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Topic: CH 2.3 Taking a Breath.  (Read 143 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH 2.3 Taking a Breath.

[ Lt. Vanya | Guest Quarterrs | Vector 2 | Deck 16 |

Vanya looked down at the young girl.   She estimated that she couldn’t be older than 18 or 19.    Between arrival and return to the ship, the girl had become withdrawn.    The android wondered if the enormity of what she had done – helping her escape – was beginning to set in on her.    She sat cross legged on the cot in the assigned quarters.    It was strange, in her life people could be but into three distinct categories.     Authority figures, potential mates and enemies.    Usually most of the first category became the third.   But Vanya was getting something else from this interaction in the short time they had worked together.   She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she suddenly felt a need to see that this girl was comfortable.  

“Computer.   Access diplomatic protocols, set room for Romulan comfort levels.”   The lights changed to a more Romulan scheme.    For the first time in the 10 or 15 minutes since she had been there the girl began to relax.  

“Are you hungry?”
Vanya asked

The guest nodded.   Vanya walked over to the replicator. 

“I have a few dishes that I have tried to make for my friends.”    Vanya said.   “Although it’s a machine using a machine to create a meal.   There may be some pattern degradation.”   She looked over from the replicator, but the girl clearly didn’t get the joke.  She inputted commands from her database, and the machine started to create the food.    A simple soup, plus a confection that was analogous to Earth cookies, along with a simple fruit juice. 

Immediately the girl started to wolf down the cookies.  

“Computer.”  Commanded Vanya “Play Otara.”  A pulse pounding ballard began to play. 

“Otara?    My grandmother listened to them.” Said the guest. 

“Well…” Vanya said.  “The Federation Database isn’t up to date on Romulan music.”  

“Surely there were Federation recording devices present at the festival of Chintoka?    Tessik performed a great set there.”  

The festival of Chintoka was a brief diplomatic function for the soldiers of Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian soldiers after the Dominion war.    Vanya gave the appropriate commands and a young folksy male sang in Romulan some of the most non sensical lyrics Vanya had ever heard.    The girl began to sway.  

“What’s going to happen to me?” she asked. 

“It depends.”   Vanya said.   “We can’t exactly lock you up.     Though I don’t even know your name.” 

“T’Set.” The Girl said.  

“Well T’Set.” Vanya said.   “We might be able to pull some favours with the Klingons, or some other free port.”

“You won’t kill me?” she asked.  

Vanya shook her head.  “I dislike killing.” The android said.     “You saved my life.   That deserves respect.” 

After a few minutes of thoughtful silence, Vanya stood up.   “I should get back to duty.   I can’t promise you the moon.    But whatever I can do to help.    I will.    Tell the security guard if you need anything, and he will know to call me.   ” 

Vanya turned and headed for the door.   “Hey.”   T’Set called.  Vanya turned to face her.    

“My… masters…. They said that you’re a demon.    That you offer temptation and corruption and bring great destruction.   That’s false right?” 

Vanya chuckled.   “Temptation and Corruption?   I call that Friday,    Great destruction?   Fridays if anyone hurts the people I love.” 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

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