or anything down there." he admitted honestly "Alternatively..." he mumbled as he looked up to the high peaks of the mountains "I'd not mind to go climbing or something, get a view of the area from the highest point there is."

In the end non of it really mattered, as long as it would be things he could do with Zephyr. He didn't really want anything more out of it besides cherish the company he had with her for as long as he could. In truth, he'd considered trying to steal her away from Ethan during this trip. To be given the chance to finally come clean about his feelings for her without having a care about the rest of the galaxy.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #6
[Cdt Zephyr Praise | Not So Lonely Holiday | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

She knew that Thom found Andromeda beautiful.  That had been absolutely no secret during the first time they had met.  Not to mention the few times that she caught him staring at Andy when she decided to go with something tight and form fitting for her night out.  Andy and Zeph ran in completely different circles.  Andy was a nice enough woman and they got along they just were too different overall.  Zeph wasn't the usual Starfleet cadet usually but she didn't mind all that much she was just herself and hoped that she could find a place for herself in the world.  So far, she had done well enough and her grades were rather high.  She wasn't the smartest or highest ranking cadet at the school or anything like that but she was close enough for her own liking. 

When he called her Misses Ravon, she blushed and smiled softly.  Giving him a cheeky look right back.  She had missed being around Thom when he was like this.  Full of life and laughter.  Both of them giving each other a hard time that was all she wanted.  She hadn't even realized how much she had really missed him being like this for her.  How much she had missed the person that he normally was because he had turned into someone different at some point.  It wasn't a sudden change, and that was probably why it had been a change that she hadn't even really realized fully.  It was something that just happened over time.  Though she couldn't pinpoint when it had begun.

He mentioned Ethan and she smiled.  “Yeah, I guess that's true.  Then what is your type Thomas?” she asked him curiously.  She had a few friends, maybe she could even set him up.  Though the mere thought of him being with anyone else made her stomach twist uncomfortably.  She wasn't ready to explore why that happened.  She was with Ethan and that wasn't something she was going to be changing any time soon. 

He refilled her glass and she sat up so that she could take it again.  Slowly she sipped it though she was still feeling the buzzing that seemed to surround her body while she sat there beside her best friend.  He mentioned that he wanted to check out the casino and that got her brow rising.  “Are you trying to utilize my ability to tell if people are lying to your benefit?” she asked as she rested her chin on his shoulder.  Lovely eyes looking up into his eyes from her spot.  A smile on her face, she didn't mind at all, she could put her hand on his leg and she could give a secret code every time someone was full of shit.  She wouldn't mind at all, actually, and it would be fun.  “Are you going to share your ill begotten money with me?” she laughed softly.  “Or!  Are you going to take me out for a super special shopping trip with it?” she teased and pulled her chin off his shoulder only inches separated them for a few moments before she turned back to her drink and took some in her mouth letting the flavor sit on her tongue a moment before it slid down her throat. 

“Okay .. hold on hold on.  You want to skip the racing down a mountain on skiis towards unknown trees and cliffs and instead climb up a cliff to a high mountainous destination using ropes.” she pursed her lips.  “Yep.  Pretty sure you brought me out here to kill me and no one would be any the wiser.  Just state to the lobby that the Misses had to go home early she was ill.  No one will ever know where poor Cadet Zephyr Praise went.  She was so bright and yet, now she's gone.”  she held her hand over her heart playfully for a moment and shook her head.  “How could you Thom, the one person in the world I trust the most.... toss me off a cliff like that?” 

Dramatically she sighed before she collapsed on the floor with a big grin on her face.  The champagne definitely effecting her now.  Her eyes swam over to him and locked on his eyes.  The hand not holding her now empty glass reached up and grabbed his shoulder with her soft fingers.  “I'm so in!  Lets do all of it!  I want to have lots of fun!”

She giggled softly and brushed hair out of her face.  Spitting some of it out of her mouth that she couldn't quite get off after clawing at her face with her finger tips.  “Bleh.  Long hair can be annoying.” she stated as she slowly worked herself back up to sitting.  Nearly toppling over into Thom.  She giggled as her face collided with his arm for a moment before she got her bearings again.

“I should go clown up!  So we can be going to this dinner thing!  Dinner!  Dancing!  I'm excited!”  She got up leaving her glass on the rug where she had been as she headed towards the bedroom so she could get ready.  “No peaking!  That's cheating!” she called over her shoulder as she closed the door most of the way.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #7
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

Seeing the blush form on her cheeks as he had called her misses Ravon had made him smirk victoriously. The victory however was short lived as she fired a question back at him that tied his brain up momentarily. What was his type? he thought about the question as he placed his glass down on the wooden floor and gazed into the flames "My type..." he thought out loud as he pursed his lips and licked his lips "Well... My type of girl needs to be... Good looking." he grinned before he shook his head "No, I want my type of girl to be beautiful in her own way. Like not a bombshell that turns everyone's head when they pass by. The perfect girl in my eye would be someone where I could be myself around, where I can fool and tease and have them go along in it. Someone who's honest and compassionate, kind and cute..." he summed up as his eyes kept gazing into the fire.

As she pointed out that having her along in the casino could increase his odds at winning at certain games, his face cleared up a little as he considered it as an idea. "I don't think the people would enjoy that if they ever found out." he replied though he smirked "Although, I suppose it could be fun for a few times to cash in a nice extra credit." he pondered about the matter once more, seemingly not fully convinced that it would be a bad idea or a way to misuse her abilities. He looked down at his shoulders as he instantly looked into Zephyr's orbs. He was a lost man from there on out as he simply looked dreamily at her. She seemed all in for the idea as she did seem to want a claim on the potential winnings.

Thomas laughed out as she drank some more of the champagne and he nodded "Hmm, I suppose sharing would only be fair..." he winked at her "Maybe a shopping trip would suffice... Although I'd want to see where exactly you pump all that money into." he said with a broad grin across his face. It seemed to take a while before she swallowed the drink down and Thomas could only assume that the prickly substance was something the semi Betazoid learned to enjoy.

The over dramatic stage she performed when learning about Thomas his idea to go climbing made him laugh continuously as he shook his head and gave Zephyr a push on her shoulder as she claimed that he'd simply throw her off a cliff. "Sure thing... I hope there's a nice life insurance policy running for misses Ravon." he winked at her before he chuckled "Although, I doubt life will never be the same though with you gone..." he admitted as he downed the rest of his drink and refilled his glass. He looked over to Zephyr to see if she could take one glass more or not.

She wanted in in all of it though as she concluded her outstanding stage performance and he nodded "All in it is. Lets have some fun during these holidays right?" he said with renewed enthusiasm. He was amused to see her struggle with putting her long locks out of her face, before spitting some out eventually. As she nearly toppled over against his arm, he was quick to be protective over her. His other arms resting against her back as he watched her giggle. As she got her bearings he pushed some strands of hair out of her face again and gently caressed her temple and cheek before he bit his lower lip. He quite enjoyed her long hair, finding it to be one of the more attractive features of Zephyr.

The slight moment that was building up gone in a second as he seemed to straighten himself a little and answer casually "No more champagne for you." he smirked and the reply he got from Zephyr was one that made him laugh easily. He waved her off as she went to 'clown up', a part of his mind wondered how regretful she might be in the morning if she drank more alcohol during dinner. Yet it was something that would be fixed easily if it ever came that far. "Cheating? Aren't I supposed to have an all area pass if you're misses Ravon?" he called out to her teasingly.

He watched her leave and close the door behind her, though it never truly went shut. He looked at the almost closed door and he got up as he felt a slight swirl run through his body. The champagne perhaps a tad stronger on an empty stomach then he had expected. He sent his body forwards towards the bathroom door and it seemed to take like an eternity before he actually got there. The heartbeat pounding in his eardrums as he considered just pulling the door open to peak in. Yet his conscious brain wasn't weakened enough yet for it to just allow that. He closed the door and he pressed his head against the wall as he sighed softly.

He pushed himself back off the wall as he went back to the rug and sat down on it as he scooted closer to the flames. The warmth tingling enjoyable heat on his skin as he gazed back into the fire. The flames dancing in front of his pupils before he realized he should get dressed into something appropriate for a dinner date.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #8
[Cdt. Zephyr Praise | Not So Lonely Holiday | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

Good looking, but beautiful in her own way.  Honest, kind, compassionate, and cute.  Well that definitely drops Andromeda from the running.  Andy didn't fit all of those, some yes, but not all, and Zeph had a feeling that he would be hard pressed to find someone that met all his requirements but when he did he would probably treat her like a princess.  She listened to his words enjoying the way that he pulled together the view of the perfect woman for him.  She bit her lower lip and thought about how she wasn't any of those things.  Especially the beautiful part, she might be smart and honest, and she tried to be compassionate but she wasn't quite sure she pulled off cute.  Still, she hoped that he found the woman of his dreams at some point and never let her go.  Who ever ended up with Thomas would find themselves a man that would be loyal to the end and very lucky.

She smiled with his caution about the casino.  “If it makes you uncomfortable we don't have to do it.” she promised with a shrug of her shoulders.  It wouldn't bother her not to do it, she could help in other ways or just be there supporting him while he played.  “I've never played poker before.”

When he teased her about life insurance she chuckled softly but them his mind fell into a different kind of emotion.  Something that said when he mentioned that life wouldn't be the same without her he was being absolutely honest.  She smiled warmly and ran her hand down his arm.  “You'll catch me if I fall.  I just know it.” she whispered softly as she leaned over and gave him a long soft hug.  Just letting them rest against each other for a long moment.  It was probably longer than necessary or would be deemed proper but no one was watching and hugs were good for the soul.  She pulled back and nodded.  “We're going to have the best time.” she beamed.

He stole her empty glass and she got up and headed for the bedroom to get herself all dolled up for their big dinner date.  She had only brought one dress so she hoped that this was the only fancy thing they did or she was going to have to reuse it.  She laughed at his commentary about the all access pass and hoped that he couldn't see how bright red her face turned as she stepped into the room and closed the door most of the way.  She began to heat up the iron so that she could put some curl in her hair.  Not the normal, natural look, the ones that were much more polished.  She began to curl her hair quickly trying not to waste a long of time and she was excited.  She only managed to burn her wrist six times throughout the whole ordeal which, for Zephyr, was a large achievement.

After her hair was done she put on a little make up.  Not much as Zeph was a fairly natural person and never found much use for things like make up.  However she accented her hazel green eyes while she got it all together.  She pulled her dress out of the nearby closet and undressed.  Pushing her dirty clothes to the side she stepped into the floral dress and zipped it up the back carefully.  The zipper caught half way up and she grimmaced.  Dancing and hopping around the bathroom, the silk of her dress sounded loud as she wrestled with the tiny black zipper up her back trying to find enough leverage to move it upward.  She grunted, and was worried that she was slightly sweaty by the time she got it. 

“Aha!” she cried out as she finally got the zipper to the top and shook out her arms to let the muscles relax a moment.  Glancing in the mirror she righted a few stray curls before she stepped into her heels.  She was going to try to use them and not break an ankle tonight.  Finally, she stepped out into the living area.  It was bare, there was no Thom, so she figured that he would be in the bedroom.  Surely he would be done getting ready by this point because he only had to get dressed and didn't have the length of hair that Zephyr had needed to deal with.  She headed to the bedroom, the door was slightly ajar and she stepped inside to see Thom just finishing some kind of spray.  The scent hung heavily in the air as the mist he had sprayed slowly dissipated. 

I should have put on  more perfume.... but I didn't bring any. she thought for a moment before her eyes dropped and she realized that he didn't have his shirt on.  She stood there for a moment just watching the way that his skin moved with the muscles underneath.  She had never seen him without a shirt on and it was certainly a sight to behold.  Her mouth went dry and she kind of wished for more champagne right about now.  She must have rustled her shirt or something because she saw him turn slightly and she blushed heavily.  Nervously she twisted her fingers together a bit and bit into her lower lip.  “Uh, do you want.. uh... help with your tie?” she asked clearing her throat.

She stood there with her hair down, in supple curls around her.  Accentuating eye make up, and a dress of black sheer silk over a flower under lay.  With her heels it put her about three inches taller than she was on average.  She smiled softly as she stepped more fully into the room and went to the replicator.  “I think they just look really smart on men.” she said softly.  “I used to do my dads.” she admitted as she got a bow tie from the replicator and came over to him.  With her heels, their heights were far more similar as she waited for him to put on his shirt and button it before she stepped in.  Inches separated them as she slid the tie around his neck and adeptly began to tie it for him. 

Trying not to make eye contact.


Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #9
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

The moment they shared when she seemed convinced that he would catch her if she fell on the high mountains had made him chuckle, yet he froze up lightly when she came in to hug him afterwards. Their bodies were close against one another and they both seemed to relish in the contact of the hug before they finally broke free. He watched her move off to the bathroom to 'clown up'. After gazing into the flames fora while he got up as he took the empty glasses and recycled them in the replicator along with the bottle.  After that he returned to the bedroom as he opened up his bag. He didn't have anything real fancy for tonight and he chewed on his cheek as he figured Zephyr expected something grand.

Thus the man stepped over to the replicator to produce himself something more appropriate. A black and white simple suit would do the trick perfectly as he looked at the far different fabric of the suit. It felt somewhat alien and he placed it on the bed as he changed underwear and took out his deodorant. He slipped into the cobalt-grey pants and looked at himself in the mirror to check if they fitted accordingly. He sighed as he wasn't sure how it looked, wondering what he was doing in the first place.

He shook the thought out of his mind as he sprayed the deodorant over his chest and under his armpits. As the spray faded he looked at himself in the mirror before he reached behind him for the white shirt. He held it in his hands as he flexed and stretched his muscles lightly as the alcohol buzz soared through his veins. Not enough to actually call hi tipsy, yet perhaps slightly light headed.

It was in that moment that he felt like he was being watched, as if the skin that was being watched was beginning to burn and itch. He turned his body around to the door as he felt his eyes widen a little at the view of Zephyr in the doorway. The floral dress certainly fitting her frame and person perfectly. Her curly hair were tantalizing to say the least and he felt distracted by them as his eyes roamed over her, smiling at the heels she wore. He wasn't sure what to tell her and Zephyr got the first word out as she suggested him to help with a tie.

"I... I uh... I don't have a tie with me, never really wore one either." he admitted as he looked down. He couldn't help it though as his eyes were simply drawn back to her, taking in every detail of her. He watched the slight accentuating make up, the necklace she wore, they way her hair moved as she walked further into the bedroom and replicated a bow tie. The sound of her heels clicking over the floor made his hairs straighten as it elevated his heart beat. He took in a deep breath as she walked over to him, her heels bringing him pretty much to head height with him.

He looked into her eyes as she waited for him to put on his shirt, as he did so silently. He started to button up from the bottom to the top. When he was done Zephyr Praise came closer to him as she expertly slid the tie around him and began to adeptly fix it for him. He looked right at her as she did so, his hands being forced to stick to his sides and to not reach out to her as the struggle was so very real. He cleared his throat a little as they never really had gotten this close to one another.

As she was finishing up he slowly leaned in slightly as he whispered "Zeph, you look really beautiful in that dress.." it was meant as a compliment and in truth, she'd always remain an everlasting beauty to him no matter what. The battle to not touch her was lost as his right hand gently came to rest on her hips, feeling the fabric of the floral dress as his head tilted a little. His head inching closer to hers as he smiled lightly "I should definitely take you out more often to fancy places..." he said teasingly.


Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #10
[Cdt Zephyr Praise | Not So Lonely Holiday | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

He hadn't ever worn a tie before, that didn't stop her though, she was all for helping him class up a little bit.  Though feeling his breath against her cheeks since they were so much closer now did something to her insides.  As she tried not to meet his eyes with her own she kept her hazel green orbs most certainly stared straight at his tie while she worked it around and fixed it just right.  Her finger tips brushing against the skin of his neck while she did so.  He wasn't touching her, which was probably for the best because she was most definitely going to have issues if she allowed herself to be touched right now.  Her heart was already beating heavily in her throat.

“Whatever scent you uh... are wearing it's.. it's really nice.” she whispered softly clearing her throat again as she couldn't quite seem to get the emotion out of it.  Her voice was just so soft and gentle and it was betraying things that she couldn't quite put names to.

When he said her name, she couldn't help but her lovely eyes fringed in dark lashes flickered up to his own.  She was stuck.  She couldn't seem to tear herself away from them as he told her that she looked beautiful in the dress she was wearing.  A soft shy smile took over her lips.  “Thank you, you .. you clean up really well Thomas.” she said returning the compliment to him quickly.  He really did, she hadn't ever seen him so dressed up and she had to admit that it was a new and beautiful view of Thom.  Something that would probably would be stuck in her mind for a long time.

A memory she would cherish.

One of his hands found her hip and though he put no pressure on it he locked her into place with it.  She was trembling slightly, barely descernable as she looked up at him.  Trying to figure out what was going on.  What this feeling in her guts was telling her.  She knew that she missed Ethan, he was good to her, and kind to her, but right now she could barely think of him at this moment and it terrified her.  Thom had never proven that he cared for her any more than just as a friend but here he was making her feel things that she had never known from him before.  Swallowing heavily she thought about what she should say, could say, but then he was closer.  So much closer.  Mere breaths separated their lips from one another.

The pull in her stomach only grew.  Her heart lodged firmly in her throat.  Zeph's fingers slid down his front, carressing the fabric that covered the muscular body that she had only just seen for the first time.  Her nose inhaling his heavy scent.  She swallowed loudly, at least it seemed loudly, to her.  “You can... take me anywhere you want.” she whispered softly as she shifted her weight from one leg to another while she tried to decide what she was going to do.  She shouldn't kiss him, but she wanted to kiss him, there was a magnetic pull shoving her towards him.

However the shuffle of her heels did something unexpected.  Her ankle shifted wrong and her weight wasn't fully on the heel.  Zephyr squeaked as she crumbled to the floor in a puddle of silk and heels.  Her hair splayed all around her for a moment as she turned bright red.  The moment lost, gone, and would probably never come back.  it's for the better, he doesn't like me that way anyway. she thought as she got herself up off the floor and make sure that she was more steady on her feet this time.  Brushing her skirts down more fully again the chime from the other room rang out saying that it was time for them to head to dinner, their reservations were only five minutes away. 

“I guess we should go.” she said softly as she gently stepped past Thom and to the other room.  The transportation pad was already programmed with the coordinates of where they would be going so she stood there embarrassed, waiting for Thom to join her.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #11
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

Her voice sounded different, much softer and sensitive then he recalled and he felt himself lose himself in that moment as it would probably be one of those memories that would stick with a person for the rest of their lives. His hand found her hips an her eyes were locked with his. The sounds around them seemingly dissipating to nothing more but background noise.

He wondered what was going through her in the moment as he simply stared at her. She swallowed and whispered that he could take her anywhere he'd want and he was about to answer her before she suddenly slipped out of his grasp. She was gone in an instant and his fast reflexes seemed to be nullified. A loud thud indicated where Zephyr had gone to and he looked down with an astonished face, though it was a typical Zeph move.

It took a few seconds before he crouched down to her and placed his hand on her shoulder "Zeph! Are you okay?" he asked worried and eventually took her hand to help her back up to her feet. His eyes were filled with worry, yet as she brushed her skirt down to look more proper the chime came as they were reminded to go to the restaurant. The moment that had built up right there and then was most definitely gone as Zephyr stepped past him to the other room.

Thomas swallowed as he looked up at the ceiling of the room. Was all of this a cosmic joke? He steeled his nerves once more as he took the jacket and slid it on before he walked out of the room with a pair of ink black loafers. He put up a confident and caring smile for Zephyr as he walked over to her on the transport pads "Sure you'll survive dancing on those?" he asked her softly, trying to break the tension after the spoiled moment. He reached his hand out to her as he looked at her "Just in case you lose balance again. I need to work on my catching skills if we go climbing."

The transport pads energized and the scenery changed from their suite to a large restaurant. The walls were made of logs that were stacked on each other and reinforced with beams of wood. The ceilings were high up as the restaurant seemed to have two floors. The ground floor acting like an all you can eat buffet for guests while the first floor had a similar yet more fancy banquet. On the top floor, there were tables set for people who would choose for a à la carte menu instead of the banquet on the first floor.

One of the waiters came to them with a smile "May I have your reservation please."

"Mister and Misses Ravon." Thomas answered, a cheeky smile forming on his features as he looked over at Zephyr, his hand still holding hers. "Ah yes, please follow me." the waiter answered as he guided them up the stairs. They were brought to the top floor and placed at a table that was positioned right in front of a big window. The view they had from here was breathtaking. It looked out on the mountains and the forest yet the restaurant seemed to be placed somewhere midway up on the mountain. This meant that they could look for miles at the distant lights and the valley that had an eerie glow to it thanks to the full moon.

Thomas thanked the waiter as he shoved Zephyr's seat back and placed it under her like a true gentleman before he took his place opposite of her "Hope you like the view." he grinned as he looked at her, eyes lingering for just those few seconds too long before he looked out at the natural beauty spread under them.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #12
[Cadet Zephyr Praise | No-So Lonely Holiday | Surprise Trips | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

There was nothing, more embarrassing, than falling on your ass for no apparent reason.  She hadn't even really been moving, she had only been shifting and she had fallen on her ass.  It actually kind of hurt, there was a sore spot there she didn't really want to discuss at the moment.  Adding an extra few inches to her height had made the easily bruised Cadet hurt just a little worse than she thought it would have.  She could just turn red, crawl under the bed, and hide out for the next month or so at this point.  That would be okay too.  Because, while Ethan wasn't here, it was Thom.  And Thom had seen her at her worst and helped get her ass to Sickbay, and Thom had been there when she cried over broken hearts, and he knew just how clumsy she was.  But this, had been a moment, and she had ruined it.

Probably for the best, Zeph.  Fate intervened for a reason.

“Yeah .. yeah.” she sounded a bit defeated. Couldn't have just one night where I didn't bruise something?!  “I'm fine, just lost my pride somewhere between up there and down here.”

Thom offered her a hand and she took it carefully before getting herself up on the heels.  At least she hadnt sprained an ankle or something that would have required for them to be late.  She shifted the layers of her dress back down and made sure they weren't riding up embarrassingly or something before her eyes slowly shifted up to Thom.  Her cheeks were still red from her bashfulness.  Normal Zeph didn't care, she would laugh, and keep on moving.  But, something had been about to happen and her idiotic clumsiness had screwed it all up!

She disappeared from the room so that she could collect herself.  Thom came out having put on his jacket, and her hazel green eyes followed him across the room where he came to stand beside her.  Teasing her about dancing in the shoes that had nearly killed her a minute ago.  The blush that had faded from before came back two-fold and she shrugged her shoulder.  “Well, we can at least try.  I don't think I can kill myself with them, but you may have the honor of carrying me to Sickbay.” she said, she was always one to make light of her clumsy behavior.  It had always been there, and why she had a scar going up her arm as a child.  She had always been horrible at walking in a straight line and walking while doing something else was a clear recipe for disaster when it came to the young Betazoid.

They transported off to the restaurant which was absolutely beautiful as she stepped very carefully off the platform.  She was holding Thom's hand as they headed to the restaurant and he told the woman there that Mister and Misses Ravon had a reservation.  Giving her that cheesy grin that said he was going to milk it for all it was worth.  She blushed heavily and smiled back.  To be honest, she didn't  mind as much as she should have, or as much as she thought she would.  Perhaps because it was all a good mannered jest between them.  She knew she wasn't his type and there was no reason to feel awkward about a situation that had just been flat misunderstood by the staff here.

The fact that she had traverse a stair case was terrifying but she concentrated on one step at a time as they headed up to find their table.  She clung to Thom's hand as much as she could just incase she slipped because while she might not die by falling down to the floor, she could, if she fell down the staircase.   Finally, they reached the top and Zeph was rather proud that she hadn't wobbled even once.  The view was spectacular.  She took her seat, letting Thom help her scoot it forward and slowly she looked out into the view.  There was a bit of vertigo associated with the fact that she was so high and faced outward as if they were hanging and hovering over the vast forest and other mountain peeks below.  But, it passed rather quickly and Zeph hardly could tear her eyes away even when Thom spoke.

“It's fantastic.  It reminds me of home.” she smiled turning to face him a little bit again.  “I used to run wild through the forests there.  I was always in trouble.  Shirking my studies to run through the forests of Betazed and collect samples, I had a whole green house back at home with small cuttings I got from there.  I rescued my owl from there too.” she smiled softly.  “It's actually how I got this scar.  Because, you know me, I can't walk in a straight line, I nearly fell off a mountain trying to rescue a damn hurt owl.  But, I got her.  Scraped my arm really bad on the way down, it got super infected, and had to be treated a hospital a week or so later.” she smiled at the memory and showed the long scar that went up her forearm to Thom.  He had seen it before but she had never told him the story.

“I think that's what most excites me about the walk we're going to take tomorrow.  We'll be in nature.  The Academy is great and all but there is nothing that grounds me like being surrounded by nature.” she admitted with a smile.  Picking up her menu she began to look through the various options for tonight.  There were no prices, which usually meant high, so she hoped that Ravon was prepped for that, if not she could probably help... Except you didn't bring your purse idiot.  Zeph winced at the mental chastization to herself and sighed. 

“I forgot to bring my purse to help pay.” she admitted knowing Thom would ask anyway.  “If I need to I can go back and get it.”

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #13
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

"Ah, the honorary carry cadet Praise to Sickbay routine!" he teased her with it as he had done so on various occasions in the past. It was hard to imagine anyone more clumsier then Zephyr, the warm bubbly vibrant person seeming to have a skill to bruise, scratch or wound herself at various 'safe' venues. It never did cease to surprise Thomas how she managed to do that over and over again. He had seen her get hurt pretty badly at some points at which he did have have to haul her sorry ass to Sickbay, so this was nothing bad.

After being led up the stairs with no further incidents, Thomas admired the look on Zephyr's face as she looked out over the landscape and he smiled pleased to see that wondrous look on her face before she managed to tear her gaze away from the scenery. It lead to a story about her homeworld and how she used to explore them as a child. he was slightly surprised when she mentioned an owl and he smiled broader as she kept talking and gave him an insight about what she did in her greenhouse. She spoke of the origin about the scar on her arm as she accentuated the fact that she couldn't run in a straight line. It made the other cadet laugh and shake his head "You nearly got killed because of rescuing an owl?"

It was a typical Zeph story and Thomas couldn't help but enjoy her tales as he nodded slowly "So what happened to the owl? I mean, I haven't seen it on the academy." he asked curiously. He doubted Zephyr would just leave the animal behind on Betazed unattended. Unless she released it into nature once more. He looked at her before the waiter came to take bring the menus.

Ravon had seen Zephyr excited yet this was one of those times where she was adamantly super excited to get out in nature. The cadet smiled widely "I just hope we get to see a lot of things. Like maybe some wildlife if we get lucky?" he smiled "Plus the fresh air will probably do us some good. I don't think I'll have ever breathe any fresher air then here."

Thomas looked over the various options before he heard a sigh from across him. He lowered the card a bit before he looked at Zephyr as she explained why she sighed. He smiled faintly and he shook his head "No need, the credits will simply come on our room tab." he explained to assure her with a smile. He looked back at the menu and voiced "What do you think about taking a special?" he suggested. The specials on the menu were suggestions made by the chef himself, varying from a fish like special with river shrimps and various crustaceans for starters and a large portion of various fish as a main. The deserts on all specials were the same. Alternatively they could pick something meatier with a cold platter of special smoked bacon and orange melon, with as a main they'd be able to eat a typical Colorado steak with a sauce to their liking. The deserts varied from ice cream with several toppings to an alcoholic filed coffee or apple pie crumble.

Alternatively, they could pick for menus for two. Which basically would mean that they got one big portion of whatever the ordered and got to share it. The amounts would be copious and plenty as some people around them had the suggestions at their table already. Thomas looked around and looked back at Zephyr with a stupid grin. The way she made him feel around her was just so liberating. It was as if she brought out a very different kind of Thomas and he enjoyed it tremendously. "What do you think we should drink? I mean, can you take more alcohol or did I sort of pour enough in you with the champagne?" he teased her as he placed the menu card down and just looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #14
[Cadet Zephyr Praise | Not So Lonely Holidays | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

The way he said those words, the ones where he was surprised, somehow, that she had nearly killed herself rescuing and owl during her childhood caused her to chuckle.  She thought he should no longer be surprised by the lengths her body would go through to put her in harm.  She had always been the sort that could find a way to hurt herself in the safest of environments.  Paper cuts, thorns, random furniture that had been there since birth and she still ran into it.  The bruises, cuts, scrapes, and what not that constantly covered her body was a dead give away to her clumsy nature.  Thom was one of the people that had seen it more first hand than many.  Ethan too, had seen a lot of it but Thom had certainly experienced more.  He had carried her to Sickbay, forced her to get treatments on nasty multi-colored bruises and swollen ankles.  He was always taking care of her. 

He was going to be a great guy for someone at some point.

He asked after the owl and she smiled brightly.  “My sister is watching after it on Betazed.  She's bringing her to Graduation because I was planning to bring her on the ship with me when I get assigned.  I couldn't bring her to the Academy, I tried, they said no.  So I'm going to have to do it this way but I plan for her to come along on my first assignment.” she beamed brightly.  “I tried to let it go at one point, it wouldn't leave!  She sat outside my window hooting and ruffling her feathers for days and finally I opened the window and she flew back inside and never left.”

Thom mentioned that he hoped they got to see lots of wildlife when they were out on their walk tomorrow.  She was definitely going to make sure that she had sensible shoes, and some comfortable clothes when she went with him.  She really would like to have a vacation where she didn't have a stint in sickbay.  Thom would probably make a good nurse but she didn't want to tarnish their time together by having to hop around on one leg or something stupid like that.  Zeph really wished that she was graceful, she knew that she probably looked graceful but she wasn't.  She could find something to run into no matter where she was.  Heals had not been a wise decisions today but she had wanted to be pretty for Thom.  Why … though? she pondered to herself.  She hadn't even worn heals for Ethan so why would she wear them for Thom.  But, that was food for thought to ponder on later.

“Fresh air is the best.  I can't wait, I'm excited.” she admitted with a bright smile on her face.

He told her that everything was going to be put on the room tab so she didn't need to worry about bringing money or the fact that she forgot hers back in the room.  A soft smile and a bit of a blush colored her face as she looked down at the menu.  Her index finger on her right hand picked at the corner of the menu while she read through all the available options.  It was a bit overwhelming.  She was so used to going to the Mess Hall picking one of the few options available for that meal, that day, and eating.  This was three pages of different foods and she didn't know most of them.  They were all Terran food and she hadn't really dabbled heavily in that kind of food yet.  Thom asked her what she thought of the special and her eyes flickered around looking for the list.  She finally found it and read through what they could have today.

“I think I like the special, the fish sounds good.  Or even the meat platter.”  Zephyr might be small in size but she could eat like a fully grown man three times her weight.  She wasn't sure how that worked out but it did, her metabolism was rather high and for the most part she didn't seem to struggle with her weight.  Looking up at Thom as he asked if they could drink or if they should not drink at all because of the champagne they had already shared. 

“Hmmm, well it's been a bit since I drank so I think if I take it easy it'll be okay.  If I don't take it easy you can carry me back to the room.” she winked playfully with a smile on her face.  The waitress came over and took their orders.  Zeph went with the fish platter for herself and the dessert  of pie.  She had never had pie before and it seemed like a good time to give it a shot.  After the waitress left, she looked over at Thom and gave him a warm smile.  It was nice, it felt like a date, even though it couldn't be.  It shouldn't be.  She was with Ethan.  Occasionally, she thought about how she shouldn't be here doing this with Thom, being mistaken for Misses Ravon when she wasn't even dating him.

“So any fun and daring stories from your own childhood?”

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #15
[Cdt. Thomas Ravon | Not So Lonely Holidays |  Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

It was a surprise really to hear that the owl had never left and that it had been left on Betazed. The good news perhaps would be that the owl would be attending at Zephyr's graduation. He did have his doubts that the animal would be permitted aboard her first assignment, wanting to raise an objection yet counseling against it as he didn't want to spoil the mood of the lovely excited woman in front of him. It didn't cease to amaze him how she always seemed to be so much in tune with nature and everything around it. It was even accentuated by her vibrant smile as they talked about going out to see the wildlife tomorrow.

As the waitress came to take the menu for the both of them they ordered, Thomas went for the meat menu and it didn't take that long before the drinks arrived. Again it was champagne and a bucket with ice held the bottle as it stood to their side. Their glasses were filled and the waiter left after delivered them with a small amuse-gueule. It seemed like a specialty of a small cracker with a bit of fish on it topped with a glazy dose of fruity jam. Thomas looked suspiciously at it as he picked the cracker up which wasn't big. It would probably fit in the palm of his hand "Looks rather weird..." he murmured to her before he tasted it an his facial expression went blank at first before it seemed to be going through the roof with a mix of emotions.

When she'd taste it she'd find the taste pallet of her mouth to be triggered with every possible flavor she could imagine. Her taste buds being assaulted with the delightful fresh yet savory texture of the amuse. Thomas chewed on it and let it savor in his mouth before he swallowed it and coughed as he brought out a croaky "Woah... That was..." he couldn't quite find the words directly before he concluded "Out of this world..."

"Mmh, childhood stories... Nothing exciting really... Unless you count my juvenile adventures to be interesting." he smirked as he sipped from the glass and looked into her eyes "Believe it or not, I've been in the brig before I even enlisted." he smirked. Ravon had always been rather silent about his past. besides having told her about his parents and his guardian he never really elaborated about his past. He hooked his fingers together in his hands and tapped his thumbs against one another as he grinned, curious if she'd bite or not.

Re: [2370][Directors Cut: Glutton for Punishment

Reply #16
[Cadet Zephyr Praise | No-So Lonely Holiday | Surprise Trip | Colorado Cabins and Campouts]

The waitress arrived with more drinks and it was champagne again.  Zephyr felt the rosy hue take over her cheeks once more.  She knew that she had several glasses back in the cabin and now they were going to have even more.  The glasses were set to the side and the waitress opened the bottle releasing the cork with a slight hiss and no explosion that one would expect.  Filling up both of the glasses to the brim with the fizzy drink they settled to half full once the bubbles had been expended.  The smell was heavenly, and it seemed that this one would likely have a different flavor than the previous, if the smell alone was something to go off of.

The meat plate and her fish plate arrived at the same time.  The food was whisked down in front of them, and she looked all over at Thomas' plate.  It looked good too, but she wasn't sure what all the meats were, though Zeph was no connoisseur of meat products especially ones from Earth but it smelled good.  As did the fish that she, herself, had ordered.  She unrolled the silverware from the cloth napkin they had been wrapped in.  Sliding them next to her plate she pushed the napkin into her lap and allowed it to protect her dress from her clumsy nature, which oft times included food related incidents.

He told her that his meat was weird which caused her to chuckle slightly and nearly cough on the bite of fish that she was currently entertaining.  A smile formed on her face as she chased it down with the sweet liquid.  Nearly downing the glass, because, that's what you were supposed to do she listened to him tell her that his life before Fleet was no fun.  He had nothing but adventures that had gotten him into trouble.  It was the same line that he always used for her, the same line that killed her, because of course she wanted to know everything there was to know about Thom.  He seemed to be the sort that was hiding something.  She could feel it, but she also wasn't the sort to push for that information.  If he wanted to tell her he would.

Clearly, he didn't.

“Brig'd.  I feel like you've told me that one before.” she chuckled.  They ate in companionable silence and it seemed to go a bit fast.  Just eating and enjoying each other's company.  She didn't eat all that much but finished off three glasses of champagne.  Feeling a bit tipsy and unsure how walking on heels was going to actually be a successful venture, Thom tapped her hand.  Zephyr found that she had gone to staring at the couples on the floor dancing in the center of the restaurant.  A live band had started to play music over on one of the sides.  The lights had dimmed at some point and little pinpricks of lights shimmered all over the dancing couples. 

It was the most romantic thing she had seen outside of a story or holonovel.

His eyes looked at her expectantly, and zeph blushed.  “You.. wouldn't want to keep me standing up straight on the dance floor would you?” she asked him curiously.  It had taken a gross amount of courage for her to ask that.  He gave her that fly-boy grin.  Swallowing heavily she blushed as he rose and held his hand up for her.  She smiled and took it.  Stumbling slightly as the champagne made her sway slightly he grabbed her around the waist.  Zeph leaned a bit more heavily than she wanted to against him as they made their way underneath the shimmering lights of the dance floor.  They made their way to a small spot that wasn't filled by anyone else. 

Zeph turned slightly so that she was in front of him.  Both his arms circled around her waist and hers around his neck.  Allowing them to stay close as they moved slowly.  Step by step, they weren't really dancing so much as swaying in each other's arms.  Her hazel-green eyes shifted up to his.  She felt locked, stuck, and pulled towards him even more.  A soft smile tugged up at the corner of her lips as they moved and danced and enjoyed the moment together. 

“You know, there are so many times, that I am thankful someone sent you to me for some tutoring.” she admitted softly, heard just over the music in their own little world.  He leaned down so his forehead was against her own.  Both of them staring into each other's eyes.  Their little world getting smaller and more secluded by the minute.  “Thank you for bringing me here.”

Zephyr felt her fingers brushing through the hair on the back of his head gently.  She couldn't help but enjoy the feel there.  Swallowing heavily, her hand slipped down so that it cupped his cheek.  He pulled her closer to him.  They weren't dancing anymore, but she hadn't even realized that she stopped moving.  They were just staring into each other's eyes.  His eyes darted down to her lips and hers... darted to his own.  A breath later their lips met and the kiss.  She melted into him, his hand slid up her back and into the thick of her hair holding her close and secure while their lips danced softly to the music that their bodies wasn't moving to.  The kiss deepened.  They seemed to not care, in the least, about the people around them while they finally gave into their desires. 

In the back ground there was some kind of pounding.  She couldn't be bothered to figure out what it was.  She couldn't be bothered to go check it out because right now the only thing she could think about was Thom, and his lips, and his hands, and the way that he held her against the right muscular body.  The pounding grew louder, every single time it started it was louder and louder.  At some point despite the fact that his lips were amazingly tender and soft it got distracting.  With a heavy weight in her stomach she broke the kiss. 

“Don't.” his voice was soft, romantic, and heady.  She looked back up at him.  Her eyes widened.  She had kissed him, what about Ethan?  What would she tell him, how was she going to get this figured out, why was she so suddenly attracted to Thom.  But, in the moment, it didn't matter, not in the least.  The way his eyes called to her, she found herself kissing him again.  Passion rang out between the two of them, having spent years under wraps he walked her backwards.  His arms were steady around her waist helping her stay up no matter that her feet were struggling to keep up and the heels that she wore made it that much more difficult.  She had no idea where their destination was until she found herself on a platform.

The tingle of the transportation unit brushed against her skin and when she was back to herself the familiar scents of their cabin came into her senses.  She could still hear the pounding.  Someone was screaming, but it was so far away she couldn't quite figure out what it was.  Now, along with the banging was a chime.  A rather annoying constant chime.  Thom hoisted her up in his arms, she wrapped her legs around his waist to hold herself there more easily....

….The pounding and ringing were loud now.  In her ears, and close.  No longer they were far away.  Zephyr groaned as her eyes opened, she wasn't in a cabin.  There was no fire.  There was no champagne taste on her lips and her tongue and there was no Thom. 

Oh … it was a .. it was a dream.  Oh … oh hell.  Zeph brushed a hand through her long hair and popped her head up off the pillow.  She could hear Thom now, screaming through her door.  He was about to get security, she hadn't opened yet.  She sat up on her bed.  “I'm coming!  I'm coming!” she cried out as she headed for the door to open it.  “Sorry, I fell asleep.  I had the craziest dream.”


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