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Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

It felt odd walking the halls of this ship. Jack should be dead. Multiple times he had managed to either be saved from or narrowly escape the consiquinces of his actions. The last few days had given him a lot of time to reflect on his life.

Truthfully he was a bit overwhelmed. Jack had yet to fully process the extent of damage to his body. Often times he would find himself trying to reach out with a left arm that was no longer there. He was still off balance. His left had been his leading hand and without it even holding up a disruptor became almost impossible.

Being escorted by security officers was starting to become a habbit in his life as well. Something he was altogether tired of. He had been made well aware of the fact that this visit was for medical treatment only and he would be escorted off the ship the moment he was able.

But despite the hard stance the Theurgy was still willing to give him the resources he needed to have a fighting chance. An arm and an eye, undoing the genetic stripmine that the Savi had done to him. Once again he was finding himself in the debt of this ship and its crew. If nothing else by the end of the day he would get to feel like himself again.

He wouldn't struggle to breath without one of his lungs or feel like his remaining heart was about to jump out of his chest when he ran. Growing up he had been jealious of humans, they didn't have the klingon problems he did growing up and few women found his forehead desirable back then.

Now that he had walked a mile in a humans skeleton he wondered how they ever survived.

Walking too the main sickbay he would meet V-nine and they could start this road to recovery.

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #1
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
By the time V-Nine walked up to the specimen with the non-Federation attire, she'd already made sure to download the relevant information about him prior to the appointment.

"Hello! Hi'Jak, is it not? Apologies, I have yet to download information on Klingon ranks so I am not familiar with proper address. Moreover, I am not sure if you recall me from the Versant, but I'm V-Nine," she said, perfectly aware of the confusing dismissal from the Theurgy and the man being called a traitor, but not really having any personal opinions about his actions or conduct. Her task was to restore him to what he used to be in terms of his physical self, not his rank in Starfleet. Her lens swivelled towards the two armed escorts from Security, before addressing the specimen once more.

"You wished to undergo the procedure to physically restore the body you had before my makers abducted you, and I also noted that the need for artificial replacements for your arm and your eye." She gestured for him to follow her. While she walked towards the intersection that would take them to the primary surgical suite in the CMO Office, where the DNA re-sequencing technology was available, V-Nine continued to talk through the audio-emitter on her platform, her tone being more serious given the topic addressed.

"I would like to take a moment to express my regrets about what's been done to you. I may have been built by the Savi, but after this ship's A.I. upgraded me, my empathy for your plight - and that of the rest of the abductees - has replaced my idle purpose of undoing the Corrections. It's no longer my primary purpose, not a mere designated task in being given to this ship by the Antes. My makers may have been misled by the Scions and the Code they followed, but that makes it no less an affront to everything that my new ethical beliefs tell me. I am glad that I can help you recognise yourself in the mirror once more, and regain your bodily identity."

After they entered the primary surgical suite, she continued to speak. "Here we are," she said and moved to stand next to the biobed. "Please, change your clothes to the patients' gown available over there, and when you're ready, you can come and lay down here on the biobed. I'll tell you what I will be doing during the surgery then."

V-Nine folded her hands behind her back and entered an idle mode while she waited, running diagnostics on her own functions and downloading required data from the Theurgy to assist in the operation. Her lens caught the motions of the two security guards, and she felt it prudent to add. "If you could wait in the lobby, that would be preferred, but if you are under strict orders to observe this patient at all times, please step back so that I can raise a barrier between you and this area."

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #2
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

"Intelligence operative rankings are a bit weird, technically it's less about my actual standing in the military, and more about information that I have been given authority over. For now please just call me Hi'Jak, or Jack, as I have no authority on this ship. I'm more or less a civilian here." Hi'Jak didn't exactly have good standing even within his own ranks. He was more or less kept at the bottom of the totem pole for most people that meant he was a desk jockey with the occasional assignemnt outside of the Aldean Listening Post. If he compared his position to Starfleet ranks officially he'd be around where he was before a Junior Liutenant perhaps even a bit higher, but he was being treated more as a provisional ensign or even crewman. Sparing his life and giving him work to rebuild his reputation were two very different things, and if Jack wanted to earn his place among his people he would have to work seven or eight times as hard to justify his continued existence.

A far cry from the aspired dreams he once had.

V-Nine expressed regrets about what had been done to him, and Jack looked at himself for a moment his one solitary eye reflecting with water for a moment. "To be fair, when I had been abducted I was covered in burns, The savi aren't responsible for the loss of my arm or my eye those were things I did to myself." He looked to the stub of his limb and sighed as he started to work to take off his clothing, the guards thankfully were content to wait outside since the room only had one exit. "In some respects I may have been too mangled to actually survive treatment aboard the Federation ship, and my position so compromised that the crew may have not helped me."

Working to dress himself in the gown with only an arm took a bit of time, but he managed to get it over his shoulders enough to cover himself as he went to lay down on the cold bio bed. Immediately he felt like he was back at the Savi Lab, uncomfortable being looked over, he felt a bit like part of him was about to be torn open again, there was the acute spike in his heart rate, and a feeling of general panic for a moment not something he was comfortable with. He closed his eyes, and could almost feel like he was swimming back through the gel the tube back down his throat supplying him with air, his eye opened and he sent himself into a coughing fit before the procedures had even begun his body shaking for a moment. "I..."

He paused for a moment... Not sure what he was even going to say... he was afraid? Of what a doctor? People expected more of him... or maybe they expected less, either way voicing concerns like... discomfort and fear, he only had himself to blame for those kinds of emotions. His mental trauma had to be put aside. He couldn't afford himself the nightmares, not if he wanted to actually try and regain something akin to respect of anyone. He trembled as he leaned back still uncomfortable still shaken his eye stayed open this time as he laid down. "I'm ready.... what do I need to do?"

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #3
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
It appeared like the specimen was uncomfortable with the procedure, which made V-Nine raise her hand to the front of her cranial unit - her lens zooming in on his ruined facial features. The missing eye made it hard to judge his expression fully, but she felt that she needed to allay his concerns as best as she might. There was that strange feeling when seeing the human specimen bared... how his kind - as opposed to Savi - flaunted their genitals outside their bodies. Just like Commander Cross... Her memory banks had vivid recordings of the repercussions of handling such appendixes.... Stop staring, Vi!

When had she begun to denominate herself with a nickname? Her A.I. upgrade took her runtime in strange directions...

To their credit, the two security officers had stepped back from the biobed, and while V-Nine considered what to say, she raised the bio field that would keep any external contagions from entering the primary surgical suite. "Hi'Jak, please, you needn't be concerned. The Correction Program was a brutish product of the Scion Directive, and my treatment - using Federation technology - will not be unpleasant. My makers were led to follow transcripts and procedures derived solely out of scientific necessity and not having much to do about comfort for their foraged specimens. The Scions twisted practice into an efficiency bordering on horrific. Moreover, the amount of time you had to spend in the Correction Program was a repercussion of the tests and evaluations made on your organic matter. The Antecedents were led to believe that they did what they did for sake of science, scanning the process at a slow pace, but it was revealed... that the High Council of Scion admirals had created a fiction for my makers. They thought you were all released back to freedom after the Correction was complete, but it was all a cover-up to hide the fact that the Scion Directive had all those abducted Recycled and fed to the Flotilla."

V-Nine stepped up to the Biobed, and began to scan Hi'Jak after her thumb and forefinger opened - the lights revealed running over his prone form while she spoke. "Lieutenant Commander Blue Tiran told the Voice - Echtand qi Versant - that there were no people found over the past century with no memories of what had befallen them, much less why their bodies had been altered. The Scions named it the Purity Syndrome, and each time a ship was scanned, data was added to perpetuate the lie - each forage naming these people found with no memories of what befell them. The false records said that some were identified, and some not. When the Voice learned that there was no such thing as the Purity Syndrome in Federation records... it was easy to understand for him what had really happened to the specimens after they were Corrected. This was why he aided those abducted from the Theurgy and the Endeavour. He started an uprising, and sought to restore the Savi to what they were before the Scion Directive."

Ceasing to scan Hi'Jak, V-Nine stepped up next to his head and looked down - lens towards eye. "Today, instead, you will be given anaesthetics and rest while the DNA resequencer mend what was done to you, the date available in the Correction Journal in my memory banks. You need not do anything. Next time you wake up, several hours will have passed, and you will be yourself again. Then, I will present the available prosthetic units for your eye and your missing limb. You will be sedated a second time after that, so that I might preform the surgeries of adding the cybernetic augmentation to you, and the second time you wake up, we will be finished, and you may leave, even if I would prefer you stayed overnight for observation. Is this satisfactory?"

After hearing the answer, V-Nine nodded and folded her hands behind her back, saying cheerfully. "May I sedate you and begin now, then?"

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #4
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jack was to say a bit unsure about all of this. He kept looking at that robot with suspicion and was it... no it was probably just his imagination after all before the loss of his arm and eye he used to think that he was at the center of the universe. He was pretty confident that the security camera of the robot was not checking him out, though he did see the reflection of his assets in it's lense once or twice. Maybe he was just subconsciously showing off.

She was trying to explain why the correction procedure had been the way it was and he shrugged. "I'm a scientist, and a biologist... well I guess I played at being one for a very long time. Occasionally when i was working I'd kidnap native species from their worlds and keep them in containment labs, mark them, study them, heck I even issued breeding studies on certain creatures as a Xenobiologist I can understand the necessary studies that need to be done on 'lesser life forms' the only difference is the record keeping.  From the time that I had my control unit, and was able to access research from the Savi I found their network to be a complete mess of numerical stacks of information. Their langauge was so basic that I learned it in a night, they praised efficiency too much it made everything so easy to parse through and steal."

"and you know what I learned? they had no cultural texts, no music of their own, the Savi are too sterile. I can completely understand why would abduct another species. They want to observe things they could never live through... I feel a slight amount of pity for them, doesn't make they did good, just means that as someone who has a doctorate in xenozoology, I can understand them."

Jack listened to the explanation and sighed. While he was sure that an overnight observation would be nice he had too much work to do so such a distraction would be unwelcome plus he would probably be spending that over night time in the brig, as that was his last known quarters on this ship and he had no intention of staying. "Sadly I think that the Theurgy crew would have me ejected from the site as soon as I am done at this point."

"I doubt they want me to be around any more than I have to be." Jack tried to relax on the cold medical table it was actually rather difficult to give permission to be sedated. When V-9 asked if she could proceed he let out a slow groan and nodded. "Yeah lets get this over with." He waited for the sedation to take effect, and wasn't entirely sure when he had passed out entirely.

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #5


[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
When she had finished, V-Nine had seen how the two guards had been rotated twice outside the bio field around the primary surgical suite in the CMO office. She'd waved and greeted them both times, with little to no reaction.

During the six hours that the DNA re-sequencing process had lasted, she hadn't just been making the genetic calibrations at the terminal - her metallic hands much faster than an organic medical officer's - for she had also been contemplating what the Klingon hybrid specimen had said about her makers. She was adverse to have an opinion either way about the Antes without knowing how they would respond to the Old Code, but she was rather convinced that if it wasn't for the Scion Directive, her makers would have been another people entirely. Perhaps they would have grown to adopt a manner of culture when not funnelled into the efficiency and  callous methods of the altered Code? In fact, perhaps there were cultural findings in the Old Code that the Antes might re-adopt as their own. There was too little data available to make any firm conclusions.

Finally, the last chromosome had been reset to what it used to be, and after that, it was all a matter of regenerating tissues and flesh in accordance with the right DNA. The methodology might seem crude, but even with the inferior re-sequencer that the Federation had developed, V-Nine was able to safely use a dermal and sub-dermal generation field after the unwanted tissues were broken down. Of course, even an osteo-regeneration field had to be applied given the changes to the specimen's bone structure, and through it all, the body needed nourishment to handle the toll of the procedure. V-Nine, however, had it all well in hand, methodically going through the body with the process in the sequence of biological organs that was safest to Hi'Jak.

After running a final scan, she was finished, and she raised her hand to turn it into a hypospray. She applied what used to be her middle finger against Hi'Jak's neck, and resuscitated him from the strong sedative she'd given him before she began. Then, she stepped back, just to give the specimen some space if he needed it when he came to.

"Hello," she said when the specimen stirred on the biobed, "you are on the Federation starship USS Theurgy, registry NX-78954, and you have been restored to your original physiology. The procedure was successful, and you should find yourself exactly the way you were before my makers abducted you. Your eye and your hand are still missing, but the next phase will be about replacing those."

V-Nine paused and let the organic situate himself, examine himself to his heart's content, but besides some leaden aftermath from the sedatives, he was quite healthy, if possibly feeling a bit sore given the massive alteration his body had undergone. "How are you feeling?"

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #6
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Hi'Jak closed his eyes everything felt heavy as the surgery began, he felt the world melt away his mind becoming foggy from the drugs. He tried to talk, but his jaw felt sluggish, and he couldn't really fight it for very long. Passing out soon became the only thing his body was capable of. Light soft breaths escaped him, easing him into a deep sleep as his body was being worked on.

Jack walked through the gardens of Starfleet Academy, he compared the homeland of his father to that of his mother for a moment. Looking up at the blue sky still half expecting to see the comforting green of his childhood.  "chay' DIvI'?" The instructor asked Jack shrugged at the question.

"vIvup" He replied as he walked through the grounds, his eyes wondering up towards the sun, he disliked just how bright the sky was. He was in a cadet's uniform. "tlhIngan jatlh 'ampaS wa'DIch veng." He said rolling his eyes for a moment. He supposed it was natural to have that feeling of being alien.

"You will need to practice our language then." The instructor said, looking at Jack, The man blinked for a moment, he hadn't heard Federation standard in a while, and shrugged slightly at the words being used. The instructor switched back to klingonese to help the transition.

"QIchlIj wej jatlh Segh." The instructor chastised. "jatlh pagh mej ghoj."


Sitting in class the instructor had been right, Federation standard had been a bit taxing to keep up with, but without it he would have been left behind. He was still struggling to follow the words of his instructors from time to time, but he had the advantage of a translating device on hand for most of the lectures. Sitting at the console he found himself bored. He had completed the weeks readings ahead of time and so everything the teacher was talking about was stuff he had already learned.

When walking through the walls of the Federation facility he felt outcast ed. The Federation was at war with the Empire at this time in his life, and he was stranded, cut off a student in the Federation playing the long con, in a situation even more dangerous than before. His every move was monitored, and he was often getting shoved around.

Opening his locker the world had a small hiccup, there were photo's and memories in his locker that didn't exist yet, people he hadn't met yet.  A poster of a three sectioned ship hovered slightly in the background. He grabbed his book labled 'boring and liar' and walked back to his classes.

His graduation ceremony became a firing squad of Federation soldiers. "You lied when you swore your oaths to the Federation."

and as they fired their shots, he fell backwards through space and time, to a tribunal in a klingon court the light bright in his face. "You assisted in the murder of Klingon defense force members." Why was the judge an Andorian?

"'ej" The crowd cried over and over again. His heart rate spiked, his lungs felt like they were on fire. Partly due to the fact that his body was currently being set afliam or maybe he was just feeling the heat of the surgery.

"Where do you think belong in this universe?" The giant spider that was his lawyer asked him the question, and Jack opened his mouth to answer. Only for parts of him to start burning away before he could answer.

Jack coughed slightly as he felt his body shiver and his conconciousness snap back into his mind, in that dull foggy sort of way that it came back post surgery. He breathed for a moment and felt his chest expand properly, a breath of life he had long forgotten as all three of his lungs worked in unison to fill him.

He closed his eyes and heard the steady double beat of his hearts. He opened those eyes and the blur of the lights. He raised a hand to shield his eys for a moment, or at least he felt like he did but no such hand blocked away the lights. He was quickly reminded that he lacked one of his appendages. V-nine's voice called to him through the haze of his mind.

She spoke about replacing his arm and eye and he nodded. She asked him how he felt.

He answered in klingon. "net poQbej qa'vIn vIneH." He said hearing his own voice and flinched at how loud it was he disliked the sound of it, something he never would have said before today. He usually loved to talk.

He slid off the surgercal table for a moment he regarded himself. Stretching his remaining arm he brushed away some of the sweat he had been feeling. "Good, lets get onto the next part."


Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #7
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
When the naked specimen stood up from the biobed in the primary surgical suite, V-Nine couldn't help but step back another step, clearing her throat a bit even though it was merely an auditory noise. It was a mannerism she'd picked up when she's come aboard, and she even found herself averting her lens from the dangly bits of the restored specimen - having it suddenly animated instead of just an appendage that she'd regenerated into full size.

"Oh, dear," she said very quietly, folding one arm across her middle and covering the front of her cranial unit with a hand for a moment. She suppressed the unbidden input from her memory banks that detailed that had happened with Lieutenant Commander Cross, and decided that whatever had happened had no relevance in the context of her current patient. The female security officers seemed amused enough outside the bio field. "I'm glad to hear you're pleased with the work. It took quite some time, but I used this Federation equipment to its optimal potential."

Evidently, the patient was ready for the next step, which was far more easy. She turned and walked over to a nearby table and came back with a metal tray, holding the prostethics that she would fit on his person. "As you have already seen, I regenerated your eyelid and socket, preparing the optical nerve for your ocular implant. Since I could preserve the socket so well and ensure a perfect fit for this artificial eye, I will be able to just insert the implant manually without surgery. The implant will then activate and attach itself to the fine musculature and nerve-endings around it. It might be an unpleasant transition and I am prepared to sedate you once more to spare you the experience."

Moving on to the hand and lower arm on display, along with the elbow socket that was to cover the stump, she continued to explain. "The socket will be attached to what remains of your arm with a pressurised seal, the sensors picking up on nerve impulses and muscle movements. There will be a lot of calibration from my end while you try to move your new arm and hand, but you will not need to be sedated when we attach it. So, please lie down again, and tell me if you are okay with me opening your eyelids and fitting your ocular implant into its socket while you are conscious?"

She would also make sure to cover him with the surgical blanket again, that was certain. Why couldn't all species keep their genitalia inside like the Savi? It was all utterly distracting...


Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #8
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

"I'd like to move forward without any sedation if possible."
Jack said as he returned to the bed, he didn't like the idea of going back to sleep anymore. even if that meant he had to be in pain for some extent. Considering how the first proceedure had went he was still unsteady and a touch sweaty honestly, but he did feel better. "Can you connect the nerves using local? perhaps a strap to keep the limb from unwanted movements?"

He was sure there would be some protest against it. It seemed like a bit of an ask, all because he wanted to avoid anymore sleeping. He felt like he had done enough of that with the previous surgery. It would be uncomfortable but then again so everything else he was going through. 

He moved his useful hand to his face using his fingers to hold open his eyelid a bit better. Then came the moment of insertion. V-Nine's hands were definitely more steady than Jack's though as the eye was properly sized it fit in the cavity in his skull with relative ease. He blinked a few times feeling the muscles move about for a moment or two getting a better feel for how the new eye felt then came a moment of shock.

It was a not so subtle eletric shock that coursed through his skull for a moment as the nerves were connected. The eye activated and for a moment Jack felt completely disoriented. The shock made his stomach flip for a moment as his eye adjusted to the light of the room. He blinked a few times as his eye settled down vision becoming more clear.

Immediately he could tell there were a few things different between his human eye and the artificial one, The corner of his eye had a few small readings for various sensors that had been put into the piece, this was a civilian version of course, theurgy was not about to refit him with a high class artificial replacement, but he had an internal clock built into his display along with temperature, and a small symbol in the right side of his eye told him that the thing had a holographic recording device.

a few seconds after all of these small functions came on line his left eye was suddenly filled with a technical manual overlay, he rolled his eyes for a moment. "Who actually reads the manual for any of this stuff." He did catch one important detail.

"Wait this thing has night vision."
at the word the eye gave a color shift and Jack was momentarily blinded in his left eye. "Oh fuck turn off night vision." His remaining arm went to his eye blocking the light for a moment as his non artificial one watered and teared up. "Oh... fuck my skull why don't you." He recovered after a moment though when he pulled away his hand it did have the distinct red of blood. A minor side effect of implantation his body had to adjust to use of the eye.

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #9
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
The vulgar words of the specimen were only rivalled by the gross misinterpretation of her intent, which she hadn't explained clearly enough when she'd talked about how she would be attaching the artificial arm. Her lens registering how rubescent the area around his new eye got, she quickly folded back the surface of her index finger and thumb so that she might scan him. "Please be careful, the socket must adjust itself to the presence of your new eye, and over-stimulating the nerves will cause for discomfort. In other words, please refrain from testing the advanced features of your eye for a couple of hours."

Satisfied that the discolouration would only be temporary and there were no ruptures in the underlying circulatory systems, V-Nine moved to pick up the surgical blanket and pulled it up to cover the human and klingon hybrids genetalia. Once that - to her - prioritised task was complete, she explained what would happen next one more time, aiming to be more clear on why she had only offered sedatives for the eye-insertion rather than the attachment of his new limb.

"The socket that will be attached to your remaining right arm has been replicated for a perfect fit, and I need your nervous system to be fully alert for the calibrations I'll make. The pressurised socket is fitted with a sub-dermal sensor suite and will be reading what you want it to do, and if your limb is numb, I can't make it behave like you want it to." Perhaps the hybrid had thought she'd resort to the messy affair of opening up his stump and then manually attaching the inner components of the arm to his nerve endings, and then somehow graft the cut skin around the edge of his new arm? What if the new limb was jarred somehow, and ripped the artificial limb clear from his soft flesh? Had he thought she'd ram something up along his humerus inside his forearm and then bolted it to the bone? V-Nine supposed such barbaric procedures could be more common in the Klingon Empire...

"The pressurised socket will not just provide a comfortable joining, but it's designed to treat the end of your arm with better circulation while you wear it. It's recommended, however, that you remove this artificial limb at least once a week for sanitary reasons, so that you may clean properly. If you had opted for a model with artificial skin grafted on it, the socket would have been more sophisticated and held a program that would rinse bacteria as well, but the pressurised seal principle would still have been the same. There is no point traumatising the end of your arm more than it has already been."

Carrying the tray over to the side of the biobed, V-Nine picked up the specimen's new limb and aligned it with the stump. "Please lie still while I adjust the alignment. The prosthetic will later know when to make the seal so that you can attach your arm yourself after this first time. There will be no risk of your limb being sealed to your body in an erroneous way...."

Once V-Nine had made the alignment as in accordance with his Correction Journal - the data clear in her memory banks - she triggered the socket, and with a hissing sound, it attached itself to the stump. Immediately, minute movements could be discerned in the limb's fingers and wrist, animated by the specimen's nervous system. It appeared like the limb, while of Federation technology, was functioning properly.

"Please try to make a fist, repeatedly, until you feel like the feedback and result is familiar to you. Tell me what feels off, and I will adjust the settings," she said, and lifted her left forearm to holographically project the software interface to the limb, which she had linked herself up to wirelessly for the calibration phase of the procedure. "Next, you need to rotate your wrist in both directions, angling your hand back and fourth, until it feels natural to you. You'll find that your eye and your hand has already been synchronised, and you'll be able to access information about its features there. Another manual, if you will... Please just let me know if your eye is causing you any further discomfort."

The procedure to sync the new limb to his nervous system would likely just take a couple of more minutes, depending on the specimen's actions.

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #10
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jack held the artificial eye closed for a moment before testing it and blinking to make sure that it went back to what would be considered normal vision, though it did bring up an intresting detail. The new eye had 20 vision, Jack's eyes apparently hadn't been as good as the new implant because already he could tell the detail in quality was different. V-Nine chastised him about using the more advanced functions of his eye yet letting the thing settle and adjust. He nodded softly at the chastise. "Understood, doctor."

V-Nine went on to further explain how the new appendage would be attached, that it would use more suction than hardwiring means, he blinked for a moment. He watched as the arm was placed to the edge of his stump. The attachment process was uncomfortable. The suction onto his arm felt like it latched onto him and the pressure tightened as it began connecting to his nerve endings there was an electrical shock that ran up from the arm to his spine and through his body. Not unpleasant but it did make him gasp for a moment. The nerve endings were only connected to interpret movement he supposed had he opted for a skin grafted version or an artificial skin that shock would have been more intense, as it would have to connect to 'feel' the new skin.

As it was it left his arm feeling numb in comparison to his other more fleshy hand. He looked at it almost confused as he lifted it up, making a fist caused him to wince for a moment. "feels stiff when I open my hand it's slower than closing it." It was responding which was good, but the entire thing was heavy, slow, stiff.

Compared to his organic hand it was clumsy which he genuinely had not expected from an artificial limb. The manual displayed across his eye syncing the two items, and this time he actually paid attention to the manual. Rotating his wrist as indicated. "It's heavier than my other arm."

That made sense, the new one was plastics and durasteel, it was thicker material. He could probably get it augmented further, the manual pointed out a bunch of additional hollow space where it could be adapted for different environments, in it's blank state though he could probably stuff a bag of targ jerky in there, maybe a few other things... could make for a good smuggler port. If access to other Federation equipment the arm could be updated to hold scientific equipment, like the eye it had a list of comparable sensors and tools he could retrofit the arm with.

Why didn't more humans opt to get augmented?

He put away the manual and regarded the arm a bit. "My shoulder hurts when i move it, Is that cause my body isn't used to the weight or due to the nerves being synchronized?" He wasn't entirely sure.

He moved his shoulder slowly trying to feel how extending the arm would feel, going through various motions, trying to make a fist again, a cramp in his shoulder made his fist clench harder and almost made it so that his fist wouldn't release. He paused for a moment as he watched the metal grip down and shudder. Guess I'm using my right hand for alone time from now on, can't trust the left not to rip something off.  There was however a list of exercises that were recommended for the arm, not just to build up his dexterity with it, but rather build up the shoulder and body attached to it so that the arm would better adjust. In short his body would need a lot of time to recover from the trauma of loosing his previous arm. "Huh, I always kinda thought that the acclimation was immediate for these type of things, but it hurts."

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #11
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
Listening to the patient, V-Nine compared what he was saying with what the readings told her, and could make educated assumptions on the calibrations needed in the software interface.

"A moment," she said and ensured that the response and feedback through his nervous system would be more seamless. "Calibrating tactile sensor mapping across your new limb so that you may actually sense input from not just the fingertips but the entirety of the length."

V-Nine then moved on to speak of how he experienced the weight and how there was a sense of discomfort - even slight pain. "Your shoulder has become used to the lack of a lower arm and it immediate discomfort will wear off, as for the pain in your shoulder, I records detail vestigial phantom pains from what your limb suffered when you lost it. Such things will also wear off in short time. Please continue to move your hand and fingers and now please also flex your whole arm. The pressure seal should be stimulated now by the socket to prevent any lingering pains. I just need you to tell me when it's starting to feel better, and I will know which parameters in the software settings I need to adjust."

Hopefully, the sensor mapping software would be attuned well enough to how he remembered it would be like to have his arm touched, and the oddity - she supposed - would be how the metallic surface would respond akin to skin being touched. It would not be 100 % accurate, but the digital signals would be sufficient for him to use the arm as seamlessly as his old one with some practise. Of course, the feedback from digital pain receptors was very nominal, since it wouldn't be too beneficial for an artificial limb.

"Can you feel it when I do this?" she asked in a friendly tone, and she put her metallic hand upon his forearm - rubbing her thumb against it. "Should I dial up or lower the feedback you feel?"

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #12
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

As more of the tactile sensors were turned on it felt weird. A bit like pins and needles or a return to normal after having circulation cut off by strong bindings. As he started to flex his arm it still felt stiff, but became looser the more he used the limb. He rotated his hand and felt and compared it to motions made with his organic right hand. Timing it out he swore that his old flesh hand was perhaps less accurate than the new metallic and plastic of his right arm.  One thing he was quick to notice however was that there was a difference.

His right hand organic as it was could feel the warmth of the room, where as he could only get tactile senses with his left arm. When V-nine touched him he could feel the sensation of her hand on his arm the movement of her thumb on his plastics but he couldn't feel anything like how cold or warm her hand was. He went so far as to touch her hand with his right hand, gently running a thumb up and down the back of her hand. "My skin feels you being cold, but my arm can't really seem to determine temperature. I can feel the motion of you touching me, but I can't tell of something is cold or hot with that hand."

He wasn't sure exactly how far the sensors that were attached to him were supposed to go in that direction if it was something he was even supposed to be able to tell with this particular model of arm. "As for movement it feels more natural now."

He flexed his new arm moving it at the elbow and the wrist. He was suprised to see it respond so fluidly. The only other robotic arm he had seen within the Federation had belonged to Trent the man he had originally made his bargan with. That one had seemed rough, brutish by design where this one was more Representative of the arm that he had lost at one point. "It feels... smooth? easy to move about with... but it's still kinda heavy and awkward. I used to do boxing, but I'm not really sure if I can pull a punch with this arm."

Not that he would be allowed to box. He was pretty sure there were strong regulations against boxing with an artificial limb. "Also is there a way to test grip strength? I think if I were to try holding a glass right now I might end up breaking it in my hand." Among other things, he wanted to know exactly how strong the joints in this hand were before he left this room.

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #13
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Masorin 
With her cranial unit swivelling and her lens doing a double take when she felt the patient's other hand on top of her's, V-Nine soon nodded and giggled a little bit in understanding. "Ah, yes, I will increase the temperature sensor output then. That should do it."

Extracting her hand she made the required edits in the software, and listened as the patient spoke of the manoeuvrability. It seemed like she was more or less spot-on with the settings. "Excellent. If you need to make any calibrations, the software is available in your new eye. Just enter the right options menus and you should be able to do the fine-tuning yourself. Just remember to save your current settings first so that you can revert in case you get carried away."

Then, of course, there were the settings associated with the grip of the hand, and V-Nine picked up a metal rod commonly used for such testing, handing it over to the hybrid specimen. "Please make a grip around this and squeeze it when I tell you to. I am applying standard strength equivalent to that of your left arm to prevent you from having such accidents that you describe. You can of course make a secondary strength profile that you can activate if so needed, which will grant you a higher grip strength, but I advise against that to be your standard settings. Now, please."

Once she got the readings, she fine-tuned the output to that of the muscle density of the left arm. "There, now you can release it," she said, and extended her hand for the rod so that she could put it away. "That would be all then. Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any further questions, and I'll happily come help you if you need help with the software for your eye and your hand, but it should all be rather self-explanatory."

"Are you finished?" called one of the Security guards from beyond the surgical suite.

"Yes, the patient will only need to get dressed," she said in answer, and then turned her lens back to Hi'Jak. "Please make sure to take it slow, and rest well, for your body has endured a lot today. It might be some time before you feel completely like yourself again, but my readings do not suggest any complications with your new physiology."

Saying this, V-Nine stepped back to let the patient get dressed in his Klingon attire, wringing her hands a bit and making sure her lens was averted since the patient didn't seem to be concerned with the full on display of his external genitalia. Organics... Why can't they all be like Savi, Ovri or Andorians? Even felnoids have the decency of keeping their floppy appendages properly tucked away.

Re: Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy

Reply #14
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | USS Theurgy | Sickbay] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Jack felt the difference in pressure between his two arms, and tried his best to calibrate his grip strength to match at least on default. The idea that he could set the arm for different strengths was an interesting one, but he wasn't sure how applicable such settings would be. Likely they would only come up rarely. As he was finally let up from the table he took the care to dress in his Klingon uniform.

It felt like it fit a bit better. His chest expanded more when he breathed deeper thanks to the presence of a familiar third lung. He also had two hearts beating away like drums in his ears. His flesh hand went to touch his face for a moment, feeling several familiar ridges as he touched himself. His dick was also slightly bigger, and had rather pronounced plates back inside of it. he had missed those.

Pulling up his pants he did take a moment to feel his dick, though he kept his artificial hand far away from it. His balls felt normal, and wait was that robot checking him out as he touched himself? He shrugged off that thought again the singular camera lense and the fact that the thing lacked any obvious ports or features really told him that it was just a machine designed by a race that would have no intention of ever giving it a person-hood. "Thank you for your work doctor. I feel satisfied with my care... I can at least feel like myself again." He gave it the minimal amount of thought and respect as he pulled his clothing back on.

Stretching he felt like he had equal parts over slept, and yet hadn't slept properly at all. The drugs were still in his system but also now that he was back to his higher metabolism of a half klingon he felt starved having eaten a human diet for the last little while. Once he got off this ship and was back on the station he would be going for the nearest place that served Gakk and would be filling his plate more than once.

Security came and pushed him onward. "Yes, yes I have no intention of staying on your ship anylonger than you would have me." He said rolling his eyes and walking with his head higher than it had been when he had come onto the ship, finally he was able to breath a full breath.


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