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Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Starfleet Tactical CONN Academy | Orbit of Mars | 2370 ]

Dear Zeph,

I'm sorry that we left on odd terms at the graduation event.

I can't really explain my actions nor really justify them to you. I suppose you can blame it on my temper issues that I've been dragging along for a while now. Anyway, I made a promise to you to not be a stranger. I'm a guy that keeps his promise and I can't stress enough how much of a help you have been throughout my time at the academy. You'll always have a special place in my life and I'll always remember you.

I hope life at the academy is treating you well? Your senior year slowly coming to an end now. Do you have any prospects concerning your future? Any ship or position that you're aiming for?

I'm currently in orbit around Mars. Tactical CONN Academy is brutal. Pushing the limits of a pilot really as we're being deployed for exercises and maneuvers around the clock with only a couple of hours of downtime. We've not been granted any leaves as they're looking for the best of the best here. So I doubt I'll make it back to Earth for a quick visit.

The big red planet provides some nice scenery, yet I'm not sure the red planet is such a great place for a plant girl like you.
I hope this post finds you well.


Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #1
[Cadet Zephyr Praise | Starfleet Academy Quarters | Late at Night | Earth]

Zephyr herself had been sitting on her bed.  Leaned back against the pillows around her.  Hair braided down her front so that it was out of the way.  Currently, her left leg was bent and a text PADD rested on it, full of information.  Cramming for her classes had become second nature.  Zeph wanted to be finished with the Academy and be assigned a great ship.  So she was studying as hard as she could and trying to make her grades last.  Pushing them through to the max.  She didn't have Thom to drag her out anymore though Ethan had filled that slot a bit he too was studying.  Senior year was hard and she had even caught Andromeda studying from time to time.

The ping on her personal PADD was what caught her attention.  Dragging her out of the depths of Botany, her first love.  Seeing the small blinking light that told her that she had received a message she tossed her study padd to the side and reached for her personal one.  Leaning back she brushed her thumb over the biometric scanner and it unlocked.  The message that was waiting for her was from Thom.  Her heart slid up into her throat and slammed home as she opened it.

Reading it she smiled softly.  She could almost hear his voice in her head.  She missed him greatly and had wished they could have had words before he left.  But, he had been assigned and gone before she could hunt him down.  She had been too angry to hunt him down before he left.  Now, there were just regrets.  Zeph began to pen her response.

Dear Thom,

First of all, I miss you.  It's weird without you dragging me out of my Quarters and without you pinging me with your Science homework questions all the time.  Now you have to do your own work.  Luckily, (For the Fleet) it's not Science. 

Ethan is okay, if you were wondering, a quick visit to Sickbay and he was all sunshine again.  He says he doesn't hold it against you.  If he can forgive you, so can I.  No hard feelings.  I wish I could tell you that in person.  I hope that it will take some weight off your chest and your shoulders.  I don't want this to come between us. 

Senior year is busy.  I spend most of my time studying.  But, that's what I do anyway.  I don't have you to make me social.  I'm hoping for a big ship with an Arboretum or Botanical Lab.  Those are in short supply so I can only hope that it works out.  I can't decide what ship I get, it's all random.  So here's hoping anyway.

How are you liking your assignment?  Is it any good?  Have you made new friends up there as a full Ensign?  Forgetting us little people back home?  I'm sorry to hear that Tac Conn is so hard on you but I know you're capable of it.  You're so smart and strong and brave.  You'll be stealing hearts and shooting asshole aliens before you know it!  I belive in you Thom, I always have.  You're my best friend.  I don't think the Red planet could keep me entertained, but I'm just eager to get off this planet and up into space.

I wish you could come down to Earth though. I'd love to take you to sushi and give you hugs and hear all about your days.  Don't be a stranger Thom, I'm so glad you messaged me.  I've been hoping so.  I know you wanted to say something to me at the dance, and you never did.  Do you want to tell me now?  I have been wondering.

Your Favorite Botanist,

Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #2
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Shuttle Transfer USS Thunderchild | Location Unspecified | 2371 ] @BZ


Dear Zeph,

Sorry I couldn't get in touch any sooner. I figured you'd be busy with finals and the graduation party yourself. I've been caught up with the finals for Tac CONN myself as well as the flight exams. I'll be glad to inform you that I've ended as top of my class. Which I shouldn't remind you wouldn't have been possible with the help you provided me in my Academy years.
I've made a few acquaintances here, yet nothing close to friends really. The competitiveness here is killing, so most guys and girls get along, but nothing more than that.

I hope you get a position on one of those new ships, I heard their Aboretums are state of the art. Some of the new ships I get to see here as they're finished up for duty. They're magnificent really. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Let me know where you end up though? I'd love to know.

I'm being transferred while I'm writing you this mail actually. Moving over to the USS Thunderchild, which happens to be caught up in the Dominion conflict. So I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing some combat time. I'm not quite sure how my connection will be aboard Thunderchild. They might black out comms for strategic and tactical reasons so I'll write things up when I know they can get sent through.

Before I finish this mail up, I'll never forget about that cute girl I've met back on Earth. I never will.

With lots of love


PS: What I wanted to tell to you at the dance is something that I can't write down on a mail. If the moment comes when we'll meet one another again, I'll tell it to you face to face. I promise :)

The ship shook as it dropped out of warp "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your new home. The USS Thunderchild. Report to your department heads and get yourself bunked in. Good luck out there." the ensign at the front announced and Thomas looked out of the viewport at the ship that would undoubtedly be his next home for the next for months or years.

Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #3
[Ens. Zephyr Praise | Starfleet Shuttle Deck | Row 3 – Seat 6]

Dear Thom,

Sorry for the late reply.  Finals were insane, but I passed!  I've been assigned to the USS Intrepid, and lucky for me it does have an Arboretum.  I've already memorized all the plants they have there and what kind of work and research I'll be able to dive into once I get on board.  I'm so excited to get out there.  To be among the stars and actually, finally, able to make a difference.  I've heard rumors the Intrepid is about to head off on mission and it's just waiting for the new recruits.  So it looks like it's going to be trial by fire.

I can only imagine how busy you are.  I cannot imagine what you're doing out there but I hope you're being safe.  It's weird to worry about someone so far away.  Ethan said he tried to contact you earlier this week but hadn't heard back.  I told him you were just busy.  He's excited but sad because we weren't assigned to the same ship.  He's been sent to a ship called the USS Calvary.  We won't be close, but we are going to try to make it work anyway.  He's been really good to me. 

I'm glad to hear you're doing well.  Be safe out there Thom, it's so hard to think about the people I care about being in trouble or being out of my control.  Not that I could save anyone, I'm just a Scientist but at least there are ways to help out there.  Now, I have had to let go of you and Ethan and I'm alone again. It feels weird.  I know I'll make friends up there but I'm still the weird science girl.  So I hope that we can find each other one day soon.  I miss you.

Yours always,

[Ens. Zephyr Praise | USS Intrepid | Crew Quarters | Bunk]


It's been weeks since I wrote and there's been no response.  I'm trying not to freak out about the fact that I haven't heard from you.  I'm trying not to worry because I know you're probably just busy and doing fly-boy stuff.  Still, I can't help but be worried.  You're my best friend and I know that you care about me too.  I can't quit thinking about you. 

Ethan said he hasn't heard from you either, he said he sent you messages and you're probably just busy not to worry.  But, I can't help it.  You're like family to me, I know you know that, and it's hard to think about you out there without me being able to see you.  I tried to call a few times but I get rerouted to Starfleet Servers, I think you must be in some kind of black out or something, I'm not sure.  But my stomach won't settle and I'm trying so hard to figure out where you are.  What you're doing.

I hope you're doing well.  I hope you're enjoying you're job.  I hope you're having fun.

Please write back, Zeph

[Ens Zephyr Praise | USS Intrepid | Medbay | Bio Bed 16]


Ensign Thomas Ravon (this is my best text based mom voice),

You need to contact me before I send an entire fleet of ships to find your ass and drag you back for repentance.  Okay, so maybe I can't do that but I wish I could because it's been over a month since you sent me any messages and I'm trying to convince myself daily that you're still safe, and alive, and just either being a complete dick or you're just really busy.  I'm hoping busy.  Because dead is not an option.

Dead.  Is not.  An Option.

I'm in Sickbay.  I thought that might get your attention so I'm being open about it.  We've been at the front lines of the war with the Lethean race.  I tried something stupid.  I tried to use my mind, my empathy to reach out and find a boarder.  They came on board, just a couple, and I figured I could use my empathy to locate them.  Genius idea right?  Nope.  Wrong.  All I did was open myself up to an attack. 

I've never felt so violated in my life.

After the last battle, they sent me over to sickbay to recover.  My brain feels raw.  Violated, taken, bruised.  They said I shook for hours.  But, I'm okay now.  I'm going to be released tomorrow to active duty again.  That's what I've been told by the doctors here. 

Don't worry about me. 




Please, please be alive.


Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #4
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Crew quarters | USS Thunderchild ] @BZ


Dear Zeph,

First and foremost! Clearly I am not dead. :) On the same state of urgency: Are you fucking okay? What the hell?! Getting mentally assaulted like that must've been hell for you! I hope they treat you well over there. I wish there was something I could do for you too, but we're literally almost a galaxy away...

Second, sorry for not getting anything through sooner. The Dominion war has taken a rather drastic turn for us and we've been rather busy. The past few months have been filled with attacks, counter attacks, search and rescue mission and so on. All of which I can't really go into detail of considering most of the things here are confidential.

Most importantly, super congratulations (if really late) about graduating and getting assigned to the Intrepid! Of course, this is not very surprising considering you're a one hit student wonder. and I hate to say it, but I'm not really surprised that you memorized all of the plants on board of the ship. I hope you'll make some friends out there, people who you can be yourself around and flourish a little.

Also, please refrain from having any bright ideas that would risk your life, physically or mentally. I'd appreciate that, in return I promise I won't die out here in space.

Take care of yourself little botanist. You mean more to me than you can imagine.


PS: I don't know when my next contact will be. We just returned to a Deep Space port for resupplies but we're heading back into the breach after that. Take care Zeph!

Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #5
[Ensign Zephyr Praise | USS Calvary | Science Labs ]

  Dear Thom,

I'm so happy you're not dead.  I had lost hope a while ago since it's been six months since your last correspondence.  I'm doing just fine.  I'm no longer on the Intrepid and have moved to the Calvary.  I was able to secure a spot on the Science Department and Ethan is here too in Engineering.  I've heard he's just been made Chief Engineer and good for him.  He's a Lieutenant already, I hope that I'll be getting my promotion soon.  We're heading out on mission right now and I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time.

Life is good for the most part.  Ethan recently took me to his home in Ireland and I was able to meet his family. It was really nice!  I got to eat bacon for the first time and I'm totally and completely addicted to it now.  Replicators can't even compare to the good stuff.  I'm so glad that everything is going well for you.  Though I don't like the black outs because that means I can't keep in touch as easily as I would like to and I have no idea when you'll even be able to read my letter again.

I hope you're out there finding yourself a girl.  I want to hear all about her when you do.  She'll be something special, I imagine.  I'm not sure where the future is going to take Ethan and I but he's planned a cruise for us during our next leave.  I'm excited to go, we're going to go visit a nebula close by and it's going to be really beautiful.  Anyway, I hope that things continue to go well for you.  I won't be so pushy this time, during your absence of writing but try to fit me in somewhere okay?

Your friend,

[Lt. Zephyr Praise | USS Calvary | Shared Quarters | Hangin' With E]

Dear Thom,

Exciting news.  Ethan asked me to marry him!  I said yes, of course, and we're planning the wedding for some time in the future.  I know I said I wasn't going to write you a bunch but I was so excited I felt that I really needed to write you one more time and then wait for your response.  You're my best friend you need to know these things!!  I'm so excited for the future.  The ring is gorgeous. 

He did it on the cruise I was telling you about.  We were sitting on the deck and eating some amazing food, which included Bacon, and then boom.  He just dropped to one knee and started like talking about how we met and all the things we had done together.  He told me he loved me and wanted me to be his wife.  Oh!  And then the icing on the cake.  My mom, dad, sisters were there, and his mom and dad were there. It was this huge amazing moment and I was so excited. 

In fact,  you'll find this funny, I was so excited that I went to hug him and knocked the ring right out of his hand.  It bounced twice before it stopped moving right before it fell off the deck.  Such a close thing, and such a ME thing, but anyway, I just had to tell you.  I want you to be there, when the wedding happens.  I'm sure that Starfleet will let you off if I like.. pretend to be your sister or something.  You have to be there, you're the reason this whole thing happened.  Ethan and I.  I miss you so much. 

Write soon,
~Future Mrs. Harkness.

Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #6
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Crew quarters | USS Thunderchild ] @BZ 

It had been weeks since Thomas had been in his crew bunk. The last three weeks he had spent in the Sickbay of the Thunderchild.  Supposedly a collapsed lung and spinal trauma with an infection would cause for such a thing. He had been grounded ever since. The last messages Zeph had sent him were still on display on his personal PADD. The courage to reply to them not there in those weeks in Sickbay as it literally hit him at the worst possible timing. He couldn't fly his frustration out of him, nor could he physically punch or kick or train them out of his system. Instead these three weeks had been the longest weeks he ever fathomed. The doctors had been wondering why their treatments weren't being successful and word was that they were going to move him off ship if he didn't improve from the viral infection festering after the pneumonia. Truth was, Thomas had reached bottom then and there, Izar attempting to cheer him up with daily visits. Yet the pilot had mentally been gone...

He read over the two mails once more. They both arrived at the same time after another six months blackout. He sighed and looked at the words again as he let them seep in.

Ethan asked me to marry him!  I said yes, of course, and we're planning the wedding for some time in the future.

He looked around in his quarters before he shouted out and threw the PADD against the bulkhead next to the door. The PADD short circuited and broke in several pieces.

Six months later

[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Pilot Ready Room | USS Thunderchild ]


Congratulations on your transfer to the Calvary and congratulations on your engagement...

The pilot sighed as it was very much due time to reply to his friend. He had written the same line a million times, usually followed by a fit of pure rage and frustration boiling up causing him several personal PADDs. Today felt different though as he had to get ready for flight. A mission that would take him deep in enemy territory, he had to let her know that he wished the best for her. If only to give her some closure, that she could happily live her life?


Congratulations on your transfer to the Calvary and congratulations on your engagement. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it as we're still very much on the offensive. I expect that by now you'll be promoted to lieutenant or at least junior grade lieutenant! If not something's really messed up with the way Starfleet hands out promotions.

As for female companionship, who knew that fighter pilots have such a great time at finding a stable relationship? Great for one thing flings and such, but nothing ever sticks. I suppose the looming threat of being killed every time we fly out there holds the risk most girls aren't interested in. So for the moment, I'm very much still single. Which is fine really, I'm getting dragged in and out for missions mostly so I have little time for R&R regardless.

It must've been a great surprise to see all your relatives aboard the cruise! Especially after you spoke so much about them during our time at the academy. I kind of feel sad for not meeting them, but who knows! In the small chance I might actually make it to the wedding, I'll probably meet them there.

I won't lie, the ring thing made me chuckle more than once.

Either way, this might be a final letter from me as I've been selected to go deep behind enemy lines. I'll let you know the moment I return. In the off chance that I don't... Live your life to the fullest Zephyr. Don't give up on things that you'd regret in a later stage. Or in the words of Ambassador Spock: Live long and prosper.

I miss you more than anything, more than you'll ever know.

Much love,

Two weeks later

Dear Zeph,

Just to inform you that I'm still alive.


Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #7
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | USS Pegasus | Department Head Quarters ]

Zephyr sat on the floor of her new Quarters surrounded by the Fleet issued boxes that she had yet to unpack. Her owl hooted happily from it's spot on the bedside table because she had not yet gotten his perch put back together.  The Quarters were huge and it was lonely being here by herself.  She had been sharing Ethan's Department Head Quarters on the Calvary.  Here it was solo and it was odd not to have someone here that she could talk to, bounce ideas off, or snuggle with at night.  She picked up her PADD and thumbed back through to the messages she had last received from Thom.

She hadn't answered the first, mostly because it was such a hectic time.  The training experiment gone wrong on a planet that she would never forget the name of.  She had fallen into a massive trap and broken many of the bones in her body.  The Sickbay stint was not short, or easy, as apparently she had slid into some kind of coma.  Upon waking she had found that Ethan had been offered another job, so had she, and neither were on the same ship.  There was a lot of time just trying to figure out how to be apart, to say their goodbyes, and spend all the time together that they could.

Now, she was alone.

Dear Thom,

I'm so glad you still breathe.  I was and have been worried for you.  I know how hard you fight and how you'll do anything for the people around you.  One of my greatest fears is not being able to see you again.  So don't do anything stupid.  I need you in my life as much as possible.  Even if it's these spaced out messages.

I know it's been a while since I last wrote.  The Calvary was sent on a heavy training mission, it went badly.  We were actually caught and things happened.  I was gravely injured and spent a while in Sickbay.  I'm okay, so don't worry, I wouldn't be writing this message from beyond the grave if I wasn't.  I'm just glad to hear you're all right too.

When I came too, I found that Ethan had been promoted.  He's been moved to another ship to act as First Officer and he's very excited.  It's hard for me, because we've been on the same ship for years now and this is just.. so confusing.  I'm not sure I know how to be without him anymore.  We're not married yet.  Our goal is to get my parents and his parents and leave all working at the same time.  That's proving much harder than we initially thought and will be compounded by the fact that we're on two separate ships.  I have faith it'll happen though.

I've recently transferred as well to the monstrocity that is the Pegasus.  She's a huge ship and I've been given a promotion as well as a Department Head title.  You're now talking to the Chief of Science.  I know you're not too shocked, we all knew it would happen (right? Haha).  Anyway I've only just gotten here.  People seem nice enough, the Captain is nuts and a complete narcissist.  But, I'm sure I'll survive.  I hope things with you are well. I'll write soon.

~Always thinking of you

Lt.  Zephyr Praise | Starbase 603]


How can things go wrong?

In one minute. 

In one experience.

It's all wrong.

[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Starbase 603]

I can't breathe.

I can't do this.

I feel hollow.


---End of Correspondence

Re: Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The Distance

Reply #8
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Crew quarters | USS Thunderchild ]   @BZ  

Dear Zeph,

I'm glad that I intercepted one of your messages in relatively due time. According to the logs, only a week or three or four since you sent it. I hope that by now you aren't suffering from any side effects from the grave injury? I know how those can come biting back when you don't really expect it.

Regardless, I have to admit that I was shocked to hear you were so badly injured. Fill me in more in detail about what happened the next time we'd meet okay?

I'm sorry life has been hard on you and Ethan, being split from the person you love the most must be unlivable I imagine... Obviously, hearing you've been promoted to a department head is no surprise at all. I wouldn't even be surprised if you rose through the ranks to first officer or captain at some point. Maybe give it a year or so and don't stress out if it hasn't happened by then.

Things here have cooled down, our operations have dwindled down to patrols as Command has given us some respite, which allows for easier messaging as you can notice. I've had a few close calls with flying against hostiles, yet nothing gravely bad. I solemnly promise to you that I won't get myself killed out there ma'am.

I suppose not dying has become an order from a lieutenant to an ensign like me right?

Kind regards ma'am


PS: Whatever you think or imagine, I'm thinking about you every day too.

Eight months later...



I got your message just this morning.

What's going on?

What happened?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Day of last correspondence...



Where the hell are you? I just got this message after my patrol round.

What's wrong?! Talk to me!

I'm worried!

One day since last correspondence..


I don't like the silence. The Thunderchild is moving back to a starbase for resupplies, so I'll be available for any messages you'll send me.

I tried calling you, even tried the holonet, but it says you're unresponsive or unavailable.

Please talk to me, I'm worried sick...

Much love


One week since last correspondence...

Fucking hell Zeph!

I've managed to contact someone on Pegasus! They said you weren't there anymore. Where in the galaxy are you?

Send something back to me when you get this.



Two weeks since last correspondence...

I contacted Ethan as I haven't heard from you yet.

The fucking swine told me about what he has done.

I'm coming up on a few days of leave.
Please Zeph, let me know where you are? I can come see you and talk about the whole engagement thing.

Write back please...


One month since last correspondence...


I asked a friend to pull some favors. Apparently you're current location or whereabouts and activities are classified.


Please Zeph... This is literally killing me... I can't go on like this... We really need to talk.

With love


Three months since last correspondence...

Best lieutenant Praise,

I apologize for the many mails I have sent to you. Such behavior is not Starfleet worthy. This will be my final transmission to you.
I suppose it is abundantly clear that you wish to be left alone. Or that you don't wish to speak to me.
In any case, I hope this message will find you well, that life will clear up for you and that the luck may shine on your future endeavors.

You'll forever be in my heart. I will never forget.

King regards

Ensign Thomas Ravon


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