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Re: Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex

Reply #25
[Ensign Irnashall "Shall" ch'Xinya | Ancient Facility | Aldean North Pole | Aldea] attn: @Kinvarus @Stegro88 @Revan

Shall nodded at Commander Martin’s orders, doing his best to keep his apprehension over splitting up out of his antenna.  It made sense to do it though, there was a lot of ground to cover and they didn’t have a lot of intel on this place.  “If the commbadges start having trouble switch to one of the subspace bands, that should get through this interference from the building materials in here.” he suggested, remembering the early readings from the shuttle.  As soon as Martin and her little group went down the right the Andorian nodded down the left corridor.  “Watch your step Lieutenant, the frost is a little thick in spots, might get slippery in patches.”

Mindful of his warning himself, Shall and Garcia didn’t have any troubles as they walked down the empty corridor.  Each door was sealed shut from the elements making it difficult to determine what was in them.  Worse, none of the signage was of any help.  If they were legible at all they were identified with some sort of alpha-numeric code.  Shall theorized that it had something to do with the layout of the facility, there was a particular pattern in the codes, but without a map it would take too long to figure it out.

Watching the map coalesce on the tricorder screen, Shall continued to lead the pair down the corridor, pausing at the occasional side branch to take a quick peek down those as well.  Door after door continued to be sealed, and that large power trunk continued to wind its way through the walls with no end in sight.  Tapping his combadge to fill their commander in, Shall didn’t stop his pace while talking.  “Shall to Martin.  We’ve reached the halfway point of our corridor, nothing to report other than the sheer number of sealed doors.  It’s as desolate here as the last Aenar city.”

Re: Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex

Reply #26
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Aldean Facility | Aldean North Pole | Aldea ] Attn: @Kinvarus @Revan @chXinya

The First Appointee’s response to Commander Martin’s question raised nothing but concern in Mickayla as she continued slowly down the passageway. If that was the Aldean’s standard method of investigation, charging straight towards their purported objective, then, in her own opinion, it was a wonder that they hadn’t run into trouble before now. 

“I’m still trying to understand how you can lose so much of your history despite how advanced you are,” Mickayla commented as she continued forward. The cold was starting to bite into her despite all the clothing and it was making her uncomfortable and irritable. Neither was a good thing given her recent history. Any response was cut off by Commander Martin’s announcement of an open door ahead of them; along with a wish that it contained a furnace. Mickayla silent hoped for the same but doubted her luck.

Advancing to the door, Mickayla found it ajar. Testing it, she found that it gave a little; its movements accompanied by the sounds of cracking ice. Shouldering her rifle, the Klingon braced herself and shoved as hard as she could. The ice held for a moment but under the onslaught of Klingon muscle, broke and gave way, granting entry. Unlimbering her weapon again, Mickayla stepped inside.

“Ma’am!” Mickayla called out as her light found the first real interesting thing. “We have a body,” she announced just as the Andorian’s voice filled the air.


Re: Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex

Reply #27
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel” | Ancient Facility |  Aldean North Pole | Aldea> ] Attn: @chXinya @Kinvarus @Stegro88 

Like Shall, Alessia gave a nod of acknowledgement to Martin before watching the group take off down the corridor before following the Andorian down the corridor. "Duly noted." she replied when he pointed out the frosted floor.

Luckily for the duo, neither of them had any trouble as they made their way down the corrior, passing locked door after locked door. "You'd think at least one door here might have been frozen open and not shut." she muttered under her breath as they made their way deeper down the corridor. "Then again if the people who used to work in this facility did just pack up shop and go home it would make sense for them close all the doors before leaving."

As they made their way further and further down the corridor Alessia couldn't help but shiver at the cold. As a Spaniard she much prefered the warmth over the cold and briefly regretted not staying with the shuttle, after all at least she could have had the heating on. The Lone Wolf was brought out of her thoughts however when Shall opened a channel to the Commander, informing her of their progress and looked at him with a grin at his description of how empty this place was.

Once the comm line was closed she nodded in the direction they were going "Well you did say you picked something up on your Tricorder down here right so we're bound to come across it eventually." she replied and then frowned "Hopefully not being another sealed door though." she added as the two continued their journey past yet more sealed doors.

Re: Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex

Reply #28
Lt. Cmdr Vivian Martin | Aldean Facility | Aldean North Pole | Aldea ]  Attn: @chXinya @Revan @Stegro88

As they continued down the corridor Vivian's eyes continued scanning the rooms as they went, not that there was much considering most of them were closed. She heard MacGregor as the First Appointee how they could lose as much of their history as they had despite how advanced they were and while Vivian too was curious about it, perhaps the Aldean's had their reasons for doing so, be they good or bad. She caught the First Appointee frown at the Klingon's back and opened his mouth to speak but cut him off, pointing out a door ahead of them, hopefully defusing the situation before any offence could be taken on either side.

She watched as Mickayla advanced to the door and tested it before shoving what looked to be as hard as she could against it and opened the door after a few moments and several cracks of ice, to little surprise as far as Vivian was concerned, between ice and a Klingon, her money would be on the Klingon every time. She allowed the Security Officer to go in first and almost immediately heard the woman call to her, announcing that she had found a body.

At the same time however, Shall's voice came over the comm channel and couldn't help but smile at his description. "That's pretty desolate Shall, I would have told had a similar answer for you if you'd called a few seconds earlier but now I can say we've found a dead body..." she replied as she entered the room and made her way over to the corpse.

It was covered in a thin layer of snow and ice, no doubt frozen in place but remarkably well preserved. The interesting thing however was that whoever it was looked to be Aldean from what she could see through the snow covered ice. "...Whoever this is might have been here for years but the cold has preserved them pretty well so it's hard to tell, it might have been months, perhaps weeks even so you and Garcia keep your eyes peeled just in case, and let us know if you discover anything on your end." she added.

Turning her attention back to the corpse and then over at the First Attendant she nodded towards the corpse "Do you recognise this person First Appointee?" she asked, watching as the man took the briefest of glances at the body before shaking his head.

"No, no I do not." he answered, although given how far away from it he was Vivian was pretty certain he couldn't make out much from there.

"Are you sure? Maybe if you come a little closer...." she replied before pulling out her tricorder and scanning the body. "Hmmm according to my readings whoever this is is an Aldean male and while the ice has slowed the decomposition I'd say he's been here six months give or take a little either side of that."

Glancing over at the First Appointee, when she announced that, she was almost positive his eyebrow twitched a little, although she could have been mistaken, or it might have even been the cold. "Please First Appointee, are you sure you don't recognise this person?"

Taking a few steps closer, Radue glanced down at the body and shook his head after a moment of looking at it "No Commander, I don't know who this is." he answered before looking away and taking a few steps back.

Vivian frowned for a second before nodding "Well if we can safely remove him at some point we will, hopefully somebody will recognise him." she replied before turning to look at Mickayla "What do you think Chief?" she asked, relatively confidant that the Klingon would have a little more experience dealing with corpses than she did.

OOC: So sorry for the late reply on this one, I really hadn't realised how much time has passed, damn isolation has all the days blurring into one for me.

Re: Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex

Reply #29
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Aldean Facility | Aldean North Pole | Aldea ] Attn: @chXinya

Even as Mickayla’s opinion of the Chief Science Officer went up at her behaviour, her opinion of the First Appointee was plummeting. They knew more than what they were saying about what had happened here. Either before or during whatever incident had caused the facility to turn into a gigantic freezer. They were being too cagey about their answers and curiosity. Hell, why even come all this way in the first place. Surely, they had subordinates that they could have sent in their stead.

“Ma’am, best I can tell without moving it is that there are no signs of injury. I don’t see any blood pools either. We could try to move them now, but I’d have to thaw some of the ice around the body to free it. Or we wait for the storm to pass and beam it and some of the ice out,” Mickayla suggested, presenting the only options she could see. She was in favour of leaving it where it was but the twinkle in the scientist’s eye already told her what she would be doing.

“We don’t know how long the storm will last,” Commander Martin said as she did something to her Tricorder. “Start thawing. Slowly.”

15 minutes with a phaser on its lowest setting was all it took to melt the ice that was encasing the body. And 16 minutes was all it took for their mission to take a turn. And it started with a beep.

“Hold up Chief,” Commander Martin called out, as she examined the readings on her tricorder. “I got something,” she continued, stating the obvious to Mickayla. Of course, she had something. Otherwise she never would have had her stop. Her next words though, sent a chill through the Klingon’s body. “Chief, back away from the body now. Don’t touch it.” 

“I don’t like the way you said that,” Mickayla acknowledged, not having to be told twice to back away from a corpse that set off a tricorder scan. “What is it?”

“Trouble,” Martian replied before tapping her combadge. “Garcia, Shall, I need you to stop what you are doing immediately and return to the shuttle immediately. Do not touch anything unless it is absolutely necessary. We have detected some sort of biological contaminant on the body we found. I am cancelling the search until we can get the proper gear and extra help down here. We’ll rendezvous at the shaft. Martin out.”

Re: Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex

Reply #30
[Ensign Irnashall "Shall" ch'Xinya | Ancient Facility | Aldean North Pole | Aldea] attn: @Stegro88

Shall hid a small frown at the idea of their energy source being locked behind a frozen door.  “Hopefully with it being the only thing of interest here we’ll get permission to cut our way through.” His antenna perked up as he patted the phaser on his hip.  Thinking about what Alessia said earlier while they were still wandering down the hall, he had an idea.  “I wonder…what if there was some sort of accident or disaster here?  Less of a thorough closedown and more of a lockdown/evacuation?”  Granted, there hadn’t been any signs of a disaster or emergency (so far), but if the trigger was deep inside there may be no telling for a long time.

Just his luck, Martin called just then with the latest news: a body.  That perked Shall up a bit.  “We’ll keep an eye out Commander.  Still mapping the maze to the energy source at the end of it.”  The chan looked at Garcia’s reaction and perked his eyebrow in response.  The question went unasked, was the poor sap a victim of what happened here in the past, or were they another explorer caught unaware of some danger?  The other team was on it though, so all they could do was continue down the corridor with a hope that something interesting would happen.

Roughly fifteen minutes later they found what they were looking for.  Tricorders chirped with a pleasing trill, their mysterious source was just on the other side of a massive set of double doors.  They were quite possibly the heaviest doors he’d seen yet on the entire planet, scans were coming up with high-grade titanium/duranium structure plated over with ceramics and carbon-carbon nanotube sheets of serious thicknesses.  The phaser could still get through it, but the power setting could bring down the floor above.  “I’ll see if the walls around it could be a better path.” Shall offered, his antenna buzzing with the energy leeching through the door.  Whatever it was was putting out quite a bit of EM radiation of some sort.  Tricorders still said it was safe, hopefully it stayed that way once they were in.

Staring to scan to the right of the door, Shall reached to tap the communicator to report in when Martin beat him to the punch.  Her news was nowhere near as good as theirs, and it even made his antenna quiver.  She didn’t even give them a chance to respond, it was evac time, period.  “Someone break in and decide to die of a cold?” he muttered to no one, frustration already breaking through his demeanor.  There wasn’t even time to leave a remote sensor behind before Alessa grabbed him by the arm and started dragging them back to the shaft.


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