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Topic: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away (Read 16775 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #75
[Lt. Vanya  | Dockside Restaurant | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]
attn @Brutus

The more she thought about it, the more water was ironically like fire.  Much like the speech she gave Nat in the restraint on the subject of flames, the waves also had dangerous properties.  Water brought hydration, refereshment and even provided a form of ancient transport to countless cultures, but it also could drown, destroy and wipe away    As their conveyance crossed the seas, Vanya found herself reflecting that water was taking her on a new path, and one that was not explored.  It was a great irony  that Nat was her guide for t. he literal as well as the actual path they were on. 

“I suppose that its good not to go too far off course.”  Vanya said after a moments reflection.  She wondered if Nat would be concerned about encountering another ship so close to the harbour, but Vanya was eager to see her meet the challenges head on    Which brought her up to the second point. 

“As for what happens  between us…” she said.  “I’m not quite a human, but I do have a reasonable imagination.”

She admired the curvaceous officer’s form, imagining it intertwined with hers, the sensation of their hands exploring each other. 
“But I am certainly open to inspiration.” 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #76
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Dockside Restaurant | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

"Your imagination has always been one of your better and more attractive qualities." The compliment spilled forth out of Nat's mouth without forethought or hesitation. She had little issue praising her friend, having done so time and again during their years together at the Academy. Of course now any compliment one paid to the other had a new, underlying context in the light of their shifting relationship. Not that this made her words any less true. Perhaps the opposite in fact. She was anticipating getting to experience the fruits of Vanya's imagination in new, and exciting ways. It left her lightheaded and giddy for a moment, bouncing on her toes. Which was a pleasing change from nervous and fretful. 

Twisting to the side slightly, Nat turned her attention to the navigational display. "I can't exactly speak to what might inspire you during all of this, but I am somewhat of an authority on keeping to a course." Natalie had a feeling that she knew just who her android friend had in mind for a muse. That notion left her blushing in the deepening chill of the night. So, in typical fashion, Natalie focused her thoughts on something she could control and elaborate upon, seeking the comfort of expertise, while still allowing herself to enjoy the warm, bubbly feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Courses have their purpose. It's not terribly far out to a decent anchorage point. Maybe...half an hour?" She pursed her lips and adjusted there tack slightly. "If I catch the wind right I can shore that up and tighten the time fame a bit. It's a nice little riverside cove tucked away and at least according to the map markers we'd have it to ourselves for the night." Nat had taken into account other ships and filtered out based on the latest sensor readings the list of options for the evening's mooring.

She spent the next few minutes fussing over some of the instrumentation and generally fine-tuning their course. Soon the wind was behind them and they were riding along in the current, a grin splitting Nat's face. "Just imagine this again tomorrow, but with the sun glistening down on the water and clear skies ahead. The twilight with the stars are beautiful, but we're still too close to the city to get a really good view. The morning though..." 

Turning around to face Vanya, Natalie felt her words catch in the back of her throat. Even in the darkness of the night, Vanya was..."Stunning. It'll be absolutely stunning." Oh to hell with it. In for a penny, in for a pound, she thought, the saying still popular among humanity even though they'd stopped using currency over a century prior. "Just like you really. Stunning, I mean. Absolutely stunning." A bit more of an on the nose and obvious compliment this time, and yes, that was clearly flirting, she was sure of it, no matter her own lack of experience. The age old axium about the best kind of flirting being honest praise was proving itself true that night. Or so Natalie hoped.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #77
[Lt. Vanya | Dockside Restaurant | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]
attn @Brutus

Vanya didn’t blush, but she felt something, in the eternal milliseconds that ran through her mind she considered her next move.  She could show decorum and respond with an equal comment.  Vanya decided against it.  She could not be certain but the conversation was moving beyond their tet au tet flirting, and the time for such playfulness was running past.  She wanted to tear her clothes off, help her companion get undressed, and spend a blissful few hours becoming as familiar with her touch, as she was with her other senses. 

Unfortunately the latter option was probably a step too far for things at the moment they still had to arrive at their hidden cove for the night.  Instead the android carefully considered her next steps.  And so, 0.047 seconds after Nat called Vanya “Stunning”, she leaped forward, puttling her hands on Nat’s shoulders, and softly pressed her lips against hers.  Before softly exploring the human’s mouth with her tongue.  It was a blissful feeling, from a contact that didn’t last more than a few seconds, but was probably the furthest she had gone all night  She broke the kiss and undid the one button on her shirt. 

“Well” she said.  “That is a small percentage of how stunning I can get, Nat.  I would make a line about making sure the anchor is down deep for when the boat starts rocking, instead I’ll just wait till we do.” 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #78
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Dockside Restaurant | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

Having cast the die, as it were, Natalie was unsure how the pips would could me. Snake eyes, or double sixes? Something in between. The Martian wasn't one for gambling but this whole trip was one big bet, with all the chips in the pot. Knowing she was mixing metaphors didn't stop her from running the analogy through to the end, wondering which of the two of them was the house in this take, and how those chips would fall. Would Vanya brush the words off? Would she take the next step? Which exactly would Natalie prefer? And just how tied up in her own mind would she let herself become, as she gazed up (and up) at the taller woman, watching the breeze coming off the water rustling the raven dark tresses of her friends hair.

Not quite being able to fully appreciate the small eternity that passed as Vanya made her decision, Natalie was caught off guard - but pleasingly so - when the Romulan android swept in and gripped her gently, pulling her into a kiss. Her lips were just as soft this time as when they'd shared their first kiss back at the restaurant earlier in the evening. So much softer than any other kiss she had experiences, those light, smooth lips. But unlike that brief kiss along the waterfront promenade, this kiss did not stop at a warm press of lip to lip. No, Vanya had other ideas, and Natalie was more than happy to explore the potential of the deeper kiss.

When the androids tongue pressed against her lips, licking, tasting, and essentially asking for admittance, Nat was more than willing to part those lips and let her in. She couldn't really compare the taste and feel of Vanya to any of the other kisses in her past. Nat was getting far too caught up in the kiss to really think, or remember any other kiss that had come before. Her eyes were still closed when the other girl pulled back, and vanya would get to see her slowly look back up at her, heat coloring the smaller officer's cheeks. Slowly blinking, Natalie registered her friends word, then started to giggle, her shoulders shaking up and down under her friends touch.

"Don't worry. That's still a little ways off," she admitted, glancing back at the navigation console, confirming the sail boat was on course and making about as much progress as she expected. The idea of making that boat rock...well. "I'll make sure the anchor is well and truly sunk and all the hatches battened before we go below deck." A tacit agreement to explore their options down below. "But since we've got a little time before that happens..."

Natalie let her voice trail up, stepped back in closer to Vanya, and threw her arms around the girls neck in turn. She went up on her toes  - the curse of her height making this a bit tricky - and pulled the taller woman down, into another one of those kisses, the difference being that this time she was the one initiating it. She was the one pushing her tongue past her friends lips. Just as the last one, the kiss wasn't long, but it was full of promise. Natalie did pull away to catch her breath, grinning back up at Vanya. "It may be a bit premature to say, but I think I'm going to really like kissing you."

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #79
[Lt. Vanya | Dockside Restaurant | Ibai Besi Promenade | Aldea Prime ] Attn:

As far as Vanya knew,, it would be impossible for her to become drunk, or high or other wise impaired.  However, if there was one way to describe the way that Nat felt – tasted – it could only describe has intoxicating.    She had always found something attractive about Nat, and yet, to see her develop in the way that she was able to relax her guard, was gratifying to Vanya. 

Vanya wanted to go further, but knew they still had to get to their spot for the night.  She didn’t want their inflamed passion to put them at risk, although the boat crashing with all of their communication devices being swept away, leaving them stranded for days offered a certain appeal to Vanya, though one that she never realistically could consider triggering.    Nevertheless their time together was increasingly precious. 
She reached up and traced Nat’s lips with her long fingers, offering a wide smile. 
“Nat, I can almost guarantee you with at 0.47 margin of error that you will enjoy kissing me.  However, I am compelled  to allow you to continue to test your theory for as long as you like.” 

She pulled Nat into another kiss, as she continued to taste every inch of her mouth, her hands did more exploring, caressing her friends upper and lower back with each hand.  It was nothing too heavy, or in a place too intimate, just a gentle squeeze to show what Nat had to look forward to. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #80
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Ibai Besi | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Natalie would have been tickled pink to know the full extent of the affect she was having on Vanya. Heady was the word she would use to describe how the kisses left her, slightly dazed, giggly, and deftly eager for more. That anticipation was knew and exciting and perhaps a little scary, as this wasn't how Natalie usually reacted to anything dealing with other people. But she had come a long, long way over the last year, even she had to admit that. Something about being tempered in the heat of battle drifted in the back of her mind, but it was easily pushed aside as she bobbed back down on her feet, watching the other woman's eyes, and lips, as she spoke. 

One of those delicate, deceptively strong fingers flashed out and slowly traced the plump curves of the pale woman's lips, which curled into an unguarded smile by the act. She pursed them briefly, kissing the delightful finger tip, uncaring that her cheeks were most assuredly red at this point, if they had not been obviously so prior. She had just enough time to think that her friend was rather Logical, for a Romulan, before the other woman behaved in a very un-Vulcan like fashion and gave into the desire for another kiss. 

Time seemed to hold still, to crawl, stretching the seconds out as the two indulged themselves. The river current swept the boat along and Natalie made soft, appreciative noises as her chest pressed up against Vanya's, and she let her tongue dance with her friends. It was far from a skilled kiss on Nat's part - woefully lacking in recent practice or overall experience, but she was a fast learner, and made up for her deficiencies with enthusiasm. Purring under her friends touch, Natalie let her own fingers sink into Vanya's hair, as the kiss grew deeper and deeper. 

Eventually however, Natalie needed to breathe. Unlike her date, the Martian was all too human, and thus required pauses here and there for small things like vital functions. Gasping a bit, but smiling wide, Natalie murmured softly, "I think you're margin of error was a little large there Miss Precision."

An impish little smile tugged at Nat as she remembered a tender moment of exploration from the Academy. Mirth danced in her eyes as she carefully detangled her hand from her friends hair - only to take one fingera nd gently run it from the very tip, all the way around the curving shell of Vanya's ear. All with her blue eyes locked smartly onto Vanya's face, wanting to watch the effect she had.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #81
[Lt. Vanya| Down River | Ibai Besi | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

Vanya felt Nat gently stroke her ear  In order to infiltrate when needed, it was necessary for Vanya to react to being touched in certain ways, all of the most common Romulan erogenous zones were included in her body, including the tip of her ears.  Although a few centuries removed from their destert home planet, Romulans nevertheless retained some sensitivity in their ears, especially the tips.  Vanya was no exception, she shuddered at the touch, but it wasn;t a recoil – it was a sign that Nat was interested in exploring her body, and the feeling was more than mutual. 

A multitude of lines when through Vanya;s mind, instead she decided on a more direct approach herself.  Taking a finger of her own, she reached up and rolled her finger over the Nat’s curved human ear, softly carresting around the edge, then tracing with two fingers behind her ear, down the side of her neck, and just stopping short microns above her collar. 

Excitement building up within and without, Vanya was curious to see what Nat’s move would be.  Yes, they were still on the open sea, the open sea of  Aldea, and the open sea of possibility.  Maybe keeping an eye on the boat wasn’t all that necessary after all…
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #82
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

There was a certain amount of freedom that being on the open water allowed Natalie. Yes, at any point along their journey, another boat might pull along side, passing them as they flowed down river toward the Aldean bay that further opened into the major ocean. That privacy was an illusion, she supposed, but one that Nat seemed willing to hold tightly onto for the time being. And, yes, someone from the ship could call her at a moments notice. Any Starfleet officer ran that risk, even while on shore leave, of being re-called to duty at a moments notice. Especially anyone posted to the Theurgy a ship on the run. But even with that as a consideration, Natalie found herself feeling far less restrained than she did aboard the ship that was her home. Less prying eyes. No regulations to concern herself with. Just the boat, the river, and most importantly Vanya. 

Feeling an android tremble with anticipation was a heady sensation indeed for the young Martian officer, and she could not hide the wide, toothy grin that split her face at her long time friends ' reaction. Sure it was weird, even this early stage of intimacy with another woman, but Nat was going to embrace the whole 'strange new worlds' aspect of Starfleet on a personal level. Exploring herself. Exploring her friend. Now that got her heart racing even more than the gentle, slow caress that followed her own actions. Those strong fingers lingered on the collar of her shirt, and Nat felt her bum resting now against the sensor console of the sail boat. 

Most advanced civilizations had developed hardware capable of telling the difference between a deliberate stroke of a finger against a touch sensitive control panel and a butt planted on the edge of the surface, and thus Natalie was willing to dismiss any worry that her ass had suddenly scrambled their map.

Licking at her lips, Natalie felt a blush creep up into her cheeks again as she contemplated what she in turn wanted to do. Now that she was here, in the moment, the nervous energy of should she, shouldn't she was gone, and there was a new, urgent desire to try all the things. To see how far she could push things. Would push things. What would she like about it? They were on their own. Who would see? Some stranger passing in the night? Natalie knew she should care about that, but as her own fingers traced that line around Vanya's ear once again, she found she didn't really care. 

"Is it wrong that i"m not sure I want to wait until we've laid anchor and gone down below to do some exploring?" She tried to keep her tone even, politely curious, but there was a lump of pure anticipation that lodged itself in the back of her throat, lending a husky tone to her words. That probably wasn't helped by how Natalie's fingers ghosted down, mirroring Vanya's actions and stopping only after she'd given a pointed tug at the other woman's collar. Much sharper than how her friend had just stopped, Natalie was tugging the shirt away from the skin. She was, however, far too short to get a really good peek down it.

It was the thought that counted, right?

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #83
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime attn @Brutus

“Oh there’s nothing wrong with that
” Vanya said.    “In fact, I don’t want to wait either.”  She hooked hr hands with Nat’s and undid each button on her own shirt.  She wanted nothing more than to tear both of their clothes off then and there, but there was also something to be said for the art of anticipation, and considering the level that Nat was currently at, her approach seemed to be working 

With her buttons unfastned, she felt the cool breeze on her exposed skin, although gravity currently protected any sense of modesty that Vanya would be expected to have keeping the shirt covering her body, she could feel the sea breeze against her skin.  Again, it was not the temperature that was registering with Vanya’s senses the most at the moment. 

She guided Nat’s hands back up to her neck, now bare, her shirt could be moved at her friends whim.  While Vanya was differential to Nat in matters of the sea, she no longer felt compelled to wait until they got to their inlet hideaway.    It was time to let Nat decide the course of their journey, and Vanya was along for the ride wherever it took the.   
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #84
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Anticipation seemed to be the word of the evening, the emotion of the moment at hand, for Natalie felt her own fingers tremble as Vanya worked each of those buttons off, one by one. She watched, unable to take her eyes away as inch after inch was revealed. It was not as if Natalie had never seen Vanya naked. In point of fact the opposite was true - save for herself, she'd probably seen Vanya naked more than any other person in her life. Possibly she had seen Vanya naked more often than any person in Vanya's life, having lived with the woman for the duration of her stay at the Academy, in which the Romulan Android proved time and again to be quite a nudist. 

But this was different. This was Vanya stripping down for Natalie, and that added a whole new twist to the act that had the Martian woman flushed red with ...not shame, not exactly, but desire, that was what it was. Blushing over how much she wanted this. There was a pleasing expanse of perfectly designed skin that was just waiting - aching - to be touched, or so Natalie imagined. Her weight began to shift from side to side as she again bit her lip, her bum rubbing the console against which she'd braced herself.  Like a cat ready to pounce, she hungrily watched her friend, and purred- as close as Natalie ever came to purring in any event - as Vanya placed her hands back on the Romulan Woman's neck. 

The message was obvious; what happened next would be because Natalie wanted it. She could put the moment off a bit longer, could check their course again, could change her mind. Or she could sweep the shirt from Vanya's shoulders, push it down the other girls arms and bare her chest for her to see  for herself what was there. She could explore.

Starfleet was full of explorers at heart, wasn't it?

With that in mind, Natalie slowly swept her hands up, under the edge of the shirt, and down across Vanya's shoulders as she looked up to meet her friends gaze. She held the other woman's eyes as she pushed the shirt back, letting it fall fully open. She knew she was blushing. There was no way the heat wasn't there in her cheeks. But Natalie gave into her surprising urges (to her at least; to literally anyone else this was hardly a shock), and worked the shirt down and off her friend, till it hung loosely Vanya's elbows. And then, still watching her friend, she drew her hands back up to rest on the girls bare collar bone. 

"You sure?" odd for her to be asking the question, and not the other way around, but the moment she got that confirmation, Natalie stepped in closer, going up on her toes to kiss the Romulan, and let her hands wander down, for the first time touching Vanya, cupping her bust, one had to each plump breast.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #85
[LT. Vanya| Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

Vanya’s penchant for nudity was never a secret, but having Natalie undress her was gratifying.  It wasn’t something the other woman had to recoil from, or tolerate  By removing that shirt from Vanya, her friend had expressed a desire for… her.  She held her arms out at her side, and allowed the shirt to fall to the floor. 

As an android, the best way for her to convincingly convey senses of pleasure was for her to actually feel those sensations.  As a result of that design as she spoke, Nat was driving her wild while she cupped her breasts in her hand.  The touch of her skin was almost addictive to her.  The sensations barely subsided when Nat asked her question.  Another thing about the android was that she was under no particular pbligation to be only truthful, and yet, her personality never left anyone with any doubt about what here current desires were. 

“Nat. I was sure when we got on the boat,”  she kissed her on the top of her head.    “I was sure when you asked me to come here with you.” She  kissed Nat on the nose.  “And I was sure when you and I met again on the Theurgy.”  She leaned forward holding her hands over Nat’s, guiding them over her voluptuous orbs and leant down and kissed her on the lips  tastling her, feeling the warmth from her face.      “I want it all.” She said at last. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #86
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

'Sure' appeared to be something of an understatement, in regards to Vanya's feelings on the subject of Natalie Stark getting handsy. Or perhaps it was just the subject of Natalie Stark, period. The more that Vanya elaborated on the notion of surety and its relations to one Lt. Commander Stark, the more she pressed kisses to various part of Natalie's face, the more certain Natalie became of two things. First and foremost, her friend had made her mind almost from the moment she saw her again that she wanted Natalie. Craved might be a better word, or so the Martian girl felt, in that moment. It was the kind of thing that was sure to make her blush, no matter how far she had come on a personal level when it came to be open and accepting of her own emotions and praise from others. 

The second thing that Natalie became aware of was the realization that she wasn't going to deny Vanya anything that the Android wanted of her that night. And at that moment, this meant getting naked. She was positive she was going to get buck naked with Vanya, out in the middle of a river on the top deck of the boat she'd rented for the weekend. A prospect that should have sent her running to the cabin to hide from any potential prying eyes.

Instead she was - dare she say it - aroused by the idea.

Guided by Vanya, Nat squeezed and caressed the plump orbs under her own palms. They were warm, and soft, and at the same time perky and nice. Weird, of course. She didn't really go around imagining what it would be like to feel up another woman. That did make the whole situation odd because she was in fact enjoying herself. Of course, having all this praise from Vanya didn't hurt things either. Swallowing a bit, she returned the kiss from her friend, moaning softly in the back of her throat, and doing nothing to hide the fact. 

Those bright eyes of hers latched onto Vanya's and she had to force herself not to drown in them. Licking at her own lips, she muttered softly, "I'm all yours. Anything you want. Every way you want, I want to explore that." Her heart was racing in her chest, and she shivered, purred even, wiggling her hips and squeezing the breasts she'd latched onto. Swallowing a bit, she felt she had to add, "Mind you, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing..." Leaning in, she pressed a hap hazard kiss to Vanya's lips again, a bit sloppy but eager. 

"Gonna need a little help here Vanya."

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #87
 [Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

The android took a step back as she stepped out of her shorts she allowed herself to look over Nat.  She could demand that Nat take off her clothes, that was one approach, another was to be submissive to Vanya to address her whims, but that didn’t feel quite right either.    She wanted this to be just right.   

She took a step back, and put a hand on her hip.    Vanya’s body was designed to be highly seductive, and not a single inch was wasted in this goal, her body was as close to perfection as you could get, without looking too perfect, and thus threatening the uncanny valley that sentients had been struggling with for centuries.  Nevertheless, what she wanted more of was to lose herself in Nat.  She had sensed something within her when the first met, although Vanya wasn’t sure if she had been projecting, as humans called it.  But the more time they spent together, the more time she realised what is  she wanted. 
“I want this to be ‘us’ my love.  Not me telling you what to do.    But I would suggest you taking those clothes off, and then, it’s a matter to taking each step as it comes, and seeing what the new day brings.! 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #88
[Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6 

As her android friend (lover?) pulled away from her, Natalie let her fingertips trail across the swell of Vanya's breasts, just flicking against the girls nipples in a way she imagined she herself would enjoy. She watched, with an undisguised if unfamiliar hunger as the taller woman peeled off her pants and stood their, naked in front of Natalie. A naked Vanya wasn't exactly an uncommon sight for the shorter Martian, but the ambiance of the moment, the moonlight rising across an alien river in a world far from either of their homes...that, and the knowledge that this wasn't just her friend strutting around naked, but her friend getting naked for her cast everything in a new light.

A part of Natalie knew that Vanya had been programed and designed to be mouthwatering, but knowing that in no way changed the impact of the moment when the dark haired Romulan planted a hand on her hip and let it jut out to one side, fixing Natalie with what could be politely called a smoldering look. The other girl swallowed, her throat dry, and gave a jerky little nod. "I rather like the sound of that. Us," she stressed the word, trying it out on her tongue and attempting to form that mental image, that Vanya and her were becoming what was once called 'an item', a unit, the two of them as something greater than the sum of their own individual parts.

With that mathematically pleasing if cliche notion in mind, Nat in turn made short work of the clothing she had worn, the shirt and shorts, the under clothes that she wore beneath as well, not caring that she was out in the open. Should someone come along side, as she'd noted before, they would get quite the view. But baring some cruel twist of fate, the hypothetical passing stranger of the night would be someone she'd never see again, some indigenous resident of Aldea. There was a nervousness as she pulled her shirt up and over her head, but she reminded herself (again) that this was Vanya and really she had nothing to fear.

Soon the pale Martian stood there in her birthday suit, shivering as a breeze swept over them from the stern of the sailboat, filling the sail above with a taut snap. The boat eased forward a bit faster, and what would have been pleasingly warm before was almost chill to Natalie's now bared skin. She could not think of the last time she'd been naked in nature and felt goosebumps ripple across her skin. It took an effort of will not to cross her arms over her breasts, or try to cover her sex. Instead she wrapped one arm over her stomach, fingers curling around her other arm  just above the elbow. Her skin was pale, her bust plump, her hips a bit wider than her friend and her stature considerably shorter. Just above her folds was trimmed patch of dark bush, cut fine and shorn short, just enough to be notices but clearly well maintained.

" this?" She asked, with a small smile pulling at her lips.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #89
[Lt Vanya[ |Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime attn @Brutus

The Android beheld Nat in her birthday suit.  It wasn’t something she hadn’t seen before in brief glimpses here and there, and Vanya’s systems could easily map the contours and create a reasonable expectation of what the most important person in her life looked like.  But this was different.  This was the shy, nervous girl she had known since the academy baring herself to Nat, revealing her form as if it were something that she wanted her to see      This was more enticing to Vanya then a stolen glance through a bedroom, or a mishap wih replicators.  She had chosen to strip down for her on the deck of the boat where there was a small chance a fellow vessel might notice them.  She had chosen to do this for her, and it was far more appealing then a stolen glance or hypothetical projection. 

She inched closer to Nat, every part of her body aching for her.    She brushed her long slender fingers around  Nat’s right  nipple, softly pressing against the surface, she then bent down and kissed her left one softly probing pressing her full red lips against it as she had done with the fruit in the restraint a few hours earlier,  registering her companion’s response.  She wanted to savour their experience together, and she was eager to see how far they could go .    Keeping her finger where it was, she kissed her way up Vanya’s breast, to her collar bone and then at the nape of her neck.   

She whispered “Like this?”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #90
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Stripping down - willingly - had clearly done a number on her friend. Natalie could feel the gaze from Vanya as it swept over her exposed body. Yes, Vanya had seen her naked before - more than one. In quite a few embarrassing situations that seemed to completely hammer Natalie and yet leave Vanya unphased. Nat did not believe in the casual nudity that Vanya had often embraced during their tenure at the Academy, and while the Android had been 'crashing' in Natalie's quarters after hours in lieu of using her own assigned rooms, she had so far not managed to flaunt herself quite as much as she had during their earlier history together. 

But tonight was a different story. Tonight, they'd gone on a date, at the start of their shared shore leave. Tonight, Natalie was naked on purpose. Deliberately, with Vanya. To be seen. Touched. Explored. That gaze sent a shiver down her spine that had nothing at all to do with the breeze coming off the river and everything to the heat of desire the Android managed to convey. There was a vulnerability in both women, something intangible that Natalie was nevertheless well aware of, leaving her breathless and eager. 


A soft gasp cut through the sound of water lapping against the sailboats side as Nat's nippled instantly seemed to pucker from the light touch, sending a gentle burst of muted pleasure coursing through the Martian woman. How something so gentle and soft could feel so good was a bit beyond Natalie's ability to comprehend. Not that she was given time to do so, for Vanya closed her lips over the other nipple, and this time, the gasp was a shaking moan, as the shorter woman's eyes went wide and a hand reached out, gripping onto Vanay's arm. Not to stop - just needed the contact, to feel grounded. Not an easy accomplishment on a swaying boat. Natalie swayed as well - as nice as the finger tip was, the mouth was...better. In every way, better. 

Eventually she felt Vanya's breath tickling her ear as the girl whispered her words back to her, and Nat nodded her head, energetically, throwing some hair forward over her shoulders. "Oh yeah. Like that. That was good. That was....good."

Not her most erudite moment, but enthusiastic and honest all the same. She let her hands move in again, smoothing over Vanya's hips, looking for a place to hold onto the taller woman, as she nuzzled her cheek to her friends. "Did...did you like that?"

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #91
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

“Very much.” Said Vanya.    She had never considered it when they were roomies.  Sure, she observed Nat’s behaviour as an android, and liked to think that she understood her friend, but it wasn’t until they met after the loss of the Cayuga.   She had lost her world, twice, since then, and Nat had been brought back into her life    It was then that Vanya realised that Nat was someone she would want to spend her time with, mind, body and soul.   And on this alien world on this curious sea, tonight was definitely all about the second part.  

She guided Nat’s hand to the small of her back, and the other to the bottom pf her well, bottom.   Vanya was in no way vain, but one of the compiments she found herself in receipt of was that her butt was cute    she playfully wondered if Nat had thought the same thing, and decided this would be an interesting way to test this.  

Still, this was about Nat too, and Vanya playfully brushed her hair out of her eyes and switched over, delicately kissing the nipple she had caressed while softly caressing the one she had kissed.  She was eager to find out where Nat would want to explore next. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #92
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Moonlight stretched out across the giant river upon which Natalie and Vanya sailed, casting everything in a sliver glow. The heat of the day had vanished now, leaving the pleasing chill of the night to waft across the wet nub that was Natalie's nipple, as her friend - her lover? - pulled away from her body to affirm her enjoyment of the act. Again, Nat's toes curled against the deck of the sailboat, and her fingers dug in all the tighter to her friends remarkably realistic, synthetic skin. Even knowing that underneath it all was a being that was as much metal and processors as flesh and blood, having repaired the Romulan in the past, Natalie could not, through simple touch, discern any difference between her friends body and her own. There was no  uncanny valley for Nat to struggle to overcome, just the delightful touch of Vanya, the warm embrace as she was drawn closer. 

Waxing poetic on the nature of her friend would fit well to the feelings of fondness, and desire, and outright need for not just a physical, but emotional connecting and strengthening of existing bonds that Nat was feeling. However, being gently encouraged to get a handful of Vanya's ass did a bit to short circuit such lofty thoughts and drag them in a decidedly more base, carnal direction. Nat never really considered herself a boob girl, or an ass girl. Or a girls, girl, as it were. Exploring her sexuality with her best friend was one matter, and in the moment Natalie decided that it might be less an appreciating for the female form and more an appreciation for Vanya's form. And in that context, Natalie had to admit that her friend did, indeed, have a spectacular ass. She wasn't sure what she aught to do with that ass (besides squeezing it, which she promptly did), but she hoped that they would figure that out as the two went along.

No sooner has she gotten a good grip, than Nat saw Vanya brushing hair away, those tapered ears of her on full display now, as the android leaned in to kiss and lick at her other nipple. Again, a long, low moan broke past her own plump lips, as the curvacious brunette wiggled from side to side. She rubbed at the small of Vanya's back, she squeezed at the other girls ass cheek, and it still seemed like not nearly enough to be giving back in return for what her friend was tenderly coaxing out of the Martian. 

With little other recourse left to her save to moan into the riverside night - which she did, willingly, and to an extent she ought to find embarrassing - Natalie did the only thing she could think of to return some of that affection in a physical fashion, in a way that she knew her friend would enjoy. The angles were al ittle difficult but given that Vanya had tilted her head to the side when she went after Nat's tit, that pointed ear tip was just within reach for Natalie to run her tongue over as she whimpered, "More, Vanya. More."

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #93
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

The hot breath of her friend on her ear filled Vanya with all kinds of arousal    The android wasn’t entirely convinced that her ears hadn’t been designed to be erogenous zones for when she was on missions outside of the Romulan empire, when other species might fetishize them.  If there was one way to convincingly convey arousal, it was to build it into the very core of the android’s being. 

As much as Nat’s breath on her ear drover her wild, the thought that was behind it was far more stimulating.    With that in mind, she wondered if it was time to take things a step forward still in an intimate way.    She resumed her tasting of Nat’s pert perfect glands.  What designers had given Vanya, nature or fate had given Nat.   

The gentle kissing and probing had become a more hungry licking and sucking, as a frenzied moan left the androids lips  This was the scenario she wanted, an exploration, an affirmation of where they wanted to go with each other.   

Then, in  single motion, she kissed back up to Nat’s chest, then her shoulder, then carefully and gently moved behind her friend with her right hand, toying with her erect nipples, with her left tracing seductive long circles underneath her bust and down to her crotch.      Stopping, setting up the anticipation. 

“Like this?” she whispered. 
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #94
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

Words were hard to come by in that moment, with the taste of her friend skin on her lips, the newly made memory of feeling Vanya - strong, controlled Vanya, so precise in much of what they did - shudder in pleasure of something that Natalie had was overpowering. Her throat contracted and she let out a mewling purr as the woman reacted to her own touches and administrations. Of course the android was not a unresponsive participant in all of this, redoubling her own efforts to taste and to tease Natalie's nipples, which by now felt as if they were hard diamonds in the cool night air, not little pebbles of flesh. Each lashing of the talented  - oh so cunning - Romulan tongue did a number on poor Natalie, who shifted her weight from side to side, breathing heavenly, lewdly moaning into her friends ear.

A frenzied sort of desire seemed to settle into her friends actions. Nat wasn't sure if she would call it sloppy - she wasn't sure anything that Vanya ever did in her life could be considered sloppy. But it was enthusiastic. Intense. There had always been rumors at the Academy and through out the fleet, that Romulans were a very passionate people. Suspicions and secretive to a fault, but passionate. Right now, Vanya was just that - passionate. What truly caused Natalie to moan loud enough to echo across the water wasn't just how good the woman's lips felt, sucking on her nipple; it was the knowledge that she was the cause of Vanya's passion.

Natalie swam where she stood, basking in that moment, until Vanya changed her tack and course. Soon her friend had moved behind her, leaving her blinking and confused, her hands empty of the plump bum upon which she had fastened her grip for the duration of the teasing. Her head tilted to one side, brown hair spilling down across her shoulder. "Mmmm? Vanya?"

No sooner had she whispered her friends name, then understanding settled in. Arching her back slightly, Natalie tried to thrust her chest against Vanya's hand - while teasing the other one lower. Of course, she had no control over what her friend did, or didn't do to her. Those finger tips linger just above the trimmed patch of dark curls that formed a neat triangle, pointing down towards folds that seemed to ache and burn in the cool air blowing across the boat. She found herself nodding her head rapidly, trying to find the words. This time, they didn't fail Natalie, but surprised the Martian in their desperate intensity. There had been one person before Vanya, that had touched her. That had used her, though she had not seen it that way at the time.

"Make me forget everyone...everything who came before you, Vanya. Please?"

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #95
[Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus
Vanya felt a spike throughout her being a shudder as Nat made her request.  There was something in Vanya’s very make up that she didn’t think herself as a typical being.  Most beings she encountered were born, for her, one moment she had been Vanya.    That was the fundamental difference she felt about herself, different, isolated. 

And yet, on this modest sail boat, floating on the idyllic body of water, Vanya was with the person who mattered most to her.  She wasn’t a machine pretending to be an organic, she was a being, on the same moment as Nat.    This was their moment, their time, they were together. 

As she continued to toy with Nat’s fleshy mound in her right hand, while her long expert fingers gently toyed around Nat’s sex.  With an expert touch, she brushed her soft finger against the lips, sensing her response.  She passionately kissed her, augmenting her kisses and caresses in a manner that was as synchronized as she could manage 

“My love.”
  Vanya whispered, as she brought her finger to her lips, tasting the faint  scent of Nat on her fingers the taste was as delightful as she imagined  “That’s all you had to ask for.”
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]


Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #96
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  

For all her protests to the contrary, that she was not good with her words, nor that she could be very persuasive, this moment was in clear contrast to her unflattering beliefs about herself. At least when it came to one person in the universe, Natalie had known exactly what was right to say. The proof was in the pudding, or in this case, perhaps it would have been better to say that the way in which Vanya reacted, doubled her efforts and poured herself into the attempt to bring Natalie pleasure was a sure sign that she'd done right. One that Nat appreciated, both on a physical as well as emotional level.

At some point - Natalie wasn't sure when, exactly - one of her hands and reached up behind her, and latched on to the back of Vanya's head, sinking into the dark locks of hair, as if looking for purchase. Something to hang onto, lest she lose her footing and slide to the deck. Not that she imagined her friend would allow such a thing to happen. After all, Vanya's strength was magnitudes beyond what Natalie could manage. But the young woman needed that support as the Romulan's deft fingers began to dance on ever slicker folds, spreading them apart, teasing them, rubbing and caressing, sending tiny bursts of pleasure up from the heat between her legs, such a stark contrast to the night.

All manner of moans and words became trapped by Vanya's lips as the taller woman pressed a series of kisses upon the shorter, lending a muffled, needy tone to the moment. Then again Natalie was desperate for everything in that moment. She'd had so many worries an inhibitions earlier in the day, before they had beamed down to Aldea, and now out on the open water, everyone seemed silly and pointless. Why had she wasted such energy worrying when she could have had this moment? This one perfect moment. 

"I like it when you call me that," she confessed. Her words were breathless, but she'd surprised herself being able to form that full sentence. She felt her desire churning deeper as she watched Vanya lick the taste of Nat off her fingers. That was an odd thing to be aroused by and yet there she was. "Taste good?"

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #97
 [Lt. Vanya | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Brutus

As an Android, particularly one designed to infiltrate, Vanya had always been aware of her status.  While her body transmitted pleasure, her mission overrides were always at the front of her mind, statistics and numbers, cold, sterile. 

The truth of the matter is that Vanya could probably drink a few barrels of some illicit hooch brewed in most engine rooms across the galaxy and her internal matter processing would dissolve before she felt the simplest buzz.  And yet being here tasting Nat was truly intoxicating.    Her thoughts were approaching a sense were she didn’t feel like a collection of neural nets, but one single whole. 

She felt a shudder of excitement as she listened to Nat say that she loved it when she called her that.  Not just because of the words that she said, but the way in which she said it.  Vanya wasn’t the only one that was getting excited, and that drover her arousal all the more.   

The warm jucies on her tongue were truly divine, they represented the creation of their bond, and they were perhaps the sweetest thing that Vanya had ever tasted.    She whispered into her ear and cooed in answer to her question.     

“I want more… my Love.”   

Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #98
 [Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Stark | Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn: @Number6  


Nat knew she could get used to this kind of treatment, the teasing, the tone of Vanya's voice, very easily. The new intimacy between them was intoxicating in a way the wine with the meal simply failed to capture. She had no idea that her thoughts were, to an extent, mirroring the androids. She simply swam there in the other woman's arms, he face - no, her whole body - flushed, but with desire, not embarrassment. That was out the window for the moment. She parted her lips, tilting her head to try and whisper back her ascent, to tell her friend - lover - to taste and take as much as she wanted, to offer herself up to Vanya.

Of course that was the moment at which the console behind Natalie and Vanya let out a loud, steady beep. While not the shrill alert of impending doom, the warbling tone never the less was designed to draw the attention away from whatever a navigator might be about, and focus them on the notification at hand. In this case, that they had arrived at their desired anchorage and Natalie would need to deploy the ships anchors. Not something that this particular sailing ship was designed to do by audio command - she'd have to punch up the orders in the console. If she didn't do so, they'd keep drifting right on down the river. 

"Dammit." Natalie was not one who often swore. Now seemed fittingly appropriate however as the needs of the ship outweighed the needs of her sodden core. Her head fell back against Vanya's shoulder as the console trilled again, and she let out a long groan of discontent. If she just closed her eyes and let the other woman resume, things would feel wonderful, but they might well run aground somewhere down the line. And that would put a stop to everything for far long than it would take for her to go and deploy the chains to hold them in place as the rivers current swept past them.

"Hold that thought, babe," Nat didn't even register the word choice, the trying out of an affectionate term of endearment, as she pecked Vanya on the cheek and pulled away, twisting around the tall woman. She jiggled as she padded back to the control console behind the manual wheel of the ship, and splayed her hands out to either side as her eyes took in the readout. They were where they needed to be. Dropping an anchor now would secure them out of the main flow of the river channel in a small, secluded cover that jutted into the river bank, mostly out of sight. Port first, to pull them in closer, then starboard, to hold in place. Easy enough to program and execute the sequence, but the model requiring the manual input from the helmsmen. Or woman, in this case.

Without really thinking about how it looked, the buxom, bare Martian hunched her shoulders and leaned down - pushing her hips and bum back toward Vanya, offering the kind of view - and ease of access - that would have made her blush if she weren't in such a hurry to deploy the anchor, which she focused on while muttering under her breath.

Re: Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away

Reply #99
[Lt. Vanya| Down River | Small Sail Boat | Aldea Prime ]Attn @Brutus

Despite the disappointment swirling around the neural net of Vanya’s being she watched as Nat went about securing their position, totally nude, and not the slightest sign of inhibition  To see her bare body moving, unobscured seeing every curve and part move freely.      It was almost as exquisite to her as exploring the woman with her lips and fingers.   

“Well, hon,” the Android said, using an equal term.   “I have been holding these thoughts for a long time.”

That said, the curvy Martian presented too tempting a target for Vanya to completely resist.   She got up and went over to Nat, admiring her shapely posterior as she inched closer and closer.   She stood next to her and feigned interest in the console once she was tantilingly close to her again     She reached out and casually started to stroke the top of Nat’s rump, giving it the softest squeeze before letting go with a mischievous chuckle.  

“A minute or two isn’t going to erase me, after all, once you’re done up here, we can pick up straight were we left off, or we can go and explore that bed.   Preferably both.   I am not going to lie, the possibilities are almost as intoxicating as you.”   
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

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