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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1145] Reintegration Wargames (Read 4442 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH01: S [D01|1145] Reintegration Wargames

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Junior Officer's Quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

With the announcement of the reintegration order given, Adam had ordered a quick training exercise on the outer hull. The scenario was that the ship was under attack and some hostiles were actually on the outer hull attempting to get inside while the Theurgy reassembled her vectors.

Security needed to stay in top form as it seemed the Infested could throw anything at them. Adam made quick use of the transporter as he sent his gift to Rhys’ quarters with a note detailing he’d like to meet up again soon. If Rhys was willing to wait to open the gift while they were together Adam asked in the note to that request.

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Outer Hull | USS Theurgy ]

Adam, Cabrera and Petra led 2 teams of security officers including Tucker and Nina Nilsson while Colin, Peter and Rivard led the other 2 teams which had Amlas Keyah. Adam’s team was called Alphas while Colin’s team got named Omegas.

They were all in exosuits and split up across the separated Vectors with phaser rifles. They observed the ship’s vectors slowly move together. ”Alright people Alphas stop Omegas from getting to flagged airlocks Go!” Adam called through the security channel. Thea had been alerted, by Adam, to should any of the security personnel be in any of the outer hull connection areas to beam them to elsewhere on her hull as the integration was completed.

Ensign McArthur ordered for his team to switch to security beta channel while the Alphas remained on the main channel. The security personnel began to fire at each other as the Omegas made a run for airlocks, though Adam asked Thea to change up which airlocks were the goals every so often. Should any Omegas be within a meter, they were allowed to enter the ship and then the airlock can be changed.

The chatter across the channel began to be very competitive and considering the recent news about Paris and Romulan Star Empire taking credit for the, what was suspected to be a Thalaron based bomb, attack has caused much anger and grief amongst the crew. Normally Adam would encourage the power of such emotions to be a source of strength and focus to be applied to their duties but it could go too far so he immediately ordered for them all to remember to not lose control.

Soon the ship was about to fully connect and several of the security officers were shifted via transporter to other locations on the outer hull. The firefight was getting fierce and Thea had reported 5 Omegas had entered a selected airlock and were back in the Security Office.

The battle simulation soon ended with all still in exosuits with less than 10 minutes of O2 left, Adam had requested Thea to beam them all back to the Security Office training holodeck and recreate the situation then save it for later continuation. They all began taking the suits off in the Master-At-Arms’ Office and they chatted about how the simulation was refreshing.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH01: S [D01|1145] Reintegration Wargames

Reply #1
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Junior Officer's Quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Rhys quarters were silent except for the distant hiss of an air-conditioning system that was approaching the time for its servicing. Clothes lay all across the flaw like mines. In the centre of it all on the floor was a blanket with a Rhys shaped lump inside. All that was visible of him was his hair and bright blue eyes that shone with tears and stared out at the dim light of the room.

The rare people who had ever been to his quarters had always noted its slightly womb like feel. It was never kept to bright and there were pictures of him as a child with his family everywhere. However, the atmosphere had gotten even worse. The surroundings were oppressive with his own child like face leering out at him from the walls. Their face trapped in horrific grins. Rhys almost imagined he could hear the sound of far away laughter sending dread up and down his spine. He felt cold even under the blanket, even though he was sweating profusely.

The voice that slinked out of the back of his mind uncoiled like some awful serpent. It gloated. ‘I told you this would happen. You have and always been worthless and useless. And now all your inadequacies have gotten someone killed and ruined two lives at the very least.

The teleporter noise barely caused him to turn his head as a nice wrapped gift materialised on his desk. Pinned to it was a card. He was curious certainly but the will to move for the moment had just drained from him. An arm reached out of his cocoon half heartedly for a moment before retreating back to the comfort of the blankets.

It took him a while to move. He stood the blanket sliding from his naked shoulders as he staggered over to the desk like a man drunk. He looked at the card and read it. It was a request not to open it until Adam was there to see him. He could not disappoint that face. “Oh Adam….”


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