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Topic: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03 (Read 7256 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #25
Ensign Marija Ferik | Outskirts of Ghost City | Aldea ]  Attn: @Stegro88 @Sqweloookle @trevorvw @lisavw @Fife @Revan 

Ducking behind her own cover, Marija was firing at her own hostiles that were taking shots at her. First day back in the field and she already pinned down and had lost one person on her squad, not the best return to action she had been hoping for. The fact that Kingston was the only one left and was pinned down as well meant things had gone pretty badly wrong for them.

Listening to Kingston as he spoke to her through the communicator, she cursed under her breath at the fact that they were the reinforcements and wouldn't be getting any themselves. Well now things had gone completely FUBAR. =^="Glad to hear you're okay too sir. As for making the enemies believe we're dead...well I've had a lot of experience with being dead lately, pretty sure I can fake it just as long as that's all it is.=^=" she replied.

So now all she had to do was a way to make that be a believable thing. Glancing around she could see several buildings close to both of them that could provide cover, but how to fake their deaths. Ducking lower behind the wall she was behind as a shot whizzed past her head, she pulled out her Tricorder and scanned the area, a small smile spreading across her face as she tapped her combadge again.

=^="Ferik to Kingston, I have a plan. If you can make it to the cover to your right where Brelum is, the building behind you has a basement with an access point to the sewer, if you can get him in there, and overload his phaser by the entrance, these old buildings are structurally unstable, the explosion should collapse the entrance and make them think you were buried under it when it collapsed, it's risky but we're dead if we stay here so I guess it depends on how you want to go out. There's a build just across the way from me that has sewer access too, I've got some cover that I can use to get there and avoid some of the fire I'll take and can do the same there, we can meet up in the sewer assuming we both make it."

She said before pausing a moment to peek out of her cover and return fire =^="It's your call sir, but I don't see any other options unless you've got an idea."=^= the blonde finished.

Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #26
[ LT. JG Adam Kingston | Aldean 'Ghost' City | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Bastila

A smile slowly spread Adam’s lips as he listened to his colleague. She was a clever one. The initial start of the plan was the hardest as he had to get to Brelum first, the rest seemed pretty simple other then the blast may bury him and Brelum.

He sighed then answered. =/\="Remind me to commend you to the Chief, well I don’t have any ideas so let’s do yours. When I signal you with combadge chirps, you fire in as many directions as you can even leave your phaser programmed to fire while you sneak off, I’ll do the same. Take or use Niyar’s and-.”=/\= He had paused for he had to think, he’d need his phaser but could use Brelum’s to do the auto-fire then overload while keeping his to use freely. He continued after making the decision. =/\="We have to hope the enemy cannot actually scan or see us or this plan will be just that harder. Prepare yourself. Kingston out."=/\=

This was going to be tricky, so he scanned for Brelum’s location, and preparing his phaser and body to run like fuck, Adam took a few deep breaths. Just as his fourth breath climaxed he tapped his combadge twice to give Marjia the signal to give cover fire as he too launched out of his nook, firing wildly in several directions in rapid succession as he bolted for Brelum’s position.

He got there with many shots flying past him, several grazed him but didn’t disrupt his sprint. He quickly took several moments to catch his breath up then put his phaser down. He gingerly manipulated an unconscious Brelum into a carrying position and retrieved his phaser, using his free hand to hold Brelum in place.

Barely able to see the door to the building behind him, Adam double checked that the enemy couldn’t see him in his new location. As he slowly entered the building, no shots were forthcoming so he was clear. He prayed that Marjia had made it too and was carrying out her own fake death.

He forgot that they needed to broadcast the event to everyone so to sell the cover better. But what to say. He hoped like hell the enemy didn’t have sensor equipment as they pick up their lifesigns in the sewers. Perhaps a quick pinned and overrun announcement, though if they were being monitored they would have heard the plan already. Adam shrugged then slowly placed the phaser where it could fire in the directions of the enemy, programmed a 5 second overload timer.

He quickly located the basement door, opened it then returned Brelum to a carrying position on his back. Adam tapped the fire button before making his way into the basement. The return fire was almost just as quick though not quite hitting the phaser. Maybe they wanted to loot their enemy once dead, Adam mused as he watched the phaser on the last few steps into the basement then closed the door as he heard the phaser overload building up.

Adam made for a little further away and the sewer entrance was to his right and quickly traversed inside as he heard the massive explosion above along with some rumbling as the buildings inside the blast shook. They were coming down in moments so Adam quickly headed in the direction he hoped Marija would be soon.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #27
Ensign Marija Ferik | Outskirts of Ghost City | Aldea ]  Attn: @Stegro88 @Sqweloookle @trevorvw @lisavw @Fife @Revan 

Marija smiled when Kingston said to remind him to commend her to the chief, being fresh out of the ice box it would be nice for a little recognition. The fact he also agreed with her plan helped too.

"I'll be sure to do that sir, can never have too many commendations in your file after all. Will do sir, and let's hope so, guess we'll find out eventually. See you down below." she replied.

Retrieving Niyar's phaser the blonde programmed it to fire continuous bursts of fire in random directions except the one she was heading in, she might have to dodge their fire if they spotted her the last thing she needed would be to have to dodge her own programmed fire as well. After a few quick seconds of configurations, she placed the phaser when she thought it would do the best job and waited.

It didn't take long for her combadge to chirp, signalling her movement. Activating the phaser, she watched as it started firing off shots in several directions at random intervals and crouch ran across the courtyard. A few blasts from the enemy hit the ground beside her but luckily she managed to avoid them and ducked into the building.

Crouching down behind one of the walls, she panted and took a few moments to catch her breath. The problem she had was that unlike Kingston who could use Brelum's phaser to collapse his entrance to the building, she'd had to use Niyar's as a distraction, meaning she'd either have to use her phaser to bring down the entrance or leave it standing and hope that nobody followed her.

Cursing under her breath she set her phaser to overload and placed it by the entrance. Peeking out into the street, she saw several of the enemies trying to make their way over to her while trying to duck the random phaser blasts coming their way. Setting the overload for 10 seconds, she placed the phaser and took off running.

Ducking and weaving through several rooms, she ran down into the basement and pulled on the drain cover. She'd just managed to get it open when she heard the phaser explode, the entire building shaking around her. Scrambling down the ladder, she pulled the cover back over as best she could and climbed down, feeling several bits of rock falling down around her.

Luckily the building didn't come down on her as she reached the bottom and chuckled slightly, this was one hell of a first day back. She felt another rumble from a little further away and knew it must have been Adam's own demolitions at work, hopefully he and Brelum had made it.

As she made her way into the sewer and towards what should be their rally point, she rounded a corner and came face to face with a soldier pointing a rifle at her head.

"Don't move!" the man said. "Nice try, using the sewers to escape, I decided to use them to sneak up on you, and look at that, you came right too me." he replied, smiling smugly before allowing his eyes to roam over the woman's body and had to admit she was attractive. "Although....perhaps I could be persuaded to forget I ever saw you given the right...incentive." he grinned.

Marija first cursed at the fact someone had got the drop on her and then had to resist the urge to roll her eyes when she saw him check her out before finally suppressing a grin of her own. Was he seriously trying to extort a sexual favour out of her in exchange for a free pass? It was certianly what it seemed like he was implying.

Giving him a seductive smile, she slowly closed the distance between them, watching as the soldier lowered the rifle and licked his lips. "Surely a handsome soldier such as yourself doesn't need to resort to threats to get some action?" she asked, putting on a husky tone to her voice as she stepped up to him and ran a finger along his chest.

"I don't have too..." He replied with a grin as he watched her step close to him and run her finger down his chest, this slut was going to be a fun one he could tell as he grabbed her and wrapped an arm around her waist and span them around, pushing her against the wall.

Marija was a bit taken aback when she was grabbed and pressed up against the wall but kept the smile on her face, waiting as she watched him lean in towards her for a kiss. Ignoring the urge to grab his hand and break it when she felt him grope her breast, she waited until he was just about to kiss her before throwing her head forward and headbutting him, hearing a loud crack as his nose broke.

"Ow you fucking bitch!" he cursed as he staggered back, clutching his face as he felt the blood flowing from his nose. However the brief distraction as he glanced down at his blood covered hands was all Marija needed to deliver a swift kick to his groin, causing him to double over in even more pain. Grabbing him, she tossed the man over her hip onto the ground and delivered a punch to his face that knocked him out

Shaking her head as she shook her hand to shake off the throbbing in it from the punch as she looked down at the unconscious soldier. "Men." she muttered before turning around and walking away, making sure to retrieve the soldier's rifle as she passed it. At least she had another weapon now.

Making her way through several more tunnels, she arrived at the place both her sewer entrance and Kingston's intercepted based on her tricorder readings and saw two lifesigns heading her way, it was more than likely them but given her encounter who knew if the guy was alone or had brought some friends. There wasn't anywhere to take cover at the intersection however, so Marija was forced to stand there with her rifle aimed down the tunnel with her finger hovering over the trigger just in case.

All she could do now was wait and see who emerged...


Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #28
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Ghost City | Aldea ] Attn: @Revan @lisavw

The building shook, forcing Mickayla to shrink down as best she could as dust and small bits of debris rained down on her. She had been grateful when she had heard the first phaser shots beyond the walls and the sound of warp fighters overhead. And when the first vibrations shook the room, she knew that the cavalry had arrived in force. Now, she was worried that they didn’t truly know where she was as the explosions came close and closer; the rumblings already having coated the three prisoners in a fine layer of dust and detritus.

“Those hits get any closer and we are going to be in for an interesting time,” Mickayla observed after another close impact. Annunciating her point, something exploded, Mickayla guessed it was a micro torpedo from one of the fighters circling above. The room shook violently and Mickayla suddenly found the chain that had been securing her hands free from the wall. She would have preferred to have the chains off but this was an improvement. Looking about, she saw that the chains holding T’Panu were still attached to the wall while M’Mau was lying on the ground; a bloody piece of rubble beside him.

“Shit,” the Klingon security officer muttered as she scrambled across the room to the Vulcan’s side. Her chain was still fixed but the wall about the mount was fractured. “I’m going to try and pull you free.” Bracing herself against the wall, she grasped the chain and pulled as hard as she could. The wall refused to give up its prize at first but Mickayla’s resolve proved stronger and she was reward with a free chain with her back and head slamming into the ground.

“Check on M’mau,” Mickayla directed as politely as she could manage. “I’ll guard the door.”

[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf 03 | Over Ghost City | Aldea ] Attn: @Fife

“Wolf-03 to Wolf-04, nice aim over there Foxfire,” Chance complimented her lover, managing to keep it professional, if only just. She smiled at her wingwoman’s reply before bringing her fighter around for another pass. As she lined up and searched for a target, the B’rel that had decloaked on the ground fired a photon torpedo. With next to no time to reach, Chance had barely pulled up, only to take the impact on her ventral shields. 

“Shit, that bird is active. Shields down to 70%,” Chance advised Foxfire as she checked her sensors. Behind her, she saw that the pirate ship was gaining altitude and speed, vacating the target area. “Wolf-03 to Akoni,” Chance called out to the ground commander. “Bird-of-Prey is mobile. We’ll get it.”

“Foxfire, let's go hunting,”
Chance said, bringing her Valkyrie around on a pursuit course. “We have to get it before it can cloak again!”

OOC: Hi everyone. So, this has been a long, long time coming. I apologise for that.

This will be the last round of posts for this thread. Time to tie everything up.

@lisavw if I could have you post before @Revan that would be awesome. After that, Revan, could you get Kolari into the cell please? I promise Mickayla won't kill him.  (laugh)

Otherwise, everyone is free to post at their leisure. @trevorvw at whichever point you choose to post, could you advise everyone to round up any pirates?

And @Fife I'm sure Isel will enjoy taking chunks out of the B'rel.

Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #29
[ Ens. Isel “Foxfire” Nix | Wolf 04 | Over Ghost City | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88
[Wolf-03 to Wolf-04, nice aim over there Foxfire.]

Isel grinned at Donna words, keying open their comms. ”I’m great at blowing things up when I don’t have you telling me to keep my torps in their tubes!” Isel called back with a chuckle.

The chuckle died as Isel saw the B’rel. A moment later Chance called out that the thing was still active. As if Isel hadn’t noticed from the torpedo it had just tried to put up Chance’s ass. ”Fuck.” Isel cursed, adjusting course.

[Foxfire, let’s go hunting,] came Chance’s voice over their comms, [We have to get it before it can cloak again!]

”Roger that. Let’s waste this fucking thing and get the hell out of here.” Foxfire called back, her hand already punching in the commands to arm her heavier ordinance. ”Weapons hot. Target locked.” Isel’s mouth curled into a dark grin behind the visor of her helmet. ”Firing.”

Through her TVD view, Foxfire saw a stream of micro-torpedoes streaking forth from her fighter, the barrage of ordinance adjusting course slightly to line up with the B’rel. Foxfire had opted for the micros as she suspected the use of full-size ordinance in close proximity to the ground team would likely have earned her a few harsh words from her Element leader. That, and accidentally blowing members of the ground team to dust might have been frowned upon, even by her. As it was, the micro-torps would have to suffice, and seemed as though they would judging by the series of explosions which rocked the B’rel. Isel pulled her fighter into a wide turn after the first run so as to follow up with another volley should Chance not finish the B’rel off.

Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #30
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Aldean 'Ghost' City | Aldea Prime ] Attn: @Bastila

In the dark and the smell was not pleasant to say the least as Adam made his way with Brelum unconscious over his shoulder. A great disadvantage he knew but there was nothing he could do about it as he stealthily made his way towards where he hoped his teammate Marjia would be.

Every so often Brelum made noises but didn’t wake, without any medical gear Adam couldn’t tell what was wrong and hoped they would return to the Theurgy soon. Honestly they should have made a run for it when they were pinned, he had already lost Niyar and he had a feeling Brelum won’t be far behind.

Sounds from two other directions made Adam stop. It was too late, he had been too lost in his thoughts to keep his senses alert. Not to mention that Brelum was mostly a dead weight and his focus on keeping his teammate in place had not left much brain power for environmental awareness.

They jumped on him and forced him into the water. Adam had to lose Brelum and struggle against the forms wrestling with him. It felt like there were 3 opponents, 2 were on him while the 3rd was probably assessing Brelum or in the process of killing him. Angry and wet, Adam roared and it caused the 3 to pause.

Perfect! He thought and as one had their hands on him, launched into a body to body assault. He remained silent though, but sometimes a grunt escaped as he worked the bad guy he was on. The pirate, Adam assumed, stopped resisting but had felt the other attempting to find him.

Adam punched the one he knocked out again for good measure then slowly moved away. He wanted to not have any obstructions nearby for his next attack. ”Just come with us! I just killed your friend here.” A voice said from his left-ish, Adam guessed the pirate was standing next to Brelum. Crap poor Brelum, and Niyar, both were good officers and didn’t deserve this.

His hands were in the water and felt things go passed, an idea came to him. A deep breath and he leaned back then launched forward bringing as much of the water with him sweeping his arms towards the pirates. It worked as they were both hit and as they made grossed out noises, Adam suddenly found Brelum’s phaser that had fallen into the water.

Adam grabbed it swiftly and set it to kill along with wide beam configuration. He fired and the phaser seemed to take a second to work, probably the water. Finally the light and beams lanced out and hit both pirates, they went backwards into the water dead. Adam had looked around for the 3rd he had taken out earlier and before the light fully dissipated switched it back to single beam then shot the 3rd.

He took a moment to mourn Brelum and hope that he can convince the chief to use the transporter to locate both Niyar and Brelum to get them back to the Theurgy for a proper burial service. Adam prayed hard that Marjia was still alive! He began making his way, phaser pointed out in front but back on stun setting.

About 8 minutes of careful traversing the darkness he heard a noise and quickly snapped to face where it came from and could barely make out a phaser nosal. "Marjia?" Adam said softly with hope.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #31
[ T’Panu | Ghost City | Aldea ]

The shaking was getting quickly worse and worse. At every moment, it felt like the building could just completely collapse on them all. T’Panu looked up, as she saw bits of concrete dust, rocks, piping and other debris falling down.

Suddenly, the chains holding Mickayla were broken free, lending a very helping hand to their cause! T’Panu couldn’t help but smile, until she noticed she was still chained up. There was some bloody rubble laying beside them that alarmed her.

”Is everyone okay?? We need to get out of this shithole and check on everyone. It sounds bad out there!”

Just as T’Panu noticed the state of repair the building was in and how it was going to collapse at any moment, she went to wipe the blood away from her eye. A piece of metal had fallen down and left a jagged laceration to her temple. She put her head down in her hands, as it started to burn. Then she saw the thick layer of dust that had settled on her. Her vision dissipated for a moment as she felt the burning dust running through her eyes, blocking her ability to see. They needed to get out, and fast.
T’Panu felt the familiar uniform near her and knew Mickayla was coming to her aid. I’m going to try and pull you free, the Petty Officer announced. T’Panu felt a sigh of relief as she said, ”I can’t wait to get out of this shithole.”

T’Panu felt herself being broken free, as she was finally able to get rid of those awful chains. She ran to M’mau as quickly as she could, checking on him. There was quite a lot of blood, but he was still in high spirits. ”We will all make it out of here. Just stay with us!” T’Panu replied inspirationally.

She ripped off the right sleeve of her uniform, showing off her whole arm. Along with the shred she had already ripped off, the cuts, the dust, she realized she must have looked quite interesting for a Medical Officer. She almost looked like she should have been the one to need taking care of, when she realized that thankfully, she wasn’t actually in that bad a state. T’Panu stuffed the sleeve like a long roll of gauze into the wound, hoping to stop the bleeding enough to make it back to safety. M'Mau passed out from the loss of blood and hypotension, as T'Panu started to realize that they would soon have the sweet taste of freedom.

Re: Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 03

Reply #32
[ Lt. JG Donna ‘Chance’ Petterson | Wolf 03 | Over Ghost City | Aldea ]

Seething at having been taken from behind without permission, Chance brought her Valkyrie up and around so that she was high and behind the fleeing B’rel. Below her, Foxfire unleashed a volley of micro torpedoes and Chance followed them as they closed the distance rapidly before impacting against the shields of the B’rel, and then the hull, when the shields failed. 

“Nice shooting Foxfire,” Chance complimented her wingwoman as she changed her weapon selection. Now that they were over open ground and away from the buildings, she could use something a little bigger. “My turn. Firing,” she announced as she triggered first one pair of photon torpedoes before releasing a second pair after a 5 count. Pulling back on her throttle a little to open the distance some, Chance watched as her weapons delivered their deadly payloads.

Whatever shields might have been restored after Foxfire’s attack were torn asunder when the first of Chance’s torpedoes arrived. The second torpedo of the pair impacted the hull above the impulse engines, destroying it utterly and sending a stream of smoke trailing after the craft. The pilot aboard the B’rel might have had a chance at saving his ship but he would never get the opportunity as Chance’s final pair of torpedoes arrived, impacting near where the wings joined the hull and blowing them, away.

“Foxfire, scratch one B’rel,” Chance declared as she watched the debris and head portion of the Klingon vessel spiral towards the ground below. “Let’s head back.”

[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Ghost City | Aldea ]

As Mickayla watch T’Panu work on M’Mau, she tried to listen for anything beyond the confines of the room that the three of them occupied. There was fighting going on and Mickayla knew that she had heard warp fighters overhead and the muffled sounds of Starfleet phaser blasts. That told her that rescue was on the way and all they needed to do was wait. An easier thought that prospect as the room shook once again, showering them all in dust.

“Those fighters get much closer and this will be a recovery mission instead of a rescue,” Mickayla thought, as she rolled her shoulders to try and loosen up. Her hands were still bound but the Klingon knew ways around that to fight and take down an opponent. Something she realised she would need to do as the sounds of booted footsteps approached the room.

“Get ready,” Mickayla warned as she moved behind the door. Concealed from view, she waited as the door was unlocked and opened, allowing a man to walk in; a man that Mickayla pounced on. A sharp kick to the back of his knee sent him to the ground and before he had a chance to even see his attacker, Mickayla had the chain from her manacles wrapped around his neck and pulled taut. Not enough to kill him but enough to let him know that any sudden moves would not be advised. “Now, time to find out what’s happening outside. Who are you?” she demanded of her prisoner.

“I’m a friend,” the man, a Trill by the spots, gasped out.

“Ha, good try,” Mickayla rebuked. “Answer my questions!”

Theurgy,” the Trilled gagged, struggling to breathe. “You’re from the Theurgy.”


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