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Topic: CH02: S [D02|2130] A Most Furtive Transfer (Read 10275 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH02: S [D02|2130] A Most Furtive Transfer

Reply #25
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Rem Kile | Transporter Room 01 | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Rem thought back to the Paris bombing and to the grim nature of his orders. Do not contact command. The scrambled message instructed him. Do not access Starfleet via channels public or covert. Do not inform command of these orders or report your position. This is considered a deep cover assignment….

A deep cover assignment aboard the most hunted vessel in civilized space. The Betazoid considered the implications before turning his black gaze to his new commanding officer, the Chameloid, Jien Ives. He addressed his next question with a tone of lightness and firm respect.

“Captain,” he asked, “what pronoun do you prefer? Given your nature as a Chameloid, you could be a ‘sir’ or a ‘ma’am’ or even a Horta. I want to show due respect and courtesy in our time serving together.”

He also considered the nature of his specific assignment but it was too sensitive for those unauthorized ears present. He fully expected Lieutenant Madsen to be listening. Humans did not possess telepathy on average but some possessed uncanny awareness of their surroundings and impeccable timing, qualities admired in the Diplomatic Corps. He smiled inwardly as he imagined Enyd giving him a look of gaping offense before she broke into a knowing smile.

You keep me on my toes. The Betazoid peered at Madsen’s mental image before turning his focus back to the matter at hand.

“I would like to meet with you at your convenience, Captain.” It was a bold request, he knew. “I understand there are pressing matters but what I have pertains to the specific nature of my assignment. It is something which I am ordered to divulge only to you. It is also a matter of which only you can assist.” He directed his gaze to the PADD in Jien’s hand.


OOC: Lt Enyd Madsen cameo used with permission and approved by the writer.
"We are all leaves from the same tree whether green, yellow, red, or brown."


Re: CH02: S [D02|2130] A Most Furtive Transfer

Reply #26
[ Captain Ives | Transporter Room 01 | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] @Cheshirewild
The question posed wasn't unfamiliar to Jien, whom answered readily. She oft forgot that new members of the crew mightn't know how to deal with her literally gender-fluid nature.

"Captain will suffice, please, but if you prefer, you can either use sir or ma'am depending on what form I wear. When speaking of me, I have noticed how some tend to use 'hir' or 'they' as a pronoun. I don't mind either way. If you prefer to consider me as either male or female on a regular basis, I have no issues with that either. I am both, so why would I?"

Jien understood how the question sprung from a place of respect towards a superior officer, and she'd oft experienced how people in general over-complicated her state of being. As a result of the Ives-Petain experiment, she had embraced humanity in full, not just one half of it. She did so since she could, unlike humans might. She actually found it rather amusing how some humans in the Academy had got their heads full of nonsense, pointed to her and exclaimed 'see, sex is a social construct!', wherein her answer had been, 'In my case, yes, because I am an alien. You are a manifestation of your genes and your upbringing both, while I am not. My biological sex is irrelevant, yours less so'. The difference between her and the young humans had been both a blessing and a curse, since she neither truly belonged, nor did she have any references towards what any Chameloid culture was like. So, she had adopted a culture alien to her nature, in lack of any other recourse. Her choices were not made out of trends or fashion, but true survival and adjustment to the only life among humans that she knew.

Her question had been rhetorical, and she moved on before the Junior Lieutenant had the time to answer it.

"I hardly think I have the time available for a meeting at this time in our mission, with House Mo'Kai breathing down or necks and with Chancellor Martok aboard. When you have settled in tonight, you can write to me in regard to your assignment aboard, and I will hope to make the time to sort things out depending on the development here in Klingon space."

The hour was late, and the Betazoid needed time to read up on the onboard reports about the Theurgy's mission so far, so whatever duties he was fit for could wait until he actually did report in to serve under Commander Fisher. "If all goes well, you will have your answer on the morrow. Make sure you apply the proper security clearance on the message you send me, and we'll go from there."

With a nod to the Intelligence officer in kind dismissal, Jien turned to the next new crewmember to step off the transporter platform.


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