Re: Day 30 [1100 hrs] New job, same headaches.
Reply #8 –
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le|USS Theurgy, Turbolift > corridors, Deck 14 | Vector 01 ATTN: @fiendfall
Anh-Le grimaced at the memory. "Thank you, sir. I'm still not...fully comfortable with it. I got the job done, saved Kerensky, but...I don't know. It makes me feel kinda dirty to stoop to that, in real life. One thing when it's playacting on a holodeck and it just feels a bit naughty, you know, but...I really should've found a better solution. Sir."
Anh-Le smiled gratefully to the beautiful Vulcan as the latter offered support. "Thank you, sir. Right now I think I just need to get situated and get to work. If we have the Q entity popping by for afternoon tea, well, I hope it'll be happy with replicated pho, because the way I see it, all we can do is focus on the job." Roll with the punches. That was the Starfleet way. It didn't matter if it was multi-colored brains making people fight for their amusement, a de facto physical god summoning mariachi bands onto the flagship's bridge, or a decade-plus Fleet veteran suddenly finding out that he was an alien messiah, Starfleet adapted. In this galaxy? That was the only way to survive. "For now, we need to find exactly who is compromised, but also exactly how the enemy works. How they can infect people, how much of the victim's memories they have access to, their motivations, their biology. Right now, it's as if we found out about the Founders but didn't have Odo to help us. We need to either find an Odo, one of their species who isn't hostile, or we need to interrogate, examine, and probably dissect one. In detail. Right now, we're in a hole, a deep one, and we don't know how high the walls are, what they're made of, what kind of obstacles are on the way up, and from what I've heard we have at best a couple of sharp rocks as climbing gear. So, offensive operations are probably suicide at this point--we need to try to negotiate, stall for time if it comes to that, and get everything we can figure out on who's compromised and more importantly how the enemy operates and functions. If they will negotiate, we can un-fuck this relatively easily. If not, we'll have the time to catch, murder, and dissect one, then weaponize the knowledge to turn the tables on them, capture all the hostiles, figure out if there's a civilian population, go from there. I don't like it, but if they can't be scanned, we don't really have other options, and if they won't negotiate, then this is war and it goes from a 'try to stop the casualties' situation to a 'survive at all costs' situation.
"Ideally, of course, we'd be able to get out of this without killing any of them. But honestly, I'm not terribly optimistic at the moment; I'll still do my utmost to avoid casualties, but just from the briefing that Anderson sent me, it's looking like we will have to kill before this is out." She made a sour grimace at the thought. "Ugh. It makes me feel sick even thinking of having to murder one to dissect it. If it's necessary, yeah, but...this is why we have stun settings, and use them. We don't kill unless there's absolutely no other option."
As she stepped out into the corridor behind the Counsellor, Anh-Le nodded. "Yes, sir, I've spent the last year shipboard. USS Tecumseh, sir. As for my family, they're safe at home in Vietnam, for now. Dad's retired and Mom's a career homemaker. They aren't even very politically active, so they should slip under the radar." She'd always be worried, of course, but she regularly reminded herself that statistically, her parents were nobodies, and as they knew nothing, they would be at less risk. "When I 'go rogue'," she made air-quotes, "they'll be upset, I told them nothing. Probably still will be if this ever gets resolved. But it's worth it to keep them out of the loop, to keep them safe. As for friends, anybody close enough to me to disbelieve the cover story will also be in Intel, and smart enough to realize it's a cover for a black op."
Anh-Le frowned. "Disquiet? Only in that this is the biggest mission I've ever done, and we have limited intel to work with, plus it's not going to be easy to get the really important stuff. I'm a little worried about my parents, but like I said, sir, they should be safe. Other than that--like I said, sir. All we can do is focus on the job, roll with the punches and adapt. It's the Starfleet way."